The hosts of the 60 Minutes program are a married couple. Biography, weight and height of Olga Skabeeva. Olga Skabeeva. Biography

Olga Skabeeva is famous to a wide circle viewers as the presenter of the rating programs “Vesti. Doc" and "60 Minutes", where they discuss important issues famous politicians and public figures.

Journalism became a deliberate and balanced step for her, thanks to which Skabeeva is a winner of prestigious awards in this field. Her unconventional manner of broadcasting, meticulousness and curiosity, demanding of herself and others attracts the attention of many fans of political programs; it is not surprising that they are also interested in learning facts from her biography and personal life.

Beginning of a journalistic career

The future TV presenter was born in 1984 in the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region. Olga does not talk about her family, so information about who her mother and father are cannot be found on the Internet. Already in school age She stood out from her peers by demonstrating an analytical mind, a responsible approach to business, and straightforwardness. The girl studied well at school and spent a lot of time reading serious books. As a tenth-grader, she decided to connect her life with a journalist, so even then she was preparing to enter a university.

The photo shows Olga Skabeeva in her youth.

After graduating from school, the girl was in no hurry to become a university student, but first gained experience working in this specialty in the local printed publication “City Week”. Intending to improve her education, Skabeeva went to St. Petersburg, where she successfully passed the exams at the Faculty of Journalism at the university. Back in student years The aspiring journalist began collaborating with television, getting a job in the Vesti St. Petersburg news block. Her first reports did not go unnoticed by the management of the St. Petersburg television company: in 2007, the girl was awarded the Golden Pen award, as well as the government’s youth award.

Successful TV projects

After completing her studies, Olga received a position in the federal editorial office of VGTRK. Working as a correspondent for the Vesti program, the journalist always worked hard, trying to clearly and clearly present her information to the audience. Not everyone accepted her style of presenting the program, believing that she had harsh statements and firm voice intonations. Despite this, professional qualities Skabeeva were in good standing with management.

Talk show "60 Minutes".

In 2015, changes occurred in her career on the federal channel: she became the host of her Vesti.doc program, which aired on the Russia-1 channel. A year later, she was offered to join Evgeny Popov, thanks to which the presenter appeared on the air of the socio-political talk show “60 Minutes”. Many guests of this program were famous people, political leaders and experts, between whom scandals often broke out on one topic or another.

Family and raising a child

Olga's personal life is no less interesting than her career. For many, it was a pleasant discovery that her husband is a fellow broadcaster, Evgeniy Popov. The future spouses met when they became employees of VGTRK. Having decided to get married, the lovers could not set a wedding date for a long time, since then the journalist was sent on a business trip to Brussels, and Evgeniy was in New York. The joyful event took place in the spring of 2013, however, the newly-made husband had to work on the day of their wedding.

In the photo Olga Skabeeva with her husband Evgeny Popov.

In 2014, they became happy parents: their son Zakhar was born. Her husband was on the Maidan at that time, so Skabeeva did not miss breaking news broadcasts, worrying about her loved one. Popov also had to work in such hot spots as Donbass and Syria, so the presenter had many reasons to worry. Now the spouses have to be together not only at home, but also on the set, which does not at all affect their relationship. They also find time to communicate with their son, who pleases them with his development and curiosity.

TV presenter with her son Zakhar. Photo

On her Instagram, the TV presenter posts photos from her workplace, interesting stories, and also posts general pictures with her husband and son. Olga can boast of excellent appearance and a slender figure (her height is 176 cm, weight is about 63 kg), thanks to which she receives admiring comments from her many subscribers.

Olga Skabeeva - famous Russian TV presenter and journalist. She is distinguished by her directness and irony in her judgments, statements and in the manner of communicating with guests of television shows, where she works as a presenter. Of course, Olga Skabeeva cannot be counted among the film actresses on whom we mainly collect film dossiers in our category of the same name, but it is easy to count among media personalities and television stars. And since the weight and height of Olga Skabeeva, judging by Internet statistics, are of great interest to users of the global network, it was decided to compile a dossier on this particular presenter. No spying - only public data. Also, many of our readers do not know who Olga Skabeeva’s husband is. The answer lies on the surface, but we will talk about this below.

By the way, for unknown reasons, users often search the Internet for information about Olga Skobeeva, but this is an obvious mistake in spelling the TV presenter’s last name. Taking this into account, we put an equal sign: Olga Skobeeva = Olga Skabeeva. Naturally, we use only the correct spelling of the name of the popular TV presenter.

Brief biography of Olga Skabeeva

Olga Skabeeva was born in a city called Volzhsky, whose population slightly exceeds three hundred thousand people. This is where she ended high school. Already in high school, Olga knew that she wanted to be a journalist. Olga Skabeeva first applied her journalistic skills in the local small publication “City Week”. When it became clear to Olga that she was not mistaken in choosing the type of activity that was interesting to her, she entered the Faculty of Journalism of St. Petersburg State University. By the way, Skabeeva graduated with honors.

In parallel with her studies, Olga worked in news program"Vesti St. Petersburg", received a scholarship from the Potanin Foundation. After receiving her diploma, she became an employee of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. As of 2017, Olga Skabeeva has won several prestigious journalistic awards. At the time of writing, Olga Skabeeva is the presenter (in tandem with her husband Evgeny Popov) of a popular analytical and political show 60 minutes, which airs on the Russia-1 channel in live on weekdays.

What is the full name of Olga Skabeeva

Olga Skabeeva's full name is Olga Vladimirovna Skabeeva.

When was Olga Skabeeva born?

How old is Olga Skabeeva?

Olga Skabeeva is 32 years old. In December 2017, the journalist will turn 33 years old.

What is the zodiac sign of Olga Skabeeva?

Olga Skabeeva's zodiac sign is Sagittarius. Born in the year of the Rat according to the eastern horoscope.

Where was Olga Skabeeva born?

Olga Skabeeva was born in the USSR, the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region.

Evgeny Popov and Olga Skabeeva husband and wife?

True statement. Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov are spouses, wife and husband. The wedding date of Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov is not known exactly, but such a significant event in the life of TV presenters occurred in 2012-2013. And on January 14, 2014, one of the most famous “television couples” had a son, Zakhar.

Olga Skabeeva is the daughter of Dmitry Kiselev?

A very strange statement that, for some unknown reason, is wandering around the RuNet. And false. We have already mentioned that Olga Skabeeva’s middle name is Vladimirovna. Olga Skabeeva does not have the slightest family connection with Dmitry Kiselev.

How tall is Olga Skabeeva?

Olga Skabeeva's height is 170 centimeters. Next to her husband Evgeny Popov, she seems miniature, but we must not forget that Evgeny Popov himself is more than 190 cm tall. According to one of the visitors to our site (see comments), who saw Olga Skabeeva in person, the presenter’s height is below 167 centimeters.

How did Olga Skabeeva lose weight?

After giving birth, Olga gained some weight extra pounds, which I later successfully reset. Olga Skabeeva’s diet is not listed anywhere, unfortunately for many, but the weight loss formula is quite trivial:

  • Physical activity
  • Choosing the right products
  • Correct cooking method

What is Olga Skabeeva's weight?

Olga Skabeeva’s weight is not reliably known, but, according to some public resources, it is approximately 61-63 kilograms. It is known that Olga lost 15 kilograms after giving birth.

What eye color is Olga Skabeeva?

Olga Skabeeva's eye color is gray

What are the parameters of Olga Skabeeva’s figure?

He was born and raised in Vladivostok, in an intelligent family. His mother taught biology at a local university. Even during his school years, Evgeniy became interested in the profession of journalist, and initially wanted to collaborate not with printed publications, namely with television. The young man got his first experience of communicating with an audience at a local radio station, where he hosted the program “Sacvoyage” in high school.

Having received his matriculation certificate, Evgeniy Popov goes to higher education at the Faculty of Journalism of the Far Eastern state university. But even here, the young man did not limit himself to studies alone and almost immediately got a job at a seaside television channel, where he acted as a correspondent.

TV presenter

Having become a certified specialist, Evgeny Popov continues to be a correspondent, but for the more prestigious Vesti news corporation. It’s interesting that on his first foreign business trip he went straight to one of the most closed cities on the planet - the capital North Korea Pyongyang.

At first he was a special correspondent in Vladivostok, but soon moved to Moscow. From 2003, for two years, Popov lived in Kyiv as a seconded employee of the Rossiya TV channel. His reports mainly concerned the political situation in Ukraine. He covered the course of the Orange Revolution, about which he spoke generally positively.

In 2005, Evgeny returns to the capital of Russia and becomes a permanent political observer for the Vesti Nedeli project. Two years later, a new business trip awaits him, this time to the USA. In New York, Popov headed the Vesti bureau and covered the lives of Americans for domestic television viewers.

In 2013, the TV presenter began presenting his own program “News at 23:00” on his channel. He also replaced Dmitry Kiselyov in the main Vesti program, and later in the talk show “Special Correspondent” he led discussions in the studio, where Arkady Mamontov had performed before him. Since September 12, 2016, Evgeny Popov, together with the bright TV presenter Olga Skabeeva, has been presenting the socio-political talk show “60 Minutes” to the audience.

It is also worth noting that Evgeny Popov is the author documentary film“Media Literacy”, which was shown in 2016 as part of the “Special Correspondent” project. The film talks about the geopolitical situation in Europe and reveals some ways of waging information warfare.

Best of the day

Personal life

While on a business trip in New York, Evgeny Popov met Anastasia Churkina, who worked in the USA on the Russia Today TV channel. By the way, Anastasia is the daughter of Russia’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Vitaly Churkin. The young people started dating and then got married. True, this marriage did not last very long, and in 2012, official divorce proceedings took place.

Soon after breaking up with his first wife, Popov returned to Moscow, where he met his second wife. She became VGTRK correspondent Olga Skabeeva. Now Evgeniy and Olga not only live as one family and raise their common son Zakhar, born in 2014, but also host a joint television project “60 Minutes”.

Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov are the presenters of the political program. And they are husband and wife. Reporters got married in New York. And the fact that the couple had a son, Zakhar, was announced throughout the country in the Vesti program. The love story of two talented journalists is in the program.

“We see Zakhar every day - morning and evening. We spend the whole weekend with him. He rightly demands attention from us. We discuss his problems, even discuss our problems, although he is only three and a half years old. Zakhar is very logical, everything is important to him to know, to charge everyone with the mood. For example, in the morning we went to kindergarten That's how he greeted everyone. We love our child endlessly,” this is how Olga and Evgeniy talk about their son.

Olga gave birth in January 2014. Evgeniy was on the Maidan at that moment. “All the mothers, after their children fell asleep, also went to bed. And I went into the corridor, where there was a large TV, and watched special broadcasts. I was very worried.” Then Evgeniy had a lot of work, he flew in to check on how the pregnant Olga was doing, and soon flew back. And at the time of the birth of his son, Evgeniy was editing a film for the program. “This is our lot as reporters. When it was necessary to pick up Olga and Zakhar from the maternity hospital, I flew from Kyiv in the morning, took the family home, and flew away again in the evening,” says Evgeniy Popov.

Evgeniy Popov was on business trips in both Donbass and Syria. Olga, of course, was worried about her husband: “We are reporters. This is our job and this is our life: good, fun, and sometimes not so much.” “There is work, there is family - everything is important. But it is clear what comes first, what is a priority,” adds Evgeniy.

The spouses have different views on many things, this also applies to politics. "True, this is a secret. Sometimes we park near the house and cannot get out of the car because we had a big argument. We are together 24 hours a day. Our life is full a huge amount events - there is no time to stop, much less quarrel."

Evgeniy Popov is from Far East. “I graduated from the University of Vladivostok, worked in local news, and then I was invited to Vesti. Global professional happiness came. I tried very hard.”

Olga was born in the city of Volzhsky Volgograd region. After school she went to St. Petersburg, where she graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of St. Petersburg State University. Started working in the Vesti-St. Petersburg program.

Here's what Olga says about the wedding: “I was on a long business trip in Brussels, and Zhenya was working in New York. We decided that it would be more convenient to get married in New York. Because of work, we postponed the wedding several times. Therefore, we ourselves are still confused about numbers. In general, this happened in April 2013." And Evgeniy even had to do a report on the wedding day.

About family, about patriotism, about the dangerous side of the work of journalists, about their favorite cities and about saving a pigeon - Evgeniy and Olga told Boris Korchevnikov about all this in the program “The Fate of a Man.”