Dwarf from Little Big. Little Big: little people of big show business

The creator of cult Internet projects, Ilya Prusikin, fell in love with the public because the 32-year-old intellectual keeps up with the times, not being afraid to raise acute social issues in his work that are not customary to talk about in modern society.

The future scandalous video blogger was born on April 8, 1985 on the border of Russia and China - in Transbaikalia. Later, “Ilyich” (creative pseudonym) will move to St. Petersburg with his parents. Contrary to popular belief, the cultural capital will become a city of great opportunities for an ambitious guy.

In addition to the fact that Ilya loved to shock the public since childhood, the network figure grew up as a mischievous, active child: he played baseball as an outfielder, was fond of football and went to an aircraft modeling club.

On top of everything else, the parents, seeing considerable creative potential in their son, sent their son to music school, to piano class. From the biography of the Internet star it is known that in addition to secondary and musical education, Ilya also has a higher education. The man graduated from the psychological and pedagogical faculty of the St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture.

In 2011, the promising young man began collaborating with the subsidiary label company “Thank you, Eva!” Later, Prusikin’s projects will bring great popularity to the channel. Thus, stylized as the children's program “The Guffy Guff Show” (2012) and “The Great Rap Battle” (2012), in which, through recitative the mighty of the world who entered into confrontation with each other will turn out to be the highest rated on the video grouping platform. In fact, both programs exposed the social ills of society and ridiculed the well-known vices of humanity.

A little later, in 2012, the young man will become a producer and part-time actor of an analogue of the series “Real Boys” - the Internet sitcom “Police Weekdays”. The film produced by “bloggers” stars the brightest representatives of YouTube: a pioneer in the field of streaming, members of the rap group “Bread”, “general of the pajama army” Sam Nickel and many others. Despite such an abundance of youth idols in square meter, the series did not find a response in the hearts of young viewers, and after 3 episodes the unpromising project was closed.

A year later, with a friend on the YouTube video hosting site, the man creates the “Klikklak” association. According to the creators, the audience of Klikklak is boys and girls with active life position and a good sense of humor. The channel’s page publishes such shows as “Give me some bream”, “Children’s trash games”, “As you say”, “Shocking karaoke” and “Experiment Destroyers”.


In 2006, “Ilyich” became a member of the little-known emo-rock group “Tenkor”. The Russian public liked the guys’ creativity so much that the enterprising young men released several records (EP “It Will Be Late”, LP “My Last Letter”, EP “ROCK, Baby!”, “SEX POLICE”). Also, the “YouTube hero” had experience working with the groups “Like A Virgin”, “St. Bastards" and "Construktorr".

Despite such abundance musical groups, the rave team “Little Big” brought “Ilyich” worldwide fame.

On April 1, 2013, Prusikin and his friends posted the video “Every Day I’m Drinking” online as an April Fool’s joke and instantly divided the country into two camps. The first believed that the group was denigrating a great power, exposing all the worst that is in Russia, the second saw the group’s work as satire in pure form.

The band members themselves publicly declared: “Little Big” is musical reflection society. In their songs, the guys openly ridicule national stereotypes of behavior and life of Russian people.

According to the stories of “Ilyich”, the scandalous group might not have existed at all if in July 2013 the guys had not been invited to warm up for the famous South African group “Die Antwoord”. At that time, the “Little Big” repertoire consisted of one song. Hardworking young people wrote six songs within a month and shot videos, which sold like hot cakes.

On May 21, 2016, the videos for the song “Give Me Your Money” and “Big Dick” became laureates at the Berlin Music Video Awards 2016. “Big Dick” took first place in the Most Trashy category, and “Give Me Your Money” took 3rd place in the category Best Performer.

The “viral” project has taken root not only in Russia, but also abroad. Thus, in France and Holland, an art group with balalaikas and vodka gained enormous popularity.

The satirical collaboration of the rave group Little Big has won the hearts of listeners around the world.

Personal life

Until 2016, nothing was known for certain about “Ilyich’s” personal life.

Fans assumed that the short man (Ilya’s height is 165 cm) was dating the famous vlogger Ira Smelaya. The reason for the speculation was that the girl appeared more than once in videos both on the Klikklak channel and on Prusikin’s personal channel.

Moreover, the frontman of the group “Little Big” is the ideological inspirer music project"TATARKA", in which Ira is a key character. Contrary to popular belief, the cloud rapper did not appear out of nowhere. The audience knew her before from the DIY programs “Fashion Trashon”, “M/F” and vlogs called “Tatar Everyday Life”. By the way, the Smelaya channel on the popular video hosting has 577 thousand subscribers. People started talking about the charismatic brunette on a national scale at the end of 2016, after the “viral” clip “Altyn” appeared online.

The rumors circulating around famous media personalities were confirmed on July 6, 2016, when the wedding ceremony took place star couple. Only close friends and relatives were invited to the wedding. But the young people did not forget about their loyal fans. Ilya posted a one-minute video on his YouTube channel where he and his wife were captured at the time of painting.

Name: Olympiya Ivleva

Age: 28 years old

Height: 130

Activity: singer, actress

Marital status: not married

Olympia Ivleva: biography

This charming petite girl was going to become a professional psychologist, but a lucky chance brought her to show business. In 2013, Olympia became the vocalist of a rave group, in which she gained incredible popularity. However, at the peak of success, the singer decided to leave the team to get serious about acting career. In 2017, Ivleva already starred in leading role in the film "Lily".

Childhood and youth

Olympia was born on June 21, 1990 in St. Petersburg. She is a native Petersburger in the third generation. The girl’s parents have nothing to do with creativity, but they raised their daughter to love books and good music.

The school period left an ambivalent feeling in the soul of the future artist: on the one hand, an unforgettable time of childhood, new knowledge, friends, fun communication, on the other, the first negative emotions and resentments from the cruel attitude of other children.

“I never focused people’s attention on my height (the girl’s height is 130 cm, weight is about 40 kg) and I never felt different from everyone else. For the first time I encountered ridicule at school...”, the actress recalls that period of her biography.

In an interview with the “gentle editor,” Olympia spoke about how in the 5th grade she was attacked by two high school students. However, this story ended well, albeit a little late. When the girl was already studying at the university, the offenders met her and asked for forgiveness.

Having experienced a lot of negativity in childhood and adolescence associated with the lack of education of other people, Olympia decided to become a psychologist. And I wanted to work specifically with children with disabilities health.

After graduating from school, Lipa, as her relatives call her, entered the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology, where she studied for 5 years, leaving her alma mater as a certified specialist. By the time she graduated, the girl had accumulated a lot of creative material: while still a student, she became interested in photography, organizing animation events, exhibitions, etc.

Therefore, in no hurry to open a psychological practice, Olympia continued to “hang out” in underground circles, where she was noticed by the musicians of the Little Big group.

Music and creativity

Initially, 23-year-old Olympia was invited to film the “Harlem shake” video. The initiator was former soloist"Little Big" - . She introduced the girl to the group's producer Alina Pyazok, founder and lead singer.

“There was no talk of any invitation to the team, there were no clear plans to create a project... Everything happened on its own: the video took off, the guys decided to continue filming... Then the first performances began,” the artist said about her appearance in the group.

In 2014, the band’s debut album “With Russia From Love” was released. But true success overtakes the musicians after the video for the song “Give Me Your Money” with the participation of the Estonian artist Tommy Cash.

Anna Kast and Ilya Prusikin

And if Olympia already had experience filming in a swimsuit, then in this video she appears topless. According to the artist, this was a serious step for her, and the girl was especially worried about how her mother, who is a rather conservative person, would take it. But everything worked out, the woman accepted new activity daughters.

Meanwhile, Lipa’s career in the team was gaining momentum. The artists were accepted and loved in Europe. And now the guys toured not only the cities of Russia, but throughout the Old World. At the very beginning of her touring career, Ivleva fulfilled her childhood dream - she visited Paris. “Little big” visited Germany, Spain, Holland, Belgium, France and a number of other countries with concerts. And the little soloist, who performs under the pseudonym Olympia Twerk, is called the “pearl of the team.”

Having traveled around the world, Olympia realized that she liked to travel, study the life and culture of other countries. Back in 2013, Lipa started her own vlog on YouTube and began posting video notes about her voyages, as well as behind-the-scenes footage from concert and film sets and other fascinating recordings.

In 2016, the vocalist of the group “Little Big” starred in the provocative video “Big Dick”, which took 1st place at the Berlin Music Video Awards in the “Most Trashy” category. The video is a parody-banter of pop culture and is filled with indecent images and gestures, but has become a record holder for views - over 35 million.

Song "Big Dick"

In 2017, Anna Kast told reporters that Olympia does not sing in the group herself; a professional vocalist does it for her. Lipa did not comment on the statement, but the girl told the Gentle Editor that “her vocals are definitely present in the Little Big recordings.”

On April 1, 2018, on the eve of the release of the new album “Antipositive, Pt.”, Olympia announced her departure from the band. The date of the statement initially convinced fans that it was a joke. But it soon became clear that Lipa had indeed left the group. Summing up the results of her work, ex-colleagues came up with some kind of statistics:

“Over the course of 5 years with Olympia, we created 14 million-dollar videos, played over 300 concerts, and traveled to many cities in many countries around the world.”

The singer herself admitted that she made a very serious and difficult decision for herself.

“Little Big is a huge part of my life, it’s a part of me. I devoted 5 whole years to the project. But at one point I realized that I couldn’t give him anything more,” the ex-soloist commented on her departure.

Also among the reasons last girl named the desire to develop as a dramatic actress. This desire appeared in Olympia after her role in the film “Lily” - a project of Channel One. The singer appeared in the form main character- circus performer Lily, who falls in love with an ordinary rural guy, and their love undergoes a series of tests.

Personal life

Olympia does not advertise her personal life, but does not hide it either. She has been dating a guy named Alexey for 3 years.

The couple tested the strength of the relationship for a long time, the young people broke up three times, but realized that they could not live without each other. Alexey is not from a creative background, he is into drifting.

Olympia Ivleva now

Now, according to Ivleva, she is running two business projects: the first is related to the sale of peanut butter, the second is related to underwear.

The ex-singer also continues to be interested in photography (works can be viewed in "Instagram") and takes the first steps towards his dream - an acting career.


  • 2014 - “With Russia From Love”
  • 2015 - “Funeral Rave”
  • 2018 - “Antipositive, Pt. 1"
  • 2018 - “Antipositive, Pt. 2"

A century after the October Revolution, in the cradle of the Russian revolution appears new Ilyich. Arriving from the Trans-Baikal hinterland, hitherto unknown in the area, the young man Ilyusha decides to conquer the St. Petersburg public with his extraordinary behavior and comes up with a purely Slavic game. Having posted a funny short film on the Internet with obvious mockery of the domestic mentality, he achieves his first wild success.

The video fires like an epoch-making blank shell from a legendary cruiser, now in perpetual lay-up. April Fool's Prank over the jaded subscribers of a popular farce video attracts the attention of the local crowd. A former baseball player and graduate of the Institute of Culture is offered to urgently put together a team of buffoons.

Following the long tradition of the noisy sensation of fairground entertainment, an enterprising blogger and certified entertainer gathers a team of like-minded people who are ready to dance on stage to someone else’s tune, because the nascent company does not have its own songs. Having successfully worked as the opening act for Die Antwoord, the guys become notorious. A couple of short girls, standing out against the backdrop of freshly minted stars, contribute to the emergence of a name for an educated ensemble.

The wave of popularity causes an incredible surge of creative activity among the newly-minted performers of satirical couplets. They record a dozen simple texts accompanied by an exciting drum roll with an admixture of folk motifs. The Russian consumer of online entertainment products is instantly divided into two hostile camps. Some consider the upstarts on the stage to be scumbags mocking the sacred, others are inclined to believe that the newcomers deliberately use satire with melodic accompaniment in the traditional national ornament to force a rapprochement with the masses.

The authors of the original compositions themselves publicly declare that such an approach to music is a reflection of modern society. They openly ridicule existing behavioral stereotypes and the existence of a person from Russia. All tracks are accompanied by a colorful show with visuals and a hilarious recitative that brings numerous fans into ecstasy. Having caught the crushing surf of hype, the guys deafeningly make fun of their compatriots, presenting in a humorous manner the complex processes taking place in their native land.

Composition Little Big

  • Founder, vocals - Ilya Prusikin, pseudonym - Ilyich;
  • Vocalist – Olympia Ivleva;
  • Vocalist – Anton Lissov, pseudonym – MrClown;
  • Vocalist – Sofya Tayurskaya;
  • Music producer, DJ – Sergey Makarov, pseudonym – Gokk;
  • Anna Kast is a former participant from the initial set.

Members of the group from St. Petersburg promote themselves as representatives of art collaboration. Captivating songs are instantly scattered into aphoristic memes on the Internet. A youth gang playing and singing in rave style considers itself to be a rock movement. Most critics note its deliberate originality, asserting its view of nationality and cultural tradition. Grotesque and caustic revealing attacks turn the performances into a folklore picture that can amaze the listener with the unusual presentation of the text and turn the concert into a truly enchanting spectacle.


Studio album releases:

  • "Funeral Rave"
  • "With Russia From Love"
  • "Anti positive"


  • "Dead Unicorn"
  • "Give Me Your Money"
  • "Rave On"
  • "Kind Inside Hard Outside"

Many years of experience in running a personal blog and channel on YouTube allows the cultural worker, who once woke up famous, to promote the filmed tapes and earn substantial capital from views and win another audience of admirers of his talent. The project exists and thrives thanks to the team efforts of its partners. A faithful colleague in the film kitchen, Alina is engaged in the production of viral clips created by the genius of production and direction of the tireless leader.

Symbols of the fatherland, invariably present in almost every fragment of the mad storylines short musicals stun the imagination and have a fantastic flair for the reaction of users of the leading video hosting site. Millions of fans are rushing to view the next new product released for review in the online space.

  • "AK-47";
  • "Faradenza"
  • "Big Dick"
  • "Life In Da Trash";
  • "Every day I'm Drinking";
  • "Dead Unicorn"
  • "Hateful Love"
  • LollyBomb;
  • "Polyushko Field";
  • "Public Enemy"
  • "Punks Not Dead"
  • "Russian hooligans";
  • "U Can Take";
  • "Skibidi";
  • "We Will Push A Button";
  • "From Russia with love."



"Big Dick"

"Life In Da Trash"

"Dead Unicorn"

"Hateful Love"

"Lolly Bomb"


"Public Enemy"

"Punks Not Dead"

"Russian Hooligans"

"U Can Take"


"We Will Push A Button"


Outrageous and extravagant rave performers are known not only in their homeland. Their tours in the Netherlands and France create a real sensation. Russian-speaking musicians with vodka and balalaikas are in unprecedented demand. In November 2107, the heir appears to the main character of the famous rave team. Being the true Ilya Muromets of all-Russian show business, the world-famous dad calls his son by ancient custom Dobrynya, rightly believing that the matured offspring will eventually join the ranks of the successors of the epic antiquity on stage.

Participant name: Ilya Prusikin

Age (birthday): 08.04.1985

City: St. Petersburg, Moscow

Family: married to Irina Smelaya, has a son

Height and weight: 1.65 m

Channel direction: humorous sketches and vlogs

Channel created: 10.01.2013

Number of subscribers: more than 770 thousand subscribers

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Oddly enough, for Ilya Prusikin, his personal channel on the YouTube video hosting site became a fleeting springboard that led to great fame. Although it has quite a lot of fans, it cannot be compared with other, later projects of the young man. But first things first.

Ilya was born in the northern capital of Russia in 1985. As a child, the boy was always distinguished by his originality and desire to surprise others. As a child, he succeeded in this, but over time he honed his skills to the limit.

The young man’s first project was the show “The Great Rap Battle”, in which various famous characters(starring Ilya Prusikin and Igor Eit) competed with each other. There was almost no such format on YouTube hosting and the project quickly took off.

Prusikin's next step was to participate in the filming of a real television series. It was called “Police Everyday Life.” So far it's only job blogger in cinema.

But the real extravaganza in the blogger’s career was creation of the rave group “Little Big” in 2013. This team took its first step, of course, on the YouTube video hosting service and this was the release of a video called “Every Day I’m Drinking” on April 1st.

By July the group had become so popular that they were able to perform in a real hall in front of real people. Ilya became not only the ideological inspirer of the group, but also its frontman.

On at the moment“Little Big” is incredibly popular not only in Russia, but also in Europe. In 2015, they even received prizes at the Berlin Music Video Awards 2016 festival. Their song “Big Dick” took first place in the “Most Trashy” category, and their song “Give Me Your Money” took third place in the “Best Performer” category.

The guys jokingly or seriously call their style “satirical art collaboration.” For the team, not only words and music are important, but also the visuals and shows that accompany it all.

By the way, when the first videos of the group first appeared online, Russians thought that the guys were against politics home country and in general adherents of everything Western. Ilya claims that this is fundamentally wrong. The group loves Russia very much and has nothing against it, and the video is a satire that apparently not everyone understood.

Ilya Prusikin speaks simply about his work - it is an inspiration for people. The young man himself does everything not for earnings, but for the soul!

Ilya also has a joint project with friends “KlikKlak”, where it now appears most often. Several popular shows are aired there: Trash Lotto, Give Bream, Dorisuika, Mice and many others. In the guys' videos you can often see other popular video bloggers. Also on the channel: Yuri Muzychenko, Irina Smelaya, Andrey Smirnov (old).

Ilya has a lot of tattoos on his body, each one means something to him; some of them he got not in Russia, but during a tour of Europe.

Little is known about the blogger’s personal life, but fans know that Ilya is officially married. His wife's name is , she is also a video blogger. But on roller skates before the wedding, the guys hid their relationship. Now they live together and in Ira’s videos you can see their apartment.

In July 2017, Ira announced that she was pregnant. At the end of autumn 2017, Ira gave birth to a boy.

Photo of Ilyich

at Ilya's unusual appearance, he often demonstrates this in his videos. He runs Instagram, where he posts personal photos and footage from filming. The guys don’t show photos from the wedding, but their friends posted a couple of shots online.

LITTLE BIG – Everyday I’m drinking

The video “Everyday I’m drinking” by the St. Petersburg rave group Little Big blew up the Internet. To the accompaniment of energetic music, two “Thumbelina” in kokoshniks and a tall guy in a tracksuit drink vodka, play the balalaika and imitate sex with a bear. “There is no future here” is the key idea of ​​the track performed on English. The result is two and a half million views in a few months.

For the first time in Russia, little people are performing outside of the circus arena. “They’re listening to us!” – Anna Kast, one of the vocalists of the Little Big group, admires. On stage she is a “little devil in a snuff box.” Olympia Ivleva has a different image - more gentle. The miniature size of the girls is emphasized by two brutal macho men - musicians Ilya Prusikin and Sergey Gokk.


Little people – that’s what we should be called, not “disabled people.” Or, for example, that terrible k-word. It is unacceptable in Europe!

I have long been accustomed to being in public. Television, tattoo shows, “Fort Bo-yard”, theatrical performances... My artistic life began in the erotic theater Never Porn. It was scandalous project: “Never porn, always art.” Then - “Sado-opera”. And now Little Big is, of course, the most sincere. Here I can not only “work with my face”, but also express myself. This is first and foremost my cry to society: “Hello! There are little people in the world. And they can even be pleasant, kind, and talented.” There are many opponents. "What? How? Where did they come from? There are categories of people who are negatively disposed towards us.

The social theme in Little Big is emphasized by the obvious texture of little people, which makes our cry even louder. If in America you meet little people at every step, then in Russian culture we are taboo. We are not here. Our “ceiling” is a circus arena.


I hope little people in other cities are inspired when they see Little Big. Their destiny is mainly to sit within four walls. The overwhelming majority of them have forgotten how to communicate, they grew up in boarding schools, their route is as follows: work - home. And they develop the belief that they should not communicate with outside world which may offend. All these are complexes from childhood. I was lucky - my mother raised me differently. When I was born, they frightened my mother and tried to persuade her to give up on me. But she held on and was very proud of me, my every success, every step. I went to the courtyard kindergarten and delighted her with her exhibitions - she painted. Then I went to a regular school. I kicked the ball with the boys, fought - I have to get through this. My mother sternly told me: “If you don’t learn the poems for tomorrow’s lesson, I won’t buy you a German doll at DLT and I’ll give you a belt.” Of course, in the end I learned poetry and was one of the best! When they said bad things about me, I smiled. Today he will point his finger at me, and tomorrow he will come and ask for a toy himself... But I’m used to gaining respect thanks to my intellect.

I experienced complexes only once - during my first love, when I was 15 years old. How can this be? He's on slow dance He didn’t invite me, but my friend! But I liked him! It's very disappointing...

Relationships with men are excellent. I don't have female friends, but I have male friends. I enjoy the spiritual communication that I receive from them. Now I don’t have someone to cook pasta for every day. But there is a family in the plans, I take this very seriously.


I am a librarian by training. In 2007, I came to work at the school through an acquaintance – I had once taught there German. I found out that there is a vacancy for a teacher. She smiled and told the children: “Hello, I will work for you.” At first, someone was whispering behind my back. But years have passed, I already meet them in bars, they have grown into serious people and now they apologize to me for saying badly: “Anya, I’m sorry.” And I didn’t even know about it!

Main problem little man– employment. Let you be a criminal, cool, with five higher education, but without acquaintances it is very difficult to get a job. Everything else is nonsense.

There are no problems with clothes now; you can buy anything you want. Second hand is a wonderful thing. IN Soviet era it was much more difficult. My mother even thought about opening her own atelier... And now she bought it, folded it and wear it. Dressed correctly, you already create the image of a confident person.


My participation in Little Big is pure creativity. I sing, dance, perform rave. We all discuss video scripts, song lyrics, speak out, offer our ideas. Before Little Big, I was a presenter - I opened a company that organizes holidays. When I went on stage for the first time, I felt just like any other person. For example, if you invite a miner to the microphone, he will feel uncomfortable and awkward. So do I. The stage image is developed over the years - Here with you I am a Turgenev girl and I wear a classic manicure. And tomorrow on stage I’m tearing out my hair and clothes. But these are two sides of one personality, they complement each other. Now I'm not interested in classics, opera, pop music. I want to experiment, do a rave.

When the Everyday I’m drinking video came out, I thought that my strict, intelligent mother, a true Petersburger, would say: “Uh-oh, how could you?” And my mother surprised me: “Well done, but they went a little too far with the bear.” But if we didn't go overboard, it would be pointless.


You ask what is the main problem of the little man in St. Petersburg. You are asking the wrong question. Everywhere there is a problem of people who are somehow different from the rest: height, weight, race... And there is a rejection of small people all over the world, I see this very well. Yes, I'm short, I understand that. But for myself, I never focused on this. Each person has his own complexes, and tall ones too.

I had no problems finding employment. My life credo– look not for difficulties in life, but for the positives. Personally, this helps me a lot.

But there are things that don’t fit in my head. I still live with this. I walk down the street and feel that for some reason people around me are paying attention to me. And I don't understand why. Maybe my clothes are dirty?