Children's New Year at home. How to organize a children's New Year

Give your child a holiday that he will remember for the whole year - what could be better on the eve of the New Year? For your child to believe in a miracle, it is not necessary to invite professional animators or take him to Lapland. It’s quite possible to have a fairy tale at home in the close, spiritual company of acquaintances and friends.

You will need

Spacious room;
- Christmas tree;
- New Year's toys and decorations;
- carnival costumes and masks;
- treats;
- gifts, prizes;
- holiday script;
- attributes for games, competitions and creativity.

Sponsor of the placement P&G Articles on the topic "How to organize a children's New Year" How to prepare a children's Christmas tree for the New Year How to hold a children's New Year's party How to celebrate the New Year


To organize a children's New Year, you need to invite guests at a time convenient for everyone. For a holiday, 3-4 children of the same age are enough, especially if the children are small. Agree with your parents on the day of the holiday and take into account the waking and sleeping patterns of the kids. It is best to organize the event in the first half of the day; The optimal duration of the holiday is no more than 1-2 hours. Select the location of the event. If you will be collecting children in the apartment, then put the toys in the closets and free up space for games. You can rent a children's playground for the duration of the holiday. In clear weather, it is best to organize children's New Year's Eve outside, but in this case the holiday program should be eventful and short so that none of the children catch a cold. Decorate the room with tinsel, garlands, be sure to put up a Christmas tree and dress it up. If you plan to create together at the holiday, then leave room for crafts made by children, with which they will decorate the Christmas tree and the room. Set a festive table for the children with sweets, fruits and drinks. Think over costumes for the hosts and participants of the holiday. Discuss with parents in advance the roles of children at the event. To stage a fairy tale, prepare costumes or masks. You can also include in the holiday script the creation of New Year's makeup, which children use in the play. Think over a holiday scenario that includes winter-themed games and fun. Active games should alternate with rest, for example, drinking tea or creativity. If you wish, invite Father Frost and the Snow Maiden to the holiday or dress your parents in costumes. Remember that the New Year is unthinkable without round dances around the tree, songs and gifts. Children's New Year's Eve on the street provides more opportunities for children to be active. Organize outdoor games, snowball throwing competitions, build snowmen with your children, or organize sledding races. Make sure that children do not become overtired. An active walk can end a holiday started indoors, and at the same time take the children home. How simple

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Children perceive the New Year as part of a real miracle. And in order for the New Year’s miracle to happen according to all its canons, you will have to think through the New Year’s event well. Try to use as much as possible more elements themed holiday. You will need Paper, pen, costumes, music.

Throwing a magical holiday for your child is not difficult at all. You will need a little imagination, a little time and, of course, a lot of desire!

Unfortunately, in most families, children's impressions of the New Year's holiday are the same: you sit all day in front of the TV while mom works magic in the kitchen. And late at night, when your eyes are completely blind, they seat you at the New Year’s table, and finally allow you to look under the tree... Boring!

We invite you to change the usual scenario a little and make this day truly festive. You'll see, this New Year will be remembered for a long time by you and your child!

It is best to organize a children's party separately from an adult, in daytime. Firstly, you will be able to think through everything so that the baby enjoys it, and secondly, after playing enough and receiving gifts, he will probably be a little tired - you will have time to do pre-holiday chores: cleaning and New Year's table. After the Children's New Year, send your child to rest for an hour or two, after which he will be able to join an adult company and celebrate the holiday “in an adult way”, with the chimes ringing. Or - go to bed: after all, he has already received gifts from Santa Claus!

You should think through a children's New Year's party in advance. The scenario for it will largely depend on the age of the son or daughter. To make sure your child has fun, invite a few of his friends.

Celebration for the little ones

If your baby is just a baby, then the holiday should be mostly playful. Children 2-3 years old quickly get tired of one type of activity, so alternate between different entertainments - dancing, songs, games. Small children are often afraid of Santa Claus, even when performed by their own dad, so adults should not dress up in fancy dress, so as not to provoke tears in the kids. Think about games in which there are no tasks with rules and all children will be considered winners. For example, you can arrange fun game with “snowballs” - crumpled paper napkins. Or create a New Year's drawing with the children: let everyone dip their finger in paint for drawing with their hands and apply it to a sheet of paper. In this way, you can “decorate” a pre-drawn Christmas tree or create a real “snowfall” on a sheet of paper. Or play “train”: children, led by an adult, line up behind each other, and under cheerful music travel around the apartment. At every stop there is a game or performance by the little ones. For poems told or songs sung, give your child a small gift: a chocolate bar, a bright shell or a book. The last destination is near the New Year tree, under which there are gifts. Play the game “Christmas tree, light up!” with your children. in a new way: children blow on the Christmas tree - the lights go out, clap their hands - the lights light up. You can turn the lights on and off more slowly so that children clap louder and blow harder. You can also play around with gift distribution. For example, give children small postcards depicting various objects that children can easily recognize. The same pictures should be pasted on gift bags - let the kids themselves guess which package is intended for whom!

Holiday on fresh air

If the end of December brings really snowy weather, go with your child to the yard to build a snowman and dance around a live Christmas tree. Invite your nephews or housemates with you - in big company more fun! This version of a children's party has many advantages. First of all, yours creative possibilities will not be constrained by the narrow confines of living space, and secondly, such a holiday will certainly be remembered by the children for a long time!

Snow is a wonderful material for creativity. You can sculpt traditional snowmen, or you can make the castle of Santa Claus himself or Snow Queen. Or create a real zoo - make a hare, a bear, an elephant. And if you grab paints from home and paint your creations, the sculptures will become lifelike! For better preservation, snow figures are doused with water. You can decorate your creations with colored ice by preparing it at home in advance. It's quite simple to do: add it to water. watercolor paints, pour into an ice container and place in the freezer. In a few hours, the colorful pieces of ice will be ready!

If the weather is a sunny day, go with your kids to the park or forest. Choose a pretty Christmas tree in advance, decorate it with the homemade toys you brought - and have fun round dances! In addition to having fun, children will get good lesson careful attitude to nature.

Duration of the children's party

To prevent children from getting tired and overexcited from fun games and competitions, you should not make the children's party too long. Afterwards, it is advisable to put the child to sleep or offer him a quiet activity: drawing, listening to an audio story or watching a cartoon. 2-3 years no more than 30 minutes. 3-5 years about 1 hour

Let's decorate the house together

Your child will be very happy to help you prepare your apartment for the holiday! Here are some ideas you can use.

We decorate the Christmas tree

Traditional Christmas tree decorations are beautiful, but hanging them on the tree year after year is a little boring. Together with your child, remember everyone’s favorite cartoon “Winter in Prostokvashino”. How did his characters decorate the forest beauty? Right, antiques, found in the attic. So why not hang on the tree all the fun little things that accumulate in any home where there is a child? Keychains, rings, bright beads and jewelry that bored mom, small toys from Kinder surprises - all this will look funny on the New Year's tree.

Snow patterns on the window

Paint the window panes New Year's drawings– what could be more interesting! Of course, provided that later, after the holidays, you are not too lazy to wash the glass... For work, it is better to take gouache - it will not curl on the glass surface. The plot, of course, is New Year's: fir branches with bright toys, Frost patterns, Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

New Year's crafts

Dip ordinary twigs in a strong salt solution, let them dry - and you and your baby will succeed beautiful bouquet frost-covered branches. Openwork snowflakes made of foil or plain white paper look great not only on window glass - they can be used to decorate furniture or the walls of an apartment. Another idea is a New Year's collage made from cut out pictures from old magazines and torn books.

Fairy lights

With the little ones you can make an original garland from... ordinary pasta! To do this, paint the pasta with multi-colored paints. When they are dry, string them on a strong thread - the garland is ready! In general, anything can be combined into a garland: paper toys of any shape, stars cut out of foil, acorns and pine cones found on a walk. These finds look especially good when painted with silver or gold spray paint.

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How to celebrate the New Year

How to arrange an unusual New Year for your child?


Family traditions are made up of little things: buying a Christmas tree together, decorating the house, funny surprises, practical jokes, gifts and, of course, the New Year's holiday. Arranging it for a child is not at all difficult if you have parents, a baby, several friends of the child, their parents, an ordinary city apartment, a little imagination and a great desire to amuse the children and give them something truly joyful and cheerful. and memorable.

The script is everything!

New Year's scenario No. 1

All New Year's scenario can be built on the plot of a journey with tasks and tests, games and competitions, guessing riddles and solving puzzles.This is the most a win-win for 5-6 year old adventurers. And don’t be confused by the fact that all the action will take place in a small apartment. Children are amazing creatures who are ready to play anywhere, anytime. They can easily “get into character” and travel around the room, imagining what it is fairy forest, jungle, desert, North Pole - in general, everything your and their imagination desires. All you need is a little imagination and a minimum of decorations. As a basis for the script, take some New Year's tale or a story you made up. It’s good if one of the parents or grandparents agrees to dress up in the costumes of good and evil characters. And it is not at all necessary to specially make realistic costumes. They can be made on a quick fix from improvised means. It will be even funnier this way. For example, a waterman's costume may consist of blue garbage bags cut into ribbons, a pool cap and fins, and the kikimora's hair is made from old nylon tights. In addition, now you can buy a lot of all kinds of masks, which, complete with clothes from “strategic reserves” from the mezzanine and New Year’s tinsel, will turn you into anyone your heart desires. And the kids will happily join in the impromptu game.

New Year's scenario No. 2

All New Year's scenario you can also spin around the search for a chest with gifts, which the evil forest (or fairy-tale) inhabitants hid, the lost (hidden) key to it. You can make a large cardboard clock on which our fairy-tale “pests” have moved the hands, which means that the New Year will not come, and Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will not bring gifts. Together with your children, go in search of the key to the clock to return everything to its place. Or maybe the clock will work if you cast magic spells? How to find it out, overcoming many difficulties and dangers? in the Sea Kingdom! Or in space, in the Wild West, in the country of Neverland, together with Peter Pan, Captain Hook and sea robbers. In general, the flight of your imagination is not limited by anything! change the conditions a little so that they fit into your scenario and correspond to the New Year-winter theme. And most importantly, everyone should have fun: both children and their parents. And for this, it is quite appropriate to make some tasks more difficult so that moms and dads also get involved. game and helped their children cope with these tasks.

Let's play and have fun with the children

In order to outwit enemies and save the New Year (chest with gifts, Snow Maiden, etc.), kids need to be able to hide. This means it's time to play games with them.


Moving one after another, children should listen carefully to the leader. If he says: “Path!”, you need to quickly stop and put your hands on the shoulders of the person in front. The command “Snowdrift!” sounds - the kids raise their hands up, pretending to be a snowdrift. And if the presenter says: “Snowflake!”, the children turn into snowflakes, legs spread wide and arms spread apart.

New Year's games and entertainment for children

"One - foot, two - palm"

For this fun game you will need some props prepared in advance. It's easy to do. Trace the outlines of the hands and feet (right and left) onto cardboard and cut out. You need to make a lot of these paper hands and feet (the more, the better). At the holiday, build a path from the cut out figures, arranging the footprints in random order. Now invite the kids to walk along this path with their arms and legs so that their palms and feet coincide with the “footprints.” For this, the kids will need dexterity, quick reaction, and the ability to navigate in space. Let these be footprints in the snow of some character from the script - the villain , by which you can find where he ran away. Or imagine that one of the good heroes showed the way to the kids. To make it more convincing, lay a white sheet (snow) on the floor and lay out colored footprints on it. play.

Organization of the New Year's party

New Year's jogging

“I love movement.” This motto perfectly suits our kids - little perpetual motion machines, “runners” and “jumpers.” We will pay attention to movement at our New Year’s holiday, organizing all kinds of outdoor games. They can be introduced into the New Year’s scenario as obstacles on the way to the goal, so that all children complete the task in turn. But be sure to arrange a couple of team competitions, because healthy excitement makes any game even more interesting and fun.

Organization of children's New Year

New Year's games and entertainment for children

"Fun Relay Races"

We cannot do without them, but we will spend them in an unusual way. How do you like the idea of ​​jumping in bags? Don't you have that many bags? It doesn’t matter, they can be successfully replaced by large garbage bags. Invite the kids to help the squirrel collect more cones. To do this, they need to be transferred from the distant forest (one end of the room) to the squirrel in the hollow (to the other end of the room), jumping in bags. The hollow can be a bucket. And if you have time and desire, you can make a “real” one: draw a tree on the large sheet Whatman paper, cut a hollow hole, attach a bag for cones from the “wrong side” with tape and hang this structure on the wall. One team of children can carry cones, and the other can carry acorns or nuts. At the end of the game, we take out the supplies from the hollow, count together and determine the team - the winner. And the grateful squirrel shows the way (throws the nut): where it goes, that’s where you need to go. The magic nut can “roll” on a string - then it will be even more interesting.

“Shall we jump?”

The little nut brought the kids to a stretched rope, and snowflakes were hanging on it. Come on, let's jump higher and pick off snowflakes. And on them riddles about winter are written, or New Year's quiz questions or funny assignments (tell a poem, dance a dance of snowflakes, grunt like a pig, pretend to be a sparrow or a cat...). We guessed all the riddles, completed the tasks - we travel further. And suddenly there is a deep river in front of us! How to get over it? Sails gold fish and offers to help by playing the game “Water-Land” with her. Everyone stands in one line. At the word “land” the kids jump forward, at the word “water” - back. The game is played at a fast pace. The leader has the right instead of the word “ water" pronounce other words, for example: "sea, river, bay, ocean; instead of the word “land” - “shore, land, island.” Those who jump at random are eliminated, the winner is the last player - the most attentive participant.

"Snow Races"

The kids are running along the “path” one after another, and the snowstorm is bothering them: it has covered all the paths and covered them with snow. “Guys, what are we going to do, what will help us walk through the deep snow? That’s right, skis!” Show the kids how to run from wall to wall of the room, imitating walking on skis: we tilt our torso a little forward, take wide steps and swing our arms, as if we were pushing off with sticks. We have just overcome deep snow, and here is a new obstacle - ice, like a mirror, smooth. You can't walk on ice on skis. But what do you need? Of course, skates! Well, put on imaginary skates and run: we put our hands behind our backs, like skaters do, we lean forward, we slide on the floor, but then the ice cracked and split into pieces of ice. Now we make our way, jumping from ice floe to ice floe - on sheets of white cardboard or paper...

Organization of the New Year's party

How to arrange a children's New Year?

New Year's games and entertainment

It is advisable to alternate outdoor games with calm games, where you need to think a little. This will calm down the raging kids and give them the opportunity to rest a little before the next sports test. To do this, solve all kinds of riddles and puzzles. For example, these:

Fairytale puzzle

For this game you need to write names on pieces of paper in advance fairy tale characters by rearranging the letters in the words. For example: “Sgunerochka” (Snow Maiden), “Zed Romod” (Father Frost), “Cha-kotyap” (Piglet), “Saloruchka” (Little Mermaid), “Vaydyuchmok” (Thumbelina), “Burchekashka” (Cheburashka), “Gadfly” "(Vodyanoy), "Minalva" (Malvina), etc. Guessing such tricky words will not be an easy task for kids, and here mothers should come to their aid. After all, if the words are not unraveled, then it will not be possible to go further along the fairytale path. We read the funny name out loud and solve the riddle together. You can accompany each correct answer with a funny signal (for example, turn on a laughing or singing sound toy), and for incorrect answers you can blow a pipe. When all the encrypted words are solved, one of the guessed characters (for example, a toy Cheburashka) may appear and tell the kids where to go next.

Fold the picture

Prepare envelopes with New Year's cards cut into several pieces. Give each child an envelope and ask them to collect the picture. The task can be complicated if fragments of postcards from different envelopes are mixed together (“The Snow Maiden was preparing gifts for the forest animals, but an evil Blizzard came and mixed all the pieces of the mosaic together. Let’s help the Snow Maiden, put the pictures together correctly!”) We call on mothers for help and help Snow Maiden.

Mysterious footprints

Draw tracks of animals and birds (hare, wolf, deer, squirrel, crow) in advance on sheets of paper or cardboard. Lay them out on the floor and ask the kids to guess which of the forest inhabitants was running around the snowy clearing. To make the task easier, you can give the children pictures of these animals and ask them to place them near the corresponding tracks. Do you think this is the end of your imagination? But no! The most interesting thing is left in stock - a fun disco for the little ones!

Shall we dance?

Well, what's fun without dancing? Be sure to dance the duckling dance and the little fly with your kids. The “Do this!” dance will also go off with a bang.

Here are the words of the song:

(two clapping hands).

If you have fun, do it

(two clapping hands).

If life is fun,

we will smile at each other,

If you have fun, do it

(two claps).

In the following verses, instead of claps: two snaps of fingers, two claps on the knees, two stamps of feet, two jumps, we shout the word “good!” And the last verse sounds like this: “If you have fun, do everything!” And after each line you need to repeat all the movements from each verse in turn. If any of the kids present are involved in dancing, everyone will be happy to watch the performance of a “professional” dancer, just ask the child and his mother about this in advance: often kids are embarrassed to perform in public, and they need to get ready for the performance. If you have karaoke, organize a choral or individual singing of children's songs. In other words, have fun, and for this “all means are good.”

Happy New Year 2009!

Safe New Year

New Year is, in a sense, a time of real New Year's “extreme.” How to avoid unpleasant injuries?

· Please note that Christmas tree was installed securely so that it could not be knocked over with a slight movement of a child's hand. Not the most reliable option is a bucket of sand.

· In a house where there are children, Christmas tree decorations It’s better to buy not glass, but plastic or even rag ones. This is especially true for toys that you hang at the very bottom - where the baby can reach.

· Electric garland It’s better to hang it higher too, so as not to introduce

the baby is “tempted” to pull the bright lanterns towards himself.

Preparing gifts for the New Year

New Year's surprise

Take care of gifts for kids. Let them receive them not only at the end of the holiday, as a reward for courage, dexterity and ingenuity. Little surprises can await the children during the game. And it doesn't have to be something expensive. Even an apple, tangerine or candy wrapped in foil can light a spark of joy in children's eyes. And finally, give your little travelers a Christmas tree toy so they can decorate their home Christmas trees with them. And, quite possibly, many years later, on New Year’s Eve, decorating the Christmas tree with their kids, they will take these toys out of the box and remember your wonderful New Year’s holiday and their joyful, serene childhood...

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Dear mothers and fathers, boys and girls!
Do you have something to tell other site visitors? Have you vacationed in a children's camp or holiday home? Did you go to the zoo, theater, skating rink or roller skating rink? Did you go on vacation with the whole family and perhaps saw a lot of interesting things there? All this is very interesting! Send your reviews and impressions to

November 24, 2016

« The best way make the child good -
it's to make him happy"(Oscar Wilde)

All the children are waiting for this with pleasant trepidation. have an amazing day When real magic takes over, all wishes come true and miracles happen. Every child deserves holidays, which are sorely lacking in adult life. For kids who believe in fairy tales, this is especially important. Give them an amazing children's New Year.

Even if the child attends preschool, where a New Year's party is obligatory, it is not a fact that it will give the baby pleasure. Remember yourself in kindergarten: all the kids were given short poems to learn, and the order of performances in front of a cheering audience with cameras was explained. And be sure to smile and not look down! Just standing on a stool was not enough. Now imagine for a moment what is going on with the baby who has been entrusted with all these responsibilities, especially if he is confused, forgotten and shy. But we rehearsed for a whole month the day before...

We recommend organizing a children's New Year in a completely new format. The holiday should be specifically for children, and not their relatives who came to admire their child. The proposed scenario is quite universal: the action can be organized both in the kindergarten itself and in the playroom of one of the entertainment centers.

1. What is important to discuss in advance?

There are a number of issues that need to be discussed with parents before preparation begins.

  • Who are the children expecting? Father Frost, Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, Snow Maiden, Elves, Wizard... If a dispute arises, choose a neutral image for the host of the event, for example, a symbol of the coming year, a snowman, a Christmas tree or a snowflake. In this scenario, we will focus on classic heroes for our country.
  • Holiday time It’s worth choosing taking into account the sleep patterns of your little guests. Naturally, this question does not arise if the party is organized in a kindergarten.
  • Holiday menu. It is quite difficult to explain to a three-year-old allergy sufferer that sweets and tangerines contain festive table You can't eat. Take absolutely all such points into account. There is no need to darken the children's New Year with tears.
  • Number of relatives. The question is relevant if the room is small.
  • New Year gifts. The financial capabilities of each family are different, which preschoolers cannot understand due to their age. It is important that everyone receives equal, or even better, identical gifts. This way you will save your kids from grievances and disappointments.
  • Photography. Every parent will definitely want to have an endless photo shoot with different angles and during all the entertainment. As a result, the holiday risks turning into a paparazzi rally. The option to hire one professional photographer is ideal.
  • Distribution of duties. Buying and installing a Christmas tree, decorations, a festive table, preparing gifts, rehearsals... It is worth immediately distributing roles and tasks between parents.
  • Room temperature. This will help you navigate the choice of New Year's outfit so that none of the guys get tired or cold.

2. Invitations

Of course, the New Year will come to all boys and girls, and everyone knows this very well. But not everyone can have a magical day, and not everyone can receive gifts. Invite children to a fairy tale! Let them feel like special and important guests at this celebration. Children know that miracles exist, and believe me, they will receive a ticket to a fairy tale with special joy and delight! At this age, what is important is not the sophistication of the invitation itself, but the moment of its receipt, the background and the adult’s full penetration into the magic for which we are preparing children.

How to make an unusual invitation for a child? Use one of the options:

  • Letter under the pillow. On paper no larger than A4, print the New Year's illustration and write the text of the invitation. Decorate the letter with glitter and sequins. Roll into a roll and tie with a satin ribbon. Either at home or in kindergarten during daytime sleep, place such a scroll under your pillow. Moreover, the letter should be visible so that the baby is sure to notice it. When the child wakes up, tell him how you heard the ringing of small bells and felt the breath of a light breeze, as if someone was rushing quickly on a horse-drawn carriage. Help you read what you have written, as if you were reading a fairy tale, with all expression and emotions.

Text: "Hello, Name ! You are an extraordinary child, cheerful, active and resourceful. You've accomplished a lot good deeds this year! For this you receive an invitation to a fabulous holiday, which will take place exactly in number nights! Games, miracles and of course gifts await you! Sincerely, Santa Claus."

On the same letter, you can make a small calendar marking so that the baby can cross out one day every morning.

3. Interior decoration

If you are organizing a children's New Year at a play center, you can skip this point. Almost all establishments of this type themselves decorate the premises with the best thematic decorative elements. However, in this case you need to book a suitable day and time in advance.

If the holiday is planned in the assembly hall of a kindergarten, think about how you can complement the interior, which is often quite boring. Make sure that the room has the required number of small chairs and tables for holding a master class and tasting treats.

The main rule: baby, it’s not the details that matter, but the overall impression. Children won’t even notice the sunflowers on the wallpaper, which would hurt the eyes of an adult on this day, if there is a huge Christmas tree in the hall, interesting decorations and a cheerful animator. However, for successful photos, it’s worth thinking carefully about how to create a full-fledged New Year’s interior and veil unnecessary elements.

Winter background. Use white and blue satin fabrics to cover interior attributes that do not fit into the New Year's theme. It would be nice to choose curtains in “winter” colors. Plan how you can darken your windows when the Christmas lights come on. If there is upholstered furniture in the room, cover it with snow-white blankets. Make banners depicting New Year's cartoon characters or simply fabulous winter landscapes.

Christmas tree. This is the main accent of the festive hall. The Christmas tree (or pine) should be fluffy and of impressive size! If it is not possible to install a real tree, use an artificial one. Children will not at all appreciate a fragrant meter-long Christmas tree with very sparse branching. But a huge, lush and green one, even if it’s not real, will give a real surge of positive emotions. Plan a place of honor for the New Year's beauty in the center of the hall, because around her children will dance in circles, dance and play outdoor games.

Snowman. Order from an agency balloons a whole family of snowmen and place them somewhere against the wall. Such a decoration is relevant (what would New Year be without snowmen), will not take a lot of money, and will look very impressive. In addition, children will probably want to take pictures with them.

Deer. If space and financial capabilities allow, rent a New Year's reindeer sleigh. These can be frame figures tightly wrapped with electric lights. The look of this decoration is enchanting! Just don't forget about safety precautions. Tell the children that these are magical deer that bring joy and happiness to everyone in the whole universe, but these cute animals can lose their power if you touch them.

Balloons. Helium balloons will perfectly occupy air space. And if you tie them with silver ribbons different sizes, you get the effect of magical rain. Use only classic mother-of-pearl balls and balls in the form of snowflakes and other New Year's symbols. Don't mix different styles, it can look quite ridiculous.

Fairy lights. The more Christmas lights, the better. You know that miracles happen at night. So, provide such illumination so that when the windows are darkened and the central light is turned off, all the kids will feel the incredible power of a wonderful New Year.

New Year decoration. An abundance of rain and tinsel will make the interior rich and rich in winter. Just don't use a wide one color palette, limit yourself to two or three colors so that it doesn’t dazzle your eyes. Cut out a large number of snowflakes from thin white paper and place them everywhere, even on the floor.

4. Costumes

New Year is an amazing carnival where the most incredible heroes have the opportunity to meet. Get away from the banal snowflakes and bunnies. All children fantasize and every child aged 3 to 6 years already has his favorite characters.

Help kids transform into their favorite characters. Create bright and outrageous outfits for children. Face painting, accessories and fancy dress rental companies will help. Although, with a little tinkering, you can make a creative, eye-catching and unique outfit yourself.

The choice of festive attire includes important rule– the outfit should be comfortable and not restrict movement. All elements of the costume must be tightly attached and not fall apart while moving.

Keep a list of heroes of the New Year's celebration. Try not to have duplicate costumes, but don't push too hard.

If the child does not take the initiative in choosing an outfit, but one loved one fairy tale hero can’t choose, suggest several options:

  • For girls: fairy, princess, sorceress, snowflake, Christmas tree, Snow Maiden.
  • For boys: elf, prince, knight, pirate, gnome, clown, snowman, bear cub.

As for parents' clothing, there is no need for a special dress code. The main thing is that relatives who come to the holiday do not overshadow their child’s outfits in family photos.

5. Children's menu

The feast should be held in the hall in which the holiday is taking place, where it is beautiful, there is a Christmas tree and Santa Claus. Children cannot eat while walking or standing. Therefore, provide a festive table with seating. In the case of a small room, children's tables can be added after entertainment program, having previously placed it in the next room next to the hall. To avoid fuss, determine in advance who will arrange them and in what order, who will quickly cover the tables with festive tablecloths and place New Year's compositions on them (a small spruce branch in a vase, a fake Christmas tree or a Santa Claus figurine).

We offer two options for serving treats:

  • Candybar Suitable for age group 5-7 years. The guys come up one by one, take the plates prepared in the stack, add treats at their discretion and walk to their table. If you don’t want to tinker with the decorations of the festive table, order this service from a special agency. This option will not be entirely convenient if there are a lot of young revelers (several groups), since there may be a stir.
  • For very little ones, you can make the option of serving dishes in a restaurant. Snowflake waitresses They will quickly deliver large portioned plates with all kinds of treats to the children. The kids will be able to enjoy the beautiful delicacies calmly and with great pleasure.

Of all the possible dishes, children will give preference to sweets. So why not give them a full-fledged holiday. Absolutely nothing bad will happen if, instead of the main meal, the kids enjoy delicious desserts. If parents are very worried, you can feed them healthy food before the holiday.

What to cook? Any goodies: cupcakes, pastries, gingerbread men, candies, cookies in the form of New Year's figures, fruits, dragees.

What drink? Portioned juices with straws, compote, water. You can also have tea, just serve it not very hot, for safety reasons.

Every treat should carry a piece of a fairy tale. , take care of the creative presentation of all dishes. Even the most ordinary biscuit cookies can be made very appetizing by drawing interesting patterns on them using sugar icing.

6. Entertainment program

The first thing to note is age characteristics children. Nursery children are very restless and difficult to organize. Often, when participating in competitions, they will not understand at all why this is being done. For such children, it is preferable to watch what is happening, unless of course it will impress them. While older preschoolers begin to understand cause-and-effect relationships, they love group games and will carry out the animator’s tasks with great interest and excitement. But you shouldn’t overtire your children with games and competitions.

The leading animator (Santa Claus) must have a main assistant (Snegurochka) and several assistants (Snowflakes or popular cartoon characters) who distribute gifts and help participants in competitions.

When dividing into teams, make sure that they are equal in age. Everything should be fair - teams have equal chances.

We offer a range of entertainment for the New Year in kindergarten.

Gift to Santa Claus. Each child, having received an invitation from Santa Claus, can, if desired, make a gift for him and present it during the matinee. A gift can be a poem, a song, a dance, a performance with a toy musical instrument, elements of gymnastics, drawing, crafts. As long as the child enjoys it.

Decoration of the New Year tree. Prepare unbreakable Christmas tree decorations with long loops. Give each child an ornament and ask them to decorate the Christmas tree. Let Santa Claus personally raise the children who want to decorate top part tree.

I won't give up the snowball!

To the accompaniment of cheerful music, children pass a cotton snowball to each other, and one of the animators in a themed costume catches up with the children and strives to take possession of this snowball. This is an active game, limit its duration to the sound of music.

Master class “Gift for parents”. Think over a simple application and prepare everything you need for it. When children receive an offer to please their parents, they must quickly bring tables into the hall (if there are none). Give the kids the attributes prepared for gifts and show them what they can do. The photo shows simple appliqué options that require very little. For convenience, place everything you need for creativity in separate paper bags and sign them with the child’s name. When the work is done, children can decorate the gift envelope with a drawing or message and wrap the gift.

Fun run. Competition for two or three teams. Children from different teams, one at a time, must run in a bag around the Christmas tree. The child runs to his team and passes the bag to the next player, and so on until each kid has run. You can simplify the competition and protect it from falls by abolishing bags. Then you will need to pass the snowflake to each other.

The most dexterous. Father Frost and Snow Maiden are holding a hula hoop in their hands, like a basketball hoop. Children stand at a given distance and throw cotton snowballs into a hoop. Give the kids a few snowballs in advance.

Snowfall. Participants are divided into two teams. Santa Claus makes a real snowfall, scattering cotton “snowballs” around him. Next, children are asked to collect everything in bags, which are given one for each team. The number of snowballs collected determines the winner.

A bag with a surprise. Objects well known to children are collected in a large bag: a cube, a ball, a pyramid, a car, a baby doll, a teddy bear, a pencil, a cup, a spoon. Each child takes turns approaching the bag and, blindfolded, tries to determine by touch what exactly came into his hands. Ask your child to describe the item in as much detail as possible.

Musical carousel. Chairs are placed in a circle, one less than the number of children. The music is playing, the kids are running and dancing, the music stops - you need to sit down. The one who remains standing leaves the game, taking the chair with him. This continues until there is only one child left.

Show program. In order not to overwhelm or overtire children with outdoor games, add passive entertainment to the program, that is, a show that you can simply watch. We advise you to alternate active games and competitions with performances by animators. Children's favorite shows:

  • Soap bubbles show.
  • Performance by trained dogs.
  • Magic show of a magician.
  • Jokes of a cheerful clown.

Magical moments. Turn off the central light completely, let only the New Year's lanterns sparkle. For an effect of mystery, parents can light candles. Tell your children an extraordinary story about miracles, invite them to close their eyes and make a wish. In such an atmosphere, you can dance around the Christmas tree and convey warm words and wishes to each other.

7. Musical accompaniment

Each competition must be accompanied by energetic music. Usually in the assembly hall of a kindergarten there is a piano and a person who knows how to play it. Otherwise, use a tape recorder or telephone and speakers. Prepare a playlist of children's songs in advance. If the participants of the holiday are learning a song in kindergarten, be sure to include it in the list.

8. Gifts from Santa Claus

During competitions and games, give all participants small delicious gifts: chocolate eggs with a surprise, original lollipops, sweets in creative wrappers, tangerines decorated with a bright ribbon, chocolate dragees... Invite the kids not to unwrap such gifts, but to put them in a festive bag , and at the end of the “party” see who collected the most. Minor prizes also include stickers, small figurines of cartoon characters, cars and dolls.

As for the main gifts that Santa Claus will give to the children closer to the end of the celebration, they should all be the same. As an option: tickets to the circus, certificates for visiting a children's play center, soft toys in the form of a symbol of the coming year, pillows with funny images, cups, art kits, paints, pencils, construction sets.

Be sure to wrap the gifts in beautiful wrapping paper and tie with a wide ribbon. If you choose the ticket option, pack them in boxes or colorful envelopes.

The New Year is approaching - children's favorite holiday, because the Christmas tree is a holiday of fairy tales, fun games, surprises, funny adventures. In order for it to be exactly like this for a child, to please with its brightness and unusualness, parents need to make an effort.

When preparing for the New Year, parents should involve their children: decide together which friends to invite, how to decorate the Christmas tree, what kind of entertainment to come up with, etc.

Children should be told in advance about the Christmas tree, that it is an evergreen tree, and show it in a picture or photograph.

When preparing for the holiday, children should be allowed to look at Christmas tree decorations; you can cut out snowflakes and lanterns with your child, and hang garlands and light bulbs together. If the child is very small. Then you can decorate the Christmas tree when he falls asleep. The next morning the tree will be a surprise for the baby.

Gifts should also be taken care of in advance. The presentation of a gift can be arranged in a fabulous way. Dad and daughter make shoes out of plasticine and place them under the Christmas tree, and the next morning the child finds real shoes there. You can make a paper cockerel and put it on the window. Explain to the child that the Cockerel will be watching to see if Santa Claus passes by. He will see him and call him loudly. Santa Claus will definitely come by, admire the Christmas tree, homemade toys, check whether the child knows how to neatly fold clothes, put away his things, and leave a gift. In the morning, your baby will be pleased to find a gift and a letter from Santa Claus under the tree. The letter may contain poems to learn, a riddle or a wish.

Dear fathers and mothers!

An interestingly prepared holiday with your family will not only bring joy, but will also help you better understand the child and his interests.

Vivid memories from the holiday are remembered forever. Try to create an atmosphere of an unusual holiday. Draw a Snowman at the entrance to greet guests. Hide a cracker under the tree. Tell her that Santa Claus forgot her. There may be balls in the cracker. Under the tree there is a picture book, coloring book, etc.

You shouldn't sit at the table for a long time. It’s better to play with the guests, sing a song together, dance. Children really like the game “Hot and Cold”. The winner dances or sings a song. You can play the game “Aibolit and the Animals”. Children put on animal hats and choose one as a doctor. The game is based on a dramatization: the bunny is limping, the doctor treats him, the bunny jumps, the hippo roars and holds his stomach, then recovers and jumps merrily, etc.

Children must show creativity and convey the desired intonation. At the end you can dance a funny dance.

Adults can come up with a lot of interesting things New Year's holiday, you just need to want it and treat everything responsibly. I wish you resourcefulness and patience, and success will come to you!


about fire safety measures when decorating the Christmas tree

New Year and Christmas holidays are a wonderful time for children and adults. Almost every home has a beautiful Christmas tree installed and decorated. In order for these days not to be overshadowed by misfortune, it is necessaryreverse Special attention to comply with fire safety measures,which are very simple...

Natural Christmas trees tend to dry out when left indoors for a long time and burst into flames with a light spark. Buy your tree as close to New Year's as possible or store it outdoors. When preparing for the holiday, install the “forest beauty” on a stable base and so that the branches do not touch the walls or ceiling and are at a safe distance from electrical appliances and household stoves.

During the celebration, do not light candles or homemade electric garlands on the Christmas tree. The electric garland must be factory-made and undamaged.

Increased caution is also necessary when using sparklers. The stick with the sparkler should be held at arm's length and not brought near clothes, eyes or a natural Christmas tree. Sparklers and firecrackers should only be lit under adult supervision and away from flammable objects.

Dear parents!

Follow these basic fire safety rules and strictly supervise your children's behavior during the winter holidays!

In the event of a fire, call

by phone: 01, from mobile: 112

Give your children a fun winter holiday.

How to organize a weekend if you are not going anywhere? What can you do to keep your child busy so that he doesn’t get bored and has a fun and interesting holiday?

What do children dream about when thinking about the holidays? About magic, masquerades, ice slides, travel. And that you can finally talk to mom and dad, who are always missing at work. What are parents thinking? About a long sleep, a sofa and a TV or book. And about silence!

Parents, if you lie in front of the TV for all 10 days, the holidays will pass quickly and boringly, and your children will remain disappointed. Here are tips to make the holidays fun for you and your kids.

1. For children, the main thing is that the days be varied. Write a plan: slide, snow, festivities, guests, performances, museums, carnivals and masquerades.

2. Spend as much time as possible outdoors. If possible, visit friends out of town. Walk in the park, in the yard, go to forest parks, take your skates and go to the skating rink, go skiing. Try to spend the entire daylight hours outside. After all, when you go to work, you won’t be able to go for a walk. And children need a party!

3. Do something you have long dreamed of, but never got around to doing. Put on a play at home, go to visit friends who live far away, go to the theater. The main thing is the whole family.

4. Organize a children's party at home. Gather your friends and neighbors, rehearse a performance, dress up in costumes, play a fairy tale, prepare a simple treat on colorful paper plates so you don’t have to wash the dishes.

5. Organize a party in the yard. So you can play and take a walk. Decorate the Christmas tree, play with the stream. Believe me, both children and adults will like it. At the same time, you will get to know your neighbors better.

6. Diversify the downhill skiing - arrange a holiday with competitions: who will go the farthest, who will be the fastest, etc. Jackets can be decorated with Christmas tree rain.

7. Go on a winter hike. To the park or to the forest. Bury surprises and small gifts under the trees. Draw a map or plan. Under the tree, find a letter from Santa Claus, in which he writes: “Unfortunately, I didn’t get to you, my sleigh broke, I had to bury your gift under the tree. Here is a map, you can use it to find your gift.” Let the child look for the right Christmas trees on the map and discover the gifts. Believe me, children will be delighted with such treasure hunts!

8. While walking in the forest, give your child tasks: hang a feeder, pour food into already hanging feeders, sketch all the trees he encounters

9. Go to a museum. A preschooler will be interested in the local history and zoological museum. If the child loves greek myths, lead to the Greek hall. We planned a trip to art gallery- read the myths and the Bible in advance, because most of the classics wrote precisely on these topics.

10. Have a Christmas Boxing Day. A couple of days before the holiday, organize a “magic workshop” at home. Buy a craft book and craft with your kids! Make stained glass windows, paint pictures on wood, on canvas, cut out figures and glue appliques.

11. Together with your child, organize an action - sort out children's things (you can also take your own), collect good clothes from which the baby has outgrown, good, but not favorite toys, and send all this to needy children in orphanages or social centers. Now such events are organized by many children's stores, cafes and churches. It is very useful for a child to do such a good deed.

12. Don't watch TV non-stop! Mark in advance the programs and films that you like in the program, watch them with your children, and discuss them.

13. Have a “yummy day.” You can, for example, free mom from the kitchen on this day, and prepare simple goodies for dad and the children. And bake cookies all together, let the children get smeared in flour, dough, and make uneven figures. The main thing is to do it yourself!

14. Plan a masquerade party. Sew costumes, design makeup. Both for the children and for yourself!

15. Arrange a Christmas tree at home. Prepare a simple performance or concert, a treat (the same cookies), small gifts for guests, invite friends. It’s good if you agree with your friends and they also organize a Christmas tree. So your families will go to each other’s Christmas trees. It’s great if the holidays are themed - yours pirate Party, friends have princesses and fairies and so on.

Have a nice weekend and holidays!