Abstract: Information technologies in management activities. Information technology in the work of a manager

Modern business is inextricably linked with the development of information technology. With the advent of computers, revolutionary changes occurred in the very concepts of doing business, producing products and ways of working in markets. The rapid changes taking place and the new demands placed on business enterprises today have led to the need for a new type of manager. To be effective leader, today it is no longer enough just to have computer literacy and be able to use modern means of communication. Competent business management at any level requires a person to understand and master the full range of information technology applications.


The greatly increased possibilities of communication today pose the task of choosing the optimal method of business communication for managers. Email, fax, Internet, Skype, video calls and video conferencing, local networks, use social networks– all this creates conditions for building effective channels for transmitting information and managing personnel. A manager can have hundreds of remote workers subordinate to him, and take part in work on projects in the mode online people living on different continents. But modern communication must not only be mastered, it must be managed. The manager builds a communication concept based on the needs of the company and the available budget. To do this, he must have a clear understanding of the possibilities of the above methods of communication and interaction.

Analysis, modeling, forecast

An integral part of a manager’s job is constant analysis of the company’s activities. To do this, a database management system, information collection, a feedback system from company departments, etc. must be established. The results of the analysis should be presented in a form that is easy to understand. Work of this kind requires good skills in presentation programs such as Microsoft Office Powerpoint, graphics packages, and data processing programs. The rapidity of changes in the market and strong competition do not always leave time to entrust this work to technical personnel. For the same reason, in large companies, strategic decision-making is increasingly delegated to middle managers who use automated algorithms in their work.

Any company, organization or enterprise belongs to one or another business model. In an ever-increasing competition, the advantage often goes to those who are better able to adapt to market demands, and this may not even apply to products or services, but to changing the business model itself. Determining the optimal business strategy today is impossible without a modeling process using special expert programs. They help answer questions about what will happen if certain parameters of the company’s activities change, and provide predictable options for the development of events. All this helps the manager approach the moment of decision-making with the maximum range of calculated options.

Information Systems

Information Technology are the main tool for building information systems, which are considered one of the basic concepts in modern theory and management practice. In the manufacturing sector, the work of an information system covers all stages of the company's business cycle - from the product design stage to after-sales service. It also includes all aspects of customer relationships. Managers in large and medium-sized companies must have a good understanding of information systems and be prepared to make decisions about their implementation or adaptation to changing business conditions.

Manager's tasks and information technologies

The main task of a manager at any level is to formulate and achieve goals through effective leadership and management of human and other resources. Often he has to make decisions in conditions of uncertainty, against the backdrop of constantly changing rules of the game. Many successful organizations use automated information technology to achieve this. Business and information technology today largely contribute to each other’s development, and the manager is the link that implements this interaction most fully.

The relevance and necessity of using information technology requires a modern manager to have a high educational and intellectual level. It is no coincidence that such a discipline as “Management Information Technologies” is included in the mandatory list of special subjects in domestic educational standards.

Next: The Magic of Planning

The role of information technology in the activities of a manager

In modern conditions of socio-economic development, information support for the management process has become a particularly important area, which consists of collecting and processing information that is extremely important for making informed decisions. management decisions.

Today, managing any activity is impossible without analyzing a large amount of information and processing it using computers. The use of computer technology in various fields of human activity is determined not only by scientific and technological progress, but also by the development of methods for processing information for its further application and use.

With the creation in the 1980s. personal computers, there has been an increase in computerized workplaces, as well as a change in requirements for management software. Software now does not require a specially trained operator, it is accessible and understandable to a specialist in the subject area who uses the computer as a tool. At the same time, information operated by organizations is distributed between various computers and computer networks. Local networks are used to access “foreign” data.

The most important aspect of the use of personal computers was the development of global networks and their use not in mail mode, but in real time. Thanks to the development of telecommunications and communications, it becomes possible to access the vast knowledge accumulated over centuries using modern information retrieval systems. This aspect of activity is extremely important in scientific and educational developments of enterprises, training and advanced training of personnel of organizations, since scientific and technological progress places ever higher demands on the information support of management bodies of organizations.

Information support involves the dissemination of information, i.e., presenting information to users that is extremely important for solving managerial, scientific, production and other issues that arise in the process of activity. It follows that without information and its analysis, the effective functioning and development of a company’s activities is impossible.

Conflict management in an organization Conflict - this is an open clash of parties, opinions, forces associated with differences in ideas about goals, ways and methods of achieving them, the nature of tasks and methods of solving them, etc.

Types of conflict:

1. Intrapersonal conflict. He can take various shapes, and of these the most common form is role conflict͵ when one person is presented with conflicting demands about what the result of his work should be or, for example, when production requirements are not consistent with personal needs or values. Research shows that such conflict can arise with low job satisfaction, low self-confidence and organization, and stress. 2. Interpersonal conflict. This is the most common type of conflict. It manifests itself in organizations differently. Most often, this is a struggle among managers for limited resources, capital or labor, time to use equipment, or approval of a project. Each of them believes that since resources are limited, he must convince higher management to allocate those resources to him rather than to another manager. Interpersonal conflict can also manifest itself as a clash of personalities. People with different personality traits, views and values ​​are sometimes simply unable to get along with each other. As a rule, the views and goals of such people differ radically. 3. Conflict between the individual and the group. Conflict may arise between an individual and a group if that individual takes a position that differs from that of the group. For example, when discussing ways to increase sales at a meeting, the majority will believe that this can be achieved by lowering the price. And someone alone will be convinced that such tactics will lead to a decrease in profits. Although this person A person whose opinion differs from that of the group may have the interests of the company at heart, he can still be seen as a source of conflict because he goes against the opinion of the group. 4. Intergroup conflict. Organizations are made up of many formal and informal groups. Even in the most best organizations Conflicts may arise between such groups. Informal groups that believe that the leader is treating them unfairly may become more united and try to “get even” with him by reducing productivity. A striking example intergroup conflict - a conflict between the trade union and the administration. Conflict management. Today, there are several ways to manage a conflict situation that have shown their effectiveness. Conventionally, they can be divided into two categories: structural and interpersonal. In order to begin the process of conflict management, it is extremely important to analyze the actual causes, and only then use the appropriate methodology. Within the framework of the structural approach, there are four methods of conflict resolution:1. Clarification of job requirements - clarification of what results are expected from each employee and department. 2. Coordination and integration measures - a positive effect is exerted by an integration mechanism based on the construction of a management hierarchy, the use of services that communicate between functions, cross-functional groups, task forces and meetings between departments. 3. Organizational comprehensive goals - Effective implementation of organization-wide goals that require the mobilization of the efforts of two or more employees, groups or departments. 4. Structure of the reward system.

Within the interpersonal approach to conflict resolution, there are five basic styles of conflict resolution: 1. evasion- avoidance of situations that provoke the emergence of contradictions, non-interference in the discussion of issues fraught with disagreement.

2. smoothing- characterized by behavior and the belief that the problem is not worth considering due to its insignificance.

3. coercion - attempts to force people to accept their point of view at any cost.

4. compromise- characterized by acceptance of the other party's point of view, but only to some extent.

5. solution- recognition of differences of opinion and willingness to get acquainted with other points of view in order to understand the causes of the conflict and find a course of action acceptable to all parties.

The role of information technology in the activities of a manager - concept and types. Classification and features of the category “The Role of Information Technologies in the Activities of a Manager” 2017, 2018.

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Communication technologies

Communication technology is a sequence of actions in communication that influences mass consciousness and uses the peculiarities of the mechanisms of perception, changes in opinions or attitudes towards a subject, as well as other social and socio-psychological mechanisms. Soloviev A.I. Fundamentals of information and communication activities. http://slou.net/index.htm

Mandatory structural elements communication technologies are the source of communication, the channel, the message and the recipient of the message. It is also necessary to take into account other elements of communication models, such as code, manipulative tool, default figure, feedback, message author, information noise, etc. Communication technologies comprise a set of methods, techniques, techniques and specialties, united by scope and goals.

Communication technologies are not exclusively a modern invention, because, for example, a sermon, a book, and shamanic singing are all communication technologies of varying degrees of intensity. Ultimately, they are all aimed at certain changes in consciousness. And they do this with completely predictable consequences.

These technologies primarily include advertising, Marketing communications, information management, public relations, promotion, press mediation, publicity, imageology, exhibition management, election technologies, psychology, crisis management, news, rumors, etc. No less interesting are the issues of information and psychological warfare, protection of information from unauthorized access , industrial espionage, as well as issues of information and disinformation. Soloviev A.I. Fundamentals of information and communication activities. http://slou.net/index.htm

In his book “Communication Technologies of the 20th Century” G.G. Pocheptsov considers “most technologies of the 20th century”: “These communication technologies have a large volume general characteristics, which allows us to combine them under a single book cover. Their characteristic feature is an attempt to influence mass consciousness, which distinguishes them from other options for interpersonal influence... Communication technologies, being mainly an invention of the twentieth century, will move with us into the twenty-first century, where they will receive their full development. Professions of the future should be prepared today” Pocheptsov G. G. Communication technologies of the twentieth century. - M.: Reflbuk, Wakler, 2000. - P. 4.

What professions do you mean? These are: PR manager, image maker, spin doctor, speech writer, press secretary, election technologist, negotiator, psi operator, crisis manager, rumor specialist, advertiser, psychotherapist.

Certain types of professional activities use corresponding communication technologies, which, in turn, represent special and exclusive know-how.

If, for example, we are talking about a humanitarian (election) technologist, then this is the specialist whose arsenal includes election (humanitarian) technologies. As is quite obvious from the name, the scope of the latter is the election campaign, election campaigns. Nowadays, there is a clear tendency to expand the scope of application of these technologies. Politicians are increasingly resorting to them not even during the election campaign, but to achieve goals other than winning elections.

There are also individual cases of the use of humanitarian technologies in business to promote goods, to buy up a particular enterprise, and to solve other problems.

This field of activity in Russia is generally considered young and is in its infancy. It still does not have an established name, there is no clear definition of what it is, and many terms and concepts (such as “technology” or “strategy”) are not used in a strict sense, but rather as metaphors.

It is interesting that rumors are a kind of “soft” communication technology, where it is not so much the transmission of the information itself that is important, but the transmission, most often, of a negative emotional reaction.

I would like to dwell on some communication technologies that are most popular on the market.

Public relations

Public relations is a much deeper and broader phenomenon than just departments operating in individual organizations and institutions, or independent public relations consulting firms whose services clients turn to. Both theorists and practitioners of the public relations system constantly emphasize that it is the science and art of shaping public opinion in the desired direction.

Public relations is a management function designed to evaluate public attitudes, identify the policies and actions of an individual or organization in relation to the public interest, and carry out a program of activities aimed at achieving understanding and acceptance by the masses.

As a public relations management function, it covers:

· foresight, analysis and interpretation of public opinion, relationships and controversial issues that can positively or negatively affect the activities and plans of the organization;

· advising management at all levels of the organization on decision-making, determining the direction of action and communication, with mandatory consideration of the social consequences of its activities, as well as the social and civil responsibility of the organization as a whole;

· the continuous development, implementation and evaluation of activity and communication programs to ensure that the organization's goals are understood by an informed public, which is an important precondition for achieving them. These may include marketing, financing, fundraising, employee relations, government relations, etc. programs;

· planning and implementation of the organization’s efforts aimed at improving social policy;

· setting goals, drawing up a plan and budget, recruiting and training personnel, raising funds, in other words, managing resources to accomplish all of the above.

The communication space is filled with messages from various sources. It’s not PR’s job to manage all of this, not at all. Brownian motion, which is practically impossible. PR tries to create an environment within this communication space that is favorable for its objects. This is a narrower task, so achieving it seems possible. There is a struggle to get into the focus of public attention, a struggle for a balanced combination of positive and negative statements about the PR object.

PR relies on existing communication flows, be it mass media or rumors, trying to prepare its own message options for them. The complexity of such units lies precisely in the fact that they must satisfy the requirements of two systems at once: the external one, which forms the communication space, and the internal one, which meets the specific goals of PR work.

In general, it can be noted that regardless of whether he is engaged or not this company or an organization specifically for PR, the latter is still involved in them, since there are communication flows and one or another reputation is formed. But a person tends to buy products known to him, contact a well-known company, ignoring unknown products, an unknown company.

Once again I would like to emphasize that the work is carried out with communication flows, changes in which should lead to a change in the situation. This is not a direct, but an indirect role. As Peter Green writes: “PR does not create sales, it creates an atmosphere in which sales are more likely to be made.”

One of important aspects the general perception and assessment of an organization is the impression it makes, that is, its image (image). Regardless of the desires of both the organization itself and public relations specialists, image is an objective factor that plays significant role in assessing any social phenomenon or process.

Corporate or organizational image- This is the image of the organization in the minds of public groups. A positive image increases competitiveness commercial organization On the market. It attracts consumers and partners, accelerates sales and increases their volume. It facilitates the organization’s access to resources (financial, informational, human, material) and conduct of operations.

Image may be slightly different for various groups the public, since the desired behavior of these groups in relation to the organization may differ. In other words, the same organization can be perceived (or strive for a specific perception) differently by investors, government agencies, local and international communities. For example, the wider national public prefers the company's civic stance. To the international public, global companies strive to be “corporate global citizens.” The company's high competitiveness is important for partners. In addition, there is an internal image of the organization - as the staff’s idea of ​​their organization. We can say that the organization has several images: for each group of the public - its own. The synthesis of ideas about the organization of various public groups creates a more general and comprehensive idea of ​​the organization (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5.

A correctly selected image is the most effective method working with mass consciousness. The image reflects those key positions, to which mass consciousness unmistakably reacts. This is an attempt at translation mass consciousness to automatic reactions. It sets proven ways to identify an object. As a result, the object becomes recognizable and non-threatening. We begin to easily predict his actions. Let's call this image function identification.

There is one more function of image that we must take into account. Let's call it idealization. In this case, the image tries to pass off wishful thinking as reality. In both cases, the image has a contrasting function, since it is built systematically, based on existing other images.

Corporate image is also important in financial management. Image is an implicit (intangible) asset, reflected in the corresponding item on the active part of the balance sheet of North American and Western European companies in value terms.

Image is undoubtedly a tool for achieving the strategic goals of an organization. Strategic goals are those that affect the main aspects of the organization’s activities and are oriented toward the future. The benefits of a positive image are obvious.

Image is not only a means, a management tool, but also an object of management. A positive image is created by the company's core activities, as well as targeted information work aimed at target groups of the public.


The spin doctor's job is to prepare the audience's expectations. She is prescribed in advance exactly how she will act when some event occurs. Most often, a spin doctor is busy correcting the coverage of an event in the media after the information development has taken an unfavorable hue. The word “spin” itself means “spinning, whirling.” That is, it is a presentation of events in a more favorable form. On modern language we can define this field as news management.

The spindoctor organizes and reorganizes the event in its communication plane. The main aspect of each organized event is its consequences for mass audience(“how will this come back to haunt you?”). Every step is measured from this perspective. For an event from the position of a spin doctor, the purely communication aspect turns out to be dominant. The spindoctor is able to beat the situation, and this is his the most important property. It does this by selecting the most effective messages, placing them in the most important channels, choosing to right time. The best of them are virtuosos of working with mass media. The spindoctor is aimed not so much at creation as at preventing the creation of an event that is not what is required.

The spindoctor can also leak information and deploy pressure groups across the country that are designed to support certain demands. Its possibilities are wide, if not limitless. Pocheptsov G. G. Communication technologies of the twentieth century. - M.: Reflbuk, Wakler, 2000. - P. 58. But still, the possibilities of a spindoctor are not unlimited. However, this new specialty demonstrates to us completely new possibilities for managing mass consciousness.


New information technologies such as the Internet are now actively used to disseminate various information.

The advent and development of the Internet has increased whole line tools whose function is to achieve the goal of promoting goods, as well as several additional tasks associated with the use of the Internet - these include creating and promoting your own website and creating your own unique image on the Internet, organizing feedback through forums, email and etc.

Communication policy carried out on the Internet is a course of action of an enterprise aimed at planning and implementing the interaction of the company with all subjects of the marketing system based on the use of a set of Internet communications tools that ensure stable and effective generation of demand and promotion of goods and services to markets in order to meet needs buyers and profit.

A company's Web site is usually the centerpiece of its Internet communications policy. Therefore, the task of its promotion is so important, the effectiveness of the entire communication policy largely depends on its successful implementation.

Having a well-developed traditional brand can also greatly facilitate the task of creating an effective Internet communication policy, but it is possible that in order to achieve maximum effectiveness of Internet communications, it will be necessary to create a new brand or transform an existing one to make it interactive.

Based on the intensity of impact, communication technologies can be divided into low-intensity and high-intensity.

High-intensity technologies make it possible to bring about changes in public consciousness within short period time. Low-intensity technologies are designed for a longer period. As a result of their actions, a favorable context is created for possible future actions. Low-intensity technologies have the advantage that their goals are known to the communicator but unknown to the recipient of the information. In the case of high-intensity technologies, the purpose of communication is obvious to both the sender and the recipient. Therefore, it may encounter resistance from the audience; in the case of low-intensity technology, the goal turns out to be “hidden,” which makes it possible to present it as neutral information.

Low-intensity technologies include mythological communications, when a particular basic value system is created. Almost all periods of our history are associated with one or another system of mythological values, which in turn allow us to interpret events at the next levels.

High and low intensity technologies solve different types tasks. The combination of both allows you to carry out wide circle specific tasks. But in any case, low-intensity technology must come into play first, creating a positive context for the subsequent entry into action of high-intensity technology.

Communication technologies help strengthen existing positive characteristics and hide or reduce the impact of negative characteristics.

Within a single communication campaign there can be low-intensity and high-intensity elements. Some of them are focused on long-term results, others - on short-term results. Some act indirectly, others directly. But it is the long-term elements that make it possible to systematically combine the elements of short-term impact.

At the same time, the reaction to low-intensity elements is more successful from the point of view of influence, since they do not require significant shifts in consciousness.

Communication technologies are just that: technologies because they provide a large share likelihood of achieving the planned result. This is not a random, but a systematic process aimed at unconditionally influencing the audience.

Communication technologies have become as much a feature of our civilization as, for example, means of transport. Both here and there there is serious variety, adapted to certain needs. As a result, the desired effect is achieved with a minimum of material and intellectual resources.

The communication potential of an enterprise is structured by classifying its tools, which represent both a set of means of communication influence and a set of tools used in the development and implementation of these means. Classification of communication tools is a convenient technique for identifying gaps in the communication policy of an enterprise.

Distribution channels

Decisions about choosing distribution channels are among the most difficult and critical decisions a company must make. Each channel is characterized by its own levels of sales and costs; Having chosen a particular marketing channel, the company must, as a rule, use it for a fairly long period of time. The choice of channel will have a significant impact on other components of the marketing mix and vice versa.

Each firm needs to develop several options for reaching the market. Unlike direct selling, these routes to market are channels with one, two, three, or more layers of intermediaries. Distribution channels are characterized by constant, often dramatic, change. Three most significant Recent trends are the spread of vertical, horizontal and multi-channel marketing systems. These trends have important implications in terms of cooperation, conflict and competition among distribution channels.

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  • Far Eastern Federal University
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IN modern world information technology has become an integral part of business. Company managers are already aware of the benefits of IT technologies and the latest scientific developments associated with them. In the 21st century, the winner in the competition is the one who quickly acquires the most complete and reliable information.

The main direction of restructuring management and its radical improvement, adaptation to modern conditions there has been a massive use of the latest computer and telecommunications technology, and the formation of effective information and management technologies on its basis.

So where is the intersection between information technology and management?

The manager always has to make decisions in conditions of great uncertainty: inflation, fluctuating exchange rates, changes in tax and legal working conditions, and competitors are not asleep. Computers can quickly and efficiently calculate options and provide answers to all sorts of questions of this type. This is perhaps one of the main advantages of a computer over a person.

But this does not mean that now, instead of managers, all decisions will be made by computers. According to Grid's Law, "a computer program does what you tell it to do, not what you want it to do." The fifth law of unreliability says: “A person can make mistakes, but only a computer can completely confuse everything.” Therefore, computers act as consultants, the corresponding information systems are called decision support systems, and decision making remains with the manager.

The relevance of issues of informatization of all spheres of socio-economic life is quite obvious. Currently, the need for effective computer programs and technologies is increasing.

Information systems should not be ignored by managers, as they play an important role in modern organizations. The wealth of most of the largest companies is associated with information technology. Today's systems directly influence the decisions and plans of managers. They are playing strategic role in the activities of the company.

Due to the fact that the role of information systems in an organization is rapidly increasing, management support systems have been developed. They are designed to provide support to a manager or group of managers. These systems include applications to support management decision making.

There are organizational systems that are designed to support the enterprise as a whole or its large departments, such as transaction processing systems, data storage and groupware. Together they provide a relatively comprehensive view of information technology applications within a single organization (intra-organizational systems). In addition, there are intra-organizational systems that affect limited parties such as electronic data interchange, as well as other electronic applications using the Internet.

Organizational systems are important for both business management and any type of organization. However, organizational systems were designed to support the organization as a whole, not a specific manager. Management support systems, in contrast, are designed specifically to support managers who make strategic decisions for organizations.

It is obvious that information technology, despite its revolutionary nature, did not cancel the production process, did not remove competitors, and did not take away the right to make decisions from a person. The company has not ceased to exist, even if it has become virtual; the external environment continues to exist and has even grown. The tools for managing a company have changed, but they have changed so much that they have affected all the processes to which managers are involved: planning, organization, leadership and control.


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  2. V.G. Shipunov, E.N. Kishkin / Basics management activities. - M., Higher. school, 1999.
  3. V.V. Braga, N.G. Bubnova, L.A. Vdovenko / Automated information technologies. - M.: Computer: UNITY, 1999.