FSB courses after higher education. How to apply to the FSB? What you need to know and be able to do for this

Before submitting documents and starting preparations for entering an educational institution, you need to decide for yourself that you are ready to connect your life with this structure.

Unlike civilian universities, they have a narrow prof. direction and after graduation it will be difficult to work in another field.

Admission to a civilian university is a choice of a profession, and admission to a university of the FSB of Russia is immediately a choice of a profession and, one might say, a place of work.

Preparation for admission

This is not to say that there are no difficulties with admission. However, if you have the preparation and desire, you can apply.

It’s better to start preparing for admission at the beginning graduating class(11th grade). The first step is to contact the Russian FSB department at your place of residence with a statement of intention to enroll in an FSB educational institution, fill out a form and provide copies of personal documents (birth certificate, passport, military ID and diploma).

Based on the data and documents provided by the candidate, a check is carried out. All data is carefully checked.

An obstacle to access to the state. secrets and receipt will be: loved ones living abroad for a long time; relatives who were prosecuted; also if the candidate used drugs.

In addition to the check, a conversation is held with an employee of the personnel department of the FSB department, during which it is found out what motivated the candidate to join the FSB of the Russian Federation. If everything is in order with the interview and test, the candidate receives a referral for a medical examination (MEC), after which he is required to pass the physical examination standards. training (100-meter run, 3-kilometer run, pull-ups), which are assessed according to the “pass” and “fail” system.

After passing the test, you need to write an application to the selected university in early March. In it, the candidate must indicate: the faculty, the direction of training and specialty, the list of Unified State Examination subjects and additional entrance exams, and also sign that he is familiar with the admission rules.

Universities of the FSB of Russia

On the territory of the Russian Federation there are 14 educational institutions subordinate to the FSB of Russia.

These are the FSB Institutes in St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk. FSB Academy in Moscow. Moscow, Golitsyn, Kaliningrad, Kurgan and Kharabovsky border institutes of the FSB. Academy and Border Academy of the FSB in Moscow. Coast Guard Institute in Anapa. Border Academy in Moscow.

Each university has its own list of faculties, some of them accept both boys and girls (faculty foreign languages). Each faculty has its own subjects for which you need to take entrance exams.

You can enroll in full-time study. Without military service from 16 to 22 years and after military service up to 24 years. But correspondence training is available only to current security service employees.


When called by the University (in early June), candidates arrive to take the entrance exams. First, they undergo a medical examination for the second time, after which they are allowed to take entrance exams. Physics exam common to all. preparation and one of the specialized subjects. Based on the results of exams and the EGE, the overall score is determined; admission is carried out on a competitive basis.

If a candidate does not pass the competition for higher education, he can go to study at secondary level. educational programs(training lasts 2.5-3 years, after graduation you are awarded the rank of warrant officer and, if you wish, you can complete your studies in absentia at any FSB University). If you don't pass the competition, you can try again in a year.

After graduation, the rank of lieutenant is awarded.

Work experience and length of service are counted from the first days of training. The first two courses count as a year in the army, after which the first contract is signed and a salary is issued, approximately 16,000 rubles.

After graduating from the institute, they are assigned to units for service. Excellent students are given the right to choose their place of service, so there is an incentive to be one. Military personnel are provided with a social package and free medical care. service, decent salary.

Reviews about FSB Universities

According to reviews from applicants, it is difficult to enter FSB universities without cronyism, but it is possible. According to the standards, the guys passed 20 pull-ups, a 3 km timed cross-country race and other physical standards. They are also talking about lie detector testing, and naturally about the absence of a criminal record in several generations of relatives.

Students enter into a contract under which they must work in the system for a number of years, or return cash, which the state will spend on your education. Already during your studies, you have the risk of becoming restricted from traveling abroad, and spending your subsequent vacations in Crimea at most.

Dressing up, living in barracks (at least until the 3rd year), life according to the Regulations, enhanced physical training - everything here will remind you in many ways of ordinary military universities.

If you are a girl, then you should attend the Faculty of Military Translators. At the same time, you need to understand that after graduating from an educational institution there will be a mandatory assignment (and you may have to move far from home and from the center of the country).

You will also be a permanent worker, both during your service and for 5 years after it. Therefore, there will be no practice with native speakers; you will be translating audio recordings and written documents. Going to the faculty of translators, a person may dream of something else.

You will not work abroad. The fact is that the FSB is counterintelligence. And it is designed to work to suppress intelligence and other operations of foreign intelligence services on the territory of its country. And employees of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) go abroad to work.

That is, all these points need to be carefully thought through in advance.

Students also note high quality education. They are happy about the upcoming benefits (travel, meals, extended vacation) when applying for a job after graduating from university. They talk about a stable salary (the last figure I saw on the forums was 36 thousand.

Moreover, if you live somewhere in Russian outback, then this is quite a worthy payment. But if we proceed from the level of civilian salaries and prices in Moscow and St. Petersburg, then this is a very low allowance. So it all depends on your circumstances, what motivates you.

18 comments on ““Universities of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and admission to them””

    My grandson graduated from the Stavropol branch of the Golitsyn Border Guard Institute of the FSB in 2016 and since that time has been serving at one of the border posts of the Dagestan Border Directorate. Today, the issue of continuing his studies at the Border Troops University is acute. I have a question: can my grandson study at the correspondence department of the Moscow Border Institute or not? And if it can, what is needed for this? Please let me know.

    Retired Lieutenant Colonel - Alexander Dmitrievich Grafkov.

    Hello! Tell me what to do late, submitted documents to the FSB, everyone passed the polygraph test on May 24, 2018, they say that we don’t meet the deadlines, the documents are going to Moscow at the end of May, are exceptions possible?

    Hello. I am 31 years old. There is a higher education in the specialty of Applied Informatics “in Economics”. I work in the field of information security. Can I enter a FSB university at a faculty related to my professional responsibilities? And is there correspondence/distance learning? If possible, a list of such universities.

    Good evening. A question of this nature. Can a person learn if his father former employee police (company commander) and was dismissed from the internal affairs bodies for very negative reasons. Those. under articles: abuse of official powers and extortion from subordinates. Convicted and the court handed down a suspended sentence of one and a half years!?

    Good day. Can I enroll in the Novosibirsk FSB institution being a citizen of Kazakhstan of Russian nationality and studying at the Olympic Reserve Sports School?

In order to become an employee of the Federal Security Service, of course, you need to obtain a higher education, but to solve the question “where to go to study?” First you need to decide on your choice of profession. In the FSB, as well as in any other organization, a person must carry out a certain labor function, that is, work in a certain profession.

The structure of the FSB bodies includes, in addition to the Central Office of the FSB of Russia and local territorial bodies, also bodies and security bodies in the troops. The Federal Security Service has its own aviation detachments, special forces units, and units that provide auxiliary assistance in carrying out the tasks facing state security agencies. Such “auxiliary” units are understood as research, expert and medical institutions subordinate to the FSB.

Thus, the FSB agencies require employees of various specialties: lawyers, experts, and other military specialists.

Universities FSB

The main educational institutions that train personnel for counterintelligence are universities that are part of the FSB system. There are such universities in various regions of Russia. These are the institutes of the FSB of Russia in the cities of St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, and the Academy of the FSB of Russia, located in Moscow. However, at the Academy of the FSB of Russia, current employees mainly improve their qualifications, while everyone has the opportunity to enter the institutes of the structure. The rules and procedures for admission to FSB universities can be found on the official website of the selected institute.

In addition to these educational institutions, there are universities in the FSB system. These are the Border Academy of the FSB of Russia in Moscow, and the Border Institutes in Moscow, in the Moscow region (in the city of Golitsyno, Odintsovo district), as well as the Kaliningrad, Kurgan and Khabarovsk border institutes. Institutes have branches in other cities of the country. For example, in the Stavropol Territory there is a branch of the Golitsyn Border Institute.

In educational institutions of the FSB, one can obtain higher education in the specialties “legal support of national security”, psychology of official activities”, “border activities”. These areas of training fill the ranks of personnel with employees of the foreign and internal intelligence departments, highly qualified psychologists and lawyers various directions, as well as officers of border units.

But these are not all the specialties necessary for the operation of such a powerful structure. In the work of intelligence officers, technical means play an important role, and, therefore, technical specialists are required to maintain them and even develop and create them. Specialists in this category are trained both in universities, such as the Institute of New information technology in Moscow and in civilian educational institutions. Graduates with rare technical specialties are often invited to work in the system.

Military universities

The FSB organs are known to ordinary people mainly through the brave fighters of the Alpha, Vympel detachments, and other special forces units. Contrary to popular belief, to serve in these units it is also necessary to obtain a higher education. You can become a representative of the elite by graduating from, for example, RVVVDKU, popularly called “Ryazanka”, where they train specialist saboteurs, military translators, and officers of airborne units. You can also graduate from college in St. Petersburg, where the so-called Marines receive their education. Among the special educational institutions of the FSB is the Coast Guard Institute, which is located in the city of Anapa.

Service in the FSB is not only intelligence; the FSB also carries out anti-terrorism activities, deals with the detection and investigation of crimes against state security. Future and operational employees can receive education at higher educational institutions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the relevant areas of training.

The interest of our readers in the topic of admission to higher education educational institutions The Federal Security Service of Russia pushed us to create material that will reveal all the secrets of this, at first glance, complex process, and will help those who are just planning to enroll.

Our questions were answered by Vladislav Alekseevich, an employee of the personnel department of the FSB of Russia in the Republic of Karelia, who is responsible for selecting and sending candidates to take entrance tests to educational institutions of the FSB of Russia.

- Vladislav Alekseevich, who exactly is expected at the universities of your department? Can anyone go there?

For training in educational organizations The FSB of Russia selects graduates of 11th grade and secondary vocational education institutions under the age of 21. Everyone has a chance of admission, regardless of where they received their secondary general (complete) education, in a city, village or urban-type settlement. Many children from the districts believe that they received an education at a village school at a level lower than those who live in big cities and have the opportunity to study at a gymnasium and lyceum, but I assure you that this is not so. In recent years, children from the villages of Loukhskaya Chupa, Ledmozero, Lahkolampi, Porosozero, Pindushi, and Pyalma have entered our educational institutions. From mine personal experience work on selection for educational institutions of the FSB of Russia, I can say with confidence that a lot depends on great personal desire and self-study future cadets.

- When should graduates contact you?

I recommend at the beginning last year training, preferably before December. It is necessary to contact the Directorate of the FSB of Russia for the Republic of Karelia with an application to be considered as a candidate for study at one of the educational organizations of the FSB of Russia. The application must be submitted before March 1 of the year of admission to the FSB of Russia university. In the first conversation, I find out the motives that prompted a possible candidate to connect his life with service in the security agencies, and also identify factors that impede admission and registration of access to state secrets. In particular, this is the presence of close relatives permanently residing abroad, close relatives who have been prosecuted, and the candidate’s use of narcotic drugs. If during the conversation no facts preventing admission are revealed, the candidate fills out the questionnaire and is sent to medical examination, professional psychological selection, the level of his physical fitness is checked, and also a procedure is carried out for obtaining access to information constituting state secrets and a check related to ensuring the own security of the FSB bodies, based on the results of which the candidate’s suitability for military service under contract with the FSB of Russia

- What then?

At the beginning of July, upon call from the university, candidates are sent to take entrance tests to the educational institution. Upon arrival at the institute, applicants undergo a second medical examination and take entrance tests in the form of an exam in physical fitness and in one of the specialized subjects. Admission to educational institution The FSB of Russia is conducted on a competitive basis. Based on the results of the Unified State Exam and all tests, their total passing score for admission is added up. To those applicants who did not pass the competition for faculties higher education, it is proposed to enroll in faculties teaching secondary vocational educational programs, i.e. Over the course of 2.5 - 3 years, the guys study in secondary vocational education streams, receive qualifications and upon completion they are awarded the rank of warrant officer, and if they want to become an officer, they write an application and complete their studies in absentia at one of the institutes of the FSB of Russia. Young people who entered higher education programs are awarded a military rank lieutenant.

- What is considered the most difficult for a candidate, what problems arise when preparing for admission?

Currently, I do not see any difficulties in entering an educational institution of our department. Everyone must competently motivate the desire to connect their life with service in security agencies and meet the requirements for physical fitness and health. When I first communicate with candidates, I ask the question: “Have you used drugs?” Almost everyone denies it. In the future, during a conversation with a psychologist, identified cases of drug use entail refusal of further consideration this person as a candidate for study, due to the fact of concealment of information.

- How is the level of physical fitness checked? Are there people who cannot pass the standards?

Candidates pass physical fitness standards, such as pull-ups, 100-meter run and 3-kilometer run, at the security agency, which reviews them and evaluates them according to the “pass” and “fail” grading system, and at the institute, when re-testing, as I already said , the better the performance, the more points an applicant for admission can score, which is taken into account during the competition. Now the guys come mostly prepared and physically developed.

- Are there minimum requirements for Unified State Examination scores?

In 2014, to receive a call, you had to score more than 40 points on each mandatory exam.

Every young person should understand that everything depends on him, how he prepares for passing the Unified State Exam, to pass the specialized entrance test and pass the standards for physical training at the institute, this will be the result of his admission.

- Which destinations are most popular?

Most of the guys who come to me for the first time, as a rule, do not have any information about the educational organizations of the FSB of Russia. In the first conversation, I talk about educational institutions, faculties and areas of study. I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the legal acts regulating the goals, objectives and areas of activity of the FSB of Russia. Faculties such as “Legal support of national security”, “Border activities”, “Navigation”, and technical faculties, including the faculties of the Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia, where we also select candidates for training, are very popular.

- What are the employment prospects?

All graduates of educational institutions of the FSB of Russia upon completion of training are assigned a military rank: those who have received secondary education - ensign, young men who have received higher education - lieutenant, and for the next 20 years they are employed throughout the territory Russian Federation. When candidates are admitted to a university, they are awarded the rank of private, and they, in fact, become military personnel. The first two years of training for cadets are counted as a year of military service. After one year of training, at the age of 18, they enter into their first contract and begin to receive their first salary, about 16,000 rubles.

- Do the guys have a choice after graduation where to go to serve?

As a rule, only the opinions of excellent students are taken into account. The rest go to serve in those units where they will be assigned. Therefore, there is an incentive to study well.

Does it happen that guys don’t want to get a military specialty, but follow the instructions of their parents to get a prestigious education? Or is it often their own choice?

It happens that parents consider it right to make a choice for their child, without taking into account the fact that young people finishing 11th grade are no longer children and can have their own views on their future profession. As I said earlier, in the first conversations I immediately find out the motives that prompted the citizen to contact us with the aim of enrolling in a university of the FSB of Russia. Thus, if during the conversation I understand that a person does not need this or he came out of idle curiosity, then why waste your and my time preparing to enter an educational institution where he will not study and receive an education that is not interesting to him ?

But the bulk of graduates still come, competently motivating their desire to join the FSB of Russia. Of course, providing military personnel with a social package, a decent salary, and free medical care plays an important role here. Upon graduation from a university, young officers automatically become participants in the savings-mortgage housing system for military personnel, and three years after graduation, while continuing their service, they can purchase housing under the military mortgage lending program in any region of the Russian Federation, i.e. the employee knows that if he conscientiously performs his official duties, his family will be provided with comfortable housing. Not many employees of various civil organizations have such conditions. I explain all this to the guys at their first meetings.

- How many people apply? Are there many people interested?

Every year, about 20-25 people from Karelia enter educational institutions of the FSB of Russia. And believe me, there are many who want it.

- Thank you very much!

Let us remind you that more detailed information information about admission can be obtained from the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Republic of Karelia at the address: Petrozavodsk, st. Andropova, 5, phones 73-86-82, 8-931-700-75-99, as well as on the websites: academy.fsb.ru and academ.msk.rsnet.ru


The FSB is the security agency of the Russian Federation and its citizens. Graduates of various universities and military personnel dream of joining it. However, it is important to understand that candidates for the FSB are selected with special care and according to a special scheme. Let us consider in detail how to get a job in this body and what requirements the candidate must meet.

Physical training

Applicants for service in the FSB are required to meet a number of physical training requirements. The candidate must be at least 175 cm tall and under 28 years of age. You will need to pass physical fitness standards:

  • pull-up on the bar;
  • 3 km cross;
  • 100m run in 12 seconds;
  • hand-to-hand combat.

Education and health

The candidate must have a higher, secondary specialized or complete education. But it is important to take into account that if you pass the selection, you will have to additionally study at a school or academy of the FSB.

Special requirements are placed on the candidate’s health. It will be necessary to undergo a serious medical commission, which will determine the applicant’s suitability for service in the FSB. Moreover, if he has serious illnesses, then the probability of passing the selection is low.

Professional suitability

When selecting candidates for service in the FSB special attention is given to professional suitability. Special tests are used for this. They allow you to determine the level of intelligence and speed of thinking of a candidate, his psychological suitability for the chosen position, communication skills, ability to solve difficult problems in a limited time interval and with minimum quantity resources.

Candidate verification

Before joining the FSB, you must pass a background check. The service authorities carefully study the applicant’s personal file, as well as information about his family and relatives. It is important to note that this procedure begins only after the candidate’s consent. If he objects or ignores the notification, he is automatically excluded from applicants for service in the FSB.

Preparation of documents

To apply for service in the FSB, you must provide this body with the following package of documents:

  1. A handwritten application requesting consideration of his candidacy for a job in the security forces. It must indicate that you know what restrictions are imposed on FSB employees in accordance with current legislation.
  2. An autobiography, which must be written independently in free form and by hand.
  3. Questionnaire of the established form.
  4. Personal documents: military ID, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, document on receipt of education, marriage or birth certificate of children (if any).
  5. Documents of close relatives: passports and civil registration certificates.
  6. Information about property, income and other property-related obligations (mortgage, pledge, etc.).
  7. Photos of the candidate of the established standard.
  8. Extract from the house register for the family.

The applicant's application and package of documents are reviewed by the FSB within 15-30 days. If his candidacy is approved, an interview with his parents will be scheduled in the coming days. A written consent is taken from them confirming that they do not object to their child serving in the FSB.

Reasons for refusal

Now let’s look at the reasons why a candidate may be denied service in the Federal Security Agency of the Russian Federation:

  • unsatisfactory results of the military medical commission;
  • declaring the candidate incompetent;
  • have citizenship of another country;
  • the candidate or his relatives lived or live in another state;
  • frequent trips to other countries;
  • inconsistencies in biographical and personal data were identified;
  • unsatisfactory results in physical training;
  • the candidate did not score required quantity test scores.

The Federal Security Service of Russia provides security Russian state and all its inhabitants. The identification of this structure opens many doors better than a grenade, it puts people into a stupor and awe, because they don’t talk much about the FSB and it is not clear what they do there, what they do, what kind of people work. The memory of the Cheka, the NKVD and the KGB, formidable predecessors who helped the state exist in particularly difficult times, also affects.

The dream of being in the ranks of the defenders of the Fatherland visits many young minds. Everyone knows how to end up at a factory or a technical university, but how to get into the FSB?

Selection system

There is a strict selection system for special forces. It includes a thorough health check, compliance with height, weight, and vision parameters. The candidate and his relatives may be checked within a month. After all, to serve in the FSB of Russia you only need to have Russian citizenship, and the presence of relatives abroad can become an insurmountable obstacle.

After all checks follow psychological tests and passing physical standards. Each department has its own standards, but the average candidate in any case needs to monitor his health, run a hundred meters in 14 seconds and a kilometer in 4 minutes 25 seconds.

FSB officers are the elite among civil servants, both in terms of intellectual indicators and strength. Therefore, the presence of titles, awards in sports competitions, major Olympics will be a plus for you. It is also advisable not to have a history of serious injuries or illnesses, such as concussions or large scars. During a medical examination, everything is examined, down to moles and tattoos.

There are two types of FSB candidates: those who have recommendations from current employees or veterans, and those who do not. If you are from the second type, then they will look at you much more carefully and, if a candidate with characteristics is vying for the same place as you, then, most likely, they will choose him.

Before you think about how to get into the FSB, you should decide for yourself that later life will be associated with service to the state. This means certain restrictions for life, restrictions on movement, on traveling abroad. In exchange there will be a package of privileges, government benefits and much more, depending on position and merit.

If you agree with this, then you need to be honest on tests. By order of the FSB of the Russian Federation dated April 13, 2011, each candidate must be tested for toxic, drug, and alcohol addiction. You are also required to undergo a psychological examination, including a polygraph.

Required documents

Have you started to think about how to get into the FSB? Collect documents. Here is an approximate package of documents that a candidate needs to collect:

  • Application for consideration of a candidacy with consent to the restrictions that are imposed on the FSB officer, and with agreement that personal data will be thoroughly examined.
  • Autobiography. Everything is simple here: you are not required to write an essay, you need to correctly describe what family you grew up in, who your parents are, what school you attended, what university you attended, and your marital status.
  • Questionnaire according to form No. 4.
  • Personal documents in the form of a passport, military ID, driver’s license, education documents, international passport (if any).
  • Documents of direct relatives.
  • Certificate of income, existing property and material obligations (for example, a loan).
  • The set also requires photographs, like a passport, since for each candidate a file is opened in several copies.

FSB structure

The FSB of Russia has several departments. Each of them requires qualified personnel. You can choose according to your abilities and preferences and strive for the goal. The most famous department is the border control service. All border guards are checked and belong to this structure. The second most famous department is counterintelligence, that’s where the guys’ dream is, that’s where the special forces are, the operational work.

One of the main opponents of the world order is terrorism. The FSB has a department for combating terrorism, interstate and within the country. Here extremists, rioters and other unstable elements are identified and processed.

The remaining departments are no less important, but not as well known. There is a scientific and technical center that is responsible for communications, information security, and is engaged in scientific developments. There is a center for ensuring the security of the country's economy, which is responsible for order in the structure of transport, industry, and the credit and financial sphere. There is also a department for international contacts, a personnel department and a department that synchronizes the work of the entire structure.

Serving in the FSB is an honorable occupation, but not always easy. Not many people choose this path.

FSB special forces

It is impossible not to mention the famous group "Alpha". This is a legendary combat unit created back in the Soviet Union. Many boys dream of getting there, but when they become military, they understand how difficult it is. The requirements for candidates here are very high, both physical and intellectual. The question of how to get into the FSB is complex, but how to get into Alpha is a question with many unknowns for an ordinary resident of our country, but not insoluble. The one who walks will master the road.

FSB Academy

This is an institution where only the best young people who are ready to serve their state are accepted. Many people only know about the academy in Moscow, but there are also regional branches in which the passing grade is slightly lower. The FSB Academy is not an ordinary higher education institution; it also imposes requirements on the physical preparation of the applicant. Upon completion, people receive a prestigious job that is decently paid.