Strategy (program) of marketing communications in the company. Marketing Communication Strategies

Marketing communications are the basis for all areas of market activity, the goal of which is to achieve success in meeting the total needs of society. They serve as an important tool in public relations in the commercial sphere.

To expand sales and create a positive market image, organizations use a communication model that forces them to abandon passive adaptation to market conditions and move to a policy of influencing the market in order to active formation demand for the products or services sold.

Marketing communications today are actively used as an effective marketing tool, including the practice of bringing to consumers the information necessary for an enterprise.

At the organizational level, communications represent a dynamic process that includes not only information flows, but also the entire gamut of psychological interaction within the workforce and with external business partners.

Communication is the process of transferring information from its owner (communicator) to its final consumer (communicator).

Communications in organizations are represented by a developed network of channels designed to collect, systematize and analyze information about the external environment, as well as to transmit processed messages back to the environment. The communication system serves as a means of integrating organizations with the external environment.

Any communication involves the exchange of signals between the transmitter and the receiver using an encoding-decoding system to record and interpret the signals. The communication model is shown in Fig. 1.1.

Transmitter (communicator) ) – an individual or organization transmitting information. This party must possess many characteristics in order for the message to be clear, distinct and persuasive.

Recipient (communicator) ) – the party receiving the message, i.e. the target audience.

Appeal is the main means of the communication process, which integrates a set of words, images, sounds, symbols transmitted by the transmitter to the recipient.

Rice. 1.1.

The main functions of communications are encoding, which assumes the form of the message image, and decoding (decoding), which facilitates the process of interpretation by the recipient of the encoded message.

Applying marketing concepts to communications involves developing messages that appeal to customers' experiences and use language they can decode.

The communicator's goal is to obtain a response from the target audience. In conditions of development market relations great importance is given to the content feedback. It is quite obvious that the effectiveness of communication feedback affects not only the immediate purchase decision, but also its purchase in the future, and the level of consumer loyalty.

The presented model identifies the key conditions for the effectiveness of communication, which involves the comprehensive development of decisions on the content of communications, justification and choice of strategy for public relations, exhibition marketing, packaging, advertising, promotion stimulation and social and corporate responsibility.

The basis for the effectiveness of communication solutions is the following functional components:

  • information – company management informs target audience groups about the existence of certain goods or services and explains their purpose, which is especially important for new products;
  • belief – is especially relevant in order to form a favorable attitude of the audience towards the company and its brands. The public relations techniques used have proven the effectiveness of the activities aimed at persuading them to make a purchase;
  • creating an image. In some markets, the company image created through marketing communications is the only or main difference between brands. Communications - images, trust and attitude towards the product - become components of the brand. In markets where products are simple and similar, images created through communications are the only way consumers can differentiate brands. Effective communication is the “key to the lock” at the “gate” of the market;
  • reinforcement. The main part of the appeals is aimed not so much at attracting new customers, but at convincing existing ones that, by purchasing the supplier’s product, they have done right choice. For established companies, retaining customers is much more important. higher value than purchasing new ones;
  • personal experience of buyers and their reviews of the product. The main component that is crucial for adjusting feedback.

The process of marketing communications management in practice uses integrated communications, which are called the “wheel of communications”, as they combine advertising, direct marketing, promotion system, personal selling, public relations, exhibition marketing, interactive marketing, corporate awareness, sponsorship. Moreover, direct marketing involves several communication methods, including telephone marketing, direct mail, and advertising campaigns by the corporation. Of great importance is the communication of “corporate awareness,” which manifests itself through cumulative contacts with members of the public, including architectural design, corporate identity, organizational culture, brand popularity, and customer service.

The marketing communications management process involves the following directions:

  • alignment of marketing communications with corporate goals (vertical integration). This requires the support of managers senior management not only on issues of integration, but also on the forms of implementation of communications. This becomes possible with a clear formulation of communication goals and objectives for gaining strong positions in sales markets;
  • coordination of the marketing communications strategy with the functional activities of corporate units (horizontal integration). During the approval process, a clear marketing communications program is needed, which must be realistic in execution both in terms of timing and sources of covering the need;
  • integration within the marketing mix, i.e. taking into account product, price, distribution, promotion and public relations. The company's brand, which integrates both a message and a corporate method of attracting the attention of target audiences of buyers, is of decisive importance;
  • financial integration. Start with a zero budget and include in it the cost of the communication channel and the total costs for sections of the communication program necessary to achieve the selected goals;
  • integration of positioning involves, first of all, the use of the latest information technologies, news releases, organization of presentations, participation in industry exhibitions, social events to strengthen corporate influence, competitive advantages, and market sustainability.

The implementation of marketing communications has specific advantages, namely: it is possible to increase sales and obtain the intended profit; achieve a clear communication channel as a result of breaking through barriers and obstacles; save money by removing elements of parallelism and duplication within the framework of the execution of a single program. Corporate efforts of company management should be primarily aimed at developing communication marketing strategies.

A firm's strategy is a logical scheme of activities by which the company hopes to achieve its objectives.

Marketing Communications Management – the company's purposeful activities to regulate market sustainability through information technology, promotional elements, advertising, exhibition organization, public relations, taking into account the influence of market patterns and trends.

The process of managing marketing communications involves the comprehensive development of decisions on the content of communications, justification and choice of strategy, public relations and social and corporate responsibility.

Any company strives to have an optimal set of communications that provides a marketing management system.

When justifying a set of marketing communications, it is necessary to carefully consider the main components, criteria and the main sequence of stages in the development of communication strategies.

The modern business environment is precarious and dangerous. It is extremely important for each company to have its own communications aimed at achieving the mission, taking into account the construction of a communication strategy model. This model represents a dynamic system, in the orbit of which the main components of philosophy constantly interact big business- these are people who carry out exchange processes as a result of creating the necessary contacts and commercial connections.

The winner will be the company whose management was able to carefully consider all the components and sequence of marketing communications of the model. When choosing marketing communications, the marketing manager must take into account the main criteria and sequence of stages in developing a corporate strategy. TO the most important criteria Marketing communication strategies include:

  • marketing goals for market penetration, gaining market share, developing innovation, successful positioning;
  • components of the quality of the information transmission channel, including: channel purity (no interference); level of impact on the recipient of information; creative approach to message content; objectivity, perspective of information; degree of perception and memorization of the message;
  • communication coordination. The peculiarity of this group of criteria is that it takes into account both managerial and psychological problems understanding and perception of partners. The use is based on the results of knowledge of an individual’s psychological reactions and his behavior in a socio-group, taking into account emotions, needs and inclinations;
  • coverage and degree of penetration of the communication message into target consumer groups as a result of the flexible use of TV, radio, electronic media, and mass media;
  • components of the availability of a communication channel, determined by the presence of favorable conditions for the passage of a message. At the same time, it is important to take into account the total costs of the cost of the channel, as well as “entering” target audiences. They should not be high and harm the profitability of the company;
  • control and comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of feedback, which ensures the dynamism and effectiveness of the marketing communications management process.

The development of marketing communication strategies involves the implementation of three main stages, shown in Fig. 1.2.

1. Preparatory stage for defining a system of criteria and justifying communication goals. At this stage, it is necessary to have a comprehensive bank of information data that allows you to perform a systematic assessment of the market situation and outline indicators of the final results of marketing, taking into account long-term profits.

Rice. 1.2.

  • 2. The main stage involves ranking a set of marketing strategies and its final selection. Determining tactics for its implementation while simultaneously cutting off areas that are practically unprofitable and difficult to implement.
  • 3. The final stage includes an assessment of the forecast for the effectiveness of planned communications. At the same time, sources of covering the necessary resources are determined, taking into account space and time. The key direction of this stage is the development of a mechanism for monitoring the implementation of all sections of the formation of marketing communication strategies for timely adjustment of marketing decisions.

Strategy – these are planning and management decisions (PMP) in the field of optimization of marketing communications, allowing to demonstrate the image and reputation of the company in society.

When forming a marketing communications strategy, it is necessary to take into account the mega-factors of economic globalization, and, first of all, the factors of buyer reaction to the products offered in different parts of the planet.

Openness national markets contributes to the formation of global awareness in the field of consumer culture, achievements of scientific and technological progress, and the specifics of government regulation.

It is quite obvious that the specifics of global marketing concern representatives of medium and large businesses engaged in export-import operations, i.e. international organizations, national and transnational companies, holdings, conglomerates, financial and industrial groups, unions, associations.

The management of these companies needs to develop marketing strategies with careful consideration of global factors in relation to the local segment of the sales market.

Of course, it is very difficult to determine the results of the use of marketing communications and their share in commercial success. Practice notes that the greatest success is achieved by those firms that develop strategies and allocate significant investments in creating reliable communications.

The practice of developing a global communications strategy distinguishes two types: centralized and decentralized.

Centralized global communications, typically developed from the headquarters center. An example would be a strategy transnational corporation Coca-Cola, which is called "General Assembly" and shows children around the world singing joyfully. This ad opens with the words: “I am the future of the world, the future of my nation!” and ends with the slogan “A message of hope from all who do Coca-Cola". A well-thought-out logo and a unified brand image are well suited to many countries around the world, and advertising media are interested in them.

Decentralized global communications are developed and implemented by each local structure or its agency in relation to the local market. With this strategy, the products of the same company are advertised in a wide variety of ways, taking into account the specific local characteristics. These strategies have a large cost mechanism, destroy a single corporate style, but at the same time maintain high initiative and creative approach.

For a flexible combination of internal, external and global communications, a well-thought-out program within the framework of a system document is required, thanks to which the material implementation of developed marketing communications becomes possible.

Marketing Communications Program – a system document that includes strategic, tactical and effective blocks for implementing marketing activities in order to achieve the company’s mission.

Before developing a marketing communications program, it is necessary to carry out not only an audit of the potential capabilities of goods, services, distribution systems, promotion, positioning, but also an assessment of customer needs to identify the level of unmet demand. At the same time, it is necessary to prevent possible “barriers” in the communication channel from competitors and unscrupulous media.

The main components of the marketing communications program are:

  • information Technology;
  • communication goals;
  • tasks of penetrating sales markets, improving the quality of service, developing diversification and restructuring;
  • tactics or specific actions using communication tools with specific deadlines and performers;
  • monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of each section of the program.

The main blocks of execution of the communication program are presented in Fig. 1.3.

First block program involves assessing the market situation using SWOT -analysis and content analysis. SWOT -analysis allows you to systematize the marketing activities of competitors, highlight their strengths and weak sides, identify corporate opportunities and develop market participation strategies.

Rice. 1.3.

Content analysis allows you to perform a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the content of integrated communications, determine their content and make decisions on specific areas of use.

When ranking communication goals, it is necessary to adhere to the “KIROS” principle, i.e. goals must be specific , measurable in space and time, correspond to the progressive development of the company, justified from the perspective of the dynamics and patterns of the market environment, correspond to resource potential and corporate opportunities.

General goal marketing communications – shaping the situation success of the company in the market and in society. To achieve the general goal, it is necessary to solve a number of other tasks in the field of strengthening competitive advantages, increasing market share, positioning of goods and services, and improving image.

Second block communication program is a tactical block, which includes a specific action plan taking into account the budget and state of resources.

The corporate budget provides the amount of money allocated to develop and implement a communications program. Among communication tools, advertising is the most expensive budget item. The largest share of expenses falls on television advertising. Therefore, when justifying your communications budget, the cost of advertising space must be carefully considered.

IN Lately TV and magazine audiences have declined, and advertisers are increasingly using electronic media. Research conducted by a renowned American group Forrester Research, led to the prediction that “in the coming years, traditional media will lose billions of dollars from advertising that will likely be posted on free Internet message boards.”

Final block programs - evaluative, based on regular monitoring and summing up the results of the communication policy.

Communication strategies can be successfully implemented in cases of careful preparation and development of communication programs in the main directions of communication policy, highlighting specific performers and deadlines. It is clear that the most popular programs are programs for conducting advertising campaigns, public relations campaigns, sales promotion, participation in both national and international fairs and exhibitions.

Cm.: Sinyaeva I. M., Maslova V. M.., Romanenkova O. N., Sinyaev V. V. Marketing PR and advertising: textbook. M.: UNITY-DANA, 2011. P. 271.

INTRODUCTION……..………………………………………………………..…….. 3
2.1. The concept of marketing strategy and tactics..……………………….. 7
2.2. Components of a marketing communications strategy…………... 9
2.3. Development of marketing communication strategies..………… 12
CONCLUSION ………………………………….…………………………..... 14
BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LIST…………………………………………………………… 15


In market conditions, the main and determining factor in the economic well-being of a company is the effectiveness of marketing communications aimed at maximizing customer needs for goods and services.

A modern company maintains communications with its intermediaries, consumers and various contact audiences. Its intermediaries, in turn, maintain communications with their consumers and various contact audiences. Consumers use oral communication in the form of word of mouth and rumors in their environment. And at the same time, each group maintains communication feedback with everyone else.

The communication strategy is based on corporate and marketing strategies that lay the foundation for the company's business goals. Its essence can be formulated as a set of the most effective methods and tools for influencing the target audience and the program for their use. This is a kind of map marked with flags that define the brand's offensive front. And tactics are already targeted influence on all levels external environment through the most effective communication channels and also through the formation of the necessary (adapted) information for each level.

The relevance of this topic does not raise any doubts, because to achieve all of the above goals, the company requires much more than just creating a product, setting a suitable price for it and ensuring its availability to target audiences; the company must communicate with its customers. And it is on the effectiveness of the latter that today’s sales volumes and profits depend.

The purpose of this work is to study the essence of the enterprise’s communication strategy. Achieving this goal requires setting the following tasks: 1. analyze the essence of marketing communications; 2. study the concept of marketing communication strategy; 3. consider the components of a marketing communications strategy; 4. describe the process of developing marketing communication strategies.


Marketing communications are the basis for all areas of market activity, the goal of which is to achieve success in the process of meeting the total needs of society. They serve as an important tool in public relations in the commercial sphere.

The main elements of marketing communications are advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, direct marketing, public relations, packaging, retail promotions, special events, promotions, trade shows, and other planned and unplanned communications.

It is necessary to emphasize that the role of the marketing communications system is constantly increasing. Obviously, in a saturated market, it is no longer enough to create an excellent product. Success can be achieved only in cases where the seller establishes a relationship, mutual understanding with the buyer, and creates an atmosphere of openness and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Marketing communications is the process of exchanging information between a company and other subjects of marketing activities with the aim of presenting and improving the activities of the company and its products.

Marketing communications differ from communications in in a general sense with its focus. The process of information exchange is determined by a single global goal of promoting the company and its products.

Marketing communication tools include advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, public relations, sponsorship, exhibitions and other elements of the marketing mix.

The main goal of communication policy is to promote the company and its products, that is, the dissemination of messages that create consumer and public loyalty to the company, informing, persuading or reminding about its activities or products. Achieving the goal involves solving the problems of managing communication programs and campaigns for individual products.

Setting goals for a communication policy is entirely based on the goals of marketing as a whole, which, in turn, are based on the mission and purpose of the enterprise. Next, a communication program is developed, i.e. a specific plan for using all marketing communications tools in accordance with the set promotion goals and a certain budget, and campaigns for individual products.

Any campaign in the field of advertising, PR, sales promotion or direct marketing is based on the analysis of information about the state of the external environment, the marketing and communication tools used, and includes the planning and implementation of activities to promote a specific object in a certain period of time, and performance monitoring.

Creating integrated marketing communications involves identifying the target audience and developing a carefully coordinated promotion program to obtain the desired consumer response.

Too often, marketing communications are aimed at solving pressing problems of the target market related to consumer awareness, company image, or purchasing preferences.

This approach to information transfer limits the process in time and makes it too expensive; In addition, most marketing messages are conveyed to the wrong people.

Today, marketers are beginning to view communications as long-term management of the buying and selling process. In other words, management begins in the period preceding the purchase and extends from the time of purchase, to the period of use of the purchased product and to the subsequent period.

Because every customer is different, a company must develop separate communications programs for each market segment, for each niche segment, and even for each individual customer. Especially considering the achievements latest technologies In the field of interactive communications, companies must ask themselves not only the question “How to convey their information to the consumer?”, but also “How to make sure that consumers can convey their information to us?”

Thus, marketing communications are carried out to strengthen the consumer’s commitment to the company and to the product. The main element in such activities is the promotion complex.

Promotion is any form of dissemination of messages that create consumer and public loyalty to a company, informing, persuading or reminding about its activities or products.


2.1. The concept of marketing strategy and tactics

Marketing strategy is the formation of goals, achieving them and solving the problems of the manufacturing enterprise for each individual product, for each individual market for a certain period. The strategy is formed in order to carry out production and commercial activities in full accordance with the market situation and the capabilities of the enterprise.

The role of strategy is to focus attention on the main areas or opportunities and discard all other available opportunities and solutions as incompatible with the strategy.

The process of developing a strategy does not end with a description of specific actions and the development of directions, progress along which ensures the growth and strengthening of the company's position.

When formulating a strategy, it is impossible to foresee all the opportunities and contingencies that will open up when drawing up a project of activities. Therefore, sometimes unclear and inaccurate information about various alternatives is used.

As more accurate information becomes available, the question may arise as to whether the original strategy needs to be adjusted. Therefore, feedback is needed to ensure its reformulation.

The enterprise strategy is developed on the basis of research and forecasting of product market conditions, studying customers, studying products, competitors and other elements of the market economy. The most common marketing strategies are:

1. Market penetration.

2. Market development.

3. Product development.

4. Diversification.

Depending on the marketing strategy, marketing programs are formed. Marketing programs can be targeted:

For maximum effect regardless of the risk;

Minimum risk without expecting a big effect;

For various combinations of these two approaches.

Marketing tactics - the formation and solution of enterprise objectives in each market and for each product in a specific period of time (short-term) based on the marketing strategy and assessment of the current market situation with constant adjustment of objectives as market conditions and other factors change: for example, changes in the price index, aggravation competition, seasonal drop in demand, decrease in buyer interest in the product, etc. Examples of setting tactical objectives could be the following:

2. Expand the product range based on updated data on consumer needs.

3. Expand the range of services provided by customer service departments to attract new customers.

4. Increase market share due to reduction in sales by competitors.

5. Structurally improve the product in accordance with the requirements of a specific market.

6. Carry out measures to stimulate staff.

2.2. Components of a Marketing Communications Strategy

Components of marketing strategy include products, markets (customers), strength (competitive advantage), scope, goals, resources, time. For a more specific strategy, such as a marketing communications strategy, there are some additional components to consider.

American authors such as Govoni, Eng and Galper (1986) believe that communication strategy consists of four key communication tools (advertising, sales promotion campaigns, sales and public relations), while the British scholar Tom Griffin (1983) believes that its fundamental element is a thorough understanding of the customer. According to the American Donald Schultz (1993), the key components of a communication strategy are the provision of differentiated benefits that consumers need, and Engel, Washow and Kinnear (1994) believe that the key components of such a strategy are integration, control and communication of attributes requiring satisfaction (consumer benefits).

However, there are very few actual examples of communication strategies provided in each of these three sources.

Table 1.

Key components of a marketing communications strategy.

Positioning Must maintain and consolidate position
Benefits Must enhance benefits that consumers want (and are not being satisfied by competitors)
Force Must emphasize creating sustainable competitive advantage
Competition Characterized by the presence of a competitive parameter

Presented in the form of market segments and goals plus all stages of their purchasing process, from the emergence of awareness of a product or service and interest in purchasing it to repeat (repeated) acquisitions

Can be defined as different types of consumers: from the most active users to beginners, from loyal to unstable

Direction Gives a clear description of the sequence of actions (in terms of positioning, benefits, etc.)
Tools Described as a set of communication tools, such as those used for mass or personalized campaigns
Integration Ensures consistent use of communication tools
Sequence of use of tools Determines, for example, whether advertising is necessary to generate awareness after sending direct messages? Should public relations be used before starting a sales program, etc.?
Time scale Used over a longer period of time than tactical or operational actions
Resources Indicated through the amount of costs when using certain tools (whether communications will be implemented through advertising or through sellers, etc.)
Goals Can be aligned with overall strategy goals
Marketing strategy Must be compatible with the overall strategy of the organization

Based on table 1, using the first letters of the words below, you can create the abbreviation SCDP-PIK, which includes the main components of the strategy available in this table. First, the first part: SCDP - segmentation, goal setting, goal achievement and positioning. Then comes the ICP subgroup - consistency (use of tools), integration (tools) and communication (using the communication tools used).

During the development of a communication strategy, it is necessary to determine what basic tools are necessary for its implementation and in what order it is preferable to use them.

Most of the components listed in the table (for example, segmentation, targeting and positioning) are fundamental to any marketing strategy and, therefore, should be included in any marketing communications strategy.

The above sequence shows that strategy must come before tactics. It is strategy that must guide tactics in the general movement, otherwise the latter can drift freely, subject to the influence of current problems, many of which sometimes arise chaotically. In other words, the strategy summarizes how the goals will be achieved.

Before a strategy is chosen, its individual options should be considered and assessed. IN real life There is always more than one option, and most often, out of two options, one is good and the other is bad. In fact, there are several options, some of which are better than others, and the easiest to implement is not always the best. However, before developing strategic options, let's consider a few definitions of strategy.

2.3. Development of marketing communication strategies

Stage 2. Selecting a strategy

Stage 3. Monitoring and evaluating effectiveness

Outcome evaluation

and adjustment

Rice. 1. Stages of developing marketing communication strategies

1. Preparatory stage for defining a system of criteria and justifying communication goals. At this stage, it is necessary to have a comprehensive bank of information data that allows you to perform a systematic assessment of the market situation and outline indicators of the final results of marketing, taking into account long-term profits.

2. The main stage involves ranking a set of marketing strategies and its final selection. Determining tactics for its implementation while simultaneously cutting off areas that are practically unprofitable and difficult to implement.

3. The final stage includes an assessment of the forecast for the effectiveness of planned communications. At the same time, the sources of covering the necessary resources are determined, taking into account space and time. The key direction of this stage is the development of a mechanism for monitoring the implementation of all sections of the formation of marketing communication strategies for timely adjustment of marketing decisions.


The main target function of marketing is aimed at creating consumer demand, increasing sales volume and market share. Knowing the products and services that consumers want and can purchase, the organization implements a strategy to manage marketing communications.

Marketing communications is a comprehensive system of external and internal communications to transfer messages from the manufacturer to the consumer to satisfy the aggregate demands of society and obtain the intended profit.

Despite the variety of approaches and differences in size, fragmentation and complexity, companies try to develop strategic decisions that influence all subsequent tactical communication tools, how they are integrated, how they relate to each other, how they coordinate with the consumer, etc. However, a counter-argument can always be made against the long-term strategic perspective, where tactics become preferable to strategy.

However, a communications strategy can help marketers develop better marketing communications strategies by firstly taking into account key components and secondly by encouraging the development of several strategic options from which to choose the most appropriate one.


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5. Marketing in industries and fields of activity: Textbook / Ed. Prof. V.A. Aleksunina. – 2nd ed., revised. And and extra - M.: Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2002. - 614 p.

6. Maslova T.D., Bozhuk S.G., Kovalik L.N. Marketing. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005. – 400 pp.: ill. – (Series “Textbooks for universities”).

7. Marketing: textbook / A. P. Mishchenko, A. I. Bannikov, M. Kh. Biktemirova; under general ed. A. P. Mishchenko. - M.: KnoRus, 2006. - 288 p.

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Aksinya Noskova

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Analysis is an important and integral part of strategy. When starting its development, we form basic hypotheses that will be confirmed or refuted using high-quality analytics. Confirmed hypotheses form the basis of the strategy. We don't show numbers for numbers' sake, even if they might make our presentation look impressive. We leave only verified data directly related to the logic of the strategy.

Don't try to reach all consumers

A communication strategy, just like a marketing strategy, hits the target when the highest priority segment is clearly defined. By trying to reach everyone, we reach no one. This fundamental approach is known in marketing as STP (Segmentation-Targeting-Positioning). Despite the popular name, many do not understand its meaning and importance. The approach is based on three stages of the same name:

1) At the Segmentation stage, it is decided how consumers can be divided into segments. There are a lot of approaches here, from well-known demographics to people’s character types.

2) At the Targeting stage, it is necessary to determine the attractiveness of each specific segment and focus on one or more priorities. Certain criteria have been developed for this.

3) At the last stage, the positioning concept for each priority segment is determined, The best way communication with him, and a unique message is formed that best matches the values ​​of a particular brand.

All consumers are driven by different incentives. They have different taste preferences, values ​​and aspirations. Within the media, their behavior also differs. Therefore, the effectiveness of a communication strategy grows in proportion to how clearly the priority segment is defined and how effectively a unique offer is formed.

Clearly define your audience's unique needs

The success of a communication strategy also depends on how correctly the needs of the most valuable audience segment are identified. This principle is related to the previous one and explains what effective Positioning should be.

People don't just buy this brand or that brand. They satisfy their individual needs. Therefore, communication is designed to convey to them exactly how we satisfy these needs, and not what product we sell.

I'll give a few enough famous examples communications to demonstrate the essence of the statement:

1. Everyone's favorite P&G campaign "Thank You Mom" ​​- "The Power of Mom", prepared for Olympic Games 2016 in Rio

She tells us about mothers who give up a lot for the sake of their children's achievements, and as a result remain in the shadows. They feel the need for gratitude and appreciation for their incredible, but invisible, efforts. This campaign conveyed the needs and emotions of the audience so accurately that it left no one indifferent.

2. Rocks campaign launched to support the launch of the new Nissan Juke in key European markets

The communication task was to interact with a young, advanced, urban audience. Its representatives love to stand out; they perceive communication with brands only in the form of dialogue and are looking for ways to realize their creative potential. Such an audience has a need for social recognition. The project gave them the opportunity to realize this need through participation in a competition between young rock bands from different cities.

3. They said great about individual communication needs Beeline - "Ficus". They very simply and clearly demonstrated how these needs differ and why it is more effective to create targeted offers.

Consumer preferences within media are also heterogeneous. They differ at the level of content, methods of obtaining this content, communication channels, frequency of contact with media and involvement. The most effective communication meets the unique preferences of consumers both in terms of a relevant message and within the media space comfortable for the consumer.

Follow the changes

Check the results of the strategy and, if necessary, adjust them. The market is dynamic, and new conditions require new approaches. Analytics helps to formulate a strategy vector and develop hypotheses. And the conclusions obtained as a result of such work must be periodically confirmed. A successful strategist always has his finger on the pulse. New tools and methods of communication are emerging, competitors are changing strategies, new aggressive players are entering the market, and consumer behavior is changing.

In such rapidly changing conditions, it is useful to use not only classic marketing techniques, but also more creative techniques:

1) It is necessary to feel the emotions of Consumers. There is no need to reduce everything only to analytical data and statistical calculations. Be sincerely interested in what is important to your customers. Ask how they see your brand and what they would like to add or change. Talk to people outside of organized focus groups. Support brand discussions on social networks and participate in them.

2) You can learn from your competitors. Moreover, it is useful to recognize their success. The communication strategy can be supplemented by successful cases that were implemented by competitors. And partnership with them can bring more benefits than life behind the Iron Curtain.

3) Look for new, non-standard opportunities for development in the market. There is no single established template for a successful communications strategy. B2B brands are launching extensive TV campaigns, food products are sold through social media, and the world's strongest brands are switching exclusively to content strategies. Why don't you open yourself up to the most incredible scenarios? To do this, test extraordinary hypotheses, be prepared to change flexibly and quickly on your own.

Perhaps the most interesting thing about being a strategist is the constantly changing external circumstances. It is necessary to constantly monitor what is happening around you. Under no circumstances should you “switch off” for a while. This keeps you in suspense, forces you to constantly develop and look for new solutions.

And in conclusion, I would like to note that all the advice given in this article is not the ultimate truth for everyone who has decided to develop communication strategies. By adopting these rules, you can get rid of common mistakes, but no one will tell you what to talk about in your strategy. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. Only you know what the “trick” of your idea is. Develop your own unique approach, drawing on existing experience and your own beliefs, and create your own successful strategy!

Text: Aksinya Noskova, Head of the consulting bureau Master Marketing

The concept of integrated marketing communications is a set of all types of communications in a company’s marketing activities that are used to achieve a specific goal. All elements complement each other, resulting in synergistic processes. Synergy makes it possible to achieve efficiency that cannot be obtained by using communications separately.

Objectives and principles of IMC

The concept of integrated marketing communications involves solving two main problems that are interconnected. Firstly, a system of communication messages must be created based on marketing communications tools. At the same time, IMC means should not contradict each other.

The second task is to maximize the effectiveness of marketing communications by finding the optimal combination of various tools. To do this, it is necessary to use BCI means within a specified period of time. various combinations to identify the most suitable combination.

The main principle of marketing communications is synergy. It makes it possible to structure work in such a way that IMCs support each other. In this case, the effect will be much higher than the result obtained in total from each individual communication.

The second principle is openness. The company must be open to cooperation with other enterprises. This allows you to achieve better business results. A striking example The collaboration between Coca-Cola and McDonald's is in favor.

IMC goals

Integrated marketing communications are used to solve many communication problems. Marketers and experts identify 8 main goals that must be achieved:

  • increased sales promotion;
  • holding events to present new products;
  • reminders about past promotions;
  • providing the buyer with all information on the product;
  • incentives for implementers;
  • holding promotions;
  • demand generation;
  • collecting information and presenting arguments in favor of purchasing the product.

All of the listed goals can be divided into a large number of private tasks, which are the objects of the IMC.

Promotion complex

The term “promotion complex” should be understood as a general system of integrated marketing communications. It allows marketers to analyze the whole where specialists previously saw individual elements. This approach allows you to look at IMC through the eyes of the buyer.

The classic complex of integrated marketing communications consists of 4 main elements:

  • advertising;
  • personal selling;
  • public relations;
  • sales promotion.

Over time, their number expanded. Identity, souvenir advertising, sponsorship and branding.

These integrated marketing communications system tools allow you to develop a comprehensive advertising campaign. Despite the fact that the IMC concept involves the use of a large number of tools, it is not necessary to use advertising, sales promotion, propaganda and personal selling at the same time to achieve the desired result.

On initial stages To promote a product, marketers need to conduct segmentation in order to determine the target group of customers. This is what influences which integrated marketing communications tools need to be used. The result of the application of the IMC are indicators of an increase in the volume of profits and the number of goods sold.

Means and techniques

To achieve the goals of an advertising campaign, a number of means and techniques are used. All means of integrated marketing communications can be divided into two large categories: external and internal. The former are used to attract more visitors to the store, and the latter are aimed at creating an attractive interior and psychological arousal, which should encourage the client to purchase a product.

External means can be represented by signs, ice cameras, mannequins, display windows and images of people installed outside stores. Internal means include design, equipment, smells, music, room decoration, and the manner of communication of employees.

The main techniques of integrated marketing communications are mobile designs large sizes, made of cardboard, which cling to the ceiling above the place where goods are sold; wobblers - small devices mounted on legs and pointing at the product; and jumbies - huge figures that repeat the shape of the product, for example, a package of juice, a bottle of mineral water, a box of chocolates, etc. Larger supermarkets may also have large displays that play promotional videos.


To study the concept of integrated marketing communications, it is necessary to consider such an area as advertising. With its help, the company disseminates information about its product in order to generate consumer interest in the product or service.

  • anti-advertising;
  • counter-advertising;
  • social;
  • a commercial;
  • political.

Anti-advertising is used to reduce buyer interest in a particular product. And counter-advertising acts as a tool to refute negative information about a product or service. Often these two species are related to each other. Counter-advertising can be a company's response to the actions of competitors.

Based on location, this element of integrated marketing communications is divided into internal, external, media advertising and BTL. The first two types differ only in that in the case of indoor advertising, advertisements are placed indoors, while outdoor advertising involves placing advertisements on the street.

Advertising in the media is the most common and effective type. But good results require a lot of money. This element of IMC usually includes advertising on television, radio and the Internet. The latter has become very popular in recent years. BTL advertising tools include conferences, viral marketing, mailings, sponsorship and other methods of work.

Internet advertising

This type of advertising began to gain popularity several years ago and this moment it is one of the most convenient and effective ways promotion of goods. To achieve the necessary results of an advertising campaign deployed on the Internet, you need to choose the right platform for placing ads.

One of these is the social network VKontakte, which has several hundred million users. To advertise in the most popular social network CIS targeting is used. This promotion method allows you to highlight the target audience, thereby weeding out all unnecessary social network users who will not be interested in purchasing the product.

Sales promotion

Sales promotion is another tool for integrated marketing communications. It represents a series of sequential activities aimed at promoting sales throughout the product channel. The purpose of using sales promotion is to increase the speed of sales of the enterprise's products.

This element of the IMC is divided into two categories: stimulation retail and buyers. The first type involves concluding additional transactions with sellers and holding competitions for them. The second includes discounts, sweepstakes, promotions and loyalty programs.

Sales promotion events are carried out in places where products are sold. In order to achieve greater impact, some companies conduct a small advertising campaign to inform customers about planned events.

Personal selling

Personal selling is a method of promoting products in which the seller has personal contact with the buyer. During communication, the client can ask questions to find out all the information he is interested in about a product or service. Personal selling is designed to solve the following problems: finding a buyer, persuading the client to test the product, maintaining feedback.

Compared to other types of integrated marketing communications, personal selling has the following advantages:

  • dialogue;
  • possibility of establishing long-term business relations between buyer and seller;
  • availability of feedback;
  • convenience for buyers;
  • individual attention to each individual client;
  • the ability to inform a large number of potential buyers;
  • the presence of personal contact between counterparties;
  • the ability to accumulate information regarding demand for products;
  • high level of performance.

Despite a number of positive aspects, this element of the BCI also has disadvantages. Firstly, the buyer’s behavioral culture is greatly influenced by the presence of negative traits in the seller. Secondly, personal selling is expensive. Third, this type integrated marketing communications is characterized by a limited number of connections due to the presence of time frames.

Public relations

Public relations is one of the technologies that is used in the integrated marketing communications system. This is the process of managing public opinion. There are two main tasks that must be solved with the help of a PR campaign. First, public relations must establish contact between buyers and sellers. Secondly, with their help, companies promote their goods and services in a competitive market.

According to many experts, public relations should be considered the fifth element of the marketing mix, along with price, promotion, product and sales. The difference between public relations and marketing communications is that the latter promotes the products of an enterprise, while PR promotes organizations and people. Thus, due to the fact that public relations are part of integrated marketing communications, the latter go beyond the classic market segment.


The term “branding” is the process of creating a company’s image over a certain period of time. The main principle is the correspondence between the quality of goods/services that the company promotes to the market and the needs of society.

One of the key stages of branding is the development of integrated marketing communications. It consists of the following components:

  • media plan;
  • development and placement of advertising products;
  • loyalty programs.

A media plan is a set of channels through which advertising will be placed. It is created in order to obtain the maximum possible effect from an enterprise’s advertising campaign.

IMC Strategies

There are 4 main strategies for integrated marketing communications:

  • intensive development;
  • extensive development;
  • competitive
  • trusting relationships.

The first type has a second name - the strategy of increasing the consumer. It is used to increase secondary demand for the company's products. Using a strategy makes it possible to increase the intensity of purchases, the popularity of the product, and also creates new ways of using the company's product.

The extensive development strategy is aimed at increasing primary demand. Its main goal is to conquer new markets and customers. It is chosen in cases where the market is not saturated and is in a state of stagnation. The strategy of increasing primary demand is used in cases where a company plans to enter a new market. This gives her the opportunity to increase her popularity and earn a positive image.

Competitive strategy allows a company to analyze the products of other companies. Depending on the data received, the company can choose a behavior model that will be most effective in a competitive environment.

The main objective of the trust relationship strategy is to create existing customers. At their expense, the company can attract new consumers. To achieve these goals, advertising tools and improving the image of the product are used.

IMC Management

To implement any strategy, it is necessary to choose a model for managing integrated marketing communications. Most effective management involves the use of a variety of BCI tools. The choice of tools is influenced by the willingness of the company’s customers to purchase goods.

Any model consists of the following stages:

  • analysis of the market situation;
  • development of goals and formation of IMC tasks, as well as their coordination with the goals and objectives of the enterprise’s marketing activities;
  • choice of strategy;
  • development of the structure of integrated marketing communications;
  • selection of BCI tools;
  • implementation;
  • monitoring the IMC implementation process and monitoring its effectiveness.

There are 4 stages of buyer readiness:

  • awareness;
  • perception;
  • purchase;
  • repeat purchase.

The costs of personal selling and sales promotion increase at each stage. At the same time, advertising costs are reduced.