How positive emotions and positive states help solve problems. Recommendations from a psychologist

What are they like? positive emotions? This is a pleasant feeling of happiness, satisfaction, trust and expectation of success. These are feelings of compassion, love, tolerance and understandingWhy do you need positive emotions?

Positive emotions make you feel good, energetic, happy, capable and ready to take action to continue what you want to achieve and accomplish. Positive emotions will also make life happier and easier, make you more likable, and improve your relationships.

How can you create positive emotions?

Below are some tips and suggestions to help create positive emotions.

1. Understand the importance of positive emotions and how they can improve your life.

2. Stop being associated with negative thoughts and feelings.

3. After waking up in the morning, smile and say to yourself silently or out loud: “I will have a wonderful day today, it will be happy and successful. I will remain patient and positive in any situation.”

4. Sometimes during the day, for a few minutes visualize some happy moments and situations in life, a place you visited that you liked or communication with loved ones.

5. When something makes you angry, wait a few seconds before reacting.

6. When you feel some despair, anger, unhappiness or disappointment, do not give in to these feelings and let them grow. Visualize what makes you happy, read what makes you happy, repeat positive affirmations or just try to create some happy feelings within you.

This may not be easy as negative feelings may be too strong, nevertheless, you must do everything possible, and no matter how many times you may not have called positive feelings. But if you keep chanting, you can change your attitude and feelings.

7. Understand that you cannot always control the situation in your life, but you can control and change your attitude and reaction. Negative attitude and anger will lead to negative emotions, a positive attitude and positive emotions will make the situation better.

8. Try to show some positive emotions towards people you don't like. You don't have to be their friend, but you can stop being negative and allow some feelings of warmth and understanding to emerge. You may be surprised at how your attitude and reactions to you change.

9. Read some inspirational quotes every day.

10. Repeat statements such as:

"I feel happy man and confident."

“I get more happiness and more positivity every day.”

11. Stay away from negative people, and if you must be and work with them, do not give them state of mind influence you. Try to be detached to them. Fill your mind with positive emotions and thoughts so that there is no room for negative thoughts in your mind.

12. When you feel depressed, listen to music.

13. Allow yourself to smile more often, even in difficult situations. Smiling tends to clear your mind of worries, even if temporarily, and wins you sympathy and support from those around you.

14. Watch comedies, read and watch happy news.

15. Find time to meditate. Among its benefits is the ability to filter the feelings and thoughts that enter your mind. This will help avoid negative emotions and allow positive emotions to appear.

16. While lying in bed at night, say to yourself silently or out loud: “I will have a wonderful day tomorrow, it will be happy and successful, I will be patient and positive all day in any situation.”

Now that you know how to create positive emotions, you can get creatively inspired and find new ideas for creating positive emotions in your life.


Meet old friends. Childhood memories or early youth will definitely bring a smile to your face. Modern means of communication allow you to find classmates or friends at the university. Take advantage social networks and organize a reunion or a friendly date with people from your childhood. Broken knees, getting a bad grade, cheating on exams - all these little things will make you happy and give you a lot of pleasant emotions.

Go on a trip. There's nothing better than a change of scenery. Of course, the ideal option would be a trip to the sea or ocean, but such trips always require money. Meanwhile, you can do without a solid account on the card. Get to the nearest park, forest or countryside museum grounds and spend the whole day there. Get the weather right, and this day will give you true pleasure.

Choose a hobby. If you still haven't figured out how to be creative, it's time to get started. Think about what you need. You can do embroidery, volleyball, fishing, floriculture or snake breeding - the degree of extreme depends on you. The release of energy through creativity will not only get rid of negativity, but also give you the most positive emotions.

Go rollerblading, skating or cycling. Remember the childhood fun you used to enjoy so much! Rent any type of sports equipment that can give you a blast. Call your friends - many will support you. Joy similar to childish delight is guaranteed to you.

Have a Beauty Day. It guarantees positive emotions if you do all the procedures slowly and with pleasure. Fill the bath with warm water and add sea ​​salt, whip up fragrant foam, place around the candle. Make a mask. If you can afford to go to a salon, great! Massage, spa treatments and other pleasures will undoubtedly charge you with a positive mood for a long time.

Surely each of you has had moments in your life when nothing made you happy. And life itself seemed boring, insipid, somehow meaningless, passing in vain. And I really wanted to at least somehow change it, to get at least some positive emotions. The stupidest thing you can do in such a situation is to try to achieve these emotions with the help of alcohol, or, even worse, drugs. Believe me, this is not an option! The momentary “acuity of sensations” will then result in at least ruined health.


Try to find yourself some hobby. Depending on your habits, character, temperament, conditions. Remember, you were probably into something as a child! Can't an adult find something he likes? As they say, for every taste and budget? Surely it can! And it will bring him a lot of positive emotions.

If finances allow, try to travel around the world. Believe me, this is an incomparable pleasure - different countries and attractions. Bright emotions will certainly be guaranteed to you. There's so much in the world beautiful places! And in Europe, and in Africa, and in Asia. Even the most gloomy, “closed” person will experience delight when he sees Old Town Square in Prague, the majestic ruins of the Roman Forum, and the stunning beauty of the underwater reefs of the Red Sea.

If you don’t have the financial resources to travel abroad, get out into nature more often. This is especially true for residents major cities. A few hours spent in the forest or on the banks of a river, on fresh air, away from the noise, crowds of people and gasoline exhausts - they will give you so much! You will probably feel that your soul has become lighter, and life seems better.

Well, if you are at the dacha, try to get there as soon as possible. Admire the fruits of your labor: a lush flower garden, well-tended beds with herbs and vegetables, an orchard, and a beautiful carved gazebo. Positive emotions guaranteed.

It's no secret that emotions play an important role in our lives. When communicating with people, you can probably notice that people show emotions in different ways and share their feelings.

Emotions are an adaptive mechanism that is inherent in us by nature to assess the situation. After all, a person does not always have time when he can correctly and accurately assess what is happening to him. Let’s say in a situation of danger... And then once - I felt something and there is a feeling that I either “like” or “don’t like”.

Moreover, the emotional assessment is the most accurate - nature cannot deceive. Emotional assessment occurs very quickly and reason and logic are not “mixed” here. After all, you can logically explain anything and give a bunch of all sorts of rational arguments.

Watching people (including myself), I notice that there are situations in which people either ignore their emotions, or try not to notice them, or simply are not aware of them. I will not now make assumptions regarding the reasons for this, I will only say that without listening to oneself, to one’s emotional life, a person cannot adequately and most fully perceive the situation, and thereby make the most effective decision.

IN ordinary life This can manifest itself in the fact that by ignoring or repressing his emotions, a person can create an incorrect belief for himself. For example, if a wife ignores/does not recognize or does not want to admit her anger towards her husband, she may take out her irritation on another person or children, in a completely different situation.

Or, I had a client who had the following belief: “I cannot offend a person, upset him.” As it turned out, if a person gets angry, she will experience a feeling of guilt that she did not want to face.

In my consultations, I very often encounter the emotional sphere. I once noticed that sometimes it is very difficult for people to say what they really feel or what emotion they are experiencing right now. Even if a person realizes that he has some kind of feeling now, sometimes it is very difficult to say it in words, to name it.

One of my clients told me this: “I feel a GOOD feeling, but I don’t know what it’s called...”.

And I decided to fill this gap on the pages of my site. Below is a list of emotions and feelings that I managed to find, I hope that by reading it you can significantly increase your awareness of what may be happening to you.

And, by the way, you can test yourself: before you look at the list, I suggest you compose it yourself, and then compare how complete your list is...

How often do we want to cheer ourselves up! However, everything around seems to contribute to the opposite: conflict with colleagues, a broken heel, a bad ticket and much more. And, sometimes, it happens that the mood disappears for no apparent reason, and you can only wonder how to get positive emotions and regain your good mood. It turns out that helping yourself is quite simple, you just need to follow a few simple recommendations.

Remember that no one will ever be able to charge you with positive emotions if you yourself do not allow it. Therefore, the first thing you should do is to sincerely wish to get rid of depression and bad mood.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. The result of your torment due to your own failure will be either pitying or malicious glances, and you absolutely do not need either one or the other. Learn to laugh at yourself in awkward situations and perceive your mistakes as constructive, positive experiences.

To get a charge of positive emotions, open the window wide and take a look at everything that is around. You will be convinced that life is beautiful, and the sky, sun and gentle breeze simply will not leave room for sadness in your soul.

Remember a funny or simply bright episode that happened to you or someone you know. Experience the positive emotions associated with it once again, and you definitely won’t want to return to sadness.

Organize a meeting with old friends and have fun. However, remember that the purpose of this meeting should in no case be complaints about a failed life.

Move more! You probably know the term “muscular joy.” Take a walk or play sports, as you definitely won’t be able to get positive emotions while sitting on the couch.

Treat yourself. Prepare your favorite dish or buy your favorite delicacy, buy yourself something new, make new hairstyle, sign up for a massage. These simple actions will immediately lift your mood.

Learn to enjoy the little things. So you will very soon understand that you are always surrounded by positivity, and that even in the most seemingly unpleasant situation there are positive, joyful features.

In general, there are countless techniques in the world with which you can cheer up; you just need to use your imagination a little and choose the one that you accept more. And most importantly, you need to learn to greet every new day with a smile on your face, and under no circumstances give in to despondency.