The name Arina, Arisha, Ariadna: different names or not? What is the difference between the name Arina and Arisha and the name Ariadne? Arina, Arisha, Ariadna: how to say the full name correctly? The meaning of the female name Arina

When you hear the name Arina, you imagine self-confident, cheerful, independent woman. This is actually true. Arinas often simply radiate some kind of inner calm. No wonder the name Arina is translated from Greek as “rest”, “peace”.

Origin of the name Arina:

It is believed that the name Arina came into Russian-speaking culture from the common Old Russian pronunciation of the name Irina. This is due to the special habits of pronunciation of letters among peasants. In a privileged society, the name was pronounced correctly, so children were not called Arin.

There is a second version of the origin of the name, which suggests that the name Arina is a form Slavic name Yarina, which arose on behalf of the main Slavic god- Yarily.

The third version says that the name Arina is a form of the male Hebrew name Aaron, which means “mountain”, “teacher”, “high”, “enlightened”.

According to the fourth version, this is the name of the Thracian goddess sunlight.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Arina:

Even as a child, Arina’s favorite phrase would be “I am myself!” She tries to make any decisions on her own. Before committing any action, Rina will think and weigh everything several times. The girl grows up a little withdrawn, slow, “on her own mind.” A girl with this name usually looks like her father, but takes her character from her mother. She has excellent intuition and remembers any information almost instantly.

At school she easily gets high scores, the girl generally loves to study. Arina is a creative person and has excellent taste. She brings great pleasure to her passion for drawing, knitting and sewing. She likes to play sports. In her youth, Arina usually attends some sports section. The girl is very sociable; her circle of friends includes both girls and boys. In addition to needlework and sports, Rina strives to learn several foreign languages ​​and loves photography. In the future, she may receive several different specialties.

A girl with that name will not allow anyone to impose any opinion on her. In skirmishes and scandals he shows excellent self-control. She always knows what she needs. Having set a goal, he thoroughly prepares to achieve it. At work, Arina is most often appreciated by both colleagues and superiors. Being a good psychologist from birth, she very clearly senses the mood of her interlocutor, so she can find common language. Arina is a workaholic, she tries to complete any work, and is always focused on the task. If you praise her periodically, the quality of her work will be many times higher.

Arina is a good leader - her subordinates will respect her and listen to her and her wishes. In addition, he is a very correct person. She will never attack a subordinate in public with accusations; she prefers to discuss all comments face-to-face. He can make a successful career working as a designer, musician, artist, or fashion designer.

In relationships with men, Arina is very indecisive. Falls in love often, but cannot fully or is afraid to express his feelings. Most often, she herself does not realize this. Being carried away by a man, he does not lose the ability to think soberly.

Arina usually has many fans. Gets married early. In marriage she proves herself to be an excellent housewife, hospitable and cordial, and a devoted wife. She likes to put things in order and create comfort in her home. She demands fidelity from her husband and is very jealous. Arina's chosen one should become the leader in the family. She is a very loving mother, ready to do anything for the well-being of her children.

Arin, born in winter, has a difficult relationship with her parents.

In Orthodoxy, there are several saints with the name Arina. This is the wife of St. George - the righteous Arina, the blessed Queen Arina and the Venerable Arina of Cappadocia.

Abbreviations for the name Arina, such as Ira, Rina, Rena, over time, came into use as independent names.

In Russia, the name Arina gained popular love, thanks to Arina Rodionovna, the nanny of the poet Pushkin.

Arina has been smart and energetic since childhood. She loves active activities and travel. The owner of this name is sociable, it is easy for her to meet people and make friends. At the same time, it is difficult to do business with her; such a girl defends her own point of view to the end and rarely compromises.

Origin of the name Arina

According to one version, the female name Arina is an obsolete form of the word. Translated from Greek, it means “peace”, “calmness”. In myths Ancient Greece there is the goddess of peace Eirene. It is believed that in honor of her they began to call girls Arinami, and later - Irinami.

According to another version, the name Arina comes from Slavic words:

  • Yarina;
  • Yaronega.

The origin of these ancient names is associated with the Slavic sun god Yarila.

According to the third version, Arina is the feminine form of the masculine Jewish. The name translates as “bright mountain”, “exalted”, “mentor”, “seer”.

According to one version, the name Arina has Slavic origin and associated with the name pagan god sun of Yarila

Forms of the name Arina

Short name forms:

  • Aryukha;
  • Rina;
  • Rena;
  • Arch;
  • Rinka.

Diminutive forms:

  • Arinka;
  • Arisha;
  • Aryusha;
  • Arisya;
  • Arinya;
  • Arishka.

When writing a poem about Arina, you can use the following rhymes: picture, reason, core, web, top.

Related names

People often called Irins Arins. This appeal was also popular in the 18th century among peasants and merchants. The name Ira was more common among nobles. Later the following forms of the name became independent:

  • Rina;
  • Rena;

Photo gallery: forms named after Arina

Arina - full form the name Rina - a short form of the name Arina Arisha - an affectionate version of addressing Arina Ira - a short form of Arina, which later became an independent name

In Orthodoxy there are saints with the name Arina, so when baptizing girls they can be called that.

Transliteration for international passport - ARINA.

Table: name in other languages

Middle names that go with the first name

The name Arina harmonizes with the following middle names:

  • Kirillovna;
  • Alekseevna;
  • Grigorievna;
  • Pavlovna;
  • Yurievna.

Nickname options for social networks

When starting a personal channel on Youtube or an Instagram account, Arina can use the following nicknames:

  • ar1na;
  • a_rishenka;
  • yarina;
  • arisha.

Arina's patron saints, name day dates

In Orthodoxy there are several patron saints of girls with this name:

  • righteous Arina, wife of Saint George the Confessor;
  • Venerable Arina of Cappadocia;
  • Blessed Queen Arina.

People said about the days of commemoration of the three saints: the first Arina breaks the banks, the second plants plants, the cranes fly away to the third.

Venerable Arina of Cappadocia is one of the patron saints of girls with this name

Name days of the owners named Arina:

  • January 12;
  • January 16;
  • April 29;
  • May 18;
  • May 26;
  • August 10;
  • August 17;
  • August 22;
  • August 26;
  • October 1st.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive qualities of the name:

  • peace-loving, benevolent, sincere;
  • in difficult times she is always ready to come to the rescue;
  • purposeful and executive;
  • good housewife.

Negative qualities:

  • intractable;
  • stubborn.

How does a name affect a child's character?

Arina is growing up as a calm and obedient girl; she does not cause her parents much trouble. Energetic, but prefers calmer games, reading or drawing to catching up and jumping ropes.

The bearer of this name has an excellent memory, and she is also very inquisitive. He gets along well with his peers and chooses boys more often than girls as friends. Arina studies diligently and diligently. Having started a business, he will definitely bring it to the end. He devotes a lot of time to development, strives to gain knowledge for his future profession.

Little Arina prefers reading rather than active games

The influence of a name on the character and fate of an adult

Pavel Florensky believes that Arina is quite reserved and is friendly and delicate when communicating with people. She rarely makes hasty decisions. Practical, always plans her actions. The girl’s strong-willed character allows her to overcome any difficulties on the way to her goal. The owner of this name is difficult to anger; she is patient and modest. A wonderful friend who knows how to sympathize and support at the right time.

According to Boris Khigir, Arina is very independent, she is used to solving all problems without outside help. The girl inherited this feature from her mother, but she took after her father in her charming appearance. Arina is a meek and shy young lady. He has a good understanding of people. At work she is attentive and neat, but very slow, and in critical situations she cannot gather herself.

Talents and hobbies

Arina leads an active lifestyle, loves to travel, go to nature and relax with friends. At the same time, this girl is not averse to staying at home and spending time reading an interesting detective story. He prefers noisy companies, likes to invite people to visit him for various celebrations. He is interested in psychology and self-development.

Professions, business and career

From a young age, Arina studies diligently and makes plans related to her future profession. She considers fulfillment at work to be her main goal and is ready to devote not only work time to her career, but also personal time. The following professions are suitable for the owner of this name:

  • technologist;
  • engineer;
  • designer;
  • architect;
  • fashion designer;
  • psychologist;
  • lawyer;
  • diplomat

Diligent and persistent Arina can become an excellent lawyer

This girl is delicate and polite. Her character is conducive to activities related to communication and consultation with people. In addition, Arina is responsible and efficient, she knows how to calculate the situation several steps ahead. She can become a successful entrepreneur. It is important for the bearer of this name to collaborate with someone; she needs to work not alone, but together with partners.

Arina has the makings of a leader. She is not inclined to make illusory plans and set unrealistic goals for herself. The girl gets along well with her superiors and subordinates. This is a wise leader who tries to solve all problems peacefully.


Arina has a fairly strong immune system, so she rarely gets sick. But such a girl should pay attention to the state of her nervous system. It is important for her to give herself more time to rest, learn to relax and stick to a sleep schedule. Also, the owner of this name may have problems with vision; she should regularly visit an ophthalmologist.

Love, sexuality, marriage

IN love relationships Arina is prone to drama. She is in search of extraterrestrial love and believes that feelings can be eternal. A girl with this name gives her chosen one comfort and warmth, tries to do everything to make her beloved’s life better than before he met her. Rina prefers romantic, beautiful courtship, but rarely gives in to feelings if she doesn’t find in a person what she really needs.

Arina attaches great importance to intimate connections in relationships and strives to ensure that everything in sex is perfect. She is very charming even without special effort capable of charming any man. Representatives of the stronger sex appreciate her for her openness, endless optimism and initiative.

Such a girl builds relationships on mutual understanding and trust. Arina is absolutely selfless and when choosing a partner she will not pay attention to his social status and financial situation.

Arina builds relationships on love and trust; the financial situation of her chosen one usually does not bother her

Arina is a wonderful housewife, all family members value her and treat her with respect. The girl devotes a lot of time to raising children. She prefers to give the reins of power in a couple to her husband. The owner of this name is an excellent cook, but in order to prepare some culinary masterpiece, she has to fight her own laziness.

It is important for a girl named Arina to feel that her husband and children need her. She finds it difficult to tolerate her husband’s coldness, rudeness, and inattention. In life, independent and independent Rina can completely dissolve in family affairs, so she needs her work and care to be noticed and appreciated.

Table: compatibility with male names

AlexanderArina and Alexander may have a passionate romance. They have a lot in common, they are interested in each other's company. But if this union is based only on feelings, the euphoria may disappear over time and the partners will prefer to separate.
DmitrySuch a marriage is usually short-lived, although the characters of Arina and Dmitry are very similar, they are both independent and freedom-loving. Relationships can be ruined by jealousy and misunderstandings.
SergeyThe union of this couple is built exclusively on friendly relations. There is nothing wrong with this for them. On the contrary, their family tandem will become stronger over the years, as the partners trust each other and treat their other half with respect.
AndreyA wonderful union. There is no leader in their family; they decide and do everything together. The relationship between Arina and Andrey is built on mutual understanding and support. Together they overcome all obstacles on the way to their desired goal.
AlexeyArina and Alexey enjoy each other's company. They do everything together. The couple has a rich and varied life; lovers often travel. The spouses have many joint plans, which they are in a hurry to bring to life. The birth of a child will further strengthen their union.
EvgeniyThis relationship can become ideal. Arina and Evgeniy understand each other perfectly, they have a similar way of thinking. If the spouses want to open their own business, the business has every chance of becoming successful and profitable. In the family, the leader for the most part is the wife, and the husband gives her complete freedom of action.
MaximThe spouses have similar interests. They can do meditation, psychology, and spiritual practices together. Arina becomes a kind of mentor for Maxim. Such an alliance can last quite a long time.
VladimirAt the very beginning, the relationship is full of calm and mutual understanding. But gradually Arina gets tired of the monotony, and Vladimir wants comfort and a delicious dinner. If they want to maintain the union, the partners will have to become more tolerant of each other.
DenisThe couple is harmonious, Arina and Denis understand each other well. The partners do everything in concert and amicably. Such relationships can be very strong and long-lasting.
ArtyomArtyom and Arina have similar characters, everyone is a little rebel at heart. It is extremely important for a couple to find or develop common hobbies: sports, travel, recreation. Otherwise, their love of freedom will prevail over their feelings, and this may lead to separation.
NovelPartners with completely different beliefs and views on life. Arina and Roman often have disagreements and conflict situations in which each tries to prove that they are right. Such unions are usually short-lived.
IgorThere is no stability in this couple, both partners are very hot-tempered, do not strive for home comfort, each wants to take a leadership position. All this leads to separation.
VladislavThis union can be quite successful. Vladislav has an excellent sense of humor, he loves intimate meetings and active recreation. Arina is a wonderful housewife and mother. Such a family can be happy and strong.
VitalyConstant quarrels and misunderstandings between Vitaly and Arina will most likely lead to a quick breakup. If spouses learn to tame their ardor and come to general decision, separation can be avoided.

Significant years of Arina’s life

In Arina’s life, the most significant years are: 19, 23, 30, 33, 35, 44, 48, 51 and 62.

This name is mentioned in Maxim Leonidov’s poem “Arina the Ballerina”.

Table: name matches

PlanetVenusTalented and energetic people. They strive to establish friendly and close relationships in almost all areas of their lives: in the family and at work. Relationships with people are built solely on trust and mutual understanding.
Zodiac signTaurusDreamy, romantic natures. They prefer peace and tranquility. Purposeful and strong-willed. Very neat, efficient, diligent. Loyalty is valued in relationships.
ElementEarthExtremely prudent and far-sighted people who take their assigned tasks seriously. They do not commit rash acts. Realists, not prone to romantic actions.
Number9 Purposeful and persistent, they achieve their goal if they really want it. Such people have an excellent sense of humor, they are very witty. They love to teach and impose their own opinions.
ColorYellowThey have a phenomenal memory, are talented and multi-faceted. Thinking outside the box helps them create new ideas, which they rush to turn into reality. Very strong-willed, persistent, prudent, they carefully consider the situation, calculate all options for solving the problem.
Totem animalTermiteSymbol of impermanence. Very active, are in constant movement. They love it when life is full of impressions and bright, memorable moments.
TreeChestnutA solar tree radiates the energy of life and helps against various diseases.
PlantLily of the valleyA symbol of good nature, love, mutual understanding and joy.
StoneTopazStone of fate, test of endurance. The ability to adapt to any living conditions. Suitable for people who are not afraid to take risks to achieve success.
MetalPlatinumHelps to find peace and tranquility. Arina is recommended to wear this metal not only at celebrations, but also in everyday life.
SymbolCandleThe personification of home comfort, the warmth of the stove and the light of hope.
MascotNecklaceSymbolizes eternity
Auspicious dayFriday
Unfavorable dayTuesday
Time of yearSpring

The meaning of each letter of the name

A is a symbol of beginning, perseverance, energy. The desire for physical and spiritual improvement. This helps them to be more courageous, independent, and open. They have the makings of a leader.

P - propensity for self-development. Very inquisitive people, trying to learn the secrets of the world. Talented individuals, they always have a lot of ideas, which they systematically translate into reality.

And - this letter indicates spirituality, a subtle sense of beauty. This feature is reflected not only in their clothing style, but also in their habits, gestures and manners. Realistic, sharp and straightforward. Sometimes these qualities prevent you from making strong friendships and long-term relationships.

N - rebellious character. They are very intractable people, it can be difficult to agree on anything with them. Carefully monitor physical and state of mind. They are diligent and diligent at work.

Five letters in the name mean that Arina has abilities in the humanities. They are sensitive, know how to understand art: painting, music, literature. Such people are sociable, they have many like-minded people.

When was Arina born?

Winter Arina is intractable, stubborn, principled. In most cases, she gets herself into trouble. When communicating with people, she is often reserved and taciturn.

Vesennaya Arina is a creative person. She is strong-willed, purposeful, prudent, moral, she always knows what she wants to achieve, but sometimes she lacks the determination to take the first step. Such a girl has well-developed intuition.

Arina, born in spring, is creative and strong-willed, but her self-confidence always needs to be maintained

Summer Arina is an ambitious, purposeful and good-natured woman. Always ready to help in difficult times. Absolutely selfless. She has her own unique style, which she uses not only in clothes, but also in the design of her apartment. An excellent cook and a hospitable hostess.

Autumn Arina is attentive and efficient. Able to predict the outcome of different life situations. He makes plans in advance, thinking through everything down to the smallest detail. Calm, balanced, it is difficult to anger her.

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesAn energetic, persistent, cheerful girl. When she has a desire to start a new project or implement an idea, she strives to involve as many people as possible in this. Soulful and sincere.
TaurusScrupulous, attentive to details. Very modest. The realization of her desires can sometimes be delayed indefinitely. However, the girl does not give up on her plans and persistently achieves her goals.
TwinsA little absent-minded, but extremely active and cheerful person. It seems that life is seething around Arina-Gemini, work is in full swing, but in most cases this is just an imitation of serious activity.
CancerAn impressionable, mysterious and shy woman. Somewhat constrained and complex. He is often afraid to make decisions and express his thoughts publicly. In society, one often agrees with someone else’s opinion, even if one does not agree with it. In company she prefers to remain inconspicuous and silent.
LionPowerful, headstrong, straightforward. Her decisions are not subject to discussion; the girl’s selfishness is visible in every action. Arina-Leo does not know how to feel and respect people, she perceives people as a means of achieving personal goals.
VirgoReasonable, purposeful, executive. Even in the most boring and monotonous work, Arina-Virgo shows imagination and brings her amazing ideas to life. An independent woman, she is not used to relying on anyone. Rarely makes rash decisions. For such a girl, a career and a decent income are important.
ScalesModest and sensitive, with excellent manners. A good-natured and peace-loving woman. She is sociable and optimistic, easily makes new acquaintances, and feels comfortable in any company. Arina-Libra is a good conversationalist, able to sympathize and support others.
ScorpionShe is impressionable and temperamental, but cannot hold a grudge for long. Loves to be the center of attention. In relationships with people she is extremely intractable, but in case of a mistake she is able to admit her mistake. A charming and graceful woman, not without charm. She has many friends and fans.
SagittariusPower-hungry, proactive, charming. Arina-Sagittarius has the makings of a leader. In her work she knows how to delicately insist on her opinion; her colleagues and superiors treat her with respect. Such a girl is purposeful and strong-willed, all her desires will soon come true.
CapricornCarefully thinks through his actions and statements. A calm and somewhat secretive woman. I am ready to devote most of my time to work. Arina-Capricorn often neglects proper rest. But if a girl meets a man whom she truly loves, professional activities may fade into the background.
AquariusVersatile, well-mannered, with excellent manners. He doesn't like to waste words and always keeps his promises. Arina-Aquarius has an excellent sense of humor, she is sociable, it is easy for her to communicate with people, since such a girl can infect anyone with her optimism.
FishWayward, selfish nature. Her principles are very strict and severe. She considers herself incredibly charming and sophisticated. Expects 100% attention and absolute admiration from a man.

Famous people with this name

Women with this name who left their mark on history:

  • Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva - serf, nanny of Alexander Pushkin;
  • Arina Sharapova - Russian TV presenter, journalist;
  • Arina Tanemura - Japanese artist, creator of famous manga;
  • Arina Martynova - Russian figure skater, two-time Russian champion;
  • Arina Sobakina - Russian ballet dancer, one of the first professional Russian ballerinas;
  • Arina Ushakova - Russian figure skater, international master of sports of Russia;
  • Arina Postnikova - Russian actress theater and cinema;
  • Arina Aleynikova is a Russian actress.

The name Arina is mentioned in the song “Doll” by the group “Ivanushki International”.

Photo gallery: famous Arinas

Arina Martynova - Russian figure skater Arina Postnikova - Russian actress Arina Rodionovna - Alexander Pushkin's nanny Arina Sharapova - Russian TV presenter Arina Tanemura - Japanese mangaka

Arina is demanding of other people, gives a fair assessment of their actions, and she herself also strives to strictly adhere to the rules established in society. She gives in and suppresses her ego only when the fate of a person depends on her decision. Values ​​honesty and loyalty.

Meaning "peace" in Greek.

Energy name

The meaning of the name Arina indicates that they are very sensitive and subtle in nature, they sense changes in the mood of the interlocutor and can use this to their advantage. They make good psychologists and diplomats.

Characteristics of the name Arina

Since childhood, Arina has felt independence and adulthood. Arina has been independent since childhood. She will decide for herself whether to go to a music studio or whether it is better to enroll in a choreography studio, and she will learn to knit and embroider herself. The girl inherited this independence, like other character traits, from her mother, but her attractive appearance and flexibility - from her father, to whom the girl is very attached.

If guests come to her parents, the girl tries to mind her own business; she cannot stand demonstrative recitations of poetry or dances.

Arina is talented, but when she finds herself in the spotlight, she often gets lost. When Arina goes to school, her studies come easily to her; she is talented and does handicrafts. She likes detective stories, but sentimentality is alien to her, she does not understand people who cry over every soap opera. Arina has many friends, but she can often be seen in the company of boys, with whom she easily finds a common language. The girl is also drawn to sports activities.

Arina easily controls her character; even as a child, her actions seem more adult and balanced. In some situations, she can also show aggression. Arina knows what she wants to get out of life.

Women with this name are somewhat reserved (especially the “winter” ones) and have their own minds. They seem like simpletons, which, however, is far from true. They have amazing intuition and can instantly grasp the background of any matter, but their reaction is a little slow.

They never rely on anyone - only on their hard work, perseverance and business acumen. They never act at random without first finding out everything.
They welcome guests with pleasure, but do not like to pay visits themselves, preferring a cozy family atmosphere. They love sweets.
“Winter” Arin has a difficult relationship with her parents.

If Arina does not get married early, then it is likely that there will be a lot of professions that she wants to master. She approaches everything thoroughly and in a business-like manner. Arins are excellent leaders, they will never raise their voices at their subordinates, they are reasonable and balanced. When choosing a field of activity, she will most often prefer female profession: hairdresser, fashion designer, teacher or doctor.

However, Arina is not a careerist. She prefers a job that leaves a lot of free time. With a wealthy husband, Arina happily quits her job and becomes a housewife.

In personal matters, Arinas are indecisive, even fearful, and this does not allow them to express their feelings in matters of the heart. In marriage, Arina is always a faithful wife and mother, ready to make sacrifices for the sake of her child. It is difficult for her to remain alone; she looks to her husband for support. She tries not to lead in the family, relying on her husband, but her interests cannot completely revolve around the family.

The owner of the name Arina pays a lot of attention to creating home comfort, diligently weaving " family nest", constantly makes changes to the furnishings of the apartment, loves to buy trinkets and rearrange furniture. Without relying on anyone, he prefers to do everything in the house with his own hands, while showing perseverance, sober calculation and household ingenuity.

You should not give this name to a child born under the sign of Libra, Cancer, Pisces or Virgo. The name Arina is in harmony with the signs Aries, Capricorn, Aquarius, Leo.

For Arina's marriage, a person with the name Averyan, Vavila, Voldemar, Galaktion, Emelyan, Modest, Filimon is suitable; a marriage with Abram, Anufriy, Dasius, Miron, Timur will be unhappy

Secrets of communication

You shouldn’t even try to change Arina’s views or win her over to your side.

Diminutive and endearing forms of names

Arinka, Arishka, Arisha, Arishenka, Aryusha.

Astrological characteristics

Zodiac name correspondence: Taurus.
Planet: Venus.
Name colors: pale blue.
Talisman stone: opal.

Arina's birthday

May 8 (5)- Irene of Macedonia, great martyr.
April 29 (16)- Irina Aquileiskaya, martyr.
October 7 (September 18)- Irina of Egypt, martyr.

Trace of the name Arina in history

Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva(1758-1828) she was born in Suida, the estate of A.P. Hannibal. Since 1759, the serf of Abram Petrovich Hannibal, the great-grandfather of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Arina was her home name, but her real name was Irina or Irinya.

After her marriage in 1781, she became a serf of the poet’s grandfather, Osip Abramovich Hannibal. She was initially the nanny of Nadezhda Osipovna, the mother of Alexander Sergeevich. Having received “freedom” in 1899, Arina Rodionovna remained with the Pushkins; nursed all three of their children. For Pushkin's older sister, Olga, she became a wet nurse. Alexander Sergeevich called her “mummy” and treated her with warmth and care. “The good friend of my poor youth”, “my decrepit dove” - this is from the poems “ Winter evening" and "A Friend of My Harsh Days", written during the years of the poet's exile in Mikhailovskoye (1824-1826). In 1824 - 1826, during the poet’s exile, she lived in Mikhailovskoye. At that time, Pushkin became especially close to his nanny, listened to her fairy tales with pleasure, and wrote down her words. folk songs. He used the plots and motives of what he heard in his work. According to the poet, Arina Rodionovna was “the original of Tatyana’s nanny” from “Eugene Onegin” and Dubrovsky’s nanny. It is generally accepted that Arina is also the prototype of Ksenia’s mother in “Boris Godunov”, the princess’s mother (“Rusalka”), female images novel "Arap of Peter the Great".

Pushkin last time saw a nanny in Mikhailovskoye on September 14, 1827, 9 months before her death. Arina Rodionovna - “a good friend of my poor youth” - died at the age of 70, after a short illness, on July 29, 1828 in St. Petersburg, in the house of Olga Pushkina (married Pavlishcheva). After her death, Arina Rodionovna was buried at the Smolensk cemetery in St. Petersburg. Today her grave is lost, but in 1977 a memorial plaque was installed at the entrance to the cemetery.

Other famous namesakes of Arina

  • Arina Valerievna Martynova(b. 1990) - Russian singles figure skater. Two-time champion of Russia among juniors in the 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 seasons.
  • Arina Matveevna Sobakina(born around 1762 - date of death unknown) - Russian ballet dancer, comic dancer of the late 18th century, one of the very first professional Russian ballerinas.
  • Arina Andreevna Ushakova(b. 1989) - Russian figure skater who competed in pair skating. With Sergei Karev, she is the bronze medalist of the 2007 Winter Universiade, the bronze medalist of the 2008 Russian Championship and a participant in the championship. Master of Sports of Russia of international class.
  • Arina Ayanovna Sharapova(b. 1961) - famous TV presenter, journalist, head of the Workshop of the Faculty of Journalism of the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino".

The charm of the female name Arina lies in its ancient, centuries-old origin and modern, rhythmic sound. Despite its foreign homeland, it has long been considered exclusively, including thanks to the famous Arina Rodionova, the beloved nanny of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Brief meaning of the name Arina

History of the origin of the name

The origin of the name Arina is not entirely clear. There are several versions of its origin, the most common is ancient Greek. According to this version, Arina is a derivative form of Irina and means “peaceful”, “calm”.

Both of them come from the name ancient greek goddess peace and tranquility of Eirene, daughter of Zeus and Themis.

Arina and Irina accompanied each other in the history of the Russian state: only if the Irins were mainly noblewomen, then representatives of other classes were called Arinas: peasant women, merchant women and bourgeois women.

According to another version, it is of Slavic origin and is closely connected with the name of the pagan sun god - Yarilo. In this case, Arina means “sunny”, “bright”. In Bulgaria, for example, this is the name of the Thracian goddess of sunlight and has a corresponding interpretation.

However, that's not all, and mysterious name Arina may be of Jewish origin, if the male name Aaron is considered its source.

The tangled history reflects its complex but interesting fate - many peoples would like to see this sonorous name as theirs national name. However, there is every reason to claim that this is Russian folk form The name Irina, that is, is of Russian origin. It should be noted that in Russia the popularity of the name Arina is constantly growing, while Irina is decreasing.

Name forms

IN English synonym for the name Arina is Irene.

The full form in Russian is Arina. Diminutive and short forms: Arya, Arisha, Arka, Aryukha, Arunka, Aryunka, Yarochka, Yara, Yarushka, Rina, Rinochka, Aryukha, Aruska, Arinka, Arinushka, Arinochka, Arka, Irusha, Irunya.

According to church Orthodox calendar The days of several saints named Irina are celebrated:

  • March 7 – Martyr Irina (Smirnova);
  • September 30 – Venerable Martyr Irina (Frolova);
  • February 26 – Venerable Martyr Irina (Khvostova);
  • April 29 – Martyr Irene of Aquileia;
  • October 1 – Martyr Irene of Egypt;
  • August 10 – Venerable Irene of Cappodocia;
  • May 26 – Irina of Constantinople;
  • April 29 – Martyr Irene of Corinth;
  • May 18 – Great Martyr Irene of Macedonia;
  • August 22 – Queen Irina.

Letter decoding:

A – beginning, creation; desire for comfort;

P – insight; self-confidence, courage;

And - kindness, sincerity, peacefulness;

N – criticality;

A – beginning; creation.

The meaning of the name Arina for a girl

The meaning of the name Arina for a girl determines her fate. Young Arinas are energetic, active, very independent and even self-sufficient creatures. Meanwhile, the child is good-natured and responsive, she is always full of care for her younger sisters and brothers (if she has them), and loves to play with small children.

Goodwill and sociability attract many people to her, but not everyone opens up to her. Unnoticeable secrecy in a child can develop with age into isolation, which, however, will not prevent her from communicating with people.

For a mobile and active girl, gymnastics, swimming, and dancing are good.

She is persistent and persistent in her studies, striving to get straight A's. With the same tenacity she will receive higher education and educate yourself throughout your life.


The characteristics of the name Arina reflect life path extraordinary owners of this sonorous name. Arina's destiny is filled interesting events and travel, creative work, and a busy personal life.

She is an excellent psychologist, knows how to get along with people, can find the key to any person, remaining, however, a mysterious “black box” for everyone. Human talents determine her professional choice - she can become a good teacher, a wonderful actor and journalist, advertiser, politician.

Career and family

Although many Arinas are responsible and executive workers, career always comes second for them, and personal relationships and family come first. Therefore the most best optionfamily business, or a creative tandem. In such a union she will best reveal herself and how good specialist, and what a wonderful wife. Interestingly, she does not get tired of close and constant contact with her loved one both at home and at work, but on the contrary, she gains confidence and harmony.

Family for her is a small Universe. In it, she diligently builds relationships with loved ones, builds a foundation family well-being, subordinating your whole life to this. She is especially concerned about the fate of children: she makes every effort to give them an excellent education and is engaged in their comprehensive upbringing.

Persistence and responsibility in work often leads to what Arina achieves financial success and stability, and she turns her home into a cozy and comfortable nest, furnished with great love and taste.

Arina goes well with such male names as: Alexey, Egor, Gleb, Oleg, Vyacheslav, Dmitry, Fedor, Maxim, Evgeniy, Peter, Victor.

Famous Arinas

Famous people who bear the name often have professions related to public activities and a large audience:

  • Arina Sharapova, Makhova - Russian TV presenters;
  • Arina Perchik - Russian model, TV presenter;
  • Arina Varskaya is a famous Russian fitness trainer;
  • Averina – Russian rhythmic gymnast;
  • Arina Postnikova, Esina, Kirsanova, Aleynikova - Russian actresses;

The name Arina has several versions of origin. If you believe the first version, then Arina is a derivative of old name Irina, which translated from ancient Greek means “peace” and “tranquility.” The second version claims that Arina came from another Slavic name - Yarina, which in turn is related to such names as Yaromira, Yara, Yaronega. All these ancient Slavic names originated from the name of the main Slavic god Yaril. According to the third version, the name Arina is the feminine form of the male Hebrew name Aaron, which means “enlightened.”

The name Arina was especially common among merchants and nobles in the 18th century, but now the popularity of the name has lost. But we all remember the beloved nanny of the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin, to whom he dedicated many poems and poems. Arina Rodionovna went down in history as a bright, pure image, loving and gentle. She was an excellent storyteller, and Pushkin learned a lot from her stories, which later resulted in his immortal works.

Modern history also knows many talented women called Arins. Among them are TV presenter Arina Sharapova, dancer Arina Kirsanova, actress Arina Aleynikova, ballerina Arina Sobakina, figure skater Arina Ushakova and many others.

Name days and patron saints

The main patroness of all Arines is considered to be the blessed Queen Irene, who was born in Athens around 752. She was the emperor's wife, and after his death ruled as regent for her infant son. Queen Irene was awarded the crown of holiness because in 878, at the Council of Nicaea, she decisively advocated the veneration of icons, while other clergy and representatives of secular authorities advocated abandoning them.

In the Christian calendar there are several more saints named Arina (Irina). You can celebrate name days closer to your date of birth on the following dates: January 16 and 12, February 8 and 26, March 7, April 29, May 18 and 26, August 10 and 17, September 30, October 1 and November 12.

Characteristics of the name

Irina and Arina are two very similar names, but just one letter gives the karma of the name completely different character traits. If Irina is a contradictory and selfish creature, then all Arinas are sweet and tremulous ladies.

Arina's inner world is always closed to others; she is a real mystery woman. Worldly wisdom and the ability to win over people are combined in her with determination, hard work and emotional balance. There is absolutely no snobbery, arrogance, or desire to sacrifice the interests of other people for the sake of her own interests.

Balance and consistency in everything are Arina’s main characteristics. She does not tolerate fuss and haste, she always thinks through everything carefully and brings it to its logical conclusion. Friendliness and sociability are Arina’s natural communication style, and many take this for friendship. But Arina is a very secretive person, and is in no hurry to open her soul to anyone.

Arina's character is quite straightforward, she knows how to speak the truth and defend her opinion. Doesn't like gossip and intrigue, she can't be seduced in beautiful words and flattery. She has a great understanding of people, is smart and educated, but does not flaunt her knowledge. She can be called a little cowardly and indecisive, but she is not lacking in determination and independence.

Arina does not strive for leadership, but she will never be a gray mouse either. She is always ready to help, but she does not like to ask for help herself; she always relies only on herself. The name Arina has positive karma, so she is usually always successful both at work and in her personal life.


Arisha as a child is a kind and cheerful girl, her mother’s assistant. The girl has early childhood A special relationship will be established with her father - it is to him that she will always, even as an adult, turn to Arina for support and advice. She will always be a daddy's girl, not a momma's girl.

The girl begins to strive for independence early, her favorite expression“I myself!” She will learn everything on her own, you won’t have to force her. Arina can do well at school, maybe even an excellent student, and enjoys participating in all school events. She is loved equally by her teachers and classmates.

The girl has been interested in reading and handicrafts since early childhood, and she has excellent taste. At school, Arina will have a lot of fans with whom she will always be able to maintain friendly relations. Arina will always have few real friends, since she intuitively senses falsehood.

Little Arina's only drawback is excessive independence, sometimes turning into stubbornness and selfishness.


Little Arina is a very active child, so parents need to protect her from possible injuries. As an adult, she often takes her health lightly and often abuses painkillers and energy drinks, which should never be done.

Arina very rarely goes to the doctor, even if she is sick. She may have problems with metabolic disorders, which results in overweight and poor health. Due to her responsible attitude towards everything, no matter what she undertakes, Arina often gets overtired, so she needs to go to work as often as possible. fresh air and get good sleep.


Arina is an amorous and romantic girl who needs to be looked after beautifully. She will always have many fans, as she is open and kind person. When choosing a partner, she is most often guided by common sense rather than feelings.

Arina may seem a little cold person, because, despite her sociability, she is reluctant to be intimate and will not open her soul to the first person she meets. In personal matters, Arina is timid and indecisive; she prefers to be friends with a man than to enter into an intimate relationship with him.

Arina values ​​true love much more than sex; she will remove all prohibitions for her loved one. Only to him will she reveal her sensuality, give tenderness and care.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Once married, Arina will never completely dissolve in her husband; she will always find a way to leave herself personal space. She will not claim leadership in the family, but will not lose her independence and ability to take responsibility into her own hands. Her husband will have to reckon with her independence - it will never be possible to close a woman within four walls.

Arina's husband can have no doubt about his wife's loyalty; she is an extremely devoted and decent person. Arina will be a good, but a little lazy housewife and a caring mother; the doors of her house will always be open to friends. Arina will give her family so much love and care that all her shortcomings pale against the background of her advantages.

The meaning of life for Arina will be her children - she will devote herself entirely to them. For their sake, she will be able to give up her career and her husband if she feels that he will not be a good father.

A successful marriage for Arina is possible with men named Arkady, Igor, Boris, Vladimir, Sergey, Ivan, Andrey, Leonid and Stepan. You should avoid relationships with Oleg, Vyacheslav, Valentin, Anatoly and Timur.

Business and career

All Arinas are famous for their balance; she is respected by her superiors, colleagues and subordinates. But she should not strive to become a leader, as she lacks determination and toughness. Arina is a little cowardly, it is unlikely that she will be able to take on much responsibility.

Arina has had a penchant for creativity since childhood, so this will suit her well creative profession, such as a designer, artist, fashion designer, TV presenter, art historian, historian, actress or singer.

However, the pragmatic Arina will most likely opt for a more down-to-earth and reliable profession. She will make a good teacher or nanny, as the woman gets along well with children and loves them. She is an excellent public figure, so she can become a deputy, politician, speaker, or make a career in the advertising business.

Arina will treat any work diligently and scrupulously, so she will make a good accountant, lawyer, salesman or doctor.

Talismans for Arina

  • Patron planet - Venus.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign - Taurus. It is recommended to give the name Arina to girls born under this sign.
  • A good time of year is spring, a good day of the week is Friday.
  • Happy day - yellow, blue and cyan.
  • Totem plant - lily of the valley and chestnut. Lily of the valley is a symbol of love, tenderness and purity. Chestnut gives to Arina vital energy and gives strength, eliminates pain and ailment. In the Christian religion, the chestnut is considered a symbol of chastity; it gives strength in the fight against temptation.
  • Totem animal - termite and owl. The termite is a symbol of change and vitality, while the owl is a symbol of wisdom, loneliness and nostalgia.
  • Talisman stone - opal and topaz. Opal has been famous since ancient times for its medicinal properties, it helps in the fight against nervous diseases, insomnia and depression. The stone absorbs negative emotions and illnesses of the owner. Topaz is a real helper for people who are not afraid of difficulties and trials, but for those who are looking for peace and quiet the stone is useless. Opal gives strength and strengthens the spirit.

Horoscope for Arina

Aries- a sincere, sociable woman, a little lazy and irresponsible. She leads an active lifestyle and often imposes her opinions on others. She never thoroughly thinks through all the circumstances, but Arina-Aries cannot be called frivolous and spineless. She really likes being admired and showered with compliments, while she wants to remain independent, including from her husband. She looks at each new day with optimism, confident that it will be better than the previous one. For marriage, a Leo man is best suited for her - only to him Arina-Aries is ready to give in and submit.

Taurus- a scrupulous, stubborn nature, loving calm and the smooth flow of all events. She is always reserved and never shows off her emotions. Arina-Taurus is always polite and delicate; people turn to her for calm communication and practical advice. She is slow, but in no case should you rush her, she will do everything on time and efficiently. You should expect violent manifestations of feelings from her, but she will always be able to surround her man with love and care. Arina-Taurus perfect compatibility with an Aries man - they can become not only ardent lovers, but also good business partners.

Twins- a cheerful, hectic personality, around whom life is always seething. She is fussy, but this is only the appearance of active activity. Arina-Gemini knows how to shift responsibility onto other people's shoulders like no one else. She is changeable and unpredictable, but there is rationalism and practicality in her; she is not as flighty as it might seem at first glance. She combines a variety of different, incompatible character traits - such is the nature of Arina-Gemini. She is distinguished by an easy attitude to life and a lack of attachments. A Leo man can be a good husband for such a complex nature - they have the best horoscope compatibility.

Cancer- a vulnerable and tender young lady, uncertainly walking through life. Decisiveness is not her strong point; she prefers to adapt to people and circumstances, and as a result loses her individuality. Arina-Cancer has a wine complex; she constantly rummages about her past and cannot let it go. In no case should one ridicule or make fun of her - nature also deprived her of a sense of humor. She is focused on stability and is mortally afraid of any change. The Virgo man can become a guiding star for Arina-Cancer - this couple has every chance of living their whole lives in a happy and harmonious marriage.

Lion- authoritarian, wayward and proud Arina, for whom there is only one correct opinion - her own. She is sociable and friendly, she is envied, adored and hated at the same time. Arina-Lioness is success-oriented and career growth, she wants to shine in any society. Crossing the threshold of her own home, she does not cease to be a queen. Arina the Lioness always looks great, even in a dressing gown, and her home is a role model. She will never tolerate disrespect for herself, even from her own household. The best husband For such a difficult woman, a Sagittarius man can become - the life-loving representative of this sign has a lot in common with the Lioness woman.

Virgo- she is smart and responsible, not without a creative streak. Arina-Virgo is able to bring a touch of novelty and inspiration to any, even the most routine work. She is feminine and charming, but this is not obvious at first glance. Arina-Virgo is ready to come to the rescue in a situation when everyone else has given up. Public opinion is not a guide to action for her, she knows how to defend her beliefs, she never acts a hypocrite or lies. In communication, she can be critical and even sarcastic, which is why she does not have many friends. She cannot stand rudeness and lack of culture, since she herself has innate taste. She will be able to relax in bed and reveal her temperament with a Scorpio man - they have very little in common, but together they can move mountains.

Scales- delicate and balanced nature, charming and flirtatious. Despite the apparent frivolity, Arina-Libra has logical and cold thinking, she is very smart and intelligent. In communication, she is friendly and delicate, and will never intentionally put a person in an awkward position. For Arina-Libra, a comfortable and prosperous life is very important, but at the same time, she does not really like responsible, stressful work. She will be happy to shift all the family’s financial issues onto her husband’s shoulders. The main figure in the life of Arina-Libra will be her husband, even children and parents will fade into the background. The Capricorn man will become a reliable support for her - they will perfectly complement each other in marriage.

Scorpion- a hot-tempered, but easy-going woman who requires increased attention. Even if nature does not endow her with a beautiful appearance, she will still never go unnoticed. She is determined, brave and persistent, but at the same time feminine and sexy. Arina-Scorpio's feelings often remain a mystery even to those who know her well. Nature gives her great temperament and energy, but at the same time she gets a predisposition to bad habits, such as alcohol and smoking, but most often the woman manages to control herself. In work, she can outperform many men, especially if a good amount of money and a position are at stake. Best Compatibility horoscopes for Arina-Scorpio with a Virgo man - they will have a stable marriage that is not threatened by anything.

Sagittarius- domineering and passionate nature completely free from prejudice. All her actions are dictated by the dictates of her soul, and if she laughs or cries loudly, then there is not a drop of pretense in it. She is a true optimist and dreamer - depression and nervous illnesses do not threaten her. It is pleasant to communicate with her, despite the fact that she does not have natural softness and delicacy. Arina-Sagittarius hates routine in any form, so she will not make a diligent housewife, but she will make an excellent leader and organizer. She gives herself completely to love and passion, completely not listening to the voice of reason. But at the same time, she will never stop cherishing her freedom, so she needs a very loyal husband. A Leo man can make Arina-Sagittarius happy in marriage - they are perfect for each other, both intimately and for life together.

Capricorn- a balanced and impenetrable woman, she does not set unattainable goals and does not look for easy ways. She may seem uninitiative and submissive because she knows how to hide her ambitions and ambitious plans. Therefore, when success comes to her, many remain perplexed. Even while in good mood, Arina-Capricorn may look cold and reserved. Her career is very important to her because it is very important for her to be confident in tomorrow. In relationships with men, Arina-Capricorn is prudent and careful, but at the same time she really needs a family. Living with her under the same roof is not easy, because even with her loved one she can remain reserved and emotionally cold. The best partner for life together for Arina-Capricorn can be a Scorpio man - they will become a real find for each other.

Aquarius- an intelligent, witty woman, not devoid of objectivity. You will never get bored in her company; she is always surrounded by people. She is responsive, always tries to help and give practical advice. Her intuition is so developed that Arina-Aquarius is able to foresee the future. Despite her sociability, she has her own secrets that she does not reveal even to her closest people. She is not a deceiver, but she likes to leave things unsaid; she can even be called secretive. Even the strongest feelings for a man will not force Arina-Aquarius to completely dissolve in love - she will always be able to retain at least some of her personal freedom. In marriage, she is looking, first of all, for a friend and like-minded person, and love is secondary for her. Become for her ideal husband may become a Libra man - they can live happily for many years.

Fish- a charming, graceful creature, sentimental and whiny. She is completely non-conflict, never screams or quarrels. She is physically afraid of any noise, loud sounds, problems and conflicts - peace and silence are vital for her. Arina-Pisces knows how to masterfully avoid any troubles and evade responsibility. She often covers up her insecurities with jokes and feigned cheerful behavior. But, oddly enough, with her softness and tearfulness, she often achieves more than others with determination and hard work. It is very important for Arina-Pisces to find a job to her liking, otherwise she simply will not be able to work. Despite her sentimentality, she is by no means an amorous person, but if she does wait for her prince, then in her eyes he will be an ideal. A Cancer man can become a reliable shoulder for this insecure woman - they have a unique emotional and sensual connection.