romantic love story in the story “Dubrovsky. “Romantic Love Story in Pushkin’s story “Dubrovsky” The story of the love story of Masha and Dubrovsky

>Works based on the work of Dubrovsky


Love in this work appears precisely when he is already halfway to retribution, and disrupts his plans. He knew Masha Troekurova since childhood, since their parents were friends. Moreover, the heroes had a lot in common. They lost early mother's love, were left early on their own and grew up alone, their fathers were colleagues and good friends. Only one thing distinguished them - material well-being. Maria's father was very rich, and Vladimir's father was one of the impoverished nobles.

It so happened that between these two respected people in the area, a shadow of doubt about good neighborly relations ran through. Since then they have not spoken to each other and were considered bitter enemies. This could not but affect their children. The conflict between the fathers undoubtedly left an imprint on the love stories of Vladimir and Maria, but the young people also had other principles that prevented them from being together. When Maria found out that her father wanted to marry her to the unpleasant Prince Vereisky, she, of course, expressed dissatisfaction.

In the depths of her soul, she hoped that Vladimir would interfere with this wedding, appear at the most necessary moment and cause a commotion. However, events turned out a little differently. Dubrovsky appeared only after the wedding ceremony was over. He and his armed friends blocked the path of the motorcade to free Masha, but the girl, brought up in strict principles, chose honor and a sense of duty. However, devotion to one’s words occupied an important place both in the life of Masha and in the life of Dubrovsky. He did not insist, but simply disappeared from view forever.

Vladimir was a brave and strong young man by nature, but his love for Masha Troekurova made him weak. For her sake, he even spared her father, although he was halfway to completing his revenge plan. Pushkin's story remained unfinished. The cruel landowner continued his tyranny, and the story of sincere love never received further development. Knowing that Pushkin was a writer and poet from God, one can notice that his works were full strong passions and subtle experiences. The story “Dubrovsky” is no exception in this sense.

Essay on the work of A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky" (6th grade)



Love of Masha and Dubrovsky.

On the pages of A.S. Pushkin’s story “Dubrovsky” I met two bright images-Masha Troekurova and Vladimir Dubrovsky.

Masha Troekurova lost her mother early, grew up alone in nature, was meek, sensitive and dreamy. When a young teacher came to the Troekurovs’ estate for Masha’s half-brother, he began giving music lessons to her too. Masha was captivated by his nobility, zeal and courage in the young teacher. She felt in young man your soul mate. Having soon learned that the teacher was Dubrovsky, a famous robber, Masha did not renounce him. Having learned about her father’s idea to marry her to an unloved but rich man, Masha decided to escape with Dubrovsky. But the escape was unsuccessful. When, after Troekurova’s wedding to Vereisky, Dubrovsky tried to free Marya Kirillovna, the young princess said that she was already married, she was the wife of another.

Vladimir Dubrovsky was a young nobleman, honest, fair, decent. Having learned about the cause of his father’s illness, Vladimir set out to take revenge. But a deep feeling was born in his heart. Seeing Troekurov's daughter Masha, Vladimir fell in love with her and recognized the house in which she lives as sacred and inviolable. Without knowing it, Marya Kirillovna saved her father from a terrible death.

It's all about morality, and a sense of duty, responsibility on which Masha and Vladimir grew up. Honor and duty are more important to them than love. This is their dignity. I am very sorry to Masha and Vladimir that they are forced to separate.

A wedding is taking place in a cold empty church. Masha Troekurova is married off to an unloved man much older than her. Neither the girl's tears nor her pleas touched her father's heart. Masha hoped for a miracle until the last minute. She waited: Dubrovsky was about to rush in and upset the wedding. The miracle did not happen, the ceremony was over. The young people got into the carriage and went to the estate of Prince Vereisky. Suddenly the horses stopped, the carriage door swung open, and a man in a half-mask turned to the young princess: “You are free, come out.” It was Dubrovsky. However, Masha shook her head and mournfully replied that she was now the wife of Prince Vereisky.

Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova lost their mothers early. They played together as children, and even then Masha promised to be a beauty. Vladimir was sent to be raised in St. Petersburg, and Masha grew up in front of her father’s eyes. The young people met under sad circumstances.

Vladimir left St. Petersburg and returned to his father’s estate when he learned that Andrei Garilovich was dying. To take revenge on Kirila Petrovich, Vladimir got a job in Troekurov’s house as the tutor of his son Sasha. Hiding under the name of the Frenchman Deforge, Vladimir had the opportunity to be close to Masha. Gradually, Masha realized that she was not indifferent to the young Frenchman. And then she received a note from him inviting her to come to the gazebo by the stream. Masha was waiting for recognition, and it came. Dubrovsky revealed to Masha that he was not the Frenchman Deforge, but the son of Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, worst enemy her father.

What kind of person was Masha Troekurova if she was able to so completely and completely capture the heart of a young and noble robber, a former student of the cadet corps Vladimir Dubrovsky? To say beautiful is not enough, because there are so many beauties around who hide a callous soul under the mask of impeccable appearance. In Marya Kirillovna, on the contrary, everything was harmonious. Having lost her mother early, she grew up alone in the lap of nature, and from childhood she absorbed the mysterious and mysterious stories of oral folk art, which abounded in the stories of the kind peasant nanny, and then tasting the sweetness of sentimental novels, which Masha, growing up, read, made her meek, sensitive and dreamy.

Marya Kirillovna revered her father, but did not find a friend and adviser in him, as is often the case between parents and children. Although Kirila Petrovich “loved her madly, he treated her with his characteristic waywardness, sometimes trying to please her slightest whims, sometimes frightening her with harsh and sometimes cruel treatment. Confident of her affection, he could never gain her trust.”

When a young teacher came to the Troekurovs’ estate for Masha’s half-brother and from time to time began giving music lessons to her, the girl soon found in him the hero of her novel. Masha was captivated by his nobility, zeal and especially his courage in the young teacher: “Her imagination was amazed: she saw a dead bear and Deforge calmly standing over him and calmly talking to her. She saw that courage and proud pride do not belong exclusively to one class...” From childhood, accustomed to seeing men in her house who were similar in behavior to their father: domineering, riotous, thinking only about money and profit, Masha found the complete opposite in the teacher. Having never dreamed of wealth, accustomed to being content with little, and, on the contrary, highly appreciating the spiritual wealth of a person, Masha felt a kindred nature in the young man, and her heart resignedly succumbed to his calling heart.

Having soon learned that teacher Deforge was none other than Dubrovsky, a famous robber who had been wanted by the police for a long time, Masha, although frightened, did not renounce him. Having learned about her father’s idea to marry her to an unloved but rich man, Masha decided to escape with Dubrovsky. But fate wanted to take away her last chance to be with her beloved: the escape failed.

Masha the Bride is deathly pale, there is not a trace of blood on her face. Standing at the altar, “Marya Kirillovna saw nothing, heard nothing, thought about one thing, from the very morning she was waiting for Dubrovsky, hope did not leave her for a minute...”. But the miracle did not happen - Dubrovsky did not come. The ceremony was performed

While his work touches on the theme of friendship, the author failed to ignore the theme of love, depicting for us the love story of Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova.

Vladimir and Masha are the main characters of Dubrovsky’s work. These are the children of the landowners Dubrovsky and Troekurov. Their fathers were friends and had similar fates. Both Dubrovsky Sr. and Troekurov married for love. However, fate took the lovers away very early, leaving the men alone with children in their arms. Dubrovsky had to raise his son Vladimir in poverty, whom he sent to study in St. Petersburg. Troekurov raised his daughter. He loved her very much, but at the same time he could not only pamper her, but also kept her strict. The fathers of Masha and Vladimir were friends and, perhaps, in the future there would be agreements between the young people marital relations, but one incident at the kennel made their fathers enemies. Enmity and revenge leads to the fact that Vladimir's father dies, and Vladimir himself is left without an estate. And here we begin to get acquainted with the story of Dubovsky and Masha Troekurova.

So, Vladimir comes to his sick father, who soon dies. Vladimir remains without a home, because, according to the court decision, he was transferred to Troekurov. Vladimir decides to take revenge. He gets a job in the Troyekurovs' house as a teacher. French and develops a plan to burn down the house. But love changed everything.

Masha is a modest girl who loved to be alone with books and dreamed of romantic love. It was precisely this love that she met in the person of Deforge-Dubrovsky. At first the girl does not notice the teacher, but soon she saw him as brave, courageous man. Masha was inflamed with love for him. Vladimir had reciprocal feelings. His love for the girl even eclipsed his sense of revenge. Vladimir forgives her father. He admits that he is not a Frenchman, but Dubrovsky, but the girl did not turn away from her lover. Due to current circumstances, Vladimir had to temporarily hide. During this time, Vareikis appears, whom Masha is to marry. Vladimir wants to save his beloved by running away with her, but does not have time. Masha is married off to someone she doesn't love. Why didn’t Masha accept Dubrovsky’s release when he finally came to save his beloved? And all because for a girl, a church wedding ceremony is sacred. She couldn't ignore him. So Masha remains with the prince, and Vladimir, having disbanded the gang, goes into the forest and no one heard anything from him again. This is how the romantic love story of Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova ended.


The easiest way to write an essay about Vladimir Dubrovsky’s love for Masha Troekurova is according to a developed plan. It is presented below.
1. Description of the friendship between Masha and Vladimir’s parents. Their quarrel
2. Meet Vladimir and Masha.
3. Feelings of young people.
4. Fate is a mockery or an unhappy ending.

Essay “Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova”

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The image of Dubrovsky as the main character in Pushkin's novel A. S. Pushkin. Dubrovsky. Tell us about the friendship between the elder Dubrovsky and Troekurov. What gave birth to it? Why was it interrupted so tragically? Essay on the topic: Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky and Kirila Petrovich Troekurov in the story by A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"

We are talking about Pushkin’s unfinished novel “Dubrovsky”. Pushkin masters all possible genres and types of literature with equal perfection: from a heartfelt lyric poem to a novel. The specificity of the novel (we met this genre for the first time) is the complexity, branching of the plot, the narration of the lives of many characters, whose interests and destinies collide and intertwine.
- Prove that the work we are studying is a novel. (There are several storylines here: the depiction of the Russian nobility, the relationship between peasants and nobles, the theme of peasant revolt, love line; variety of characters.)

— But who did Pushkin himself call the main characters of the work? Find lines that confirm this. (Chapter 3: “But it’s time to introduce the reader to the real hero of our story” - about Vladimir Dubrovsky; Chapter VIII: “Kirill Petrovich’s daughter ... is the heroine of our story” - about Masha.)
- So, today the focus of our attention is one of the most interesting plot lines of the novel: love - and its main characters Vladimir and Masha. Let's write down the topic of the lesson. We have a big one ahead of us interesting job- during the analysis of individual chapters of the novel, reveal the nature of the relationship between the main characters. Let's turn to the text of the work.
- What do you think made Vladimir Dubrovsky enter Troekurov’s house?

To a question as simple as it still seems to sixth-graders, they quickly answer that Dubrovsky wanted to take revenge on Troekurov. I draw their attention to the fact that in chapter X, the author explains the reason for this risky act: “I followed you, sneaking from bush to bush, happy in the thought that I was protecting you, that there was no danger for you where I was secretly present. Finally the opportunity presented itself. I settled in your house."
- By this act we will determine the nature of Dubrovsky’s attitude towards Masha (Dubrovsky is in love with Masha. For her sake, he risks his life. The desire to be near her, to see her constantly - main reason his risky action.)

To understand how the nature of the relationship between the characters develops, let’s see how Masha reacted to him. To do this, let’s remember who Vladimir appears in the role of in Troekurov’s house.

— How did Masha react to the appearance of a new person in the house? Confirm with text. (Chapter VIII: “Masha did not pay any attention to the young Frenchman-l

- Why did Masha suddenly pay attention to the young Frenchman? What event made her change her attitude towards the teacher?

- Yes, this is the episode with the bear. Now we will see a fragment feature film « Noble Rogue Vladimir Dubrovsky" (we will discuss its name later). Think about the character traits Deforge showed while in the “bear room.” (Students note the protagonist’s determination, courage, composure, and ability to stand up for himself.)

— What has changed in the nature of Masha’s relationship with Deforge? Confirm with text.
(Chapter VIII: “She saw that courage and proud pride do not exclusively belong to one class, and from then on she began to show the young teacher respect, which became more attentive hour by hour... After that, it is no longer difficult for the reader to guess that Masha fell in love with him, without even admitting it to herself).

- Why do you think Pushkin chooses the verb “fell in love” and not “loved”, why doesn’t he strengthen it with some epithet: ardently, passionately? (Love -
a deep feeling, while falling in love is a light, romantic feeling. Masha saw a strong, brave hero for the first time. She had only read about such heroes in novels. A romantic feeling awakens in her young heart. Therefore, the verb “fell in love” is more accurate. Her imagination draws her a new hero, and Desforges becomes such a hero.)

- IN beginning of XII Chapters Pushkin again writes about Masha’s feelings. Find the lines: “She began to understand her own heart and admitted, with involuntary annoyance, that it was not indifferent to the merits of the young Frenchman... She was bored without Deforge, in his presence she was constantly busy with him, she wanted to know his opinion about everything and always agreed with him. Perhaps she was not yet in love, but at the first accidental obstacle or sudden persecution of fate, the flame of passion was bound to flare up in her heart.”

— Now about the obstacles. Why does Deforge make an appointment with Masha in the garden? (Deforge needs to leave, since he took revenge on Spitsyn by taking his money. Now it is important for him to explain himself to Masha.)

- What did Masha expect to hear? (“She had been waiting for recognition for a long time, wanting and fearing it. She would be pleased to hear confirmation of what she suspected ... “)

- What did you hear? Let's turn to the text and find the answer to the question: “Why did Vladimir give up revenge?” (Chapter XII: “I realized that the house where you live is sacred, that not a single feeling connected with you by blood ties is subject to my curse. I refused revenge as if it were madness.)

— Developing storyline exactly what conclusion does Pushkin lead his readers to? (Love gives rise to the best feelings in a person. She, Masha, his beloved, with her very existence forced Vladimir to give up revenge.)

— Are Vladimir’s feelings clear to us? What words convey his condition? (“He grabbed her hand and pressed it to her flaming lips”)
- But “Marya Kirillovna stood motionless.” What does this mean?

— What do you think is changing in the nature of Masha’s relationship with Dubrovsky? (the nascent feeling frightens her, especially now that she has learned that Desforges is
— What event caused the heroes’ second date? (Matchmaking of Prince Vereisky.)

- Knowing that his beloved father is forcibly marrying him off, does Vladimir hate him? (Chapter XV: “Oh, how I should hate him, but I feel that now there is no place for hatred in my heart”)

- Who else owes their life to Masha? (Prince Vereisky. In Chapter XV Vladimir says:
“I will not touch him, your will is sacred to me. He owes you his life)

- Under what conditions does she agree to escape with Dubrovsky? (Chapter XV: “Then,
then there is nothing to do, come for me, I will be your wife.” If her father is not touched by her tears, she agrees to be with Dubrovsky.)
— Let us pay attention to the end of Chapter XIV. What is Masha talking about? (“No, no,” she repeated in despair, “it’s better to die, it’s better to go to a monastery, it’s better to marry Dubrovsky.”)

— Does Masha love Dubrovsky? (Pushkin does not give a direct answer. The fate of his wife
the robber scares her. They will have to live constantly in hiding; and for Masha, very
obedient, home girl, it’s very difficult and scary.)
- Why do you think, when Masha finally decided to turn to Dubrovsky for help, Vladimir at such a fateful moment was late to his beloved and the wedding of Masha and the prince took place? (Under the current circumstances, their union and happiness are impossible.) We watch an episode of a feature film and think about the question: “Why, after the wedding, Masha refused Vladimir’s help?”
Discussion of the fragment. A sense of duty and honor takes over. She was ready to become the wife of a robber, but she cannot break her oath.
- Why didn’t Pushkin leave his hero at the head of the rebellious peasants? Why does Dubrovsky part with his “accomplices” and advise them to change their profession?
Let us summarize the students' thoughts: Dubrovsky is not the leader of the rebellious peasants. Pushkin emphasizes the personal motives of his rebellion. But now that Masha has become the prince’s wife and their lives have taken different paths, he has no need to stay here, nothing holds him here anymore. In addition, Vladimir understands how terrible life is when you are “on the run.” One must not live by robbery. Having read the novel “ Captain's daughter", we will also understand Pushkin’s attitude to the rebellion: “God forbid that we see a Russian revolt, senseless and merciless!”

Which is discussed in detail in the article, is the ideal of purity and fidelity.

main character

The novel by the talented Russian writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is truly a real “manual” of human relations. It reveals the most relevant topics to this day.

Mashenka appears before us only in the seventh chapter. Until this moment, we get to know the families of Troekurov and Dubrovsky. The main characters, fathers, quarreled and became an obstacle to the love of their children.

The description of Masha Troekurova is quite concise. We learn about her from the story. She is modest, but at the same time she is well-mannered, educated, and speaks excellent French. Left without a mother at an early age, she grows up with her domineering and proud father, Kirill Petrovich. Undoubtedly, he loves his daughter, but he has a completely different idea of ​​​​life than Mashenka. She lives with her heart and feelings, while Troekurov seeks profit in everything.

Masha is typical in a classic way a master's daughter, but she doesn't have the slightest bit of arrogance. Due to her father’s excessive care and waywardness, she became very withdrawn and got used to keeping everything to herself. Her only entertainment is the library, which contains novels from the 18th century.

This is what appeared before us main character, which the novel “Dubrovsky” gave us. We will study both Masha Troekurova and the rest of the characters in this work in more detail.

Noble and honest robber

Vladimir Dubrovsky, without a doubt, can be called the main character of the novel. The boy, who had to grow up overnight, amazes with his fortitude.

The story of Masha Troekurova and the story of Vladimir are similar: both of them were left early without mothers in the care of their fathers. Andrei Gavrilovich took care of his son’s future and his career: he sent the boy to school early cadet school, and then to the Guards Regiment. The father sent all the funds to his only child. But Vladimir did not particularly appreciate this: he spent his life partying, playing cards, and having considerable debts.

It would seem that before us is a spoiled young man who knows no difficulties. But as soon as the nanny wrote a letter to Vladimir about his father’s illness, he, leaving everything, rushed to Kistenevka. This is where it began new life. And the reason for this was Masha Troekurova. Characteristics of these heroes, the history of their acquaintance and further relations very touching.

After the death of his father, Dubrovsky the son decides to avenge his parent. And him main enemy- Troekurov. But who would have thought that a carefully thought-out plan of revenge would destroy the love for the enemy’s daughter!

The appearance of the Frenchman

Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova were friends in early childhood, but, having matured, they could not recognize each other, because they had not seen each other for a long time. And of course, in the guise of a French teacher, the girl did not try to discern a familiar face.

Deforge appeared at the Troekurov estate by order of Kirilla Petrovich, who was waiting for a teacher for youngest son. But no one suspected that the true French teacher never made it to Pokrovsky: he was bribed by Vladimir, who gave him money and took away documents in his name. This was the only way Dubrovsky could get into the enemy’s house.

Appearing in the guise of Deforge, he was not immediately able to gain authority among the owners of the estate. He had to take the risk of being in the same room with an angry bear. This was a kind of entertainment in Troekurov’s house, as he tested people’s strength and enjoyed the fear that his victims experienced.

But Vladimir-Deforge was not at a loss. He shot the poor bear in the ear, which showed unprecedented courage. Troekurov was discouraged by this a brave act and from that day on he was very proud that his son was being taught by such a strong, fearless man. Masha, who until then had not noticed some teacher, now looked at him with different eyes.

Masha Troekurova and Vladimir Dubrovsky: a love story

Day after day, communicating with Deforge, our heroine treated him more and more favorably. He looked like the characters in her novels, which the girl was engrossed in. Having good musical abilities, she responded positively to the teacher’s offer to study with her. And, without noticing it, she fell in love with him. But for now, Vladimir Dubrovsky and Masha Troekurova cannot be together: the girl is not sure of the teacher’s feelings and is looking forward to his recognition.

Deforge makes an appointment with the girl in the garden. He wants to tell her the whole truth about him and confess his love. However, Mashenka does not even suspect that in front of her is Dubrovsky himself, her father’s enemy. Worried, she goes on a date and imagines their conversation.

But what the teacher said shocked her: it turns out that in front of her is not Deforge, but Vladimir himself! He tells the girl about his feelings and how he was going to take revenge on Troekurov for the death of his father. Masha cannot believe his words.

Hope for a bright future

Masha Troekurova, whose characterization will be incomplete without describing the scene of Vladimir’s confession in the garden, now knows the truth. But she cannot give up on her loved one and is ready to be with him, no matter what.

Dubrovsky told her that he had abandoned the plan of revenge, he would not hurt the father of his beloved girl. And now, if she agrees, Vladimir will marry her. But their life will not be easy, he is a robber known throughout the area, he no longer has any property or means of livelihood. Nevertheless, Masha is ready to face these difficulties.

Vladimir is forced to leave the garden in order to remain unnoticed. He makes the girl promise that if she gets into trouble, she will definitely turn to him for help.

Unfulfilled dreams

Masha Troekurova and Vladimir Dubrovsky, whose love story will not leave anyone indifferent, continues. They live in hope of a future together, but suddenly something happens that neither of them could have expected. Prince Vereisky appears in the Troyekurovs' house. He lived abroad for a long time and now came to visit his old friend Kirill Petrovich. This man is already old, over fifty. Troekurov sees in the rich old man an excellent match for the husband of his only daughter.

The description of Masha Troekurova at the moment when she learns about her father’s desire to marry her to Vereisky touches the soul: the girl begs her dad not to do this. But he is adamant in his decision.

Having left a ring in a hollow oak tree as a sign of the misfortune that has happened, Masha waits for help from Vladimir, but he does not come to her.

And then the wedding day came. The girl is very worried and hopes that her beloved will save her from an unwanted marriage. But by chance, Vladimir does not manage to see this ring, so he finds out too late about Masha’s wedding to Vereisky. Dubrovsky is in a hurry to save the girl. Unfortunately, he is late: on his way he meets a carriage with the already married Mashenka. He invites her to get out and leave with him. Being a deeply religious person, the girl refuses him. Now she is Princess Vereiskaya, she is married to the prince. Vladimir is in despair, but he can’t do anything.

Bottom line

Masha Troekurova is going through a very difficult time. The characterization of this girl is amazing: she turned out to be very strong and true to her word.

Unfortunately, Vladimir and Masha are not destined to be together. Who knows what would have happened if Dubrovsky had not been late. But now everything has already happened...