Why does my right palm itch on Tuesday? Video: Why is your right palm itching? Why is my left palm itching?

One of the most famous signs is when your hand itches. But if everyone knows why it itches left palm(to money), then on the right it’s not so clear. To determine why your right hand may be itching, pay attention to the day of the week and time of day, and even gender.

According to the sign, left hand is responsible for cash flows, and the right one for energy accumulation. That's why they say that if your left hand itches, it means money, and your right hand means a fight. True, sometimes experts disagree.

Esotericists have compiled a number of signs that mark certain events if your right hand is itchy:

  1. Itching right hand indicates that a person has been holding back negative or positive emotions who are now looking for relief. It is possible that recently there was a quarrel or conflict that haunts you. Or maybe, due to the current circumstances, I had to make a decision that was not satisfactory. In this case, look inside yourself and analyze your emotional state, otherwise an emotional breakdown or nervous exhaustion awaits.
  2. Will have to take it soon important decision or life will do sharp turn. In the East, it is believed that when the palm of the right hand itches, a person has accumulated the strength to take on a new task and overcome obstacles.
  3. A common explanation for an itchy hand is meeting a friend. This will be an old friend, a business partner, and maybe an ill-wisher or a future soulmate.
  4. Itching of the right hand warns of the sudden appearance of distant relatives. And it is not a fact that such a meeting will bring joyful emotions.
  5. The right side, like the left, is responsible for cash flows. But unlike the left hand, you will have to make an effort to get money. To improve your financial situation, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.
  6. A slight tickling of the hand indicates that a decision will soon have to be made that will change fate. And this applies to both career and personal life. Therefore, during this period it is recommended to gather strength and remember ambitions.
  7. Tingling in the hand or right palm serves as a signal of emotional tension. Such a person should seek relief, since anger is already ready to spill out, and this is fraught with aggravation of relations with others.

If the itch occurs in the morning, then soon expect unplanned finances; in the evening - a meeting with a soul mate. When itching occurs suddenly and is very disturbing, it warns of danger. Postpone all risky meetings and trips.

There is a well-known sign: if your left hand itches, then it means money. If your left palm is itchy, this does not necessarily indicate a financial increase. The fact is that the left hand is responsible for both incoming cash flows and waste. Perhaps soon you will have to give money rather than receive it.

Knowing why your palms may itch, you can plan your budget correctly. Below are a number of tips that will help you attract money or avoid waste.

  • If your left palm suddenly begins to itch, then rub it against the bottom of the table with the words: “I’ll take the money, I’ll tidy it up to the table.” Back side stroke something red with your hands, saying: “Rub my hand on the red so that it doesn’t itch in vain.”
  • When the rib of your left hand itches, you should prepare for the fact that although a “gift” is expected, you will have to seriously try to get it.
  • If the fingers on your left hand itch, profit will come only after difficult negotiations.

  • at the first feeling of itching, take it in your left hand a large sum(or a large denomination bill) and hold for about a minute;
  • The left hand is clenched tightly into a fist, and the right hand is grabbed from above. Imagine holding wealth tightly in your hands.

For those who are worried that they will have to give money instead of taking it, there is also a method - placing the itchy palm under flowing cold water. We recommend it, which tells us why you shouldn’t give money in the evening.

Sign by day of the week

To understand why your right or left palm itches, pay attention to the day of the week.


Despite the fact that this day is considered difficult for undertakings, profits can be made easily. But these finances are not suitable for investments, spend it on yourself.

  • for a man - an unexpected find or bonus;
  • for a woman - a prize or winning a lottery.


If your hand itches on Tuesday, it promises the return of an old debt in the form of money or in the form of an obligation or promise.

  • Men have an itching left hand to talk about the fact that soon there will be a meeting with an old acquaintance who will repay the debt. But this money is worth spending on the family. This will enhance cash flows.
  • For women, debt repayment will occur at a time when she needs money.


This day is considered difficult emotionally. This applies not only to mood, but also to finances. Even if they suddenly appear, it is better to donate them to charity. Otherwise, there is a risk that they will turn into problems. Some believe that such itching warns of large financial expenses.

On Wednesday, your hand itches for an unexpected gift in the form of finances. It is better to spend them on home improvement or renovation. The palm also predicts a romantic meeting or meeting a potential partner.


On Thursday you should not plan any serious meetings or agreements, as itching in the palms of this day signals scandals and quarrels. Therefore, it will not be easy to reach an agreement.

For women on this day, the sign predicts an early meeting with a loved one. But there is a risk that friends will ruin everything. Therefore, if your partner has taken the initiative, then it is better to reschedule the date and meet him on another day.


On this day, the right hand itches for an unexpected gift or the opportunity to realize a goal. Expect a pleasant set of circumstances for yourself.

  • For men, on Friday the palm itches to find a large sum. But, most importantly, it is profitable to invest them.
  • But for women, this promises a meeting with a former partner, which will end in a rendezvous. If you don’t want to remember the past, then in the near future avoid those places where you used to spend time with him.


A tickle in the palm on this day predicts career advancement. Perhaps a deal will soon take place that will either generate income or provide an increase in wages.

And also an itch in the palm of your hand on Saturday marks new acquaintances that will help improve your personal life. Therefore, you should not refuse invitations to parties.


Why can it itch? right palm on Sunday, except for good news - an invitation to a party or corporate event. At such an event it is easy to make new acquaintances, which will bring significant benefits in the future.

For men, as well as for women, a sign on this day means a gift that will decide one’s fate. There will also be a meeting or acquaintance with an influential person.

Morning or evening?

It’s not just the signs for the days of the week and what they lead to when your palms itch that are interesting. The time of day also adds nuance to the interpretation.

If the feeling arose in the morning, then this is a harbinger of an important meeting, and on the same day. For business gatherings, it is worth preparing both externally and in terms of knowledge.

In the event of unpleasant negotiations, you can not be afraid to defend your point of view - those around you will listen carefully and support the authority of your statements. On this day, you don’t have to be afraid to spend money - it will come back quickly, and the purchases themselves will bring joy.

Evening itching warns of responsibility. The next day there will be a meeting or acquaintance, at which you need to make a decision that will seriously affect your future fate.

If you are not yet ready for such a turn of events, then try not to scratch your palm, but clench it into a fist and kiss it. When this does not help and the itching does not stop, then scratch the area towards you.

Interpretation of signs for women

Women have a keen sense of the world around them, and this affects what her left or right palm may itch for.

Women are very sensitive, so signs are acquired for them emotional coloring. Therefore, most of them affect relationships with the opposite sex. But nevertheless, the left palm more symbolizes financial flows.

Although, it was previously believed that this meant marriage. But, if there is no permanent partner, then this indicates an imminent meeting with your soulmate.

If her left palm itches, then the woman must make a choice herself, and choose what is more important to her - finances or the groom.

A man's left palm is responsible for profit. Previously, it was believed that this hand predicted a good harvest, catch or hunt. And since they got money for the loot, today the itch in the left palm definitely promises profit.

It is also a signal that the next transaction will end successfully. Therefore, if negotiations are planned that have difficult questions, then it is better to prescribe them as soon as itching appears in the left hand.

But the right hand marks a quick meeting with a girl who will be the mistress of the house. Perhaps a fateful meeting will take place soon.

For men, there is another interpretation of the sign - why the fingers on the left hand itch:

  • big - fortune will smile soon;
  • – promotion by career ladder or management will notice you as an excellent employee;
  • medium - salary increase or unexpected inheritance;
  • ring finger - meeting a potential beloved (read more about itching of the ring finger);
  • little finger - problems will soon arise that will take a long time to solve.

Sometimes, along with the palm, the rib also itches. This suggests that a gift will soon be presented, but not with good intentions.

Itchy fists

They say that if your fists itch, it means a fight. Of course, we are talking not so much about physical aggression, but about imminent conflict.

This feeling suggests that a lot of aggression has accumulated in a person, which is looking for a way out. Therefore, try to avoid conflict and provocative situations, otherwise they will end in a serious brawl.

Both arms or palms itch at the same time

Esotericists claim that if the hands itch at the same time, then the “good” hand will neutralize the omen of the “bad” hand. Well, if the sign is positive from both hands, then the symbols will only double the strength.

If the interpretation of the sign is not satisfactory, then it can be “neutralized”:

  • bathe your hands in ice water- you can’t wipe it, let it dry on its own, under no circumstances should you clench your fingers into fists;
  • so that only good things come from your left hand, you need to scratch it at the moment of itching only in relation to yourself - from the fingers to the wrist;

If the prediction is good, then you need to clench your palm into a fist and put it in your pocket or armpit. It is advisable to always have a red thing or object with you so that at the right moment you can scratch it with your hand and secure good luck. Another option to keep a good signal is to kiss your palm and stroke the top of your head with it.

If both hands itch, then fate gives a sign. If you can't stand it, then be sure to listen to your palms and prepare for future events or difficult life choices.

Many signs are associated with hands, since with their help most actions in everyday life are performed. The meaning of what the right hand itches for will depend on various factors. It is important to take into account what day of the week the hand itched, the characteristics of the person’s character and lifestyle, his gender and age.

What to expect if your right palm itches?

A person's hands can tell a lot about him. If you know the beliefs, you can predict a person’s future and avoid possible errors. There is a sign that the right palm itches for financial gain. A person expects a salary increase, a bonus or a lucrative deal. In this case, it is important to take into account his type of activity. For the prediction to really come true, you need to rub your palm from below on the edge of the table.

If the itching occurs suddenly, then this is an indication that the person too often relies on his fate. You can’t always go with the flow, you have to take life into your own hands. We must look for new opportunities and boldly take risks; they will be justified.

Itching in the right palm can reflect a person's rage and irritation. It takes a long time to accumulate negative emotions caused by various events in life. This condition can harm a person's health and psyche. Psychologists advise to throw out your energy. Extreme sports, going to a disco or a sporting event (football, basketball, boxing) are perfect for this.

There is another popular interpretation, according to which itching occurs before an important event in life. A person will have to take part in a special event or make an important decision. You should take this responsibly and avoid mistakes.

When meeting, a palm is given as a greeting, so the sign can be interpreted based on this fact. If your palm itches, you may be expecting a meeting with a loved one. To speed it up, the ancestors advised to kiss your hand three times and put your tightly clenched fist in your pocket. This small manipulation will help bring the meeting closer; it will happen within three days. If, on the contrary, it is undesirable, then hand need to wash cold water.

It also matters what time of day the palm itched. If in the morning, then a pleasant surprise awaits a person during the day. What he has long dreamed of will come true. Itching in the evening means news from work. A promotion may be possible, or the person will have an important business trip. The main thing is to justify the trust shown by your superiors. My hand itches at night to meet old friends. It will be unexpected, but will bring many pleasant emotions.

Value depending on the day of the week

In addition to the time of day, in the old days the day of the week was also taken into account:

  • Monday. It's worth looking forward to meeting close friends. It will take place in a fun, noisy environment.
  • Tuesday. The palm itches on this day long journey. The man has a long journey ahead of him. This can be either a work trip or a long-awaited vacation.
  • Wednesday. If a lonely girl’s hand or palm itches, she will meet an attractive young guy. For married people, this sign means meeting with influential person who will support them.
  • Thursday. Lovers will have a romantic date with their soulmate.
  • Friday. Itching in the hand on this day predicts an unplanned meeting.
  • Saturday. It's better to spend this day with your family. Ideal would be a walk together or a trip to the cinema or theater.
  • Sunday. A meeting with a respected person can be fateful. Possible big changes in life.

It should be noted that the sign has different interpretations. Their decoding depends, first of all, on the person’s personality. Everyone has the right to decide whether to believe in him folk beliefs or not. The only thing we can say with certainty is that they reflect the wisdom of many generations, which is worth listening to.

Why is my right palm itching? Various signs are an insidious thing.

You can get so carried away by observations and interpretations that normal life will cease to be normal and turn into a series of “signature” events and their consequences.

Superstitious people begin their every day with rituals and analysis of what is happening around them.

Stand up exclusively on your right foot, put on an exclusively lucky T-shirt, walk around all the black cats in the area, don’t forget to look in your dream book... And so on, until the evening, until it’s time to go to bed (exclusively on your left side).

Folk signs are, of course, wisdom and the result of centuries-old observations, In no case should they be neglected, since they often give a fairly reliable forecast.

So: why is your right palm itching?

Many of us know that if your left palm itches, then expect profit - planned or unplanned, but definitely profit.

True, not everyone knows that itching on the right palm hints at receiving income, and sometimes at other things no less. important events in life.

1. The right palm itches for money and there is a sure way to increase the likelihood of receiving income: scratch your palm on the edge of the table, holding it open upward, that is, under the tabletop.

2. Also often the palm itches when “getting ready” to say hello. That is, to meet old acquaintances.

These could be relatives who have not been seen for a long time, school friends or business partners.

(Recipe for an “antidote” in case you don’t want to meet anyone: wash your hand under running cold water, don’t wipe it, let it dry with your palm facing up)

3. If the palm reminds you of itself on Sunday– expect to communicate with a respectable person.

4. If it happened on Monday– a party with friends is not excluded.

5. If during Tuesday, then you can’t avoid meeting an old friend.

6. Itchy palm on Wednesday It is especially interesting for girls, as it predicts a romantic date.

7. If your palm is itchy on Thursday, then very soon the separation from your beloved or loved one will end.

8. On Friday the palm itches for an unexpected turn of events, perhaps for an incredible, unforeseen acquaintance.

9. On Saturday, just like on Wednesday, itching in the area of ​​the right palm hints at romance.

10. If your hand starts to itch in the afternoon, this is a sure sign of an imminent business trip or promotion.

There is no point in writing or thinking about bad omens. Let any development of events be successful for you!

Since ancient times, many peoples have firmly believed in various signs that played an important role in everyone’s life. Much water has passed under the bridge since then, but modern people still no, no, and they will remember some of the superstitions, especially if they relate to material wealth. Even young people know very well, for example, why their left palm itches. But what needs to be done to make the omen come true?

What do signs say in general?

Among the many signs, almost every one of us knows the meaning of what the left hand itches - it’s for profit. If you start scratching your palm, those around you will immediately bombard you with a bunch of advice on exactly how to scratch the part of your body that carries the news of profit. And now the happy owner of the harbinger of wealth begins to worry whether everything has been done correctly so that the sudden income settles in the wallet and does not rush past.

When your left hand itches, expect profit

To dispel doubts about the correctness of actions once and for all, we will consider in detail all the interpretations associated with this process. But first, let's talk about the right palm, because sometimes it is considered a messenger of material wealth.

Remember, when you greet a person, which hand do you offer for a handshake? That's right, right. This is where the sign came from that the right palm itches with anticipation of an imminent meeting. This could be an old friend you haven't seen for a long time, or maybe meeting a new person. To bring the meeting closer or, conversely, to push it further, there are even special rituals.

Depending on the day of the week, the right palm can also promise financial benefits. This happens on Tuesday. On Wednesday, on the contrary, it means big money expenses or losses.

Palm itches - video

By the way, for a left-handed person, the signs associated with the hands are interpreted exactly the opposite. This is due to the fact that all signs apply specifically to the active hand.

A woman's or a man's?

The man has always been a breadwinner and took care of the well-being of the family. Therefore, for the stronger half of humanity, all the signs related to scratching the palms were of a more rational and pragmatic nature. For men, signs related to money or meetings are almost always of a business nature. This is not only an opportunity to get money, but also career advancement, which is also associated with material benefits.

For men, the left palm can itch not only for money, but also for a successful career

Women are more sensitive, so signs are emotional and relate to relationships with a man. And all signs associated with money are interpreted in a special feminine way.

For the weaker half of humanity, all signs related to money can be interpreted in a feminine way

Why does your left palm itch by day of the week?

If your left palm is itchy, first make sure that this is not a manifestation of any disease or an insect bite. When all doubts on this score are swept away, remember what day of the week it is. Much will depend on this factor.


The hardest day of the week promises very easy profits. This money is not worth investing in anything, it will be of no use. The motto of this day is that what comes easily, goes easily.

  • for men - it will be a pleasant find, perhaps an old and forgotten stash or an unexpected cash bonus from management;
  • for women - a bonus or winning a lottery is also possible. Spend this money on yourself. Buy something new, it will please you for a long time.

On Monday, money comes easily and goes out just as easily.


This day of the week is considered the most fruitful and it is at this time that the palm, more than ever, reacts to the return of an old debt.

  • for men - an old acquaintance will suddenly remember that you financially supported him in difficult times and will repay the debt. But this money is best spent on relatives. By doing this you will attract other amounts of money that will form the basis of your future financial well-being;
  • for women, the debt will be returned at the moment when there are not enough funds to implement what has been planned for a long time. Higher powers give you the opportunity to make your dreams come true.

On Tuesday, old debts suddenly return


This day is considered difficult not only emotionally. An unexpected increase in money will not bring happiness. This money should be spent on charity. This way you will avoid possible problems in the future.

  • for men - the representatives of the stronger sex are lucky. They can spend a gift in the form of finances on home improvement or purchasing necessary small items;
  • for women - spend the money that comes on Wednesday only on good deeds. Moral satisfaction is sometimes more expensive than a low-quality item or a spoiled vacation.

Wednesday's windfall could be best spent on charity


Due to accumulated physical and emotional fatigue, vigilance is lost. This day is fraught with quarrels out of nowhere, and if unexpected money intervenes in the conflict, the quarrel can drag on for a long time. Therefore, try to control your behavior and not throw around offensive words.

  • for men - conflicts may arise at work due to incorrect distribution of responsibilities. At home, try to avoid provocations and scandals with loved ones;
  • for women - a long-awaited meeting with a loved one may end in a quarrel due to the intervention of friends. Therefore, it is worth setting priorities and meeting with those who are truly dear.

On Thursday, unexpected money can cause a quarrel


It's a hard day, but you shouldn't relax. Before you know it, you will miss the gift of fate in the form of a large sum that will literally fall at your feet. But so that luck does not turn away from you, try to spend this money profitably on the same day.

  • for men there is a high probability of finding a large amount of currency. Spend your money wisely, and then you can count on further luck;
  • for women - spend money from the heart for any of your needs, negative consequences there won't be.

Spend Friday's gift of fate with pleasure on your needs


An easy and successful day. A pleasant itch in the palm of your hand predicts easy advancement up the career ladder, and therefore an increase in income.

  • for men - a promotion or a successful deal that will bring considerable material benefits. In any case, the good news should be celebrated magnificently so that luck does not turn away from you;
  • for women - did you spare any nerves, effort and time to complete the work? Then you will receive a long-awaited bonus in the form of a salary increase.

If your left palm itches on Saturday, expect a promotion


A good day in all respects. Especially for those who have an itchy left palm. At a party with friends or on a romantic date, you will definitely receive an unexpected gift. He may be the most unexpected, but very generous.

  • for men - this will be a valuable gift that will give you the opportunity to achieve your goals without making much effort. But don’t get arrogant, luck is a capricious lady;
  • for women - a chic gift will not only bring a lot of positive emotions, but can also become fateful.

Sunday is generous with unexpected gifts

What time of day does your hand itch: signs for morning, afternoon and evening

The time of day allows you to interpret the sign more accurately. Depending on when the itching in the left palm began, the predictions vary somewhat.

  • if the itching appeared in the morning, the news will definitely be very good. And the more your palm itches, the more pleasant the subsequent events;
  • daytime scratching - expect guests. But perhaps someone will invite you to visit;
  • If your palm itches in the evening, take it seriously. This could mean conflicts with family, friends or bosses, and not just financially. Stop looking for someone to blame for your own failures, stop criticizing others and forgive insults. You'll see that everything will work out.

The more your left palm itches in the morning, the more pleasant the subsequent events

What needs to be done to enhance the effect of the sign

In order to enhance the effect of the sign, there are several rituals that will help achieve the desired result.

  1. More often knowledgeable people They advise you to imagine a stack in your left hand large bills. Virtual money should be clenched tightly in your fist, placed in your pocket and held there for a while, imagining how the money remained in your pocket. After this, unclench your hand.
  2. When you feel a slight itch in your left palm, scratch it thoroughly, then kiss it three times, and put it in your pocket. At the same time, one should say: “To the money! So be it."
  3. If you don't have a pocket, you can touch your purse or wallet.
  4. Is your left palm itchy? Grab a bill or coin immediately. Hold the money for a few seconds and calmly put it back.
  5. You can also scratch your palm on the edge of the table or on something red, as this color symbolizes prosperity. Accompany your actions with the words: “I scratch my palm against the red, so as not to be in vain.”
  6. If an itchy palm catches you in a crowded place and you are embarrassed to perform the steps described above, you can simply put your thumbs in your pockets. This pose is considered a money sign.
How to properly scratch your left palm

To ensure that the sign comes true, try to perform the ritual correctly. After all, inaccurately performed actions can result in quick waste or loss of money.

  1. You should always scratch your palm towards you.
  2. You can scratch with your hand. But the best way is with money or a wallet. If you scratch your palm on the furniture, it promises the purchase of new furniture; if you scratch your palm on clothes, it means you will show off new clothes.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to scratch your palm on an empty wallet. Although there is an opinion that it is an empty wallet that will hint higher powers about the need to replenish cash reserves. Now it’s up to you to decide which option is preferable.
  4. Before buying a lottery ticket, scratch your palm with a coin.

For the omen to work, you can scratch your palm with a banknote

What else could portend such an itch?

Sometimes the left palm does not feel profit at all, but, on the contrary, spending. It is quite possible that unforeseen circumstances will arise that will require you to spend a lot of money, or you have planned to purchase expensive things. In order not to upset the balance between spending and income cash, exists great rule- give money to pay for something only with your left hand, and be sure to take change with your right.

Those who frequently scratch the back of their left hand are said to have a deductive mindset. And if the edge of your hand itches, you need to be on your guard - because of rash actions, you can quarrel to smithereens with a loved one.

To trust signs or not is up to each of us. I personally don’t mind believing in positive predictions. After all, it is better to live with a premonition of something good than with the expectation of something negative. But sometimes you still need to look at your feet, just in case.

Of course, you are allowed not to believe in folk signs, but our ancestors noticed that certain actions in life can foreshadow various events. A spoon or fork falling from the table during dinner foreshadows the arrival of guests. And spilled salt means a quarrel in the house. Why do your palms itch? Many people are sure that it is about money. It would be too easy. Ancestors interpreted this fact differently.

For a long time now, there has been a dispute between representatives of the esoteric teaching about which hand a person should have as receiving and which as giving. Someone really has a right hand itching to get money,

for others, it is a clear sign of repaying debts. The ancestors believed that:

  • Tingling sensations in the palm indicate the need to release the energy that has accumulated in a person due to prolonged suppression of emotions.
  • Tickling sensations mean that a person will soon have to make an important decision on which his future life depends.
  • Itching of the right palm indicates a quick meeting and handshakes.

Daily signs

It is certain that among our ancestors there were even more meticulous representatives who

tracked that itching in the palms on a certain day indicates various upcoming events.

So, why does your right palm itch in the evening?

  • On Monday - for a date, or rather for a fleeting, insignificant, but pleasant meeting.
  • On Tuesday - to meet an old friend who has long disappeared from sight.
  • Why does my left palm itch on Wednesday evening? You are probably in for a tender, romantic date.
  • An itchy palm on Thursday indicates something will happen very soon. long-awaited meeting with a loved one.
  • If your right palm itches on Friday evening, you are likely to meet one of your former lovers.
  • An itchy palm on Saturday foreshadows meeting an interesting person.
  • On Sunday, your palm itches to meet a high-ranking and rich person.

Signs associated with the left palm

It is believed that the left palm itches to receive monetary profits. Our ancestors compiled a list of predictions for each day of the week.

  • If your palm itches on Monday, the owner of the hand is likely to face large financial expenses, significantly exceeding income.
  • An itchy palm on Tuesday evening promises you the return of an old debt.
  • If your palm itches on Wednesday, this probably indicates an imminent profit. But it is better to give this money to someone who needs financial support more than you.
  • The sign that your left palm itches on Thursday evening indicates that money will soon arrive in your wallet. But, these funds will also bring discord in the family.
  • If your left palm itches on Friday, you will be attentive; fate is preparing a material surprise for you, which you may miss due to inattention.
  • The Saturday itch indicates a salary increase.
  • If the palm of your left hand itches on Sunday, most likely you will soon receive a valuable gift.

Neutralizing a negative prediction

It’s good if your right palm itches on Sunday evening. But what to do if a sign suggests imminent failure? Our ancestors had answers to this case too. If itching in your palms portends negative events, it is recommended to wash your hands with cold water and, without wiping, wait until they dry.

  • You need to imagine a large denomination bill in your palm.
  • Squeeze your fingers and put an imaginary bill in your pocket.
  • And say loudly and clearly: “To profit!”
  • You can replace an imaginary bill with a real one, and if there are no pockets, then stick your hand under your armpit.

If your palms are itchy and flaky

Of course, this is not the most pleasant omen. In most cases, this condition has nothing to do with signs and predictions. If your palms are itchy and flaky, you should visit a dermatologist. This is probably a skin disease. Although, if the palms are itchy and women are pregnant, our ancestors were able to determine the gender of the unborn baby by this sign. If your palms are soft and smooth, you should expect an heiress. If expectant mother dry, flaky palms, most likely there will be a son.

In conclusion

If the palms of both hands itch in the evenings, first of all, you need to exclude the development of a skin disease. Many diseases of a dermatological nature begin with itching on the palms. If there are no health problems, you can plunge into the world folk signs. By studying folk interpretations of itchy palms by day of the week, you can promise yourself material wealth and success in business. The main thing is that all this turns out to be true.