What is maternal love 70 words. The theme of maternal love in Russian literature. The problem of the role of women in WWII

What is stronger than a mother's love? This is precisely the kind of love that endures for a long time, does not seek its own, covers everything, endures everything. From birth we are in maternal love, like in a cocoon. This is our protection and support, but we do not always appreciate this love; we are often irritated by concerns about us, already adults. And only when our mother passes away do we understand what a treasure we have lost.

In Mikhail Ageev’s story “The Money Case,” the hero, of course, loves his mother, but is cowardly embarrassed by her unpresentable appearance in front of his comrades. He intended to run past her unrecognized, but mother, of course, recognized her son. She brought money that her son had forgotten to pay for his studies so that he would not worry. The son was rude to her. He did not admit to his classmates that it was his mother, he called her an impoverished governess, looking for a place, and together with his comrades laughed at her. He acted treacherously. It became obvious to the mother of this boy that her son was ashamed in front of his friends for her poor, worn clothes, for her old age (of course, she saved on herself for the sake of her son). Having paid for the gymnasium, she, hunched over, went home and did not approach her son again. Her look was guilty and sorrowful. Of course, she justified and forgave her son, because mother's love forgives everything. But is it possible to offend your mother?

If we talk about the power of maternal love, we can recall Dmitry Kedrin’s poem “Heart,” which is based on a Ukrainian legend. The poem talks about how a Cossack, obsessed with love for the maiden Oksana, at her request, brings his mother’s heart to his beloved in a towel. While going up the porch, the Cossack tripped, dropped his heart, and it asked him: “Did you hurt yourself, son?” Even a mother’s heart, torn from her chest by her own son, continues to ache for him.

The writer A. Fadeev, in his memoirs about his mother, talks about the bitterness he experienced at his mother’s grave. He warns young people against such actions towards their parents, which they will have to regret for the rest of their lives.

The writer A. Aleksin calls for taking care of mothers in the same way as they take care of their children. Aleksin notes the sacrifice inherent in mothers and its naturalness, but, the writer believes, children with the same naturalness should resist the unbridled nobility of maternal sacrifices, and not take them for granted. After all, the time will come, and repentance will come.

To sum it up, we can call maternal love immeasurable. This is a priceless gift that children do not always value. But it is necessary to appreciate this love, and not use it, otherwise coldness towards the mother will result in inevitable retribution.

Option 1

In my opinion, this is the strongest feeling in the world, based on support, affection, care and, of course, warmth. We can also say that this is the kind of love that does not require anything in return, does not require making a choice - me or him. I believe that one of the main components of maternal love is care. It is thanks to the care coming from the mother that every child feels protected, needed, and, above all, loved... However, sometimes the mother’s love is, no matter how strange it may seem, excessive, harmful to the child. I will prove my position with examples from the text of Anatoly Georgievich Aleksin and life experience.

To prove my point of view, I will turn to Anatoly Nekrasov’s work “Mother’s Love,” which shows love that harms the child and brings suffering to parents, children and society as a whole. After reading this book, the reader will, without a doubt, reconsider his views on life and, perhaps, in the future, approaching the issue of education seriously and responsibly, will make the right choice...

I think I have proven that maternal love is, first of all, the need for care, protection and help to those who need this support, to those who cannot yet exist independently in this world. Maternal love, based on mercy, compassion, kindness and tolerance, helps to develop the most strengths little person. However, the mother must understand that her excessive love can cripple the child’s life.

Option 2

What is mother's love? This is the purest, sincerest and strongest love. This is free love. After all, a mother loves her child, not because he did something, but because it is her child. I believe that mother's love is not only love for her child, but also for other children. This is explained by the fact that a mother’s heart is like a bottomless cup of tenderness, care, attention, in which there is room for love for all children.

I would also like to recall the poem “Heart” by D. Kedrin that I recently read. A Cossack, having cut his mother's chest with a blade, brings the girl a mother's heart as a gift. But on the porch he fell, and his mother’s heart fell out of her hands. But despite everything, the mother’s heart asked her son if he had hurt himself. This act of the “heart” shows the enormous power of mother’s love: she forgave him.

Thus, we have proven the enormous “size” of mothers’ hearts, in which there is a place not only for their own children, but also for other people’s children who need their maternal help. We realized that a mother's love is limitless.

Option 3

"What is mother's love?" - you ask. In my opinion, maternal love is the boundless, strong, all-conquering love of a mother for her child. She will always help him, take care of him, listen to his son and daughter with understanding, and support him in his endeavors. For every child, a mother is the support of their entire life.

Maternal love is the boundless love of a mother for her child: she gives him her tenderness, kindness, affection. His mother always understands him, will support him in difficult times, and will never betray him. For him, she is the support of his whole life.

As a second argument confirming the thesis, I will take an example from life experience. Once I read a legend about two mounds. What struck me most was the son’s attitude towards his mother. He had a wife who did not love his mother. When the girl asked the hero to bring the heart of his mother, he was able to kill her, but, carrying her heart in his hand, he could not stand it, cried and regretted his terrible act. And the love of a mother who wished well for her son performed a miracle: “the heart came to life, the torn chest closed, the mother stood up and pressed her son’s curly head to her chest.” What struck me most about this legend was the boundless mother’s love: after everything her son did, she forgave him.

Thus, I proved that mother's love is enormous strength, creative, creative, inspiring. She is capable of working miracles, reviving life, saving from dangerous diseases...

Someone from famous people said: “You will not stop being a child as long as you have a mother.” Mom... Her love always accompanies a person: starting from birth and until the mother is alive.

Boris Ekimov touches on the problem of maternal love in his text. Mother's love is an inexhaustible source of goodness, forgiveness, wisdom, warmth and even self-sacrifice. I remember an incident that occurred in Japan during the earthquake. The mother shielded her three-month-old baby. When they were found, they saw a phone with a note: “If you survive, remember that I love you.” The rescuers, strong men who had seen a lot, cried when reading these lines because they realized what a mother could do to save a child.

B. Ekimov also writes about the infinity of a mother’s love.

His attitude to this problem can be judged by the vocabulary he uses when describing the meeting of mother and son after a long separation. “The mother whispered to him unconsciously.” “You make my heart bleed,” “You took out my mother’s heart,” and so on. Then she could no longer say anything, but only “banged her gray head against her son’s chest.” Further, B. Ekimov writes that Khurdin felt “good” next to his mother. He enjoyed standing next to his living mother and listening to her stories about farm life.

For example, Vitaly Aleksandrovich Zakrutkin in the drama “Mother of Man” tells the story of a young woman named Maria. During the Great Patriotic War she was left alone in a village burned by the Nazis. Before her eyes, some of her fellow villagers were shot, some were sent to Germany, and their houses were burned. An even greater shock for the heroine was the sight of Vasyatka’s husband and son hanged, as well as the fact that the wounded girl Sonya was literally dying in Maria’s arms. It seems that there is no more physical or mental strength. But the life emerging inside a woman keeps her on this earth. She not only tries to survive in harsh conditions, but also helps several orphans survive, who by the will of fate were brought to this farm.

Indicative in this regard is the scene of Maria’s meeting with a wounded German soldier. The first feeling of hatred makes Maria kill him. But the word "mother" that people understand different languages, stopped the already raised hand. The feeling of maternal kindness wins. It is no coincidence that the author calls main character"Mother of Man." She became like that to everyone around her. Paying tribute to her willpower, endurance, perseverance and patience, the regiment commander knelt in front of Maria and pressed his cheek to her weary hand.

A lot has been written about mom and poetic works. Yaroslav Smelyakov in the poem “Mama” endows his heroine with kindness and cordiality. His mother is all-forgiving and accepts children as they are. The author calls her very touchingly: “My Mother” and “Human Conscience.” Yaroslav Smelyakov confesses to his mother his boundless love for her.

Thus, all of the above convinces us that the role of the mother in the life of every person is limitless. Mother is for us a devoted friend, a wise mentor, and a caring nanny. The following words are very accurate about a mother: “Losing a mother is... like losing the sun above your head.”

  1. (45 words) We see an example of maternal love in Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba”. When the sons return home, the mother rushes to meet them and even shames the father for immediately provoking the young people into conflict. Although she risked angering her husband, this did not stop her love.
  2. (36 words) Tolstoy’s story “Childhood” describes the warm and tender relationship between Nikolai and his mother. The boy felt selfless and strong love his mother, so he reached out to her with all his soul. And his childhood dies with her.
  3. (41 words) Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky enough to feel maternal love. In Chekhov's story "Vanka" the hero becomes an orphan early on. He has only vague memories left of his mother, which is why he is so unhappy and lonely. Pelageya could protect her son, no matter what the cost.
  4. (34 words) In Mark Twain’s story “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,” the hero was left without maternal love. This affected his character: he became a lazy and disobedient boy. Obviously, without the warmth of maternal care, children grow up unhappy and abandoned.
  5. (49 words) The chapter “Oblomov’s Dream” from Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” talks about ideal family, where the mother takes care of her child and loves him very much. Ilyusha is never allowed to play for a long time in the cold or in the sun; he is always well fed and well dressed. Oblomov's mother devoted all her time to caring for her son.
  6. (46 words) In one of the parts of Dostoevsky’s novel “The Brothers Karamazov,” which is called “Boys,” we are talking about the reverent feeling of a widow for her son. The woman devoted herself entirely to the child and raised a brave, strong and intelligent boy. Kolya loved his mother no less, although he was embarrassed to show his feelings like she did.
  7. (39 words) An example of maternal love can be seen in Dostoevsky’s novel “Poor People”. The widow worked day and night to feed her daughter and bring her into the people. Varenka forever remembered this maternal feat, so for the rest of her life she tried to be worthy of it.
  8. (35 words) In Solzhenitsyn’s story “ Matrenin Dvor"The heroine loved adopted daughter like a native. She sacrificed all her property for her. For the sake of Kira, Matryona was ready to do anything. No wonder even such a selfish girl burst into tears at the funeral of her benefactress.
  9. (48 words) In Lermontov’s poem “Mtsyri” the hero did not know his parents, so his heart was as cold as the walls of his prison. He was able to overcome this cold and these walls only in order to find his family, to feel the warmth and care of his mother. Because of the unrealizability of this dream, he dies.
  10. (49 words) In Karamzin’s story “ Poor Lisa“We see the daughter’s exceptional gratitude for her mother’s love. This is exactly how we should thank our parents for taking care of us. Lisa does not spare herself and works to provide for her mother, only because the woman set such an example for her daughter throughout her life.
  11. Examples from life

    1. (45 words) I remember the story of the star of our class - excellent student Lena. She was always ready for lessons, knew everything and even won regional competitions. But all her achievements were invariably accompanied by maternal care: her mother constantly supported her. Thus, success in life begins with love in the family.
    2. (45 words) For as long as I can remember, my mother has always been there: at a performance in kindergarten, on the first line, at all school events. Feeling her participation, I became confident. Everything worked out for me, and they praised me, but I knew who I really needed to say “thank you.”
    3. (49 words) My friend was a very good athlete, but he was always too worried before competitions. I saw how difficult it was for his mother to be with him at such moments. However, she did not give up and supported him with the same calm in any case and under any circumstances. How I envied her fortitude!
    4. (47 words) Motherly love pushes a woman to heroic deeds. During the war, my great-grandmother gave almost all the food to my grandmother, because the girl was born weak and sickly. Today our heroine is no longer with us, but my grandmother still remembers her wartime, but happy childhood, which her mother saved and protected.
    5. (42 words) My grandmother has always been an example of maternal love for me. In his youth, my father wanted to go to fight in Afghanistan, but his mother knew what awaited him there, so she pretended to be sick so that he would stay. As a result, he found himself in peaceful life, and the grandmother waited for her grandchildren.
    6. (52 words) A real mother is not always the one who gave birth. My mom's friend took her daughter from orphanage, but she fell in love with her in a way that not every mother can love. She took the baby to clubs, developed and taught her in every possible way, and her Tanechka entered the budget in good university. This is largely due to her adoptive mother.
    7. (47 words) Mother's love will never betray. I have seen mothers forgive their children even for crimes. For example, my neighbor forgave her son who beat her and robbed her. No one heard any reproach or complaint. I only remember how she was looking for a doctor who could help her son recover from alcoholism.
    8. (62 words) My friend went to discos. Her mother was very worried, but understood that her daughter’s growing up was inevitable. Therefore, she signed her number in her phone with someone else’s name and asked her to call her as a friend if the girl was invited somewhere, so that the attackers would not suspect anything, and in the meantime, the mother could find them and help out her daughter. A loving mother is capable of any tricks just to save her child.
    9. (53 words) My mother also takes care of me. When I became very ill and was afraid to go to the hospital, she went to bed with me and also went on a diet so that I would not be offended. She also entertained me in every possible way, did not let me get discouraged and bored. I am very grateful to her for those hard days who became cheerful thanks to her.
    10. (39 words) My mother always supports me. For example, she learned English language to help me do my homework. Mother's love made tedious classes simple and exciting, I even fell in love with this language because my mother teaches it to me.
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In everyone's life there is a person who will always understand and give good advice, will help if you have trouble, will do everything to make you feel good. This person's name is Mom. And the place of a mother in a person’s life is special, exclusive, because the mother carries within herself the actual idea of ​​Man. Mother is the link between generations. The word “ma-ma” itself is formed by babies at the very first stage of their speech development, at the babbling stage. A mother pours her tenderness and love into her child, singing him lullabies, spending sleepless nights at his cradle. Mother's love... How light and bright is the feeling that helps little man get on your feet and develop as a person!

Fiction cannot fail to respond to such a pressing problem. That's modern writer Larisa Grigorievna Sailor in the story “Mama” reflects on the problem of sacrificial maternal love. The author talks about Anna Viktorovna, a teacher who dreamed of a son for a long time. “And he was born! - exclaims the writer. “Strong, healthy and beautiful!” The heroine’s dream came true, and she perceived her son “as a miracle who appeared to become her support always and in everything.” Next comes a story about the difficulties that the heroine faced: this includes concern for preserving complete family, and the concessions and compromises that she made in order to create an atmosphere of peace in the house. Anna Viktorovna’s best thoughts and feelings belonged to her son, the author writes. Such deep maternal love could not but bear fruit, as Victor grew up bright, diligent and talented. The son and mother were very attached to each other: they discussed a lot together, shared their impressions with each other. L.G. The sailor comes to the conclusion: his mother’s love allowed Victor to feel protected and confident, he had self-esteem and was friendly to others.

Indeed, a mother’s love, friendship and mutual understanding with her allow a child to develop as an individual and easily adapt to society.

Another writer who did not remain indifferent to the problem of maternal love was Anatoly Georgievich Aleksin. In the story “Forgive me, Mom,” we read the author’s sad mental dialogue with his mother, whom he tried to save from illness, from everyday hardships, “in a hurry to fulfill her infrequent requests.” The writer painfully regrets that he did not have time to tell his mother during her lifetime “all the good that can be said and done... all the good that can be done.” The writer’s words touch to the core about how inattentive we sometimes are to our mothers, but they strive to understand everything based on the interests of their child. "Take care of mothers!" - Anatoly Aleksin calls on us, readers.

A mother cannot help but love her child - her flesh and blood. And we, children, take this love and care for us for granted, as a completely natural feeling. But it often happens that a child grows up and continues to bask in his mother’s love, without realizing that the time has come for him to take care of his mother. Do our mothers really need a lot? They expect warm words, phone calls, participation and understanding from us. But in the bustle of days, immersed in our own affairs and worries, sometimes we forget about this little thing. Mom, of course, will understand and forgive, she will only say sympathetically: “I understand how tired you are...”

What should we, their children, do for our mothers? On time, while your mother is alive, you need to take care of her without hesitation, speak words of love to her, and don’t put off until tomorrow the good things that you can do for her today!