Taurus with Taurus: sign compatibility. Male power is irresistible

Like any Yin sign people, two Taurus people get along well together.

They have no obvious contradictions in character, they are endowed with a similar sexual temperament and have approximately the same ideas about comfort, life, leisure and life goals. There is not enough passion in the couple, but Taurus value stability and reliability much more highly, and this is what they give each other to the fullest. Two Taurus are without a doubt a good match.

Taurus compatibility: how to seduce a Taurus man?

A Taurus man will like a woman of his sign at first sight. He likes her calmness, poise and good taste. The more time they spend together, the better he gets to know her and finds similarities with himself in her. This man is not looking for someone who would be different, who would excite and excite him, who would make life unpredictable and bright. On the contrary, he will be very happy to meet a woman with similar interests and will not want to part with her. Be sure to introduce the Taurus man to your views on money. He will fully approve of your manner of earning and managing them, and money is an important topic for him. He definitely evaluates his chosen one’s attitude towards finances. It is impossible not to say that, in addition to the similarity of characters, two Taurus have a strong physical attraction to each other. The Taurus man is delighted with the Taurus woman, she is the embodiment of his ideas about a sexy woman.

What does an ideal Taurus couple look like?

From the outside, this couple seems a little boring: well, how can you live such a measured and orderly life? After all, there are so many interesting things in the world! Taurus themselves consider their life to be the best: they have an organized life, there is agreement on financial matters, they are confident in tomorrow and they have excellent sex. What else is needed for happiness? A Taurus living with a “half” of their own sign is the healthiest (mentally and physically) person. Even before marriage, during romantic meetings, Taurus surprises friends with extraordinary harmony in the couple. In fact, of course, they also have arguments, but rarely, but Taurus does not arrange scenes with “breaking dishes” at this time, but resolves the issue peacefully. It doesn’t matter how long Taurus have been together, a few days or decades, they agree on most issues and look very harmonious. Two Taurus have a well-established life, an excellent financial situation and wonderful children. Taurus parents devote a lot of time to children; they try to have more than one child (but not more than they can adequately support).

What are the difficulties in the union of two Taurus?

Taurus is a very stubborn and conservative sign. He is peaceful and does not argue over trifles. But, in addition to zodiac preferences, each Taurus has opinions and tastes, depending on his upbringing and life experience, so there is nothing strange in the fact that two Taurus may disagree with each other on something. Taurus's conservatism prevents him from switching to someone else's point of view, which is new to him, and his stubbornness does not allow him to give in. Therefore the most a big problem Taurus couples - how to behave in a dispute. Both will not make concessions, and their confrontation can last a long time. It's good if the dispute is over trifles. Here the Taurus woman will make concessions and sacrifice her interests, or the man will treat the woman’s desires as a cute lady’s whim and sacrifice his interests. But what to do if a dispute arises over important issues: questions of everyday life, health, money or shopping? Anything is possible here, from the rage of an angry Taurus to a long cold war. Disputes bring considerable damage to the Taurus couple and greatly spoil the relationship.

Taurus approach everything thoroughly. They also need to approach the building of relationships and also “on the shore” to distribute areas of responsibility - areas in which the main decision will be the decision of one of the partners. There will be few such things; basically Taurus look at the world the same way. But in matters that are important to them (especially in everything related to property and money), they definitely need to agree. With another sign, one could initially choose a compromise, for example, two Geminis are able to come to the option “both yours and ours.” But Taurus does not like to change his point of view, so do not look for a compromise, but decide whose opinion is in this issue will be the main one. Most Taurus figure this out over time, so the problem of intransigence is most severe in newly formed couples. They can be advised not to “put on masks”, not to give in on fundamental issues in order to please their loved one more, but to immediately discuss controversial topics. Until the moment when disagreement turns into conflict, Taurus can easily agree on these issues.

Taurus compatibility at work

Taurus people find it easy to work together. Both men and women of this sign are hardworking, but do not arrange rush jobs and races. They can work systematically and calmly for a long time. They lack contact and reactions to external changes a little, so they work best in stable areas.

Compatibility of Taurus - colleagues or partners

They will be happy with each other. They have the same work rhythm, and both do not like to complicate their relationships with colleagues. For an independent partnership, two Taurus lack the adventurism and flexibility necessary in business, but in hired work they will show their best qualities, and at the same time make the situation in the team calmer, because Taurus is difficult to anger.

When a woman is a boss and a man is a subordinate

This is a good union. The Taurus woman in the position of leader is calm, sweet and hardworking. She will appreciate it highly business qualities Taurus the subordinate. They will have complete mutual understanding.

When a woman is a subordinate and a man is a boss

Taurus men are more likely than women to fly into a rage in a tense business environment. The Taurus woman has the highest self-esteem and only habit (if she has been working in this place for a long time) and a good salary will keep her from leaving.

Compatibility of Taurus woman and man in friendship

Two Taurus - Good friends. They love to communicate comfortably and are not lazy in creating a pleasant atmosphere for friends. These are two “lazy people”, two sybarites enjoying good food and pleasant, quiet leisure. They like to talk about work topics because they rarely find such an understanding interlocutor in their team, and it is easier for them to get an assessment of their merits from a Taurus friend. Taurus is a stable sign, so if a woman is wise enough not to broach topics they don't agree on, their friendship will last for decades. Can Taurus people move from friendship to romance? Hard to tell. If everything is fine with their personal lives, then it’s unlikely: both are faithful to their partners. But lonely Taurus can get together, but only if they are not too used to seeing each other as friends (they change their views with difficulty).

Strong, emotional and accustomed to the good life. These are the characteristics by which a Taurus can be easily recognized. His line of romantic relationships is very unpredictable, as they say: from love to hate there is one step.

Let's consider everything that concerns this extraordinary sign, and most importantly, let's discover love secrets, namely the compatibility of these two signs.

Patronage of Venus

A typical Taurus is a sociable, friendly, persistent and at the same time soft person.

His goals are always achievable, and if necessary, he will go over his head.

Astrological characteristics of Taurus:

    Associated element: Earth.

    Ruling planets: Venus, Moon.

    Symbols: bull, cow.

    Colors: bright spring colors, beige shades in any of their manifestations.

    Stone talismans: turquoise, sapphire, agate, opal, emerald, esmerald, green marble, jade, carisol.

    Flowers: lily of the valley, lilac.

    Metal: copper.

    Weak spots in the body: throat, neck, nose, sensory organs.

    Happy days: Monday, Friday.

    Unfavorable day: Tuesday.

    Places to live and travel: Ireland, Poland, CIS, Australia, Switzerland.

First validity period

People born in the first half of the sign, from April 21 to April 30, are dependent on Mercury, think well, are passionate about the exact sciences and are inclined towards various business projects, commercial affairs in rural areas. They are melancholic by nature. They tend to greatly exaggerate problems.

    Main years of life: 16, 24, 30, 33, 39, 42, 45, 51, 57.

    Numbers: 63 and 36.

    Stones: diamond, brilliant.

    Flower: sweet pea.

Second Coming of Taurus

Taurus born in the second half of the sign, from May 1 to May 10, “walk” under the Moon. They are noble and eloquent, dreamy, kind and slightly indecisive, inclined towards politics and literature, they are always accompanied by great luck in life.

    Numbers: 62 and 26.

    Stone: emerald.

    Lily flower.

Third decade of the sign

Those born in the third period of the sign, from May 11 to 21, are under the direct influence of Saturn. These are people who strive for independence, are very stubborn, but in most cases obey a stronger will, are uncommunicative, pessimistic, afraid of poverty and prefer loneliness. Due to their character traits, they often encounter financial difficulties.

    Main years of life: 16, 21, 24, 33, 41, 50, 60, 64.

    The stone and flower correspond to the second period.

Plus and minus, everything worked out

How to understand Taurus? It’s very simple if you know the characteristics of his character. After all, they are unpredictable personalities and with their tenacity they will push away everyone in their path. The character is quite unique, and the nature is emotional.

The planet Venus gives Taurus an unusually gentle character and love of comfort, sensitivity, and, sadly, a lot of laziness.

It is open for positive emotions and even sadness will easily turn into joy. In public he tries to behave very calmly, but underneath his modesty lies a violent temperament.

Positive character traits: has a strong will, thinks through all decisions, hardworking, independent, always speaks directly and to the point, inquisitive, a fighter for justice, tenacious, patient, persistent and faithful.

Negative Personality Traits: Self-centered, very stubborn, loves a lot of luxury and will sacrifice everything for pleasure. Main characteristics Taurus is an extraordinary desire for better life, openness to relationships and loyalty to long years.

Subtle feminine nature

A magnificent wife, a passionate lover, an unstoppable careerist - all this is a Taurus woman. The characteristics of representatives of the fair sex born during the action of this sign are quite diverse. Let's try to understand its features.

Taurus girls are the stuff of dreams for men. They conceal so much tenderness, love and affection that when a faithful life partner appears on the horizon, they strive to give him everything. But still, despite everything good attitude to their chosen one, occupy a leading position in the relationship.

Such a woman with early childhood knows her purpose: to be a standard of fidelity, and most importantly - a support for her man, to keep the hearth, take care of children and become an excellent housewife.

They also love nature and children. The optimal place to live for a Taurus woman is quiet Vacation home, where there is a huge garden with beautiful flowering plants.

Although representatives of this sign behave quietly and modestly, they cannot be called lazy; they are great workaholics and take care of money, counting every penny.

Taurus women behave rather reservedly and calmly, which undoubtedly captivates men. But at the same time, they do not like to be contradicted or objected to, and the slightest, at first glance harmless, remark can throw them out of their state of mental balance.

It should also be noted that these ladies are incredibly jealous. The Taurus woman can endure a lot and keep silent, but at one moment she will definitely “explode.” Note to your significant other: don’t bring your spouse to this state, it could backfire loud scandal or even divorce.

By nature they tend to be polygamous. This does not mean that Taurus women like to cheat. No, on the contrary, if they get everything they want and feel the return from the opposite side, then there can be no talk of any betrayal.

To find compatibility with a Taurus woman, a man needs to try. After all, winning her will not be so easy, but having achieved his goal, he will find everything he dreamed of, and even more.

If you want to see a real queen next to you, you need a Taurus woman. The characteristics of this zodiac sign clearly demonstrate that she will be very passionate, but at the same time jealous. But if you surround her with attention and care, you can find a faithful and loving chosen one.

Male power is irresistible

Discovering the mysteries of the stars, it should be emphasized that the sign Taurus (especially the man) remains unknown to this day. Astrologers try to make accurate forecasts, but it’s still easier with women, because they are more emotional and reveal themselves more. Men are more secretive and try to keep everything to themselves, so it is difficult to determine matches by horoscope. Nevertheless, there are several developments that will help you get to know the stronger sex better. The stars will tell you what the Taurus man is silent about.

The characteristics of the representatives of the stronger sex are quite brief - they are latent leaders and autocrats who do not show their nature in public, but in the family circle they are not used to having their words questioned and contradicted to what they say.

Money is one of the pillars on which the world of Taurus men rests. They are careerists at their core in a broad sense this word. They will do absolutely anything for the sake of a “fish” position.

At the same time, their affairs are often accompanied by success. This is due to the fact that Taurus are not prone to haste. They do everything slowly and deliberately. They are not inclined to make spontaneous decisions.

Like Taurus women, men love nature and spend their leisure time there. For example, on a picnic or fishing.

Taurus man is quite interesting person. He prefers a narrow circle of communication, where he can show himself from all sides, make jokes and jokes.

As for family and love, such a man is very homely and faithful. In most cases, he finds his life partner early and settles on his choice forever.

To be fair, it is worth noting that there will be plenty of requirements for such a woman. Firstly, she must fully correspond to his status, secondly, she must be unusually beautiful and elegant, well-mannered, and thirdly, she must be able and love to cook.

He is not attracted to casual relationships; if he falls in love, it will be forever. We can say with confidence that the most faithful and loving husband- Taurus man. The characteristics of this sign are proof that such a spouse will always be a reliable support for his woman, but the demands on her will also be high.

Love line

Now let's talk about a couple like Taurus and Taurus. Compatibility at the initial stage of a relationship may look dubious, but it’s worth first understanding in detail love characteristics women and men of this sign.

In fact, Taurus is the most loving sign. Venus rules it in the same way as the goddess of love Aphrodite.

IN early years both the woman and the man dream of a great and bright feeling, but in adolescence they start many fleeting romances, which still lead to real relationships.

But their passion can flare up even more mature years, feelings during such a period do not arise immediately, but flare up gradually.

Taurus love is sometimes secretive and intimate. But often it is deeply touching, tender and lasts forever.

If the environment does not correspond to Taurus’s idea of ​​an ideal personal life, then he goes through an avalanche of jealousy, depression, and does not strive for quick reconciliation and entertainment.

Taurus-Taurus relationships will be doomed to happiness and success when one representative of the sign complements the other, but, of course, it cannot be done without mutual understanding.

Romantic whims

Whims, wild emotions and at the same time sensuality and tenderness - this is what awaits you in a relationship with a Taurus lady.

She always chooses wealthy and self-sufficient men. But sometimes such joy does not last long. If her partner offends her in any way or is not generous enough, she will immediately find a replacement for him. This is what she is - a Taurus woman.

Compatibility in love with a Taurus man will still be special. At first glance, the relationship looks dull and short-lived. But everything will change after a while.

The Burning Passion of a Taurus Man

What to expect from the relationship that Taurus wants to build with Taurus? The compatibility of a given couple will directly depend on the man. He can be very thoughtful at times, but remains loyal and passionate lover for his woman. When he finds a companion, in most cases he strives for equality in the relationship. He is frank in all manifestations of passion and expects the same return from his chosen one.

Two in one

Having learned all the secrets of the unknown, we have come to know the most main secret relationships. How do Taurus and Taurus get along?

The compatibility of two such seemingly identical people cannot raise any questions. They are drawn to each other, seemingly meeting that same soul mate. Such relationships are not threatened by bright outbursts of jealousy, much less conflicts. Representatives of this sign understand each other perfectly, feel the thoughts and desires of their partner.

The idyll will continue if they can yield to each other and understand, because then there is family life and everyday issues.

Such a union will last until old age if the woman and the man have aspirations for the new and unknown. Traveling together, going to new places, or just relaxing in nature will help you relax and forget about everything.

Undying Passion

Taurus are very sexual and passionate, this applies to representatives of both sexes. Physical attraction and passion will become a solid foundation for the longevity of such a union.

Over time, when both are ready to take on parental duty and have children, the Taurus woman and man will become very caring parents and will give their children the foundation that will help them realize themselves in the future.

In such an alliance as Taurus and Taurus, the compatibility is quite successful, but the main thing is that you should pay attention to each other more often, and try to introduce new things into your relationship. This pattern of behavior ensures that your relationship will last for many years. In this couple, love is a woman. The Taurus man is a persistent, powerful guardian who protects his chosen one and gives her the opportunity to create harmony in relationships.

Taurus compatibility is likely. This couple has a chance to create a successful alliance in business, since both have similar interests and the same values, but romantic relationship things don't always work out for them.

In the union of Taurus and Taurus, compatibility decreases due to the fact that this couple often misunderstands the motives of their partner’s actions. And this can have a detrimental effect on their relationship.

Both partners are stubborn and do not know how to forgive the mistakes of their other half. Representatives of the Taurus sign constantly flirt - this is their way of life, which they are not able to give up even for the sake of their loved one. But it should be noted that they usually don’t go beyond flirting.

What do you think could interfere with their happiness?

Only his shortcomings.

Exclusively her character.

Compatibility of Taurus and Taurus couples in detail

How will the relationship develop between the signs Taurus and Taurus?

These are born leaders who will strive to become the leader in both family and relationships. This impulse will cause many scandals and quarrels. People of this sign are constantly saving: be it money or energy. This is often interpreted as laziness or greed. In fact they they simply don’t like to waste energy, which will be useful to them at the right time.

Taurus is a very touchy and vindictive sign. These people often experience mood swings. They usually blame their partner for their conflicts.

These people are unpredictable, well-versed in the art of emotional blackmail, which can turn the life of their companion into a real nightmare. Compatibility Horoscope for Taurus and Taurus does not advise fighting for leadership in a relationship, since both have equal chances, and neither of them will be the winner.

There is only one way out: do not try to limit your partner’s freedom and try to share your experiences and problems.

Sexually, this couple is very good, and at any age.

Advice for building a harmonious relationship between the signs Taurus and Taurus

Paired with Taurus and Taurus compatibility may be likely since they have a good understanding of each other's needs and feelings.

You just need to be able not to hold a grudge against your partner and learn to get out of any situation without hurting your other half.

This couple can create a harmonious union, because they are so similar to each other.

Perhaps outwardly the Taurus man does not look like the ardent Romeo, but know: despite all his slowness and practicality, Taurus man compatibility extremely romantic nature! And this is not surprising, because Taurus are lovers of beauty, including beautiful people of the opposite sex.

Compatibility of Taurus man - Gemini woman

In terms of compatibility, the Gemini woman and the Taurus man are very different, and this attracts them to each other. Mutual interest appears immediately, upon first meeting.

In this couple, everyone sees the benefits that come from their union. And then it all depends on whether they will focus on incompatible traits or become partners that complement each other. ..

Compatibility of Taurus man - Cancer woman

According to the compatibility of a Cancer woman and a Taurus man, excellent relationships can form and exist between them; complete understanding is a reliable guarantee of a solid foundation, both for the marriage union itself and for marital relations and family life. They have a lot in common. Both love the hearth and dream of their own home - cozy and comfortable, a garden with flower beds, a vegetable garden, etc. If Cancer and Taurus take stricter control over the negative traits of their character and disposition, and impose a ban on stubbornness and obstinacy, then their marital relations can become a strong union “for centuries”, in which both partners truly love each other...

Compatibility of Taurus man - Leo woman

Compatibility between Leo woman and Taurus man- this union is considered less successful due to different attitude Lionesses and Taurus to money. If the Taurus man is caution and frugality itself, a real hard worker with only the desire to have his own property and a secure old age, then the Leo woman is spiritual lordship, generosity and nobility, generosity and extravagance, life scope and “flight into outer space.”

For a solid Taurus man, his partner is property, a personal inventory, and the Leo woman needs to think about this in advance and weigh everything carefully.

But it is not all that bad. In fact, there are a few tricks that will help this Leo-Taurus couple understand each other. If disagreement in the financial sphere goes away, such a couple becomes strong and happy. The basis of their union is often physical attraction to each other. ..

Compatibility of Taurus man - Virgo woman

Compatibility between Virgo woman and Taurus man- the union between them often turns out to be very successful. The family here is based on warm relationships and mutual understanding. The Taurus man is economical and persistent, while the Virgo woman is hardworking and responsible. In this union, they can be firmly connected by a commonality of interests, thoroughness, concern for well-being, children and family.

This is a very nice couple. A woman loves her man, and he enjoys communicating with her. Here the man acts as an adviser and mentor, takes responsibility - in a word, contributes to material and personal growth your partner. ..

Compatibility of Taurus man - Libra woman

In terms of compatibility between a Libra woman and a Taurus man, this couple resembles twin children who are unlike each other: so different, but so close and elusively similar. Their union can be called the union of two true aesthetes and gourmets. The love for comfort and pleasure brings the Taurus man and the sensual Libra woman closer together, in life together it manifests itself in literally everything - from their common love of eating delicious food to the desire to own beautiful things and the ability to give each other pleasure in bed. All this contributes to the creation of strong and long-term, harmonious relationships, because it is so nice when you are connected with a loved one not only by solving pressing problems, but also by the ability to receive joy from life even in the smallest things...

Compatibility between Taurus man and Scorpio woman

The union of a Scorpio woman and a Taurus man is quite common. In terms of compatibility, Scorpio women and Taurus men are strong personalities, and this allows them not only to love, but also to respect each other (which is vital for them). The Scorpio woman appreciates in the Taurus man his independence, perseverance, ability to earn money, and in her he appreciates his strength of character combined with incredible femininity. But, as in any other couple where opposite signs meet, the relationship between the Scorpio woman and the Taurus man is very difficult.

From an everyday point of view, the Scorpio-Taurus union can be considered unsuccessful, but for those who are engaged in spiritual self-improvement, such a union is simply ideal...

Compatibility between Taurus man and Sagittarius woman

A Sagittarius woman and a Taurus man couple is rare. Very often they are connected by a mutually beneficial settlement. But those couples of Sagittarius and Taurus who were able to build their relationship, laying love as the basis, never regret it.

In the union of Sagittarius and Taurus There is always a lot of positivity, especially at first. The lively, witty Sagittarius woman simply captivates the Taurus man, and her fearlessness and recklessness delight him. And the Sagittarius woman, although she does not want to give up her independence, is always drawn to the thorough and very practical Taurus man...

Compatibility between Taurus man and Capricorn woman

According to the compatibility of a Capricorn woman and a Taurus man, this married couple can rightfully be considered ideal. This is a very common union, and often it turns out to be very strong. Capricorn and Taurus have high degree compatibility. They have very similar views on life, many common interests and hobbies. Capricorn woman and Taurus man belong to Earth signs. Therefore, both are characterized by such traits as practicality, patience, determination, and love of nature. Also, paired with each other, they find the desired stability, coziness and comfort. Together they happily take care of the house, raise children, arrange their lives, and honor family traditions, traveling...

Compatibility between Taurus man and Aquarius woman

According to statistical data, the union is in the compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Taurus manmore often than others it ends in divorce. The Aquarius woman and the Taurus man are so different that it seems that they have no common ground at all. But, at the same time, they are able to be happy if they truly love each other and strive to save the family. In this case, their differences will be great addition to each other.

For the Taurus man, the Aquarius woman will forever remain an unsolvable puzzle. She is constantly drawn to “get into mischief”; she needs new impressions and adventures like air. Therefore, surprises, surprises, surprises will be constant guests in this family...

Compatibility of Taurus man - Pisces woman

In terms of compatibility between a Pisces woman and a Taurus man, this family union is one of the most ideal. The couple live together happily ever after. Having found each other, they can no longer imagine their life with anyone else. The Pisces woman reveals all her best qualities and becomes a real homemaker. And the Taurus man tries to do everything to make his beloved “fish” happy. There is nothing in the world that could destroy this couple, since their union is built on a very reliable foundation. They also have a strong physical attraction, loyalty and devotion, they are attached to each other until old age.

A Pisces and Taurus couple has a lot in common. For both, peace of mind is more important; both love convenience, comfort, beauty, expensive and high-quality things. The only difference is that people born under the sign of Pisces are lazy by nature, living only for today, and Taurus are great workers who provide for their own future. ..

He is a Taurus She is a Taurus

The Taurus man goes to his goal in a straight line, step by step, but not leap by leap. He is quite pleased with the well-deserved awards. Failure or misfortune is unlikely to disturb his calm: a strong Bull then walks straight as if nothing had happened. He knows how to carry a heavy load of responsibility and bravely takes on his duties. His persistent and quiet work ethic often ends up culminating in sweet victory. The Taurus man makes excellent use of courage and iron will its symbol is the Bull. This man knows what he wants and is able to sacrifice himself if necessary, without crying or complaining, in order to find those green pastures he has been looking for.

Nothing makes him love him more than a Taurus girl. She's amazing! Let other girls tremble with the romantic ecstasy of barefoot prophets lying all day in the grass, spending hours in idleness, stringing love beads and strumming a guitar. And give her a practical Ox wearing shoes, if he ties a string of beads around her neck, they won't be made of roasted coffee beans. They will be from a real jewelry store, and they will be paid for properly! If he strums a guitar, he can earn a living, not just moan under the moon on a summer night in Central Park.

This couple has everything in common. So, her purse has a strong handle, and he holds his wallet with both hands. They both love nature and simply adore everything that grows on earth. They also have one more common feature. They both know that Santa Claus is not real. He does not live at the North Pole and has never lived there. He's the president of their bank, his name is Christopher J. Kringle, and he doesn't drive a reindeer sled, but a nice, solid Buick sedan. If they behave all year, regularly depositing money into the account, it will fill their stockings with dividends and interest that will allow them to one day own a home in a quiet place, next to a calm river, far from the honking taxis, noisy teenagers and smoky nightclubs of the big city. .

Sometimes you can meet Bulls so incompatible with the cricket singing in the village twilight, as if they were a living negation of their earthly Sun sign. But do not make premature conclusions: the essence of Taurus will definitely appear in them! Thus, the American film actor Gleny Ford, a Taurus, once spoke on a popular program with the words: “I will surprise everyone with how many acres of land I am buying in Australia, where I am going to live.”

Behind the external shine of any employment or career (including politics) the Ox is not always visible the desire to escape from the cramped city into the blessed peace and freshness of the sweet-smelling village. A dream can emerge at any moment, but it will definitely emerge - at least at the end of life.

If the Ox is planning to build the foundation of a shared future in music, art, business, finance, politics or anywhere else, he will be as patient as he is. She will wait - as usual, without complaint. This all sounds extremely charming, doesn't it? They suitable pair- and inseparable.

At first they are completely immersed in love. Then they stand firmly on their feet before the minister, pastor, rabbi or justice of the peace, looking at them with calm eyes and saying “yes.” At the third stage, when it ends Honeymoon, they start saying no.

She wants to have children, but he thinks it's better to put off starting a family until the bank account increases - then she'll have one or two kids anyway, just to show him that he can't control her.

She wants to buy an expensive electric organ because she loves to play and sing, he tells her: "No. We can't afford it." If she flatters or persuades, he will say “no!” a little louder. Then (after careful calculations of monthly income to the household budget) she orders an organ. Or an expensive stereo installation - that's not the point. The next day he sends the purchase back to the store, only to show that she can't control it.

There might be a movie on that she wants to watch. She covers his cheeks with kisses, even though he is already despondent and close to rage. She persuades, but he doesn't want to.

Later, after they're cozy in bed and the lights are off, he'll say, "You forgot to kiss me goodnight."

She (softly, melodiously). No.

He. Why?

She. Because I do not want. (A few minutes of complete silence...)

He. I'm going to the hotel.

She (immediately jumping up). Why?

He. Because I want to.

The question is closed. He furiously drags his favorite blanket into his office... Sometimes he actually moves into a hotel for weeks and even months, as he promised (and he can!).

I know a devoted couple living in Los Angeles, both Taurus. The bull refused to marry for a long time. He believed that they should first test their love for strength before taking such a decisive step. His Taurus girlfriend cried, begged, begged, became furious - he did not move. "Do you love me?" Yes. He loves her. But he is not yet ready for marriage, and nothing more.

More than ten years have passed. They remained faithful to each other and had four children - two boys and twin girls. They are still not officially married. Now he was crying, begging, begging, losing his temper and trying to reason with her - she did not move an inch.

Of course, not all Taurus couples go this far. Typically, the average Taurus man or woman insists on complete legality before entering into any joint venture, be it business or marriage.

IN love union For Taurus, their mutual stubbornness and refusal to look at things from the other side often leads them into blind alleys of mental and emotional prejudice, and they have difficulty communicating. However, one of best qualities The bull is his ability to learn from own experience. What Taurus eventually understands is something he will never forget. If these two try to learn the lesson of forgiveness (always difficult for Bulls), they can take each other's hands tightly (Bulls do everything, tightly) and find a way out of the impasse.

Sex, of course, is a universal human experience, but it is uniquely important to Taurus lovers and spouses. Their first attraction is usually completely physical - the mental and emotional ones come later. In the end, consistency is not so important, because everything works out amazingly well for the Taurus couple. Sex for the average or typical Taurus is an experience of sensuality, and the physical expression of love between this man and woman can be the beginning of a spiritual knowledge of each other.

Most Bulls can't stand even the mention of drugs. For Taurus, if you smoke weed, you are a fool and a weakling, if you are on wheels, you are undeniably mentally retarded, and if you are mixed up with cocaine or heroin, you are on a dangerous path that leads straight to spiritual suicide just as quickly. , as well as physical suicide. Consider this!

Most Taurus firmly believe that drugs are the False Prophets that the Apocalypse warns against in the New Testament. And if humanity does not understand this, then they will prematurely lead it to the End of the World. Probably, in the cosmic understanding, drugs were needed to push the opened consciousness towards the possibilities of the future. It was a galactic-cosmic experiment, preparation for the spiritual awakening of the Earth. Now is the time to stop, turn around and think about what has accumulated inside us. Each Sun sign is entrusted with a special and specific task. And Taurus (like Capricorn) is tasked with keeping us on real ground.

Oddly enough, it was the respectable and completely earthly Taurus who were the first to understand that all the noise around electronic eavesdropping and spying was just a material level rehearsal for the rapidly approaching time when every person will be able to “read” the aura of other people.

Likewise, drugs were, on a material level, a rehearsal for the rapidly approaching opening of the Third Eye in each person, which will allow them to see and understand the human aura. All children are born with the Third Eye open. In medical terminology, they are born with a soft, pineal-shaped bump. But as children agree with adults who have lost their imagination, it becomes more and more firm, and they, like adults, have “stones in their heads.”

Many true mystics and psychics (including the telepathic Taurus Peter Harkos) suffered a blow to the head near the Third Eye (the pineal tubercle), which was the reason for its new softening. Tibetan monks achieve this using physical exercise, meditation and even surgery. But there is another way to open your Third Eye - this is love. And this is much safer and much more pleasant than falling down the stairs or hitting a door, and brings much more joy and pleasure than boring and monotonous Eastern rituals.

In 1975, I had a conversation with three enlightened Taurus people about how the time had come for Earth signs to move on to the next stage of spiritual development - the understanding that man can clearly “see God” and “know the Truth” only through control of the conscious mind - through proper nutrition, exercise and avoiding abuse of sexual energy and, most importantly, through daily, hourly work, which is called mutual love, kindness and forgiveness.

Now, shouldn’t we return to discussing Taurus’ attitude to drugs?

For them, drug use is like a quick glance into absolute Truth - so absolute that it can literally explode the mind of a not yet sufficiently developed person, not to mention his soul. From an esoteric and cosmic point of view, Taurus has hit the nail on the head here.

It may seem strange that Taurus, the most unesoteric of the twelve Sun signs, could come so close to the spiritual truth regarding drugs. However, this does not surprise the astrologer. You see, each sign, on a subconscious level, strongly feels the influence and attraction of its opposite Sun sign. Thus, Scorpio, opposed to Taurus, is deeply spiritual and psychological, sensual and sensitive, and is ruled by the strong planet Pluto. Over time, Taurus will be as knowledgeable as Scorpio in all spiritual matters. According to astrology, the sign of Taurus rules the throat and vocal cords. The opposite sign - Scorpio is associated with the genitals and sexual energy. When a man reaches puberty and undergoes a sexual change, it is accompanied by a change in his voice.

So the sign of Scorpio again brings us back to sex, which Taurus will undoubtedly like, because it interests them so much!

A Taurus of either sex can spend hour after hour ecstatically inhaling the scent of a loved one's skin, looking at the intricate, delicate, gossamer-thin celestial map of the lines of his hand, intoxicated by the feeling of soft hair, delicate taste earlobes... listening to the crushing crescendo of your partner's heartbeat. What drugs can compare to this?

Taurus rarely express the poetry of love in words and are not too sensitive to the emotional overtones of sex, but they are, of course, receptive to its sensual possibilities. Taurus does not have the lack of a sixth sense that most other people feel - they have a keen sense of immersion in the other five. There are rarely any serious disagreements between two Taurus on the basis of sexual unity. They are both sentimental, warm and loving, with their emotional behavior gently ruled by Venus. However, sometimes it is she who makes Taurus succumb to temptations of all kinds, including food, drink, money, sex and everything else you can imagine (excluding, however, the aforementioned drugs - only rare Taurus are tempted by them). These two are equally strong, patient and emotionally stable. There are, however, rare outbursts of blind rage when Taurus are really furious, but, fortunately, this happens once every ten years...

As for any temporary communication problems, Taurus knows exactly how to say: “It’s my fault” and “I need you” in the silent language of signs that only Taurus understands. For these Two, the touch of a hand in a dark room can replace any words.