Legal wife of Alexander Lebedev. Alexander Lebedev: from intelligence officer to bankers

Alexander Evgenievich Lebedev - philanthropist, businessman, politician, owner of the National Reserve Bank and a number of British newspapers, including the Independent. Doctor of Economic Sciences, the topic of the dissertation is “Financial globalization in the context of problems of global, regional and national (Russian) development.”

Alexander Lebedev was born in Moscow on December 16, 1959. His father, Evgeniy Nikolaevich, is a professor, Doctor of Science, and after graduating from the Bauman Moscow Higher Technical University, he devoted his entire life to teaching. In his youth, he was professionally involved in sports, played for the USSR national water polo team, was awarded the title “Honored Master of Sports”, and was friends with the famous football goalkeeper Lev Ivanovich Yashin. Mother - Maria Sergeevna - after graduating from a pedagogical institute in Moscow, she worked as a rural teacher on Sakhalin, then taught English at a university.

In 1977, Alexander entered the Faculty of Economics of MGIMO, where he studied in depth the global monetary and financial system, paying special attention to the problems of international debt obligations.

In 1982, after completing his studies at MGIMO, A. E. Lebedev was assigned to the Institute of Economics of the World Socialist System, where he began writing his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Debt problems and challenges of globalization.” However, he was soon asked to go to work for the Foreign Intelligence Service, where Alexander Lebedev worked until 1992, working, in particular, on issues of preventing capital flight abroad.

Having retired to the reserve with the rank of lieutenant colonel, Alexander Evgenievich decided to go into financial business and created his first brainchild - the Russian Investment and Financial Company (RIFK). In 1995, RIFK acquired the small and troubled National Reserve Bank (NRB). In 2 years it has become one of the largest financial institutions in the country.

NRB, along with Alfa Bank, are the only ones of the country's 10 leading private banks that survived the August 1998 crisis.

According to 2011 data, the National Reserve Bank is one of the top thirty leaders in the Russian banking system and is one of the most stable and reliable Russian banks, enjoying the trust of domestic and foreign investors.

The NRB is the core of the National Reserve Corporation (NRC) created on its basis.

NRK is one of the first large financial and industrial groups in Russia, focused not on making a profit from the exploitation of natural resources, but on financing high-tech industries and social sector enterprises.

In its investment policy, the corporation strives, first of all, to provide support to those industries whose development has a beneficial effect not only on national economy, but also in the social sphere. Among the priorities is implementation investment projects in the aviation industry and air transportation, in energy, in agriculture, in telecommunications, in construction, mortgages and housing and communal services.

NRC is actively developing its business not only in Russia, but also abroad. Among its assets are Energobank and the European Insurance Alliance in Ukraine, and the aircraft leasing company Alpstream in Switzerland. The largest resort and recreational complex has been built and is operating in Crimea.

In 2003 Alexander Lebedev took part in the elections for the mayor of Moscow and in the elections of deputies State Duma. First test of strength in the presidential elections executive power capital was successful - Lebedev won about 13% of the votes.

Following the parliamentary elections, Alexander Evgenievich was elected to the State Duma.

In this field, he became one of the most active legislators, introducing dozens of bills into parliament aimed at:

    increasing information openness and responsibility of government authorities;

    formation of an affordable housing market and development of the Russian aviation industry;

    reforming the judicial system and the law enforcement system (in terms of eliminating the accusatory bias, reducing administrative and financial pressure on Russian courts and law enforcement agencies at all levels, improving the institution of cooperation with investigators, etc.);

    reduction of privileges of officials at various levels (legislative prohibition of special signals, special numbers and special coupons on cars, etc.);

    tightening of penalties for the sale of tobacco and alcoholic beverages to minors;

After the end of his term as a deputy in 2007, Alexander Lebedev returned to business. At the same time, he devotes a significant part of his time to public activities, being the president of the National Investment Council, the International Institute for World Development and the Center for Integration Problems of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. As a shareholder of Novaya Gazeta, A. Lebedev supports the publication, which has become a symbol of independent journalism in Russia. Together with the Memorial Society, A. Lebedev began implementing a project to build a Museum and Memorial Complex to the Victims of the Gulag based on the design of Ernst Neizvestny. In the fall of 2010, together with former president USSR Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, he was one of the founders of the “Civil Dialogue” forum, designed to accumulate initiatives of civil society.

Alexander Lebedev considers free media one of the most important institutions democratic society. As the head of the New Media holding and a shareholder of Novaya Gazeta, he supports the publication, which has become a symbol of independent investigative journalism in Russia. A. Lebedev is also the publisher of the British newspapers The London Evening Stadard, The Independent, The Independent on Sunday and “i”.

At the same time, Alexander Lebedev is active in charitable activities, being the president of the Charitable Reserve Fund (CRF) and the founder of the international foundation named after Raisa Gorbacheva. With the funds allocated by him, the largest children's oncology clinic in Russia was built in St. Petersburg, and the treatment of children in the Russian Oncology Center was financed. scientific center them. Blokhin, purchases of medical equipment and internships of Russian doctors in the world's leading clinics are carried out.

Alexander Lebedev cooperates with the Russian Orthodox Church and provides support for its pastoral and missionary activities. The charitable reserve fund helps the Holy Trinity Lavra, the Sretensky Stavropegial Monastery, the Holy Trinity Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery, and finances the restoration of the Spaso-Yakovlevsky and Assumption Cathedrals of Rostov the Great. With the funds of the NRC, a 65-meter lighthouse temple of St. was erected in the village of Malorechenskoye near Alushta. Nicholas of Myra, which has already become one of the attractions of Crimea.

Thanks to the support of Alexander Evgenievich Lebedev, the Theater and House-Museum of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov in Yalta was restored, he helps the Theater-Workshop of Pyotr Fomenko, the Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov, the Center opera singing Galina Pavlovna Vishnevskaya. The Charitable Reserve Fund, together with the New World magazine, presents the writer's prize to them. Yuri Pavlovich Kazakov.

With funds from the foundation, a monument to Osip Mandelstam was erected in Voronezh. The BRF implements international projects aimed at supporting and disseminating the Russian language and culture outside of Russia. As part of this activity, a center was opened in the vicinity of Paris Russian culture Château des Forgets, which in the future will become part of the network of “Russian houses in Europe”.

The monument to Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov was restored in Switzerland using the funds of the National Republic of Belarus, and the “Sorrowful” monument was erected in London - a sign of memory of the citizens of the USSR who died during the Second World War.

For active social and charitable activities, Alexander Lebedev was awarded the medal of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, II degree, the Order of Ukraine “For Merit”, III degree, the Order of St. Innocent of Moscow Russian Orthodox Church, the Order of St. Prince Vladimir of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate and the UNESCO medal “Dialogue of Cultures”.

IN Lately The popularity of the famous oligarch Alexander Lebedev has noticeably weakened: he practically dropped out of the media news that supported interest in him. The fight on television with businessman Sergei Polonsky is a thing of the past, and even the threat of bringing the “anti-corruption fighter” to trial by the “evil” state does not meet with the same enthusiasm in the Western media.

On his website, Alexander Lebedev reports that VEB is not yet considering purchasing the share of the United Aircraft Corporation in the leasing company Ilyushin Finance, and comments on events that are foreign to him: pressure from the British on Rossia Today or the events of January 7 in France. He thinks about serious money, without the use of which “cool” things are impossible: “The terrorist must be prepared, armed, bought transport, organized delivery, provided with housing...”

However, the decline in interest in Alexander Lebedev, in our opinion, is natural. In the language of chess players, Lebedev is a bright “opening player” who starts the game well, but in the middlegame (middle of the game) begins to get bogged down in problems and comes to the endgame (end of the game) in not the best condition. Lebedev started all kinds of businesses: the National Reserve Bank and the National Reserve Corporation, Europe's largest potato production... Former Prosecutor General Yuri Skuratov, who observed the growth of Lebedev's banking business, explained his initial success by friendship with ex-Deputy Minister of Finance Andrei Vavilov, with whom the former The intelligence officer met while working in London. In 1995, for example, more than $600 million of budget money came to the NRB after a successful deal with Gazprom. But Lebedev immediately had problems as soon as his connection with his patrons was severed: as you know, Andrei Vavilov was caught stealing hundreds of millions of dollars from the state treasury.

Everyone remembers other initiatives of the “capitalist-idealist”: to build up Russia with ultra-cheap low-rise modular houses, to take off the aviation industry... As a result, those without apartments, deceived by their promises, wrote angry letters, and the aviation industry is still flapping the wings of a failed renewal. Now, using a link from Lebedev’s website “Dream House”, realtors are selling real estate in Bulgaria, Spain, France...

Now the National Reserve Bank is having friction with the law and has lost a lawsuit involving the payment of unpaid taxes, fines and penalties. The oligarch's affairs are so shaky that in 2012 Alexander Lebedev announced his intention to leave the Russian business and focus on public and publishing activities. But it doesn’t lay golden eggs either: the newspapers Evening Standard and The Independent, bought in Great Britain, draw in funds for maintenance.

The “campaign against Vyatka” ended in failure for the oligarch: having received a seat as a deputy of the local Duma in the elections in the Slobodsky district of the Kirov region, the billionaire was unable to jump from the regional springboard to the seat of a senator. From latest news: On December 1, 2014, as the oligarch writes in his blog, he washed his hair early and put on a formal suit, heading to the public reception of United Russia for a reception with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. But polite security officers turned him away: the oligarch was not on the list of citizens to talk with Medvedev...

Well, how can one not remember the characterization that Lebedev once gave Chief Editor site “” Elena Tokareva: “Banker Lebedev is a super-loser, a supervisor among losers!”

"Cinderella" from the dock

It seems that the most brilliant project of late for Alexander Lebedev was the “girl with a bad past” (as she is called in in social networks) - Elena Perminova, fashion model and defendant in a criminal case on the sale of narcotic ecstasy tablets, considered in 2007 by the Central Court of Novosibirsk.

Now the Internet is replete with tearful pages about how the father of a lost child addressed a letter to State Duma deputy Alexander Lebedev, how he heeded his father’s tearful request, and then fell in love with a young nymphet... Neither give nor take - a plot in the spirit of either Nabokov’s “ Lolita" or "Cinderella" by the Brothers Grimm! However, there are plenty of skeptics of the romantic version of Cinderella’s dad’s letter to the rich “daddy” from the State Duma: some media outlets suggest that Lebedev met the aspiring model Perminova, choosing her from the catalog of an elite escort agency.

There is reason for doubt: the Vyatka pensioner will naively ask Deputy Lebedev whether he really buys the intimate services of young Kirov women? Then a video will appear on the Internet in which a man who looks like the banker, the hope of the aviation industry, “communicates” with a Ukrainian prostitute in a Kyiv hotel. It is not surprising that the patronage of State Duma deputy Alexander Lebedev to a young girl from the city of Berdsk, Elena Perminova, was not understood by the public. Moreover, two parallel, sensational drug trials came together in the public consciousness - Elena Perminova (born in 1986) and mother five year old child Taisiya Osipova (born in 1984), who was ill diabetes mellitus. Although six times less narcotic substances were seized from Osipova’s house than Perminova’s, the baby’s mother was taken into custody. And Elena, with whom deputy Alexander Lebedev began to cohabitate, remained free until the trial, participated in modeling shoots, and by the time of the verdict she had become the Russian Playboy girl of the month.

Elena Perminova on the cover of a Novosibirsk magazine

As a result of Femida’s double standards, Taisiya Osipova was sentenced to 8 years in prison general regime, and Elena Perminova - to 6 years probation. And soon, in 2010, Alexander Lebedev’s lawyers, through the Basmanny District Court of Moscow, succeeded in clearing Perminova’s criminal record. Now the “girl with a bad past” decorates the life of the oligarch and lives the life of “ socialite”, around which journalists, photographers, fashion designers, makeup artists and VIPs are fussing...

He sees his brother-in-law from afar...

Now in new family oligarch Lebedev, judging only by reports in glossy magazines, consensus and reckless love. Nobody writes anymore about the deal between young Elena, who was in trouble, and a rich man 27 years older than her. Although previously they wrote a lot about the prudence of a 17-year-old nymphet, who, coveting a discount offered by a drug dealer when purchasing “products,” dragged her partner, 32-year-old Vitaly Kholodkov, into the drug business. During interrogations, in order to mitigate the sentence, the young lady handed over her first man to the police, blaming him, and agreed to cooperate with the investigation - in particular, she “participated in the control purchase of synthetic drugs from the drug dealer Karopetov.”

Elena Perminova

For Alexander Lebedev, such treachery of a thin Siberian girl was not an obstacle. “Like attracts like. Apparently, something seemed to family and friends,” they suggest on social networks. - We won’t speculate, but due to her public nature, the oligarch is promoting his new companion, in our opinion, like a business project. Losing popularity due to his fading business, he now flaunts himself in parties and in photographs next to the “style icon” he created...

Giving a blog commentary about the finances of terrorism, the oligarch is well aware of the power of money in any area. We do not presume to guess how much the campaign to create the image of Cinderella from the calculating model Elena Perminova, snatched from the clutches of drug dealers-villains, resulted in. Lively journalists, high-society columnists and bloggers in London - a whole army is mobilized to create a legend about two loving hearts and the irresistible fashionable style of model Perminova. But many Internet users do not consider Elena a beauty because of her unhealthy thinness (she has a hereditary weight problem), specific appearance and pathetic thin legs. “I have a desire to feed her!” - they sneer on the Internet.

Alexander Lebedev welcomes famous guests

However, a chorus of glamorous voices sings a rehearsed hosanna to the innocent lamb from Siberia, now living mainly in Britain: “Lena is the embodiment of everything she dreams of modern girl! She is the partner of businessman Alexander Lebedev, the mother of wonderful sons Nikita and Egor, a stylish model, presenter secular image life." Of course, one can discern the oligarch Lebedev’s desire to prolong the family line, because his son from his first marriage, 35-year-old Evgeny Lebedev, prefers gay parties in British rich houses. He even made himself a close friend of actor Kevin Spacey, a well-known regular at these kinds of parties, in order to get “higher up” in the London club of the “selected”.

Elena Perminova with her husband Alexander Lebedev

And with Elena Perminova, as they say gossips, the oligarch reached an agreement that “Elena gives birth to Alexander two children, and he, in turn, develops her modeling career. Perhaps for this reason they do not register their relationship, since they do not consider it a marriage in the honest sense of the word.”

It is also indicative how the billionaire used his common-law wife to withdraw assets from the National Reserve Corporation CJSC. Elena Perminova bought it there in February 2011 for 7.7 million rubles. real estate in Moscow on the street. Znamenka, 13 building 1, and seven months later, for almost 5 times more expensive, she sold this property to another subsidiary of her husband, LLC Management Company NRK Capital. Thus, the oligarch withdrew more than 28 million rubles from CJSC NRK. That is, for social life and blitz flashes of photographers on fashion shows Elena pays by participating in transactions, compared to which her crime with ecstasy tablets is a trifle.

We don’t know what’s behind the pink fairy tale about “Cinderella” by oligarch Lebedev, who created a personal brand out of a girl who, without blinking, sent her beloved man Vitaly Kholodkov and the dealer from whom she took drug pills to camp bunks for a total of 18 years... Judging by Because the fairy tale did not result in a legal marriage, the oligarch does not trust the calculating Elena the party girl, despite the three children born from him.

In a word, taking into account the fact that it is not sheep who have come together to live in London and other prestigious places, but hunters with a strong grip, the version “civil marriage is a deal” has the right to life. So far, the relationship between the losing popularity of the oligarch and the catwalk star Perminova (“nymphets in feathers and rhinestones in their hair” - according to Internet reviews) is in balance - like scales in a money changer’s shop, where everything is bouncing around. A romantic story“Cinderellas from Siberia” excites girls. We can say that Alexander Lebedev, always strong in opening moves, is making his debut in this almost virtual project. Although, sooner or later, you know, the endgame will always come...

Alexander Evgenievich Lebedev - Russian banker, head of the National Reserve Corporation, owner of large London printed publications Evening Standard, Independent, I Newspaper.

The future businessman was born on December 16, 1959 in the capital of the USSR. Father Evgeniy Nikolaevich taught at the Moscow Higher Technical School named after. Bauman optical physics, mother Maria Sergeevna - foreign languages at MGIMO. Son Alexander after graduating from advanced school in English, entered MGIMO at the Faculty of Economics. At the age of 23, Alexander got a job at the department of economics at the Institute of the World Social System.

Career in the USSR

A year later, Lebedev entered the KGB structure and studied at the Red Banner Institute. . As an undercover agent, Alexander Evgenievich worked in Soviet diplomatic missions European countries. In 1987, a young employee was sent to serve in the UK, where over the course of 4 years he acquired the necessary connections and acquaintances in the circles of foreign entrepreneurs. IN last years the existence of the Soviet Union, Lebedev's business partners become entrepreneurs, Oleg Boyko,.

With the fall of the Soviet system in the country, Alexander went into the reserve and began working in private business. Lebedev begins his entrepreneurial biography with work at the financial corporation Kompani Finansjer Tradison, whose offices were located in the former republics of the Soviet Union. Study of mechanisms market economy in fact, it allowed the young businessman to create his own “National Financial Company”. Two years later, the corporation became part of the National Reserve Bank, the leadership position of which was taken by Alexander Evgenievich. In 1999, under the chairmanship of the entrepreneur, the National Investment Council was created.


Being a major businessman, in the early 2000s Lebedev continues scientific activity. In 2003, a doctoral dissertation appeared from his pen, which was devoted to the topic of the impact of financial globalization on the Russian economy. In the same year, Alexander Evgenievich participated in the elections of the mayor of the capital as a candidate. He took third place in terms of the number of votes. A few months later, the entrepreneur entered the State Duma from the Rodina party. By established law The deputy does not have the right to engage in business, so he had to leave the post of head of the NRB. While serving in the State Duma, Alexander Evgenievich moved from his faction to the party " United Russia».

In the early 2000s, Lebedev supported the new government of Ukraine, counting on further business development in the neighboring state. Subsequently, the deputy stopped all ties with representatives of the new Ukrainian government. Alexander Evgenievich participates in the life of Muscovites, helping residents of the capital resolve issues related to illegal resettlement from their own homes.

Since 2007, Lebedev has become right hand speaker of the Federation Council, leader of the “A Just Russia” faction and even runs for the State Duma from this party. But for some reasons, Lebedev withdrew his candidacy, and a year later he left the leading party circle. In 2009, the entrepreneur became a candidate for the post of mayor of Sochi, but the election commission canceled his registration. In 2011, Lebedev became a deputy of the legislative assembly in the Kirov region, Slobodsky district.

Since 2008, Lebedev has registered the New Media holding on the basis of his own publishing house Novaya Gazeta. It includes the Moscow Correspondent newspaper, the Simple Radio and Good Songs radio stations. A year later, for a nominal fee, the tycoon acquired the British publications Evening Standard and The Independent. In 2009, Lebedev independently bankrupted his own airline Blue Wings, which operated in Germany, and merged it with the Russian Aeroflot.

Since 2009, the National Reserve Bank has been constantly subject to inspections initiated by the Central Bank. Control has strengthened since 2012 after NRB was appointed to the board of directors of Aeroflot. This entailed the sale of all assets of the airline in order to revive the activities of the financial institution.

Personal life

The entrepreneur is married for the second time. The first wife, Natalya Sokolova, worked as a microbiologist; her father, Vladimir Sokolov, was known in the USSR as a biologist and member of the Academy of Sciences. In his first marriage, in 1980, Lebedev had a son, Evgeniy. When Alexander Evgenievich was appointed representative of the diplomatic mission in London, Lebedev moved his family there. Since then, Evgeniy has lived in the UK permanently. The young man got there higher education economist. After graduating from the university, Evgeniy was appointed executive director in English editions of Lebedev. Alexander Evgenievich’s first union fell apart in the late 90s, unable to withstand the test of distance.

For the second time, the entrepreneur entered into a relationship with a model who is 27 years younger than him. The oligarch met his future wife when he worked as a State Duma deputy. The father of Elena, who was involved in a drug scandal, approached Lebedev in the hope of Alexander Evgenievich’s help in the trial. Lebedev not only freed the young girl from persecution, proving her innocence, but also got Elena a job at a modeling agency, and then offered to live together. Despite the fact that the young people did not have a wedding, Alexander and Elena are still inseparable.

In 2009, Elena gave birth to her first child, Nikita, and 2 years later, her second son, Yegor. In 2014, the long-awaited beautiful daughter Arina appeared in the oligarch’s family. Elena spends a lot of time with children, not forgetting her profession. In 2011, the model received the position of editor-in-chief at the fashion publication ROR. Now Lebedev’s second family is also in the UK. The young mother runs her own page on Instagram, where she posts joint photos with her children, husband and friends. Elena Perminova pays a lot of attention appearance daughter, trying to raise her to be a real lady with good taste.


Thanks to the activities of the National Reserve Corporation holding, starting from the second half of the 90s, Alexander Lebedev’s income increased from several million to billions. In 2006, the value of the corporation’s securities amounted to $2 billion. At that time, the NRC included the assets of Aeroflot, Ilyushin Finance Co., National Meat Company, National Mortgage Company, NRB Finance, construction organizations.

This allowed the billionaire to rank 39th among the richest entrepreneurs in Russia in 2008, according to Forbes magazine. But due to the machinations of trusted people in the team and their betrayal, Lebedev lost most of his fortune, and his rating dropped to 183rd place. On this moment The businessman’s total savings are $400 million.

Alexander Lebedev is not active in business, but is focused on raising children. Together with his wife and children, the oligarch spends a lot of time on sea ​​coast. In London, the couple attend social events.

So, in November 2016, Alexander and Elena attended the Animal Ball charity evening, where James Middleton and his friend Donna Air, Princess Eugenie, also appeared in animalistic outfits. In March 2017, the Lebedevs attended the opening of the Longchamp flagship boutique in GUM in Moscow, as well as the Aquazzura party.

Lebedev Alexander Evgenievich (born December 16, 1959, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian businessman. Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC National Reserve Corporation, former MP State Duma of the Russian Federation. Owner of the British newspapers Independent and Evening Standard, as well as the license for the London Live satellite television channel. The largest private shareholder and investor of Novaya Gazeta. Doctor of Economic Sciences.

Graduated from Moscow special school No. 17 (in different time studied with and). In 1982 he graduated from MGIMO with a degree in international economic relations. In 1984 he graduated from the Red Banner Institute of the KGB of the USSR. In 2000 he defended his Ph.D. thesis. In 2003, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Financial globalization in the context of problems of global, regional and national (Russian) development.”

Member of the CPSU since 1979. In 1982-1983 he worked at the Institute of Economics of the World Socialist System of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1983-1992 he worked at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs and held various diplomatic posts (attaché, third and second secretary) in Russian embassies. Since 1987, he worked at the Soviet Embassy in Great Britain in the USSR Foreign Intelligence Residency. In 1993, together with the group former employees USSR Embassy in Great Britain founded the Russian Investment and Financial Company (RIFK JSC), where he took the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors. RIFK, as a founder, became part of the Imperial Bank, and Lebedev became the head of the bank’s foreign investment department.

In 1995-2004 - President and CEO JSCB National Reserve Bank (OJSC), the largest shareholder of which was Gazprom. Since 2002 - member of the board of directors of JSC Federal network company Unified Energy System" ("FGC UES"). In 2003, he took part in the elections for the mayor of Moscow as a candidate (received 12.35% of the votes). In the 2003 parliamentary elections, he headed the Moscow regional list of the Rodina bloc. Following the results of the parliamentary elections, Alexander Lebedev was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation. He joined the faction of the United Russia party. In 2007 he joined the A Just Russia party. In 2007, he sponsored the publication of the anti-Luzhkov newspaper “Moscow Correspondent” (closed due to the publication of a scandalous article about the close relationship of Vladimir Putin and).

Since 2008 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC National Reserve Corporation. In 2009, he acquired a controlling stake in the London newspaper The Evening Standard of the Daily Mail & General Trust holding company for the symbolic sum of 1 pound sterling. In 2010, for a symbolic 1 pound sterling, he purchased the British liberal-democratic newspaper The Independent. In 2011, he became a deputy of the Slobodskaya District Duma of the Kirov Region. In 2012, he got into a fight in live with the former owner of the development company Mirax. In July 2013, he was sentenced by the Ostankino Court in Moscow to 150 hours of compulsory labor in the case of beating Sergei Polonsky. Served time on repair work kindergarten and schools in the village of Popovka, Moscow region from November 26, 2013 to March 12, 2014.

Married for the second time. From his first marriage he has a son (Evgeniy, born in 1980, has lived in the UK since 1988, has British citizenship), from his second marriage he has sons Nikita (born in 2009), Egor (born in 2011) and daughter Arina (born in 2014).

One of the main characters last issue Tatler magazine became the son of Russian oligarch Alexander Lebedev, Evgeniy. The author of the material described the lifestyle of the famous rake with his luxurious parties, affairs with celebrities and expensive trips with his personal photographer.

The bearded dandy has lived in London since childhood and by the age of 34 heads the serious British newspapers The Independent and Evening Standard. In England, the Lebedevs are called “Lebs”, and Evgeniy is called the “baby oligarch”.

Despite the impressive “landing force” of the Russian oligarchy, which landed on the territory of England at different times, Evgeniy shuns the company of his fellow countrymen. He is disgusted with those who made their fortune from scratch: “The main thing for them is money. And nothing more. This is the combination: big money - and no education or aesthetic guidelines. That is, taste,” Tatler magazine quotes Evgeniy.

By the way, Lebedev himself can boast of a prestigious education: the oligarch has a London School of Economics behind him, and an art school diploma is gathering dust in his desk drawer auction house Christie's. His love for art resulted in a sculpture of a boy with a penis instead of a nose, decorating his office, a collection of five hundred aromatic oils and a bed early XIX century, on which, according to Eugene, George IV rested: “The Prince Regent, the future King George IV, must have had a good time frolicking on this bed.” Another quirk of the Russian rich man is the wolf named Boris who lives on his estate in Umbria.

When Eugene leaves England, he is accompanied by a personal photographer - by the way, half-brother of the now deceasedPrincess Diana. Every year the plane with Lebedev flies to Venice, to the grave Russian theatrical and artistic figure Sergei Diaghilev.

Another weakness of Lebedev Jr. is parties: the oligarch loves to party until the morning and throw luxurious receptions at home. An exceptional audience gathers for a glass or two: actress Keira Knightley, British Prime Minister David Cameron, London Mayor Boris Johnson and others.

Another Lebedev fetish is reading aloud in public. To help hone his oratory skills, Evgeniy was assigned a personal teacher of stage speech. So, together with his good friend, actor Danny Huston, Lebedev read Pinter’s play “The Return Home.”

In 2010, Eugene received British citizenship, on this occasion Elton John and his partner David Furnish threw a reception for five hundred people in the prestigious Royal Court of Justice in London. Evgeniy is almost associated with the pop music legend family relationships: Lebedev - Godfather son of Elton and David Zachary.

Lebedev was credited with novels with Geri Halliwell from the Spice Girls, Gillian Anderson from X-Files", Joely Richardson from 101 Dalmatians and Elizabeth Hurley. The oligarch’s friend, actor David Walliams, once said: “Everyone thought he was gay, but nothing like that!” Lebedev himself commented on rumors about his non-traditional sexual orientation: “If I were gay, I would announce it publicly.”