Why do you dream about wine? Why do you dream about red and white wine according to various dream books?

Why do you dream about red wine?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

You dreamed of Red wine - you see in a dream that you are drinking Red wine - the sweeter the wine was in the dream, the bitterer your disappointment will be in reality.

It’s as if you spilled Red wine - trouble will happen to one of your relatives; Most likely, he will be struck down by a serious illness, but death is not excluded. A young woman dreams that she spilled Red wine - the dream warns this woman of a possible unwanted pregnancy.

Why do you dream about red wine?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does Red wine mean in a dream? Drinking means pleasure; spilling means being guilty. If you spilled Red wine in a dream, imagine that it turned into water or instantly evaporated without leaving any traces.

Why do you dream about red wine?

Big dream book

Red wine - If you dreamed that you were drinking Red wine, then you will soon find yourself in the company of people whose level is much higher than those with whom you usually communicate.

Why do you dream about red wine?

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Drinking Red wine means being in the company of people whose cultural and material level is very high.

Why do you dream about red wine?

Dream interpretation book by S. Karatov

Red wine - If you dreamed that you were drinking Red wine, this is a harbinger that in the near future you will find yourself in society, material and cultural level which is much higher than where you usually spend time.

See also: why do you dream about wine, why do you dream about champagne, why do you dream about a bottle.

Why do you dream about red wine?

Dream Interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

Red wine - If you dreamed that you were drinking Red wine, then you will experience the joy of communicating with true friends.

Pouring Red wine into crystal goblets from a steamed decanter in a dream is a harbinger good mood and health and a sign that you will be warmly received in any society and your optimism and cheerfulness will attract the hearts of others to you.

If you dreamed that you were drinking Red wine straight from a bottle, this means contentment in the house and a successful trip. Breaking a bottle of Red wine in a dream means your love passion will reach its highest limit.

If you dreamed that you were buying a whole box of excellent Red wine, then you are in for a profitable enterprise that will bring unprecedented income.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday

The picture seen tells about people who play a leading role in the dreamer’s life, or his secret desires, which he successfully suppresses. Dreaming with a pleasant emotional coloring promises good changes, unpleasant dream - exhaustion of strength. The fulfillment of sleep should be expected before lunch.

27 lunar day

The dream is intended to rid the dreamer of erroneous ideas about his life. It demonstrates the depth of differences between illusion and the real state of affairs. Such dreams can only be beneficial if they are interpreted correctly.

Dreaming of red wine symbolizes romantic encounters and a pleasant pastime. However, just as alcohol causes excessive intoxication, so does real life, you can get fed up with the “vanilla mood,” dream books say. Therefore, do not underestimate dreams of such a romantic drink. Remember all the details you saw in the dream, and you will be able to understand why he is dreaming.

Miller's Dream Book

According to this interpreter, savoring red wine in a dream is a symbol of strong and reliable relationships, both in family and friendship. It’s also a good idea to break a bottle of Kindzmarauli. Such a vision means that you will be overwhelmed by passion.

But, as the dream book explains, why you dream of pouring Cahors from a barrel into bottles: soon you will have the opportunity to visit places you have never been, but really wanted to. Spill red wine in a dream - good sign, because such a plot means profit “over the edge”.

Drinking wine is a sign of approaching happiness

Deciphering why you dream about drinking alcohol, in particular red wine, you begin to involuntarily agree with the classic of world poetry who praised this “divine nectar.”

If a woman dreams that she is drinking Cabernet or Merlot in the company of a representative-looking man, then very soon she will meet a man whose connections and acquaintances will allow her to realize all her wildest ideas. For a man, savoring red wine in the company of a beautiful stranger is a sign of an unforgettable romantic evening.

But drinking a crimson-colored intoxicating drink alone in a dream is a symbol of emergency for both women and men. fateful meeting, the Eastern Dream Book pleases.

What does it taste like

Almost every interpretation of a dream in which you drink red wine promises success and joy. But still, many interpretations also depend on taste, dream books assure. So, the wine was:

  • dry with a slight sourness - for exquisite entertainment;
  • sweet dessert - for fun;
  • excessively sweet - to change;
  • very sour - you will be dissatisfied with yourself;
  • tasteless, as if diluted - to disappointment.

Wine incidents: From joy to sorrow

Did you dream that while drinking “sparkling red” with your loved one, you accidentally spilled it from the glass onto your lover’s shirt? Very soon the chosen one will prove the sincerity of his feelings in practice, Pastor Loff’s dream book pleases. And if you spilled wine on yourself, then you will have to prove it.

In a dream, pouring wine from a glass on your enemy, splashing the drink in his face is a sign of reconciliation with him. And if you rashly splashed your friend, then in reality, perhaps he is offended by you.

Miss Hasse’s dream book explains why you dream of red wine spilled on the table: if you accidentally turned the glass over and the contents spilled onto the tablecloth, then in reality you will commit some very extravagant act that will cause a public outcry. But wine spilled on the floor promises trouble with friends.

Quite often our dreams do not carry any information. They reflect the realities of the past day or memories. But there are such visions that must be deciphered by looking through the dream book. Drinking wine is a significant event in the country of Morpheus. It foreshadows many events depending on the type and quality of the treat, and the circumstances of alcohol consumption. You cannot miss this message from the subconscious. Let's take a closer look at why you dream of drinking red, white, strong or young wine. Interesting?

Maly Velesov dream book

Drinking wine means having the opportunity to fulfill your cherished desire, this source tells us. A person's prospects are excellent if he enjoyed a drink in the company of friends. It’s another matter, according to the dream book, to drink alone. Agree, in reality such an act is condemned by society. And if a person commits it in the country of Morpheus, he is in danger of trouble. Bad news is on the way and will soon spoil his mood or throw him into panic. The source of interpretations wisely recommends getting ready and meeting the danger fully armed. Continuing the theme, this wise interpreter explains why you dream of drinking red wine from a bottle. This is a sign of special joy and celebration. Enemies will be defeated and admit defeat if there were faithful comrades next to you in the night vision. If you drank alone, expect meanness from those people you previously trusted. This source is confident that the essence is not in the wine, but in the circumstances under which the person enjoyed it. It’s good when the treat is shared with loved ones or pleasant people. This is a sure sign of good circumstances, prosperity and joy. The quality of alcohol also affects the message of the subconscious. As the dream book assures us, drinking cloudy or diluted wine means illness. If it is pure, sweet and aromatic, you will get serious profits that will increase your standard of living. Treating someone to alcohol means a funeral. Abandoning its consumption is a sign of well-being, says the dream book. Drinking black wine means revealing the machinations of enemies. If you couldn’t swallow it, you only saw it, then you will suffer from their intrigues.

Dream Interpretation 2012

This source offers a look at the event from a different perspective. Wine is a symbol of a person's personal strength. It reflects the current state and prospects for the future. This is exactly how this dream book suggests viewing the plot. Drinking wine means increasing your own energy level and becoming stronger. Use it in huge quantities- reevaluate yourself in reality. This is a bad vision, which may be followed by illness. As this dream book assures us, drinking red wine means that a person is on the verge of transformation. The preparatory work has already been done. It is necessary to set new, more high goals, expand your horizons, develop. This is a hint that interests will change in the near future. White wine is a sign of realization. If you drank it in fun company, get the opportunity to implement creative projects into life. Sitting with a glass of wine yourself means making plans for the future. If there is a tasty, aromatic liqueur splashing in the glass, a rethink awaits life principles. Refusing an alcoholic drink means stagnation in business. This portends an unfavorable period in life, when energy is wasted and does not bear fruit. As he assures us this dream Nick, drinking wine at a table in a romantic setting is a sign of a quick acquaintance for single people. The time has come to start a family, have children, and so on. The energy for this has already been accumulated.

Dream book of the 21st century

This collection of interpretations also considers the appearance of noble drinks favorable. It explains why you dream of drinking red, white or young wine, sour or sweet. The author also concerns plots in which large amounts of alcohol appear. It should be immediately noted that in almost all situations, wine is favorable and portends good events. So, if you see barrels filled with this noble drink, you will get rich. Pouring wine means making a profit from all sides. The source of enrichment may be unknown to the dreamer, but this fact does not negate the prediction. If you happen to admire a glass filled with red liquid and inhale its tart aroma, a pleasant event awaits. For girls, such a plot hints at the likelihood of a quick marriage, according to the dream book. Drinking wine with a man in a romantic setting means experiencing temptation or an attack of jealousy. The dream does not bode ill in reality; rather, it warns against excessive selfishness. Sometimes we create trouble for ourselves by misperceiving current events. It’s worth holding off on your assessments for a bit, clenching into your fist the emotions that well up from your soul. This will help you avoid fatal mistakes. According to this dream book: drinking white wine means a seeker will appear in the head good idea. The plot is perfect for creative personality or entrepreneur. And it promises prosperity for others if you can correctly recognize the clue.

Dream Interpretation of Winter

This collection of tips does not evaluate the subject being studied as positively as others. In the old days, wine was associated with “wine.” And today many grandmothers decipher the night’s plot in exactly this way, with which this dream book agrees. Drinking white wine means becoming a victim of your frivolity. Getting drunk means making a mistake. This plot is considered to bring a person back to cruel reality. You need to take a closer look at those around you, try to understand their thoughts and intentions. live with rose-colored glasses It’s impossible to see without trouble, our source says. Wine symbolizes annoying, stupid mistakes. However, a change in behavior will help prevent them, the dream book assures. Drinking wine from a bottle means indulging in sin. The dream is especially negative for young girls. The beauty is clearly in danger. She misjudged the signs of attention from the gentleman, who only wanted to enjoy her charm. If she succumbs to his persuasion, she will shed bitter tears for a long time. If the drink in the dream turns out to be sour, bitter, or tasteless, there will be anxiety due to the illness of a loved one. To refuse the offered glass is to resist the pressure of sinful temptations. This is a wonderful vision that augurs praise. That is, a person will withstand some test that fate prepares for him (at the hands of enemies). Offering wine to others means becoming the cause of someone else's grief. You should think carefully about your actions, try to take into account the interests of others, so as not to cause them serious harm.

Miller's Dream Book: drinking wine

Let's return to the positive interpretations of our plot related to the heady, noble drink. Mr. Miller assures that this dream does not bode well. According to him, drinking wine means wealth. Decide for yourself which way the money will come to your doorstep. But keep in mind that the subconscious already sees their continuous flow, pleasing, exciting, satisfying. If there was a lot of wine in the dream, then your finances will improve proportionally. It's bad when the drink turns sour in your nightly story. This means stupid spending, mistakes leading to bankruptcy. Everything can be corrected if you monitor financial transactions more closely, the dream book assures. Drinking wine in a dream, according to Mr. Miller, is almost always good. For all people, such a plot promises quick prosperity associated with the material side of life. And for young girls and their older friends - also a wonderful, rich groom. This man will delight and pamper his chosen one. All that’s left to do is to consider him among the line of admirers and show tenderness and loyalty of his heart. What you girls do is up to you to decide. But the dream book claims that such a plot foreshadows wonderful life filled with love and prosperity. If you happen to bathe in wine in the land of Morpheus, your most cherished, hard-to-achieve wish will come true. Be encouraged and actively pursue your dreams. The universe is on your side!

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

For some people, night visions bring messages about upcoming global events. This is what the famous prophet of the past Nostradamus believed. He assured that wine is a symbol of a peaceful, calm existence. If you happen to taste it in a dream in a good company of friends, do not expect bad events. Peace and prosperity will accompany the village in which you live for a long time. If during a feast you notice edged weapons next to glasses and flasks, it means that the fate of the people depends on the ability to honor and observe the traditions of their ancestors. You need to show respect to strangers, showing them hospitality, so as not to accidentally cause hostility on their part. When you are given colors, there is danger ahead. Mr. Nostradamus interpreted such a vision as a sign of an attack by an enemy who was preparing poisoning. Bring him to clean water It won’t work, this man is so insidious and cunning. Try to be more careful when communicating with strangers, especially of the opposite sex, the dream book recommends. Drinking wine from glasses means losing touch with reality for a while. Your ideas about what is happening are so inconsistent with reality that bad consequences are likely. You need to seek advice from someone you trust, otherwise you will face trouble. If you see a river of wine and animals drinking from this source, it means that you will soon receive a promising offer. Mr. Nostradamus assures that such a plot predicts successful entrepreneurship. You already have own business? It's time to think about its organization or development.

Muslim dream book

As a rule, religion has a bad attitude towards intoxicating drinks. Sometimes this is reflected in the interpretations of dreams collected by generations of our ancestors. This source interprets the image being studied as negative. Drinking wine means being trapped. It should be understood that the enemies have become more active. They are already weaving intrigues to deprive the dreamer of property and honor. You should exercise extreme caution and enlist the support of friends in advance in order to neutralize their machinations. Believe me, this source assures, no measures will be unnecessary. To refuse an intoxicating treat is to defeat your enemies. Their insidious plan will turn against the authors. This dream foretells the complete protection of Heaven. A woman drinking wine in a dream means being justly condemned by society. She is ready to do something that does not comply with the laws of conscience. Before it's too late, you need to think about your behavior. He calls on the woman to follow the traditions of her ancestors and abandon shameful plans. A man dreams of intoxication before material losses. Most likely, his recent decisions will not bring the expected profits. This is just a mistake, it can and should be corrected without panicking. Elderly people dream of red wine as a sign of serious illness. This is a sign that the soul is ready to move to another world.

Women's dream book

It must be remembered that human energy is highly dependent on gender. And this affects the imagination and the images born at night, among other things. WITH women's dreams This source of interpretation helps us understand. His tips are generally positive. Analyzing why he dreams of drinking wine, he especially singles out red and sweet wines. This intoxicating liquid is a harbinger of good events, if you have not experienced serious intoxication in the land of Morpheus. Soon there will be a cheerful meeting that will turn the dreamer’s life around and direct her in a different direction. For unmarried girls, the vision foretells a wonderful romance, which will end with the creation of a strong family. Widows can also count on a new marriage proposal. For married women, this dream promises a repeat of the spring of their relationship with their spouse. Romance will reign in your home again, giving tenderness, caresses and ecstasy. If the wine tastes sour, get ready for a quarrel with your loved one. It will be empty and short-lived. And after the quarrel there will be a stormy and passionate reconciliation. Sitting at the table with your loved one and enjoying white wine means going on a trip. You will be completely given to each other. No one can disturb the beautiful, life-giving solitude. Offering wine to your loved one is a temptation. The dream encourages the manifestation of fantasy in intimate life. He suggests that single women spend more time communicating with the opposite sex. There is someone nearby who will make the dreamer happy. Drinking black wine means succumbing to the persuasion of a gentleman who will not stay with you forever. But you won’t regret the time spent in his company. To refuse an intoxicating drink is excessive self-restraint. You have created many barriers for yourself that prevent you from enjoying happiness.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

This source of interpretation believes that wine gives strength and inspires in reality. It should also be perceived in a dream. If in the country of Morpheus they took part in a drunken feast, a difficult but promising task lies ahead. The subconscious is trying to give confidence, to suggest that all obstacles will be overcome, you will cope. There is no need to give in to despondency. Better triple your efforts to achieve your goal. If you drank in splendid isolation, you have to decide important question. You will probably be faced with some kind of choice from two (or more) mutually exclusive options. Rely on own experience when making a decision. And Mr. Meneghetti also recommends listening to your intuition. She will tell you the right direction with a good mood, a shadow of inspiration from a future victory, which will definitely flash in your imagination. See huge barrels filled with intoxicating drinks different types- get the opportunity to improve your financial situation. The dream does not promise easy enrichment, it only speaks of its likelihood. Work hard and diligently, you're on on the right track To big income. Sour wine, on the contrary, does not bode well. This dream foreshadows losses and disappointments. You should not invest in unreliable projects, they will flow away forever. Red wine - for a feast, white - for pleasant communication with close friends, pink - you will be invited to a celebration. If you yourself have treated other people to intoxicating drinks, you will organize get-togethers.

Russian old dream book

This source interprets night visions about wine in two ways. Red means shedding blood. Young guys dream of it to participate in battles, old people - to war. For a woman, a red intoxicating drink promises painful periods, and for pregnant women - a miscarriage. But white wine is a sign of fun. If you drank it in the country of Morpheus in pleasant company, you will receive an invitation to visit. Have a great feast! Sour wine is an insult. The worse the taste of this drink in a dream, the more bitter the disappointment from the action will be. loved one. This is not a very good sign. It portends a breakdown in relationships, quarrels, scandals. If there is cloudy wine in the glass, you will suffer from a physical illness. Getting drunk with it means getting sick for a long time and hard. If you realized in a dream that wine was mixed with water, it means that you will suffer from deception. To refuse it is to get out of a difficult situation with honor. In general, seeing yourself as a teetotaler in a dream is good. This is a sign of a strong will that promotes self-realization in life. After some time, society will highly appreciate your merits, do not deviate from your chosen path. If you get drunk on sweet wine, you are about to meet. This vision predicts strong, faithful friendship, passionate love for girls and boys. But feeling intoxicated by water means making mistakes. Don't deceive yourself; people will mistrust what you say or do. Actions fundamentally contain incorrect postulates that do not correspond to reality. You need to rethink your behavior.


Dreams about wine have many meanings. Each author interprets them in his own way based on personal experience and attitude towards hops. Probably, every person needs to take this fact into account. Interpret the images based on the feeling that remains after sleep. If you are a fan of sobriety in life, then wine portends something bad. And vice versa: you have nothing against a glass on holidays - expect pleasant events, relying on the opinion of well-known and respected interpreters. In general, deciphering night vision is a matter of experience. Record your images, analyze subsequent events, and become a real guru in interpretation. Don't believe me? But in vain!

Wine is an intoxicating drink, which, according to the dream book, brings good luck, wealth, promises a long and bright life. Love, friendship, improvement in financial situation, good acquaintances - this is all what a sunny drink means in dreams.

If you see a corked bottle in a dream, you are hiding your potential. An open one speaks of a fun time ahead, friendly party, anniversary.

If in a dream you watch red or white liquid flowing from a neck, you will soon learn other people’s secrets. If it pours into a glass, you can keep them secret. When alcohol spreads across the floor, it’s impossible to hide other people’s secrets.

The red color of wine tells about you as a... passionate nature. You are full of life and energetic.

If you dream of a white drink, you have a romantic nature. A dream with rose wine speaks of deception: be more careful about making new acquaintances.

In a dream you have a narrow glass of wine - expect a promotion, monetary income. Alcohol in a low and wide glass - new acquaintances, friends. If you dream that you are drinking a drink from an iron mug, you are simple and open.

You see wine in a flask - the planned trip will take place. You will have a fun time with friends on a picnic, or go fishing.

  • The bottle is on the top shelf - career growth.
  • Wine in a store window means buying an expensive item or an expensive gift.
  • Chatting with a drunk man holding a bottle is a conversation with a person who envies you.
  • A large bottle means a big feast, a celebration in the house.
  • A drop of wine - you will find an opportunity to save money when buying an expensive item.

Dreaming festive table with wine - wedding, banquet. If there is bread nearby, you are about to meet a rich man.

A bottle of drunk wine portends an unplanned waste of money. Half filled - making the right decisions.

Wine color

  1. Ruby - marriage for a young girl, long, happy life family people, the appearance of children. If you are pregnant and drink wine in a dream, the baby will be born strong and healthy. The businessman's negotiations will be successful. A sweet drink is a harbinger of monetary profit, a sour drink is a harbinger of saving on yourself. Tart wine promises a luxurious holiday in an exotic country, bitter wine - surround your loved ones with care and attention. A broken glass symbolizes victory over all enemies.
  2. White - good mood. Hold full bottle- enjoy it, glass - great mood. Drinking in a company in a dream means sharing secrets with a friend in reality; drinking alone means trying to become more liberated.

Women's dream book

A woman who drinks wine in a dream will soon marry successfully. Barrels of wine dream of luxury. A full cellar of wine means unheard of wealth, a luxurious life. If you go down to such a basement, expect a pleasant experience.

Pleasure is foreshadowed by pouring wine from bottle to bottle in a dream. You can also go on a trip from which you will bring unforgettable experience. Breaking a bottle of wine is a great passion that knows no boundaries.

Summer dream book

Drinking an alcoholic drink in a dream large quantities and don’t get drunk - you are self-confident, you consider yourself better than everyone else, while others have a completely different opinion.

Aesop's Dream Book

If you dream of a wine cellar, you will have to work hard, there will be a lot of things to do that cannot be put off. If you buy very expensive wine in a dream, in reality get ready for a trip in which you will meet a wealthy person.

There will be a fight, a showdown if you see yourself drunk with a bottle in your hand. If you drink at someone else’s expense, remember your debts; creditors may appear.

You make wine yourself - you won’t be afraid of painstaking work, long work, after which a good reward awaits you.

Ancient Russian dream book

Wine in a dream means a fight, shedding of blood. Drink undiluted wine - health, mixed with water - illness. Drinking white wine is fun, cloudy wine is sadness, bad news. Seeing yourself drunk in a dream means you will meet new people and make friends.

Dream Interpretation by E. Tsvetkova

Drinking wine in a dream means having fun, treating your friends with it means a funeral. A drink spilled on the floor means misfortune. If you drink alone, you will receive bad news. If you sell wine to someone, you will quarrel with friends, relatives, and acquaintances.

Erotic dream book

Drinking wine in a dream means that in reality you will have fun, make new acquaintances, and meet your soulmate. For a young girl, this will be a successful marriage. If you break a bottle, crazy passion awaits you.

Freud's Dream Book

The famous psychologist Sigmund Freud deciphers a dream with a lot of wine drunk by making love while intoxicated.

Ukrainian dream book

Drinking wine in dreams means worrying about your affairs in real life. White wine is joy, red wine is cheerfulness, good mood, apple wine is modesty.

Dream book of the 21st century

According to the 21st century dream book, wine in a dream means prosperity and wealth. If you spill a drink, you will receive a wonderful reward for your work.

Drink champagne, open a bottle - expect to receive good news, a surprise. If you pour yourself over with wine, your cherished wishes will come true. Drinking Cahors means experiencing remorse in reality.

New wine is a warning - restrain your feelings.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Red wine means joy, success, love, fulfillment of desires. White - misfortune.

French dream book

Wine in the French dream book means a fight, bloodshed. If the wine is pure, success, a profitable business, and health await. Bad wine is a deception, a lie.

Miller's Dream Book

You see how you drink wine in a dream, which means joy and strong friendship await you in the future. Lots of wine - travel and entertainment. If a young woman dreams of wine, she will soon get married.

People who dream about objects or events related to their immediate life should not even open books that interpret dreams. If a numismatist or a banker dreams of money, then in their dreams it means only money and nothing else. If a summer resident dreams of a vegetable garden, then this can only mean that he is too worried about it.

So in the case of why red wine is dreamed of, if a person drinks it every day, then any dream about it cannot mean anything to him, except that he dreams of a hangover, but he should take care of his health.

In the case of other people who drink wine occasionally or don’t drink at all, a dream about it can mean a lot. It’s still worth looking into the dream book, even just for fun.

Dream Interpretations

The problem is that there are a great many collections of this kind. Since ancient times, people have tried to understand their dreams. As civilization developed, accumulated observations were analyzed and entered into special dream books. Here is the list the most ancient similar collections:

  1. Aesop
  2. Ancient Persian Taflisi
  3. Chinese Zhou Gong
  4. Azara
  5. Kananita
  6. Assyrian

Time passed, the standard of living changed, and the ancient books could no longer cope with explaining dreams. People began to dream about things that had not happened before. Appeared new collections of interpretation dreams, and each nation had its own version:

  1. English
  2. French
  3. Russian
  4. Gypsy

Some dream books gravitated towards one religion or another, if such predictions were allowed within its framework:

  1. Muslim
  2. Islamic

Many dream books were born from the hands of one author, if the author was great enough for such works:

  1. Nostradamus
  2. Freud
  3. Tsvetkova
  4. Wangi
  5. Miller

On modern stage lives are created combined collections of interpretation dreams for the average consumer:

  1. Family
  2. Modern
  3. 21st century

They began to appear on a broad front highly specialized publications:

  1. Esoteric
  2. Love
  3. Intimate
  4. Female
  5. Children's
  6. Wedding

It is hardly possible to list all of them in a short article. And one can only imagine how difficult it is to modern man, waking up in the morning, interpret the dream that has just died out. For example, why dream of drinking wine?

Wine in a dream

Trying to figure out why you dream about drinking red wine is to bring together the facts from different dream books and draw the right conclusion.

This is how the Russian dream book interprets it: drinking red wine in a dream, in reality promises nothing but trouble. Noble dream book adds that the troubles can be very great, even up to an ice battle, and, most likely, it foreshadows an ordinary hussar fight.

The gypsy dream book for drinking an invigorating drink is more merciful and even promises happy marriage with your loved one. People who are already married are promised to further strengthen the marital bond.

The new one does not lag behind in the promise of marriage and marriage. family dream book. It is enough to just drink wine in a dream, and if you also spill it, break a bottle of wine, then the promised marriage will be accompanied, in addition, by the sea love passion. The idyll will reach its climax if in a dream you just have to drink from a barrel - this a sign of approaching luxury.

Miller’s dream book also fully agrees with this interpretation of the question of why wine is dreamed of, but at its apogee it is not limited to one barrel, but takes on the task of explaining the presence of a sleeping individual in a wine cellar. It comes down to the promise of great and pleasant life experiences.

Tsvetkov’s dream book on the question of why wine is dreamed of is laconic and narrowly focused on specific details and details. The drinking process is laid out on the shelves, as in a laboratory, but, unfortunately, the color of the wine is not taken into account.

Freud's dream book does not delve into the details of the process at all, why wine is dreamed of. The main thing here is that wine is essentially alcohol. I dreamed about alcohol, which means there will be drinking in reality. And where there is drinking, there is sex. A subtle, promising philosophy.

Although the modern dream book classifies wine as a strong drink, its appearance in dreams is still associated With positive emotions . Probably so as not to offend his drinking contemporaries too much. You dream about it being red or white, but everything is for joy or as a sign of true friendship.

IN esoteric dream book They dig deeper and in the question of why red wine is dreamed of, they take into account not only the color of the wine, but also its consistency. Drinking a red and thick grape product in a dream means passionate love. Almost like Freud, but more beautiful.

What will more ancient sources please you with, explaining why you dream of drinking red wine?

The dream book of Aesop, a representative of the Greek people, in fact, the inventor of this miraculous drink, explains dreams about wine, to a greater extent, by a person’s desire for relaxation. Apparently, the Greeks were very tired of inventing this magical liquid.

In the Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong, like yin and yang, they are entirely dualism. If in a dream someone offers you a drink, then this sign of longevity. If in a dream you get drunk and drunk, then this is already a sign of illness.

The ancient Persian dream book Taflisi undertakes to interpret dreams in which wine flows straight like a river. People bathe, float, drown in it - a truly imperial scale of consumption, even in a dream. There's no time for color when you have to swim across a river of wine. And if in a dream everything ends in drowning, then in reality a bad end awaits.

What about old Europe?

In Nostradamus’s dream book, a lot of attention was paid to the question of why wine is dreamed of, but with regard to the color of the drink, the great predictor was only interested in the moment of consuming a pale pink variety. If you dream about this, then in life you should be afraid not only that red will be diluted with water until pink color, but also a bigger catch, up to and including poisoning with a deadly poison.

Old French dream book red wine is presented as a harbinger of bloodshed. If it is also of poor quality, then a prediction of treason and betrayal is added to the shedding of blood. Something here echoes the Russian dream book: fights, duels, blood.

An old English dream book interprets wine quite complacently. If a single person drinks in a dream, it means he will soon get married. If a father with many children drinks, his children will love him more deeply. To the merchant - profit; to the loser - good luck. Even if you don’t wake up at all, life will still get better, as long as you drink in your sleep and not in reality.

And what does the most modern dream book 21st century? Here it is short and clear: whoever drinks strong red wine in a dream will soon be in a good mood and nothing more. This dream book puts forward wine as the dominant drink in the world of Morpheus optimists.

Summary conclusion

If you collect the information obtained from a small part of the dream books, what will be the general answer to the question: why do you dream about drinking red wine?

Main, do not treat anyone to it in a dream. This is the worst omen.

There are people who know how to control their dreams. It will be easier for them to resist the machinations of fate. If in a dream you hold a bottle of wine in your hands, not a drop for anyone. It’s better to hide, lose, break, spill. To drink yourself is to harm yourself. So, when they give you a treat, then you are the first in line with an empty mug. It’s good if they treat you straight from the barrel, but sharing luxury is still an unrealistic dream.

Advice to people who have dreams about drinking wine too often is to choose a convenient dream book to interpret them. But here it follows act according to status, existing at the moment.

For married people with many children, as well as bachelors who dream of creating a strong family, best option An old English dream interpreter.

For people who drink wine, for whom wine is an object of desire both in dreams and in reality, and family is nothing to them, the English version will not work. A modern dream book, or at least a 21st century dream book, is ideal for them.

A new family dream book table guide for girls who dream of getting married. The problem is only for decent girls; they hardly have dreams about drunkenness too often.

Gypsy dream book more convenient for girls who already have a chosen one, but he does not yet respond to their passion.

For those who like to fight, the Russian dream interpreter is indispensable. For those who like to fight more seriously to the point of blood, it doesn’t hurt to connect the noble and French options.

In general, with such a variety of interpretations, it is best to check everything for personal experience. Keep a small notebook and write down the contents of your dreams with a date stamp. In another column, mark actual events also limited by some time frame. When keeping such a diary for many years, a picture of the individual perception of dreams and the effectiveness of their predictive essence will certainly emerge.