Why do you dream of a cellar in the form of a pit? Go down to the cellar. What does such a vision mean? Intimate dream book Cellar

A dream about a shovel means that you will have no choice and will have to complete the undertaking, otherwise you will simply be in danger of ruin. Seeing a broken shovel portends mourning and sadness. Buying a shovel in a dream means you will lose something very dear to you, although in essence not very valuable.

Hitting someone with a shovel is a sign adultery. Carrying soil with a shovel from one hole to another - such a dream says that you will have to be patient in order to teach the trainee assigned to you during the internship.

Digging a trench with a shovel to lay cables or pipes means profit. Sticking a shovel into viscous clay soil means your enemies will try to use every chance to annoy you as much as possible.

Working with a shovel in a garden or vegetable garden, digging up beds, portends prosperity and well-being for you. Hilling potatoes with a shovel means the beginning of a fragile and too risky enterprise; planting potatoes using a shovel as the main agricultural tool - such a dream promises you quick success; digging up the same potatoes with a shovel - in reality you will receive the desired news from a friend who is far away.

If you are digging a grave with a shovel, this portends the loss of friends and a cooling of your lover. If your shovel stumbles upon something in the ground and it turns out to be a treasure, in reality such a dream can result in favorable changes in fate.

Digging a trench with a sapper shovel in a dream foretells that in reality you will feel unsure of your abilities. Getting a shovel out of the trunk of a car means perseverance in achieving your goal.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Wine - you have unrealistic dreams: going down into it is happiness: being in it and not being able to find anything - illness: seeing others going down - you are safe from troubles: falling from the descent into the cellar - an unpleasant time will come for you

Modern dream book Cellar

If you dream that you are in a dark, cold cellar, then in reality you will be tormented by doubts. You will lose confidence in your abilities and failure will await you unless you pull yourself together. This dream also foreshadows the loss of property. Seeing in a dream a cellar in which wines and food are stored is a sign that in reality you will be offered participation in a profitable but dubious enterprise.

Intimate dream book Cellar

If you dreamed that you were in a cellar, it means real life you are shy and cannot talk about anything in bed to achieve complete mutual understanding. Do you know that silence during love games greatly offends your partner? He begins to think that sex is a burden to you.

Miller's Dream Book Cellar

To dream that you are in a cold cellar means that you will be tormented by doubts. You will lose faith in everything, you will suffer from gloomy forebodings, unable to get rid of them, unless you become the master of your desires and intentions. This dream also foreshadows the loss of property. Seeing a cellar loaded with wines and food supplies means that you will be offered a share in the income received from some dubious sources. If a young woman sees this dream, a marriage proposal awaits her from a speculator or gambler. For a young woman to see a cellar in a dream is a harbinger of illness and a quarrel with her lover. If she sees one of the living people dying and emerging from the cellar in a dream, this means that she will indirectly be connected with this person by a common misfortune, but then everything will end well for her. If she sees her dead brother emerging from the cellar, this dream is a warning for her against complications that can be avoided with energy and will.

Dreams to make wishes come true Cellar

to peace, harmony and complete harmony in family relationships. Imagine a big beautiful Vacation home. It belongs to you. Everything in it is arranged the way you want. You are preparing for a family dinner and go down to the cellar to get out various delicious preparations. The cellar is cool, but at the same time light and cozy. You feel comfortable and protected there. There are a lot of different supplies placed on neat, level shelves. There is real abundance here - all kinds of pickles, jams, and other preparations. Decide for yourself what products you will take out of the cellar and bring to the table. It should be something that you particularly like. Imagine that you are rising from the cellar along with all sorts of pickles and delicacies.

Your personal dream book Cellar

If in a dream you saw a gloomy, cold cellar in which you are located, then in reality all the doubts tormenting your soul will not allow you to live and develop the way you want. If in the cellar there are various wines and food supplies, then very soon you will be temptingly offered to take part in some profitable and, at the same time, dubious enterprise.

Ukrainian dream book Cellar

It happens that you dream of a cellar, then there will be a burial. Your enemies are deceiving you. I also dream about death.

Dream Interpretation: Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

Dream Interpretation Cellar

  • Going down into a dark cellar - soon there will be clarity in a matter that is dark for you / trying to figure out what is unclear / an act of love with a cold woman.
  • To sit in it, to be locked up is advice to maintain your intuition, calmness and do nothing: time is working for you.
  • Trying unsuccessfully to get out of it is a situation that you take advantage of because it is incomprehensible.
  • To get something out of it, persistent memories will soon emerge.
  • In it, to fight with someone is to reconcile your secret thoughts.
  • To find a person in him is to discover that what you need is not at all what you thought you wanted.
  • To make a hiding place in it is to feel the need to disguise your thoughts and desires.
  • To have a well in it means to secretly desire a connection with a person who is your relative.
  • To have a secret passage from the cellar is to realize that it is necessary to have a backup option.
  • Things in the cellar are weaknesses and vices that you want to hide from others.
  • Wine in the cellar means drunkenness.
  • Banners - ambition.
  • Mirrors are vanity.
  • Weapons are evil.
  • All optics are envy and curiosity.
  • Obscene images or fruits - voluptuousness, etc.
  • To torture a person in a cellar means you are your own tormentor, it’s nice to be offended and accumulate anger.
  • The snakes in it are your thoughts, which chill your heart.
  • Locking a cat in it means trying to free yourself from secret reproaches or malicious thoughts.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the Cellar?

  • If you dreamed that you were in a cold cellar, you would be overcome by doubts. Become the master of your desires and intentions, otherwise you will continue to suffer from gloomy forebodings.
  • A dream about a cellar filled with wines and food supplies foretells you income from some dubious sources. The young woman who saw similar dream, is waiting for a marriage proposal from a dishonest person.
  • In general, for a young woman, a dream about a cellar can be a harbinger of illness and a quarrel with her lover.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the Cellar?

  • Open the door to the cellar - you will hear a lot of disgusting gossip. Being in a cellar means you will find yourself in unworthy company.

Dream book: Ancient French dream book

Seeing a Cellar in a dream

  • Seeing a wine cellar in a dream means a short-term illness. Going down into a stone cellar is a sign that your endeavors will have a happy continuation. An earthen cellar does not bode well for you - it is a harbinger of failures that will follow your reckless actions.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a Cellar in a dream

  • To dream that you are in a cold cellar means that you will be tormented by doubts. You will lose faith in everything, you will suffer from gloomy forebodings, unable to get rid of them, unless you become the master of your desires and intentions. This dream also foreshadows the loss of property.
  • Seeing a cellar loaded with wines and food supplies means that you will be offered a share in the income received from some dubious sources. If a young woman sees this dream, a marriage proposal awaits her from a speculator or gambler.
  • For a young woman to see a cellar in a dream is a harbinger of illness and a quarrel with her lover. If she sees one of the living people dying and emerging from the cellar in a dream, this means that she will indirectly be connected with this person by a common misfortune, but then everything will end well for her. If she sees her dead brother emerging from the cellar, this dream is a warning for her against complications that can be avoided with energy and will.

Dream Interpretation: Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the Cellar?

  • pipe dreams;
  • going down to the cellar is fulfillment;
  • others go down - the end of troubles.

Dream Interpretation: Freud's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a Cellar in a dream

  • If you dreamed that you were in a cellar, it means that in real life you are shy and cannot talk about anything in bed in order to achieve complete mutual understanding. Do you know that silence during love games greatly offends your partner? He begins to think that sex is a burden to you.

Dream Interpretation: Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a Cellar in a dream

  • Wine - you have unrealistic dreams; going down into it is happiness; to be in it and not be able to find anything is a disease; to see others descending - you are safe from trouble; to fall from the ramp into the cellar - an unpleasant time will come for you. Wine cellar - you are unbalanced.

Dream Interpretation: Erotic dream book Danilova

Why do you dream about the Cellar?

  • If you dream horrible dream the fact that you are falling into a deep cellar and no one can help you get out of it, most likely, awaits you love story, which you will later regret very much, because it will bring nothing into your life except a bad mood.
  • If you dream that you were able to get out of a dark cellar into the light, this suggests that in life you will overcome your painful love for a person who only uses you and is completely indifferent to you.
  • If you dream that you are sitting in a cold cellar, in reality you will be overcome by the desire to change your life and find a person who would not only be a sexual partner, but also a true, devoted friend.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Health

Dream Interpretation Cellar

  • Seeing the cellar from above through the hatch cover or falling into it means there is a danger of injury or serious illness; Sitting out in the cellar means the need to obtain psychological shelter.

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according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed that you were in a cellar, it means that in real life you are shy and cannot talk about anything in bed in order to achieve complete mutual understanding. Do you know that silence during love games greatly offends your partner? He begins to think that sex is a burden to you.

I dreamed about a cellar

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are in a cold cellar means that you will be tormented by doubts. You will lose faith in everything, you will suffer from gloomy forebodings, unable to get rid of them, unless you become the master of your desires and intentions. This dream also foreshadows the loss of property. Seeing a cellar loaded with wines and food supplies means that you will be offered a share in the income received from some dubious sources. If a young woman sees this dream, she is waiting for a marriage proposal from a speculator or gambler. For a young woman to see a cellar in a dream is a harbinger of illness and a quarrel with her lover. If in a dream she sees one of the living people dying and emerging from the Cellar, this means that she will be indirectly connected with this person by a common misfortune, but then everything will end well for her. If she sees her dead brother emerging from the cellar, this dream is a warning for her against complications that can be avoided with energy and will.

Why do you dream about a cellar?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

pipe dreams; going down to the cellar is fulfillment; others go down - the end of troubles.

Wine in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Wine is a symbol peaceful life, economy, prosperity, vice. Seeing wine on the table among other products and weapons nearby is a symbol that peace will be preserved as long as the ancestral tradition of hospitality flourishes in the state. Seeing pale pink wine in a transparent glass - a dream foreshadows a trick, deception, murder through poisoning, which will be sanctioned official services and arranged by familiar people so that no one suspects anything, you should especially be wary of pleasant acquaintances with the opposite sex. See huge vineyards and wine making strong men with red hair - this dream testifies to a blood connection with Germany and the opportunity to go to live in your historical homeland, where success and prosperity, material wealth and prosperity await you while observing local traditions. Seeing large ancient amphorae filled with wine means that you will have to rack your brains before you decide to answer the question that will soon fill your mind and soul, but this is only possible if you maintain contact with representatives of previous generations and know your family tree . Seeing that a person has been poisoned with wine is a symbol of the good fortune that this person will bring you. Be prepared for a lot of random luck since 2001. Seeing a river of wine, from which wild and domestic animals drink and fall exhausted on its banks, is a sign that summer time there will come an extremely prosperous time for entrepreneurship, because the most different people They will be very peaceful and will be able to make compromise decisions. If in a dream you drink wine from a golden goblet, in reality you will be so carried away by your illusions that you will lose touch with the real world. To see in a dream how you spill wine on your clothes is to make a rash decision that will affect your relationship with the person on whom your material well-being depends. Drowning in wine is forced loneliness. If in a dream you are treated to wine, excessive frankness will only bring you harm, and will give your ill-wishers a reason to gloat.

I dreamed about wine

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself drinking wine in a dream foretells you joy and strong friendships. Breaking a bottle of wine means that your love and passion will cross all boundaries. Seeing barrels of wine portends great luxury. Pouring wine from one vessel to another is a sign of various pleasures, entertainment and travel to famous places. Pouring wine means that your work will be well paid. For a young woman to dream that she is drinking wine is a harbinger that she will marry a rich and noble man. Going down into a cellar in a dream, full of bottles and barrels of wine - this is a promise to you of the most pleasant impressions.

Miller's Dream Book

Dreaming that you are in a cold cellar- means that you will be tormented by doubts. You will lose faith in everything, you will suffer from gloomy forebodings, unable to get rid of them, unless you become the master of your desires and intentions. This dream also foreshadows the loss of property.

Seeing a cellar loaded with wines and foodstuffs- means that you will be offered a share in the income received from some dubious sources.

If suddenly a huge head of a monstrous monster appears from the cellar and reaches out to you- in reality you will experience a strong fright from a stupid joke that your friends will play on you.

Women's dream book

Find yourself in a cold cellar in a dream- to painful doubts, loss of self-confidence. You will suffer from gloomy forebodings, unable to get rid of them. This dream may also foretell the loss of property.

Cellar filled with wines and foodstuffs- means that you will be offered to take part in some dubious matters.

A young woman has such a dream- portends a marriage proposal from a speculator or gambler. In general, for a woman to see a cellar in a dream- to illness and quarrel with a lover or spouse.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing an empty cellar in a dream- to sadness, with wines- to joy.

Dream book of lovers

A dream in which you were in a cellar- means that you are too shy and prefer to be silent in bed, like a fish. Therefore, achieving mutual understanding with your partner is very difficult for you. You don't even suspect that he is dissatisfied with sex because of your silence. It seems to him that you did not enjoy it, and he sees this as his fault.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Basement- unconscious.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Wine cellar see- means secret and hidden tricks; revel in it- means shame and disgrace from false friends.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Cellar- past, subconscious, repressed, repressed memories, experiences, mental trauma; hidden unconscious impulses and drives; feeling of saving; stocks.

Is in it with others- conspire against someone.

Culinary dream book

Dreamed wine cellar- indicates that you will be able to make some savings.

To a man who dreams that he is sitting in a dark wine cellar- the dream foreshadows big troubles, failures, and possibly mourning.

If in a dream you took out coal from a wine cellar- this means peace and quiet in your home.

Wine Vault- secret and secretive tricks; revel in the wine cellar- shame and disgrace, thanks to false friends.

Dream book of a gypsy

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.