Characteristics of love compatibility between Aquarius. He is an Aquarius, she is an Aquarius: Compatibility in marriage, love and friendship

Aquarius, despite his ease in communicating with others, is very difficult to create relationships. Rarely, with what zodiac sign Aquarius in personal relationships can be combined in such a way as to harmoniously complement it. This is due to the eccentricity of Uranus, the planet that rules the life of Aquarius. Seeing his goal in life, Aquarius will be stubborn and persistent in achieving it. He is endowed with a great ability to improve this world, and uses it with pleasure. Aquarius will never remain indifferent to someone else's grief or injustice, this is a knight zodiac circle who has a great mission on earth.

Aquarius feels good in the ranks. He loves work in which it is necessary to act according to regulations or instructions, but without rejecting creativity and initiative. Aquarius is sympathetic, he is happy to help other people, and often finds himself in an unpleasant situation when others openly take advantage of his kindness. Aquarius is a wonderful friend, he will never betray or let you down. Aquarius does not really like sudden changes in life, but he easily adapts to any conditions, even very ascetic ones.

An Aquarius woman will be comfortable with a partner who will allow her to be herself without trying to limit her freedom. The Aquarius man attracts the attention of women with his intelligence. But lovers of bright, hot temperaments will have to be disappointed - he is not used to putting sensuality at the forefront of personal relationships, preferring the “love-friendship” model. He's definitely attracted beautiful women, but more - as a muse for his new inspirations in life.

The most compatible signs with Aquarius are Aries, Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius. The least compatible signs with Aquarius are Taurus and Scorpio.

Aquarius Compatibility Chart

This table shows the average relationship results of Aquarius with each of the zodiac signs. The links in the table lead to additional Aquarius compatibility articles that describe in more detail this type relationships.

Signs of the zodiacCompatibilityLoveCommunication
Aquarius and AriesHighAverageHigh
Aquarius and TaurusLowLowLow
Aquarius and GeminiHighHighHigh
Aquarius and CancerLowLowLow
Aquarius and LeoAverageHighAverage
Aquarius and VirgoAverageAverageAverage
Aquarius and LibraHighHighHigh
Aquarius and ScorpioAverageAverageLow
Aquarius and SagittariusHighHighHigh
Aquarius and CapricornLowAverageLow
Aquarius and AquariusHighAverageHigh
Aquarius and PiscesLowLowAverage

Each combination of Aquarius with other zodiac signs has its own strengths and weaknesses, and almost each of them has its own subtleties and unique features. In this regard, each possible combination is devoted to a separate article, in which all the strong and weak points these relationships. An astrological connection can often differ from the classical canons, so we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the descriptions of the signs themselves, study their character traits, and also look at the relationship from the point of view of each partner individually.

Aquarius is characterized by colossal inner strength, they can pass through the most powerful experiences, which they do not notify others about. They even try to be as far as possible from the person for whom they have strong feelings, because they are afraid that they will be deceived and deprived of their freedom. The emotions of such people are very bright and this strongly contrasts with their cold self-control, which can deceive a person who is not particularly attentive.

Aquarians do not strive to get married or create permanent relationships. Hating jealousy, they are not jealous themselves, and do not seek to hold on to their chosen one against their will if he has a desire to end the relationship. Often they can even communicate with him as friends later.

Aquarius compatibility with other signs in love

Aquarians pay attention to intelligence, ability to think, human qualities. You need to interact with them extremely carefully: they are capable of taking even small jokes painfully, although they themselves can often hurt their interlocutor.

Cheating is a rare thing for Aquarius. Despite this, their first love is usually reflected in their memory for the rest of their lives, and they are in no hurry to part with these memories.

Aquarius sexual compatibility with other signs

Aquarians are loving, but more in a platonic than sexual sense. These are humanists who love people in general, highlighting those who are interested in them. Often, trying to win a person, they make a lot of effort for this: easy relationships are not of interest to them. Having such feelings for a partner, they can reveal themselves as wonderful lovers.

Intimate moments for Aquarius are not a practice, but a theory. For them, intimate conversation is more important than moments of voluptuous pleasure.

It is not so easy to understand what Aquarius generally thinks about his partner: he is in no hurry to express his opinion. Sometimes because he himself doesn’t know. Confident in their originality, they do not like to listen to opinions about their abilities in comparison with others.

Aquarians pay attention to the aesthetic sphere and can themselves tell their chosen one about his shortcomings, but almost always do not require him to change his appearance. They accept their loved one for who he is.

Compatibility horoscope for the zodiac sign Aquarius. Which Aquarius union is considered ideal and successful? With what zodiac sign Aquarius will find true happiness, harmony and love?

Are you a match?

Compatibility of Aquarius and Aquarius

In fact, it is not an ideal union. Both of you are too similar to each other and this relationship is unlikely to last long. Both “Aquarians” are irresistibly attracted to the new and, like a magnet, are attracted to the non-standard. It may be reminiscent of having a tea party with the crazy hatmaker from Alice in Wonderland.

Both partners are equally sensitive and both, without hesitation, express their opinions to the other person’s face. This union will cause many wounds and resentments on both sides. At the same time, Aquarians need freedom. What do we have - a relationship between two absent people, or two offended people? No, this relationship is not that simple at all. When two outstanding people with extraordinary ideas, full of energy and interest in life meet, their relationship should be very, very promising. If two "Aquarians" really decide to share their destiny and stick together through thick and thin, I personally hope it works out!

Compatibility of Aquarius and Pisces

Pisces may find it difficult to cope with the unpredictable, playful Aquarius. The character of good “fish” is marked by the trait of being an owner and being extremely touchy. "Aquarius" is a creature that loves freedom and is often capable of showing aloofness - and "Pisces" will not survive such indifference. The situation is reminiscent of one person swimming and the other soaring into space - to put it mildly, a rather unusual pairing. Of course, if all goes well - and with some effort this is possible - then they can both swim furiously fast, or float quietly and peacefully above the ground. This will happen if Pisces becomes a little more tolerant of the quirks of Aquarius, his passion for traveling, and Aquarius tries to adopt the patience and gentleness of Pisces.

When it comes to money, both are very similar in their inability to care much about it.

Pisces is somewhat secretive and this can irritate Aquarius. “Aquarius” always needs to know everything, and he is unable to restrain his curiosity. This is another obstacle.

Compatibility of Aquarius and Aries

This is a highly spiritual combination, each side of which is fascinated by the opposite. Both "Aries" and "Aquarius" are inventive and energetic, and will never allow themselves to miss something new and requiring all their strength without reserve. “Aries” and “Aquarius” are essentially created for each other, like fire and air. They naturally understand their partner, and the communication channels established between them are rarely idle. "Aries" can be an impractical dreamer, and "Aquarius" can be a crazy dreamer, and this is another reason for their excellent compatibility. Aquarius may find Aries' character a little nervous, Aries may find Aquarius a little stubborn, but, in general, they are able to draw wild fun from each other. "Aries" usually act straightforwardly, "Aquarius" is more cautious, but both are equally knowledgeable in how to attract attention to themselves. Both one and the other look ahead and are unable to live with yesterday; the present and the future - this is where we must act!

Compatibility Aquarius and Taurus

“Aquarius” rushes faster than the speed of light, covering the past, present and future in the blink of an eye, while “Taurus” is here and now; he is really interested in only one moment - this moment is called the present. However, "Aquarius" is able to plunge into the future for a long time, completely forgetting about returning to the present - a state of affairs that completely confuses "Taurus". They are both tuned to too different frequencies. They may not find very many topics on which it is good for them to talk with each other... and this despite the fact that the “carrier of the jug” is known as a selfless talker, never for a moment ceasing to pour out on his interlocutors all the knowledge he has collected on the roads of the future and the past. Possessor of good old common sense, the practical bull is not very sociable, so it will take them a long time before their conversation gets off the ground. It is absolutely clear that if they join their hands with mutual efforts (though only the efforts of Hercules can help), they can learn a lot from each other.

Compatibility of Aquarius and Gemini

Without a doubt, this can be the most exciting and exciting relationship. "Aquarius" dances to inaudible music, and the "geminis" are undoubtedly intrigued by what is happening. “Aquarius” is a way beyond everyday life: it is able to hold the attention of “twins” as long as necessary. Representatives of both of these signs are capricious and a little eccentric. In the areas of hobbies, love and games, they will get along without difficulty. This is an amazing combination. Representatives of both signs are dreamers, constantly wandering in worlds different from ours. And both of them are in awe of the pictures that open before their eyes. However, sometimes they touch the ground... looking into each other's eyes, and again upward, to some new planet! It's true that both of them may be as similar as two peas in a pod - but there are also some significant differences between them. Aquarius is stubborn, and sometimes this can cause problems. At the same time, both of them are unusually changeable. Two people born under these signs, in alliance with each other, can easily make money and immediately lose it.

Compatibility of Aquarius and Cancer

Don't be too keen on this combination. "Aquarius" is too non-conformist and too eccentric for the slow and traditional "Cancer". The whirlwind plans of “Aquarius” can completely confuse “Crayfish”. Of course, what they have in common is their unpredictability. It will seem very difficult for “Cancer” to withstand the need of “Aquarius” to know about everything, including every single secret of “Cancer”. "Cancer" also suffers due to the direct manners of "Aquarius", who never hides his views. “Aquarius” cannot stand the changeable moods of “Cancer”. In general, there is no particular similarity of characters, and this combination is not a very reliable foundation for love, friendship or marriage. “Aquarius” needs complete freedom and does not tolerate any interrogations. In all likelihood, this is a complex relationship - “Cancer” would like to lead, “Aquarius” is stubborn and does not want to stand in line, and, to put it mildly, is unpredictable.

Compatibility Aquarius and Leo

The relationship between Leo and Aquarius will most likely fall into the category of “mysterious”, “incomprehensible” relationships. Both of them are especially attracted to each other if they have been given a worthy rebuff. It is a great union to the extent that both of them are involved in the organization of any enterprise, be it a business enterprise, friendly party, the personal life of someone else, etc., etc., of course, despite the fact that the “lion” heads the organizing committee. “Leo” can learn a little humility from “Aquarius”: it is known that “Aquarius” is always ready to admit his mistakes. And “Aquarius” will learn the art of being a little more gentle and expressing a little more warmth - sincere, of course. Both of these people are representatives of the “fire” and “fixed” signs, so when the “Leo” and the “jar bearer” do not see eye to eye on some subject when they meet, the difficulties that arise will require from them the remarkable art of diplomacy.

Reason and an unusually progressive mindset are the hallmarks of these two signs, whose representatives are so fond of novelty and pleasant surprises.

Compatibility Aquarius and Virgo

When we talk about "Virgo" and "Aquarius", we are talking about two completely different people who look at the world from completely different points of view. “Aquarius” is capable of driving a “Virgo” out of himself without the slightest effort, but he himself considers the “Virgo” too down-to-earth. Absent-minded and inattentive, Aquarius has difficulty remembering dates and names, while Virgo is completely obsessed with details, never forgetting anything of any significance. Another stumbling block is the attitude towards logic: “Virgos” are logical and reasonable, while “Aquarians” love to deny logic. The typical Aquarius lives in a carefree world and approaches life as carefree fun. For “virgins” life is truly a very serious undertaking, and in this very harsh field they will never be able to jump and jump with frivolous joy, not caring about what others think of them; This is exactly what “Aquarius” is inclined to do. Undoubtedly, there is not too much similarity of souls.

"Aquarians" are really too strange and eccentric for the practical and down-to-earth "virgins".

Compatibility of Aquarius and Libra

This may be in highest degree a great combination. Both “Libra” and “Aquarius” are no strangers to fun; both love new friends, new ideas and are able to sit in company until the stars go to bed. With all this, this is a completely calm union of two souls. "Libra" considers the participation of "Aquarius" in development and decision-making very useful. "Aquarius" is like raw clay in the hands of "Libra", easily giving in to their charm and diplomacy. Representatives of both signs have a solid foundation, both mentally and psychically vibrate to the beat and, therefore, if disagreements arise between them, they will be quickly resolved and almost never develop into serious conflicts. "Aquarius" can put forward brilliant ideas and make far-reaching plans, adhering to his chosen line of thought. “Libra” is practical - they are able to translate the dreams and ideas of “Aquarius” into the material plane. “Libra” brings calm and coolness to the game going on between them, “Aquarius” brings tolerance. In all likelihood, this is an amazing union.

Compatibility Aquarius and Scorpio

Apparently, this was not a match made in heaven and can be quite unpleasant, especially in long-term relationships. It is difficult to imagine a close connection between representatives of these types of people, and indeed, it is extremely rare in life. “Scorpio” “presses the pedals” too much, and “Aquarius” describes too unpredictable circles. The Aquarian mind usually wanders somewhere in the heights of heaven, rushing back and forth in the blink of an eye.

“Aquarius” is almost impossible to subjugate to your will. On the other hand, Scorpio has an extremely developed sense of possessiveness, and when Scorpio does not find something that he could own (remember that Aquarius is in the clouds at this time) - then Scorpio "becomes quite irritated. The result is war, and a full-scale one. Representatives of both signs are suspicious and treat each other with the greatest caution, never completely trusting their partner - because they look at the world from too different points of view. One of them is never able to fully reliably assess what the other is doing. This is a rather complicated relationship, and it takes a lot of effort to bring it into harmony.

Compatibility of Aquarius and Sagittarius

This is a difficult combination. Both “Sagittarius” and “Aquarius” are, to put it mildly, somewhat strange; they are constantly obsessed with ideas and, at the slightest favorable opportunity, are ready to become like a hurricane.

WITH positive side, the enterprising “Sagittarius” spurs the creative abilities of the “Aquarius”. “Aquarius” does not know how to control the flight of his imagination, and “Sagittarius” is a very freedom-loving person who prefers not to sit at home. There are prerequisites for a rather cool relationship. Both Aquarius and Sagittarius understand each other's truth-seeking needs, and both are extremely curious. The difference is that the Sagittarius is a little lacking in tact and presents the truth in a somewhat stunning manner. Representatives of these signs love communication, which can facilitate long conversations and exchange of opinions, only “Sagittarius” is a little prone to arrogance, while “Aquarius” does not tolerate anyone’s orders or any pressure.

Compatibility of Aquarius and Capricorn

As a rule, this is a rather risky relationship. There is a possibility that the people who installed them will find themselves more in the gray than in the rosy area of ​​life. It is difficult to find much similarity between the "Capricorn" and the true "Aquarius" - mysterious, changeable and highly independent. Aquarius will undoubtedly find Capricorn's tone too patronizing and may quickly tire of Capricorn's love of order. “Aquarius” is always trying to “stir up” the situation. "Capricorn" will find "Aquarius" a little strange - unpredictable and alien to conventions. "Capricorn" himself - purposeful person, very attentive to his duties, family, traditions. “Aquarius” is almost the opposite - freedom-loving, careless and almost obsessed with an irresistible desire to amaze and even frighten others. Each side must learn a lot from the other - and as a result combine positive qualities"Capricorn" and "Aquarius". The consequence will be an amazing union of two souls.

Saturn gives him such traits as melancholy and impressionability. At the same time, Uranus, on the contrary, gives determination, activity and energy. Those born under this zodiac sign are distinguished by a special humanity - the desire to sympathize and help the grief of others.

Compatibility of Aquarius with other signs

In order to establish strong friendships with Aquarius, it is important to show independence, be an intelligent and competent person, and have a broad outlook on things. These qualities are also required from those who choose Aquarius as their soulmate.

How does Aquarius' compatibility with other signs manifest itself? IN early years he is most impressed by representatives of air signs, so Libra and Gemini are excellent companions for him. They are united by a similar attitude to life and a pronounced spirituality. They will not get bored with each other and will easily find mutual understanding. Therefore, with these two zodiac signs, Aquarius will have complete compatibility in marriage. Aquarius will find in them not only good lovers, but also reliable friends.

Probability good relations Aquarius with Sagittarius is also high. Earth-Virgo attracts Aquarius with its mystery and completely different attitude to life. Fire signs- Aries and Sagittarius - attract him with their impulsiveness and energy, but he quickly gets tired of them. Therefore, relationships with representatives of these signs are periodic. However, after the seething time of youth ends, Aquarius may have a completely favorable union with Virgo or Aries.

The compatibility of Aquarius with other signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus and Leo - is controversial; it is difficult for them to come to mutual understanding. But the older Aquarius gets, the more points of contact he has with Leos, since they have high morality and generosity. As for relationships with representatives of water signs (Pisces), the number of mutual griefs and insults does not leave them a chance for a favorable life together.

Aquarius man

For an Aquarius man, the most successful marriage would be with a Sagittarius woman, a socialite and talkative lady, and it is also quite possible happy marriage and with the Capricorn woman, because they are both protected by the sign of which is reason. This means that both partners will act according to logic, not allowing emotions to get the better of them. True, Capricorn must definitely take into account the fact that Aquarius does not tolerate pressure and the imposition of other people's opinions. If an Aquarius man tries to moderate his temperament, then a successful marriage is possible with his Pisces wife, a fragile and self-absorbed creature.

For an Aquarius man, marriage with an Aries woman will jeopardize the security of the home. The unpredictability of Aquarius and the stubbornness of Aries will constantly undermine him. A practical and conservative Taurus woman will not find mutual understanding with a frivolous Aquarius. A homebody, Cancer cannot understand his obsession with travel. The Virgo woman also prefers a measured life. Aquarius man and Scorpio woman - both passionate natures, they like to dominate in their circle, and this also does not contribute to a strong marriage. Thus, marriage will not be the most successful even if another zodiac sign is similar to Aquarius.

Aquarius woman

Compatibility in marriage is strongest with people born under the signs of Leo, Libra and Gemini. Marriage with a Taurus is contraindicated for an Aquarius woman: Taurus seems uninteresting to her, somehow mundane. Scorpio is not suitable for her as a companion because of his power, and Pisces - because he is too gullible. Thus, it is obvious that the compatibility of Aquarius with other signs must certainly be taken into account when choosing a life partner.

Ruling planet:♅ Uranus, ♄ Saturn. Element: Air.

Compatibility of Aquarius in love and marriage

Aquarius is interested in everything in the world, including the opposite sex. However for love relationship He is looking, first of all, for a reliable friend, with whom he will have fun and interest.

Having fallen in love, Aquarius is capable of acting eccentrically and unpredictably. For example, an Aquarius man, trying to amaze his chosen one, can swim in an ice fountain in front of her eyes or commit some other crazy act that goes beyond all limits. In this regard, the artist from the song who traded his house for a million scarlet roses, acted like a real Aquarius. However, behind all the madness of Aquarius, as a rule, there is not so much passion as a desire to impress.

However, despite all his love madness, the freedom-loving Aquarius will run away from marriage to the last. He starts a family quite late, and although he is not inclined to betrayal, one cannot expect too much responsibility from him in this regard. As, indeed, in all other areas of life.