Carols gift by date of birth. Old Russian astrology. How does the Svarog circle differ from the zodiac systems?

For Russia, the issue of the calendar was initially difficult and confusing. If we consider the period starting from the baptism of Rus', then during this time the official chronology changed about five times, which undoubtedly created certain difficulties in governing the country. However, along with the number system established by the state, there was also a traditional, native Russian ancient Slavic calendar.

Ancient Slavic calendar Kolyada Dar was created and donated to people. The calendar of our ancestors had a runic form - initially the names of the Forties (months), numbers, days of the week and the names of Years were written in runes to convey a large amount of information. The first Sorokovnik was designated by one rune, and the rest by a combination of two runes.

The Slavic calendar Kolyada Dar is often mistakenly called. In fact, the ancient Slavic calendar Kolyada Dar is intended for calculating time and natural cycles on our planet. And Chislobog’s Krugolet system considers time and years from the point of view of their influence on the Fate of peoples, states and individuals.

The Kolyada Dar calendar counts down time from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (S.M.Z.H.) - in ancient times, this was the name given to the conclusion of a peace treaty between the Great Race (Slavic-Aryans) and the Great Dragon (ancient Chinese or Arima). The peace treaty was concluded on the 1st day of the first month of Summer 5500 from the Great Cold Ice Age). The victory was then won by the Great Race, which was recorded in the form of an image in which the White Knight on a horse hits the Dragon with a spear. With this great event, a new countdown of years began for our ancestors.

Slavic calendar – Kolyady Dar– based on the oldest hexadecimal number system. A Slavic day has 16 hours, a week has 9 days, and a month has 40 or 41 days. The Slavs do not use the word “year” (a Christian term), but consider Summer (after all, it is not for nothing that they say “chronicle”, “how old are you”, “chronology”). Slavic Summer consists of 9 Sorokovniki (months), which are divided into 3 seasons: Autumn, Winter and Spring. Simple Summer lasts 365 days, and every sixteenth - Holy Summer - 369 days.

Despite the unusual modern perception, the ancient Slavic calendar over the past few tens of thousands of years has not “ran away” or “lagged behind” by a single day, since it is based on the model of the Universe and the galactic orientation of the Earth.

Slavic time, Slavic clock

Online service of Slavic time(Slavic clock) shows what Summer (year) it is according to the Slavic calendar, time, name of the hour, date and day of the week, month and its name, season, palace and its patron God, era in the Day of Svarog according to the ancient Slavic calendar Kolyada Daru .

Online translation of modern dates into the Slavic calendar Kolyada Dar

According to the ancient Slavic calendar, every Summer (year) begins on the day of the autumnal equinox, so this date according to the Gregorian calendar (which we live by now) differs from year to year. The autumnal equinox falls on September 22 or 23, therefore the beginning of the New Summer according to the Slavic calendar Kolyada Dar falls on different days modern.

To independently convert the date into the Slavic calendar of Kolyada Dar and find out what year it is according to the Slavic calendar, you need to use special tables and calculations. On our website you can quickly calculate any date (for example, calculate the date of birth) using the online Slavic calendar. To do this, in the form presented below, select the day, month, year, time of interest and click the “Date according to the Slavic calendar of Kolyada Dar” button.

Online calculation will show the name of the day of the week, day and month, year according to the Slavic calendar. You will also immediately recognize Summer in the Circle of Years and in the Circle of Life, you will be able to see in which Hall the Yarilo-Sun, the Patron God of the Hall, is located.

day month Year:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2045 2044 2043 2042 2041 2040 2039 2038 2037 2036 2035 2034 2033 2032 2031 2030 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900

time: from 00:00 to 17:59 from 18:00 to 23:59

A day according to the Slavic calendar lasts 16 hours and ends at sunset. The Slavs end their day at 19:00 Gregorian time.

At the same time, in the ancient Slavic calendar there is no concept of “zero hours” (00:00), so a time such as “00:15” would be written “24:15” according to the Slavic reckoning. One Slavic hour is equal to 1.5 Gregorian and has its own name:

Slavic day

Hour Name Decoding

Modern times

16 hours Poudani completed day 19:00-20:30 Evening
1 hour Lunch start of a new day 20:30-22:00
2 hours Vechir the appearance of star dew in Heaven 22:00-23:30
3 hours Draw odd times of 3 moons 23:30-01:00
4 hours Midnight full path of moons 01:00-02:30 Night
5 o'clock Morning starry dew consolation 02:30-04:00
6 hours Zaura starlight, dawn 04:00-05:30
7 o'clock Zaurnice end of starlight 05:30-07:00
8 ocloc'k Nastya morning dew 07:00-08:30 Morning
9 o'clock Swaor Sunrise 08:30-10:00
10 hours Morning calming the dew 10:00-11:30
11 o'clock Morning way of collecting calm dew 11:30-13:00
12 hours Obestina mass, joint meeting 13:00-14:30 Day
13 hours Lunch (lunch) meal 14:30-16:00
14 hours Podani rest after meal 16:00-17:30
15 hours Utdaini end time of actions 17:30-19:00

IN Slavic week 9 days, which provides a convenient system of work and rest so that a person does not overwork. In accordance with this system, three days in the Week need to be rested: the 3rd and 7th days are intended for bodily rest, and the 9th day is also for spiritual rest. Names of the days of the week according to the Slavic calendar: Monday, Tuesday, third, Thursday, Friday, six, week, eight, week. Each day of the week has its own Patron Earth.

Name Origin Day Patron
1 Monday After a week labor Day Khorsa Land
2 Tuesday Second labor Day Ouray Land
3 Treteynik Third rest Land of Perun
4 Thursday Fourth labor Day Land of Varuna
5 Friday Fifth labor Day Land of Indra
6 Six Sixth labor Day Land of Stribog
7 Week Seventh rest, POST Land of Dei
8 Octopus Axis Mundi labor Day Land of Merzany
9 A week No Business rest, guest day Yarilo-Sun

A month (fortieth) according to the Slavic calendar lasts 40 or 41 days, and in Holy Summer all months consist of 41 days. Months (forties) that consist of 40 days are called incomplete (even) fortieths, and those with 41 days are called complete (odd). All Forties (months) begin in strictly certain days weeks. For example, if the first Fortieth of the year begins on Tuesday, then all other odd Fortieths will begin on Tuesday, and even ones - on the week.

Odd (full)
months (forties)
Day of the Week Even (incomplete)
months (forties)
1 10 19 28 37 Monday 5 14 23 32
2 11 20 29 38 Tuesday 6 15 24 33
3 12 21 30 39 Tritainer 7 16 25 34
4 13 22 31 40 Thursday 8 17 26 35
5 14 23 32 41 Friday 9 18 27 36
6 15 24 33 Six 1 10 19 28 37
7 16 25 34 Week 2 11 20 29 38
8 17 26 35 Octopus 3 12 21 30 39
9 18 27 36 A week 4 13 22 31 40

Names of the months (Sorokovniki) according to the Slavic calendar carry a special meaning and indicate which part of Summer has begun.

Ramhat- fortieth anniversary of the Divine Beginning.
Islet- 40th anniversary of New Gifts.
Bayleth– the fortieth anniversary of the White Light and Peace of Peace.
Gaylet- forty years Blizzard and Cold.
Daylet– the fortieth anniversary of the Awakening of Nature.
Elet- the fortieth anniversary of Sowing and Naming.
Valet- forty-year-old Vetrov.
Haylet– the fortieth anniversary of Receiving the Gifts of Nature.
Taylet– the fortieth anniversary of the Completion.

Correspondence of the days of the Gregorian calendar to the beginning of each month of the Slavic-Aryan calendar

Month 1-3 year
in the circle of years
4 year
in the circle of years
5-7 year
in the circle of years
8 year
in the circle of years
9-11 years
in the circle of years
12 year
in the circle of years
13-15 years
in the circle of years
16 year
in the circle of years
Ramhat 23.09 23.09 22.09 22.09 21.09 21.09 20.09 20.09
Islet 03.11 03.11 02.11 02.11 01.11 01.11 31.10 31.10
Bayleth 13.12 13.12 12.12 12.12 11.12 11.12 10.12 11.12
Gaylet 23.01 23.01 22.01 22.01 21.01 21.01 20.01 21.01
Daylet 04.03 03.03 03.03 02.03 02.03 01.03 01.03 02.03
Elet 14.04 13.04 13.04 12.04 12.04 11.04 11.04 12.04
Valet 24.05 23.05 23.05 22.05 22.05 21.05 21.05 23.05
Haylet 04.07 03.07 03.07

The palaces of the Slavs are an ancient, traditional horoscope that our ancestors used long before the appearance of the signs of the Zodiac and the astrological traditions associated with them. In total, our ancestors had 16 Halls, each of which corresponded to mythical creature, and God is the Patron.

In the article:

Halls of the Slavs - the origins of tradition

The Slavs have had the tradition of dividing people into Halls since ancient times - even in pre-Christian times, our ancestors had established traditions, and the accuracy of the description characteristic features a person even now will be much higher than lengthy horoscopes Western tradition. The first historical document that reliably confirms the existence of the Slavic calendar and, accordingly, Chertogov as a horoscope, can be considered the book “ Krugolet of Chislobog" It also proves the use of the same horoscope in practice not only in antiquity, but even at the end of the 19th century - this book, published in 1888, has been preserved in one of the libraries.

Slavic cycle

It should be noted that our ancestors paid Special attention the change of seasons and the periodicity of the processes occurring around them, and they had a lot of time for observations. One of the most ancient human structures has always been various observatories, so it is not surprising that it was quite easy for the ancient Slavs to unravel the secrets that the constellations and the universe itself hold.

What does the word palace mean and other secrets of the Slavic calendar

To understand the meaning of the word “chamber” among our ancestors, it is worth turning to both the explanatory calendar and fairy tales. A separate hall was called Big hall in a princely mansion or simply in the home of a rich and important person, and sometimes the palace itself. Thus, the Heavenly Palaces are a kind of mansions in which certain constellations live. It was from the idea of ​​our ancestors that the zodiac arose. astrological system, translated into traditional Arabic interpretations of the celestial constellations.

The Slavic chronology was one of the most ancient in the world - some scientists and archaeologists believe that it arose much earlier than the Mayan calendar, which almost all the inhabitants of our planet learned about on the eve of 2012. Even the word “calendar” itself had a meaning among our ancestors special meaning. It stood for “Kolyada’s Gift” - according to Slavic myths, it was presented to our ancestors by the god Kolyada, who has now been replaced by Father Frost and Santa Claus.

In general, determining your place in the Slavic horoscope will require certain knowledge about the chronology of your ancestors. So, initially the week consisted of nine days, and the day - of sixteen hours. The year had nine months of 40 and 41 days, and every sixteen years the year consisted of 369 days, it was called the “Sacred Summer.” Our ancestors did not have the word “year” in their vocabulary, because years were previously called nothing more than “leta”. You can find out more about this below.

The halls of the Slavic calendar and the subtleties that need to be taken into account when calculating them

If you want to know what the Slavic palaces mean by date of birth, then you should take into account that for our ancestors the new day began not at an incomprehensible midnight, but at the moment when the sun set on the day of the equinox - that is, around 19:30. Thus, in order not to be mistaken in determining your palace, you should take into account this aspect of the life of our ancestors. In total, the number of Heavenly Halls, each of which has its own tree and its own Patron God, is 16 pieces - all of them are dedicated to certain animals that played special significance in the lives of our ancestors.

Table of patronage by palace

The year for the Slavs began after the autumn equinox, and from that moment the report of the Halls was also carried out. All the Halls are easily transferred to modern chronology, however, subtleties Slavic horoscope and its full disclosure can be found out only by fully clarifying your date of birth down to the hour, different watches births and different days can explain much more than just the Halls, which are responsible only for the most common features character. First of all, it should be noted that the nearby Halls provide people with both individual character traits and excellent psychological compatibility. We will talk further about which Slavic Halls by date of birth provide maximum compatibility and what character traits are inherent in such couples.

Maiden and Boar. Such people are very eager to search for something new and learn surrounding reality. They do not recognize attempts to manipulate themselves, demonstrate independence and become excellent leaders.

Pike and Swan. Those who were born in these undoubtedly watery Halls love a quiet life without sudden changes, but at the same time fill it with passion and sensuality. It is not easy for them to make changes and take on great responsibility.

Serpent and Raven. People from these Halls are incredibly active and have an extremely difficult time withstanding loneliness. Love is one of the main things for them driving forces, but maintaining it requires effort on the part of the partner.

Bear and Stork (Busl). One of the most important characteristics of these people is kindness and the desire to improve their own and others' lives. They almost always have harmony in the family and a large number of children, and a cozy hearth is their main happiness.

Wolf and Fox. These people, following the example of their animal patrons, are distinguished by their tenacious mind and thirst for searching for something new. They have almost no fear and strive for new achievements in any area of ​​activity.

Tur and Moose. Hard work is main feature people born in these Halls. They like any job, even the most routine and monotonous. However, especially in the cold season, they are characterized by apathy and loss of interest in life.

Finist (falcon) and Horse. Restless and eager for action, representatives of these palaces want to get everything from life. They often abandon what they started halfway through, because it becomes uninteresting, and petty and trivial tasks simply do not interest them.

Eagle and Race. Despite their benevolence and good nature, people born under the light of these Halls may seem annoying to others. They learn new things very easily, but their laziness can prevent them from achieving anything in life.

How to find out your Hall by date of birth

Although to determine the Hall it is best to study the calendar of our ancestors directly, simple correspondences will help you easily determine which celestial sign you belong to.

September 20 - October 12. . The patron of this Hall is the god Ramhat, and the protective tree is a pear. Boars easily cope with any seemingly hopeless situations, however, in a calm environment their performance decreases. They are determined and self-confident, but sometimes they can be too apathetic to show their character in the best possible way.

October 12 - November 3. . The patron of this Hall is the goddess Rozhana, and the protective tree is the plum. Pike always manage to feel comfortable in any environment. Due to this, they can be very difficult to climb, and they always prefer adapting to problems to solve them.

November 3 - November 24. . The patroness of the Swans is the goddess Makosh, and the pine tree acts as a talisman tree. Swans often suffer from excessive pride, but much more often their pride is justified. They never pay attention to the opinions of others and always want to be on top.

November 24 - December 17. . The patron god for the Serpents is Semargl, and their sacred tree is the linden tree. People born in this Hall often become selfish. But sometimes this selfishness can lead to real love and self-sacrifice. They do not tolerate criticism and have a tenacious grip in any matter.

December 17 - January 8. . It was from the traditions of meeting the patron god of the Ravens, Kolyada, that the New Year holiday arose. The tree that is sacred to the Ravens is larch. Anyone born at this time can boast a good combination of curiosity and worldly wisdom. They are amorous, loving and can be very unreliable partners in their youth.

January 8 - February 1. . Those born at this time are protected by one of the main Gods of our ancestors - Svarog. Their trees are beech and raspberry. All Bears easily understand even the most complex tasks and find a way out of any trouble. They make excellent guardians of family and home comfort, skillful and kind leaders, and persistent and courageous law enforcement officers.

February 1 - February 25. (stork). Those born these days can boast of the patronage of the Family itself - the Supreme God of our ancestors. Their tree is weeping willow. Buslov's character is open and calm. They easily find their place in life and use this to create an ideal environment for themselves and their loved ones. For the most part, Storks are faithful spouses and monogamous people.

February 25 - March 22. . The patron of wolves is Veles, the god of secret knowledge and the underworld, and their tree is poplar. Their character is distinguished by persistence and toughness. They are always on guard and are idealists. All Wolves are responsible and purposeful people who do not tolerate people without an “inner core”.

March 22 - April 15. . Foxes are protected by Madder, and their plants are currants and hornbeam. Foxes work best with people; their innate cunning and other fox-like qualities allow them to achieve any success in almost any social field. Therefore, material problems go away from them instantly, but their innate curiosity can play a cruel joke on them.

April 15 - May 7. . The patron god of Turov is the cheerful and joyful Kryshen, and aspen is considered their sacred tree. All those born in this Hall are hardworking, persistent, and have excellent business acumen. They easily achieve their goals and become both excellent performers and effective leaders, if no one bothers them about it.

May 7 - May 30.. The goddess Lada patronizes all people born in the last month of spring. Their guardian tree is the white-sided birch. Cheerful character, openness and loving nature allow Elks to easily find mutual language with other people. But this side of character can also play a cruel joke - such people often become victims of scammers and deceivers.

May 30 - June 21. . No one except Vyshen can patronize Finist flying in the skies. And in honor of this God, the cherry is a talisman plant for Finists. Finists are very prone to curiosity and experimentation, but their keen eye provides them with sufficient caution. They easily achieve their goals and do not despair when they fail.

June 21 - July 13. . The god of the summer holiday, Kupala, patronizes the Horses, and their plants are elm and fern. Horses are distinguished by their desire to search for new things and incredible optimism. At the same time, almost all representatives of this Hall suffer from their carelessness and do not pay due attention to any small details.

After the release of the first book in the “Slavic-Aryan Vedas” series, we received many letters in which readers asked to tell us in more detail about the Ancient Slavic-Aryan Calendar, how to calculate your birthday according to this calendar, the Summer of birth according to the Daariysky Krugolet, and about how to align and harmonize the differences that exist between the modern (Gregorian) calendar and the Ancient Slavic-Aryan calendar, and also in order to know on which days, according to the modern calendar, to observe FASTS and celebrate Ancient Holidays.

First, you need to be aware of the differences that exist between time measurements and calendar systems. These differences in chronology and systems are as follows.

For example: in the modern chronology there are 4 seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn, and in the Slavic-Aryan calendar there are 3: Autumn, Winter, Spring and all three of these times are called Summer. Further, in modern chronology, historical calculation is carried out by Centuries (periods of 100 years), and in the Slavic-Aryan calendar - by Circles of Life (cycles of 144 years). There are also other differences:

New Year(New Year) Modern
1st of January

2nd month of Winter
1 Ramkhat

Autumn equinox
Days per year (in Summer)
in simple 365 365
in leap year ( sacred) 366 369
Leap year, every 4 years -
Sacred Summers, every - 16 summer
Months of the year (Summer) 12 9
Days in a Month
full 31 41
incomplete 30, 28 (29) 40
in Holy Summer - 41
Days in a Week 7 9
Hours in a day 24 16
Earth Star Fire Sun Tree Svaga Ocean Moon God
Black Red Scarlet Zlaty Green Heavenly Blue Violet White
Wanderer (Path) 1 129 113 97 81 65 49 33 17
Priest 2 130 114 98 82 66 50 34 18
Priestess (Virgo) 19 3 131 115 99 83 67 51 35
World (Reality) 20 4 132 116 100 84 68 52 36
Scroll 37 21 5 133 117 101 85 69 53
Phoenix 38 22 6 134 118 102 86 70 54
Lis (Nav) 55 39 23 7 135 119 103 87 71
Phoenix 56 40 24 8 136 120 104 88 72
Serpent 73 57 41 25 9 137 121 105 89
Eagle 74 58 42 26 10 138 122 106 90
Dolphin 91 75 59 43 27 11 139 123 107
Horse 92 76 60 44 28 12 140 124 108
Dog 109 93 77 61 45 29 13 141 125
Tour (cow) 110 94 78 62 46 30 14 142 126
Mansions (house) 127 111 95 79 63 47 31 15 143
Kapishche (Temple) 128 112 96 80 64 48 32 16 144

Table 1. Daariysky Krugolet of Chislobog.

In order to calculate exactly what Summer according to the Slavic-Aryan calendar you were born in, and what Symbolic Year it was according to Chislobog’s Daarian Circle Year (Table 1 above), it is necessary to take into account the following data: before or after the Autumnal Equinox, and also, what time it was at the time of the person’s birth, before 18:00 (19:00) hours or after this time.

It is necessary to take into account the time frame, because days according to the modern calendar begin at midnight (24:00 or 00:00), and alternate: night, morning, day, evening. And the day according to the Slavic-Aryan calendar begins with Evening (18:00 or 19:00 when switching to summer time), and alternates: evening, night, morning, day.

The relationship between calendar dates in the two calendars is as follows, for example: the 1st day of the month Ramhag corresponds to September 22-23, i.e. The Slavic-Aryan day includes the evening and part of the night on September 22, and the rest of the night, morning and day on September 23. Therefore, for ease of recording, in the correspondence tables, it is customary to indicate the one of the two days that has a longer duration, i.e. 23rd.

It was not for nothing that our Wise Ancestors said that: “The morning is wiser than the evening,” because in three quarters of a day you can learn more than in one third.

Data on New Years and the beginnings of the Slavic-Aryan months, in accordance with modern chronology, are given below. The discrepancy in dates between New Year and New Year created some difficulties for ordinary people, when calculating the start date of the Slavic-Aryan months and holidays, using the modern calendar, because every four years there is a “shift” of ancient dates by one day, due to February 29 in leap years (see table 2).

1,2,3 4, 5,6,7 8, 9,10,11 12 13,14,15 16
1 Ramkhat 23.09 23.09 22.09 22.09 21.09 21.09 20.09 20.09
2 Aylet 03.11 03.11 02.11 02.11 01.11 01.11 31.10 31.10
3 Beylet 13.12 13.12 12.12 12.12 11.12 11.12 10.12 11.12
4 Gaylet 23.01 23.01 22.01 22.01 21.01 21.01 20.01 21.01
5 Daylet 04.03 03.03 03.03 02.03 02.03 01.03 01.03 02.03
6 Elet 14.04 13.04 13.04 12.04 12.04 11.04 11.04 12.04
7 Valet 24.05 23.05 23.05 22.05 22.05 21.05 21.05 23.05
8 Heylet 04.07 03.07 03.07 02.07 02.07 01.07 01.07 03.07
9 Taylet 13.08 12.08 12.08 11.08 11.08 10.08 10.08 13.08

Table 2. Correspondence of days Gregorian calendar,
at the beginning of each month of the Slavic-Aryan Calendar.

The upper numbers in Table 2, from 1 to 16, correspond to the years of Chislobog’s Circle: 1 - Wanderer (Path); 2 - Priest; 3 - Virgo (Priestess); 4 - World (Reality); 5 - Scroll; 6 - Phoenix; 7 - Fox (Nav), etc.

Simple years Daarisky Krugolet Chisloboga are united into subgroups - (1, 2, 3), (5, 6, 7), (9, 10, 11) and (13, 14, 15).

Leap years of the Gregorian calendar are divided into independent subgroups - (4), (8), (12), (16). In addition, subgroup (16) is specially highlighted because 16 Summer is Sacred, and all its months have 41 days. The name and meaning of the months of the Slavic-Aryan calendar, see table 3.

Table 3. Months in the Slavic-Aryan calendar.

In simple Summer, according to the Slavic-Aryan calendar, Even (incomplete) months (2, 4, 6, 8) have 40 days, and Odd (full) months (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) contain 41 days (Table 4).

Odd (full) month Even (incomplete) month
1 10 19 28 37 Mon. - 5 14 23 32
2 11 20 29 38 Tue. - 6 15 24 33
3 12 21 30 39 Tr. - 7 16 25 34
4 13 22 31 40 Thurs. - 8 17 26 35
5 14 23 32 41 Thurs. - 9 18 27 36
6 15 24 33 - PC. 1 10 19 28 37
7 16 25 34 - Sd. 2 11 20 29 38
8 17 26 35 - Ohm. 3 12 21 30 39
9 18 27 36 - Nd. 4 13 22 31 40

Table 4. Odd and even months, as well as days of the week for 1 year.

From Table 4 it can be seen that all the days in two months, odd and even, constitute nine full Weeks. Therefore, in each simple Summer, all odd months begin on one day of the week, and all even months begin on another. For example: if in a simple Summer, the month of Ramhat began on Monday, then all the remaining Odd (full) months will also begin on Monday. If the second month of this Summer began with Sixth, then the remaining Even (incomplete) months will begin with Sixth. In addition, every year on the Chislobog Circle begins on a strictly defined day of the Week. Thanks to this, you can easily find out what day of the week it was in specific date, as well as from what day of the Week this or that year began, on the Chislobog Circle (Table 5), in ancient times, centuries and millennia ago.

Monday 1, 10, 20, 29, 39,48, 49, 58, 68, 77, 87, 96, 97, 106, 116, 125, 135, 144
Tuesday 3, 12, 22, 31, 99, 41, 51, 60, 70, 79, 89,108, 118, 127, 137
Triteinik 5, 14, 24, 34, 43, 53, 62, 72, 82, 91, 101, PO, 120, 130, 139
Thursday 7, 16,17, 26, 36, 45. 55, 64, 65, 74, 84, 93, 103,112, 113,122,132, 141
Friday 9, 19, 28, 38, 47, 57, 67, 76, 86, 95, 105,115,124, 134, 143
Six 2, 11, 21,30, 40, 50, 59, 69, 78, 88, 98,107, 117, 126, 136
Week 4, 13, 23, 32, 33, 42, 52, 61, 71, 80, 81, 90, 100,109, 119, 128.129. 138
Octopus 6, 15, 25, 35, 44, 54, 63, 73, 83, 92, 102, 111, 121, 131, 140
A week 8, 18, 27, 37, 46, 56, 66, 75, 85, 94, 104, 114, 123,133, 142

Table 5. Days of the Week from which the years of the Circular Year begin.

Having determined from Table 5 the day of the week from which the year of the Krugolet began, we immediately find out on what day of the week this or that month of a given year begins (Table 6).

N Month Simple years of Krugolet Sacred Summers
1 Ramkhat Mon. Thurs. Sd.
2 Aylet PC. Nd. Tr.
3 Beylet Mon. PC. Tue. Sd. Tr. Ohm. Thurs. Nd. Fri. Tue. Fri. Ohm.
4 Gaylet PC. Tue. Sd. Tr. Ohm. Thurs. Nd. Fri. Mon. Sd. Mon. Thurs.
5 Daylet Mon. PC. Tue. Sd. Tr. Ohm. Thurs. Nd. Fri. Tr. PC. Nd.
6 Elet PC. Tue. Sd. Tr. Ohm. Thurs. Nd. Fri. Mon. Ohm. Tue. Fri.
7 Valet Mon. PC. Tue. Sd. Tr. Ohm. Thurs. Nd. Fri. Thurs. Sd. Mon.
8 Heylet PC. Tue. Sd. Tr. Ohm. Thurs. Nd. Fri. Mon. Nd. Tr. PC.
9 Taylet Mon. PC. Tue. Sd. Tr. Ohm. Thurs. Nd. Fri. Fri. Ohm. Tue.

Table 6. Days of the Week from which the months of the Circular Years begin.

Having learned the necessary brief information regarding the ancient Slavic-Aryan chronology, you can begin to translate any historical date from the modern calendar to the ancient Slavic-Aryan calendar, taking as a basis the chronology from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (the date of the signing of the peace treaty, after the victory of the Great Race over Great Dragon). Let's look at the well-known dates:

  • December 5, 1936 - Adoption of the Stalinist Constitution of the Soviet Union;
  • June 22, 1941 - The beginning of the Great Patriotic War;
  • December 30, 1947 - Post-war abolition of cards for food and industrial goods;
  • September-October 1993 - Tragic events in Moscow.

We remind you that the difference between the Chronicles is 5508 years, when calculated before the Autumn Equinox, and 5509 after it.

Let's start with the first date (the date after the Autumn Equinox). December 5, 1936. First, we calculate the year: 1936 + 5509 = Summer 7445 from S.M.Z.H. Having received the necessary date for the Slavic-Aryan Calculation, we calculate the year of Chislobog’s Circle. To do this, we subtract 7376 from Summer 7445 (144 year on the Chislobog Krugolet in the last cycle), we get 69 years on the Chislobog Krugolet. We find in Table 1 what year 69 corresponds to: Moon Scroll (the essence of this year, see book 1 of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, p. 208); 5 simple Summer. From table 5, we learn that the year began on Shestitsa, and from table 6, we learn on what day of the week the required Month begins.

Let's continue further. In Table 2, we find in the subgroup (5,6,7) the month in which December 5 falls. This is the month of Aylet (Even (incomplete) month), which begins on November 2, and according to Table 3, means the Month of New Gifts. So if 1 Aylet corresponds to November 2 (more precisely, November 1-2), then according to table 4, the day of December 5 falls on the 34th day of the month Aylet, and the day of the week on Osmitsa.

Thus, the date of adoption of the Stalinist Constitution, December 5, 1936, falls on Summer 7445, month of Aylet, day 34, Osmitsu.

The following example (date before the Autumn Equinox): The beginning of the Great Patriotic War - June 22, 1941. We calculate the year: 1941 + 5508 = Summer 7449 from S.M.Z.H. Having received the necessary date for the Slavic-Aryan Calculation, we calculate the year of Chislobog’s Circle. To do this, we subtract 7376 from Summer 7449 (144 year on the Chislobog Krugolet in the last cycle), we get 73 year on the Chislobog Krugolet. We find in table 1 what the year 73 corresponds to: Black Serpent (the essence of this year, see book 1 of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, p. 215); 9 simple Summer. From table 5, we find out that the year began on October, and from table 6, we find out on what day of the week the required Month begins.

Let's continue further. In Table 2, we find in the subgroup (9,10,11) the month in which June 22 falls. This is the month of Veylet (Odd (full) month), which begins on May 22, and according to Table 3, means the Month of the Winds. So if 1 Veylet corresponds to May 22 (more precisely, May 21-22), then according to table 4, the day of June 22 is assigned to the 32nd day of the month Veylet, and the day of the week to Triteinik.

Thus, the date of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, June 22, 1941, falls on Summer 7449, month Veylet, 32 days, Triteinik.

The following example (a date falling on the Holy Summer): December 30, 1947. As before, first we calculate the year: 1947 + 5509 = Summer 7456 from S.M.Z.H. Having received the required date, we calculate the year of Chislobog’s Circle. Next, from Summer 7456 we subtract 7376 (144 year on the Chislobog Krugolet in the last cycle), we get 80 year on the Chislobog Krugolet. We find in Table 1 what the year 80 corresponds to: Temple of the Sun (the essence of this year, see book 1 of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, p. 232); 16 - Sacred Summer. From Table 5, we find out that given year began on the Week, and from Table 6, we find out on what day of the week the required Month begins.

In Table 2, we find in the subgroup (16) the month in which December 30 falls. This is the month of Beilet (Full month), which begins on December 11, and according to Table 3, means the Month of White Light and Peace of Peace. So, if 1 Beilet corresponds to December 11 (more precisely, December 10-11), and in table 4, we see that December 30 corresponds to the 20th day of the month Beilet, and the day of the week indicates the Week.

Thus, the date of the Post-War abolition of cards for food and industrial goods, December 30, 1947, falls on Summer 7456, month Veileti, day 20, Week.

The last example (the day of the Autumn Equinox): The tragic events in Moscow, the shooting of the building of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR - September-October 1993. These events occurred at the turn of two years, i.e. the events and essence of one year influenced the events of the next year. Therefore, in order to find out the reasons for the events, it is necessary to know the essence of both years.

We calculate 1 year: 1993 + 5508 = Summer 7501 from S.M.Z.H. We calculate year 2: 1993 + 5509 = Summer 7502 from S.M.Z.H. And from the obtained dates we subtract 7376 (year 144 on the Chislobog Krugolet in the last cycle), we get 125 and 126 years on the Daariysky Chislobog Krugolet.

We find in Table 1 what the resulting years correspond to, as well as their essence: 125 - White Dog. 13 simple summer. The essence of this year: “The year of pseudo-reforms, which are carried out in words and not in deeds (people say: “A barking dog carries the wind”). In this year, dark forces are trying in every possible way to undermine the economy and destroy the means of production, especially Agriculture. But, as a rule, all these unseemly deeds raise the people to revolt against dark forces, for the people need stability, and not empty talk of rulers.". 126 - White Tour. 14 simple Summer. The essence of this year: "The year of popular uprisings against the tyranny of dark forces. This year, as a rule, a lot of blood of innocent people is shed and ritual murders are committed, with human sacrifices."

Further. In Table 2, we find in the subgroup (13,14,15) the beginning of 1 month. The first day of the month of Ramhat corresponds to September 20 (i.e. September 19-20). This day marks the boundary between the events of 125 and 126 on the Chislobog Circle.

The real events that took place corresponded to the essence of the years of Chislobog’s Circle. Until September 19, the confrontation between the branches of government took place at the level of verbal mutual accusations. But now, the year 125 gives way to 126, September 20 arrived and the opposing sides moved from words to actions. The President issues the famous Decree No. 1400, dissolves the Supreme Council, and the latter, in turn, announces the removal of the President from office and that all power in the country passes into the hands of the Vice President. The verbal struggle between the two branches of government turned into an armed conflict, as a result of which innocent civilians died near the Ostankino television center, and the building of the Supreme Council was shot at from tanks and armored personnel carriers.

The years of the Tour, and 126 is one of them, come every 16 years. These years indicate that during these periods, dark forces infiltrating into power shed the blood of innocent people.

In the 18th century, a striking manifestation of the bloodthirstiness of the dark forces was the armed suppression of a popular uprising against tyranny and anti-Russian decrees of Peter I (shaving beards, wearing “German” clothes instead of Russian clothes, etc.), which was raised by Old Believers and Old Believers in the Siberian city Tara, in Summer 7230 (1722). These are the so-called Tara riots. And about the physical destruction of the Old Believers, throughout Russian Empire, you don’t need to remind me.

The events of the 20th century are known to everyone; it is enough to cite a few historical dates:

  • Summer 7422 (1914) - beginning of the First World War;
  • Summer 7438 (1930) - decossackization and dispossession;
  • Summer 7470 (1962) - execution of workers in Novocherkassk;
  • Summer 7502 (1993) - bloody events in Moscow.

We hope that these brief information enough for a start. In more detail, about the Daarian Circle of Chislobog and about the Slavic-Aryan Calendar, as well as about Ancient Holidays, in one of the books in the “Slavic-Aryan Vedas” series.

Ancient Slavic-Aryan Calendar – Kolyada Gift, i.e. a gift from God Kalada. Method of calculating days in a year. Another name is Krugolet Chislobog.
Nowadays, this calendar is used only by Old Believers - representatives of the most ancient Slavic-Aryan Faith - Ingliism.

Our calendar - or, as we say, Kolyady Dar - was banned by Peter the Great. In Summer 7208 (1699) he issued a decree abolishing all the old calendars that simultaneously existed in the Russian lands, and introduced the Western European calendar from the Nativity of Christ, while he moved the beginning of the calendar (New Year) from the Day of the Autumn Equinox (among the Slavs-Old Believers ) and September 1 (for Christians) on January 1, and designated the starting date - 1700:

“Since in Russia they count the New Year in different ways, from now on stop fooling people and count the New Year everywhere from January 1, 1700 from the Nativity of Christ. And as a sign of good beginnings and fun, congratulate each other on the New Year, wishing prosperity in business and in the family. In honor of the New Year, make decorations from fir trees, amuse children, and ride down the mountains on sleds. But adults shouldn’t commit drunkenness and massacres - there are enough other days for that.”

The start date of the new calendar was not chosen by Peter the Great by chance. On December 25, the entire Christian world celebrates the Nativity of Christ. According to the Bible, on the eighth day the baby Jesus was circumcised according to the Jewish rite, that is, on January 1, the Christian church celebrated the Circumcision of the Lord.

This date was chosen by Peter the Great... by his decree he ordered all his subjects to celebrate the beginning of the new calendar and congratulate each other on the New Year.

Structure Daarisky Krugolet Chislobog converges with eastern systems (Chinese, Vietnamese, Indian, etc.), but unlike the duodecimal system, Krugolet uses the hexadecimal system. In addition, the circle of elements consists of 9 elements, respectively, colors.

The full circle of life is 144 years (16 years for 9 elements). Summer begins on the day of the Autumn Equinox, it coincides with the beginning of chronology on Earth. Since, according to legend, at this time our ancestors arrived on Midgard (that’s what our planet was called then).

From everyone important event Races began a new countdown, but the old one was preserved.
As of today (September 29, 2009 AD) it goes:

Each astronomical year is equal to 365.25 days. Now every fourth year, in order to equalize the astronomical year, a day is added and the year with such a day is called a leap year.
The ancient Slavs had 15 years of 365 days and every 16th summer had 369 days, such a year was called the Holy Summer, in which each month had 41 days.
In normal summers there were 3 seasons: Winter, Spring and Autumn, there were 9 months in summer, 40 and 41 days per month, all even ones - 40 days and odd month 41 days.

Summer seasons:

3 times Month Meaning Start of month dates
Autumn Ramhat Month of the Divine September 20 – 23
Winter Islet Month of Collected Gifts October 31 – November 3
Baleth Month of White Light and Peace December 10 – 13
Gaylet Month of Blizzard and Cold January 20 – 23
Spring Daylet Month of Awakening of Nature 01 – 04 March
Eilet Month of Sowing and Naming April 11 – 14
Valet Month of the Winds May 21 – 24
Autumn Haylet Month of Receiving Nature's Gifts 01 – 04 July
Taylet Month of Completion August 10 – 13

The beginning of summer strictly coincides with the Autumn Equinox, which corresponds to the astronomical calendar and is therefore easier to use.

The ancient Slavic calendar for the year consisted of two tables, for the even and odd months, for the ordinary year and one for the holy year. Each week has 9 days.

Days of the week:

No. Days of the week Note Patron God
1. Monday (After Week) Start, Labor Day Horse (Mercury)
2. Tuesday (SECOND) labor Day Ouray (Mars)
3. Treteynik (THIRD) Rest, fasting Perun (Jupiter)
4. Thursday (FOURTH) labor Day Varuna (Uranus)
5. Friday (FIFTH) labor Day Indra (Chiron)
6. Sixth (SIXTH) labor Day Stribog (Saturn)
7. Sedmitsa (SEVENTH) Rest, fasting Svarog (Phaeton)
8. Osmitsa (AXIS OF THE WORLD) labor Day Zarya-Mertzana (Venus)
9. Week (NO BUSINESS) Rest, day of guests, gatherings, songs

The day began at 19-30 winter time and 20-30 summer time, there were 16 hours in a day. Each of the 16 hours also had its own name:
1st hour - Lunch (beginning of a new day) - 19.30 - 21.00 (winter time, respectively 20.30 - 22.00 - summer time; then only winter time is indicated).
2 - Evening (appearance of star dew in Heaven) - 21.00 - 22.30.
3 - Draw (odd time of three moons) - 22.30 - 24.00.
4 - Polich (full path of the Moons) - 24.00 - 1.30.
5 - Morning (starry consolation of dew) - 1.30 - 3.00.
6 - Zaura (star shine, dawn) - 3.00 - 4.30.
7 - Saurnice (end of the starlight) - 4.30 - 6.00.
8 - Nastya (morning dawn) - 6.00 - 7.30.
9 - Svaor (Sunrise) - 7.30 - 9.00.
10 - Morning (calming the dew) - 9.00 - 10.30.
11 - Morning (the path of collecting calm dew) - 10.30 - 12.00.
12 - Obestina (mass, joint meeting) - 12.00 - 13.30.
13 - Lunch, or have lunch (meal), 13.30 - 15.00.
14 - Podani (rest after the meal) - 15.00 - 16.30.
15 - Utdaini (time of completion of actions) - 16.30 - 18.00.
16 - Poudani (completed day) - 18.00 - 19.30.
The new day began at 16:00.

Slavic calendar:

Odd (full) Even (incomplete)
1 10 19 28 37 5 14 23 32
2 11 20 29 38 6 15 24 33
3 12 21 30 39 7 16 25 34
4 13 22 31 40 8 17 26 35
5 14 23 32 41 9 18 27 36
6 15 24 33 1 10 19 28 37
7 16 25 34 2 11 20 29 38
8 17 26 35 3 12 21 30 39
9 18 27 36 4 13 22 31 40

Thus, it was only necessary to remember from what day of the week the year begins and then the countdown simply proceeds according to these tablets.

Yarilo - the Sun - moves along the Svarog circle and passes through 16 heavenly palaces (analogous to the eastern zodiac circle), in which the Suns, Stars and star clusters are collected. Each palace, in turn, is divided into 9 halls, in each hall there are 9 tables, on both sides of the tables there are benches 72 on one side and 72 on the other side. Women sit on one side and men on the other.
It is from the Svarozh circle that the souls of people come to earth at the moment of birth.
The hall changes: at 15-00 winter time, and at 16-00 summer time.

Svarog circle:

No. Sign Genus Patron God Tree
1. Virgo AND Alive
2. Ras (Leo) M Tarkh
3. Eagle M Perun
4. Horse M Kupala