The most influential person in the history of mankind. The most famous people in the world

The Russian Federation is a great state, occupying first place on the planet in terms of territory and national wealth. However, its main pride is its outstanding citizens who have left a noticeable mark on history. Our country has raised great amount famous scientists, politicians, generals, athletes and artists of world renown. Their achievements allowed Russia to occupy one of the leading positions in the list of superpowers on the planet.


Who are they, outstanding citizens of Russia? The list can be continued endlessly, because every period in the history of our Fatherland has its great people who became famous in different fields of activity. Among the most prominent personalities who, to one degree or another, influenced the course of both Russian and world history, it is worth mentioning the following:

  1. Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky.
  2. Peter the Great.
  3. Alexander Suvorov.
  4. Mikhail Lomonosov.
  5. Dmitriy Mendeleev.
  6. Yuri Gagarin.
  7. Andrey Sakharov.

Minin and Pozharsky

The outstanding citizen of Russia Kuzma Minin and his equally famous contemporary Prince Dmitry Pozharsky went down in history as the liberators of Russian lands from Polish invaders. At first XVII century began in the Russian state Time of Troubles. The crisis, which engulfed many areas of life, was aggravated by the presence of impostors on the capital’s throne. In Moscow, Smolensk and a number of other cities full swing The Polish gentry ruled, and the western borders of the country were occupied by Swedish troops.

In order to drive out foreign invaders from Russian lands and liberate the country, the clergy called on the population to create a people's militia and liberate the capital from the Poles. The Novgorod zemstvo elder Kuzma Minin (Sukhoruk), who was, although not noble birth, but was a true patriot of his Motherland. Behind a short time he managed to gather an army from the inhabitants Nizhny Novgorod. Prince Dmitry Pozharsky from the Rurik family agreed to head it.

Gradually, residents of surrounding cities, dissatisfied with the dominance of the Polish gentry in Moscow, began to join the people's militia of Nizhny Novgorod. By the fall of 1612, the army of Minin and Pozharsky numbered about 10 thousand people. At the beginning of November 1612, the Nizhny Novgorod militia managed to expel the Poles from the capital and force them to sign an act of surrender. The successful operation was made possible thanks to the skillful actions of Minin and Pozharsky. In 1818, the memory of the heroic liberators of Moscow was immortalized by the sculptor I. Martos in a monument erected on Red Square.

Peter the First

The significance of the reign of Peter I, nicknamed the Great State for his services to the state, is difficult to overestimate. An outstanding citizen of Russia, Peter the Great was on the throne for 43 years, coming to power at the age of 17. He turned the country into greatest empire, founded the city of St. Petersburg on the Neva and moved the capital to it from Moscow, carried out a number of successful military campaigns, thanks to which he significantly expanded the borders of the state. Peter The great one began trade with Europe, founded the Academy of Sciences, opened many educational institutions, introduced compulsory study of foreign languages, forced representatives of the noble classes to wear secular attire.

The significance of the reign of Peter I for Russia

The sovereign's reforms strengthened the economy and science, contributed to the development of the army and navy. His successful domestic and foreign policies became the basis for the further growth and development of the state. Voltaire praised internal transformations Russia in Peter's times. He wrote that the Russian people managed to achieve in half a century what other nations could not achieve in 500 years of their existence.

A. V. Suvorov

The second most outstanding citizen of Russia half of the XVIII century - this is, of course, the great commander, generalissimo of the Russian land and naval forces, Alexander Suvorov. This talented military leader fought more than 60 major battles and was not defeated in any of them. The army under the command of Suvorov managed to win even in cases where the enemy forces significantly outnumbered it. The commander took part in Russian-Turkish wars 1768-1774 and 1787-1791, brilliantly commanded Russian troops during the storming of Prague in 1794, and in the last years of his life he led the Italian and Swiss campaigns.

In battles, Suvorov used combat tactics that he personally developed, which were significantly ahead of their time. He did not recognize military drill and instilled in his soldiers a love for the Fatherland, considering it the key to victory in any battle. The legendary commander made sure that during military campaigns his army was provided with everything necessary. He heroically shared all the hardships with the soldiers, thanks to which he enjoyed great authority and respect among them. For his victories, Suvorov was awarded all the high military awards existing in his time in the Russian Empire. In addition, he was a holder of seven foreign orders.

M. V. Lomonosov

Outstanding citizens of Russia glorified their country not only in the art of statecraft or military tactics. Mikhail Lomonosov belongs to the cohort of the greatest Russian scientists who made a huge contribution to the development of world science. Born into a poor family and unable to receive a decent education, from early childhood he had a high intelligence and was drawn to knowledge. Lomonosov's desire for science was so strong that at the age of 19 he left his village, walked to Moscow and entered the Slavic-Greco-Roman Academy. This was followed by studies at St. Petersburg University at the Academy of Sciences. To improve his knowledge of the natural sciences, Mikhail was sent to Europe. At 34, the young scientist became an academician.

Without exaggeration, Lomonosov can be considered a universal person. He had brilliant knowledge of chemistry, physics, geography, astronomy, geology, metallurgy, history, and genealogy. In addition, the scientist was an excellent poet, writer and artist. Lomonosov made many discoveries in physics, chemistry and astronomy, and became the founder of the science of glass. He owns the project for the creation of Moscow University, which was later named after him.

D. I. Mendeleev

The world-famous chemist Dmitry Mendeleev is the pride of Russia. Having been born in Tobolsk in the family of a gymnasium director, he had no barriers to receiving an education. At the age of 21, young Mendeleev graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the St. Petersburg Pedagogical Institute with a gold medal. A few months later, he defended his dissertation for the right to lecture and began teaching practice. At the age of 23, Mendeleev was awarded a master's degree in chemistry. From this age he began teaching at the Imperial University of St. Petersburg. At the age of 31 he became a professor of chemical technology, and after 2 years - a professor of general chemistry.

Worldwide fame of the great chemist

In 1869, at the age of 35, Dmitry Mendeleev made a discovery that made him famous throughout the world. We are talking about the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements. It became the basis for all modern chemistry. Attempts to systematize elements by properties and atomic weight were made before Mendeleev, but he was the first who managed to clearly formulate the pattern existing between them.

The periodic table is not the only achievement of the scientist. He wrote many fundamental works on chemistry and initiated the creation of the Chamber of Weights and Measures in St. Petersburg. D.I. Mendeleev was a holder of eight honorary orders of the Russian Empire and foreign countries. He was awarded a doctorate from the Turin Academy of Sciences, Oxford, Cambridge, Priston, Edinburgh and Göttingen universities. Mendeleev's scientific authority was so high that he was nominated for the Nobel Prize three times. Unfortunately, the winners of this prestigious international award were different scientists each time. However, this fact does not in any way diminish the merits of the famous chemist to the Fatherland.

Yu. A. Gagarin

Yuri Gagarin is a prominent citizen of Soviet-era Russia. April 12, 1961 on spaceship Vostok-1 was the first time in the history of mankind that it flew into space. After spending 108 minutes in Earth's orbit, the astronaut returned to the planet as a hero international scale. Even world movie stars could envy Gagarin’s popularity. He made official visits to more than 30 foreign countries and traveled throughout the USSR.

Outstanding Russian citizen Yuri Gagarin was awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union and the highest insignia of many countries. He was preparing for a new space flight, but a plane crash that happened in March 1968 in the Vladimir region tragically cut short his life. Having lived only 34 years, Gagarin became one of the greatest people XX century. Streets and squares are named after him in all major cities Russia and the CIS countries, monuments to him have been erected in many foreign countries. In honor of Yuri Gagarin's flight, International Cosmonautics Day is celebrated all over the world on April 12.

A. D. Sakharov

In addition to Gagarin, there were many other outstanding Russian citizens in the Soviet Union. The USSR became famous throughout the world thanks to academician Andrei Sakharov, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of physics. In 1949, together with Yu. Khariton, he developed a project hydrogen bomb- the first Soviet thermonuclear weapon. In addition, Sakharov conducted a lot of research on magnetic hydrodynamics, gravity, astrophysics, and plasma physics. In the mid-70s, he predicted the emergence of the Internet. In 1975, the academician was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

In addition to science, Sakharov was engaged in active human rights activities, for which he fell out of favor with the Soviet leadership. In 1980, he was stripped of all titles and highest awards, after which he was deported from Moscow to Gorky. After the start of Perestroika, Sakharov was allowed to return to the capital. Last years he continued to do his life scientific activity, and was also elected as a deputy of the Supreme Council. In 1989, the scientist worked on a draft of a new Soviet constitution, which proclaimed the right of peoples to statehood, but sudden death did not allow him to complete the work he had started.

Outstanding citizens of Russia of the 21st century

Today in our country there live a huge number of people who glorify it in politics, science, art and other fields of activity. The most famous scientists of our time are physicists Mikhail Allenov and Valery Rachkov, urbanist Denis Vizgalov, historian Vyacheslav Vorobyov, economist Nadezhda Kosareva, etc. Outstanding artists of the 21st century include artists Ilya Glazunov and Alena Azernaya, conductors Valery Gergiev and Yuri Bashmet, opera singers Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Anna Netrebko, actors Sergei Bezrukov and Konstantin Khabensky, directors Nikita Mikhalkov and Timur Bekmambetov and others. Well, the most outstanding politician in Russia today is its President, Vladimir Putin.

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Time is a harmful and elusive thing. It always oozes through your fingers and flows away to no one knows where. What to do if all your life you wanted to write symphonies better than Mozart’s, and you have two children, a wife, a mother, and on top of everything, a burning project?

We are in website We are also extremely concerned about this problem: we want to realize ourselves in life and not choke on a bone. Examples help us not to give up and do great things famous people, which certainly had 24 hours in a day.

Leonardo da Vinci

The famous “universal man” will top our list. Let us remember that Leonardo is an outstanding artist of the Renaissance (does everyone remember La Gioconda?), an inventor (all his inventions formed the basis for the construction of modern submarines), a scientist, as well as a writer and musician. He was also the first to explain why the sky is blue: “The blueness of the sky is due to the thickness of illuminated air particles, which is located between the Earth and the blackness above.” He managed all this thanks to his own developed sleep system: he slept for a total of 2 hours (lights out for 15 minutes several times a day), and in the rest of his free time he changed the world and himself for the better.

Anton Chekhov

His brother's brilliant brother (that was his pseudonym). Famous short story master, humorist and satirist, greatest playwright and part-time doctor. He himself admitted: “Medicine is mine legal wife, and literature is a mistress. When I get tired of one, I spend the night with the other.” Constantly torn at the crossroads of his two talents, Chekhov was engaged in medical affairs until the end of his life. He even named his dogs after the names of the drugs: Bromine and Hina. But he also respected his “mistress”: throughout his life, Chekhov created more than 300 works, including short stories and impressive dramas. The great humorist also loved collecting stamps. Here was the man!

Vladimir Nabokov

Writer and entomologist, and a self-taught entomologist. More than 20 genera of butterflies are named in honor of Vladimir Vladimirovich, one of which (how cute!) is called Nabokovia. Nabokov also played excellent chess. He composed several complex chess problems. His love for this intellectual sport was reflected in the novel “The Defense of Luzhin.” Let us remember that Nabokov was fluent in English. “Lolita” is loved in America just as it is here.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Goethe was known not only as a great writer and poet, but also as a scientist: he made some discoveries in the field of the theory of light. In addition, he actively collected minerals - his collection numbers 18,000 specimens (it is clear where Faust got such a craving for alchemy). The author of the famous drama was so lucky or brilliant that he slept only 5 hours a day, but had enough strength for many, many accomplishments. Perhaps this is because Goethe adhered to strict rules and was a supporter of leading a healthy lifestyle: he did not drink alcohol at all and did not tolerate the smell of tobacco smoke. That’s why he lived 82 years and managed to create so many things.

Hugh Jackman

Not only famous actor, but also a Broadway artist, and what a one at that! Within one season he managed to get all the main theater awards. Everyone knows the third area of ​​Jackman's activity in which he achieved success - family life. Hugh and Deborra-Lee Furness have been married for 20 years and together they have two children. What is there! Our Hugh can do everything: he can play the piano, guitar, violin, and also... vibrate his pupils and even juggle. Probably even Wolverine can’t do this.

Salvador Dali

Everyone says that he is crazy, but they are silent about the fact that he was universal. Dali is famous not only as a painter and sculptor, but also as the director of the most terrible “Un Chien Andalou.” Dali also wrote several “works”: “The Secret Life of Salvador Dali, Told by Himself” and “The Diary of a Genius.” For the sake of his psychedelic masterpieces, the modest genius often “perverted” in terms of sleep. Let us explain: Dali hired himself a special servant, who, seeing that the owner was beginning to fall asleep in complete exhaustion, woke him up after waiting a few seconds. The disheveled Dali immediately grabbed the paper and tried to sketch what he saw in the first seconds of the superficial phase of sleep.

Mikhail Lomonosov

Russian natural scientist, chemist and physicist, poet, artist... you can hardly list everything here. Lomonosov is not just an active figure - he is revered as a reformer. It was he who carried out the reform of versification. Therefore, oddly enough, we owe the learning of iambs and trochees to an outstanding chemist. By the way, being smart does not mean being an object of bullying. While studying in Marburg, for example, Lomonosov perfectly mastered the ability to handle a sword. Local bullies avoided this overly capable and skillful Muscovite. This is definitely a talented person, talented in everything!

Isaac Newton

Everyone should know that he is famous not only for the apple that fell on his head. Newton wrote books on theology, where he spoke about the denial of the Holy Trinity, and was also chairman of the Royal Society of Arts. Not many people know that Newton also invented two stunningly ingenious things: a means of carrying cats and a door for them (where would we be without them now?). His love for furry and mustachioed friends is to blame for this. Newton preferred active activity to sleep - he allocated only 4 hours a day for night rest.

Benjamin Franklin

We all know him as a guy with a dollar and a politician, but Franklin is like our Lomonosov. He was a journalist and inventor. He invented, for example, the stove (“Pennsylvania fireplace”), and also predicted the weather. The first developed a detailed map of the Gulf Stream. He founded the Philadelphia Academy, as well as the first public library in the States. Franklin also had musical talent. Uncle Ben was helped to keep up with everything by strictly following the daily routine, in which sleep was allocated only 4 hours a day.

Alexander Borodin

A man whose portrait hangs in both the music classroom and the chemistry classroom. Did you know that the author of the famous opera “Prince Igor” was also a chemist and a physician? He jokingly called himself a “Sunday musician”: he had to sacrifice his weekends in order to create something like that for the world of music. His wife left memories of Borodin’s workdays: “He could sit for ten hours straight, he could not sleep at all, he could not have lunch.” Still would! After all, as you know, one of Borodin’s mottos was such a super-motivating phrase: “We owe everything that we don’t have only to ourselves.” Alexander Porfirievich was also an active public figure - he was one of the initiators of the opening of Women's medical courses.

Flea (Michael Peter Balzary)

Tireless and daring bass guitarist Red groups Hot Chilli Peppers. He became famous for his unique style of playing the bass guitar, which was dubbed slapping and popping. It's surprising that Flea only started studying music in 2008 (after 25 years of playing in a band) - he admitted that he always played by ear and did not know music theory. However, Flea is recognized as one of the best bass players of all time. As they say, play for a quarter of a century and learn for a century. And if you think that rock musicians do nothing but rebel all day long, then Flea will rebut you: his filmography includes 25 films, including cartoons. By the way, he is that crazy boss in the movie "Back to the Future - 2".

Michael Bulgakov

IN early years Bulgakov worked as a zemstvo doctor, and he had to be a generalist: a therapist, a gynecologist, a surgeon, and a dentist. “Notes of a Young Doctor” owes its appearance to precisely that period in the life of young Bulgakov. It was difficult to combine healing and creativity, so I had to “plow” my shift, treat unassuming village people all day, and then also find time for writing... You can sacrifice everything for the sake of art. Once in a letter to his mother, he wrote: “At night I write “Notes of a Zemstvo Doctor.” A solid thing could come out.” Also Bulgakov is an example correct attitude to criticism. He collected critical articles about their works, including 298 negative and 3 positive reviews from critics.

Well, do you still think that you don’t have enough time?


Who is the most influential and most significant person in history?

Researchers have created algorithm, which distributes historical figures by importance in Wikipedia, article length, readability, achievements and fame.

The program was developed by a computer science professor Stephen Skiena(Steven Skiena) and engineer software Google Charles B. Ward(Charles B. Ward), who wrote the book "Who Matters Most?" (Who's Bigger: Where Historical Figures Really Rank).

Of course they the conclusions are not without contradictions. The authors relied on the results of the English version of Wikipedia, so the list rather highlights the most important historical figures in Western history.

It is noteworthy that the hundred most significant personalities included only Three women: Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria and Joan of Arc. Also unexpected was the 7th place of Adolf Hitler, who was much higher in the ranking of Joseph Stalin, who was in 18th place.

The most historically significant musician was Mozart (in 24th place), followed by Beethoven (27th) and Bach (48th). The most famous modern pop musician was Elvis Presley (69th).

The most significant people

1. Jesus Christ– central figure in Christianity (7 BC – 30 AD)

2. Napoleon– Emperor of France (1769 – 1821)

3. Muhammad– prophet and founder of Islam (570-632)

4. William Shakespeare- English playwright (1564 -1616)

5. Abraham Lincoln– 16th President of the United States (1809-1865)

6. George Washington– 1st President of the USA (1732 -1799)

7. Adolf Gitler- Fuhrer of Nazi Germany, who participated in World War II (1889 - 1945)

8. Aristotle– Greek philosopher and polymath (384 -322 BC)

9. Alexander the Great(Alexander the Great) - Greek king and conqueror of a world power (356 - 323 BC)

10. Thomas Jefferson– 3rd US President who wrote the Declaration of Independence (1743-1826)

11. Henry VIII– King of England (1491 -1547)

12. Charles Darwin– scientist, creator of the theory of evolution (1809-1882)

13. Elizabeth I- Queen of England, known as the "Maiden Queen" (1533 -1603)

14. Karl Marx- German philosopher, founder of Marskism (1818 -1883)

15. Julius Caesar- Roman commander and statesman (100 -44 BC)

16. Queen Victoria– Queen of Great Britain in the Victorian era (1819 -1901)

18. Joseph Stalin– Soviet leader (1878 -1953)

19. Albert Einstein– theoretical physicist, creator of the Theory of Relativity (1878 -1953)

20. Christopher Columbus- explorer who discovered America for Europeans (1451-1506)

21. Isaac Newton– scientist, creator of the theory of gravity (1643 -1727)

22. Charlemagne- the first Roman emperor, considered the "Father of Europe" (742 -814)

23. Theodore Roosevelt– 26th President of the United States (1858 -1919)

24. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart– Austrian composer (1756 – 1791)

25. Plato– Greek philosopher, wrote the work “The Republic” (427 -347 BC)

26. Louis XIV – King of France, known as the “Sun King” (1638 -1715)

27. Ludwig van BeethovenGerman composer (1770 -1827)

28. Ulysses S. Grant– 18th President of the United States (1822-1885)

29. Leonardo da VinciItalian artist and inventor (1452 – 1519)

31. Carl Linnaeus- Swedish biologist, father of taxonomy - classification of flora and fauna

32. Ronald Reagan– 40th President of the United States (1911-2004)

33. Charles Dickens– English novelist (1812 -1870)

34. Apostle Paul– Christian apostle (5 AD – 67 AD)

35. Benjamin Franklin– founding father of the USA, scientist (1706 – 1790)

36. George W. Bush– 43rd President of the United States (1946 -)

37. Winston Churchill– Prime Minister of Great Britain (1874 -1965)

38. Genghis Khan– founder of the Mongol Empire (1162 – 1227)

39. Charles I– King of England (1600 -1649)

40. Thomas Edison– inventor of the light bulb and phonograph (1847 -1931)

41. James I– King of England (1566 -1625)

42. Friedrich Nietzsche– German philosopher (1844-1900)

43. Franklin D. Roosevelt– 32nd President of the United States (1882-1945)

44. Sigmund Freud- Austrian neurologist, creator of psychoanalysis (1856 -1939)

45. Alexander Hamilton- Founding Father of the USA (1755 -1804)

46. Mahatma Gandhi– Indian national leader (1869-1948)

47. Woodrow Wilson– 28th President of the United States (1856 – 1924)

48. Johann Sebastian Bach– German composer (1685 -1750)

49. Galileo Galilei– Italian physicist and astronomer (1564 -1642)

50. Oliver Cromwell– Lord Protector of England (1599 – 1658)

51. James Madison- 4th President of the USA (1751 -1836)

52. Guatama Buddha– central figure in Buddhism (563 -483 BC)

53. Mark TwainAmerican writer (1835 -1910)

54. Edgar Alan Poe– American writer (1809 -1849)

55. Joseph Smith- American religious leader, founder of Mormonism (1805 -1844)

56. Adam Smith– economist (1723 -1790)

57. David– biblical king of Israel, founder of Jerusalem (1040 -970 BC)

58. George III– King of Great Britain (1738 – 1820)

59. Immanuel Kant– German philosopher, author of “Critique of Pure Reason” (1724 -1804)

60. James Cook– explorer and discoverer of Hawaii and Australia (1728 -1779)

61. John Adams– Founding Father and 2nd President of the United States (1735 -1826)

62. Richard Wagner– German composer (1813 -1883)

63. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky– Russian composer (1840 -1893)

64. VoltaireFrench philosopher educator (1694 -1778)

65. Apostle Peter– Christian apostle (? - 67 AD)

66. Andrew Jackson– 7th President of the USA (1767 -1845)

67. Constantine the Great– Roman emperor, first Christian emperor (272 -337)

68. Socrates– Greek philosopher (469 -399)

69. Elvis Presley– “King of Rock and Roll” (1935 -1977)

70. Wilgelm the conqueror- King of England, Norman conqueror (1027 -1087)

71. John F. Kennedy– 35th President of the United States (1917 -1963)

72. Aurelius Augustine- Christian theologian (354 -430)

73. Vincent van Gogh– post-impressionist artist (1853 -1890)

74. Nikolay Kompernik– astronomer, author of heliocentric cosmology (1473 -1543)

75. Vladimir Lenin- Soviet revolutionary, founder of the USSR (1870 -1924)

76. Robert Edward Lee– American military leader (1807 -1870)

77. Oscar Wilde- English writer and poet (1854 -1900)

78. Charles II– King of England (1630 -1685)

79. Cicero– Roman politician and orator, author of “On the State” (106 -43 BC)

80. Jean-Jacques Rousseau– philosopher (1712 -1778)

81. Francis Bacon- English scientist, founder of empiricism (1561 -1626)

82. Richard Nixon– 37th President of the United States (1913 -1994)

83. Louis XVI– King of France, executed during the French Revolution (1754 -1793)

84. Charles V– Holy Roman Emperor (1500 -1558)

85. King Arthur– mythical king of Great Britain in the 6th century

86. Michelangelo- Italian Renaissance sculptor (1475 -1564)

87. Philip II– King of Spain (1527 -1598)

88.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe– German writer and thinker (1749 -1832)

89. Ali ibn Abu Talib– caliph and central figure in Sufism (598 -661)

90. Thomas Aquinas– Italian theologian (1225 -1274)

91. John Paul II– 20th century pope (1920 – 2005)

92. Rene Descartes– French philosopher (1596 -1650)

93. Nikola Tesla– inventor (1856 -1943)

94. Harry S. Truman– 33rd President of the United States (1884 -1972)

95. Joan of Arc- French heroine, canonized (1412 -1431)

96. Dante Alighieri- Italian poet, author Divine Comedy" (1265 -1321)

97. Otto von Bismarck– first chancellor and unifier of modern Germany (1815 -1898)

98. Grover Cleveland– 22nd and 24th President of the United States (1837 -1908)

99. John Calvin– French Protestant theologian (1509 – 1564)

100. John Locke- English philosopher of the Enlightenment (1632 -1704)

The names of some people - representatives of the most different professions and types of activity - are associated in our minds with incredible fame and success. We call them first if we are asked to answer the question of who is the most famous, influential person in economics, art, politics, etc. The most famous people world - this list is not subject to final compilation, because each of us has our own priorities and views on life. However, you can't argue with some people's fame.

The most famous people in art


At the dawn of cinema, Charlie Chaplin became its superstar. The comedian's career spanned a total of 80 years.

Chaplin was the founder of his own film studio, a theater and silent film star, one of the creative pillars of silent cinema, the developer of most of the tricks and comic techniques filming and witness the change from the silent era to the sound era. Chaplin twice received an out-of-competition Oscar, and in 1973 the Film Academy posthumously awarded him another statuette with the wording “For making cinema an art.”

Everyone knows the image of Chaplin - a clumsy eccentric in a bowler hat and with a painted mustache. It’s hard to believe that he was completely different without makeup.


Walt Disney is a cult figure like Chaplin, only in animation. As an animation director, Disney directed 111 films with his own hands and produced more than 500 more. It is impossible to imagine childhood without “Snow White”, “Bambi”, “Sleeping Beauty”, these films are so bright, so light and kind they are.

Today the earnings of the studio “The Walt Disney Company" exceeds $30 billion a year, but before founding the studio, Disney received more than 300 refusals, because animation was considered a hopeless area of ​​​​investment.

Wald Disney and the brainchildren of his employees - Mickey, Donald and Goofy


Marilyn Monroe is an actress, a sex symbol of the era, a woman whose name everyone puts in their personal list of the most interesting, beautiful and mysterious women.

Having entered the film studio as an extra, Monroe made a dizzying career and became the most highly paid actress from 1950 until the end of the century. Her films had grossed $200 million by the time she died suddenly in 1962. The legendary blonde acquired condescension towards her own fame and contempt for money, repeating that kisses in Hollywood cost millions, but a soul costs 50 cents.

Most Famous Artist

Vincent Van Gogh is an artist whose influence throughout world culture was only appreciated after his death. During his lifetime, Van Gogh sold only one painting, and the room where he painted was so cold that he was sometimes forced to light the stove with his paintings.

Van Gogh's 800 paintings, which were ahead of their time in terms of art development, became examples of post-impressionism. The artist spent his whole life trying to copy the child’s style of drawing, and eventually created sincere, spontaneous paintings, the most expensive of which today costs almost $150 million.

Self-portrait of Van Gogh


Unconditionally, the palm in politics should be awarded to the most famous dictator, Adolf Hitler, whose name is involuntarily associated with world evil.

A very talented artist and a good musician could have lived a life completely far from politics, but in his youth he became interested in the political views of nationalists and anti-Semites.

Based on his belief in the special mission of the German nation, Hitler built his own empire and became its head in 1934. Hitler began to take over all of Europe and launched the largest and bloodiest war in human history - World War II. Hitler's main political postulates are reflected in the book Mein Kampf, which became the program document of the Nationalist Party.

The most famous athlete

Michael Jordan is an American basketball player, NBA player, who instilled a love of basketball in most modern athletes. Jordan is not the tallest or the most gifted, but he is the most ambitious and persistent athlete. Expelled from the school basketball league, the young athlete was able to achieve the status of a basketball superstar and, through many years of training, developed a unique style of play.

He is known for ending his sports career and returning three times: the first time at the end of the 1992 Olympics due to moral and physical exhaustion (returned to the NBA in 1995); the second break was in 1999-2001; Jordan returned to professional sports for the third time in September 2001, wanting to transfer all the fees he received to a fund to help victims of the terrorist attack in the United States.

Jordan's accomplishments barely fit on the marble plaque at the United Center.

At times, Jordan played with his tongue involuntarily sticking out, saying that this habit was “in the family”, from his father and older brother, and was an expression of complete passion and concentration on the game.

Literary creativity

They say that a writer must be hungry in order not to relax and create. Perhaps, in this regard, in the “literature” section it is appropriate to mention the name of the writer JK Rowling as a woman recognized as a genius and the highest paid children’s writer. It's hard to believe that the most popular hero, Harry Potter, could not be seen by either readers or audiences in cinemas.

The first book about Harry Potter was rejected by more than 10 publishers, but today the image of the young wizard has turned into a brand, and its creator has become the world's first billionaire writer.

The science

A prominent figure in science, whose scientific research turned the world upside down, is Albert Einstein. The achievements of the theoretical physicist were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1921, and to this day Einstein’s theories about the structure of the universe have not been challenged or supplemented.

Einstein foresaw several major breakthroughs in physics, including the still unrealized possibility of quantum teleportation.


The most famous media person can be considered the American TV presenter and journalist Oprah Winfrey. The personification of a modern talk show and synonymous with a show journalist, the most influential woman for American women, the first black female billionaire, media mogul with her own studio, publication, and broadcast is Winfrey.

She went through a difficult journey from a teenage girl who gave birth at age 13, to the youngest, 17-year-old television reporter and the first black reporter in the state of Nashville, to her own show, which brought her worldwide fame.

The most famous people in the world - they all went through a difficult path, full of failures and hard work, proving by personal example that luck alone is not enough to win and you need to move forward, despite the lack of money, strength, support, even the very desire to live. Their examples inspire or, on the contrary, serve as anti-examples, but the names famous artists, writers, leaders will be a symbol of the era for a long time.

Saturday, September 30, 2017 18:53 + to quote book

One hundred living geniuses- a list compiled by the consulting company Creators Synectics and published by the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph on October 28, 2007.

The initial basis of the list was compiled through a survey: by email, 4,000 Britons were asked to name 10 contemporaries they considered geniuses, whose merits turned out to be the most valuable for humanity. Around 600 responses were received, naming around 1,100 people (of which two thirds were from the UK and US).

The firm emailed 4,000 Britons, asking each to name up to 10 living candidates for the title of genius. As a result, 1100 names were obtained. The commission then compiled a list out of 100 people, who were assessed by five parameters - contribution to changing the system of beliefs, social recognition, intellectual power, value of scientific achievements and cultural significance. As a result, Albert Hofmann and Tim Berners-Lee, who shared first place, received 27 points out of a possible 50.

"Saint Hofmann" - painting by Alex Gray

Almost quarter included in the list" 100 living geniuses"made up British. Per share Americans have to 43 places on the list. Which is not surprising, since they were not interviewing Chinese or Russians.
Nevertheless, three Russians also found a place on the list. These are Perelman, Kasparov and Kalashnikov. One even managed to get into the top ten.

100 most brilliant people of our time hundred_living_geniuses

So here is this List. Top 10 first!

1-2.Tim Berners-Lee, Great Britain. Computer Scientist

An Oxford graduate and computer scientist, he is the author of the HTTP protocol and the HTML language.
In 1989 Berners-Lee offered a global hypertext project that laid the foundation for the creation of the World Wide Web, the Internet!

3. George Soros, USA. Investor and philanthropist
An outstanding financier and speculator, whose enormous resources allowed him to organize a number of attacks on the national currencies of Great Britain and Asian countries.

IN Lately retired from business and is actively involved in charitable activities through the organization " Open Society" And charities in 25 countries.

4.Matt Groening, USA. Satirist and cartoonist
Author and producer, became famous thanks to the satirical animated series "The Simpsons" and "Futurama".

The Simpson family and the fictional town of Springfield first appeared on television in 1987. Since then, the popularity of the series has not waned, and in 2007 a full-length version of the cartoon was released on movie screens.

5-6. Nelson Mandela, South Africa. Politician and diplomat

Human rights fighter, Nobel Peace Prize laureate in 1993, fought for a long time at the head of the African National Congress against apartheid in South Africa, and spent 28 years in prison. From 1994 to 1999 he served as president of the country. Currently actively supports the fight against AIDS.

Frederick Sanger, Great Britain. Chemist
Graduate of Cambridge University, biochemist, Nobel Prize laureate.

He is known for his work on insulin, which made it possible to obtain it synthetically, and for his research in the field of DNA.

Dario Fo, Italy. Writer and playwright

Theater figure, winner of the 1997 Nobel Prize in Literature. In his work he combined propaganda satire with the traditions of medieval theater. Author of the works "Mystery-bouffe" (1969), "Accidental Death of an Anarchist" (1970), "Knock-Knock! Who's There? Police" (1974), "If you can't pay, don't pay" (1981).

Stephen Hawking, Great Britain. Physicist
One of the most famous theoretical physicists of our time, a specialist in cosmology and quantum gravity.

Being practically paralyzed, Hawking continues to engage in scientific and popularization activities. Bestselling author " Short story time".

Oscar Niemeyer, Brazil. Architect
One of the founders of the modern Brazilian school of architecture, a pioneer of reinforced concrete construction.

Since 1957 he has been developing new capital country - the city of Brazil, participated in the design of the UN headquarters in New York.

Philip Glass, USA. Composer

Minimalist composer, performer. He became known to the general public after creating the soundtrack for Godfrey Reggio's film "Koyaniskazzi". He also wrote music for the films “The Truman Show”, “The Illusionist”, “The Hours”, and music for the opening of the 2004 Olympics in Athens.

Grigory Perelman, Russia. Mathematician

Scientist from St. Petersburg proved the Poincaré conjecture, formulated back in 1904. His discovery was considered the most significant scientific achievement 2006. Despite this, the reclusive Russian refused the million-dollar prize and the highest award in the mathematical world - Fields's awards.
And the rest of the geniuses:

12-14. Andrew Wiles (mathematician, UK) - proved Fermat's Last Theorem - 20
12-14. Li Hongzhi (spiritual leader, China) - Created religious organization Falun Gong is a mixture of Buddhism and Taoism with elements of qigong health gymnastics.
12-14. Ali Javan (engineer, Iran) - Engineer, one of the creators of the world's first gas laser using a mixture of helium and neon.

15-17. Brian Eno (composer, UK) -19 Invented ambient music - musical genre with elements of jazz, new age, electronic music, rock, reggae, ethnomusic and noise. 19
15-17. Damien Hirst (artist, UK) - One of the most expensive painters of our time. Death is a central theme in his works. The most famous series is Natural History: dead animals in formaldehyde.
15-17. Daniel Tammet (savant and linguist, UK) - Encyclopedist and linguist works with numbers faster than a computer. You can learn any foreign language in a few hours.

18. Nicholson Baker (writer, USA) - A novelist whose writing focuses on the narrator's flow of thought.
19. Daniel Barenboim (musician, Israel) - 17 Pianist and conductor. He has received many awards, including for various recordings.
20-24. Robert Crumb (writer and artist, USA) - 16 Greeting card artist, music connoisseur. He gained worldwide fame for his underground comics.
20-24. Richard Dawkins (biologist and philosopher, UK) - 16 Leading evolutionary biologist. The terms that first appeared in his books became widespread.
20-24. Sergey Brin and Larry Page (founders of Google, USA) - 16
20-24. Rupert Murdoch (publisher and media tycoon, USA) - 16 Founder and head of News Corporation. Under his control are media, film companies and book publishing houses in the USA, Great Britain, Australia and other countries.
20-24. Geoffrey Hill (poet, UK) - 16 Poet, translator. He became famous for his unusual “corporate” style - the language of advertising, mass media and political “rhetoric”.

25. Garry Kasparov (chess player, Russia) - 15
Garry Kimovich Kasparov is considered one of the strongest chess players of all time.

At 22, he became the youngest world champion in history and defended the title several times. In 2005, the grandmaster announced the end of his sports career and became involved in social and political activities. Currently he heads the United Civil Front organization and criticizes the current Russian government and president.
26-30. Dalai Lama (spiritual leader, Tibet) – 14
A spiritual leader who, according to legend, is the reincarnation of the endless suffering of all Buddhas. Combines the title of king and head of Tibetan Buddhism.

26-30. Steven Spielberg (film director, screenwriter and producer, USA) - 14
Director, producer, screenwriter. At the age of 12, he won an amateur film competition, presenting a 40-minute film about the war, “Escape to Nowhere” (1960).

26-30. Hiroshi Ishiguro (robotician, Japan) – 14
Roboticist. Created a robot guide for the blind. In 2004 presented the most perfect android, similar to a person. Known as one of the creators of the Aktroid, Geminoid, Kodomoroid, Telenoid series of robots.

One of the versions of these robots completely replicates the appearance of the creator himself and replaces him during lectures.

26-30. Robert Edwards (physiologist, UK) – 14
Robert Edwards (Great Britain). In 1977, he was the first in the world to carry out fertilization of human germ cells outside the body and transfer the resulting embryo to the future mother. Louise Brown was born 9 months later
26-30. Seamus Heaney (poet, Ireland) - 14
Each of the poet's books became a bestseller. In 1995 he received the Nobel Prize in Literature

31. Harold Pinter (writer and playwright, UK) - 13
In his performances, the actors use colloquial vocabulary and play tramps and hard workers.
32-39. Flossie Wong-Staal (biotechnologist, China) - 12
Biologist-virologist. She became the first researcher to decipher the structure of the immune deficiency virus (HIV), which causes AIDS.

32-39. Robert Fischer (chess player, USA) - 12

Bobby Fischer, at age 14, became the youngest US chess champion in the country's history.
32-39. Prince (singer, USA) - 12 The Western press called the singer the most unsinkable musician in history. For more than 20 years, his songs have enjoyed constant popularity.
32-39. Henryk Górecki (composer, Poland) - 12 Known for his unique style of music, which critics call vitally explosive.
32-39. Noam Chomsky (philosopher and linguist, USA) - 12 Philologist and linguist. His father was a Jew of Ukrainian descent.
32-39. Sebastian Thrun (robotician, Germany) - 12 Created unmanned vehicles that reached speeds of up to 60 km/h.

32-39. Nima Arkani-Hamed (physicist, Canada) - 12th Physicist. He states that our three-dimensional island-universe floats inside the fourth dimension, commensurate with the macrocosm
32-39. Margaret Turnbull (astrobiologist, USA) – 12
Studies the principles of the birth of stars, galaxies and universes.
40-42. Elaine Pagels (historian, USA) - 11 Historian - author of books exploring alternative scriptures rejected by the church. The most famous is the Gnostic Gospels.
40-42. Enrique Ostrea (doctor, Philippines) - 11 Pediatrician and neonatologist. Known for many studies, in particular how drugs and alcohol affect the baby in the womb.
40-42. Gary Becker (economist, USA) – 11
Economist. Advocates investment in human capital
43-48. Muhammad Ali (boxer, USA) - 10
One of the most famous boxers in the history of the sport. I came up with the tactical scheme “Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.”

43-48. Osama bin Laden (Islamist, Saudi Arabia) - 10 Leader of the Islamic terrorist organization Al-Qaeda. Terrorist #1 in the world. The reward on his head exceeded $50 million.

43-48. Bill Gates (creator of Microsoft Corporation, USA) - 10 Richest person on Earth.

43-48. Philip Roth (writer, USA) - 10 Received the most prestigious awards in America, including the Pulitzer. His novel The Plot Against America became a bestseller.
43-48. James West (physicist, USA) - 10 Inventor of the electret condenser microphone, which does not require a voltage source.
43-48. Vo Dinh Tuan (biologist and physician, Vietnam) - 10 Invented several diagnostic devices (in particular, an optical scanner) capable of detecting DNA damage.
49-57. Brian Wilson (musician, USA) - 9
The genius of rock music. He led the Beach Boys until he became addicted to drugs. But he managed to overcome his addiction.
49-57. Stevie Wonder (singer and composer, USA) - 9 Singer and songwriter, blind from birth. At the age of 10 he signed his first music contract, and at 12 he released his debut album.
49-57. Vinton Cerf (Internet protocol developer, USA) - 9 Computer scientist. One of the “fathers” of the Internet.

49-57. Henry Kissinger (diplomat and politician, USA) - 9 Winner of the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize for his unquestioned authority in the field of international relations.

49-57. Richard Branson (businessman, UK) - 9 Billionaire, founder of the Virgin corporation. Known for his repeated attempts to break world speed records.
49-57. Pardis Sabeti (geneticist, anthropologist, Iran) - 9 Received a degree in biology with a PhD in anthropology at Oxford. Specializes in genetics.
49-57. John de Mol (media magnate, Netherlands) - 9 Producer, TV magnate. He came up with the idea of ​​​​creating the most popular reality show “Big Brother”.
49-57. Meryl Streep (actress, USA) - 9

Hollywood calls her the best actress of her generation. She was nominated for an Oscar 12 times and received two gold statuettes.

49-57. Margaret Atwood (writer, Canada) - 9 Invented the LongPen electronic device, which allows her to sign copies of her books without leaving home.
58-66. Placido Domingo ( Opera singer, Spain) - 8 World famous opera tenor. He is fluent in conducting and piano.
58-66. John Lasseter (animator, USA) is the creative leader of Pixar studio. He is called a solitary artist, and his style is compared to the late Walt Disney.
58-66. Shunpei Yamazaki (computer monitor developer, Japan) - 8 Computer scientist and physicist. The most prolific inventor in history- owner of more 1700 patents!

58-66. Jane Goodall (anthropologist, UK) - 8 Ethologist, primatologist and anthropologist. After living with mountain gorillas for several years, she became the founder of an original method for studying the life of chimpanzees.
58-66. Kirti Narayan Chowdhury (historian, India) - 8 Historian, writer and graphic artist. He is the only historian from South Asia to be accepted into the British Academy.
58-66. John Goto (photographer, UK) - 8 Photographer. He was the first to use Photoshop to process his photographs.
58-66. Paul McCartney (musician, UK) – 8

Rock musician, singer and composer, one of the founders The group Beatles. Wrote the most commercially successful single Hey Jude and the hit Yesterday.

58-66. Stephen King (writer, USA) - 8 Writer, works in the genres: horror, thriller, fantasy, mysticism. The universally recognized “king of horror.”

58-66. Leonard Cohen (poet and musician, Canada) - 8 Patriarch of folk rock. He published several novels and poetry collections, earning a solid literary name
67-71. Aretha Franklin (singer, USA) - 7 Black singer. She is called the "Queen of Soul". She has released two dozen records and received two Grammy awards.
67-71. David Bowie (musician, UK) - 7 Rock musician, producer, audio engineer, composer, artist, actor. Became famous in the 1970s with the advent of glam rock.
67-71. Emily Oster (economist, USA) - 7 Became the first researcher to compare data on the persecution of witches with weather conditions in the 16th and 17th centuries.

67-71. Stephen Wozniak (computer developer, co-founder of Apple, USA) - 7

Considered one of the fathers of the personal computer revolution.

67-71. Martin Cooper (engineer, inventor of the cell phone, USA) - 7

In 1973, the first call was made from the streets of New York.
But mobile phones only became truly widespread in 1990 year.

72-82. George Lucas (director, USA) - 6 He directed the television epic "Star Wars". Fans around the world still live by the principles underlying the fictional Jedi philosophy.
72-82. Nile Rodgers (musician, USA) - 6 Elite studio musician. This black guitarist, composer and producer is considered a master of disco-pop.
72-82. Hans Zimmer (composer, Germany) - 6 Known for his music for many films, for example, "Rain Man". He was the first to use a combination of orchestral and electronic music.

72-82. John Williams (composer, USA) - 6 Five-time Oscar winner. He wrote music for the films “Jaws”, Superman”, “Jurassic Park”, “Star Wars”, “Harry Potter” and others.
72-82. Annette Beyer (philosopher, New Zealand) — 6 Made a significant contribution to the development of feminist philosophy.
72-82. Dorothy Rowe (psychologist, Australia) - 6 Gives an explanation of depression and shows how to get out of this condition: “Take your life into your own hands!”
72-82. Ivan Marchuk (artist, sculptor, Ukraine) - 6 Created a unique style of painting - weaving.

72-82. Robin Escovado (composer, USA) - 6 Supporter of the French school. In recent decades, he wrote music exclusively for the choir chapel.
72-82. Mark Dean (computer developer, USA) - 6 Invented a device that made it possible to control a modem and a printer at the same time.
72-82. Rick Rubin (musician and producer, USA) - 6 Co-owner of Columbia Records. MTV named him the most powerful producer of the last 20 years.
72-82. Stan Lee (writer, publisher, USA) - 6 Publisher and lead writer of Marvel Comics magazine. Started the X-Men comic book series.

83-90. David Warren (engineer, Australia) - 5 Created the world's first emergency flight information recorder, the so-called black box for aircraft.
83-90. Jun Fosse (writer, playwright, Norway) - 5 Became famous after writing the play “And We Will Never Separate.”
83-90. Gertrude Schnakenberg (poetess, USA) - 5 Representative of the feminist movement in modern poetry. Writes about universal human values.

83-90. Graham Linehan (writer, playwright, Ireland) - 5 Wrote scripts for many television comedies. Known as the screenwriter of the TV series Father Ted.
83-90. JK Rowling (writer, UK) - 5 Children's writer, author of the Harry Potter novels. They brought her worldwide fame and a fortune of $1 billion.