Seeing a broken watermelon in a dream. What did the watermelon look like in your dream? Interpretation depending on the condition of the watermelon

A watermelon in a dream is a rather controversial symbol. It promises good events for some, and deterioration for others. current situation. Dream books will tell you what the interpretation of a dream depends on.

Why do you dream of a watermelon according to the modern dream book?

A dream about a watermelon is a favorable sign. If you dreamed of watermelons growing in a melon patch, in reality you will achieve your goals with the help of your own hard work and intelligence. You will be richly rewarded for your efforts.

If the watermelon is ripe and crumbly, sugary, then good luck awaits you in business. If in a dream you bought a watermelon, it means real life If you unexpectedly receive an inheritance, you should expect large financial profits.

Watermelon – Esoteric dream book

If you saw a watermelon in a dream, it most likely means that there is not enough fluid in your body. In order to compensate for its deficiency, you should drink as much herbal and vitamin tea and tinctures as possible.

Watermelon in a dream according to Miller

If you dreamed of a large-sized watermelon, a new burst of inspiration will soon await you, which will have a beneficial effect on creativity. Choosing a watermelon and buying it in a dream means making a hasty decision, carrying out a rash act.

If the watermelon is broken, this means that all debts will be repaid to you in the near future. Eating an unsweetened, unripe watermelon means for a man that he will have a rather difficult relationship with a woman for whom he will be a kind of mentor.

If a woman had the same dream, then in reality she will not be able to realize her plans, and unforeseen problems will appear in business. Growing watermelons in a dream means a successful solution to a complex problem.

Watermelon - dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Watermelon dreams of an unexpected departure.

Why do you dream of a watermelon according to the Feng Shui dream book?

If you dreamed of a watermelon, then soon you will find material well-being. Green watermelon - to commit risky actions. If in a dream you eat a watermelon, then in reality you will experience a serious illness. A watermelon was stolen from you in a dream - bad luck in planned affairs.

Watermelon - Vanga's dream book

If in a dream you saw a watermelon very large size, this means that you can make a discovery in any field of science, after which you will become known to the whole world.

If in a dream you cut a watermelon into separate pieces, then in reality you should behave more modestly and be quite generous with the people around you, because you sometimes offend them with your calculated actions.

If the watermelon you cut turns out to be green, you should not start planning serious matters, because you are not quite ready for them yet.

Why does a girl, woman, man, pregnant woman dream of a watermelon?

According to Veles’s dream book, if a girl dreams of a watermelon, this means for her a forced or desired marriage in the near future, or deception on the part of a guy or disappointment; for a woman, she can become pregnant (if the watermelon is unripe, have an abortion), abandon her loved one.

A man's dream of a watermelon portends him failure in various endeavors, sadness, and rejection from his beloved girl or woman.

Why do you dream about a lot of watermelons?

If you dream of a lot of watermelons, you will not be able to achieve your goal due to the fact that you did not think through your plan carefully and did not detail it. Watermelons growing in melon fields in large quantities mean unexpected profits.

Dream Interpretation - a large, ripe watermelon in a dream

Seeing a ripe watermelon in a dream means joy, good health, pleasant chores, wedding party. If you dreamed of a large watermelon, a sudden departure or troubles or problems will soon await you. According to Freud's dream book, a ripe, red watermelon is a symbol of passionate love.

Dream Interpretation - why you dream of eating, buying, cutting, choosing a watermelon

If a healthy person dreams of eating a watermelon, he may soon get sick. If a sick person dreams of the same dream, recovery will come in the near future.

A dream in which you carefully choose or buy a watermelon promises unexpected troubles, difficulties in business that prevent you from achieving your intended goal.

If in a dream you cut a watermelon and eat it yourself, then most likely in real life you will have a quarrel with your loved one.

Watermelon is a berry loved by everyone since childhood, without which not a single summer can be completed.

And if eating or buying a watermelon in reality does not bode well, then in a dream it can be a double sign, especially with regard to the female sex. Why does a woman or girl dream of a watermelon?

  • For a little girl to see a large, ripe watermelon in a dream is a favorable sign, indicating that she is ready to become an older sister and accept a new family member.
  • Eating a watermelon means a penchant for trifling whims and self-will.
  • Seeing a large pile of watermelons at the market means a desire to make independent decisions, but the girl does not always have an idea which decision will be correct. Huge fruits, taller than human height, mean hidden phobias and problems.
For a teenage girl, seeing ordinary, unremarkable watermelons portends a good time in a pleasant company.
  • Spoiled, rotten berries surrounded by flies - bad thoughts, dishonesty, desire for bad habits and antisocial friends.
  • Picking fruit from the garden means learning “carelessly.”

A girl dreamed of a watermelon

If a young girl dreams of a watermelon, then this is a sign of an imminent pregnancy, but whether she is desired or not is up to her to decide. If not, you should pay attention to contraception.
  • Cutting a watermelon means minor quarrels and disagreements in the family.
  • If the watermelon is green, it’s possible major quarrel from scratch.
  • Choosing a watermelon at the market means senseless and thoughtless spending, which will lead to financial problems. However, if the dreamer does not have money, then this, on the contrary, indicates excessive frugality.
  • Eating good, sweet fruit is a sign of petty whims.

If a woman dreams of watermelons

Why does a woman dream about a watermelon?

  • Married woman seeing a watermelon in a dream is a sign of unwanted pregnancy and problems related to this.
  • Cutting a berry and seeing a lot of seeds inside means a lot of small problems at work and in everyday life, household chores.
  • An unripe watermelon promises quick grievances and gossip in the work team, which will lead to a tense atmosphere among colleagues.
Sharing a watermelon with your family is a too frank discussion of your personal problems with children and relatives.
  • Suddenly finding a berry in the wrong place for it promises the loss of some significant thing.
  • If an unmarried lady dreams of fruit, then it foretells the imminent appearance of a gentleman whom she will not like at first. The degree of ripeness of a watermelon in this case means its approximate age - a ripe berry indicates a man of the same age, an unripe one promises a younger suitor.
  • If the dreamer cuts a watermelon and sees many seeds, the man most likely has a fat wallet or simply generous with gifts.
Spoiled fruit speaks of dirty tongues and gossip. It’s worth taking a closer look at your close friends; most likely there is an ill-wisher among them.
  • An elderly woman similar dream promises health problems, in most cases with blood pressure. If the dreamer has chronic diseases, you need to listen carefully to your body, and also remember the recommendations of doctors.
  • Growing watermelons - the desire to feel needed, longing for the same workplace.
  • Eating a berry means misunderstanding on the part of younger relatives.

Unlike women, for the stronger sex a watermelon in a dream is not very informative, since the sign carries mainly feminine energy.

  • Sometimes I dream about berries married men as a symbol of love for children and concern for his pregnant wife.
  • If there is no child in the family yet, a watermelon means a desire and readiness to have one, even if the dreamer does not consciously feel this.
  • If a man cuts a very ripe watermelon with many black seeds, this is a symbol of his femininity and childish capriciousness, but if the seeds inside are white or there are none at all, then the dreamer is successfully coping with his character flaws.

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

If a man dreams of a watermelon, it is a sign of big troubles in business. In addition, he will be rejected by the woman he loves. If a woman sees a watermelon in a dream, then she may soon become pregnant. If the watermelon is unripe, then her pregnancy may end ahead of schedule or she will have an abortion. If a girl dreams of a watermelon, then they are waiting for her big changes for the better in your personal life. If she is prudent enough and abandons her frivolous habits, she will be able to avoid many mistakes, and then her reputation in the eyes of the young man for whom she has tender feelings will increase sharply. If the watermelon in her dream turns out to be unripe, then deception and disappointment in love await her. For a sick person to see a beautiful juicy watermelon in a dream predicts a quick recovery. Eating a watermelon in a dream is a sign of obstacles in business and vain hopes in love and friendship. Among other things, seeing a watermelon in a dream and being surprised is a harbinger of a quick and unexpected departure. See fruits.

Why do you dream of a watermelon according to the dream book - "Vanga's Dream Book"

If you dreamed of a huge watermelon:
Seeing a huge watermelon in a dream is evidence that in the future you will make a great discovery that will make you famous throughout the world.

Cutting a watermelon in a dream:
If you dreamed that you were cutting a watermelon into slices, then in real life you should be more modest and generous with other people, because with your prudence you sometimes greatly offend them.

Cutting an unripe watermelon in a dream:
If in a dream you cut a watermelon and it is green, then in reality it is too early for you to start a complex task; you are not ready for it, which means that the task will end unsuccessfully for you.

Many watermelons in a dream:
Seeing in a dream large number watermelons - a sign that you will not be able to achieve your goal, because in the process of work you lost sight of important details.

Breaking a watermelon in a dream:
Breaking a watermelon in a dream is evidence that your hopes for a calm and happy life not destined to come true for several years.

Why do you dream of a watermelon according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If a man dreams of a watermelon, it means trouble; if a woman dreams of a watermelon, it means pregnancy; if a girl dreams of a watermelon, it means she will get married soon; eating a watermelon in a dream means sadness; breaking a watermelon in a dream means tears and worries.

Watermelon is a huge, juicy, sweet...fruit. Many people mistakenly think this way. In fact, watermelon is a berry belonging to the pumpkin family (melon crop). Why do you dream about watermelon? The main assistants in explaining night visions - dream books - will help answer this and many other questions.

  • External characteristics of melons (ripe or unripe, whole or cut).
  • Number of fruits.
  • The actions that the dreamer performs in relation to the sugar berry.

If, immersed in the arms of Morpheus, you see a lot of berries growing on a melon field, then you don’t get anything in this life for nothing. Everything you have and will have is the result of your labors! There is another interpretation of this vision: a lot of berries symbolizes abundance or receiving good news.

  • When a young girl often dreams of a watermelon, then in the near future she will have to be the hero of the wedding celebration.
  • If a woman saw a ripe red berry in a dream, it means that the desired one will soon come into her life.
  • For a man, such a night vision says that his expectations in some matter are somewhat exaggerated and the time for a successful completion of the matter has not yet come. Be patient and everything will definitely work out!

If you celebrate your birthday in the last month of spring or in the summer months and in a dream you choose a watermelon at the market, then a new acquaintance will appear in your life. The established relationship will bring a lot of positive emotions.

1.If you dreamed about a watermelon that you are buying, be prepared to receive a fairly large sum of money. It is quite possible that the source of profit will be an inheritance.

2. A dream in which you have to sell sugar fruits warns you against thoughtless expenses that will negatively affect your well-being. Think about whether you are spending your money correctly. cash, maybe you should reconsider your expenses and be less wasteful?

3. If in a night vision you treat other people to sugar berries, then such a dream foreshadows the onset of a period of change. It is worth noting that the changes will be pleasant.

4. If in real life you are struggling with an illness, and in your night dreams you eat ripe sugar berries, it means that you will soon get better. If you dream of berries that are not yet ripe, you should not stop treatment and continue to fight the disease. This is the only way you can defeat her.

5. A night vision in which you have to watch someone eat a sugar berry is a slight hint that resentment is arising in your heart. Don’t take everything too personally, and if something still offends you, don’t keep it to yourself, but share your feelings. Perhaps your offender will understand that he was wrong, and misunderstandings will be avoided.

Dream book of a famous psychoanalyst

Why do you dream of a watermelon, according to the famous interpreter of our dreams, psychoanalyst Miller? Growing a plant is a favorable sign that promises a quick and successful completion of a complex undertaking.

As the dream book says, the watermelon that you choose or buy in a dream foreshadows the commission of a rash act. Don’t rush into making decisions, think carefully about everything down to the smallest detail, and, quite possibly, unpleasant moments will be avoided.

If you believe Miller’s interpretations, then breaking a watermelon means repaying debts. The only thing in in this case It’s not clear: will you have to return it or will you be pleased with the return? The dream book does not contain such an answer. In any case, if you don’t owe anyone anything, then you have nothing to return...

The dream book also touched on explanations depending on the gender of the dreamer. So, for a man to eat an unripe berry means to have a difficult relationship with a person of the opposite sex. It is quite possible that in such a relationship with a woman he will have to act as a teacher.

But if a woman eats a watermelon in a dream (we are talking about an unripe fruit), then she will encounter difficulties that may prevent her from realizing her plans.

Some publications, whose main purpose is to unravel our dreams, consider melon culture from an intimate point of view. According to the dream book, a watermelon is a symbol of such parts of a woman’s body as the breasts and buttocks, and a piece of it represents numerous love interests and connections.

If you dream of ripe and juicy watermelons, then passionate, all-consuming love awaits you. And the cut fruit symbolizes the loss of innocence for a woman.

There is a tradition in Ukraine: if a girl refuses a marriage proposal, then young man They take a watermelon out of the house. Reflection of this folk custom is the interpretation according to which seeing a watermelon in a dream means ending a relationship. Sometimes it is a timely separation that allows you to remain on good terms with your ex-partner.

Why do you dream of a cut watermelon? If in a dream you happened to cut a berry, then in real life you may be drawn into a conflict situation. Be more restrained in your emotions, and troubles will bypass you.

There are several interpretations of this vision. In order to figure out what exactly to expect after such a dream, it is worth not only remembering all the details of the dream, but also considering various sources. Oddly enough, dream books ambiguously interpret what such a plot can promise and why a woman dreams of a watermelon. For example, esoteric predictions say that similar visions indicate only dehydration of the body, but other books consider this sweet berry as an omen of various good fortunes in the future.

What does it mean to see a red and ripe watermelon in a dream?

According to Miller's dream book, such a plot predicts good luck and... If a girl bought this large juicy berry, then in the near future she will receive unexpected material profits. But the prediction will come true only if she took the delicacy to her house and did not give it to some other person. After all, according to the dream book, eating a watermelon with another person in a dream also means that luck will also be divided between two.

If a woman sees a melon with ripening berries, she can expect career growth and salary increases. The plot may also mean that the girl will soon receive a bonus or get a new and more promising job. Bakhcha in this case indicates that all these events will be a natural result of the woman’s own hard work. Such dreams are often seen by career women, as well as people creative professions, they portend them success in business and material benefits.

A girl who, shortly before her wedding, ate a sweet watermelon in her dream can be sure that her family life It will turn out very well. If she was constantly forced to spit out seeds that prevented her from enjoying the juicy pulp, she should expect that troubles and disagreements may arise after the wedding due to someone else’s interference. After such a dream, it is necessary to take measures to limit communication with certain people, and not allow too much influence on your decisions.

Seeing a lot of watermelons in a dream according to Feng Shui

This Chinese teaching suggests that such visions can mean completely different things. For example, if the berries are green and unripe, then a person will rush to make some decision when it is not worth doing. Having seen a dream about green watermelons, it is worth thinking about how exactly you need to resolve the current situation in life and not take unnecessary risks. Unripe berries and fruits accordingly mean that the time has come in life to carefully consider your every action.

Ripe and juicy striped berries, on the contrary, predict material well-being, which will come as if by itself. This dream promises a carefree life, filled with joy and happiness. Having seen this story, you can be sure that to achieve your goals you will need to spend very little effort.

Stolen watermelons are an omen that a person’s plans will not come true. This is a warning that suggests that you trust the people around you too much and you should choose your friends and acquaintances more carefully.

The same thing means a dream in which you were given a sour and unripe watermelon. This is a symbol of envious people and ill-wishers. If a person knows the donor in reality, then it is better to limit contacts with this “friend”; such a relationship will not lead to anything good. For a woman to dream of receiving a watermelon as a gift from a friend means that the giver is her rival in love affairs and dreams of destroying her relationship with a man.