The key to real success is a family business. Family business - rules of organization

A family business is a commercial organization in which decision-making is influenced by family members closely associated with the firm. This creates a special relationship within the structure. The article presents 50 good ideas family business.

Network marketing

Network marketing is an ideal family business because you are all working together and creating strong bonds for a common goal.


Livestock farming is one of the most profitable sectors in agriculture. You can work as a family to avoid paying wages to employees.

Debt collection agency

The only equipment you need is a phone and a computer. Your earnings will be a percentage of the amount of debt collected. But realize that this type of activity requires a combination of determination and empathy.


Photography still brings in a solid income. Business development requires investment in equipment, computers, software, premises, accessories.


By phone, Skype or in person, you can always give wise advice within your competence. Your family members can provide advice on diet, healthy lifestyle, parenting, sports, travel arrangements... The list is truly endless.

Book business

A family can get into online publishing, taking advantage of the recent revolution in publishing books through the online medium.

Computer skills training

If you have special knowledge, patience and minimal teaching abilities, then you can safely open computer courses.

Dog training

As long as there are people willing to start pet, dog trainers will always be in demand.

Sales through a resource eBay

Sell ​​your friends and acquaintances' things on eBay and earn your commissions.

Local tour consultants

If your family is interested in local flora and fauna, history native land and monitors cultural events, then you can safely organize mini-excursion tours. The main thing is to take care of an interesting program in advance.

Sale of indoor plants

A family can open their own business selling indoor plants.

Homemade natural soap and other cosmetics

Consumption of natural products is currently constantly growing. Therefore, this family business has real potential.

Construction Materials

People are always building and making repairs, so Construction Materials do not fall in price. You can make good money from this.

Catering business

This is a profitable business, but it requires a lot of human resources. Management staff, cooks, waiters - they can all be members of the same family.

The educational center

Making and decorating cakes

Making/decorating cakes for special occasions and events brings in a steady income.

Care for children

If you adore children (and not just your own), have a lot of energy and limitless patience, you can try becoming a nanny. Having responsible relatives as assistants, you will never miss a client.

Translation services

If everyone in your family is a polyglot, then providing translation services will be the right choice.

Personal purchases of goods

Not everyone has the time or opportunity to go shopping. You can make purchases according to the client's list for a fee.

Internet Security Consultant

Computer security is a very pressing issue nowadays. You can help individuals or companies keep their information assets safe.

Animal care

In 2012 62% Russian families had pets. It's no surprise that the demand for pet care services is only growing.

Execution of orders

Go to a store or studio, pay bills, buy medicine at a pharmacy, cook soup - together with other family members you can quickly cope with such small tasks. The reward will be good commissions.

Delivery service

Agree, the courier will always find a job, especially if you have personal transport.

Internet communications

With some knowledge, you can establish communication and exchange of information across the network between individuals. This will become a common family affair if your relative opens a store selling communication equipment.

Internet trading

E-commerce is at the peak of popularity today. Trading on a stock, commodity or currency exchange via the Internet is quite difficult, so you need to attract help from your family.

Business trainer

The most successful business coaches have extensive experience in the business world as well as specialized expertise in marketing, finance or sales.

Consulting services

Are there any competent lawyers, financiers, or marketers in your family? Then together open a consulting service office.

Web design

All you need to do is master it graphics editor, for example "Photoshop". An effective solution would be to divide tasks between family members.

Renting an apartment or house

A close-knit family can temporarily live under one roof, renting out the vacated housing. And the profit must be divided equally. This a good option additional income without investments.

Sweet pastries

Home bakeries always make a decent profit.

Search for information

You can team up with other family members to find information for clients.

Event Planning

Your tasks are to conduct primary research of the services market, create an event concept, search for a suitable location, organize a buffet, prepare food and alcohol, furnish the interior, plan entertainment events, sending invitations to visitors, etc. Of course, the easiest way is to distribute responsibilities among family members.

Search for partners

Someone is looking for a product, and someone is selling it. Connect clients' interests for rewards.

Enterprise performance assessment

Do you and your sister have analytical minds? Then you can offer enterprises to evaluate their activities and optimize production processes to increase profits. Believe me, they pay well for this.

Records management

You wouldn't believe how many entrepreneurs fail at maintaining business records. But your family is ready to help, right?


Having doctors in your family can help you organize the provision of medical services for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases, injuries and other physical and mental disorders.


If you are a craftsman and handicraftsman, and your brother is a good salesman, then cooperate and earn money together.

Dog walking

This service can be considered as an excellent business for a family who loves pets.

Home gourmet

Food homemade- tasty, satisfying and healthy - always a success. You can arrange the delivery of home-cooked lunches to offices or set a festive table to order.

Personal fitness trainer

Are you involved in sports? Use your knowledge to make money.

Food delivery

Young mothers, sick and elderly people, disabled people - they all cannot go to markets and shops and look at you with hope. Help them. You will receive not only a reward, but also sincere gratitude.

Business project management

A competent and honest manager is worth his weight in gold today. If you know how to run a business, take on this work yourself, involve your family and earn money together.

Commercial offer

Writing an effective business proposal is not easy. If you know how to express your thoughts on paper, then do it, and let your loved ones look for clients for you.

Sale of vegetables and fruits

Great family business for farmers!

Clothing store

Such a small family business brings in a stable income all year round.

Minor repairs

There are a lot of lonely women and old people around you who cannot repair an outlet or a chair themselves. This is where your and your father’s golden hands will come in handy.

Retail grocery store

One of the best family food business ideas because everyone needs food every day, no matter how bad the economic situation is.

Catering organization

Breakfasts, business lunches, set lunches are an excellent option for a family affair.

Social media consultations

If you love and know how to talk to people, write blogs or leave comments online, then turn your hobby into a job and negotiate with clients of employers.

Application Development

All you need is great idea and the technical know-how to actually build a highly profitable family business.

What are family businesses and how often do they occur?
There are two general definitions family businesses, one comes from the form of ownership, and the second from the nature of management. The first states that a family business is a “pool” of capital owned or controlled by the family. This broad definition includes not only those types of businesses that are typically thought of as family businesses—small businesses run by mother-father or parent-child businesses—but also publicly traded companies with significant family ownership (e.g., Cambell Soup, Ford Motor Company, and Marriott International) - large minority shareholders in public companies. It also includes non-productive "pools" of capital controlled by family companies, partnerships with limited liability and foundations that provide grants3. The second states that a family business is any business in which two or more managers are related by blood or marriage. This “universe” is smaller than the first, but in some ways it means more to a buyer considering a merger and looking for a going concern.
These two definitions overlap in many cases: a family-run company is usually owned by the family. At the same time, a family owned or controlled company is often run by the family. Thus, from the authors' point of view, the most practical definition should
but contain both aspects. A family business should be defined as a going concern that is managed, owned or controlled by an extended family.
What is the most common M&A problem that family business owners face?
The most common problem is the choice between letting the company grow or selling it. And the decision largely depends on the answers to the following questions. Does it have value? family name to do business? Do you have a business plan? Is there a succession plan in place, including who the next CEO will be? If so, is he ready for this job? Will the family agree to appoint to the post? general director a person from the outside? Will this outsider have an equity stake in the company?
If the prevailing answer is “no,” then the company should probably be sold.
How should you proceed when selling a family company?
Very careful! One thing to remember is that most buyers have a lot of experience acquiring companies, while most sellers of family businesses have little or no experience.
What points are most important?
Remember the Boy Scout motto: “Be Prepared!” Preparation is usually called due diligence. Here are the most important steps. First, you need to find a qualified appraiser. Although appraisers are not certified by local or national governments, like accountants, doctors, engineers, and lawyers, they may be certified by professional associations, as explained in Chapter 2. If the company is registered as a public limited company, it is necessary to ensure that the corporate documentation is complete (if the company is not has such a status, register it, i.e. prepare this kit). Many business people do not know that this does not apply to accounting books, but to key legal documents, such as the charter of the corporation, the book of minutes, the register of transactions for the transfer of shares and regulations, which in the practice of family businesses are often not updated, partially or even completely absent . Sellers should know: When it comes time to pay taxes, the first thing Internal Affairs wants to see after selling a business is

income is a set of corporate documentation. I Service representatives will want to know who owns what, and when and why the company was sold. Therefore, corporate records must be in order to ensure that the state license tax (state tax on the right of a state-registered corporation to engage in a given business) has been paid. Make sure that the accounting records are complete and accurate and that someone in the company understands them and can answer questions. For example, how a family-owned company accounts for inventory suddenly becomes important after a sale. This will be the first thing the Internal Revenue Service wants to look at. In addition, the buyer will immediately want to know about this, since where there are undervalued reserves, negotiations largely revolve around the question of who will take the tax hit - the buyer or the seller. We need to make sure everyone is telling the truth. The truth about absolutely everything: about the number of customers, about returned goods, about lawsuits. Sellers have a tendency to understate negative sides and enhance the positive ones. Then, when, through due diligence, the buyer discovers misrepresentations made by the seller, further negotiations on the transaction are difficult and sometimes terminated. It must be remembered: the absence of a statement about important fact in a securities transaction is considered fraud, not only under civil law, but also, in some cases, under criminal law. Therefore, it is best to lay all the bad cards on the table. If the buyer does not leave after this, then the transaction will probably go through. In addition, if the seller points out the fact that not everything is in order in the company, and the buyer asserts his ability to fix it, then this increases the value of the company! This is especially true when the buyer, wanting to reduce the price of the company, points out weaknesses with the words: “We never do that in our company.” The seller should immediately raise the price because the company's value increases if the buyer can manage it more effectively than the seller (or believes that he can do so). Be sure to prepare a business plan, including sales, revenue, and cash flow plans. But we need to be wary of the appearance of so-called “hockey sticks” - graphs that show a sharp increase sales and profits in a few years. This can only be done if the turn of events is favorable for the company, and here the seller needs reliable numbers. Finally, it is necessary that only one person has the authority to negotiate the transaction - not necessarily to complete it, only to negotiate directly. In reality, there is no effective negotiating team. Why? Because an experienced buyer will definitely identify the least knowledgeable and least experienced member of such a team and achieve concessions that will be reflected in the final price.

Can family business sellers use a professional broker to negotiate the deal?
Yes they can. Anyone can be a legitimate M&A advisor—even a neighbor or brother-in-law, although this is usually not a good choice. The real problem is this: the seller believes that he knows how to sell his business just because he created it himself, and this is a dangerous misconception.
Who can the seller turn to for help?
The best negotiators are those who understand the industry in general, are familiar with the company in particular, and have experience negotiating deals. These could be auditors, lawyers, consultants, etc. (except friends and family, which is almost always a bad idea). Here are some rules that can help when choosing negotiators. Make sure the negotiator is licensed if they will be acting as a broker rather than a consultant or broker. Get the negotiator to sign a confidentiality agreement before disclosing any information about the company, including its possible sale. Make sure the negotiator has experience and ask him to provide the names of firms and executives to whom the negotiator has assisted. This information needs to be verified. Many of those who work in this field say that the secrecy prevents them from presenting recommendations, but this is rarely true. Many intermediaries specialize in arranging mergers and acquisitions in specific industries. Some specialize in mergers and acquisitions of pharmacies, others - printing houses, publishing houses, radio and television stations, etc. The seller, if he does not already have this information, should find out the names of intermediaries in his industry. One of them may well “get” the most favorable price. Check for any conflicts of interest, existing or potential. You may end up with an expert who is bound by a long-standing contract with the buyer and will not act in your interests. Make sure the negotiator has an office and staff, is familiar with mergers and acquisitions work such as this book, and subscribes to periodicals covering mergers and acquisitions. Beware of "investment bankers" who only have a desk and a telephone. You need to be especially careful if the negotiator asks to pay your fee in advance (this does not apply in cases where there is a need to obtain a valuation of real estate, machinery, etc.).
Make sure that the commission agreement is carefully drafted and unambiguous, especially regarding how the commission amount is calculated and whether the buyer or seller pays the commission, as well as the time and place of payment. Remember that while many sellers want to pass the commission on to the buyer, it is the seller who needs counseling. Since the buyer pays the commission, the intermediary may be more interested in benefiting the buyer rather than the seller. And the courts will be on the side of the intermediary, because he has a fiduciary duty to the payer of the commission, that is, to the buyer, not the seller. Rules could come into play here accounting, since such a commission cannot be deducted as an expense for the seller, but for the buyer it can. This may affect the price. Finally, the following should be considered: Before entering into a contract with an intermediary, the intermediary must agree that each prospective buyer will sign a confidentiality agreement before being provided with any information, especially the name of the company being sold. In addition, the seller should obtain copies of any of these agreements.
What family business assets are often underutilized? Established production or service lines that generate sustainable cash flows significantly in excess of those needed to maintain or develop them. Redundant production capacity. Excess of management personnel associated with ongoing or planned closure of production. Distribution/clientele ready and able to accept new production and/or service lines. Brands that can be transferred to new production or service lines. Underutilized and unused lines of credit. Installed basic equipment that can be used for secondary and upsells. Established good relationships with suppliers. New patented technology that can be widely used.
What typical shortcomings of family businesses can be “cured” through mergers and acquisitions? Weak or ineffective marketing and distribution systems - partners needed (this is typical for high-tech companies). The market for manufactured goods is shrinking - growth is needed.
High degree“seasonality”, when capital, warehouses and production is used only for some part of the year - you need to find the “second half”. High cyclicality - you need to find “protection” from cyclicality. Significant influence union - a company that does not have a union needs to come. Only domestic markets - we need access to foreign markets. Mono-production - diversification is needed. Dependence on weather - geographic diversification is needed.
See also chapter 2 - “wheel of possibilities” and correspondence table.

Today, more and more attention is paid to small businesses, including family ones. And this is not surprising, because it is much easier to open a small company with someone you trust. And family members traditionally enjoy our trust.

Types of family business

There are many types of family businesses, it all depends on how to classify them. The most common is the division of home-based family businesses according to their size. Thus, three types of organizations can be distinguished.

  1. Small companies (usually no more than 10 people) where immediate relatives work. In such companies there is no clear hierarchy; all employees are interchangeable, often combining several positions.
  2. In grown-up family companies, where there is a clear subordination structure, business relationships replace family ones.
  3. These are large companies, the leadership of which is inherited from father to son. Here the owner of the company is not the head of the family, but the entire family clan. This is usually joint stock companies, so control of the firm is exercised by the controlling shareholder.

Features of a family business

Whichever idea for a family business you choose, its organization and further management will be fraught with a number of different difficulties. But some of them can be avoided if you adhere to the following rules.

  1. Define the framework business relations. It's not easy in a family business, but try to refrain from discussing work issues over dinner.
  2. Agree on ways to resolve problems. For example, a morning discussion of upcoming matters, or evening communication about accumulated problems. The main thing is that the procedure is streamlined.
  3. Be clear about your responsibilities. Global issues can and should be resolved together, but convening a council on trifles is not worth it.
  4. As they say, nothing personal - it's just business. Yes, much of what is required for the company to thrive will be poorly aligned with family values. But there are only two ways: choose a family and forget about business, or give up some norms of family life for the sake of business.
  5. Having a family business has its advantages. Entering the market is always difficult; at first it’s not even worth talking about profit. For hired workers You need to pay wages, but in a family business you can save on this point. It is also easier to get a loan from a family member than from a bank.
  6. Try to fairly evaluate each family member's contribution to the company. Avoid personal attachments at this moment - there should be no favorites.
  7. Family is, of course, trust, but when creating a company you cannot do without documents. Therefore, write down all the nuances - ownership share, method of distribution of profits, responsibilities, etc.
  8. You should not try to accommodate all your relatives. Your company should work and accept a person without knowledge and skills, only on the basis of blood relationship, it is stupid.
  9. Make a consistent plan for the development of the family business, what is the priority, what values ​​are important for the company, the method of transferring ownership to the next generation and when any of the family members are fired.

Family business options from scratch

I would like to say right away that there are no good or bad (profitable or unprofitable) ideas for a family business; you don’t have to try to invent something fundamentally new. Everything will depend on how competently you can find and occupy a market niche. And this is influenced by the conditions of your place of residence, the presence of competitors (their strengths and weaknesses), your organizational skills, and much more.

When choosing a field of activity, you need to build on the knowledge and skills of family members. For example, if you have a programmer, designer and journalist, then it makes sense to try to create an online game. But open the same composition of a legal or accounting consulting firm does not make sense.

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1.6 Entrepreneurship in the family

From television and radio programs, newspapers and magazines, and conversations among the adult population, almost every day we receive conflicting information about the economic reforms taking place in our country. Many people talk and write about the importance of moving to market relations, about the importance of developing free enterprise, about supporting small and medium-sized businesses. An important event of this transition is the rise in production and an increase in the number of goods produced and services provided. What is entrepreneurship and who is an entrepreneur? Is its role in a market economy really that important? Does entrepreneurship take place in the family? Many people have probably thought about these more than once. difficult questions. Entrepreneurship needs to be learned - after all, in a market economy this is the path not only to personal well-being, but also to social prosperity. Foundation family well-being- earnings. No one will argue that the foundation must be strong, but no one will also build a high-rise building on a foundation designed for two floors. Therefore, you need to firmly grasp the first law of family economics: clearly balance your needs with your capabilities. The family must make ends meet. True, this expression - making ends meet - has a certain negative connotation in our country. And in vain! Behind it is common sense, which means nothing more than matching expenses with income. And yet, life is life, needs grow, and every now and then the family faces the question: how to satisfy them? There are two ways out: - moderate your needs, lead an economical lifestyle - raise your income level. How to do it? You can improve your skills, work better and with better quality…. But it is worth keeping in mind the following: at first, the family’s income may decrease, because you will have to take courses and gain experience, but all this requires certain expenses. There is another way to increase the well-being of a family - entrepreneurial activity. The word entrepreneur can be divided into two meanings: - to anticipate - to undertake. Before determining the place of entrepreneurship in the family, it is necessary to get acquainted with the essence of this concept in economics as a science. Entrepreneurial activity is an activity independently carried out at one’s own risk, aimed at systematically obtaining profit from the use of property, sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services to persons registered in this capacity in the manner prescribed by law. The simplest form of entrepreneurship is private or individual entrepreneurship. This type can exist alone, without registering a company or enterprise. For example, a person who rents out his home to other people acts as individual entrepreneur. In some cases, the law provides for the need to obtain paid state licenses giving the right to conduct certain types of individual entrepreneurship. For example, fishermen and hunters need such licenses when shooting rare game or catching rare species of fish. Some species are licensed educational services, as well as medical activities. If individual work activity has a permanent form and is systematic in nature, then the entrepreneur should acquire a patent to carry out such activities. A patent is issued for a certain period and for a certain volume of activity and is subject to payment. A sole proprietor bears all expenses and is responsible for the results of his activities. He can start and stop working at any time of his own free will. The main functions of an entrepreneur are formulated as follows: - the entrepreneur takes the initiative to combine factors of production into a single process of producing goods and services in order to make a profit. - an entrepreneur is an organizer of production, setting and setting the tone for the company’s activities. He determines the strategy and tactics of the company's behavior and takes responsibility for the success of their implementation. - an entrepreneur is an innovator who introduces new products, new technologies, and new forms of business organization on a commercial basis. - an entrepreneur is a person who is not afraid of risk and consciously takes it in order to achieve business goals. - an entrepreneur can carry out any activity, except for that which is prohibited by law: the sale of drugs, poisons, the production and distribution of pornographic products, human trafficking, etc. Entrepreneurship can develop in the form of personal production, as well as act as an enterprise or firm. Kinds entrepreneurial activity are very diverse: - industrial entrepreneurship: P = D-I (profit = income-costs) - commercial entrepreneurship: P = Sales price – Purchase price - financial entrepreneurship - purchase and sale and credit are provided: P = Sales price – Purchase price +% - intermediary business: P = from 3 to 6% of the transaction amount - insurance business: the entrepreneur receives contributions from insurance of life, property, valuables, health, etc., which are returned only under certain circumstances described in the concluded contract. The probability of such circumstances is not great, i.e. the majority of the contribution forms the income of the entrepreneur. Entrepreneur status is acquired through means state registration. Without registration, business activity is prohibited. To be a successful entrepreneur you need abilities, knowledge, skills, energy, natural gifts, etc. Entrepreneurial activity presupposes compliance with certain moral standards and customs of the business world.

It would be appropriate to list the basic moral and ethical principles

An entrepreneur, to which he should strive: - honesty - commitment - responsibility - respectful attitude towards people - adherence to ethics - obedience to the law - charity - restraint and moderation - culture of behavior - knowledge and compliance with the basic rules of official business communication. If a person is embarrassed about his entrepreneurial activity, it means he has the wrong business or is doing it wrong. On the contrary, if he does a righteous deed, then it brings joy and spiritual satisfaction. An entrepreneur must remember that profit comes first, but honor comes before profit. In our country, entrepreneurship can be carried out exclusively in those forms adopted by our legislation. An individual is any person, citizen over 18 years of age, employed economic activity and receiving income. Entity- this is an institution, enterprise, organization that has a name, acts as independent bearers of rights and obligations, has a seal and a bank account. Entrepreneurship can have different shapes. It all depends on whether the entrepreneur acts independently or enters into an alliance with other entrepreneurs. The following forms of entrepreneurship are known: - individual entrepreneurship - partnership entrepreneurship - corporation. Types of family business activities are very diverse and depend on many factors: - availability Money- the knowledge and skills of each family member - the presence of production tools in the family or the possibility of acquiring them - the availability of free time, etc. Entrepreneurship in a family is most often commercial and intermediary work, provision of services, sale of goods produced by family members (sewing and knitting, manufacturing of decorative items). applied creativity, sales of household products). The paths of individual and family entrepreneurship depend on the individual inclinations and capabilities of people. The profit received from the sale of goods or services after paying taxes remains at the full disposal of the entrepreneur, and he has the right to use it at his own discretion, which helps to manage the family budget more rationally and allow himself to expand his business activities. Among the disadvantages of individual labor activity are the following: along with making a profit, losses are also possible, for which the entrepreneur himself bears responsibility; If there is a lack of funds, it is quite difficult to develop activities, because... Borrowed funds must be repaid within certain periods and with interest.

With the advent of a new educational field“Technology” in the basic curriculum, a new section “Home Economics and the Basics of Entrepreneurship” has appeared. 18 hours were allotted for studying this section. At that time there was very little teaching materials and developments for studying this section. In high school there was an economics subject, but one thing was clear: this subject could not be duplicated. At regional methodological meetings, technology teachers discussed the topics of the section, built educational material According to educational standards, homework options were compiled. This was the first methodological piggy bank. Over the years, the material has been systematized and adapted in technology lessons. Students performed practical work with interest, analyzed it, and entered into discussion. But there have been changes in the technology program, as a result of which the “Home Economics and Basics of Entrepreneurship” section moved to the “Family Economics” subsection of the “Housekeeping Technology” section. All the topics that are presented in the subsection are very important, because students get acquainted with various types of work, deepen their understanding of the world of professions, learn to keep home accounting, study the rules for purchasing goods, and receive information about rational budget planning. The children and I looked at all economic phenomena and concepts in class, using the example of our families, and I, very often, look at my family. This makes the situation transparent and open. In this case, students willingly engage in dialogue and share their thoughts and ideas without hesitation. At the very beginning of studying the subsection, I ask students a question: “What do you expect from studying “Family Economics”, will the knowledge you acquire be in demand?” And at the end of the study, please write a review. And in all my practice, I have never seen in these reviews a negative attitude towards the topics of “Family Economics” (Appendix 5). To interest students at the beginning of the lesson, I use entertaining tasks, sometimes at the end of the lesson, if there is time left (Appendix 6). In the middle of the lesson I conduct tests for the students, they answer the questions with great pleasure, and of course, they always expect a result that interests them (Appendix 7). To work in groups, I compose several tasks that are completed for a while, but, of course, the result of correct answers is also important. I equate this kind of work with independent work, because it allows you to check the level of preparedness and economic outlook of students. To complete such work in class, I allocate approximately 10-15 minutes (Appendix 8). For homework I suggest different types works For example, write a reasoning, a mini-essay, solve problems, write a message, answer questions, fill out a table. All work must be evaluated and analyzed. I have a lot of homework in my collection, I choose them taking into account the children’s abilities, effort, and perseverance. Based on experience, I determine which tasks are more interesting and which are not (Appendix 9). When filling out the tables, students very often involve their parents (Appendices 3 and 4). So, for example, when calculating weekly cash expenses for food, parents and all family members collect checks daily, sum them up, and enter the data into a table. At the end of the week, the family receives the result of their expenses, draws conclusions together, and the child draws up all the readings and conclusions in a notebook. Without the involvement of parents in this work, students themselves would not be able to cope. I also suggest that the children give a name to their table, and you can use proverbs, sayings and simple statements that would cause them to associate with the work done. When filling out a table on the distribution of family responsibilities, I suggest not involving parents at the beginning of the work, but only at the end, so that the result is obvious. The child himself makes the conclusion, and he always expresses his proposals for changing the situation, since mainly the female half of the family in to a greater extent involved in homework. An interesting thing about working with this table is how students conventionally label each member of their family. Some draw in the form of emoticons, others write the first letter of the name, others use signs, etc. Some parents personally told me that this is very necessary work for children and parents themselves. These seem to be simple things at first glance, but they were not given due attention. Now parents themselves will pay more attention to their expenses, plan a budget, and involve all family members in family work. At the end of the subsection I teach a test lesson. Those students who conscientiously completed all assignments and received excellent grades, and also actively worked in class, are exempt from the test. I conduct the test lesson in the form of tests, in the form of control written and oral questions. In the process of studying the entire subsection, I consider it necessary to focus students’ attention on the issue of the socio-economic status of the family, to form a correct idea of ​​the family as an indicator of the development of our society. 2.2 Creative project and its main elements In the educational program in the direction of “Technology. Service labor" a certain number of hours are allocated for studying the section "Design and manufacture of products" in each grade, starting from 5. This means that 5th grade students are getting their first concepts of creative design and their first experience of executing the project itself. Accordingly, the project execution algorithm is significantly simplified, but does not change. The teacher introduces students to project activities gradually, most often jointly defining the topic, purpose and objectives of the work. Each class provides certain material on project activities, which the teacher conveys to the students. In grades 6 and 7, the knowledge, skills and abilities in design that were acquired by students in grade 5 are replenished and expanded. Students themselves determine topics based on their needs, find ways to resolve them, draw up technological documentation, calculate costs, and learn to defend their work. To make it easier for students to master certain knowledge, skills and abilities, it is necessary to perform special exercises (Appendix 10). The section of design technology is called “Design and manufacture of products,” but it is not necessary to manufacture a specific product; it could be a project to develop options, compile a collection, compare computer programs, calculate costs, etc. But the teacher cannot know which direction of project activity will be chosen by the student, therefore the theoretical material that is presented in the lessons is general and is intended to expand the horizons of students’ knowledge in the field of project activity. As the material is presented, students begin work on their project. This work is carried out partly in class, but mainly at home, while doing homework. The following material is proposed that is intended for 8th grade students when studying the section “Design and manufacture of products.” This material is designed for several lessons in studying a section, but there is no clear division of the material into lessons, because it depends on certain circumstances, for example: whether students have difficulty doing exercises, whether they cope with homework, whether they are active when doing work, etc. This construction of a work plan when studying a section cannot be ideal, because The experience that accumulates during work makes its own adjustments. The teacher’s task, firstly, is to involve the student in solving his own problem, using his own knowledge base, and secondly, to turn into a social assistant for the students while he is working on the project. Below is the theoretical material of the section “Design and manufacture of products” for 8th grade students. A creative project is an educational, cognitive, research, creative, independently completed work related to solving a problem. A person is the creator of the thing (object) he designs from the very beginning to its completion, from the idea to its reproduction. The quality of the project depends on how strong the person’s knowledge and acquired skills and abilities are in various types activities. A creative project consists of two parts: technical documentation - detailed technological development of the planned object, working drawings and calculations of the economic efficiency of the project; production of the project - a clearly presented system of methods for manufacturing the design object, as well as the materials from which this project is made. The goal of any project is aimed at changing the artificial environment surrounding humans. The project must also include the production of a new, effective, competitive product that meets human needs and is in demand by consumers, in which the form corresponds to the purpose, is economical, convenient and at the same time beautiful. The main task of performing design is to master the design algorithm, which is similar to the activities of constructors and designers in creating objects, where the process of creation (design) is a certain sequence of stages of activity. The content of the main stages and their gradation are not dogma, but there is an accepted standard for the design sequence, which in turn facilitates the work of students. Algorithm for project implementation 1 Organizational - preparatory stage - technology for designing and creating material objects (organization of project activities, main elements of a creative project, sequence of project implementation, creation of a bank of project ideas); - selection of the topic and justification for the project (identification of the need for this project, definition and formulation of the project rationale, implementation of the project sketch); - research of the project (study of the evolutionary development of the designed object, study of the problems of the designed object and search for ways to resolve them); - project design (search for alternative project options). 2 Technological stage - technology for manufacturing the project (selection of materials, tools and devices, drawing up a route sheet or technological map); - calculation of the cost of the project (calculation of material costs, calculation of wages, depreciation, calculation of the cost of the product); - production of the project (technology for the production of the project). 3 Final stage - project competition (project evaluation) - project defense (oral report, written report, product demonstration). The need for design arises when known technologies cannot be applied to solve new problems or due to the emergence of new conditions. At the same time, there is always a shortage of resources, which makes it necessary to search among many options for the optimal one - with minimizing costs. An important part of the project is the selection of project objectives. A significant trend in modern design is to take into account the “human factor”, that is, the awareness that the project is addressed specifically to a person (taking into account his psychological, social and even individual characteristics). Projects must include moral and ethical aspects and be intended for the general public, and not become a private matter. The creation and production of new products, if there is no public need for them, are expensive from an economic point of view. The designer needs to determine the needs for product improvement. But everything new is well forgotten old. In that wise saying there is some truth. Many things that exist in the real world have gone through a rather long path of evolutionary development, for example: a stick on the sand, a cutter on birch bark, graphite, chalk, a brush, goose feather, steel pen, fountain pen, ballpoint pen, felt-tip pen, marker. On in this example you can be sure that the designs of the writing unit changed under the influence of new needs. Over time, not only the designs of objects change, but also appearance. A person can easily determine the “age” of objects: here is an ancient thing, here is an old thing, here is an outdated one, here is a modern one, but here is an ultra-modern one, while mentally placing the example under study in different historical environments and seeing whether it will take root there or not. It is difficult to make a mistake in determining “age”, since it is known that with a change historical era The style of the subject environment also changes. Without additional information It is difficult to immediately draw up the path of evolutionary development of some object or phenomenon, so any design must begin with a study of the object. Each book has a reference list on the last page, which is called a bibliographic index. Having looked through such an index, you can always compile a list without much difficulty. necessary literature for your work. There are various methods of working with literature (primary sources), text, which are the basis of any research: - bibliographic search (knowledge of the technique of viewing alphabetical, subject, thematic catalogs and the ability to compile a bibliographic list on the topic) - the “bookmark” technique (prepare before reading a large number of strips of paper, preferably multi-colored, read the text, make notes on bookmarks) - the “most important” technique (read the text, express the content of the text in one word, the most important thing - in one phrase, and the main thing is that without which the text would lose its meaning (“zest” ) - drawing up an outline of what is being studied (the text is divided into parts, each of which is titled, these headings make up the outline of the text; the outline of the text can be simple or complex) - taking notes on the outline of the text or document ( summary, recording the contents of the text of a book, article; by taking notes, you can convey the author’s thoughts in your own words) - a report (one of the types of monologue speech, a public, detailed official message on a specific issue, based on the use of documentary data; a report can be oral or written). When choosing the design and manufacturing technology of the product, you can get various options, for this purpose, design methods are used: - morphological analysis - method of focal objects. 1 Morphological analysis The word “morphology” means the study of form. Morphological analysis - analysis of the shape of an object. When applying this method, a group of main design features is identified in the product of interest. For each feature, alternative options for its implementation are selected. By combining different possible options, you can get many different solutions. It is convenient to present the options in the form of a table (see Table 1). In this table, 6 characteristics are identified for the product “Knife”. If we take one option from each row of the table, we get a certain knife design. The combination of options, where in each pair the first digit means the row number, and the second – the column number, represents, for example, the following knife design: 1-1-metal blade 2-3-plastic handle 3-3-blade shape - elongated rectangle 4 -2-blade in a case, etc. From the considered example it is clear that the essence of the method is to construct a table of various alternative options (the so-called morphological table) and select the best solution from the resulting combinations. Table 1

8th grade.

Lesson plan.

Topic: Entrepreneurship in the family.

2 hours.


Educational: Introduce students to To circulation of resources and money in the economy between enterprises, firms, the state and households; with concepts: entrepreneurial activity, business, profit. With types of businesses and types of family entrepreneurial activities.

Developmental: reveal the relationship between family, society and state.

Educational: To educate students careful attitude to resources, hard work, humanity, decency. Instill an interest in entrepreneurship.

Lesson form – story, conversation, practical work.

Method – explanatory-illustrative, reproductive.

Lesson type – combined.

Methodological support: didactic materialworkbook; a brief economic dictionary, a form with practical work assignments. (textbook technology 8th grade, edited by V.D. Simonenko).

During the classes

Teacher's activities



Student activities

1. Greeting and checking in on those in class

Preparing for the start of the lesson,

2. Setting a topic, goal, lesson plan

Write down the topic in your notebook

3. Activation of supporting knowledge.

    What is home economics?

    Explain the main functions of a family.

    Tell us more about the economic functions of the family.

    How can you increase the income of a modern schoolchild?

Oral answers at the board

4 Motivation. The degree to which family members are provided with goods, services and living conditions necessary for a comfortable and safe existence is called level of well-being . Any healthy family strives to improve the well-being of its family. How and in what ways? Let's get acquainted.


5. Learning new material:

    The concept of entrepreneurial activity;

  • Types of business activities;

    Types of family business activities.

Taking notes of material in workbooks.

    Practical work:

Induction training

Now you need to do practical work.

    Make a list of goods and services that schoolchildren can produce in their free time.

Current and final briefing.

The teacher, walking around the class, monitors the correctness of the work and sorts out mistakes with the students. Then asks students to answer the following questions:

    What is meant by entrepreneurial activity and what types of it do you know?

    What is profit?

    Factors on which family entrepreneurship depends?

Independent implementation of practical work in notebooks

Oral answers to questions asked

7. Lesson summary: You should thank the active students in the lesson. Provide grades for the presentation and correct answers to practical work assignments in the journal.


8. Homework:: Make a list of goods and services that can be produced in a family environment.

Doing homework at home


Entrepreneurial activity - a type of proactive activity of a person who, owning in whole or in part any material and cultural values, uses them to produce goods and services for profit. The activities of an entrepreneur must strictly comply with the laws of the country.

Personal entrepreneurship - alone, without registering a company or enterprise; This is the simplest form of entrepreneurship. It is also called individual dual or private. For example, a person who rents out his home to other people acts as an individual entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurial activity is aimed at making a profit, satisfying the needs - one’s own and the needs (material and spiritual) of those around him.

Profit – the difference between the amount of money from the sale of goods and services and the costs of their production remains at the disposal of the entrepreneur, and he has the right to use it at his own discretion.

In some cases, the law provides for the need to obtain paid government licenses giving the right to conduct certain types of sole proprietorship. For example, fishermen and hunters need such licenses when shooting rare game or catching rare species of fish. Some types of educational services are licensed, as well as medical activities.

If individual labor activity has a permanent form and is systematic in nature, then the entrepreneur should acquire patent to carry out such activities. A patent is issued for a certain period and for a certain volume of activity and is subject to payment.

A sole proprietor bears all expenses and is responsible for the results of his activities. He can start and stop working at any time and at his own will.

Family entrepreneurship can develop in the form of personal production, but can also act as an enterprise or firm producing goods and services.

The types of family business activities are very diverse and depend on many factors:

    availability of funds;

    knowledge and skills of each family member;

    the presence of production tools in the family or the possibility of acquiring them;

    availability of free time, etc.

Entrepreneurship in a family is most often commercial and intermediary work, the provision of services, the sale of goods produced by family members (sewing and knitting, manufacturing decorative and applied creativity, sales of household products). Depending on individual inclinations and capabilities, there are a large number of different paths to individual and family entrepreneurship.

Business is a system of business relations with the aim of making a profit and meeting the needs of the parties to the transaction.

Is it possible to engage in entrepreneurial business in a family environment? The answer is clear: yes, it is possible, and not only possible, but also necessary. There are many areas of such activity; it is impossible to list them all. After all, entrepreneurial activity is, first of all, the business activity of an enterprising person who invests his money in a business for the sake of making a profit in conditions of uncertainty and risk.

These types of activities could be:

individual work activity (tutoring, growing flowers, vegetables, mushrooms, caring for children and the elderly, raising and selling domestic animals and poultry, etc.)

creation of private family enterprises for the production of goods and services (shoe repair, sewing products, educational visual aids, home repairs, etc.)

performance various works at home (secretary if communication means are available, sewing and knitting clothes, etc.)

In a family environment, you can also engage in commercial business: these are various transactions, the purchase and resale of goods and services, transactions with securities when their rates increase or decrease. At the same time, existing laws and generally accepted moral norms must not be violated.


    What do you understand by family business?

    What types of business activities can be carried out in a household?

Final briefing.




Write what technologies are used in your family. Learn the notes.