Amulet of the third eye. All-seeing eye, eye of horus or eye in a triangle

The All-Seeing Eye amulet has a long history. It was known to many peoples in ancient times and is popular now, in our time.

In the article:

History of the All-Seeing Eye amulet

The All-Seeing Eye amulet was revered by many peoples, especially the Egyptians. It has many names - ujad, udyat, wadjet, God's Eye, eye of Horus and a few more. The Egyptians believed that his influence extended not only to the world of people, but also to the kingdom of the dead. Ujad symbolized eternal life human soul and her resurrection.

Some civilizations depicted a symbolic eye on the tombstone so that the spirit of the deceased would not be lost in the afterlife. They were also found in Egyptian burials; it was believed that without the eye of Horus, the deceased could not be resurrected after his death. The talisman is also related to the god Ra, therefore it also symbolizes light, the Sun and victory over darkness.

According to Egyptian legend, one of the gods is Set, had a grudge against his brother Osiris and tried to kill him several times. The first attempt was unsuccessful, Osiris was brought back to life by his wife Isis. After that there was son born Osiris and Isis - Gore. During the second attempt to kill his brother, Seth dismembered him into many pieces to make resurrection impossible. Horus began to take revenge on Seth for his father and began to fight with him. Other gods also took part in many battles, for example, Thoth and Anubis.

In a battle with Set, Horus lost an eye, after which Thoth healed him. Horus gave his eye to the dead Osiris, but this resurrection attempt was unsuccessful; Osiris was unable to return to the world of the living and became the ruler of the kingdom of the dead. After this, the eye of Horus became an amulet that symbolized the return from the world of the dead, immortality, protection and healing.

The American Indians had a similar symbol called the eye of the Great Spirit or the eye of the heart. They believed that he sees everything and personifies all-seeing. The ancient Greeks considered the eye to be a symbol of the sun. In Iranian mythology there are stories about a man who had the sun's eye and was immortal. There are references to similar amulets among the Phoenicians, Sumerians and some other peoples.

In Christianity, this symbol has names God's Eye, Eye of the Most High or All Seeing Eye. It first appeared in temple architecture in the 17th century. Basically, the pediments of temples and government buildings. It symbolized the Almighty, his light, holiness and strength. The eye may have been enclosed in a triangle and surrounded by a glow. In the 18th century, it appeared in icon painting, and there are still icons of the All-Seeing Eye.

The Masons have a very similar image of the eye. They call him Radiant Delta or Through the eye of providence. This is one of the most important symbols of Freemasonry, symbolizing the power, wisdom and vigilance of the Creator, the Supreme Intelligence, which guides students in their quest. Currently, such images can be seen on banknotes and awards, on personal amulets and in the architecture of buildings and structures.

The meaning of the God's Eye amulet

Now exists in the form of an eye. This is a Christian symbol in the form of an eye inside a triangle, and the Egyptian Eye of Horus, and many others. In ancient times, different peoples attributed almost the same meaning to them. Now they symbolize the same thing, albeit in different contexts.

The Eye of God has very strong protective properties. First of all, this symbolizes help from above in difficult situations. He is in any business. Another meaning is healing and protection from disease.

This amulet is very powerful. It can be considered not only protective. The All-Seeing Eye gives a person spiritual strength, strengthens willpower, helps in the development of intuition, clairvoyance, and teaches one to feel the world. It is believed that a person who has been carrying such an amulet with him for a long time cannot be deceived, he is perceptive, one might say, he sees right through everyone.

The All-Seeing Eye can seriously influence your destiny. With its help you can find the right one life path, see the situation from different sides and solve problems more easily, learn to accept right decisions and borrow high position in society or achieve any other goal.

How to wear an eye amulet

Eye amulets were common among most civilizations on our planet. There were a lot of materials on which their images were applied. Basically, they depended on the country in which the talisman was made.

For the most part, this is a personal amulet. It is not entirely suitable for home use, but some people use it that way. Sometimes you can find such amulets in offices. This is a good option, especially if the image is placed in a place that is somehow related to the goal you want to achieve. If the qualities of the Eye of Horus are needed in a career, then it is better to place it on the desktop or in one of its drawers.

As a personal amulet, the eye is made from any metal, earthenware, clay, wood, stone. You can use absolutely any material. It could be a pendant, bracelet, ring, or even a high-quality drawing on paper that will always be with you.

In general, regardless of religious preferences. The talisman has practically no negative meaning.

The all-seeing eye is ancient symbol, which is very popular among many peoples. It is found in various beliefs as well as cultures. Some researchers believe that this is a Masonic symbol, but this is not entirely true. Indeed, the Masons used it in their rituals, but it arose long before the creation of this order.

The all-seeing eye is depicted in two ways. The first is an eye, which is enclosed inside a triangle with equal sides. At the same time, it is not clear which eye (right or left) is depicted on the pyramid. The rays are located around the triangle. The second method is that the eye is located at the top of the pyramid, which is separated from the base. It is believed that such a symbol has powerful magical properties. It can even be found on the US dollar. More precisely, it is a 1 dollar bill. Since this sign is depicted on the dollar, it is very popular among users.

In addition, it can be found on papyri that have survived to this day from Ancient Egypt. In addition, the all-seeing eye can be found on many Orthodox icons. Today we will talk about the meaning of this symbol and how it can be used in everyday life.

It is believed that this symbol arose more than six thousand years ago. It was discovered on ancient Egyptian scrolls. In those days it was believed that this eye was a symbol of the formidable and great god Horus. That's why it was called the Eye of Horus. It was believed that god given has unusual eyes. The left eye was the Moon and the right eye was the Sun. Therefore, the Mountain knew everything that was happening around him, day and night. Nothing could hide from this god. He cruelly punished sinners who violated God's laws. Therefore, the Eye of Horus was considered the all-seeing eye. Everyone revered and respected him, and many were even afraid of him. In addition, it was believed that the Eye of Horus guides the true path and bestows enlightenment on the soul. However, if the eye was drawn with an eyebrow, then the meaning of such a symbol was different. IN in this case The Eye of Horus spoke of the strength and power of this god.

During the times of Ancient Egypt, the image of an eye enclosed in a pyramid was used only by priests to perform various rituals. People were forbidden to wear the Eye of Horus on their bodies.

If we talk about what the eye in a triangle means among other peoples, then among the Indians, for example, it meant the Eye of the Great Spirit. It was believed that with his help he observed everything that happened among people.

In the countries of the East, the eye, a sign enclosed in a triangle, symbolized the Sun and Moon. The Sun observes what is happening on Earth during the day, and the Moon, accordingly, at night.

In Buddhism, the All-Seeing Eye has the meaning of wisdom and true knowledge, the path to which this amulet opened. This is where the expression “third eye” comes from. It was believed that with its help one could see the future.

In Ancient Greece, the All-Seeing Eye was a symbol of Apollo and Zeus. In this case it means true knowledge, divine light and omniscience. In addition, an amulet with this image was used to protect against evil witchcraft.

The meaning of the symbol among the Celts is an evil eye. He personifies evil and a bad conscience.

The pyramid with the all-seeing eye is very popular in Christianity. The triangle in this case represents the Holy Trinity. His sides are God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The eye itself symbolizes the eye of God. With his help, he monitors everything that is happening on Earth. In addition, he can look into the soul of every person and find out all his thoughts. With this eye God sees the whole essence, without distortion. Thanks to him, on the day of the Great Judgment, every person will receive what he deserves. As for the rays that are depicted next to the pyramid, in this case they symbolize the divine radiance.

The meaning of the eye amulet in the triangle

The all-seeing eye is one of the most strong amulets. Its main meaning is to protect a person from evil forces. It provides protection against various diseases. In addition, it is believed that the All-Seeing Eye can heal ailments.

This amulet promotes the development of the gift of clairvoyance and intuition. With its help, you can predict the occurrence of certain situations.

In addition, this amulet helps to reveal any deception. In addition, the All-Seeing Eye gives a person a charge of positive energy, as well as vitality. A triangle with an eye gives the owner good luck and success in all endeavors.

This amulet helps a person to know his true purpose, reveals the most shortcut to knowledge and makes it possible to avoid false truths. In addition, the talisman helps to make the right decision even in the most difficult situations.

How to use the All-Seeing Eye amulet

The all-seeing eye is a talisman for personal use. It can be worn on yourself in the form of jewelry. Most often, a pendant or pendant with the image of this symbol is used. In addition, it can be embroidered on clothes. The image of this eye can also be hung on the walls of the house or above front door to protect housing from evil forces. However, it will not have the same power as an amulet for personal use.

In addition, you can get a tattoo with the image of the All-Seeing Eye. The Eye tattoo in a triangle has the following meaning - wisdom, knowledge and strength. In addition, such an image symbolizes a connection with the other world. That is why it is often done by shamans and magicians.

This tattoo is very popular among both the stronger sex and the fair sex. If we talk about what the All-Seeing Eye tattoo means for men, then in this case, with its help, a person declares himself as a strong personality. In addition, a tattoo serves to protect against evil forces.

If we talk about what an eye tattoo enclosed in a triangle means for girls, then with its help the fair sex declares themselves as mysterious person. In addition, such an image suggests that the girl has highly developed intuition.

However, ladies should get such a tattoo with great caution. If it is performed on the wrist, the girl will indicate that she has a non-traditional sexual orientation.

A pyramid with an eye tattoo is most often performed on the shoulder, back, and for men also on the wrist.

The all-seeing eye is one of the most mysterious and magically powerful symbols. It opens the way to true knowledge and helps a person understand his true purpose. An eye enclosed in a pyramid gives connection with other worlds. That is why it is often used by magicians and shamans to perform various rituals.

So much has been said about human eyes! The mirror of the soul, the diamond eye, the eyes don’t lie... Yes, the eyes hardly know how to lie, but they can completely serve as protection for a person. One of the most powerful amulets, the Eye of Fatima, was conceived and first made specifically for protective purposes. It has several names; we call it the Blue Gaze or the Eye from the Evil Eye.

Blue eyes - terrible force, they have always represented some mystical mystery

Some peoples shun blue-eyed people, considering them worshipers of the Devil, capable of bringing various misfortunes to those who are in communication with them. However, an amulet made in the shape of a blue eye, on the contrary, has a strong potential against negative magical influences. Protecting its owner from the evil eye or damage, the amulet is capable of returning negative influences back to the person who sent them.

The homeland of this amulet is Ancient Greece, later its popularity spread to Turkey, where the talisman received the additional names Nazar, Devil's Eye and Turkish Eye. The talisman is a symbol of the human gaze; outwardly it is a disk with a white circle depicted on it and a black dot in the center.

Eyes from the evil eye - the history of their appearance

Any souvenir shop will offer a Nazar amulet for every taste

Today in Turkey, almost every souvenir shop will offer you the opportunity to purchase a Nazar amulet. Moreover, every seller knows and with great pleasure will tell the buyer a legend, and more than one, associated with this talisman.

Love story

The famous prophet Muhammad had a daughter, Fatima. She was very beautiful and had a lover, Ali. Accompanying her betrothed on a dangerous journey, the girl handed him the Nazar stone (Nazar boncuk - amulet against the evil eye) to protect him from all kinds of misfortunes and dangers, putting all her love into the amulet. The lover returned to the girl alive and well, and found the stone great power, and they began to call it the Eye of Fatima amulet.

Legend of Wisdom

A long time ago there lived a caliph and he had a dream - to learn the secrets of the world around him and gain wisdom. He asked the seer for help, and he told him that in order to fulfill his dream, the caliph needed to marry all his daughters, and certainly to foreigners. The caliph, who had seven daughters, soon after this conversation gave birth to the eighth - the blue-eyed beauty Fatima. The caliph could not part with his daughter and resorted to deception - he gave the youngest to the weaver's family, and passed off his daughter as his own.

As time passed, Fatima's sisters and the weaver's daughter lived in foreign countries. The girl grew up, the caliph grew old and invited his youngest daughter to take the throne, telling her everything. The girl renounced power, telling her father the following: “I cannot accept power, because you will lose your wisdom, but I promise to protect your kingdom and your family.” So the amulet of the Eye of Fatima became the guardian of the people from troubles and misfortunes.

A Tale of Fear

During the Crusade, the peoples of the East experienced many disasters. Villages and cities were in ruins, chaos reigned everywhere, and the inhabitants were in mortal fear. The majority of the crusaders had blue eyes, and the local population made a talisman to protect against them, calling it the Blue Eye. His help was to protect his warriors and their families from the blue-eyed conquerors who local residents considered minions of the devil.

In Asia and the countries of the East, the evil eye has gained extreme popularity, but this does not mean that Nazar serves exclusively Muslims. This symbol can be seen next to images of Christ the Savior and Mother of God. The amulet protects all people, regardless of religion.

Using the Eye amulet against the evil eye

Nazar is able to repel the evil eye and any other negative impact, but only if a person constantly wears it and is seen by others. If the amulet is hidden by clothing, its potential is reduced.

There is such a belief: when Nazar splits, it means that he has exhausted all his strength, protecting his owner from a powerful directed blow. You need to thank him and bury the remains. Gratitude should also be expressed to the amulet when it is lost, since its loss is usually caused by the same reason - it has exhausted all its strength to protect the owner from a particularly strong negative blow. And immediately buy a new one.

The Nazar amulet has very great protective power

The Nazar amulet can be useful to many people - young girls, lucky businessmen, children, people with poor health. It is these categories of people who acutely perceive directed negative energy.

A talisman made independently will have the greatest power. For production you can use blown glass. The color of the glass should be blue, but the shades should be arbitrary from light turquoise to rich dark. An amulet with an eye can be worn in the form of any decoration - a bracelet, keychain, pin and others.

Nazar requires self-care. It needs to be rinsed every day with running water and dried with a towel.

Nazar's abilities

The eye of Fatima is a protector not only from the evil eye and other negative magical influences. The talisman is able to show its strength in any danger and even prevent disasters. Those who have visited Turkey have probably noticed that the image of this amulet can be seen on almost any type of transport. But the Turks use it not only to protect against transport accidents, they decorate any property with this symbol, both movable and immovable, although it is more difficult for an outsider to see it.

Any values ​​in life - love, prosperous family, healthy children, material wealth - all this will help to achieve and maintain the Eye amulet from the evil eye:

  • To achieve material wealth, the talisman must be located in places where money is stored;
  • For family well-being It is better to make a larger talisman, since the size of the amulet is crucial for the family and home. His strength potential is directly proportional to his size;
  • For the birth of a child, Nazar is placed in the bedroom;
  • To protect the house - next to the front door.

In Russia, an amulet with a blue eye is also quite popular. The talisman symbol decorates many doors of offices and apartments, cars and interior decoration rooms. It invariably brings benefits in many areas of human life.

Acquiring the Eye of Fatima

Buying the Eye of Fatima in Turkey is not difficult

An eye against the evil eye can be purchased in Turkey, as already mentioned, in almost any place, especially in resorts. However, prices vary greatly depending on the popularity of the resort, whether it is the city center or its outskirts, and even on the day of the week (on weekends, of course, it is more expensive). The price range ranges from three to nine to ten dollars. Remember that although the amulet is nominally considered Eastern, it is not a protector exclusively for Muslims. Its strength does not depend on the faith of its owner. That is why no prayers are read over this thing and they do not baptize it.

Transporting this item will not be difficult, but some caution must still be observed - after all, the material for its manufacture is glass. In a suitcase, among tightly packed clothes, you will bring your souvenir without any problems.

The theme of blue eyes is generally very popular in the jewelry industry. In Turkey, if not every person has an amulet with a blue eye, then almost every home. Bracelets, rings, necklaces, figurines, exquisite souvenirs - you can choose any product with the symbol of Nazar. Even in fabulously expensive diamond collections from world-famous jewelers, the Blue Eye theme has taken its rightful place.

Choose an amulet to your taste and live under its reliable protection!

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. This amulet will help relieve lack of money

Talismans, amulets and amulets depicting human eye, are distinguished by their ancient history and enduring popularity. U different nations they are called differently - the Eye of Fatima, the All-Seeing Eye, the Eye of Horus, the Fire Eye...

In the symbolic interpretation of amulets different countries You can find many similarities, but there are also some peculiarities. Let's look at the most popular talismans with an eye - what is their history, meaning and influence on our lives.

Symbolic meaning

One of symbolic meanings eyes are the energy and light of the Sun. The eye is associated with the ability of vision, clairvoyance, clear consciousness, understanding the very essence of things. Thus the eye is endowed with the symbolism of true knowledge and perfect wisdom. It is known that the “third eye” is associated with spiritual enlightenment and insight, allowing one to see all things in their true light.

In accordance with the meaning of higher spirituality, the image of an eye can be a symbol of God, the Absolute, Supreme Intelligence, as well as gods associated with the Sun. One eye often signifies unity and truth beyond duality.

Most often, this symbol is placed in a triangle, which is associated with the number three - the “third eye”, the trinity, the Trinity. Among some nationalities, the “third eye” was called the Eye of the Heart or the Eye of the Spirit, symbolizing absolute knowledge emanating from the heart - spiritual love.

In Christianity, an eye placed in a triangle denoted a single correct vision - the ability to perceive everything as it really is. This symbol contrasted with duality, which gives rise to illusions and doubts, leads to delusions and wrong actions.



Pendant - DIY dragon eye. (Make Home #87)

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About the eye sign in a triangle.

Types of talismans

  1. The Eye of Fatima (or Nazar) is a Turkish talisman that protects from negative impact, evil eyes and evil thoughts. Usually this amulet is made of blown glass - according to legend, it was a piece of blue glass that Fatima (daughter of the Prophet Muhammad) presented to her beloved as a protective amulet. The Eye of Fatima amulet combines black, white and blue colors (white symbolizes sincerity and good intentions, blue symbolizes strength, and black connects the first with the second).
  2. The Eye of Horus adorns Egyptian amulets and symbolizes healing, wholeness, victory over darkness and eternal life. In ancient times, the Egyptian god Horus lost an eye in a battle with the god Set, but won and was healed. Set dismembered the father of Horus, Osiris, into pieces, but with the help of the eye, Osiris gained integrity and began to rule in world of the dead. The Egyptians depicted the Eye of Horus on the tombstones of the dead - in this case, a talisman with an eye gave a person the opportunity to be resurrected in eternal life.
  3. God's Eye - that's the name Christian symbol. It was enclosed in a triangle and denoted the All-Seeing Lord (not so much in the sense that God watches over us all, but in the meaning of true vision, wisdom and spiritual perfection). The Christian amulet symbolizes a spiritual connection with the Lord, his help and love, as well as the desire for truth, knowledge and mercy.
  4. The radiant delta, representing the eye, is known as a Freemason talisman. It personifies the Sun and the Great Architect who designed the Universe, and also denotes the divine way of seeing. The radiant delta was considered a symbol of the first degree of initiation and illuminated the student’s spiritual quest on the further path to knowledge.
  5. The eye of the dragon is Celtic magic amulet, protecting against damage, negative influences, evil witchcraft, diseases and other troubles. The amulet is made of silver, copper or tin. In the photo of the amulet you can see how an intricate openwork pattern is formed from ordinary rhombuses. The rhombuses are connected to each other, soldered in a certain magical sequence.
  6. The Fire Eye is a Slavic symbol that protects from damage and other evil, helping to preserve the purity of thoughts. The amulet symbol is made in the form of decoration or embroidered on clothing. A solar sign is often placed in the center of the pupil (for example, Radinets, protecting children).
  7. Anchovy
  8. It is worth mentioning separately the Turkish amulet called the Hand of Fatima or Hamsa. The talisman depicts an open palm with patterns and sacred signs printed on it, often along with the image of the Eye of Fatima. The amulet is not an exact copy of the palm - its three middle fingers are raised up, and two symmetrical thumbs are located on the sides. There is a legend that Fatima, while preparing sweets, suddenly saw her husband, who brought his second wife into the house. At that moment, she dropped the spoon with which she was stirring the hot halva and, in her suffering, did not notice how she began to stir the brew with her bare hand.
  9. The symbolism of the Turkish “hand” denotes the help, protection and guidance that anyone who follows their path - the right path - receives. The amulet hand with the eye of Fatima endows a person with patience and fortitude, protects against negative influence, whatever it is. A person receives the power of Fatima, who continued to fulfill her duty, despite painful suffering - spiritual and physical. The Turkish amulet gives faith in a higher power, which is necessary in difficult moments of life. In addition, Hamsa is considered a symbol of harmony, love and spiritual balance, and on the physical plane its influence is embodied in material well-being and prosperity.

Stones talismans

Natural stones called “eye stones” can also serve as talismans. However, it should be remembered that these minerals are very capricious - they recognize only strong and integral people who are able to cope with their emotions, desires and doubts. By maintaining spiritual purity, a person acquires a connection with the stone, which in turn warns the owner of impending danger. Anticipating a threat, the stone in the ring begins to “press” - if you put it under the pillow on the eighteenth lunar day, then in a dream you can see the nature of the future danger.

Hawkeye cleanses energy and resists astral attacks. It is good for Aries, Capricorn, Cancer and Libra to wear it. Tiger's Eye promotes transformation and protects against negative influences during times of change. This is a stone of magicians and alchemists, giving them the necessary strength, protecting them from outside interference and evil witchcraft. It suits Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces most of all.

The cat's eye is a stabilizing amulet that protects a person from foreign influences. It protects home, property and family - it can be used from thieves, envious people and ill-wishers. In addition, this stone strengthens and preserves marital ties. It should be worn by Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio and Taurus.

  1. The Eye of Fatima amulet should be placed in plain sight - worn as a decoration, hung in the house or in the car. You can put it on children, pets, loved ones - anyone you want to protect from trouble.
  2. If a crack appeared on the glass Nazar, it protected you from the machinations of ill-wishers, accidental or intentional damage, illness or other misfortune.
  3. You can make an amulet with an eye yourself using a round pebble (for example, a pebble) and blue, white and black paint. The magic eye should be drawn on the first Friday of the month, at the end of the day.
  4. It is better to make the Dragon Eye amulet yourself, and if it is made to order, you should “charge” it using a special ritual. The amulet is hung on a silver chain on which it is going to be worn, and left in the forest for one night - on a branch of a tall and powerful tree.
  5. The Hand of Fatima can be worn as a piece of jewelry with the fingers pointed up or down. It is considered especially strong on the red cabalistic thread.
  6. The blue color and its shades best protect against negative influences - when making amulets and amulets, it is recommended to use a blue color scheme (from dark blue to turquoise).
  7. It is best to set natural amulets in silver and wear them in a ring or bracelet.

In modern Turkey, one common mystical story about a special amulet called an eye against the evil eye. Original jewelry with an eye is brought by tourists who are confident that the owners of the talisman are protected Higher Powers, and they are not in danger. The origin of this famous talisman goes back to ancient times. Each seller offering keychains, jewelry, wall-mounted home amulets, before selling the amulet, will tell the story of this Turkish evil eye amulet. There is a special power in nazar bonjuk, which manifests itself in moments of energetic aggression. The Turks know this well and actively use this talisman. Wherever the traveler goes - to the market, to the hotel, to the teahouse or to the store, everywhere he will meet a bright blue eye, looking, it seems, from the depths of centuries and being an effective protector of Turkish business.

Many names - one amulet

Literally from Turkish, nazar bonjuk is translated as “amulet against the evil eye.” For all my long history This amulet has acquired many other names. Here are just a few of them that are most often found in conversations about this talisman:

  • eye of Fatima;
  • eye of Satan;
  • blue eye;
  • all-seeing eye;
  • eye from the evil eye;
  • cat's eye;
  • nazar deggesin;
  • Nazar amulet

The presence of many names for this amulet indicates its widespread distribution throughout the world and popularity of use. Various nationalities know the Nazar amulet under different names, but the appearance of this pendant against the evil eye will be unchanged in any corner of the world. It is cast from colored glass blue the eye is round, sometimes drop-shaped or oval-shaped with a black pupil framed by white and blue circles.

At the Turkish bazaar, nazar amulets are laid out on the counters in clusters, like grapes with eyes. Most often, the amulet is presented in the form of a pendant with a string threaded through it for ease of wearing around the neck. In addition, Fatima's eye is placed on keychains and bracelets to protect against the evil eye, and is also made in the form of small, neat pendants. It can be decorated with a silver evil eye pin to enhance energy protection a person who decided to wear 2 amulets at once against the effects of negative energy. Turkish traders vied with each other to offer eye amulets, in addition to beautiful legends about the origin of this talisman.

For one - two legends

The first legend tells about the power of love. She claims that Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, sent her lover, whose name was Ali, on a military campaign. As a talisman and a guarantee of return from a long journey, the young man was given a stone-talisman against the evil eye, which was also designed to provide protection from dangers. Fatima spoke to this amulet with words of love and called on the Universe to endow the stone with protective properties. Ali returned completely safe. The stone became popularly known as the eye of Fatima.

The second legend, which affirms the simplicity of wisdom, says that one caliph is involved in history, who dreams of comprehending the laws of wisdom. One day he asked a fortuneteller for help in this matter. The seer gave the following answer: the caliph had to give all his daughters in marriage to foreigners, and then he would gain wisdom. The caliph actually gave seven of his beloved daughters in marriage to foreigners, but could not part with the eighth.

Fatima, the caliph's youngest daughter, had eyes as blue as the sky. Her father loved her more life, and, in an attempt to deceive fate, he gave his beloved daughter to the weaver's house, taking the artisan's daughter into his family.

When Fatima grew up, the time came for her to get married, the caliph told her the whole truth and invited his daughter to take the throne, since he himself was already quite old.

The beautiful Fatima refused the throne so that her father could keep his secret and remain a sage in the eyes of the seer. At the same time, the girl vowed to protect and protect the caliph’s people from misfortune. Fatima's eye became a talisman.

It was this legend that gave birth to another talisman, akin to the eye of Fatima. People began to call the eye placed in the palm the hand of Fatima or the palm of God.

How does the amulet work?

Fatima's eye amulet is the best amulet against the evil eye. Turks believe that:

  1. The blue eye protects against intentional damage, especially if worn on a red thread. Then the destructive influence will be reflected on the ill-wisher.
  2. Nazar bonjuk gives its owner self-confidence and is able to pacify a violent temper. Inner mental storms and conflicting desires will be pacified with the help of personal amulet- Fatima's eyes.
  3. People believe that the all-seeing eye can see impending disasters and accidents, warn against harm and protect its owner.
  4. Fatima's hand is capable of guiding the actions of the person she protects, preventing mistakes and wrong steps. This amulet works as an intermediary between a person and the Universe, strengthening requests for protection. A person who needs to strengthen his faith will definitely be helped by a palm with the eye of Fatima.
  5. Lovers exchange pendants against the evil eye to protect each other and preserve the feeling forever. Often girls themselves make bracelets with an eye for boys.
  6. A large blue eye brings harmony to the family, and long-awaited offspring will come to the couple over whose bed this amulet hangs. An all-seeing eye must be placed next to newborns to protect the child from evil forces.
  7. This amulet is used as a talisman for residential and commercial premises, cars. The evil eye is placed above the front door to protect the house from people with evil intentions. The amulet is hung on the walls of rooms, since a blue eye in a visible place can reflect negative energy.
  8. Where money and gold are stored, according to tradition, nazar bonjuk is placed - to increase wealth and its safety.
  9. The Fatima Eye Amulet is recommended for wearing by men, women and children:
  10. Men are recommended to wear a blue eye as a pendant around their neck.
  11. The larger the eye size, the more powerful the amulet's power.
  12. A woman carrying a child should attach a Turkish amulet to a pin on her clothing.
  13. When girls get a manicure in the shape of a Turkish eye, the amulet will work to ward off negative energy.

Mascot Rules

Such powerful amulet, like Fatima’s eye, requires attention and self-care:

  1. The amulet should be washed at least once a month under running water. It is recommended to leave Fatima's eye overnight under the moonlight.
  2. It is customary to buy a Turkish evil eye as a gift - it is the eye received as a gift that will have protective functions.
  3. You should accept an amulet against the evil eye from friends or relatives in whose intentions you are confident.
  4. A cracked, split amulet is considered a good sign, meaning that the amulet has fulfilled its function by taking on negative energy.
  5. Without regrets or worries, you should dig a hole in the ground and put an eye there against the evil eye, without informing anyone around you about the event that occurred.
  6. Loss all seeing eye, a torn rope or bracelet, a broken pin on which Fatima’s eye was - signs that the amulet averted trouble.
  7. If the amulet has darkened or become cloudy, you should wash it in a stream or river. The change in color also means that the Turkish amulet has reflected evil intentions.
  8. It is believed that the evil eye must be worn so that it is visible. Hiding the amulet under clothes or in your pocket is prohibited.
  9. In this case, its effect is nullified. Let the evil eye be visible in the photo. In this case, his owner will protect strangers from the evil eye.

When choosing the Fatima eye amulet as your talisman, you should remember its ancient history, powerful force and rules of use. The owner’s good intentions will multiply the positive energies of the amulet and strengthen its protective functions.