Compatibility of Scorpios and Scorpios: passionate spouses or unfaithful lovers? Compatibility of Scorpio man and Scorpio woman: what you need to know about each other. What kind of men does a Scorpio woman like?

People born under the sign of Scorpio are inherently quite strong individuals. They are almost always smart, intellectual and emotional. Being under the protection of the element Water, this sign stores all experiences within itself. Scorpios tend to exaggerate problems.

This zodiac sign always stands its ground, it is a little stubborn and selfish. However, the water sign knows how to endure defeats and losses with dignity. At first glance, it may seem that Scorpio is weak and defenseless. But this is not true at all. The water sign only misleads others, disguising itself in this way.

Compatibility in love relationships

Scorpio's love can arise suddenly and passionately. However, this does not mean that everyone will know about it at once. Scorpios are not used to showing off their feelings. A water man will conquer his woman for a long time and persistently. For her sake, he is capable of crazy actions and expensive gifts. Such a sign almost always conquers a girl immediately; he captivates her in his net.

The Scorpio lady is a passionate and jealous person in love. She can drive a man in love with her crazy. The love of such a woman has no boundaries. But there is another side to the coin - she hates just as much. The deceived woman of the element Water is capable of many things, she should be feared. Such a lady can even destroy the life of her former chosen one if he betrays her.

Marriage and family life

Scorpios strive to burden themselves with family ties. Often these signs marry in quite early age. This is already a fairly deliberate and serious decision. Some Scorpios search for their chosen one for a long time, approaching the issue especially carefully.

Family life two scorpions often resembles the Italian TV series. Two temperamental, possessive signs do not let each other get bored in marriage. Quarrels in such an alliance arise often and pass with all the passion inherent in Scorpios. When the scandals subside, water signs live in perfect harmony for some time.

A Scorpio husband always protects his wife from various problems. Often such a man takes care of all material matters himself, leaving household chores to the woman. However, the offended spouse will reveal to you all the negative sides of his character. He will not restrain himself in insults.

The Scorpio wife in such a marriage is often the head of the family. She demands from her husband a full account of everything, from spending money to returning late from work. This is often what causes quarrels in the family. The couple fight mercilessly for the leadership position. In some couples this lasts for for many years.

Friendship between Scorpios

Being friends with a Scorpio is not easy, but it is possible. Serious and unshakable natures, they often scare people away with their mere appearance. It seems to others that this person is selfish and arrogant. However, even with close communication it becomes clear that this is not so. The person who manages to overcome the coldness of a Scorpio will become a close and faithful friend for him for many years.

Having few friends, the water sign values ​​them. He will always help difficult situation and will help you out in trouble. But Scorpio's friends never know what to expect from this sign tomorrow. A water sign is unpredictable. He is a man of mood. Today your friend is joyful and happy, but tomorrow he is overcome by gloomy and sad thoughts.

Two Scorpios can become great friends if they make concessions. After all, they, like no one else, are able to understand each other and forgive all the little flaws of their violent character.

Scorpio compatibility in bed

A couple of Scorpios in bed means a sleepless night. Nobody loves sex and experimentation more than these zodiac signs. To make love with a Scorpio, you need to stock up on strength and patience. He will never leave you unsatisfied. This sign is a passionate and unrestrained lover. Before going to bed, the water sign builds whole plan which he follows unswervingly.

You have to be careful with Scorpio. If sex with a partner begins to bore him, then the water sign can find a replacement for him. Women who are cold in bed should not even try to have a Scorpio lover. Firstly, you will not be able to satisfy him, and secondly, you will get bored of him very quickly.

Scorpio compatibility at work

The sign under the element of water is an excellent worker. He is responsible, serious, demanding and executive. Scorpio devotes himself entirely to his work. Not finishing a task or quitting halfway is not about him.

However, a tandem of two representatives of this sign is not an easy matter. With such a couple, everyone around them is constantly in the line of fire. Two born leaders with hot temperaments do not know how to share power. Passions are always boiling around them, they compete and constantly prove their superiority.

It is very difficult for water signs to get along in one team. Not only they suffer from this, but also those around them. Business projects and company affairs in such a situation are also under attack. After all, it is not clear what is in the head of the unpredictable Scorpio. This sign cannot come to terms with the role of the second.

It is possible for such a couple to work together only with one condition: one must give in. But not all representatives of the Water element will do this.

Compatibility percentage

The compatibility of a pair of Scorpios is very good. Such a union has every chance of a long and happy life together. If two representatives of water decide to unite, then, basically, they stay together, no matter what. No one says that it’s easy and cloudless for the two of them. Their life is full of passions, quarrels and resentments. But it is also filled with care, love and devotion.

Compatibility in love for two Scorpios is 80%, in marriage – 95%, in friendship – 85%.

Negative moments in the union

The union of two Scorpios, no matter how desirable it may be, already carries negative energy. And it's not that people are not suitable for each other. It’s just that the nature of these signs is such that they can’t live any other way.

Scorpios are like vampires. They “feed” from their partner. And a couple of these signs live from “mutual feeding”. They feel good together, but there comes a time when the spouses simply need to quarrel. Moreover, they can come up with problems for themselves, even if there are none.

Scorpio men are terrible owners. They do not want to share their wife with anyone. Parents, friends and even children often suffer from this. Such a spouse tirelessly demands attention to himself. He is used to always being in first place.

Scorpio women are jealous and impulsive. They can overthink themselves over trifles and thereby annoy their husband. Such a wife is used to living in abundance. Therefore, the husband will always demand material well-being for the family.

Another negative in a relationship could be an attempt by one of the spouses to cheat. It may remain just an attempt, or it may become a test for the whole family.

Necessary conditions for a good relationship

Two Scorpios are one of the pretty good unions. Seeing their reflection in their partner, these signs are capable of analyzing their actions. They have a lot in common, but, unfortunately, not only good things. For such a marriage to succeed, it is necessary to constantly find a compromise and make concessions.

Scorpios are unable to live without passions. Their life will always be emotional and full of adventure. Such a couple needs to learn to cope with themselves, to control themselves. Water signs need trust in their partner.

Compatibility of men and women born under the same zodiac sign

Union of people born under the same name zodiac sign always has one very important feature: the mirror effect, in which partners, as if in a mirror, see in each other all their strengths and weaknesses. It’s good if we are talking about a couple with such virtues as delicacy, tolerance and compliance, otherwise there is a very high probability that the mirror will not withstand the intensity of passions and will either break into pieces, or turn from ordinary to crooked and will remind with particular care about the constant struggle of two identical personalities. Perhaps this is precisely the scenario for the development of relations that is most likely for a pair of Scorpios.

Union of Scorpios - clash of titans

The vast majority of astrologers agree that in many aspects Scorpios can be considered one of the most powerful zodiac signs, which is quite natural under the protection of Mars and Pluto. Regardless of gender, representatives of this sign are always endowed with indomitable strength, energy, desire for self-improvement, impeccability and leadership. At the same time, it is extremely important for everyone to be the best and first in everything. Therefore, whatever the relationship between Scorpios: business, friendship or love, rivalry cannot be avoided.

Sexual compatibility of Scorpios

Scorpios, without meaning to, involuntarily distinguish each other from huge amount people with whom you have to communicate. Without a worthy partner, they often lack emotions, so when a bright and temperamental Scorpio of the opposite sex appears on the horizon, they simply cannot help but pay attention to him. At the same time, the spark that ignited between them in a matter of minutes can develop into a rapid and whirlwind romance. Both are passionate, emotional, sensual, unbridled in their desires. Their sexual energy is practically inexhaustible. For both in bed no taboo topics, That's why sexual compatibility Scorpios are the envy of absolutely all zodiac combinations.

Scorpios in marriage

Despite the fact that in love joys the harmony of Scorpios is almost perfect, these relationships are unlikely to develop into a long and continuous union. At the beginning of a relationship, Scorpios enjoy every minute spent together, not hiding their delight. But as soon as the fire of the first passion weakens a little, Scorpios begin to find out who is in charge in the house. At the same time, not one of them is ready to concede even on the most insignificant issues. Further development The relationship of this couple is unpredictable, but always filled with passions: jealousy, resentment are quickly replaced by passionate desire, and the warmth of the relationship can immediately give way to coldness due to the slightest misunderstanding.

Scorpios simultaneously want to be understood and are in no hurry to take off the mask under which they hide their true feelings and experiences. The family life of Scorpios is full of contradictions, but at the same time this union has chances, just like two Scorpios locked in a jar. The period of battle between them can equally likely end either in enmity or in a strong and reliable union in which love will remain for many years. The path to understanding in a Scorpio family will definitely not be easy, and not everyone will be able to go through it, but if this does happen, their relationship can only be envied: common determination, understanding, devotion, trust, ability to appreciate and be grateful, love for children reliably unites them for many years.

Surprisingly, even with complete harmony, Scorpios do not cease to be a constant mystery to each other, so over the years their feelings practically do not weaken: love and sexual attraction do not leave this couple. Scorpios are a fairly wise sign, and they are characterized by such qualities as sympathy, empathy, generosity, but they do not forgive betrayal, even the most innocent. Playing with the feelings of a proud Scorpio is dangerous. From love to hate they really have one step, which they take decisively and irrevocably.

If you're already caught up in Scorpio's sex magic, it's up to you to decide whether to step into the pot! Young representatives of the sign, due to their inability to curb their temper, are unlikely to be able to overcome the problematic period, but more experienced Scorpios have quite a good chance.

Surprisingly, relationships between a Scorpio woman and a Scorpio man are not uncommon. It is from each other that they can receive those emotions that they will never achieve from representatives of other zodiac signs. The love of a Scorpio woman and a Scorpio man is the love of an actress and a director, for example. She is passionate, bright, contradictory, he is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. He realizes his own dreams through her, she, as it were, conducts his energy through herself, connects this energy with hers and gives birth to something new - unconditionally unique, bright, strong. They love each other so much that they are ready to kill each other, and this, perhaps, lies in main problem their relationship. The excessive emotionality of both is not extinguished, not divided, but only multiplied. Eventually one of them will get burned or burn out. But until this happens, they enjoy this seething sincere love.

Sex is what they are together for. Don't get me wrong, sex in a couple of two Scorpios does not replace love, but it is highest point their union. It is in sex that the Scorpio woman and the Scorpio man open up to each other as much as possible, exposing their weak points(which, by the way, are the same for them). You might think that they got together precisely to show the world (figuratively speaking) what real sex is. Stormy, passionate, dictated by deep feelings, when you want to literally incinerate your partner - the desire for possession is so strong.

Family and marriage

If they want to get married, they will have to work hard on themselves. Marriage is a serious matter, it implies stability and adherence to agreements. Scorpios are extremely unstable people. However, they know how to make promises and keep them at all costs. Therefore, if two Scorpios did not kill each other in one of their fits of passion and decided to tie the knot, they can build and maintain a family until the end of their days. By the way, it is in the case of Scorpios that even death cannot separate them.

They can be the most gentle, most understanding friends. The Scorpio man will most likely be drawn to the Scorpio woman so that she will show him himself: understand, accept and reassure him. Even if there is no between them sexual relations, they are capable of deep friendly communication, in which understanding is achieved through deep empathy - on both sides.

Work and business

In business, Scorpio feels quite confident. The riskier the business, the higher the energy of Scorpio, the clearer the mind and the stronger the intuition. Two Scorpios, united by a common cause, can turn the world upside down. They will act so clearly and harmoniously that they will achieve any goals. The disadvantage of such a tandem is their imbalance, inability to think and act calmly and unemotionally. It is better for two Scorpios to choose some creative area or area related to finance - they will feel most comfortable in them.

Men and women born under the same zodiac sign get along very well with each other. But such a rule does not in any way affect the compatibility of Scorpio and Scorpio. This is the case when the similarity of characters repels rather than attracts.

As Linda Goodman says in her horoscope, the couple is like Merlin's union with Lady Macbeth, mixed with a medieval recipe of black magic. This characterization may be too harsh, but it is close to the truth.

Sexual compatibility of two Scorpios

Compatibility in bed or compatibility in love relationships- this is the only thing that two Scorpios can boast of. No wonder they say that the sign is the sexiest of all. A Scorpio man and a Scorpio woman will immediately feel attracted to each other; they may end up in bed on the first evening of their acquaintance. Even quick, spontaneous sex will not disappoint them, because in intimate relationships they understand each other perfectly. Both are great lovers who do not recognize any boundaries or restrictions.

With great pleasure, a Scorpio and Scorpio couple will have sex in unusual place. They prefer sophisticated and sometimes perverted forms.

Lovers are driven not only by passion, but also by intelligence.

Therefore, invent new way sexual pleasure is not a problem for them. Although the goddess of love Venus is not omnipotent. Mars, the god of war and discord, very soon comes into its own. Relationships cannot be based only on sex; friendship and mutual attraction of hearts are equally important in them. But this, due to the similarity of characters and eternal rivalry, the couple does not always succeed. Therefore, the relationship between Scorpio and Scorpio is quite short-lived.

Marriage between Scorpios

If by chance Scorpio and Scorpio get married, it will be a great test for both. On the one hand, they understand each other perfectly, but on the other, they constantly compete. Each of them wants to lead; the relationship between subordinate and boss is not for them. Constant rivalry is exhausting, as everyone prefers to act secretly. Both hold grudges for a long time and plan revenge. And since they know each other too well, they constantly expect something unpleasant from their partner.

Poor compatibility between the signs Scorpio and Scorpio leads to the fact that the negative traits of their characters appear even more strongly. For a Scorpio man and a Scorpio woman, this is, first of all, their egocentrism. Both signs are too focused on their own feelings and needs and can completely ignore each other's needs. They rarely make compromises or concessions; they are both very stubborn.

A Scorpio man will never be touched by his girlfriend's tears, although she sometimes tries to use emotional blackmail techniques. In turn, the girl will shower her boyfriend with such contempt at the slightest failure that he will never be able to gain respect. The wife and husband will perceive any remark as a mortal insult and will not miss a moment so as not to sting their partner in response. In revenge, a man can cheat; his girlfriends will gladly meet him halfway, since he is a great lover. A woman, having learned about the betrayal, will not create a scandal, but will follow his example. The result will be a vicious circle. Among the causes of divorce (if we count it as a percentage) among these “children of Pluto,” cheating occupies perhaps the most important place.

But despite the gloomy picture, relatively happy marriage between the same zodiac signs is possible. The big plus in such an alliance is that each of the partners becomes more decisive. They constantly prove to each other that they are worth something. That's why they do great collaboration or business. Especially in cases where everyone is responsible for their own area of ​​work and does not claim the territory of their colleague.

In society married couple It’s not always cozy; they prefer to keep to themselves. Although in any company they can support the conversation with a timely remark and remark. Together they seem like a pretty good couple, so the reviews of others about them are often positive. But few people know what passion rages inside this union.

How to improve relationships and save marriage

Scorpio and Scorpio can improve compatibility, although this couple is far from ideal. They are not as different as the Moon and the Sun, so they must look for common ground between themselves. They will help the couple maintain their union business relations. Just don’t argue about who will lead whom. Everyone must do their part exclusively.

Spouses need to change their attitude towards life at least a little and learn to respect each other. Maybe give a little more freedom to your partner. For a Scorpio man, this is very important, since restrictions on the part of a woman, her nagging and caustic remarks can significantly weaken his determination and turn him into a weak-willed and embittered person. Although the fairer sex is no less susceptible to depression and attacks of self-criticism due to unfair treatment towards her. By finding fault, the husband risks getting an angry, withdrawn and eternally grieving wife.

Not worth it too much high hopes put on bed. Yes, in sex, representatives of this sign suit each other almost perfectly. But the passion will pass, and the problems will not only remain, but will also get worse. The best thing is to learn to simply trust each other, to be more frank, without fear that the partner will understand something wrong. Although common features They push partners away rather than bring them closer together; everything can be changed by working a little on yourself and your relationships. The main thing is not to focus on your date of birth. After all, the horoscope is not the only thing that influences our lives.

Hello, dear readers! Today in our article we will talk about the relationship between a Scorpio man and a Scorpio woman! Let's find out astrological forecast compatibility of Scorpio man and Scorpio woman in friendship, career, family and bed!

An astrologer with 9 years of experience will tell you everything about the compatibility of a Scorpio man and a Scorpio woman! Read in our article: how Scorpio men and women are perfect couple?!

Scorpio man, Scorpio woman: compatibility of signs

The relationship between two Scorpios often arouses keen interest from others. Do these two representatives of the same sign get along at all? The relationship between a Scorpio man and a Scorpio woman can be as strong as a rock, or collapse at the very beginning. Moreover, Scorpio is not shy about his feelings. And he doesn’t care about the opinions of others about his behavior. Scorpio as a zodiac sign is distinguished by its determination and perseverance. And if he decided to achieve a strong union, then nothing will stand in his way.

Friendship between a Scorpio man and a Scorpio woman

In friendship, both Scorpios find support. Although they are often not ready to open up and pour out their souls completely, they understand each other without words. And they don’t judge each other’s strange ideas.

Scorpios are so suspicious that they often tend to distort the facts of reality. They do this in order to hide their not very good deed or simply because they do not want to talk about themselves. And only a friend with a kindred spirit can understand Scorpio, instill self-confidence and strengthen faith in the future. Scorpios are not known for their loyalty in friendship. They need a lot of attention from many people. But Scorpio has chosen someone to communicate with, and he will force this person to communicate.

Relationships between two Scorpios at work

Scorpios are goal-oriented people. To achieve their goal, they are ready to work tirelessly, day and night. Thanks to this, they achieve significant results. And a stable financial situation.

Representatives of this sign are strict in their work both towards themselves and their subordinates, demanding that assigned tasks be completed on time. Two Scorpios at work make one hell of a couple. Both Scorpios will try to gain the upper hand, to subjugate the other, which leads to conflicts. They will drag those who are not related to their work into their feuds. Scorpio cannot even think of giving in to someone. But if conditions of visible equality are created, two Scorpios are able to do an excellent job, stimulating each other to new achievements.


In a family, a Scorpio man and a Scorpio woman can be happy only if both work hard for the sake of this union. Secrecy prevents two Scorpios from having a heart-to-heart talk. They are not going to distribute the family budget at the family table or agree on a joint trip. Each of them decides everything for himself, as it is convenient for him, and then informs his spouse. In the event of a divergence of interests, Scorpios quarrel, so much so that material damage can then be calculated.

But quarrels and conflicts are necessary for Scorpios. Only after a shake-up does Scorpio feel alive and needed. Everyday routine life is a punishment for Scorpio, and both spouses satisfy the need for an outburst of emotions at home.

In public, Scorpios can wear masks. In public, without even agreeing, they will begin to play the ideal couple. How the film will depict genuine passion in the eyes or, on the contrary, complete alienation from each other. And all this in order to attract the attention of a partner.

Scorpio simply needs to win his soul mate every day. It's a game for him. He enjoys the process and the anticipation of victory.

The most important thing for a Scorpio man and woman is emotions. And the more there are, the better. Experimenters in life, often try something new and unknown. Prone to extremes. Therefore, in marriage, spouses need to develop their talents. both the Scorpio man and the Scorpio woman will not tolerate oppression and prohibitions. The husband’s refusal to give his wife the opportunity to do what she loves, or vice versa, will end in a stormy scandal. And even divorce with mutual accusations.

Scorpio man and Scorpio woman: compatibility in bed

Let's talk about the compatibility of the signs Scorpio man and Scorpio woman in terms of intimacy. Both Scorpios are passionate lovers. Due to increased emotionality and unbridled desires, each of their nights is stormy. It often happens that many conflicts between two Scorpios end in bed. From shouting and showdowns, they both get excited very quickly. And they are even ready to quarrel for the sake of a pleasant “reconciliation.” Moreover, those carried away by passion do not notice that there are broken dishes under their feet. They constantly try, learn new things, experiment with positions and add piquant toys. They are never bored. And the bed is not the only place for them to merge souls and bodies. Simply put, where passion flared up, there they indulge in love pleasures.

But there is a but! Scorpios sin because they are not averse to diversifying their lives. love adventures. And efficiently cover up the traces of your betrayals. The traitor's suspicion increases many times over - after all, if he cheated, then so can his spouse! And the traitor’s nervousness is transmitted to his significant other. And the “half” can change out of spite!

Scorpio man, Scorpio woman: compatibility conclusion

From our article, we can conclude that a Scorpio woman and a Scorpio man are not an ideal couple. But if the desire to be together is strong, then all obstacles will be overcome. For two Scorpios, the main thing is to clearly divide their spheres of influence and not try to force their partner to obey. If spouses are able to come to an agreement and give each other freedom of action, they will be happy. And periodically arising disagreements and conflicts, if controlled, will only fuel the passion even more, and will not lead to a breakup.

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