Why do you dream of baptizing? What does the dream portend: Baptism. Eastern women's dream book

Often, a dream becomes a continuation of daytime worries. Unconsciously, during sleep, a person tries to solve a problem that haunts him in life. daytime. Similar phenomena include the meaning of what one dreams of being baptized in a dream.

What if you dream about being baptized in a dream?

Dreams filled with visions of baptism are, first of all, signs sent by higher powers. Most likely in this moment the man is at a crossroads. He has quite a lot to do Difficult choice, which will have an impact not only on his entire life, but also on his state of mind. Apparently, the time has come to evaluate your past actions and radically change your life. An unbaptized person tends to reject the help of divine beings and confuse good and evil. Therefore, the human soul strives to give a hint.

It is possible that a person’s soul is burdened with sins committed in the past. In this case, the dream calls on the sleeping person to cleanse himself and start his spiritual life from scratch. Great clairvoyants and dream interpreters believed that in this case a person should take a week to think about it in order to decide on his desires. However, many clairvoyants considered the dream of baptism to be a prediction filled with practical meaning.

There is a very common opinion that one dreams of baptism if the sleeper has experienced a strong fright. Accordingly, by accepting the cross, he will be able to calm his soul and feel more protected. Almost the same meaning is put into this dream supporters of the prophetic meaning of sleep.

They are sure that the dream predicts imminent betrayal loved one or a friend. Such a situation has a depressing effect on the sleeping person, since subconsciously he has long suspected that there is an enemy in the camp of friends. Sigmund Freud, as always, gave the dream exclusively sexual overtones.

By the way, clergy refuse to consider dreams as a harbinger of any important events coming from higher powers. On the contrary, they are sure that in most cases dreams come from the unclean and are designed to push a person onto the path of temptation. I wonder what meaning the ministers of the Church could put into this dream? After all, dreams are considered a catalyst for the desires of the soul and, therefore, real life the person also wishes to be baptized. Should this dream be considered prophetic? The person himself must understand this issue, based on the sensations left after the dream and its atmosphere.

What does it portend?

Sometimes, dreaming of baptizing oneself means that a person will soon have to endure severe humiliation. The fact that this is being done for the benefit of other people can be a consolation. The sleeper has the special honor of taking upon himself the suffering of others. If during sleep the baptism ceremony took place in a temple, the dream should be regarded as a warning about humility. Obviously, the person is characterized by exorbitant pride.

When you dream of a religious procession, you should heed the warning carefully and visit the church for confession. If a person is not baptized, you can open your soul to one of your close friends whom he trusts completely. When the sleeper is present in a dream at the baptism of another person, the dream carries a positive meaning. An unmarried person will soon start his own family. A married person who is in a quarrel with his other half should not be upset; the relationship will definitely improve.

If a person does not participate in baptism, but watches what is happening from the side, he is too unsure of himself. You should learn to make decisions on your own, without basing them on outside opinions. It is advisable to live according to your own principles.

In any case, the rite of baptism seen in a dream means that higher power have not turned away from the person and are ready to support him. It is not for nothing that a cross on the chest means that in the life of the sleeper there is a guardian angel who must protect his soul.

The dream of the cross predicts fate and warns of trials, while demanding tolerance and determination. Praying to a cross in a dream is a sign of joy and receiving a gift from a loved one. Kissing a cross in a dream is a sign of approaching trouble, which will be a real test for you. Seeing an iron cross in a dream is a sign of protection; grave cross to see fenced in a dream - a harbinger of joy and peace; cross by the road - receiving good news; seeing a cross across the road in a dream portends failure in business; flowers next to a cross in a dream mean joy, a pleasant meeting, peace of mind. Seeing a golden cross in a dream foretells receiving good news. Seeing a cross on yourself is a sign of fate: it all depends on how it looks. Seeing a cross on others in a dream is a sign of trials. Putting a cross on others (or passing it on to others) in a dream means that you are entrusting certain responsibilities to that person.

Removing the cross from yourself in a dream means that you will want to change your life, despite the remorse that you will then experience. Finding a cross in a dream is a harbinger that your life may soon change. Kneeling in front of a cross in a dream means that you will experience repentance for sins, humiliation, and emotional distress. A broken cross in a dream portends that your real life will collapse like a house of cards. Seeing a pectoral cross in a dream is a sign of happiness and good luck. Holding a cross in your hands means sadness, grief.

To see a golden cross in the hands of an angel in a dream is a sign of God’s will, God’s blessing.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Grandmothers say that being baptized in a dream is not good. Wise women do not explain their interpretations, but pass on the knowledge accumulated over many generations. It is believed that fear and a critical situation instinctively evoke a similar reaction even in an atheist. But it's not that simple. Night visions are ambiguous. Interpretation depends on other nuances. We will analyze them in detail.

Be baptized in a dream out of fear

Seeing a nightmare and trying to get help from the Almighty means the development of an illness in the soul or, more likely, in the body. Crossing oneself in a dream while trying to protect oneself from evil spirits means that one’s enemies will soon become active. This is not about competitors in business or love. Rather, this plot hints at secret or obvious envious people, languishing from their worthlessness, emphasized by your successes. They may well pretend to be true friends and listen to details of their personal lives. But in the souls of these people, black, fierce anger bubbles up. They wish you after all the worst that can give birth human brain. Naturally, this affects the state of a person (by the way, both). It is advisable for the dreamer to go to church, pray and talk less about his life. To drive away the devil with the sign of the cross is to get help in a hopeless situation.

Praying in church

Such a plot has a completely different foreshadowing. Standing calmly in a church and being baptized in a dream means realizing your place in this world. The last phrase is general in nature. In practice this is:

  • the birth of a desired child and care for him;
  • successful completion of the search for a vocation;
  • completion of a difficult process;
  • choice of development direction and more.

Think about what was bothering you Lately? It is in this matter that you will receive help from above, says this dream. A church, elegantly decorated for the holiday, in which you pray, experiencing the delight of union with the Lord, portends liberation from shackles. Let's decipher it again: for some, this is the dismissal of a low-intellectual boss or a transition to a more interesting job; for others - clarifying the relationship with a loved one, which will lead to greater trust; for others - getting rid of boring responsibilities and so on.

Be baptized in a dream in front of a church

When deciphering the night's adventures, pay attention to the difference in interpretations associated with the temple. Being inside is one thing, but being outside is something completely different. If you stood next to a church on a clear day and crossed yourself on its dome, it means you are about to an important event. It will open up new tempting prospects for you. If the sky is clouded with rain clouds in a dream, do not expect good things. Life will only throw up troubles and obstacles. You will have to try very hard to steer onto the straight road to happiness. In the near future, the road will pass through ravines and potholes of strange ups and downs, independent of your will. To fall on your knees in front of the temple and make the sign of the cross is to realize your guilt before some people. You will need to dare and ask for forgiveness. No, delay this. Your conscience will not stop tormenting you until you speak frankly with those who were offended.

Baptism ceremony

Let's face it, the plot is rare. To be baptized in a dream, that is, to perform a similar sacrament, is to receive a blessing in reality. If you saw yourself as a small child brought to church by your parents, a talent inherent from birth will be revealed. If you were baptized at a real age, take on some important mission. Rest assured, it came from the Lord, and was not imposed by management or society. Do your duty with honor. People will support you through all the difficult turns of fate. A very significant dream, therefore it is extremely rare.

And more often, people simply secretly or openly cross themselves when they encounter something unusual or frightening in the astral plane. It is advisable for dreamers to engage in health improvement. Such a plot, as a rule, shows that there are problems in the body related to the functioning of the heart. Take care of yourself, listen to your dreams. This higher “I” carefully suggests where to lay the straws.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Who was baptized in your dream? Under what circumstances? Is this a Christian rite or a (possibly involuntary) conversion to another faith? Or is an adult being baptized, which indicates a change in his value system? If you are baptized in a dream, do you feel...

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

An extraordinary event.

I had a dream “Baptism”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Receiving the rite of baptism means labor and trials that can end in a happy ending. Baptizing your children in a church or cathedral is a harbinger of happiness or prosperity. Act as a godfather or mother - join in the joyful, festive events, take part...

I have a dream about Baptism

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dreamed about the rite of baptism, then you need to strengthen your reputation and defend your opinion more confidently. If you yourself were baptized in a dream, humiliation awaits you ahead, which you will steadfastly endure for the good of others. The holy spirit appeared in a dream...

Dream - Baptism

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To be present at this ceremony or to celebrate this holiday in a dream means that they are waiting for you big changes. Sometimes such a dream means that your life will be joyful and comfortable. To be baptized in a dream is a sign of a heavy burden, great trials.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Baptism?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you see “Baptism” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a baptism ceremony in a dream means that you need to be more careful about your reputation, while at the same time confidently defending your opinion in disputes with friends. To see in a dream how a priest baptized you and put a cross on you is a sign...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Baptism?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Indicates that a person is in extreme difficult situation, usually, hereditary nature. Violent family relationships. Alternatively, it is a manifestation of negative karma. Perhaps the presence of directed magical influence from the past or present. It may also indicate the slavish obedience of a person (who dreams...

Dreaming of “Baptism (rite)” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You will be able to strengthen your reputation and gain the approval of your colleagues. How to improve the meaning of sleep? Unless the baptism ceremony was performed on you, imagine that you - Godfather or godmother of the baby being baptized.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Baptism?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You lack confidence in the correctness of your actions. If the rite of baptism is performed on you, you will bravely endure all the trials.

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Baptism, christening

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To dream of the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist in the Jordan River means to experience a mental struggle in reality, not knowing what to give preference to. Living for the benefit of society or strengthening one’s own success and material well-being. If they saw the holy spirit descending on Christ...

If you dream of Baptism, what is it for?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Baptism (Seen in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you see the rite of baptism, then in reality you should think about the need to strengthen your spirit by limiting the pleasures of the flesh. In addition, you must be confident in the correctness of your view of the world, since no one knows better than you that...

Dream Interpretation Online - Baptism

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dreamed about the rite of baptism, then you need to strengthen your reputation and defend your opinion more confidently. If you yourself were baptized, humiliation awaits you ahead, which you will endure for the good of others. The Holy Spirit appearing in a dream is a sign...

What does the dream portend: Baptism

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To be present at baptism - to normalization family relations. The rite of baptism is for the renewal of life. Procession of the Cross - a confession is required before a loved one whom you completely trust.

Baptism in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a baptismal ceremony in a dream means that you need to strengthen your reputation by more confidently defending your opinions if they are underestimated by your friends. To dream that you yourself are being baptized means that some kind of humiliation awaits you, but you persevere...

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Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The deep spiritual essence of fire is transformation, that is, the Transition from one state to another. Everything else follows from this: both energy and the symbol of fertilization. Male strength, and renewal of life. Baptism by fire restores original purity and clarity. No wonder in the Middle Ages...

Baptism - interpretation of sleep

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream in which you are baptized in a church encourages you to moderate your pride in the interests of other people.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Baptism?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a baptism ceremony in a dream means that you need to strengthen your reputation by more confidently defending your opinions in case they are underestimated by your friends. To dream that you yourself are being baptized means that some kind of humiliation awaits you, but you persevere...

Seeing Baptism in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a baptism ceremony means that you need to strengthen your reputation by more confidently defending your opinions if they are underestimated by your friends. To dream that you yourself are being baptized means that some kind of humiliation awaits you, but you will endure it steadfastly...

Author of the article: website

An interesting dream that may have several different meanings. If it is quite natural for a Christian to put the sign of the cross on himself, then a dream with such a sign puzzles a Muslim or Jew.

This action has another meaning: a person plunges into water, accepting Christianity. To understand what this dream means, remember your feelings and emotions. Here's how modern dream book interprets such a dream most often.

For a Christian

There is a proverb: “until the thunder strikes, a man will not cross himself.” In a dream, the dreamer can put a cross on himself, feeling fear, fright, negative emotions. In extremely rare cases, a person thanks God with the sign of the cross during a night's rest.

To be baptized with one's hand in a dream means fear, illness and mortal danger. Passionate prayer, putting a cross on oneself, tears and lamentations indicate disasters and grief.

But if you hear a fake cry, this is a dream with the opposite meaning, which the dream book interprets in the opposite way. Unnatural tears, hysterical screaming and screaming predict joy, happiness, and a pleasant surprise for the dreamer.

Seeing someone else falsely crying and hysterically crossing themselves is a sign of deception. Any evil plan of this person will be revealed.

If you dream of an unclean spirit and the dreamer makes the sign of the cross to get rid of it, this means fear. Sometimes this is how negative magical influence, damage, and the evil eye manifest themselves.

People often see such dreams after a funeral or shortly before the death of a loved one. In such a situation, contact a priest, bless the apartment, or remember the deceased several times.

E if there was something going on in the house magical rituals- fortune telling, divination, casting spells, casting a love spell or a lapel, you need to throw away all ritual things and contact a priest. Especially when nightmares begin to occur regularly.

If after you crossed yourself in a dream, the monster disappears, the troubles will go away. Miller points to life's trials that will end happily.

Crossing yourself near the temple means sorrow. Especially if you did it in front of the icon and put a candle. To experience fear at the same time means expect misfortune.

A dream in which there is a ritual of baptism indicates renewal. To baptize a child is to take responsibility for something. Sometimes such a dream symbolizes an imminent pregnancy or a new business.

Seeing the baptism of an adult means a change in relationship with him. To be baptized yourself means a promise, an oath, sorrow or illness.

Simply making the sign of the cross over a child in a dream means advice and blessing.

If in a dream you blessed an adult son or daughter, this means marriage, marriage or another important step. To baptize a Christian again means you will have to participate in a wedding or funeral.

Holiday Epiphany

It is celebrated in January. On this holiday, it is customary to plunge into an ice hole to gain health for the whole year.

If you dreamed of baptism and swimming in an ice hole, then such a dream predicts recovery, improvement of affairs, and sometimes coldness and indifference.

Dipping a friend into cold water means a scandal. Similar dream may dream of a cooling relationship.

Jumping into an icy pond feeling pleasure is a good sign.

This means that the patient will recover, and things will get better and go uphill.

Swim in ice water- to perseverance and patience, but in relationships with loved ones dryness, cruelty, and misunderstanding are possible.

Sleeping and feeling the Epiphany frosts is a disappointment. The dream book writes that your relationship with a loved one will collapse. Exit from cold water and warm up - to joy.

Dreams of Gentiles

If a Muslim, a Jew or a representative of another religion begins to be baptized, suffering and fear await him. Seeing a church and crossing yourself in front of it is a sign of an event that will get out of control.

The road to the temple, the entrance to it predicts danger, suffering, illness. Reading prayers in front of the icon and periodically making the sign of the cross means converting to Christianity or trying to learn this faith.

Crying and moaning in church, falling to your knees - to great grief. Especially if you heard funeral singing.

The icon means a problem, fear, experience. Sometimes she points to the dreamer's heavenly patron. Try to remember it to find the answer to the question.

Find the description and history of the icon you dreamed of in order to understand the essence of the problem and disaster. Each of them means a miracle or trouble that the face depicted on it helps to resolve.

If an inveterate atheist was baptized in a church, expect changes. This dream means a change in worldview, life principles and priorities. Sometimes a dream predicts surprise for you.

For the atheist himself, prayer and the sign of the cross in church foreshadows suffering and sorrow. Some people have such a dream to great fear and surprise. Often such night pictures predict trouble in the house.