Amazing day: Deniskin's story by Dragunsky. Dragoon's story of an amazing day

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One evening I sat in the yard, near the sand, and waited for my mother. She probably stayed late at the institute, or in the store, or perhaps stood on the bus stop. Don't know. Only all the parents in our yard had already arrived, and all the kids went home with them and were probably already drinking tea with bagels and cheese, but my mother was still not there...
And now the lights began to light up in the windows, and the radio started playing music, and dark clouds moved in the sky - they looked like bearded old men...
And I wanted to eat, but my mother was still not there, and I thought that if I knew that my mother was hungry and was waiting for me somewhere at the end of the world, I would immediately run to her, and would not be late and not made her sit on the sand and get bored.
And at that time Mishka came out into the yard. He said:
- Great!
And I said:
- Great!
Mishka sat down with me and picked up the dump truck.
- Wow! - said Mishka. - Where did you get it? Does he pick up sand himself? Not yourself? And he leaves on his own? Yes? What about the pen? What is it for? Can it be rotated? Yes? A? Wow! Will you give it to me at home?
I said:
- No, I won’t. Present. Dad gave it to me before he left.
The bear pouted and moved away from me. It became even darker outside.
I looked at the gate so as not to miss when my mother came. But she still didn’t come. Apparently, I met Aunt Rosa, and they stand and talk and don’t even think about me. I lay down on the sand.
Here Mishka says:
- Can you give me a dump truck?
- Get off it, Mishka.
Then Mishka says:
- I can give you one Guatemala and two Barbados for it!
I speak:
- Compared Barbados to a dump truck...
And Mishka:
- Well, do you want me to give you a swimming ring?
I speak:
- It's broken.
And Mishka:
- You will seal it!
I even got angry:
- Where to swim? In the bathroom? On Tuesdays?
And Mishka pouted again. And then he says:
- Well, it was not! Know my kindness! On!
And he handed me a box of matches. I took it in my hands.
“You open it,” said Mishka, “then you will see!”
I opened the box and at first I didn’t see anything, and then I saw a small light green light, as if somewhere far, far away from me a tiny star was burning, and at the same time I was holding it in my hands.
“What is this, Mishka,” I said in a whisper, “what is this?”
“This is a firefly,” said Mishka. - What, good? He's alive, don't think about it.
“Bear,” I said, “take my dump truck, would you like it?” Take it forever, forever! Give me this star, I’ll take it home...
And Mishka grabbed my dump truck and ran home. And I stayed with my firefly, looked at it, looked and couldn’t get enough of it: how green it was, as if in a fairy tale, and how close it was, in the palm of my hand, but shining as if from afar... And I couldn’t breathe evenly , and I heard my heart beating, and there was a slight tingling in my nose, as if I wanted to cry.
And I sat like that for a long time, a very long time. And there was no one around. And I forgot about everyone in this world.
But then my mother came, and I was very happy, and we went home. And when they started drinking tea with bagels and feta cheese, my mother asked:
- Well, how's your dump truck?
And I said:
- I, mom, exchanged it.
Mom said:
- Interesting! And for what?
I replied:
- To the firefly! Here he is, living in a box. Turn out the light!
And mom turned off the light, and the room became dark, and the two of us began to look at the pale green star.
Then mom turned on the light.
“Yes,” she said, “it’s magic!” But still, how did you decide to give such a valuable thing as a dump truck for this worm?
“I’ve been waiting for you for so long,” I said, “and I was so bored, but this firefly, it turned out to be better than any dump truck in the world.”
Mom looked at me intently and asked:
- And why, why exactly is it better?
I said:
- How come you don’t understand?! After all, he is alive! And it glows!..

“It’s alive and glowing...”

One evening I sat in the yard, near the sand, and waited for my mother. She probably stayed late at the institute, or at the store, or maybe stood at the bus stop for a long time. Don't know. Only all the parents in our yard had already arrived, and all the kids went home with them and were probably already drinking tea with bagels and cheese, but my mother was still not there...

And now the lights began to light up in the windows, and the radio started playing music, and dark clouds moved in the sky - they looked like bearded old men...

And I wanted to eat, but my mother was still not there, and I thought that if I knew that my mother was hungry and was waiting for me somewhere at the end of the world, I would immediately run to her, and would not be late and not made her sit on the sand and get bored.

And at that time Mishka came out into the yard. He said:

- Great!

And I said:

- Great!

Mishka sat down with me and picked up the dump truck.

- Wow! - said Mishka. - Where did you get it? Does he pick up sand himself? Not yourself? And he leaves on his own? Yes? What about the pen? What is it for? Can it be rotated? Yes? A? Wow! Will you give it to me at home?

I said:

- No, I won’t. Present. Dad gave it to me before he left.

The bear pouted and moved away from me. It became even darker outside.

I looked at the gate so as not to miss when my mother came. But she still didn’t go. Apparently, I met Aunt Rosa, and they stand and talk and don’t even think about me. I lay down on the sand.

Here Mishka says:

- Can you give me a dump truck?

- Get off it, Mishka.

Then Mishka says:

– I can give you one Guatemala and two Barbados for it!

I speak:

– Compared Barbados to a dump truck...

- Well, do you want me to give you a swimming ring?

I speak:

- It's burst.

- You will seal it!

I even got angry:

- Where to swim? In the bathroom? On Tuesdays?

And Mishka pouted again. And then he says:

- Well, it wasn’t! Know my kindness! On!

And he handed me a box of matches. I took it in my hands.

“You open it,” said Mishka, “then you will see!”

I opened the box and at first I didn’t see anything, and then I saw a small light green light, as if somewhere far, far away from me a tiny star was burning, and at the same time I was holding it in my hands.

“What is this, Mishka,” I said in a whisper, “what is this?”

“This is a firefly,” said Mishka. - What, good? He's alive, don't think about it.

“Bear,” I said, “take my dump truck, would you like it?” Take it forever, forever! Give me this star, I’ll take it home...

And Mishka grabbed my dump truck and ran home. And I stayed with my firefly, looked at it, looked and couldn’t get enough of it: how green it was, as if in a fairy tale, and how even though it was close, in the palm of my hand, it was shining as if from afar... And I couldn’t breathe evenly, and I heard my heart beating and there was a slight tingling in my nose, as if I wanted to cry.

And I sat like that for a long time, a very long time. And there was no one around. And I forgot about everyone in this world.

But then my mother came, and I was very happy, and we went home. And when they started drinking tea with bagels and feta cheese, my mother asked:

- Well, how is your dump truck?

And I said:

- I, mom, exchanged it.

Mom said:

- Interesting! And for what?

I replied:

- To the firefly! Here he is, living in a box. Turn out the light!

And mom turned off the light, and the room became dark, and the two of us began to look at the pale green star.

Then mom turned on the light.

“Yes,” she said, “it’s magic!” But still, how did you decide to give such a valuable thing as a dump truck for this worm?

“I’ve been waiting for you for so long,” I said, “and I was so bored, but this firefly, it turned out to be better than any dump truck in the world.”

Mom looked at me intently and asked:

- And in what way, in what way is it better?

I said:

- How come you don’t understand?! After all, he is alive! And it glows!..

Glory to Ivan Kozlovsky

I only have A's on my report card. Only in penmanship is a B. Because of the blots. I really don't know what to do! Blots always jump off my pen. I only dip the very tip of the pen into ink, but the blots still jump off. Just some miracles! Once I wrote a whole page that was pure, pure, and delightful to look at—a real A page. In the morning I showed it to Raisa Ivanovna, and there was a blot in the very middle! Where did she come from? She wasn't there yesterday! Maybe it was leaked from some other page? Don't know…

And so I only have A's. Only a C in singing. This is how it happened. We had a singing lesson. At first we all sang in chorus “There was a birch tree in the field.” It turned out very beautifully, but Boris Sergeevich kept wincing and shouting:

– Pull your vowels, friends, pull your vowels!..

Then we began to draw out the vowels, but Boris Sergeevich clapped his hands and said:

– A real cat concert! Let's deal with each individual individually.

This means with each individual separately.

And Boris Sergeevich called Mishka.

Mishka went up to the piano and whispered something to Boris Sergeevich.

Then Boris Sergeevich began to play, and Mishka quietly sang:

Like on thin ice
A little white snow fell...

Well, Mishka squeaked funny! This is how our kitten Murzik squeaks. Is that really how they sing? Almost nothing can be heard. I just couldn't stand it and started laughing.

Then Boris Sergeevich gave Mishka a five and looked at me.

He said:

- Come on, laugher, come out!

I quickly ran to the piano.

- Well, what will you perform? – Boris Sergeevich asked politely.

I said:

- Song civil war“Lead us, Budyonny, boldly into battle.”

Boris Sergeevich shook his head and began to play, but I immediately stopped him:

- Please play louder! - I said.

Boris Sergeevich said:

- You won't be heard.

But I said:

- Will. Yes!

Boris Sergeevich began to play, and I took a deep breath and started drinking:

High in the clear sky
The scarlet banner flutters...

I really like this song.

I can see the blue, blue sky, it’s hot, the horses are clattering their hooves, they have beautiful purple eyes, and a scarlet banner is flying in the sky.

At this point I even closed my eyes with delight and shouted as loud as I could:

We are racing there on horseback,
Where is the enemy visible?
And in a delightful battle...

I sang well, probably even heard on the other street:

A swift avalanche! We are rushing forward!.. Hurray!..

Reds always win! Retreat, enemies! Give it!!!

I pressed my fists on my stomach, it came out even louder, and I almost burst:

We crashed into Crimea!

Then I stopped because I was all sweaty and my knees were shaking.

And although Boris Sergeevich was playing, he was somehow leaning towards the piano, and his shoulders were also shaking...

I said:

- Well, how?

- Monstrous! – Boris Sergeevich praised.

Nice song, Truth? – I asked.

“Good,” said Boris Sergeevich and covered his eyes with a handkerchief.

“It’s just a pity that you played very quietly, Boris Sergeevich,” I said, “you could have been even louder.”

“Okay, I’ll take it into account,” said Boris Sergeevich, “But you didn’t notice that I played one thing, and you sang a little differently!”

“No,” I said, “I didn’t notice it!” Yes, it doesn’t matter. I just needed to play louder.

“Well,” said Boris Sergeevich, “since you didn’t notice anything, let’s give you a three for now.” For diligence.

How about a three? I was even taken aback. How can this be? Three is very little! Mishka sang quietly and then got an A... I said:

- Boris Sergeevich, when I rest a little, I can be even louder, don’t think so. I didn't have a good breakfast today. Otherwise I can sing so hard that everyone’s ears will be covered. I know one more song. When I sing it at home, all the neighbors come running and ask what happened.

- What is this? – asked Boris Sergeevich.

“Compassionate,” I said and started:

I loved you...
Love still, perhaps...

But Boris Sergeevich hastily said:

- Well, okay, okay, we'll discuss all this next time.

And then the bell rang.

Mom met me in the locker room. When we were about to leave, Boris Sergeevich approached us.

“Well,” he said, smiling, “perhaps your boy will be Lobachevsky, maybe Mendeleev.” He may become Surikov or Koltsov, I would not be surprised if he becomes known to the country, as Comrade Nikolai Mamai or some boxer is known, but I can assure you absolutely firmly of one thing: he will not achieve the fame of Ivan Kozlovsky. Never!

Mom blushed terribly and said:

– Well, we’ll see about that later!

And when we walked home, I kept thinking: “Does Kozlovsky really sing louder than me?”

“Tomorrow is the first of September,” said my mother. - And now autumn has come, and you will go to second grade. Oh, how time flies!..

“And on this occasion,” dad picked up, “we will now “slaughter” a watermelon!”

And he took a knife and cut the watermelon. When he cut, such a full, pleasant, green crack was heard that my back went cold with anticipation of how I would eat this watermelon. And I was already opening my mouth to grab a pink slice of watermelon, but then the door swung open and Pavel entered the room. We were all terribly happy, because he had not been with us for a long time and we missed him.

I came home from the yard after football, tired and dirty like I don’t know who. I had fun because we beat house number five 44-37. Thank God there was no one in the bathroom. I quickly rinsed my hands, ran into the room and sat down at the table. I said:

Mom, I can eat a bull now.

A poster appeared near our house, so beautiful and bright that it was impossible to pass by it indifferently. It had various birds drawn on it and said, “Songbird Show.” And I immediately decided that I would definitely go and see what kind of news this was.

And on Sunday, at about two in the afternoon, I got ready, got dressed and called Mishka to take him with me. But Mishka grumbled that he got a D in arithmetic - that's one thing, and a new book about spies - that's two things.

Then I decided to go myself. Mom let me go willingly because I was bothering her with cleaning, and I went. Songbirds were shown at the Exhibition of Achievements, and I easily got there by subway. There was almost no one at the ticket office, and I handed twenty kopecks through the window, but the cashier gave me a ticket and returned ten kopecks back because I was a schoolboy. I really liked this.

One day I was sitting and sitting and out of the blue I suddenly thought of something that surprised even myself. I thought that how nice it would be if everything around the world were arranged in reverse. Well, for example, for children to be in charge in all matters and adults would have to obey them in everything, in everything. In general, so that adults are like children, and children are like adults. That would be wonderful, it would be very interesting.

Firstly, I imagine how my mother would “like” such a story, that I walk around and command her as I want, and my dad would probably “like” it too, but there’s nothing to say about my grandmother. Needless to say, I would remember everything to them! For example, my mother would be sitting at dinner, and I would tell her:

“Why did you start a fashion for eating without bread? Here's more news! Look at yourself in the mirror, who do you look like? Looks like Koschey! Eat now, they tell you! - And she would start eating with her head down, and I would just give the command: - Faster! Don't hold it by the cheek! Are you thinking again? Are you still solving the world's problems? Chew it properly! And don’t rock your chair!”

During recess, our October leader Lyusya ran up to me and said:

– Deniska, will you be able to perform in the concert? We decided to organize two kids to be satirists. Want?

I speak:

- I want everything! Just explain what satirists are.

Although I am already in my ninth year, I only realized yesterday that I still need to learn my lessons. Whether you love it or not, whether you like it or not, whether you are lazy or not, you still have to learn your lessons. This is the law. Otherwise, you can get into such a mess that you won’t recognize your own people. For example, I didn’t have time to do my homework yesterday. We were asked to learn a piece from one of Nekrasov’s poems and the main rivers of America. And instead of studying, I launched a kite into space in the yard. Well, he still didn’t fly into space, because his tail was too light, and because of this he spun like a top. This time.

I will never forget this winter evening. It was cold outside, the wind was strong, it cut your cheeks like a dagger, the snow was spinning with terrible speed. It was sad and boring, I just wanted to howl, and then dad and mom went to the movies. And when Mishka called on the phone and called me to his place, I immediately got dressed and rushed to him. It was light and warm there and a lot of people had gathered, Alenka came, followed by Kostya and Andryushka. We played all the games and it was fun and noisy. And at the end Alenka suddenly said:

Once we went to the circus as a whole class. I was very happy when I went there, because I was almost eight years old, and I had only been to the circus once, and that was a very long time ago. The main thing is that Alenka is only six years old, but she has already managed to visit the circus three times. This is very disappointing. And now the whole class went to the circus, and I thought how good it was that I was already big and that now, this time, I would see everything properly. And at that time I was little, I did not understand what a circus was. That time, when the acrobats entered the arena and one climbed on the head of the other, I laughed terribly, because I thought that they were doing this on purpose, for laughs, because at home I had never seen grown men climbing on each other. And this didn’t happen on the street either.

Either I wanted to be an astronomer, so I could stay awake at night and watch distant stars through a telescope, and then I dreamed of becoming a sea captain, so that I could stand with my legs apart on the captain’s bridge, and visit distant Singapore, and buy a funny monkey there.

Works are divided into pages

Deniskin's stories by Viktor Dragunsky

Viktor Dragunsky has wonderful stories about the boy Deniska, which are called “ Deniska's stories" Many guys have read these funny stories. It can be said that huge amount people grew up on these stories, " Deniska's stories“are unusually exactly similar to our society, both in its aesthetic aspects and in its factuality. The phenomenon of universal love for stories by Victor Dragunsky is explained quite simply. By reading small but quite meaningful stories about Deniska, children learn to compare and contrast, fantasize and dream, analyze their actions with funny laughter and enthusiasm.

Dragunsky's stories distinguished by love for children, knowledge of their behavior, and emotional responsiveness. Deniska’s prototype is the author’s son, and the father in these stories is the author himself. V. Dragunsky wrote not only funny stories, many of which most likely happened to his son, but also a little instructive. Good and good impressions remain after thoughtful read Deniska's stories, many of which were later filmed. Children and adults reread them many times with great pleasure. In our collection you can read online list Deniskin's stories, and enjoy their world at any free moment.

Only a few days remain until the solemn September lineup.

First-graders feel especially anxious. What awaits them in school world? Will they withstand the load? Will you like it? The parents are also worried: the baby has grown so quickly that it’s hard to believe.

This page is about the first day of school. Each of us has our own memories of him. Someone got lost in the crowd and cried while looking for their class, someone didn’t like their desk neighbor.

But over time, all sorts of little things and misunderstandings are erased from memory, by and large, only quiet sadness and dear faces of friends and loved ones remain.

U children's writer Viktor Golyavkin has a story “How I Was Afraid” about a first-grader who is so scared that, due to a misunderstanding, he ends up in a funny position. Famous artist Viktor Chizhikov also told how he went to school for the first time. In the story “Chiki-Bricks,” two friends tease a strict aunt in big glasses, not suspecting that this is their first teacher. Having learned about this, they flatly refuse to cross the threshold of the school.

The wonderful storyteller Viktor Dragunsky composed a lot funny stories about Deniska and his friends. His hero is also worried about the first of September. It’s good that he has tactful adults who help him get rid of unnecessary worries.

Alyosha, the hero of L. Voronkova’s story, on the way to school encounters many funny and interesting reasons for play and relaxation, but stoically withstands all temptations and appears at school on time.

But his namesake Alyosha Seroglazov, the hero of the story by Yuz Aleshkovsky, had no idea how difficult it was to study in first grade for an entire week for the first time in his life. On a day off, there is a reason to take stock: what was more in it - good or bad? Who is to blame if there was more bad things: himself or a coincidence of circumstances? Yes, it’s a shame to receive an offensive nickname at the very first school assembly in your life. But Alyosha copes with these difficulties on his own. And helps dispel sadness little puppy Shoot, which he and dad bought at the poultry market.

First-grader Yulia Boriskina and six-year-old Dasha Vorobyova look very elegant and festive. Only in Dasha’s hands, in addition to her briefcase, is a soft toy, which she doesn’t want to part with. The girl goes to a class that has never existed at school before. The uniforms, textbooks, and lessons for the children in this class are completely different, not the same as for first-graders. Very soon Yulia Boriskina learns the role of periods and commas and truly understands the power of influence of the team.

The writer Yuri Koval has amazing good stories about the distant village of Chisty Dor and its inhabitants. Among them are Panteleevna, Mironikha, Uncle Zui, and the only first-grader in the village, Nyurka. For her birthday, the girl receives a variety of gifts, but most of all she enjoys binoculars - with teacher Alexei Stepanych they will look at the stars.

First-grader Seryozha always lost handkerchiefs, balls, but only once, he even wanted to write with a pencil, but the guys helped out. And the little heroine of V. Zheleznikov’s story “After Lessons” did not even suspect that the alphabet could not be learned in one day, so she found herself in a stupid position - her younger brother Seryozhka and the boy next door were laughing at her. It’s good that there are caring people nearby who will not ignore someone else’s misfortune, but will definitely help.

V. Golyavkin

How afraid I was

When I first went to school on September 1st for first grade, I was very afraid that they would immediately ask me something difficult. For example, they will ask: what is 973 and 772? Or: where is such and such a city, which I don’t know where it is. Or they’ll force me to read quickly, but I can’t, and they’ll give me a bad mark. Although my parents assured me that nothing like this would happen, I was still worried.

And so excited, confused, even scared, I entered the class, sat down at my desk and quietly asked my neighbor:

Can you write?

He shook his head.

Can you add 973 and 772?

He shook his head and looked at me in fear.

He was completely scared, he almost crawled under his desk - he couldn’t read at all.

At this time, the teacher asked me what my last name was, and I decided that they would now force me to quickly read or add large numbers, and said:

I don't know anything!

What don't you know? - the teacher was surprised.

I don't know anything! - I shouted in fear.

Do you know what your name is?

Don't know! - I said.

Don’t you know your last name or first name?

I don't know anything! - I repeated.

The class laughed.

Then I shouted through the noise and laughter:

I know my last name and my first name, but I don’t know anything else!

The teacher smiled and said:

Apart from your first and last name, no one will ask you anything else. None of you know almost anything yet. This is why you came to school, to study and know everything. Here with today We will start learning with you.

Then I boldly said my last name and my first name.

It even became funny to me that I was afraid at first.

And my neighbor said his first and last name before he was asked.

V. Chizhikov


Grishka Barlyaev and I are running along a dusty, sun-scorched road. And clouds of warm dust rise up from us, the breeze blows it to the side, and it seems to us that we are machines, so we rumble desperately.

I am ZIS-101! - I shout.

And I'm five-ton! - Grishka shouts.

ZIS-101 drives faster.

But a five-ton truck will take away more cucumbers! - Grishka laughs.


We've arrived!

And we slow down near the garden. These are the gardens of evacuees. It rained two days ago, and cucumbers should appear in our garden. The garden is small, Grisha and I quickly ran around it - only four cucumbers.

Well, nothing,” says Grishka. - We'll pick them up from other areas along the way.

And we rattled in the opposite direction.

Stop! Brakes! I see a cucumber! - I shout.

And I see! - Grishka shouts.

Ripped off big cucumber, wiped the dust on their pants and crunched into the cool, slightly sour flesh.

Sit down. Silence, only somewhere high, high, birds are singing.

What are you doing here?! - was heard right next to our ears.

Grishka and I were thrown around like that. In front of us stood a thin woman wearing big glasses.
We looked at each other in silence for a moment until she startled us again:

Come on, get out of my garden! Chiki-briki!

We flew away about twenty meters like a bullet and stopped. Now we were torn apart by laughter.

Chicky-breeny! Chiki-briki! - we jumped.

But she stopped paying attention to us, and we ran home.

Then we often remembered this incident and called any danger that threatened us “Chiki-briki.”

Summer is over. September 1st. In a clean shirt, with a field bag over my shoulder, I am sitting on the rubble, waiting for Grishka. Today we are going to school for the first time. I wait, I wait, Grishka is not there. All the kids passed by, one girl with a bouquet of daisies even ran at a trot. I think it's possible to be late. I go to Grishka’s house, I see him sitting in the window.

What are you doing?! - I shout to him. - Are you crazy, or what? We'll be late.

“I won’t go to school,” says Grishka.

How so?!

Do you know who our teacher is? Chiki-briki!

So I sat down. What to do?

I ran home, threw my bag on the bench, roared and told my mother that I wouldn’t go to school.

And she tells me:

Well, I’ll take you by the hand, like a little one.

When my mother dragged me to school, the lesson began. It’s quiet all around, only my roar can be heard in the yard. An old man came out of school with a broom in one hand and a bell in the other. He looked at me and shook his head.

You, mother, go, and I’ll take him to class.

I walked ahead, the old man pushed me in the back of the head with his dry palm. He stopped near the freshly painted door and knocked softly.

The teacher came out. Grishka was not mistaken - it was her.

The old man whispered to her:

Will you accept a latecomer?

It seemed to me that she was going to shout: “Come on, march out of my school!” Chiki-briki! But the teacher said:

Please come in, just don’t be late again,” and she smiled.

She was a very good teacher, my first teacher, and I will remember her all my life. Her name was Zoya Alexandrovna.

V. Dragunsky

First day

When the first of September arrived, I got up at night. Because I was afraid to oversleep. Everyone was still sleeping. I lay there for a long time with open eyes. I lay there and lay there and almost fell asleep again. But then mom woke up. She began to iron my clean shirt. I quickly jumped up and began to get dressed. When dad saw me in new form, He said:

A real general.

There was a crowd of children standing near the school. One hundred thousand. Everyone had flowers in their hands. Moms, dads and grandmothers stood aside. The children made noise, each to their own. I paired up with one boy. He was very handsome. All covered in freckles. Mouth to ear.

They bought me a lot of new things for school. A satchel, notebooks, pencils, a pen, a whole box of feathers. Also a pencil case and an eraser. The pencil case is very beautiful, all shiny. I smelled it, it smells like candy. He licked it, it turns out, sourly.


When I wasn’t studying, I was completely stupid. I knew very few words. For example, I knew the words: mom, dad, no matter me, a Christmas tree was born in the forest. And he also knew nine or ten words. And at school there are all new words: blackboard, chalk, teacher, class, desk, bell, hot breakfast. This is very interesting!

My family is too small. Dad, mom and me. This is because I myself am still small. And I will become big, and I will have a big family: dad, mom, grandfather, grandmother, sister, brother, son, daughter and four grandchildren.


The teacher came to class. She said:

Hello children! Let's be friends. Let's get acquainted. My name is Ksenia Alekseevna.

I said:

And my name is Denis.

The teacher said:

Very nice.

And the other guys shouted:

And my name is Masha!

And I'm Misha!

And I'm Tolya!

The teacher said:

That's good! I will call you all by name. What will you call me?

Tolya stood up and said:

We will call you Se-Sevna.

And the teacher laughed:

That's wrong! We must speak clearly and clearly: Ksenia Alekseevna. Got it?


A writer came to us for the second lesson. He was cheerful and read funny stories. He composes them himself. For children. To make them laugh. Because laughing is good for your health. We all clapped after each story. And they shouted:

More! More! More!

Because we really liked his stories. He can write everything. And while he was reading, I was writing poetry.

I stood up and said:

I composed poems for you!

He said:

Read it please!

And I read out loud:

Poetry. Write us a story
A story about Chapaev! End.

He said:

What good poems!


Then classes ended and I went home. My mother met me at school. She gave me a red ball on a string. It was very beautiful outside. Yellow leaves hung on the trees. The people were all cheerful. The policeman showed the cars where to go. He was wearing white gloves. My ball kept stretching upward, pulling the string as if it were alive. I released him. He flew. I raised my head and watched the red ball fly away into the blue-blue sky.

Ksenia Alekseevna gave us homework. Write four sticks. I took a notebook and wrote. At first, it turned out that the sticks were crawling downwards. Then I decided to rewrite. It turned out even worse. Now the sticks climbed up at an angle. Mom looked and said:

Your handwriting is bad. You won't understand anything. Just blah blah blah. You write properly. You're not trying at all. Try your best.

I sat down to write again. Mom said:

Why did you stick out your tongue?

I said:

That's what I'm trying to do!


And then I played in the yard. I played for a long time. Finally mom looked out the window and called:

Denis! Go have dinner.

I went home. For dinner I ate bread and butter and tea with milk. Then I began to undress. Dad asked:

Did you want to sleep? Why are you lying down?

I said:

Back to school tomorrow! It's time.

He smiled:

It's still early, seven o'clock. Don't be afraid, you'll have time to sleep.

I told him:

I go to bed so early because I want tomorrow to come sooner. I'll sleep quickly!

He laughed and said:

Well, then good night!


I lay in bed and kept trying to sleep. But sleep did not come to me. I kept thinking that I was studying and would soon be completely literate. First I will learn the entire ABC book. Letters from A to Z. And then I’ll learn all the syllables. Ma-ah. Ma. Meh. Mu. And so in six months we will go for a walk with dad. At first I will be silent, and then I will look at the sign and say, out of the blue:

Eggs, butter, milk.

Dad will say:

What, are you hungry? Do you want to eat?

And I will say:

No, I just read it. Look, it says on the sign!

Then dad will say:

Wow! Did you read it yourself?

Yes. And only six years.

Then dad will say:

How nice it is to walk down the street with an educated person!

L. Voronkova

I'm going to school!

The sun peeked through the window.

Alyosha, it's time to go to school!

“I’m already ready,” Alyosha answered. I took my school bag and took a bouquet of flowers as expected. And he went outside.

Alyosha, let's go to the river, they're building a dam there! - neighbor Arnika shouted to him.

Alyosha was even surprised.

Don't you see? I'm off to school!

And he passed by. Of course, it would be nice to run to the river and see the dam. But when will he?

As soon as he stepped onto the road, cars with bread caught up with him.

Hey, Alyosha,” the drivers shouted to him, “get in, let’s go for a ride!”

What's better? Sit in the cab and even put your hand on the steering wheel next to the driver’s hand and rush along the road!

Thank you! - Alyosha answered the drivers. “I’m going to school!”

And now the road went past the vegetable gardens. There, gardeners picked red tomatoes and green cucumbers from the beds. There were whole baskets of cucumbers and tomatoes.

Come here, Alyosha! - the gardeners called. - We'll treat you to fresh cucumbers!

Oh, ripe tomatoes are good, and cucumbers are so crunchy in your teeth!..

Thank you,” Alyosha answered, “I have no time, I’m going to school!”

I went out onto the field - there was no one. To the right are green winter trees, to the left is a forest. Now no one will call Alyosha, now he will quickly get to school.

But wings rustled overhead. Alyosha raised his head, and a whole flock of swallows were flying overhead.

Alyosha, Alyosha! - the swallows began to scream. - Look how our young children fly! Stop and admire!

“I can’t, I don’t have time,” Alyosha answered. - I'm going to school!

And if it weren’t for school, I would have looked at them for an hour. After all, he saw how these babies looked out of the nest.

Alyosha, Alyosha! - the hazel tree rustled in the forest. - Come quickly and look how many nuts I have! They are already ripe!

And the nuts, ripe, brown, are laughing on the branches, and the branches are bending down: just pick them!

When should I tear the nuts? - Alyosha answered. - After all, I’m going to school!

Alyosha, the mountain ash is ripe here, look how big it is!

Alyosha, Alyosha, the stumps are full of honey fungus! A whole basket from one stump!

But Alyosha quickened his pace and shouted with all his might:

Don't call me, I'm going to school!

And here is the school on the mountain. And the guys flock to her from all sides. And the bell rings.

And here Alyosha came to school. Just in time!

Yuz Aleshkovsky

Two briefcases and a whole week

It was my first day off, because for the first time in my life I spent a whole week in first grade.

I didn’t know how to start such a day, and so I decided to imitate my dad: when I woke up, I put my hands under my head and stared out the window.

Dad once said that on Sunday morning, since he doesn’t have to rush to work, he thinks about all sorts of things and how the whole week went. What was more in it - good or bad? And if there is more bad, then who is to blame for this: dad himself or, as he likes to say, a coincidence of circumstances?

There was more bad stuff in my first week of school. And not because of me, but because of circumstances that began to accumulate a long time ago.

If I had been born even two days later, I would have turned seven years old not on the thirty-first of August, but on the second of September, and I would not have been accepted into school. But dad already had to persuade the head teacher. And the head teacher agreed to accept me on a probationary period.

I was the youngest and smallest student in the entire school.

IN " Children's world“They bought me the smallest uniform, but when I tried it on in the booth it turned out that it was too big. My mother asked me to take the uniform off the unprofessional first-grader who was standing in the window and smiling, but my mother was persuaded to refuse this request and was advised to alter the uniform. She was also given advice what to feed me so that I grow faster.

Mom shortened the trousers herself, and kept the cap in hot water all night, then pulled it over the pan and ironed it, but it still fell over my eyes.

In general, on the first of September I went to school, and at the very first break, the tallest boy in our class, Misha Lvov, measured me from head to toe with my own briefcase. He measured it and immediately gave me the nickname Twoportfolio. And he gave himself the nickname Tiger. Because of the surname Lvov. Even high school students got my nickname. During breaks they looked at me and were surprised:

Two briefcases!

Indeed, Two Briefcases!

They didn't tease me, but still I felt the greatest insult of all that I received in the nursery, in kindergarten, in the yard and at home.

I would go somewhere to the side, not play with anyone, and I was so bored that I wanted to cry.

True, one day a high school student came up to me, stroked my head and said:

Two briefcases, don't hang your nose. The time will come, and you will become four briefcases, then five, and then eight. Look! And during recess, don’t stand in one place. Knead your bones. And don't be afraid of anyone. If they start to scare you, flare your nostrils. They'll leave right away. I've always done this. I am Olya.

“And I’m Alyosha,” I said, and Olya showed how to flare the nostrils.

But no matter how much I fanned them out later, it didn’t scare anyone, and my ears were buzzing with shouting:

Two briefcases! Two briefcases!

I hated Tigger for this nickname.

It was good for Dadaev. They called him Dada! Kapustin - Head of cabbage. Galya Pelenkin, as a Brazilian football player, is Pele. Gusev's name is Tega-tega, and he is very happy. Lenyu Katsa - Katso. One me - Two briefcases.

Nothing! Maybe over time they will all get tired of such a long nickname, and only Felya will remain from him. Felya! This is not bad...

So I lay there and thought, and suddenly I began to stare... In front of my window, in one place, just like a helicopter, a sparrow was hanging and suddenly - bang! He hit the glass, fell on the ledge, then jumped up again, fluttered and tried to peck at something.

Then I saw a large blue fly that flew into the room and wanted to fly back. She buzzed, darted around the glass, then fell silent, as if losing consciousness, and again began to spin on the glass, as if on a skating rink.

“Here’s a stupid sparrow,” I thought, “he sees a fly right next to his beak, but he can’t peck. He’s probably angry and wondering how suddenly, for no reason at all, such warm moving air became hard and cold. And the fly is surprised. that everything is transparent, but you can’t fly away.”

Suddenly the sparrow scattered once again and flew into the room through the window like a bullet. I screamed, waved the blanket - he got scared, made a circle near the ceiling, flew back and fluttered on the glass next to the fly.

And somehow I felt sorry for both the sparrow and the fly. Day off... The morning is so good, and they got caught...

I jumped out of bed and opened the window.

Go about your business, you fools! You won’t understand that it’s not the air around that has solidified, but the glass that’s transparent. But I understand, because I am a human!

So I said out loud, looked out the window, and I also wanted to go outside...

T. Chinareva

First-graders and zero-graders

Just yesterday Yulia Boriskina was small, but today she is already big. Because today is the first of September and Yulia Boriskina is going to school. In a uniform dress, like adult schoolgirls. In a beautiful white apron. With a white bow in a braid.

Boriskin's mother smiled. Papa Boriskin smiled. Grandma Boriskina smiled. How not to smile if you are seeing someone off to first class. For seven years the man was small. For seven years they sang lullabies to him. And so the man grew up. How not to smile!

Only Yulia was very serious. Because she was worried and thought: who will sit at her desk with her? And what is the teacher's name? And will they mark today?

Yulechka, maybe I can carry your briefcase? - suggested the grandmother.

It's hard for you! - Mom objected. - I’d better carry the briefcase!

I must carry the briefcase! - Dad said decisively.

But Julia grabbed the handle of the briefcase tightly:

No! Me myself! I'm already big!

In the courtyard, the Boriskins ran into the Vorobyovs, neighbors from the fifth floor. All the smartly dressed Vorobyovs - dad, mom, grandfather and two grandmothers stood in a circle and argued.

Hello! - Yulina’s grandmother said loudly. - Look what a schoolgirl we have!

The Vorobyovs turned around, and grandfather exclaimed:

Oh, what a beautiful schoolgirl you have! Now look at ours!

The Vorobyovs parted, and the Boriskins saw that a frightened Dasha Vorobyova was standing in the circle of adults with a huge white bow, in a plaid skirt and a plaid vest. With a real briefcase that reaches to the ground. And a rubber pig in his hand.

She’s only six years old...” Yulina’s grandmother was surprised.

And she goes to the class of six-year-olds! - Dasha’s mother proudly remarked. - We just can’t talk ourselves out of leaving the toy pig at home...

We all went to school together. And on the way Dasha asked:

Do you know, Julia, what is the name of our class?

Julia didn't know. And just in case, I asked:


No,” Dasha shook her head. - It's called zero.

This means a class that has never existed at school before. The uniforms, textbooks, and lessons for the children in this class are completely different, not the same as for first-graders.

This is the amazing first day of September when Yulia Boriskina and Dasha Vorobyova went to school. A first-grader and a zero-grader.

All the schoolchildren came on the first of September with flowers. And zero-graders, and first-graders, and tenth-graders. There were so many flowers on this day! And asters, and carnations, and daisies, and chrysanthemums. Everyone wanted to quickly give a bouquet to their teacher.

The teacher of 1st "A" was Antonina Pavlovna. In the classroom, she sat the children at their desks. A boy and a girl. And a girl with a girl. Because there were more girls.

The class was beautiful and bright. Outside the windows is a school garden. In the school garden there are fathers, mothers, grandmothers and grandfathers. They look out the windows and wave their hands. It was as if the children sat not at their desks, but on an airplane. And now they will fly away.

Periods, commas

Snow has fallen, frost has fallen, the cat washes the nose of a puppy on a black back with snow...

Oh-oh-oh! - said Antonina Pavlovna - And for whom, I wonder, do they put periods and commas in books? Come on first!

It fell... the snow fell... frost... The cat... washed... with snow... the puppy's nose...

I feel so sorry for this cat! - Antonina Pavlovna made a sad face. - Her paws are probably cold... And I feel sorry for this puppy. The owner must have lost it. And everyone in the city is not happy about the snow. They sit at home, look out the window and get angry... Come on, Yulia, let’s better imagine that you are a diesel locomotive driver.

The first-graders fussed and whispered. They did not understand why Yulia would be a diesel locomotive driver. After all, the poem only talks about snow, a cat and a puppy.

Our Yulia is driving a real diesel locomotive... - said Antonina Pavlovna, and Misha Lisichkin imagined that he was sitting not at the school window, but at the carriage window. - We drove away from Khabarovsk, and we met a small station. There are only two passengers on the platform. Grandmother and granddaughter. Yulia stopped the train for a minute so that her grandmother and granddaughter could board their carriage. Let's move on. We see a large train station. This is the city of Blagoveshchensk. The train takes longer here. While the water supply is being made, the bags with letters are being loaded into the mail car. So are punctuation marks. Point is a large station. The comma is small. Well, driver, move your diesel locomotive!

An old poplar with sparrows on its branches instead of fallen leaves flashed through the window. A group of zero-year students, who had already finished studying, went out for a walk. Tom the dog is the guys' faithful friend.

Snow fell, frost fell,
The cat washes its nose with snow.
The puppy has a black back
White snowflakes are melting.
The sidewalks are covered in snow,
Everything around is white and white!

Julia read poetry so well that the first graders saw white school yard. Nulevichkov, who sculpted the snow woman. And white snow flakes on Tom's back. Everyone really wanted winter to come. I wanted it so bad... I really wanted it for my birthday!


Vladik Ushakov walked along a long corridor. He was in a bad mood. Yesterday I played in the yard and went to bed late. In the morning, my mother barely woke me up.

Vladik walked, dragging his briefcase behind him, looking at the floor and not noticing anyone around. He didn’t even notice the teacher Antonina Pavlovna.

But she immediately noticed Vladik. She said loudly:

Hello, Vladik! Have you forgotten anything?

Vladik immediately began to remember what lessons he had today. Is it really physical education?

Did they tell you to bring skis? - he asked uncertainly.

What kind of skis? Today is drawing!

Then I haven't forgotten anything! - Vladik was delighted. - I always carry colored pencils in my briefcase.

Ah, Vladik, Vladik... - the teacher shook her head. I'm not talking about colored pencils at all!

Vladik did not understand anything. When I came to class, I emptied everything from my briefcase onto my desk. A ruler, an eraser, a simple pencil and colored... Everything for drawing is there. The album is in the closet; the attendants will hand it out.

Hello! - said Antonina Pavlovna. - Some children have become absent-minded; in the morning they forget to say “hello” at home...

Vladik Ushakov understood everything!

The next morning he went to school cheerful. The alarm clock woke him up on time. Vladik managed to do some exercises and eat dumplings for breakfast. In general, the mood is not the same as yesterday.

He ran up the stairs, jumped over two steps, noticed Antonina Pavlovna from afar and shouted as loud as he could throughout the entire corridor:


Vladik! - Antonina Pavlovna grabbed her head. - Is this what educated people do?

I said hello! - Vladik was surprised.

You deafened everyone with your scream... How did I say hello to you? “Hello, Vladik...” And I look straight into your eyes. And you immediately understand how glad I am to see you today.

Vladik lowered his head and decided that tomorrow he would correct his mistake.

The next day he did not shout across the entire corridor. He approached Antonina Pavlovna while she was talking with two teachers - one for singing and one from the first “B”.

Hello, Antonina Pavlovna! - Vladik said and even bowed his head as a sign of respect. He so wanted the teachers to see how well-mannered he was today and how glad he was to see Antonina Pavlovna.

But the teachers shook their heads, and Antonina Pavlovna sighed sadly and answered:

Hello, Vladik...

Vladik Ushakov never thought that it was so difficult to be polite.

What a strength the team is!

IN big change Yulia Boriskina was walking down the school stairs. Third-grader Elnikov ran towards her. Before Yulia had time to step aside, Yelnikov ran into her, pushed her, and she hit her forehead painfully against the wall.

She ran after Elnikov. I caught up and grabbed him by the sleeve:

Why did you push me and didn't apologize? I got a headache because of you...

There is no need to get in the way! Get out of here! Otherwise you’ll earn another bump! Do you know how much one plus one is? - And Elnikov burst out laughing.

Wait! - Julia threatened after the bully. - You will find out from me!

And she herself didn’t know what Elnikov needed to know.

Julia is walking along the corridor - there is a big bump, tears are falling. Meet Vladik Ushakov.

Why are you crying?

Yelnikov pushed...

Well, let's go! - Vladik said. - We'll show this Elnikov!

They found Elnikov in the dining room. He drank compote with shortbread.

Why do you hurt kids? - Vladik moved towards him.

Ha ha ha! - Yelnikov laughed loudly. - You saw how brave...

This is what he bragged about to his third grade class. And the third grade was silent. Even the third grader was afraid of Yelnikov. How can two kids cope with it?

Let Yulia and Vladik go to class.

Now let’s call Denis Semyonov and see how this Elnikov speaks! - Vladik reasoned on the way. - Denis is into boxing. He has a real pear at home, I saw it myself.

Only Yelnikov was not afraid of Denis Semenov. He pulled so hard on Denis’s jacket that a button came off.

The guys were very offended by Elnikov. They came to their 1st “A” and told us everything. Then all 1 “A” got angry with Elnikov and went to deal with him.

As soon as Yelnikov saw a group of guys, he stopped joking. And where did his courage go? And the third grade immediately stopped being afraid of him. They started laughing and pointing fingers.

Then the bell rang. The change is over. 1 “A” went to class.

Yelnikov sat quietly at his desk. Today he learned what a force it is - the collective. No bully can resist her.

Yu. Koval


Uncle Zueva's Nyurka was six years old. She was six years old for a long time. The whole year. And just in August Nyurka turned seven years old.

For Nyurka's birthday, Uncle Zuy baked some wickets - these are cheesecakes with millet porridge - and invited guests. Me too.

I started getting ready to visit and just couldn’t figure out what to give Nyurka.

Buy two hundred grams of sweets,” says Panteleevna. - Pad.

No, we need something more serious here.

I began to sort through my things: a gun, boots, various topographic tools - nothing was suitable for a gift. Then he shook his backpack - he felt something heavy in the backpack. Yes, these are binoculars! Nice binoculars. Everything in it is intact, the glass is there, and the eyepieces rotate.

I wiped the binoculars with a dry cloth, went out onto the porch and pointed them at Uncle Zuev’s yard. You can clearly see everything: Nyurka is running around the garden, collecting dill, Uncle Zui is setting up the samovar.

Nyurka! - Uncle Zuy shouts. - Did you dig up some horseradish?

It’s no longer through binoculars, I can hear it that way.

I dug it up,” Nyurka answers.

I hung the binoculars on my chest, went into the store, bought two hundred grams of pads and moved towards Nyurka.

The most already different people got ready. For example. Fedyusha Mironov came in chrome boots and with his mother, Mironikha. Nyurke brought a pencil case made of birch bark. Mirosh’s grandfather wove this pencil case.

Manya Kletkina came and brought Nyurka a white school apron. On the apron it is embroidered in the corner with small letters: “NURE”.

More kids and adults came, and everyone gave us something for school: an ABC book, a ruler, two chemistry pencils, a self-writing paper.

Aunt Ksenya brought a brown dress. I sewed it myself. And Uncle Zui gave Nyurka a briefcase made of yellow leatherette.

The Mokhov brothers brought two buckets of blueberries.

They spent the whole day collecting, they say. Mosquitoes sting.

Mnronikha says:

This is not school stuff.

Why not school? - say the Mokhov brothers. - Very school-like.

And then they attacked the blueberries themselves.

I say to Nyurka:

Well, Nyura. Congratulations. You are now seven years old. Therefore, I give you two hundred grams of pads - and here are binoculars.

Nyurka was very happy and laughed when she saw the binoculars. I explained to her how to look through binoculars and how to point at what. Immediately all the guys ran ten steps away and began to look at us through these binoculars one by one.

And Mironikha says as if she’s seeing binoculars for the first time:

This is not school stuff.

Why not school? - I was offended. - Since a schoolgirl will look at it!

And Uncle Zui says:

Or with teacher Alexey Stepanych they will climb onto the roof and begin to look at the stars.

Then everyone went into the house and immediately, as they sat down at the table, they piled on the cucumbers.

There was a strong crunch from the cucumbers, and Mother Mironikha tried especially hard. And I liked the gates folded with envelopes.

Nyurka was cheerful. She put the primer, binoculars and other gifts in her briefcase and rushed around the table with it.

After drinking tea, the guys went into the yard to play lapta. And we sat by the window and drank tea for a long time, and watched how the guys played lapta, how slowly the evening came and how the killer whale swallows flew over the barns and over the road. Then the guests began to leave.

Well, thank you, they said, for the treat.

“Thank you,” Nyurka answered, “thank you for the dress, for the apron and for the binoculars.”

A week passed after this day, and the first of September arrived.

Early in the morning I went out onto the porch and saw Nyurka. She walked along the road in a school dress, in a white apron with the inscription: “NURE.” In her hands she held a large bouquet of autumn golden balls, and binoculars hung around her neck.

Uncle Zui walked behind her about ten paces and shouted:

Look, Pantelevna! My Nyurka went to school.

Well, well, well,” Panteleevna nodded.

And everyone went out into the street to look at Nyurka, because that year she was the only first-grader in our village. Our village is small - ten yards.

Teacher Alexey Stepanych met Nyurka near the school. He took the flowers from her and said:

Well, Nyura, you are now a first grader. Congratulations. And the fact that she brought binoculars is also well done. Then we will climb onto the roof and look at the stars.

Uncle Zui, Panteleevna, Mironikha and many other people stood at the school and watched Nyurka walk along the porch. Then the door closed behind her.

That’s how Nyurka became a first-grader. Of course, she is seven years old. And it will be for a long time. The whole year.

Yu. Ermolaev


First-grader Seryozha never lost anything in his life: handkerchiefs, balls, even his cap. But I lost my pen and feather for the first time. And where did she go? Now the lesson will begin, you will need to write letters. And with what? Now the teacher entered the class.

Take out your notebooks and pens,” she said, “let’s learn to write the letter “R.” - And she beautifully wrote this very letter on the board. - What words do you know starting with the letter “R”? - asked the teacher and turned to Seryozha: - Well, remember what you will write with now?

Then all the guys shouted:

He will write with a pen! With a pen!

“But not with a pen, but with a pencil,” Seryozha objected, “I lost my pen.”

Anna Ivanovna,” said Shurik Paykov, “can I give Seryozha a pen?” I have a spare one.

Of course, give it,” the teacher said and asked Seryozha again: “And you, Smirnov, still tell us a word that begins with the letter “R.”

Seryozha thought, and then poked his finger in his chest and said:


V. Zheleznikov

After classes

After school I ran into first grade. I wouldn’t run into them, but a neighbor asked me to look after her son. After all, it’s the first of September, the first day of school.

I ran in, and the class was already empty. Everyone left. I wanted to turn around and go. And suddenly I see: there is some kind of button sitting on the last desk, it’s almost invisible from behind the desk.

It was a girl, not the boy I was looking for. As befits first-graders, she was wearing a white apron and white bows.

It's strange that she was sitting alone. Everyone has gone home and, perhaps, is already eating broths and milk jelly there and telling their parents miracles about school, but this one sits and doesn’t know what she’s waiting for.

Girl, I say, why don’t you go home?

No attention.

Maybe she lost something?

He is silent and sits like a stone statue, without moving.

I don’t know what to do. I went up to the board, figured out how to move this “stone statue”, and slowly drew.

I drew a first-grader who came home from school and is having lunch. Then - mom, dad and two grandmothers. He chews, devours both cheeks, and they look into his mouth. It turned out to be a funny picture.

And you and I, I say, are hungry. Isn't it time for us to go home?

No, he answers. - I'm not going home.

So, are you going to spend the night here?

I looked back at my painting and my stomach began to growl. I wanted to eat.

Well, this crazy one! He left the class and walked. But then my conscience bothered me, and I returned back.

“You,” I say, “if you don’t tell me why you’re sitting here, I’ll call the school doctor now.” And he says one or two: “Ambulance”, siren - and you’re in the hospital.

I decided to scare her. I'm afraid of this doctor myself. He always says: “Breathe, don’t breathe...” And he puts the thermometer under his arm. Cold as an icicle.

“Well, good,” he answers. - I'll go to the hospital.

“Can you tell me,” I shouted, “what happened to you?”

My brother is waiting for me. He's sitting in the yard.

I looked out into the yard. Indeed, there was a little boy sitting on the bench.

So what?

And the fact that I promised him that I would learn all the letters today.

“You have a strong promise,” I said. - The whole alphabet in one day?! Maybe you will finish school in one year then? Strong to lie!

I didn't lie, I just didn't know.

I see she's about to cry. She lowered her eyes and turned her head somehow incomprehensibly.

Letters are taught throughout the year. This is not a simple matter.

Our mom and dad have gone far away, and Seryozha, my brother, misses him a lot. And I told him: “I’ll go to school, learn all the letters, and we’ll write a letter to mom and dad.” And he told all the boys in the yard. And today we wrote sticks all day.

Sticks, I say, are good, they’re just wonderful! You can make letters out of sticks. - I went up to the board and wrote the letter “A”. Printed. - This is the letter “A”. It is made of three sticks. Letter hut.

I never thought that I would be a teacher! But it was necessary to distract her so that she wouldn’t cry.

“And now,” I say, “let’s go to your brother, and I’ll explain everything to him.”

We went out into the yard and headed towards her brother. They walked like little ones, holding hands. She put her hand in my hand. Her palm is soft, her fingers are padded, and warm.

Now, I think, if any of the guys see it, they will laugh. But you can’t throw her hand away, you’re a human.

And this important Seryozha sits and dangles his legs. Pretends not to see us.

Listen, I say, old man. How can I explain this to you... Well, in general, to learn the entire alphabet, you need to study for a whole year. This is not such an easy matter.

So you haven't learned it? - He looked defiantly at his sister. - There was nothing to promise.

“We wrote sticks all day,” the girl said despairingly. - And letters are made from sticks.

But he didn't listen to her. He slid off the bench, put his hands in his pockets, lowered his head low and began to walk like a duck.

He didn't notice me at all. And I'm tired of: mess around here when you want! I was always getting involved in other people's affairs.

I learned the letter "A". It's written as a hut! - the girl shouted at her brother’s back.

But he didn't even look back. Then I caught up with him.

“Listen,” I say, “what’s her fault? Science is a complex matter. Will you go to school

You'll find out for yourself. Do you think Gagarin or Titov mastered the entire alphabet in one day? Also, oh, how we sweated. And your hands have given up.

“I spent the whole day composing a letter to my mother as a souvenir,” he said.

He had this sad face, and I thought that it was in vain that his mother left him alone. Since you are planning to go to Siberia, take your children with you. They will not be afraid of long distances or severe frosts.

Just think, it’s a disaster, I say. - Today I will come to you after lunch and draw everything on paper under your dictation in the best possible way.

That's good! - said the girl. - We live in this house behind an iron fence. Really, Seryozha, okay?

Okay,” Seryozha answered. - I'll be waiting.

I saw them enter the yard and their figures flashed between the iron bars of the fence and green bushes.

And then I heard a loud, malicious boyish voice:

Seryozhka, well, has your sister learned all the letters?

I saw that Seryozha stopped, and his sister ran into the entrance.

To learn the alphabet, do you know how much you need to study? - said Seryozha. - You have to study for a whole year.

That means your letters were crying,” said the boy. - And your Siberia cried.

“We didn’t cry at all,” Seryozha answered. - I have a friend, he has not been in first grade for a long time, he will come to us today and write a letter.

“You’re lying,” said the boy. - Oh, and you’re great! Well, what's your friend's name?

There was silence.

Another minute - and the victorious, triumphant exclamation of the malicious boy should have been heard, but I did not allow this to happen.

I climbed onto the stone foundation of the fence and stuck my head between the bars.

By the way, his name is Yurka,” I said.

This boy's mouth opened in surprise. But Seryozha said nothing. He wasn't the type to hit people when they're down.

And I jumped to the ground and went home. I don’t know why, but I was in a good mood. It was fun at heart - that's all. I was in a great mood. I even wanted to sing.

Current page: 1 (book has 6 pages in total) [available reading passage: 2 pages]

Victor Dragunsky
Deniska's stories

Englishman Paul

“Tomorrow is the first of September,” said my mother, “and now autumn has come, and you will go to second grade.” Oh, how time flies!

“And on this occasion,” dad picked up, “we will now “slaughter a watermelon”!”

And he took a knife and cut the watermelon. When he cut, such a full, pleasant, green crack was heard that my back went cold with anticipation of how I was going to eat this watermelon. And I was already opening my mouth to grab a pink slice of watermelon, but then the door swung open and Pavel entered the room. We were all terribly happy, because he had not been with us for a long time, and we missed him.

- Wow, who came! - said dad. - Pavel himself. Pavel the Wart himself!

“Sit down with us, Pavlik, there is watermelon,” said mom. - Deniska, move over.

I said:

- Hello! – and gave him a place next to him.

He said:

- Hello! - and sat down.

And we began to eat, and ate for a long time, and were silent. We didn't feel like talking. What is there to talk about when there is such deliciousness in your mouth!

And when Paul was given the third piece, he said:

- Oh, I love watermelon. Even very much so. My grandmother never gives me plenty of it to eat.

- Why? - Mom asked.

“She says that after drinking watermelon, I don’t end up sleeping, but just running around.”

“True,” said dad. “That’s why we eat watermelon early in the morning.” By evening, its effect wears off and you can sleep peacefully. Come on, eat, don't be afraid.

“I’m not afraid,” said Pavlya.

And we all got down to business again, and again were silent for a long time. And when mom began to remove the crusts, dad said:

- Why haven’t you been with us for so long, Pavel?

“Yes,” I said. -Where have you been? What were you doing?

And then Pavel puffed up, blushed, looked around and suddenly casually dropped, as if reluctantly:

- What I did, what I did... I studied English, that’s what I did.

I was completely taken aback. I immediately realized that I had been wasting my time all summer in vain. He tinkered with hedgehogs, played rounders, and occupied himself with trifles. But Pavel, he didn’t waste time, no, you’re being naughty, he worked on himself, he raised his level of education. He studied English language and now he will probably be able to correspond with English pioneers and read English books! I immediately felt that I was dying of envy, and then my mother added:

- Here, Deniska, study. This is not your bast!

“Well done,” said dad, “I respect you!”

Pavlya beamed:

– A student, Seva, came to visit us. So he works with me every day. It's been two whole months now. Just completely tortured me.

– What, difficult English? – I asked.

“It’s crazy,” Pavel sighed.

“It wouldn’t be difficult,” dad intervened. “The devil himself will break their legs there.” Very difficult spelling. It's spelled Liverpool and pronounced Manchester.

- Well, yes! - I said. - Is that right, Pavlya?

“It’s just a disaster,” said Pavlya, “I’m completely exhausted from these activities, I’ve lost two hundred grams.”

- So why don’t you use your knowledge, Pavlik? - Mom said. – Why didn’t you say “hello” to us in English when you came in?

“I haven’t said hello yet,” said Pavlya.

- Well, you ate watermelon, why didn’t you say “thank you”?

“I said it,” said Pavlya.

- Well, yes, you said it in Russian, but in English?

“We haven’t gotten to the “thank you” point yet,” said Pavlya. – Very difficult preaching.

Then I said:

- Pavel, teach me how to say “one, two, three” in English.

“I haven’t studied this yet,” said Pavlya.

-What did you study? – I shouted. – Have you still learned anything in two months?

“I learned how Petya speaks English,” said Pavlya.

- Well, how?

“That's right,” I said. - Well, what else do you know in English?

“That’s all for now,” said Pavlya.

Watermelon Lane

I came home from the yard after football, tired and dirty, like I don’t know who anyone is. I had fun because we beat house number five 44-37. Thank God there was no one in the bathroom. I quickly rinsed my hands, ran into the room and sat down at the table. I said:

- Mom, I can eat a bull now.

She smiled.

- A live bull? - she said.

“Yeah,” I said, “alive, with hooves and nostrils!”

Mom immediately left and returned a second later with a plate in her hands. The plate was smoking so nicely, and I immediately guessed that it contained pickle juice. Mom put the plate in front of me.

- Eat! - Mom said.

But it was noodles. Dairy. All covered in foam. It's almost the same as semolina porridge. There are always lumps in porridge, and foam in noodles. I just die as soon as I see foam, let alone eat it. I said:

– I won’t eat noodles!

Mom said:

- Without any talking!

- There are foams!

Mom said:

- You will drive me into a coffin! What foams? Who are you like? You look just like Koschey!

I said:

- Better kill me!

But mom blushed all over and slammed her hand on the table:

- You're the one killing me!

And then dad came in. He looked at us and asked:

-What is the dispute about? What is this heated debate about?

Mom said:

- Admire it! Doesn't want to eat. The guy is almost eleven years old, and he, like a girl, is capricious.

I'm almost nine. But my mother always says that I will soon be eleven. When I was eight years old, she said that I would soon be ten.

Dad said:

- Why doesn’t he want to? Is the soup burnt or too salty?

I said:

- These are noodles, and there is foam in them...

Dad shook his head:

- Oh, that's it! His Highness von Baron Kutkin-Putkin does not want to eat milk noodles! He should probably be served marzipan on a silver tray!

I laughed because I love it when dad jokes.

– What is this – marzipan?

“I don’t know,” said dad, “probably something sweet and smells like cologne.” Especially for von Baron Kutkin-Putkin!.. Come on, eat noodles!

- But it’s foam!

- You're stuck, brother, that's what! – Dad said and turned to Mom. “Take some noodles from him,” he said, “otherwise I’m just disgusted!” He doesn’t want porridge, he can’t have noodles!.. What whims! I can't stand it!..

He sat down on a chair and began to look at me. His face looked as if I was a stranger to him. He didn’t say anything, but just looked like that – like someone else’s. And I immediately stopped smiling - I realized that the jokes were already over. And dad was silent for a long time, and we were all silent, and then he said, and as if not to me, and not to mom, but to someone who was his friend:

“No, I’ll probably never forget this terrible autumn,” said dad, “how sad and uncomfortable it was in Moscow then... War, the Nazis are rushing towards the city.” It’s cold, hungry, the adults all walk around frowning, they listen to the radio every hour... Well, everything is clear, isn’t it? I was eleven or twelve years old then, and, most importantly, I was growing very quickly then, reaching upward, and I was terribly hungry all the time. I didn't have enough food at all. I always asked my parents for bread, but they didn’t have any extra, so they gave me theirs, but I didn’t have enough of that either. And I went to bed hungry, and in my dream I saw bread. Why... It happened to everyone. The story is well known. Written, rewritten, read, reread...

And then one day I was walking along a small alley, not far from our house, and suddenly I saw a huge truck, piled to the top with watermelons. I don’t even know how they got to Moscow. Some lost watermelons. They were probably brought in to issue cards. And there’s a guy standing upstairs in the car, so thin, unshaven and toothless, or something – his mouth is very drawn in. And so he takes a watermelon and throws it to his friend, and that one to the saleswoman in white, and that one to someone else... And they cleverly do it in a chain: the watermelon rolls along the conveyor from the car to the store. And if you look from the outside, people are playing with green-striped balls, and it’s very interesting game. I stood there for a long time and looked at them, and the guy, who was very thin, also looked at me and kept smiling at me with his toothless mouth, a nice man. But then I got tired of standing and was about to go home, when suddenly someone in their chain made a mistake, looked too closely or something, or simply missed, and please - bang!.. A heavy watermelon suddenly fell on the pavement. Right next to me. It cracked somehow crookedly, at an angle, and a snow-white thin rind was visible, and behind it such a crimson, red pulp with sugar veins and obliquely set seeds, as if the sly eyes of the watermelon were looking at me and smiling from the heart. And here, when I saw this wonderful pulp and splashes of watermelon juice and when I smelled this smell, so fresh and strong, only then did I realize how hungry I was. But I turned away and went home. And before I had time to leave, I suddenly heard a call:

"Boy, boy!"

I looked around, and this worker of mine, who is toothless, was running towards me, and in his hands broken watermelon. He says:

“Here, dear, take the watermelon and eat it at home!”

And before I had time to look back, he had already handed me a watermelon and was running to his place to continue unloading. And I hugged the watermelon and barely dragged it home, and called my friend Valka, and we both devoured this huge watermelon. Oh, what a delicious thing that was! It cannot be conveyed! Valka and I cut off huge slices, the entire width of the watermelon, and when we bit, the edges of the watermelon slices touched our ears, and our ears were wet, and pink watermelon juice was dripping from them. And Valka and I’s bellies swelled up and also began to look like watermelons. If you click on such a belly with your finger, you know what kind of ringing it will sound! Like a drum. And we only regretted one thing, that we did not have bread, otherwise we would have eaten even better. Yes…

Dad turned away and began to look out the window.

“And then it got even worse - autumn turned,” he said, “it became completely cold, winter, dry and fine snow fell from the sky, and it was immediately blown away by a dry and sharp wind.” And we had very little food, and the Nazis kept coming and going towards Moscow, and I was hungry all the time. And now I dreamed of more than just bread. I also dreamed about watermelons. And one morning I saw that I no longer had a stomach at all, it just seemed to be stuck to my spine, and I just couldn’t think about anything except food. And I called Valka and told him:

“Come on, Valka, let’s go to that watermelon alley, maybe the watermelons are being unloaded there again, and maybe one will fall again, and maybe they’ll give it to us again.”

And we wrapped ourselves in some grandmother’s scarves, because the cold was terrible, and we went to the watermelon alley. It was a gray day outside, there were few people, and Moscow was quiet, not like now. There was no one at all in the watermelon alley, and we stood in front of the store doors and waited for the truck with watermelons to come. And it was already getting completely dark, but he still didn’t come. I said:

“He’ll probably arrive tomorrow...”

“Yes,” said Valka, “probably tomorrow.”

And we went home with him. And the next day they went into the alley again, and again in vain. And we walked and waited like this every day, but the truck did not arrive...

Dad fell silent. He looked out the window, and his eyes looked as if he was seeing something that neither I nor my mother could see. Mom approached him, but dad immediately got up and left the room. Mom went after him. And I was left alone. I sat and also looked out the window where dad was looking, and it seemed to me that I could see dad and his friend right there, how they trembled and waited. The wind beats on them, and the snow too, and they tremble and wait, and wait, and wait... And this just made me feel terrible, and I grabbed my plate and quickly, spoon by spoon, swallowed it all, and then tilted it to himself, and drank the rest, and wiped the bottom with bread, and licked the spoon.


One day I was sitting and sitting and out of the blue I suddenly thought of something that surprised even myself. I thought that it would be so good if everything around the world were arranged in reverse. Well, for example, so that children would be in charge in all matters, and adults would have to obey them in everything, in everything. In general, so that adults are like children, and children are like adults. That would be wonderful, it would be very interesting.

Firstly, I imagine how my mother would “like” such a story, that I walk around and command her as I want, and dad would probably “like” it too, but there’s nothing to say about grandma. Needless to say, I would remember everything to them! For example, my mother would be sitting at dinner, and I would tell her:

“Why did you start a fashion for eating without bread? Here's more news! Look at yourself in the mirror, who do you look like? Looks like Koschey! Eat now, they tell you! - And she would start eating with her head down, and I would just give the command: - Faster! Don't hold it by the cheek! Are you thinking again? Still solving the world's problems? Chew it properly! And don’t rock your chair!”

And then dad would come in after work, and before he even had time to undress, I would already shout:

“Yeah, he showed up! We must always wait for you! Wash your hands now! As it should be, as it should be, there is no need to smear the dirt. It's scary to look at the towel after you. Brush three times and don’t skimp on the soap. Come on, show me your nails! It's horror, not nails. It's just claws! Where are the scissors? Don't move! I don’t cut any meat, and I cut it very carefully. Don't sniffle, you're not a girl... That's it. Now sit down at the table.”

He would sit down and quietly say to his mother:

“How are you doing?!”

And she would also say quietly:

“Nothing, thank you!”

And I would immediately:

“Talkers at the table! When I eat, I am deaf and dumb! Remember this for the rest of your life. Golden rule! Dad! Put down the newspaper now, your punishment is mine!”

And they would sit like silk, and when my grandmother came, I would squint, clasp my hands and shout:

"Dad! Mother! Admire our grandma! What a view! The chest is wide open, the hat is on the back of the head! The cheeks are red, the whole neck is wet! Good, nothing to say. Admit it, have you been playing hockey again? What kind of dirty stick is this? Why did you drag her into the house? What? Is this a putter? Get her out of my sight right now - out the back door!”

Here I would walk around the room and say to all three of them:

“After lunch, everyone sit down for your homework, and I’ll go to the cinema!” Of course, they would immediately whine and whine:

“And you and I! And we want to go to the cinema too!”

And I would tell them:

“Nothing, nothing! Yesterday we went to a birthday party, on Sunday I took you to the circus! Look! I liked having fun every day. Stay at home! Here you have thirty kopecks for ice cream, that’s all!”

Then the grandmother would pray:

“Take me at least! After all, every child can take one adult with them for free!”

But I would dodge, I would say:

“And people over seventy years old are not allowed to enter this picture. Stay at home, you fool!”

And I would walk past them, deliberately clicking my heels loudly, as if I didn’t notice that their eyes were all wet, and I would start getting dressed, and would twirl in front of the mirror for a long time, and would hum, and this would make them even worse they were tormented, and I would open the door to the stairs and say...

But I didn’t have time to think of what I would say, because at that time my mother came in, very real, alive, and said:

-Are you still sitting? Eat now, look who you look like? Looks like Koschey!

"Where has this been seen, where has this been heard..."

During recess, our October leader Lyusya ran up to me and said:

– Deniska, will you be able to perform in the concert? We decided to organize two kids to be satirists. Want?

I speak:

- I want everything! Just explain: what are satirists?

Lucy says:

– You see, we have various problems... Well, for example, poor students or lazy people, we need to catch them. Understood? We need to speak about them so that everyone laughs, this will have a sobering effect on them.

I speak:

“They’re not drunk, they’re just lazy.”

“That’s what they say: sobering,” Lucy laughed. – But in fact, these guys will just think about it, they will feel awkward, and they will correct themselves. Understood? Well, in general, don’t delay: if you want, agree, if you don’t want, refuse!

I said:

- Okay, come on!

Then Lucy asked:

– Do you have a partner?

Lucy was surprised.

- How do you live without a friend?

- I have a comrade, Mishka. But there is no partner.

Lucy smiled again:

- It's almost the same thing. Is he musical, your Mishka?

- No, ordinary.

– Can he sing?

– It’s very quiet... But I’ll teach him to sing louder, don’t worry.

Here Lucy was delighted:

- After lessons, drag him to the small hall, there will be a rehearsal there!

And I set off as fast as I could to look for Mishka. He stood in the buffet and ate a sausage.

- Bear, do you want to be a satirist?

And he said:

- Wait, let me eat.

I stood and watched him eat. He is small, and the sausage is thicker than his neck. He held this sausage with his hands and ate it whole, without cutting it, and the skin cracked and burst when he bit it, and hot, fragrant juice splashed out from there.

And I couldn’t stand it and said to Aunt Katya:

- Please give me some sausage too, quickly!

And Aunt Katya immediately handed me the bowl. And I was in a hurry so that Mishka wouldn’t have time to eat his sausage without me: it wouldn’t have been so tasty for me alone. And so I, too, took my sausage with my hands and, without cleaning it, began to gnaw on it, and hot, fragrant juice sprayed out of it. And Mishka and I chewed on the steam, and got burned, and looked at each other, and smiled.

And then I told him that we would be satirists, and he agreed, and we barely made it to the end of the lessons, and then we ran to the small hall for a rehearsal. Our counselor Lyusya was already sitting there, and with her was one boy, about 4 years old, very ugly, with small ears and big eyes.

Lucy said:

- Here they are! Meet our school poet Andrei Shestakov.

We said:

- Great!

And they turned away so that he wouldn’t wonder.

And the poet said to Lucy:

– What are these, performers, or what?

He said:

– Wasn’t there anything bigger?

Lucy said:

– Just what is required!

But then our singing teacher Boris Sergeevich came. He immediately went to the piano.

- Come on, let's begin! Where are the poems?

Andryushka took a piece of paper out of his pocket and said:

- Here. I took the meter and chorus from Marshak, from a fairy tale about a donkey, grandfather and grandson: “Where has this been seen, where has this been heard...”

Boris Sergeevich nodded:

Dad studies for Vasya all year.

Dad decides, but Vasya gives in?!

Mishka and I burst into tears. Of course, children quite often ask their parents to solve a problem for them, and then show the teacher as if they were such heroes. And at the board, boom-boom - a deuce! The matter is well known. Wow, Andryushka, he nailed it!

The asphalt is drawn into squares with chalk,
Manechka and Tanya are jumping here,
Where has this been seen, where has this been heard -
They play “classes”, but don’t go to class?!

Great again. We really enjoyed it! This Andryushka is just a real fellow, like Pushkin!

Boris Sergeevich said:

- Nothing, not bad! And the music will be very simple, something like that. - And he took Andryushka’s poems and, playing quietly, sang them all in a row.

It turned out very cleverly, we even clapped our hands.

And Boris Sergeevich said:

- Well, sir, who are our performers?

And Lyusya pointed at Mishka and me:

“Well,” said Boris Sergeevich, “Misha has a good ear... True, Deniska doesn’t sing very correctly.”

I said:

- But it’s loud.

And we began to repeat these verses to the music and repeated them probably fifty or a thousand times, and I screamed very loudly, and everyone calmed me down and made comments:

- Don't worry! You're quiet! Calm down! Don't be so loud!

Andryushka was especially excited. He completely slowed me down. But I only sang loudly, I didn’t want to sing more quietly, because real singing is when it’s loud!

...And then one day, when I came to school, I saw an announcement in the locker room:


Today is a big break

there will be a performance in the small hall

flying patrol

« Pioneer Satyricon»!

Performed by a duet of kids!

On the topic of the day!

Come everyone!

And something immediately clicked in me. I ran to class. Mishka was sitting there and looking out the window.

I said:

- Well, we’re performing today!

And Mishka suddenly mumbled:

- I don’t feel like performing...

I was completely taken aback. What - reluctance? That's it! After all, we rehearsed? What about Lyusya and Boris Sergeevich? Andryushka? And all the guys, they read the poster and will come running as one? I said:

-Are you crazy, or what? Letting people down?

And Mishka is so pitiful:

- I think my stomach hurts.

I speak:

- It's out of fear. It hurts too, but I don’t refuse!

But Mishka was still somewhat thoughtful. At the big break, all the guys rushed into the small hall, and Mishka and I barely trailed behind, because I, too, had completely lost the mood to perform. But at that time Lucy ran out to meet us, she grabbed us tightly by the hands and dragged us along, but my legs were soft, like a doll’s, and they were tangled. I probably got the infection from Mishka.

In the hall there was a fenced-off area near the piano, and children from all classes, nannies, and teachers crowded around.

Mishka and I stood near the piano.

Boris Sergeevich was already in place, and Lyusya announced in an announcer’s voice:

– We begin the performance of the “Pioneer Satyricon” on topical topics. Text by Andrei Shestakov, performed by world famous satirists Misha and Denis! Let's ask!

And Mishka and I went a little ahead. The bear was as white as a wall. But I was fine, only my mouth felt dry and rough, as if there was sandpaper lying there.

Boris Sergeevich began to play. Mishka had to start, because he sang the first two lines, and I had to sing the second two lines. Boris Sergeevich started playing, and Mishka threw it aside left hand, as Lucy taught him, and he wanted to sing, but he was late, and while he was getting ready, it was my turn, so it turned out according to the music. But I didn’t sing since Mishka was late. Why on earth?

Mishka then lowered his hand into place. And Boris Sergeevich began loudly and separately again.

He struck the keys three times, as he should, and on the fourth Mishka again threw back his left hand and finally sang:

Vasya’s dad is good at mathematics,
Dad studies for Vasya all year.

I immediately picked it up and shouted:

Where has this been seen, where has this been heard -
Dad decides, but Vasya gives in?!

Everyone who was in the hall laughed, and this made my soul feel lighter. And Boris Sergeevich went further. He struck the keys three times again, and on the fourth, Mishka carefully threw his left hand to the side and, for no apparent reason, began to sing first:

Vasya’s dad is good at mathematics,
Dad studies for Vasya all year.

I immediately realized that he was lost! But since this is the case, I decided to finish singing to the end, and then we’ll see. I took it and finished it:

Where has this been seen, where has this been heard -
Dad decides, but Vasya gives in?!

Thank God, it was quiet in the hall - everyone, apparently, also realized that Mishka had lost his way, and thought: “Well, it happens, let him continue singing.”

And when the music reached its destination, he again waved his left hand and, like a record that has been “stuck,” wound it up for the third time:

Vasya’s dad is good at mathematics,
Dad studies for Vasya all year.

I really wanted to hit him on the back of the head with something heavy, and I screamed with terrible anger:

Where has this been seen, where has this been heard -
Dad decides, but Vasya gives in?!

“Mishka, you’re obviously completely crazy!” Are you dragging out the same thing for the third time? Let's talk about girls!

And Mishka is so impudent:

- I know without you! - And politely says to Boris Sergeevich: - Please, Boris Sergeevich, continue!

Boris Sergeevich began to play, and Mishka suddenly became bolder, again put out his left hand and on the fourth beat began to shout as if nothing had happened:

Vasya’s dad is good at mathematics,
Dad studies for Vasya all year.

Then everyone in the hall just screamed with laughter, and I saw in the crowd what an unhappy face Andryushka had, and I also saw that Lyusya, all red and disheveled, was making her way to us through the crowd. And Mishka stands with his mouth open, as if surprised at himself. Well, while the trial and the case are going on, I finish shouting:

Where has this been seen, where has this been heard -
Dad decides, but Vasya gives in?!

Then something terrible began. Everyone laughed like they were killed, and Mishka turned from green to purple. Our Lucy grabbed him by the hand and dragged him to her. She shouted:

- Deniska, sing alone! Don't let me down!.. Music! AND!..

And I stood at the piano and decided not to let him down. I felt that I didn’t care anymore, and when the music came, for some reason I suddenly also threw my left hand to the side and completely unexpectedly screamed:

Vasya’s dad is good at mathematics,
Dad studies for Vasya all year...

I'm even surprised that I didn't die from this damn song. I probably would have died if the bell hadn’t rung at that time...

I won't be a satirist anymore!