A man without a homeland is like a mother. Proverbs about the homeland and their meaning. The native land is a paradise for the heart

Motherland- heaven for the heart.

There is no more beautiful country in the world than ours.

A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

A person has one mother, and he has one homeland.

The people have one home - the Motherland.

There is no son without a homeland.

The Motherland is the mother of all mothers.

The homeland is the mother, the foreign land is the stepmother.

Take care of your homeland like the apple of your eye.

Be not only the son of your father - be also the son of your people.

Your milk for the child, your life for the Motherland.

Motherland and sweet in a handful.

Everyone has their own side.

In your home, the walls also help.

Houses and walls help.

It's warmer overseas, but it's lighter here.

And a speck of dust from our native land is gold.

The bird that doesn't like its nest is stupid.

The smoke of the fatherland is lighter than someone else's fire.

On the other side, the Motherland is doubly dear.

You live on the side, but your village is all on your mind.

Wherever the raspberry lured, it brought back the native village.

In a foreign land, kalach is not a joy, but in the homeland, black bread is a sweetness.

On the other side, even spring is not beautiful.

After parting with a friend, they cry for seven years; after parting with their homeland, they cry for the rest of their lives.

To live is to serve the Motherland.

He who stands up for his homeland is a true hero.

If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

If the people are united, they are invincible.

The peoples of our country are strong in friendship.

The brotherhood of the people is dearer than any wealth.

Learn to defend your motherland.

A hero stands up for his homeland.

The main thing in life is to serve the fatherland.

In the battle for the fatherland, death is red.

Die from your native land, but don’t leave.

Do not spare your strength or your life for your Motherland.

The enemies ran into Russian bayonets.

If it is tailored in Russian, and there is only one warrior in the field.

The Russian soldier knows no barriers.

The glory of the Russian bayonet will never fade.

The whole world knows that there are no tougher Russians.

The sons of Russian mothers are famous for their heroic prowess.

Rus' is holy, Orthodox, heroic, mother of Holy Russian land.

Novgorod is the father, Kyiv is the mother, Moscow is the heart, St. Petersburg is the head.

Moscow is the mother of all cities.

Moscow - Decoration for the Motherland, intimidation for enemies.

Poems about Russia

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Patriotic Poems

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Beautiful poems about life

Great Patriotic War- must be remembered!

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Battle of Kursk (photo)

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Among the many masks that sociopaths use, one of their favorites is that of a restless pilgrim. He is a citizen of the world, he is an eternal wanderer and vagabond, a tired wanderer, he is a man without a homeland, or even an exile. Although People have long called such people tumbleweeds - for their constant desire to change places, wives, activities

The motives for the behavior of such “wanderers” are explained to us by Sam Vaknin. At some point, the environment around such a well-established sociopath (whom they like to call infantiles) reaches a boiling point, pushes him against the wall, calls him to account, and he is forced to leave his habitual “pathological space”, rushing in search of new pastures.

This is exactly how the Viorel you know behaved, this is exactly how Peer Gynt fluttered around the world like a moth before he was gray-haired, approximately the same motives moved Onegin and Laevsky. When a sociopath litters the entire space around him with stinking heaps, and he has nowhere to step, he abandons the viper and rushes in search of another promised land, from which he eventually makes the same latrine.

The image of such a “citizen of the world” is often shrouded in a romantic aura. Oh, if only someone could understand him!.. To know the secrets of his restless soul!.. And first, of course, “give him a drink of clean water from the long journey” (c), feed him and put him to bed. And let it rest. A month - a second - six months - a year.

And, of course, such a wanderer is very excusable for both lack of money and shabbyness. “Sorry, I’m without flowers again, but I’ve been hanging out in the sky for half a day, and there’s simply nowhere in the sky to get them” (c).

“My story lasted 3 years. I was 25, I divorced my husband and immediately went on a date with a guy from a dating site. He confessed his love to me even before we met, during our first telephone conversation. When I saw him, I fell in love with him myself.

Maxim was from Moldova, appeared before me in the image of a traveler, a wanderer misunderstood by society, a man “without a homeland.” At first he looked at me intently, widened his eyes and smiled with compressed lips. But I didn't pay attention to it. The romance started quickly, he met my parents on the third date, and 2 months later he asked me to marry. But even though I was in love, after the divorce I had no time for marriage, and we decided to wait, but began to live together 4 months later. We rented an apartment.

Inappropriate fat woman

The first alarm bell rang almost immediately, but I didn’t understand anything then. For me it seems like out of the blue - I had a panic attack. I had suffered from them before, but at that time they had been gone for 2 years, and this time the attack was stronger than ever.

And this is what preceded it. We sat in the kitchen, chatted, fooled around, and suddenly he started calling me “babischa, grandma, big fat grandma”. Of course, I wasn’t skinny, but I was still slim, although not model thin. And I had complexes about this.

Maxim’s jokes made me cry, and he became very angry. He started making me feel guilty, and... I myself didn’t understand how he turned the tables on the situation, but I began to literally beg him for forgiveness! And the next morning the attack happened. It was very scary, my legs and arms were numb... And he said that I was too sensitive.

My women Health started to malfunction delays began to be 2 months, and it started right after we met! I gained 8 kg.

"Take yours"

I had a modest job with little income, Max also worked. But after 2 months I became interested in a new promising job and quit my old one. So all the financial support fell on me, and he began to move from place to place, and they allegedly didn’t pay him anywhere. We didn't even have food... so I went to a second job.

A he played day and night in computer games and soon abandoned all attempts to get a job somewhere. He was either waiting for some profitable business, or working, but he was “dumped” there... So I started paying for everything.

When we first moved in, we adopted a kitten. He started marking everywhere. We couldn't get him used to the tray. So Max started hitting the kitten’s head against the bathtub, throwing it as hard as he could on the tiled floor, and then he took it out into the yard and threw it in the trash. But after 2 hours he brought the kitten back.

This evening he took me by force. Tears were rolling down my face, and he was like a robot. He "took his due." The next morning, while he was gone, I packed my things and ran home to my parents. I was in shock, stressed, completely out. I didn’t know that he was actually a sick person, I thought that he was such a complex person, and I didn’t understand anything...

In a difficult moment of life

He tried to make contact, but I avoided him in every possible way. I left in the spring and immediately lost weight to the weight at which I met him. And in the summer I received a letter from him on VKontakte, where he spoke very cruelly and evilly about me. As I now understand, it was depreciation.

Strange things started happening to me; I couldn’t start a new relationship. I began to feel sick of all the men, I didn’t know what was happening, whether it was damage, or a sign... All the guys I talked to became unpleasant to me, even though we only had conversations.

And then in the fall, six months after I left, when I was in complete despair, Maxim appeared again. Six months unsuccessful attempts starting a new relationship instilled panic in me, and I decided to meet him. I don’t know how I could start dating again, but we went to a cafe, talked for a long time, I said that if he doesn’t work, I’ll leave again.

And we got off again. I gained 8 kg again. We dated for a year, he was thrown into a factory in the Moscow region without documents or money, and as the wife of a Decembrist, I traveled an hour to see him by train. I became attached to him, I loved him madly! For what? Don't know. He was gentle, he spoke such words that I cried with happiness.

He promised to bring me a salary in a month, and I, hoping that now everything was fine, rented a room. Over the summer I saved up enough money to live alone all winter, but hoping for Max, I quit my job. old job, and we settled in a new house. In a fit of emotion, we began to plan a wedding and... have children. But because of my nervous breakdown, or my body itself protected me, nothing worked out for us in six months.

A month passed and he again did not bring his salary. A month later we realized that they wouldn’t give him any money, he waited another month for his non-existent salary, by that time I started looking for a job and found one, they paid me well, and we had enough. I began to have a nasty feeling that I was in trouble. That I stepped on the same rake.

For the same rake

Max played. His excuse was that there are no documents and they won’t take me anywhere. My dad gave him money for registration, I gave him money for a flight to Moldova, because it was necessary to fill out some papers there as well. But there was no progress. He sat and played, giving me hour-long conversations about how he wished me well, from which I understood nothing except that I was wrong and I was blowing his mind. It was all my fault.

So the winter passed, and then my husband began to make loud statements. What if you choose between games and me, of course he will choose games. What if I don't give him oral sex every day, he will cheat and the only thing that stops him is that he may become infected with sexually transmitted diseases and it will be my fault. And I use it! I don't let him develop! I'm a villain and a manipulator...

Suicidal thoughts began to visit me more and more every day. I cried every day. I went to work and he said after me: “go, go, slaves must work.” He considered himself God. He is often spoke about hatred of all people, that he dreams of finding the red button and destroying all people.

He talked in his sleep. Sometimes he kissed me in my sleep and told me how much he loved me. But that same evening gave me nightly showdowns, in the morning I went to work exhausted. It was very difficult, I didn’t understand how I could fall into a trap again. Everyone around me kept telling me that it was time to leave him, but it was very difficult for me, and for the first time I entered the query “how to break up with a loved one with whom I feel bad” in a search engine. And I found a video, and then the book “Be Afraid, I Am With You” and began to read it quietly from him. Often my jaw dropped because everything matched 100% and, before I even finished reading the book, I began to prepare to escape.

Escape with... an apology

I came up with a plan. By that time, I had forced him to work in a pizzeria, where everything was official, he had been working there for more than a month and his salary was due on the 15th. And on the 6th you have to pay for the room. I warned him that this time he was paying for the room. I warned you 2 weeks before the 6th. He can borrow, borrow, call the owner, and negotiate everything himself. I don't care, if he doesn't pay, I'll leave.

And here is the 5th, evening. I received the money and he greets me with open arms, but the trouble is, he doesn’t have any money! Here For the first time in 3 years, I showed toughness and said that I didn’t care. He sat and played, he didn’t ask, didn’t call, didn’t agree on anything, but last moment He blamed the problem on me. On the very day when you have to pay.

Seven in the morning, a call from the landlady: either we pay half or we move out. He rushes around the room like an animal in a cage, but he puffs, he throws chairs, he is at a dead end... In a rage, he gets dressed and goes to look for money. I understand: here it is, my time. Having collected my bag, I get dressed and want to run, but 10 minutes later he returns.

And then I said that I was leaving him. That it’s all my fault, that I’m very sorry... And so, asking for forgiveness and playing along with him, I quietly moved towards the exit and eventually got to a taxi and took off.

I was afraid that he would try to win me back again. And so it happened. Recently he wrote me a happy birthday SMS, where he hinted that the i’s were not dotted and that he wanted to meet, that he had opened a real estate office.

He asked if I had a boyfriend. Yes, I have great guy. But I didn't tell him that, I just I wrote that I was fine and that he should not bother me anymore. He was very surprised by this. It was clear from his reaction that he expected to get me back easily. Hah, I don’t believe and won’t believe a word he says again! Blocked him everywhere. And now I'm really doing well!

I hope that my story will help someone to gather strength in time, make a saving leap from the destructive whirlpool and swim to the shore.

At school or kindergarten asked to choose proverbs about the Motherland? Immerse yourself in the world of folklore and find out how people assessed the importance of the Motherland for a person, why they considered it necessary to cultivate patriotism from birth.

Proverbs about the Motherland and their meaning

Many people learn what the Motherland is and what love for the Fatherland is only when they are far from their father’s land. WITH early years children are told about how important it is to be a patriot, what importance the native land has for every person and how bad it is to be far from your native steppe, mountains, rivers, and parental home.

Love for the Motherland is the most important component of a citizen’s moral character. She has been raised since childhood: by her parents - by their own example and stories about glorious ancestors, by educators and teachers - by colorful stories from life and literature.

However, proverbs and sayings about the Motherland tell the most aptly, succinctly and accurately about this feeling and its meaning. They are numerous and concern various aspects manifestations of patriotism: these are moral lessons of perseverance and courage, and faithful service to the Fatherland, and nostalgia for the native land.

It’s not difficult to find proverbs on the topic “Motherland”. A thematic classification will help you understand their wealth:

Proverbs and sayings about the meaning of the Motherland for a person

People identify their native land with their mother. This shows that a person’s homeland is connected by ancestral, historical and spiritual roots. Previously, the Motherland was the name given to the place where the umbilical cord of a newborn was buried. Thus, in folk art the idea of ​​not only spiritual, but also biological human with the place where he was born.

This topic is colorfully illustrated by the following 5 proverbs about the Motherland:

The Motherland is the mother of all mothers.
A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a song.
In the native land there is a falcon, in a foreign land there is a crow.
On the native side, even the smoke is sweet.
The native side is the mother, and the alien side is the stepmother.

Proverbs about love for the Motherland

Fatherland is not an abstract concept. For every person, the Motherland is associated with the father’s home, relatives, friends, memories of childhood and youth, with the memory of glorious ancestors. All this is permeated with love and tender attitude:

Love for the homeland does not burn in fire and does not sink in water.
Only those who love their Motherland not in words, but in deeds, will be honored.
Those who love their homeland will not be indebted to them.
It's warmer overseas, but it's lighter here.
Your own land is sweet even in a handful.
The bird that dislikes its nest is stupid.

Proverbs about serving the Motherland

Serving the Motherland is not an empty phrase and not a duty, but an honor. Men give their duty to the Fatherland by performing military service. In difficult moments, everyone who loves and values ​​their native land is ready to defend it:

Not the person who lives for himself, but who goes into battle for the Motherland.
Take care of your native land like your beloved mother.
To love your homeland is to serve your homeland faithfully.
The bird is small, but it protects its nest.
Love for the Motherland conquers death.
Whoever serves the Motherland faithfully fulfills his duty exemplarily.
They protect their homeland with their heads.

Proverbs about the Motherland are excellent illustrative material that simply and colorfully explains what patriotism is. TO folk wisdom, embodied in these small folklore forms, are resorted to by teachers and parents who strive to raise their children as responsible citizens, faithful sons of the Fatherland.

Proverbs about the homeland in Kazakh with translation into Russian

A reverent attitude towards the native land - distinguishing feature Kazakh people. Rich folklore expressed the tender and caring feeling of the Kazakhs towards the vastness of their fatherland. The sincere love of this people for the endless steppes is embodied in songs, poems, and legends. high mountains, blue sky and springs.

From childhood, Kazakhstanis are taught love for the Fatherland. Lullabies, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings are permeated with these messages. Wise fathers and grandfathers, mothers and grandmothers tell us how important it is to remember your origins, to know your family and its glorious chronicle, to be proud of the achievements of your fellow tribesmen, and, if necessary, to protect your native land from the encroachments of foreigners.

Kazakh proverbs about the Motherland and their meaning convey these educational lessons of the people. They have a special imagery and metaphor, which makes their meaning deep in content and colorful and expressive in terms of form:

Proverbs about the Motherland

The essence of the special attitude of the Kazakhs to the Motherland is conveyed by the following 10 proverbs and sayings:

Tugan poles zher bolmas, Tugan eldey ate bolmas.

Translation: There is no land better than the Motherland, there are no people better than the Motherland.

Otanda syu - from basynan bastalada.

Translation: Love for the Motherland begins at the family hearth.

Gul oz zherinde gana - gul, adam oz otynda gana - adam.

Translation: A flower is a flower only in its own clearing, a man is a man only in his homeland.

Otanyynyn әr ағашы күлімдп ұруди.

Translation: In its homeland, every tree smiles.

Otan ottan da ystyk.

Translation: The homeland is warm - hotter than fire.

El ishi - altyn besik.

Translation: The native land is a golden cradle.

Palen zherde altyn bar, oz zherіңdey kaida bar.

Translation: Somewhere, they say, there is a lot of gold, but the Motherland is better even without gold for nothing.

Er Tugan Zherine, and Togan Zherine.

Translation: A man is drawn to where he was born, a dog is drawn to where he has eaten.

Tamyrsyz zhusan da Aspeidi.

Translation: Without roots, wormwood does not grow.

Let's go onbagan, Here's where we go.


Proverbs about love for the Fatherland

Kazakhstanis believe that a person who finds himself far from his homeland loses the meaning of life. Isolation from one’s native roots promises troubles and misfortunes, because only in home you receive protection and support. Proverbs are filled with this meaning:

Otansyz adam – ormansyz bulbul.

Translation: A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a forest.

Tugan zherdin kadirin ette zhursen belersin.

Translation: Once in a foreign land, you will understand how dear the Motherland is.

Let's go, here we go.

Translation: If you haven’t found happiness at home, you won’t find it in a foreign land.

Elіnen bezgen er bolmas, kolіnen bezgen kaz bolmas.

Translation: There is no good in sight for the goose who has left his native lake; there will be no happiness for the horseman who left his native land.

Erinen ayyrylgan komkenshe zhylaydy, elinen ayyrylgan olgenshe zhylaydy.

Translation: They mourn the loss of a spouse to the grave, they mourn the loss of their homeland until their death.

Proverbs about the Motherland and its defenders

Proverbs about the Motherland and its defenders carry a special educational message. The history of Kazakhstan is full of examples of the heroism of warriors and ordinary Kazakhs who defended their native lands from conquerors. Courage and honor are the main qualities of a warrior and a citizen. The following Kazakh proverbs tell about this:

Kurtakandai torgay yes, oz ұyasyn қorgaidy.

Translation: The little sparrow also protects its nest.


Otan ushіn kures - erge tigen ules.

Translation: Dzhigita's destiny is to stand for the Motherland.

Oragyn otkir bolsa, karyn talmaidy. Otanyn berik bolsa, Zhauyn almaydy.

Translation: If the sickle is sharp, you will not be without bread; if the Motherland is strong, you will be on first name terms with the enemy.

Please note that this is not possible.

Translation: To betray your homeland is to bury yourself alive.

Love for the Motherland is an important component of the morality of a modern person. In the context of globalization, it is important not to lose national identity, understanding and knowledge of whose son you are, what people, what glorious ancestors are behind you.

Patriotism must be cultivated daily and persistently. This is the key to the future of the country. Contact us for striking examples to the treasury of folk wisdom - use beautiful national sayings and proverbs to instill in children a love for the Motherland.

Homeland. What is this? It is believed that the homeland is the place where a person was born. But there are many cases when a person is born in an open field, in a car, in a train carriage, in an airplane, on a ship, etc., far from the place where their parents live, the place that they consider their homeland. A newborn has no homeland. It is acquired later - over the years, in the process of growing up, training, education, Suggestion. For what?

Why do people divide the Earth? This is my land, this is my homeland, this is my home... But they claim that the Lord or whoever else gave one Earth to everyone, so that people could live on it as one family in love, friendship and harmony.
And what should one do if, due to circumstances beyond his control, he was born not in his so-called historical homeland, i.e. Through no fault of his own, he turned out to be a man without a homeland, an inferior person.

A defective person is a person to some extent deprived of the privileges enjoyed by the so-called native inhabitant of any country; a person who, in any case, is infringed upon in his rights and responsibilities; a person who is somehow despised by representatives of the titular nation for the simple reason that he is of a different nationality or race; a person suffering, if not physically, then morally without fail.
What exactly is his fault?

Millions and millions of people all over the earth, for one reason or another, leave their homes and go to other countries in search of a better life; in the hope of what awaits them there heavenly life; milk rivers and golden runes await; in the hope that they are expected there with open arms... And hardly anyone thinks that in those countries where life is more high level the people living there built and are building this country for themselves and for their future generations. This is their land, this is their homeland. And they don’t want someone of a different nationality, with a different language, with a different type of face, with different traditions to come near them and disturb their patriarchal silence and routine peace. Moreover, you will have to share with those who come, give them something of your own. And besides, from the cradle they were raised to love precisely this small piece of land on which he was lucky enough to be born and the nation to which they belong.

And any nation that tries to preserve its, so to speak, purity becomes a physical and moral monster in the literal sense of the word. In any country, even a very civilized one, look into the so-called outback, where a more or less pure, indigenous part of the population remains - how ugly they are, ugly people(in the generally accepted idea of ​​physical beauty today).

And in the moral aspect, these are weakly civilized people who do not recognize and do not accept such concepts as internationalism, cosmopolitanism, etc., conservatism, adherence to the ancient, idiotic (useless to anyone in modern world) traditions, adherence to various prejudices, etc.

In mixing different races and nationalities, there is, in my opinion, an undeniable advantage in all respects. This brings together and unites the people of the earth.

The life, the history of each individual person... How many are there? Billions and billions on this earth... Love, hate, happiness, misfortune, tragedy, pain, passion, dreams, hopes, hopelessness - life... And everyone has their own.

A person is born into the world, lives in order to receive satisfaction from life and, by and large, he should receive satisfaction, for the simple reason that he is a reasonable person, i.e. endowed with the ability to think, suffer, love.


Hello, Leonid!

“And any nation that tries to preserve its, so to speak, purity becomes a physical and moral monster in the literal sense of the word. In any, even a very civilized country, look into the so-called outback, where a more or less pure, indigenous part of the population has survived - what ugly, ugly people they are (in the generally accepted idea of ​​physical beauty today).

And in the moral aspect, these are weakly civilized people who do not recognize and do not accept such concepts as internationalism, cosmopolitanism, etc., they are dominated by conservatism, adherence to ancient, idiotic (useless to anyone in the modern world) traditions, adherence to various prejudices etc."

It's paradoxical, but, in my opinion, best review your article was responded to almost 200 years ago -

Two feelings are wonderfully close to us -
The heart finds food in them -
Love to native ashes,
Love for fathers' coffins.
Based on them from time immemorial,
By the will of God Himself
Human independence
The key to his greatness.
Life-giving shrine!
Without them, the soul would be empty.
Without them, our small world is a desert,
The soul is an altar without a deity.

We could end here, but in the next quote -

“A person is born into the world, lives in order to receive satisfaction from life and, by and large, he should receive satisfaction, for the simple reason that he is a reasonable person, i.e. endowed with the ability to think, suffer, love.” -

You stand for satisfaction in life.

Considering the qualities of a person you have listed, satisfaction is possible only in a life MEANINGFUL by him. Those. when a person has meaning in his life. Comparing Life with the Road, when he understands “where, why and how he should go! For happiness you need so little, but happiness is found on the way!”

I wish you to find your way!

And one last thing.
The Motherland is the uniting principle of people! What unites people without a homeland?
Think about it. There is no one except Mammon. And this is the path to degradation.

So they tell me - Motherland! Forests. Fields. Rivers. Partly lakes. At worst - bushes. Be in love. Protect. And so on. Let us not disturb the ashes of all respected luminaries: Dahl, Ushakov and Ozhegov. Let's immediately disturb our contemporaries. And in particular, the now living linguist and professor Sergei Aleksandrovich Kuznetsov, under whose editorship “Bolshoi” was published Dictionary Russian language".

According to this dictionary, homeland is the country in which a person was born and of which he is a citizen; fatherland. What if I was born in one country and am a citizen of another? Let's do it in general. Let's take some restless individual whom relatives or simply jingoistic-minded philistines are trying to identify with this very homeland. Like, a person without a homeland is definitely not recommended to be in the warehouse of the human race. You decide. And now our Yaroslav Arturovich Ilves (name changed) is born into the family of a Soviet military man, an Estonian, who with his Ukrainian wife lives and works in the GDR, the city of Potsdam, in the federal state of Brandenburg. Our Yarik is born and lives with the Germans for up to five years. Then daddy is transferred again after the fall of the Berlin Wall, to the sounds of “Outside the Wall”*. This time somewhere in Kazakhstan. To the same Karaganda.

He lived there until he was 15 years old, and then the whole family’s dream came true. It was time for the apartment. And they move together to St. Petersburg. In a new building. Yaroslav studies in St. Petersburg and then marries a pretty Tatar girl from Kazan. In general, everything is like with people. And then, the devil pulled them, move to Ukraine. Or rather, not the devil, but the mother-in-law of the head of the family, which in their case is the same thing.

They move to Ukraine (or to Ukraine) due to their grandmother’s illness. But why did Yarik and his wife get into trouble? This is not known. In short, 2013 is coming. Euromaidan. And so on. And everything else. The family, out of harm's way, moves to Russia again. And suddenly, out of nowhere, they discover a kind uncle in Australia. Here they are quickly entangled by a demon and they, every single one, emigrate to this country. Dear experts, tell us, orphans, where is our homeland of Yarik Ilves? How to identify him in this regard? Father is Estonian, mother is Ukrainian. He was born in Germany, and then galloped around Europe, and finally settled in Australia...

I once raised a similar topic on one of the forums. One caring lady was harnessed to the top. He says: “Probably, the homeland is where the soul is...” Excuse me, what if I love everything Japanese from birth? Well, they taught it that way. My parents were into it and I adopted it. I love their food, I learned their language, I go there on vacation. I am Japanese? Putting a deeply sympathetic emoticon at the end of the sentence, the forum lioness wrote:

- And you, it turns out, are a person without a homeland?!

- Well. It turns out. But does this make me or anyone else inferior in the eyes of those who have decided on their homeland? I am not a better person than others. But not worse. I enjoy life no less than those who have a strong self-identification in relations with their homeland. Or should I be ashamed for not considering any particular country or locality to be my homeland?

So where does the homeland begin? Mikhail Lvovich Matusovsky, who wrote those incomparable words to Bernes’ song, also did not really explain it. So the question remained open. Or maybe the emigrant taxi driver from “Brother 2” is right? “The homeland is where the butt is warm”... But you can also argue with him... What kind of power to love and defend if you have one like this entertaining biography? When you are tossed around the world from one ashes to another? “Rus, where are you going? Give an answer. Doesn't give an answer." Maybe America knows? Or China? Yes, they, too, are constantly rushing somewhere, like to a fire.

Once Forrest Gump told Jenny about his adventures and she simply said: “It’s a pity that I wasn’t with you.” And he simply replied: “You were!” Because he really knew what love was,

Perhaps there is no correct answer to the question of where the homeland is. Maybe really where the soul feels good or the fifth point is warm. But you can be sure where it is not. Where you feel cold without your loved one. If you love seriously, your soul will reconcile, but your ass will only get stronger.