Jennifer Lawrence Nicholas Hoult dating. Nicholas Hoult and his personal life. Acting career of Nicholas Hoult

Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult's relationship began on the set of X-Men: First Class in 2010 and ended three years later on the set of Days of Future Past. Thanks to the franchise, former lovers had to cross paths with each other more than once. This was the case with Dark Phoenix, so journalists couldn't help but ask what the reunion of Holt and Lawrence was like this time.

For many, this question arose after the next trailer for the upcoming film, where the actors’ heroes go on a mission into space together. However, judging by Nicholas's answer, it's not worth expecting interactions between Beast and Mystique throughout the entire story. "It's like going back to school after summer holidays. The reality with this franchise is that there are a lot of characters, so we all came together on a short time, rather than filming every day for four months,” Holt explained.

The paths of former lovers diverged long ago. Now Nicholas Hoult and model Briana Holly are raising their first child, and Jennifer Lawrence and gallerist Cooke Maroney recently celebrated their engagement and are preparing to become husband and wife.

You can see the actors together on the big screens on June 6, when the premiere of the film “X-Men: Dark Phoenix” takes place.

1. For the first time, this tall, blue-eyed brunette drove millions of moviegoers crazy by playing handsome Tony in the popular TV series Skins. Further - more: the role of the Beast in the film "X-Men: First Class", the most touching zombie in the romantic horror "The Warmth of Our Bodies", the mythical hero of "Clash of the Titans" and the fabulous Ivanushka the Fool in "Jack the Giant Slayer".

2. For a long time, in gossip columns and paparazzi photo reports, the name of Nicholas Hoult (or simply Nick, as his colleagues call him in their own way) sounded like a prefix to the actor’s Oscar-winning lover - Jennifer Lawrence. The news that there was something more than just friendly affection between the partners in the film “X-Men: First Class” spread around the world in January 2011. The actors showed up holding hands at the Oscars after-party and were inseparable throughout the night. The superhero couple quietly and peacefully parted as friends in January 2013, adjusted for youth and inexperience, and then got back together in July. But it seems you can't step into the same river twice. “Now we can each live our own lives, but know that we have each other,” Lawrence commented on the second official breakup. Meanwhile, Holt is credited with having an affair with the actress Kristen Stewart. Intuition tells us that this is not the end yet love story the cinematic Briton and Miss Lawrence. In addition to their friendship, they have joint real estate in London, and they will also star in at least one joint project - a sequel to “X-Men”.

3. The mesmerizing gaze of the blue-eyed Briton could not leave the famous connoisseur of male beauty indifferent Tom Ford. The designer even stated that Holt is his creative muse. He first invited Nicholas to co-star in his debut film A Single Man, and then turned him into the “face” (or rather, “eyes”) of the Tom Ford Eyewear line - Hoult was “ all-seeing eye» stamps in the spring of 2010.

4. And Nick, it turns out, sings well: just admire how he solos in one of the episodes of “Skins”! Rumor has it that this gentleman is also a master of the trombone.

5. At the age of 12, Hoult played a know-it-all boy in the film "My Boy" with Hugh Grant. On the set of a teenager and famous actor We became very good friends and still keep in touch to this day - we regularly call each other to discuss business and chat about life.

6. Holt is one of four children of a music teacher and a British Airways pilot. All of his siblings dreamed of being actors and tried their hand at cinema and theater, although none of them, except Nick, managed to make a serious career. The passion for acting is in their blood - the Holts' great-grandmother Anna Neagle was one of the iconic British actresses of the 1930s.

7. The main outlet in Nicholas's life is basketball. Which is not surprising given his height - 193 cm! By the way, the couple was seen playing under the basketball hoop with Jennifer Lawrence more often than hugging or passionately kissing.

8. This modest guy has a big kind heart: Holt regularly participates in all kinds of charitable events, especially if they involve children or teenagers. His portrait is in the hall of fame National Society to prevent cruelty to children in his native UK.

9. But Holt’s education is in trouble. When the future actor was twelve years old, he dropped out of school to devote himself to stage activities.

10. Nick is not afraid to dream: “I’m delighted with my work so far and I’m not going to stop there. My favorite genres are comedies and action films. It would be great to play in something really worthwhile! Like the movie "The Lord of the Rings", for example. Or in a picture with Jim Carrey- He is my idol". Great birthday wish!

Recently, the final part of the dystopian film “The Hunger Games” was released, and therefore Jennifer Lawrence found herself under close attention paparazzi and fans. In an interview with the actress by journalist Diane Sawyer, not only the topic of filming the film was touched upon. Lawrence for the first time commented on her breakup with her former lover, Nicholas Hoult.

Love story

The couple met on the set of the movie “X-Men” back in 2009. Afterwards, the actors began a relationship that lasted 5 years. They decided to break off their love affair in August last year. And only now, after so much time, Jennifer decided to talk about it in public. Yes, apparently, Hollywood stars also have a broken heart...

The actress talks about relationships and separation

Lawrence gave a brief and very complete commentary on what happened between her and Nicholas Hoult. According to the actress, there were two most important things in her life: films and relationships. At the same time, she clarified that without working in cinema she is nothing. Filming in films has always come first for the celebrity, which her partner could not change. After the breakup, Jennifer Lawrence was able to immerse herself in work, which greatly helped her take her mind off things.

“We broke up just at the moment when I was completely immersed in films. I had a whole year to ask myself what I mean without them and without this person,” commented the actress.

The Hunger Games star also spoke about her complete unpreparedness for marriage. Perhaps this is precisely what Nicholas Hoult has not come to terms with. Lawrence does not see himself in the role of a wife and an exemplary housewife. She plans to have a long and successful career. Perhaps this is the best solution for Jennifer, if she feels truly comfortable this way.

The celebrity has not yet spoken much about the possibility of a new relationship. “I'm lonely on Saturday nights. I need to meet a guy who simply doesn’t know who I am,” said the actress.

0 November 13, 2015, 11:11 pm

On Diane Sawyer's talk show, the 25-year-old spoke about the feelings she experienced after breaking up with the actor.

It is known that Lawrence and Holt first began dating in 2011. Two years later, they broke up, but resumed their relationship when they began filming the film "", breaking up again in August 2014.

It seems that the couple’s love did not subside even during the separation. In April 2015, tabolids started talking about the fact that Nicholas wants to return ex-lover. Perhaps he succeeded, because, according to Jen’s words, their affair with Nicholas lasted no less than five years!

It so happened that the completion of filming coincided with the final break in the relationship between Jennifer and Nicholas.

These films have been a part of my life for so long that they have become my priority in everything. And for five years I was with a man who also became my life,

Told by Lawrence.

Lawrence admits that at that moment she was experiencing a real personal crisis:

My life with this man and the films ended around the same time. So when I turned 24, it was a whole year of constantly asking myself questions: "Who am I? Who am I without this movie? Who am I without this man?"

Despite the fact that the star recently admitted to Vogue magazine that she can't wait to get married, she voiced a different point of view on Sawyer's show.

Actually, I don't think much about marriage. But I would definitely like to become a mother,

Jennifer says.

Let's remember that after breaking up with Holt, Jennifer started an affair with musician Chris Martin. ex-husband Gwyneth Paltrow. Just like her relationship with Holt, Jen's relationship with Chris