Summary of a music lesson in the middle group “Cheerful Musicians. Summary of a music lesson for middle group children

Summary of a music lesson in middle group

with elements of play activities.

Purpose of the lesson:

Development emotional sphere preschoolers.

Developing interest in singing and love of music.

Developing the ability to interact with each other.

Using the game various types musical activity.



    to consolidate children’s ability to recognize familiar songs from the introduction and to practice the rhythmic performance of familiar musical and rhythmic movements. use the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in gaming activities. enrich children's musical experiences.


    develop emotional communication skills with each other. develop imagination, creative thinking; develop singing skills, rhythmic ear, timbre ear, intonation. develop acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in gaming activities. enrich children's musical experiences. develop a sense of rhythm, timbre and dynamic hearing in children. Develop movement skills: running, round dance step, springing, stomping step


    cultivate interest and love for music and singing. be able to express your feelings and speak out about the music you listen to, cultivate collectivism and love for collective performance

Methods: Visual-visual, visual-auditory, verbal, artistic and practical method.

Type of lesson: Classic

Visual aids:

· Noise instruments: spoons, rattles, bells.

· Driver's hat.

· Two clown toys.

· Drawn flowers to decorate a spring meadow.

· Portrait of the composer


Children enter the hall to marching music and make a circle.


Chant: Children say hello in a ringing, calm voice, a clear, abrupt voice, and a gentle, melodious voice.

A communicative game “Getting Acquainted” is held.

Each child sings his name (for example, “I am Natasha!”),

Musical director : Today we are going on a trip by train. But our locomotive is located far from the kindergarten, and we must get to it. Come on, our feet, let's go along the road.

(Children join hands and perform dance exercises “Road”

Let's hold hands together

And we'll go around in circles. " They walk in a circle in a round dance step.”

We all walk slowly.

We place our foot on the toe. We'll go down the path

And let's start stamping.

We are walking along the path. "Step with a flood."

Keep your back straight

Straight as a reed

The toe was pulled back

Nicely unfolded . "Turned in a circle"

Sock - once,

Sock - two! This is the right leg Putting your feet on your toes

Sock - one, Sock - two

This is the left leg. " They put their feet on their toes"

Toes apart, heels together, "Spring."

We'll dance on the spot. "Spring."

The spring contracts

And the back straightens.

Now we'll hurry up

Let's run quickly. " Running"

And let's drown a little

Along the path, along the path! " Stomping step"

Musical director: Guys, what a good train,
Let's clap our hands together. " Skeet movement
Musical director: And now, without pushing, we get into the trailers.
Do you Vera Nikolaevna (name, patronymic of the teacher) want to be a driver?

Answer: Yes!

Then, take your place and let’s go, and to make the ride more fun, we will sing together our favorite song “Train”.

Musical director
: We've arrived. First stop is the theater. Who was at the theater? (Children's response) What are they doing in the theater? (Children's response) Who is speaking? (Children's response) And here comes the third bell, (the teacher rings the bell) quickly sat down in their seats. The theater hall is fully occupied, and cheerful music is playing on the stage. And you and I will help the orchestra musicians. (The teacher distributes noise instruments to the children: spoons, rattles, bells).
A phonogram of Russian folk music sounds.

Children play instruments: first spoons, then rattles, bells, and finally all together.
Musical director: It’s time for the orchestra to rest in the theater.
Get back on the train soon, kids!
Musical director: driver, the locomotive is ready to depart. Educator: Yes!

Musical director: Then let's go, I see our boys are sad, girls, let's sing a song for them, and let's all perform the movements together.

Girls perform a song “Steam Locomotive” Words by M. Kartushina, Music. D. Kabalevsky, and the movements are performed by everyone together. You and I have come to the circus. And here come the clowns!

What does a clown do in the circus? (children's answer, amusing the audience)

Let's all sit on chairs and listen cheerful music, which is called “Clowns”

Sounds piece of music"Clowns".

Musical director: What is the character of the music you listened to, and does it sound fast or slow? Loud or quiet?

And he wrote this music.

Let's listen to this music again and imagine how clowns perform at the circus

Rehearing. "Clowns".

Musical director: That's how the clowns amused us, we all smile. And as a parting gift, he really wants to give you his hat, which we’ll play with now.

The game “Hat” by S. and V. Zheleznov is being played

Children stand in a circle and hold hands.

In the center of the circle is a child wearing a hat. The guys dance around him and sing:

“Put on your hat, my friend, and quickly go to the circle.

Stomp, stomp your feet, dance a little.

Now stop, turn around three times quickly,

Cover your eyes with a hat, choose whoever you want!”

The “driver” performs movements in accordance with the text. When he says “cover your eyes with a hat,” he pulls the hat over his eyes so that he can’t see anything. After the word “choose,” the children stop and the driver “blindly” chooses someone. The child he touches will lead when the game is repeated. (play 2-3 times)

Musical director: Driver, we are moving on, I ask everyone to take their seats.

And now, while the train is moving, the boys will sing a song for the girls, and we will all perform the movements together.

Song performed: “Steam Locomotive” Lyrics by M. Kartushina, Music. D. Kabalevsky

Musical director: Our train quickly took us to Muzykalnaya station.

I know that you all really love being artists and performing at a holiday in kindergarten. What kind of holiday did we have just recently? (Children's answer) it's right a holiday for all women, mothers, grandmothers, girls, and you sang a song about mom very well, and guess what, I'll now play the introduction to this song for you (Children's answer) Now we will all get up and sing it like artists.

The song “Congratulations to Mom” by Muz and words by Z Root is performed.

Musical director:

You and I travel on a train, look out the windows, and what do we see there?

What time of year is it now? (Children's answer), what signs of spring do you know? (Children's answer). That's right, and now I invite you to the spring meadow, flowers have bloomed in my meadow, everyone choose a flower, stand next to it and we will all sing a spring song together, which is called “Spring”

The song “Spring” is performed Music and words »


Musical director: And now it's time to kindergarten. Our trip has come to an end, we all get into the carriages and while our train is traveling to the kindergarten, I would like to ask you:

Did you enjoy the trip?

What noise instruments did you help the orchestra play?

What music did we hear at the circus? What was the name of the music? What character? What's the pace? Who wrote it?

I really liked how you played with the hat!

And you very correctly recognized the song that we performed at the holiday on March 8th, you are just great!

And when you performed the song “Spring” I saw that everyone around was smiling

Musical director: our music lesson is over, let's say goodbye to everyone.

"Musical Walk"

summary of a music lesson in the middle group of a kindergarten

Target: Development of children's musical and creative abilities in various types of musical activities, formation of song and musical taste, strengthening of children's psychophysical health.


Learn to move rhythmically to the music, hear the two-part form of the work and independently change the movement in accordance with the changing nature of the music;

Develop children's creativity through coordinating movements with the emotional nature of the music;

Develop skills in expressively conveying a game image;

Cultivate voluntary attention and restraint in game interaction;

Promote children's speech development.

Equipment: Hare toy, Bunny hat, colored ribbons (a pair per child, according to the number of children), invitation card, magnetic board, projector, didactic game"Butterfly", children's musical instruments, visual material“This amazing rhythm”, video film “Flight of the Butterfly”.

Musical repertoire:

  1. Valeological chant " Good morning!” Arsenevskaya O.N.
  2. “Like this” Belarusian folk melody, processing by G. Fried
  3. “Waltz” by A. Griboyedov
  4. “Polechka” D. Kabalevsky
  5. "Happy Beetle" music. etc. R. Kotlyarovsky
  6. Latvian folk melody
  7. “Bunny you bunny” Russian folk song
  8. "Spring Polka" music. E. Tilicheeva sl. V. Viktorova
  9. “March” by Tilicheev E.
  10. “We went to the meadow” music. Fillipenko A., sl. T. Volgina


Children with a teacher enter the hall to the accompaniment of music (“March” by E. Tilicheeva) and sit on chairs


Muz.ruk .: Hello, children! I'm glad to see you! Look, we have a guest today (points to the Bunny, who has castanets in his paws). The bunny brought a new one musical instrument and wants to greet us musically (the musical hand taps different rhythmic patterns, the children repeat by clapping their hands, knees, and cheeks).

Do you know what time of day it is - morning, afternoon or evening?(children's answers) How else do they say hello in the morning, with what words?(Good morning!)

And to make the morning truly good and cheerful, we will do some light musical exercises. To do this, you need to stand up. Let's check if everyone is seated correctly. The hands made an “airplane” and spun around. Did you hit anyone? So, we got up correctly.

Valeological chant “Good morning!”:

Good morning!

Smile soon!Turn left, spread your arms to the sides;

And all day todayPerform a spring.

It will be more fun.

We will stroke your foreheadPerform movements according to the text;

Nose and cheeks.

We will be beautifulTilts the head to the right and left, hands on the belt.

Like flowers in the garden!

Let's rub our palms togetherMovements according to the text.

Stronger, stronger!

Now let's clap

Bolder, bolder!

Now we'll rub our earsMassage the ears with your fingers;

And we will save our health.

Let's smile againTurn to the right, spread your arms to the sides and to your waist;

Be healthy everyone!Turn to the left, spread your arms to the sides.


Music director: Well, the mood has improved, hasn’t it? Exercise helped us cheer up. And how wonderful the weather is today, I just want to go for a walk. Guys, Bunny brought us a postcard (reads the invitation). Shall we agree to the invitation?

I suggest taking music with you, because it is always more interesting and fun. Music also helps us move. If you hear upbeat and rhythmic music, what will you do?(step ) That's right, you need to walk briskly, raising your knees high, keeping your back straight. What is the name of the music they walk to? ( march). And if the music has changed, what should be done? (change movement)If the music sounds fast and easy, how should you move? (run on your toes).In order not to lose anyone along the way, you need to step one after another. Together with the music, let's start moving and hit the road.

(children perform the exercise “Walking and Running” to a Latvian folk melody)

Music director: Here we are in the meadow. Our Bunny is very glad that you are visiting him and wants you to jump and play with him. You need to jump easily, slightly bending your knees, as if springing, conveying the image of a cheerful playful bunny. You are all different bunnies: some jump, others move their ears, as if they are listening to see if there is a fox nearby, others warm their paws. (After the exercise, children sit on chairs)

(children perform the exercise “Bunnies Jumping” under music "Polechka" D. Kabalevsky)


Music director: And in the forest spring is in full swing. Bugs and worms woke up, butterflies and moths appeared.

(The music director sings to the childrenRussian folk song"Bunny you are a bunny"to “la-la-la” and offers to find out the song. Then he lays out the rhythmic pattern of the first phrase “Bunny-Bunny” and sings it: “TA-ti-ti-TA-TA.” All the children do the same, then the children who wish to do so play a rhythmic pattern on the chosen musical instrument, the rest “play” the rhythm with their palms).

Music director: What- butterflies not visible, only caterpillars crawl


Caterpillar, caterpillar, -the palm of one hand “crawls” like a caterpillar, folding

And bending over inside other hand from

Butterfly's daughter -"crawls" back toward the shoulder along the outside of the arm
It crawls along the blades of grass, -we do the same, changing hands from

Shoulder joint to fingertips
Eats leaves: -and back on the other side
Am! - put your palms together in front of you! At every

Am! the word “Am!” one palm slides over the other palm

Am! up and “bites” with all fingers except the thumb,

Am straight fingers of the other palm. Then the palms change.

Ate - we stop, palms folded together relaxI wanted to sleep. -one clenches into a fist, the other covers it -

Holds a fist like an apple

Woke up - gradually straighten your palms
Turned into a butterfly! -
We cross our arms at the wrists, palms

Now - butterfly wings

It flew, it flew, it flew! -we wave our “wings”: wrists or forearms

crossed, left palm waving near the right

shoulder and vice versa


Music director: Guys, the forest has its own music, but you can only hear it in silence. If you listen closely, you can hear the wind rustling and leaves rustling, raindrops ringing or butterflies circling. Sit down quietly(children sit in a semicircle on the carpet, facing the music director).Now we will listen to very beautiful, gentle music to which you can dance and spin. What kind of dance do you know that people twirl to?(Waltz) Of course it’s a waltz, and now you and I will also hear a waltz dance.

(Children listen to “Waltz” by A. Griboyedov).

Music director: Children, tell me, did the music always sound the same or did it change?(children's answers) And I heard that at first the music sounded quiet, light, moving, but in the middle it changed and sounded louder, more excited. At the end it is easy and quiet again. How many parts do you think there are in this waltz?(children's answers) What else did music tell you? Think about who could spin and dance to it so easily, one might even say flutter?(children offer options: it should be someone very light, flying - leaves or snowflakes, butterflies or feathers, dandelion flies).

Take two ribbons each. Now you and I will imagine ourselves as butterflies and dance to the music. Remember that the music will change halfway through!

(Children dance to the music “Waltz” by A. Griboyedov).

Music director: You showed the dance very beautifully.(children collect attributes in a basket)


Music director: ( video film “Flight of the Butterfly” is shown)Children, look how beautifully butterflies fly, how different they are, small and large. Probably daughter butterflies and mother butterflies. Listen to the butterflies sing(metallophone glissando sounds from C1 to C2). Who do you think is singing – the mother butterfly or the daughter butterfly? ( Sounds like C2.) What a voice (high). And what a voice the mother butterfly has, listen: It sounds like C2.(short) . And now the butterflies want to play with you. Get your hands ready and listen to the song.

Musical and didactic game “Butterfly”

The teacher looks at the illustration with the children (didactic manual ) with an image of a butterfly located in the central part of the picture. Children are invited to sing a melody to the syllable “A” a capella in an ascending or descending movement, depending on where the butterfly “flew” (in this case, the teacher moves the butterfly on a fishing line).

A butterfly flies towards the sun -

The song sounds high.

She sits on a flower -

The song sounds low.

Now close your eyes and listen to which butterfly flew - mother or daughter.(listen to the sounds on the metallophone and guess)


A articulation gymnastics:

“The tongue woke up” (push the tongue into the right and left cheek);

“Tongue, show yourself!” (bite the tip of the tongue);

“Don’t be afraid of teeth!” (stick your tongue forward and move it back);

“Teeth bite” (bite the lower and upper lip over the entire surface);

“Lips are laughing” (open your upper lips in a smile);

“Sponges are offended” (turn out the lower lip);

“Tasty tongue” (chew your tongue with your side lips);

“Clean teeth” (run your tongue between the upper lip and teeth and between the lower lip and teeth);

“Smile” (smile).

Music hands: Children, I'll tell you a wish musical riddle. Guess the song!(the intro of the song “Spring Polka” sounds) (children’s answers)Of course, this is the “Spring Polka”, let's perform it.

Singing: “Spring Polka” » music. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics. V. Viktorova.

Music hands: What time of year is it now?(spring) That's right, but if butterflies have already appeared (from our caterpillars), does that mean they will come soon? ( summer) We are really looking forward to summer, so we started learning a new song about a beetle. What song is this?(cheerful, kind)And we should sing it cheerfully. Remember what sounds at the beginning of the song?(intro) Why do we need it?(to get ready and sing together)That's right, straighten your backs like reeds. We listen to the introduction and sing 1 verse all together.

Singing "Happy Beetle" music. etc. R. Kotlyarovsky.

(Singing one verse after the introduction with a voice according to the “Echo” principle - I - You. Watch the pronunciation of the text, pronounce the endings of words at the end of each phrase)

Music director: The song is so funny that the bunny wanted to dance and play with you.


“Like this” Belarusian folk melody, arrangement by G. Fried,

“We went to the meadow” music. A. Fillipenko, lyrics. T. Volgina D.

Music hands: Guys, Mom called Bunny home, and it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten. Get up one after another and turn onto the path. You will walk along high road, in a large circle.

(children walk to the “March” of music by E. Tilicheeva)

Music director: Children, we have returned from our walk. And our lesson ended. Say "Goodbye" to our guests.

(Children follow the teacher out of the hall)


  1. Kaplunova I., Novoskoltseva I. A holiday every day (middle group). - St. Petersburg, 2011.
  2. Kaplunova I., Novoskoltseva I. This amazing rhythm. - St. Petersburg, 2007.
  3. Kaplunova I., Novoskoltseva I. Smart fingers - St. Petersburg, 2009.

Dominant activity on creativity in the middle group “Accordion-talker”

1) Training tasks:

Distinguish the timbres of musical instruments;

Listen carefully to the music, hear and clap the dynamics of a piece of music;

Build singing skills, start singing after the introduction, sing harmoniously in an ensemble, with soloists, clearly pronounce the words of songs.

2) Developmental tasks:

Improvise dance moves to dance music, in accordance with acquired skills;

Learn to improvise a melody to a given text; - develop creative imagination;

Develop interdisciplinary connections (music + design).

3) Educational tasks:

To foster patriotic feelings:

love for the Motherland;

Love for Russian folk art. Methodological support:

Phonogram of the Russian folk melody “Peddlers”.

3 soft toys and, accordingly, musical instruments: tambourine, drum, accordion;

Toy Antoshka;

Paper origami accordions,

Progress of the lesson

Performed by an orchestra folk instruments The Russian folk melody “Peddlers” (phonogram) sounds. Children, holding hands, enter the hall in a round dance.

Musical director. Hello guys! Today there will be a musical instrument store in our hall, and I invite you to go there with our favorite toys. I will be a salesman in it. And you will help the toys choose a musical instrument.

Guess what instrument Ponochka wants to buy?

He goes behind the screen and plays the instruments: Ponochka - a triangle, Chip - a tambourine, Lev - a drum, Bear - an accordion.

The teacher gives tools to the toys.

Draws attention to the accordion.

Educator. How does the harmonica play? The Russian people loved to dance to the accordion, and even now you can hear it playing at holidays. Show me how you can dance? (Children perform several dance movements.) What other movements do you know? And now we will all dance to the music together.

A phonogram sounds: an orchestra of Russian folk instruments performs a dance song.

Musical director.

That's how fun they danced

And a little tired.

Let's sit down and relax

Let's go to the chairs.

Listening to the Russian folk melody “Oh, you birch!”

Musical director. Now we listened to the melody “Oh, you birch!..” It was composed by the Russian people. What is the nature of the music? (Plays.)

Children's answers.

Musical director. What can you do with it?

Children. Dance.

Musical director. Dance music.

Guys, you probably noticed that the music didn’t always sound the same, and who was the most attentive?

Children's answers.

Musical director. That's right, I played sometimes quietly, sometimes loudly. Now we will clap our palms as the music plays. (Plays.)

There is a knock on the door.

Antoshka the toy enters the hall.


Make way, honest people,

The good fellow is coming.

Musical director.

Hello, good fellow.

What should I call you, dignify you?


My name is Antoshka,

My accordion is with me.

Hey harmonica, play it

You guys, start singing!

Musical director.

To make the song sound

We will choose a soloist first.

The song “Antoshka” is played, music by V. Shainsky, words by Y. Entin. Children perform a song with a soloist.

Antoshka. Because you sang the song well, I will give everyone a toy. Look what I have.

Antoshka takes out paper accordions

Musical director. Guys, let's compose a song for Antoshka with the words:

"I play the harmonica

And I walk along the path."

Children compose a melody.

Antoshka. Which cartoon character loved to sing and play the harmonica?

Children. Crocodile Gena.

Musical director. Let's sing the song "Cheburashka" and play like an accordion.

The song “Cheburashka” sounds, music by V. Shainsky, words by A. Timofeevsky.

Antoshka. And now you, children,

A fun game awaits.

Come out quickly, my friend,

Join me in a circle.

Children stand in a circle.

Antoshka. I gave you an extraordinary, magical toy, it can turn into various objects. Think about what else you can do, how you can fold it.

The music director performs a piece of music, and the children come up with and put together new item and move with it in accordance with the nature of the music:

“Mazurka” by A. Grechaninov - flower, size 2/4 - broom;

"Waltz" 3/4 - fan;

"Polka" 2/4 - skirt.

In the finale, “Moths” and “Butterflies” fly scattered around the hall to the music of D. Shostakovich’s “Waltz Joke”.

The results of the lesson are summed up.

Larisa Vitalievna
Summary of a music lesson in the middle group “Merry Musicians”

Summary of music lessons in the middle group« Cheerful musicians»

Target classes: musically-emotional education of children, their comprehensive development musicality; development of imagination and fantasy; creating conditions for combining the knowledge and skills of children.

1. Strengthen vocal and singing skills, develop attention.

2. Reinforce concepts about musical genres : song, dance, march.

3. Establish associative connections between the world of fantasy and the world of reality;

4. Cultivate love for music and singing.


CD disc for the program by I. Kaplunova, I. Novoskoltseva "Okay", (middle group,drum, toys be-ba-bo-bunny, cat, pictures of cats, portrait of the composer W. A. ​​Mozart;

Program works: "Jump" French folk melody, “Two Cats”, Polish folk song, “Dance for the Bunny” - any music in 2-part form, "Lullaby" music W. A. ​​Mozart, "Bunny" music M. Starokadamsky, "Drummer" music M. Kraseva, "Bunny Traps" music J. Haydn

Move classes ; (middle group)

Children come into music hall. Bunny comes out to meet them (bi-ba-bo doll)

The teacher draws the children's attention to the fluff that is on the Bunny's nose and offers to blow off the fluff (stretch your lips with a straw and exhale quietly)

Music manager: Guys, look how our bunny jumps. On one leg, on the other leg. Let's try the same. First without musical accompaniment , then under music.

Exercise "Jumps". French folk melody.

Music hands: Bunny, what did you bring us?

Bunny: This musical instrument, drum. Do you want me to play a march on it? The march sounds cheerful, energetic and you need to march vigorously to it. Would you like to try marching to my march?

Sounds "March to the Drum"

Music hands: That's how great it turned out for us. Now look, I have this picture. And I'll tell you one history: Once upon a time there were two cats, two ragged tails, a gray cat reached into the closet and sour cream and took it out, and a black cat reached into the closet, there he caught a mouse.

Bunny: Oh, I know a Polish folk song, that’s what it’s called "Two Cats" Do you want to listen to her?

Music of hands: Guys, let's clap the rhythm of this song. Pay attention to the loss: if the mouse runs, the sounds are high, the cat runs, the sounds are low.

After listening, a cat appears.

Cat: Moore, meow, hello guys, I was walking past, I heard you singing a song about me, and I decided to come visit you.

Music hands: Hello, cat! We are glad that you came to us.

Bunny: Kitty, what do you like to do besides catch mice?

Cat: I really like to dance funny dancing.

Hare: Well, let's dance. And the guys will help us with this. When will the 1st part be played? music, the cat will dance, and for the 2nd part I will dance, Bunny.

"Polka for Bunny and Cat" Any music in 2-part form.

Hare: And I came up with a game "Baker", guys, do you want to play with me?

Finger gymnastics:

Baker, flour baker Perform the “bake” movement


Bake us some koloboks, connect your thumb and index finger.

Yes drying - Vanyushka Fingers on each hand separately

Yes, the steering wheel - Tanya Connect your thumbs and pointers -

Yes, bagels - Grishka, Slightly spread your arms to the sides

Yes pretzel - Marishka. Connect the tips of your fingers,

spread your elbows to the sides.

Cat: Well, your playing is good, but I like calm lullabies. After all, you can fall asleep to them so sweetly, mothers always sing lullabies to their children and rock their babies, purr-meow.

Music hands: Then Kitty, we’ll rock you and listen to you "Lullaby", which was written by the Austrian composer W. A. ​​Mozart, here is his portrait.

Music hands: Guys, what is the character of this work?

Children: Music is tender, calm, melodious. I want to fall asleep listening to it.

Bunny: But I like it better funny and lively melodies, and my favorite song is called "Bunny" composer M. Starokadomsky, let's perform it all together.

Music of hands: And our guys also have a favorite song and it’s just about the instrument that you, Bunny, played for us today. That is, about the drum.

Children, who wants to sing this song to our guests? Who wants to play along with us on the drum?

Song "Drummer" music M. Kraseva

Bunny: I really liked the way you sing. Now I want to play with you guys. Do you know this game? "Bunny Traps"?

Game "Traps with a Bunny" muses of J. Haydn.

The first time the Bunny catches up, then the Kitty can join the game. The game is played 2-3 times.

Music of hands: Well, we played well with our guests, but the time has come to say goodbye, let’s say goodbye to the Bunny in a thin, high-pitched voice, and to the Kitty in a low voice.

Tatyana Ushakova
Summary of a music lesson in a middle group with elements of gaming activities

Summary of music lessons in the middle group

With elements of gaming activity.

Target classes:

Development of the emotional sphere of preschool children.

Developing interest in singing, love for music.

Developing the ability to interact with each other.

Using the game in various forms musical activity.



Strengthen children's ability to recognize familiar songs by introduction

Practice rhythmically performing familiar musically-rhythmic movements.

Use the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in play activity.



Develop emotional communication skills with each other.

Develop imagination and creative thinking

Develop singing skills, rhythmic ear, timbre ear, intonation.

Develop acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in play activity.

Enrich musical impressions of children.

Develop a sense of rhythm, timbre and dynamic hearing in children.

Develop movement skills: running, round dance step, spring step, stomping step


Cultivate interest and love for music and singing.

Be able to express your feelings and speak out about what you have heard music

Foster collectivism and love for collective performance

Methods: Visual-visual, visual-auditory, verbal, artistic and practical method.

Type classes: Classic

Visual aids:

Noise instruments: spoons, rattles, bells.

Driver's hat.

Two clown toys.

Drawn flowers to decorate a spring meadow.

Portrait of the composer D. B. Kabalevsky


Children enter the hall, under the marching line music, make a circle.

Progress of the lesson

Chant: Children greet in a clear, calm voice, a clear, abrupt voice and a gentle, melodious voice.

A communication game is being played "Acquaintance".

Each child sings his name (for example, “I am Natasha!”,

Musical director: Today we are going on a trip by train. But our locomotive is located far from the kindergarten, and we must get to it. Come on, our feet, let's go along the road.

(Children hold hands and perform dance exercises "Road"

Let's hold hands together

And we'll go around in circles. “They walk in a circle in a round dance step”.

We all walk slowly.

We place our foot on the toe. We'll go down the path

And let's start stamping.

We are walking along the path. "Step with the Flood".

Keep your back straight

Straight as a reed

The toe was pulled back

Nicely unfolded. "Turned in a circle"

Sock - once,

Sock - two! This is the right leg, put your feet on your toes

Sock - one, Sock - two

This is the left leg. “They put their feet on their toes”

Toes apart, heels together, "Spring".

We'll dance on the spot. "Spring".

The spring contracts

And the back straightens.

Now we'll hurry up

Let's run quickly. "Running"

And let's drown a little

Along the path, along the path! "Stomping Step"

Musical director: Guys, what a good train,

Let's clap our hands together. "Movement "plates"

Musical director: And now, without pushing, we get into the trailers.

And you Vera Nikolaevna (name, patronymic of the teacher) do you want to be a machinist?

Answer: Yes!

Then, take your place and let’s go, and to make the ride more fun, we’ll sing our favorite song together "Train".

A song is being performed: "Locomotive"

Musical director: We've arrived. First stop is the theater. Who was at the theater? (Children's response) What are they doing in the theater? (Children's response) Who is speaking? (Children's response) And here comes the third call, (the teacher rings the bell) quickly sat down. The entire theater hall busy, and cheerful on stage music sounds. And we will help you musicians orchestra members. (The teacher distributes noise instruments to the children: spoons, rattles, bells).

Russian folk phonogram sounds music.

Children playing instruments: first spoons, then rattles, bells and finally all together.

Musical director: It’s time for the orchestra to rest in the theater.

Get back on the train soon, kids!

Musical director: driver, the locomotive is ready to depart. Educator: Yes!

Musical director: Then let's go, I see our boys are sad, girls, let's make a song for them, and let's all do the movements together.

Girls perform a song "Locomotive" Words by M. Kartushena, Music. D. Kabalevsky, and the movements are performed by everyone together.

Musical leader You and I have come to the circus. And here come the clowns!

What does a clown do in the circus? (children's answer, amusing the audience)

Let's all sit on the chairs and listen to the funny music, which is called "Clowns"

Sounds piece of music"Clowns" D. B. Kabalevsky.

Musical director: What is the character of the person you auditioned? music, how does it sound fast or slow? Loud or quiet?

And I wrote this music B. B. Kabalevseii.

Let's listen to this one again music, and imagine how clowns perform at the circus

Rehearing. "Clowns" D. B. Kabalevsky.

Musical director: That's how the clowns amused us, we all smile. And as a parting gift, he really wants to give you his hat, which we’ll play with now.

The game is being played "Hat" S. and V. Zheleznov

Children stand in a circle and hold hands.

In the center of the circle is a child wearing a hat. The guys move around him in a round dance and sing:

“Put on your hat, my friend, and quickly go to the circle.

Stomp, stomp your feet, dance a little.

Now stop, turn around three times quickly,

Cover your eyes with a hat, choose whoever you want!”

"Driver" performs movements in accordance with the text. To words “cover your eyes with a hat” pulls his hat over his eyes so that he can’t see anything. After the word "choose" children stop and driver "blindly" chooses someone. The child he touches will lead when the game is repeated. (play 2-3 times)

Musical director: Driver, we are moving on, please everyone take your seats.

And now, while the train is moving, the boys will sing a song for the girls, and we will all perform the movements together.

A song is being performed: "Locomotive" Words by M. Kartushena, Music. D. Kabalevsky

Musical director: Our train quickly brought us to the station Musical.

I know that you all really love being artists and performing at a holiday in kindergarten. What kind of holiday did we have just recently? (Children's response) That’s right, it’s a holiday for all women, mothers, grandmothers, girls, and you sang a song about mom very well, and guess which one, I’ll now play the intro to this song for you (Children's response) Now we will all stand up and sing it like artists.

A song is being performed "Congratulations mom" Music and words by Z Root.

Musical director:

You and I travel on a train, look out the windows, and what do we see there?

What time of year is it now? (Children’s answer, what signs of spring do you know? (Children's response). That's right, and now I invite you to the spring meadow, flowers have bloomed in my meadow, everyone choose a flower for themselves, stand next to it and we will all sing a spring song together, which is called "Spring"

A song is being performed "Spring" Music and words M. V. Sidorova"


Musical director: Now it’s time to go to kindergarten. Our trip has come to an end, we all get into the carriages and while our train is traveling to the kindergarten, I would like to ask you:

Did you enjoy the trip?

What noise instruments did you help the orchestra play?

Which we heard music at the circus? What was it called music? What character? What's the pace? Who wrote it?

I really liked how you played with the hat!

And you very correctly recognized the song that we performed at the holiday on March 8th, you are just great!

And when you sang the song "Spring" I saw that everyone around was smiling

Musical director: ours music lesson is over, let's say goodbye to everyone.