Chaliapin Fedor Ivanovich biography interesting facts. Interesting facts about Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin. With Maria Petzold

Interesting facts about him will tell you information that you won’t learn from his biography.

Fyodor Chaliapin interesting facts

He was born into a poor family. His father worked hard to feed the family, and in between he drank bitter drinks. No one was involved in his son’s education, and when he grew up, he was sent as an apprentice so that he could help his parents and earn food for himself. Fedor at one time worked as a shoemaker, woodcarver, and carpenter.

The music of Fyodor Chaliapin has not been preserved on gramophone recordings in very good condition. good quality. However, contemporaries note his flying, timbre voice with pronounced tremulation.

Fyodor Chaliapin not only sang. He was interested in sculpture, painting and even starred in 2 films.

Even in his youth he auditioned for the choir together with M. Gorky. And the team leaders preferred the latter. Chaliapin harbored a grudge against Gorky for the rest of his life, although he did not know the name of his competitor. Once, when meeting with the writer, Fyodor Ivanovich told him this story. And Gorky, laughing, said that he was the offender.

Has his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

He drew beautifully, as evidenced by his “Self-Portrait”.

He collected weapons.

He often donated the proceeds from concerts to the children of emigrants, which angered the Soviet authorities. The authorities confiscated the artist’s house, car, and bank savings. He tried to protect his family and theater from attacks, and repeatedly met with the country's leaders, including Lenin And Stalin, but this only helped temporarily.

His second wife could not officially bear the surname Chaliapin, since he was not divorced from his first wife. There have always been scandals about this in the Western press. Once, even while on tour in New York, the artist was blackmailed by reporters, demanding $10,000 so that information would not go to the people.

He had six children from his first marriage and three daughters from his second. Chaliapin loved them all very much. I tried to place the first ones in good educational institutions and not to deprive them of attention, he spoiled the second ones, still very small: he loved to squeeze them, told them fairy tales, and showered them with gifts.

Fyodor Chaliapin made an invaluable contribution to the development opera art. His repertoire includes over 50 roles played in classical operas, over 400 songs, romances and Russians folk songs. In Russia, Chaliapin became famous for the bass parts of Borisov Godunov, Ivan the Terrible, and Mephistopheles.

Fyodor Chaliapin visited Japan, America, Canada, England, Italy, Germany, the Hawaiian Islands, and after emigrating he lived in Paris.

On February 13, 1873, the famous Russian opera singer, owner of a high bass, Fyodor Chaliapin, was born. He was a true embodiment of the broad Russian soul - loving, generous, living in grand style. On the 141st anniversary of the singer’s birth, “RG” prepared a selection little known facts about his personal life.

1. Living with his parents in Sukonnaya Sloboda in Kazan, Fyodor Chaliapin studied at a private school of a certain Vedernikova, from where he was expelled after a short time. It is curious that, according to the singer’s own recollections, the reason for this unpleasant incident was that the teacher caught him kissing a classmate.

2. Chaliapin's first wife was the Italian ballerina Iola Tornaghi. At first, the talented young dancer, hired by millionaire Savva Mamontov from Italy, categorically rejected the advances of Chaliapin, whom she apparently considered a frivolous young man. The singer looked after her, showered her expensive gifts, but nothing helped. Then he took an extreme step, which ultimately melted the beauty’s heart. They say that during a rehearsal of the opera “Eugene Onegin”, Chaliapin unexpectedly sang in his part: “Onegin, I swear on my sword, I love Tornagi madly!” The embarrassed ballerina at that moment was sitting in the hall, in the director's box. Naturally, after such a recognition, she could not refuse the great bass. In 1898, when both were 25 years old, Chaliapin and Tornagi got married in a church in the village of Gagino, near Mamontov’s dacha.

3. Happy family life didn't reassure passionate soul Shalyapin. During her husband’s tours in other cities and countries, Iola regularly heard rumors about his wild life. Gradually, the letters, which at first contained passionate declarations of love, became drier, although they came with the same regularity, and were imbued with the same respect. In 1905, in St. Petersburg, Chaliapin started new family, starting to live with the widow Maria Valentinovna Petzold and her two children. For another four years he lived in two houses, and the children from his first marriage with Iola - and there were five of them - did not suspect anything. Iola knew about her husband’s new life, but did not create scandals, caring for the peace and well-being of her sons and daughters.

4. Chaliapin's second wife Maria had nothing to do with theater circles. By a strange coincidence, she, like the great bass himself, was from Kazan and was the daughter of the nobleman Hugo Elukhen, while Chaliapin himself was from the peasants. There is no reliable information about how they met. They say that they first met at the races at the Moscow Hippodrome in 1906. Fedor was 33 years old, Maria was 24. For four years she had been the widow of the son of the owner of famous beer factories in Russia, Eduard Petzold, and lived in St. Petersburg with her two children, Stella and Eduard. According to contemporaries, Mary was the complete opposite of Iola. If the first wife resignedly let Chaliapin go on business trips to all corners of the world, then Maria relentlessly followed him wherever he went. Perhaps Chaliapin was going to return to his legal wife immediately upon her return from Italy, where she was staying at her parents’ house, but Maria did not let her go.

5. Chaliapin went into exile with Maria and their common children, of whom there were already three by that time. They lived in France for a long time, where over time the singer bought himself big house. As Nina Prikhnenko, close to the family, recalls, peace and quiet reigned in the house. “Uncle Fedya and Aunt Manya always had breakfast with the family. On Saturday and Sunday, everyone gathered at the table. The dishes were served by two servants. They made sure that everything was as it should be, silently and quickly changing dishes, trying not to attract attention to themselves. There were always guests in the house. Usually at least 20 people gathered for dinner,” she said in 2006 in one of her interviews with the ITAR-TASS agency.

6. Maria Petzold could not officially bear the name Chaliapin - their marriage was not registered. Often the connection between Chaliapin and Petzold caused scandals, especially in the Western “free” press. So, while on tour in New York, Chaliapin was blackmailed by reporters. He had to pay ten thousand dollars to buy them off.

7. Chaliapin loved his children very much, both from his first marriage and from his second. He tried to place the first ones in good educational institutions and not deprive them of attention, while he spoiled the second ones, who were still very young: he loved to squeeze them, told them fairy tales, and showered them with gifts. He's still there, even after official divorce, maintained warm relations with his first wife and wrote letters to her about the successes of his older children, who at that time also moved abroad: “Fedka works in the cinema,” Chaliapin wrote to the children and Iola who remained in Moscow. “Borya paints nature and works, studies seriously. I hope that there will be an artist. Lida lives as before. Marfa is crazy about ballet and Benvenuto Cellini..."

Russian singer Fyodor Chaliapin managed to captivate audiences in many countries during his life. Born in Russian Empire and who became famous during the USSR, he lived a decent life, and no one has yet been able to surpass his talent. His amazing high bass thundered through the best opera halls in Europe, and those who heard his voice live at least once remembered it forever.

Facts from the life of Fyodor Chaliapin

  1. His ancestors bore the surname “Shelepin”. Over time, it transformed into the form known to all of us.
  2. Fyodor Chaliapin's parents were peasants.
  3. As a child, the future opera singer studied to become a shoemaker.
  4. When Fedor was 9 years old, he first heard choral singing in the church. It fascinated him so much that he joined the singing choir.
  5. Chaliapin first became interested in art when he was 16 years old. Then he joined the drama troupe as an ordinary extra.
  6. A year later, when he was 17 years old, Fyodor Chaliapin performed one of the roles in the opera “Eugene Onegin”, staged by Tchaikovsky (see).
  7. Once, at the dawn of his opera career, Chaliapin missed his chair on stage and awkwardly sat down straight on the floor. Since then, all his life he carefully watched where he sat.
  8. For a year, Chaliapin lived in Tbilisi, where he was taught singing by the then famous singer Dmitry Usatov. Moreover, the teacher gave him lessons for free, since Fedor did not have money to pay for training.
  9. At the age of 22, Fyodor Chaliapin was already performing on the stage of the famous Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg.
  10. The singer performed roles in operas such as famous composers, like Mussorgsky and Glinka (see).
  11. Fyodor Chaliapin was married twice, and he had 11 children - 9 of his own and two from his second wife, from her first marriage. Moreover, for several years the singer lived in two houses and two families - his first wife lived in Moscow, and the second in St. Petersburg.
  12. Chaliapin never officially registered his relationship with his second wife. This connection of his often caused scandals, and once in New York he even had to pay reporters 10 thousand dollars to persuade them not to cover his personal life in the press.
  13. Chaliapin was offered a position artistic director Bolshoi Theater, but he refused it for a similar position at the Mariinsky Theater (see).
  14. After the revolution, the Bolsheviks confiscated Chaliapin's house, car and most of his savings. As a result, in 1922, the great opera singer left his homeland forever, moving to France with his second wife.
  15. Because Fyodor Chaliapin donated the proceeds from one of his concerts to the children of White Guard emigrants, the Soviet authorities stripped him of his title people's artist and banned him from ever returning to the country.
  16. Chaliapin conducted his tours almost all over the world. He even had tours in the USA, Japan and China, not to mention almost all European countries.
  17. He was friends with famous writer Maxim Gorky.
  18. One of Chaliapin's hobbies was collecting weapons, mostly rare ones.
  19. Once, while still a young man, he disrupted a performance by getting entangled in a fluffy robe and collapsing on stage. The audience laughed so much that the concert actually had to be suspended.
  20. Leo Tolstoy, after listening to several folk songs performed by Fyodor Chaliapin, said that he “sings too loudly” (see).
  21. The singer died in Paris, and only 46 years later, through the efforts of his son, the ashes of Fyodor Chaliapin were returned to the USSR and reburied.
  22. He was restored to the title of People's Artist in 1991, after the collapse of the USSR.
  23. During his life, Fyodor Chaliapin played more than 50 roles in classical operas, and performed more than 400 songs and romances.
  24. Chaliapin has a personal star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin was born on February 1 (13), 1873, in Kazan. As a child, Fyodor sang in the church choir. Before entering school, he studied shoemaking with N.A. Tonkov and V.A. Andreev. Primary education he received at Vedernikova’s private school. Then he entered the Kazan parish school.

His studies at the school ended in 1885. In the fall of the same year, he entered the vocational school in Arsk.

The beginning of a creative journey

In 1889 Chaliapin became a member drama troupe V. B. Serebryakova. In the spring of 1890, the artist's first solo performance took place. Chaliapin performed the part of Zaretsky in P. I. Tchaikovsky’s opera, “Eugene Onegin”.

In the autumn of the same year, Fyodor Ivanovich moved to Ufa and joined the choir of the operetta troupe of S. Ya. Semenov-Samarsky. In S. Monyushko’s opera “Pebble,” 17-year-old Chaliapin replaced the ill artist. This debut brought him fame in a narrow circle.

In 1893, Chaliapin became a member of G. I. Derkach’s troupe and moved to Tiflis. There he met opera singer D. Usatov. On the advice of an older comrade, Chaliapin took his voice seriously. It was in Tiflis that Chaliapin performed his first bass parts.

In 1893, Chaliapin moved to Moscow. A year later he moved to St. Petersburg and joined the opera troupe of M. V. Lentovsky. Winter 1894-1895 joined the troupe of I.P. Zazulin.

In 1895, Chaliapin was invited to join the St. Petersburg team opera troupe. On the stage of the Mariinsky Theater, Chaliapin performed in the roles of Mephistopheles and Ruslan.

Creative takeoff

Studying short biography Shalyapin Fyodor Ivanovich, you should know that in 1899 he first appeared on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. In 1901, the artist performed the role of Mephistopheles at the La Scala theater in Milan. His performance was very popular with European viewers and critics.

During the revolution, the artist performed with folk songs, and donated the fees to the workers. In 1907-1908 His tour began in the United States of America and Argentina.

In 1915, Chaliapin made his film debut, playing the title role in the film “Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible.”

In 1918, Chaliapin headed the former Mariinsky Theater. In the same year he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Republic.


In July 1922, Chaliapin went on tour to the USA. This fact in itself deeply worried the new government. And when in 1927 the artist donated his fee to the children of political emigrants, this was regarded as a betrayal of Soviet ideals.

Against this background, in 1927, Fyodor Ivanovich was deprived of the title of People's Artist and forbidden to return to his homeland. All charges against the great artist were dropped only in 1991.

In 1932, the artist played the title role in the film “The Adventures of Don Quixote.”

Last years of life

In 1937, F.I. Chaliapin was diagnosed with leukemia. The great artist passed away a year later, on April 12, 1938. In 1984, thanks to Baron E. A. von Falz-Fein, Chaliapin’s ashes were delivered to Russia.

The reburial ceremony of the outstanding singer took place on October 29, 1984, at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Other biography options

  • There were many interesting and funny facts in the life of F.I. Chaliapin. In his youth, he auditioned for the same choir together with M. Gorky. The choir directors “rejected” Chaliapin due to a mutation in his voice, preferring him to an arrogant competitor. Chaliapin retained his resentment for his much less talented competitor for the rest of his life.
  • Having met M. Gorky, he told him this story. The surprised writer, laughing cheerfully, admitted that it was he who was a competitor in the choir, who was soon kicked out due to lack of a voice.
  • The stage debut of young Chaliapin was quite original. At that time he was the main extra, and at the premiere of the play he performed in the silent role of the cardinal. The whole role consisted of a majestic procession across the stage. The cardinal's retinue was played by junior extras who were very worried. While rehearsing, Chaliapin ordered them to do everything on stage exactly as he did.
  • Entering the stage, Fyodor Ivanovich became entangled in his robe and fell. Thinking that this was the right thing to do, the retinue did the same. This “heap of small things” crawled across the stage, making the tragic scene incredibly funny. For this, the enraged director lowered Chaliapin down the stairs.

Fyodor Chaliapin's father definitely had an opinion about his son's acting hobbies. He told him:
- You should go to the janitors, well, to the janitors, and not to the theater. You have to be a janitor, and you will have a piece of bread...

don't get in your own sleigh

Fifteen-year-old Chaliapin turned to the management of the theater in Kazan with a request to audition him and accept him into the choir. But due to a mutation in his voice, he sang extremely poorly during the audition. Instead of Chaliapin, they accepted a lanky nineteen-year-old guy into the choir, with a monstrous “cursing” speech. Chaliapin remembered his first fiasco for the rest of his life, but he hated this lanky competitor for a long time. Years later in Nizhny Novgorod Chaliapin met Maxim Gorky, to whom he told about his first failure as a singer. Having heard the story, Gorky laughed:
- Dear Fedenka, it was me! True, I was soon kicked out of the choir, because I had no voice at all.


Fedor Ivanovich's debut on opera stage was quite original. Chaliapin at that time was the main extra in the theater. He was assigned the silent role of the cardinal, who had to solemnly walk across the entire stage, accompanied by his retinue. Before going on stage for the first time in his life, Chaliapin was so nervous that his legs and arms were shaking. He spent a long time explaining their duties to the clueless junior extras, secretly anticipating how the audience would gasp at their majestic procession.
- Follow me and do everything the same as I do! - he ordered his retinue and went on stage. As soon as he took a step, Chaliapin in his excitement stepped on the edge of his long red robe and fell straight to the floor! The retinue accompanying the cardinal decided that... it was necessary, and also fell! The chief extra heroically tried to get to his feet and extricate himself from the wide robe - it was useless. Floundering in the cardinal's vestments, he crawled on all fours across the entire stage! And behind him, also trembling convulsively, crawled his retinue!
The audience laughed until they started laughing! As soon as Fyodor Ivanovich was backstage, the enraged director grabbed him and threw him down the stairs, giving the future decoration of the Russian stage a good kick in the ass.

"I'll lean on it now..."

Chaliapin recalled with humor the peculiar method of “training” his voice, which was used by his teacher D.A. Usatov. Hearing that his voice was beginning to weaken, he hit the student in the chest with a backhand and shouted:
- Lean on, damn you! Lean on!.
But Chaliapin did not understand what and with what he had to “rely”...
“It was only a long time later that he finally explained to me that it was necessary to base the sound on the breath, to concentrate it...” Chaliapin said with a laugh, having already become a great singer.

don't you want to croak? fine!

Once Chaliapin was sick with “angina pectoris” and refused to sing in two performances. For this, the director of the theater fined Fyodor Ivanovich and argued the imposition of the fine as follows:
- In our performances, many artists on stage simply croak, why can’t Chaliapin sing with the “toad”? He would fit in well with the general choir...

ostrich in a cage

In 1901, Chaliapin toured at La Scala as a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. He responded to his first foreign tour with an autoepigram, successfully paraphrasing the poems of Lermontov and Griboedov:
I'm here in Milan - an ostrich in a cage
(In Milan, ostriches are so rare);
Milan is going to watch,
How the Russian ostrich will sing,
And I sing, and the sounds melt away,
But the caps are not in the air
Here, as in Russia, they don’t abandon people.

Yes, I'm not talking about that!

Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin was always indignant at people who consider the artist’s work easy.
“They remind me,” said the singer, “of one cabman who once drove me around Moscow:
- And you, master, what are you doing? - asks.
- Yes, I’m singing.
- That's not what I'm talking about. I ask, what are you working on? Singing is what we all sing. And I sing when I get bored. I ask: what are you doing?

I understand - revolution...

During the revolution, Chaliapin's house was often subject to night searches. They were looking for diamonds and gold. One day, silver spoons and forks were confiscated, as well as two hundred bottles of French wine.
Chaliapin complained to Zinoviev:
- I understand - the revolution... And, in essence, I am not against searches, but is it possible to search me at a time convenient for me, from eight to nineteen, for example?

What are horse sailors?

At the time of the revolution, Chaliapin came to the artist Korovin:
- I was obliged to perform today as mounted sailors. Tell me, for God's sake, what are mounted sailors?
“I don’t know what mounted sailors are,” Korovin answered gloomily, “but we have to leave...


At one time, the Kozlov family, Pyotr Petrovich and Natalya Stepanovna, lived at Korovin’s dacha, who were the object of Chaliapin’s many jokes. One day Fyodor Ivanovich hid a rubber hose from large aquarium and began to insist that Pyotr Petrovich the night before, being very drunk, accidentally swallowed it.
- I saw it with my own eyes! Swinging, he approached the aquarium, wanted to drink through the hose and swallowed it!..
Fyodor Ivanovich sniffed the air and continued very convincingly:
- You definitely smell like rubber. Definitely!
Chaliapin's concerned sympathy was so believable that Pyotr Petrovich went to the doctor to pull out the hose, for which he drank more than a glass of castor oil.

a really scary ghost...

Once, as a guest at the dacha of the artist Konstantin Korovin, Fyodor Ivanovich, together with the owner, decided to play a prank on the recently arrived architects V. Kuznetsov and V. Mazyrin. Kuznetsov was known to everyone not only as an excellent architect, but also as a very fearful and suspicious person. We decided to play on this. Not far from the dacha there was a bench made of turf, similar to a grave mound. Konstantin Korovin secretly told his guests that this was a grave former owner home, deceased terrible death. Every night at exactly twelve o'clock at night, the spirit of the deceased flies to the grave. Skeptics can wait until midnight and see everything with their own eyes.
That same evening the whole company waited until midnight on the veranda, from which the “grave” was clearly visible. When midnight struck, the “grave” suddenly lit up with a flickering purple light.
- It's starting! - the eerie whisper of Chaliapin’s trembling lips was heard. - Let's come closer and take a look...
Everyone left the house and not very decisively headed towards the mysterious light. Suddenly something white shot up and fluttered in the violet light over the “grave”!
- I see! I see him!! - Fyodor Ivanovich cried and, tragically wringing his hands, collapsed to the ground, as if knocked down. Korovin ran up to Chaliapin; bending down, he began to feel the pulse.
- Oh God, there is no pulse! Chaliapin is dead! Died of a broken heart!..
The guests abandoned the “dead” Chaliapin and, without looking back, ran to the dacha, packed up their things and immediately left for Moscow. The next day they told their friends about everything, and terrifying rumors about a ghost and the tragic untimely death of Chaliapin spread throughout the city.
Well, the hidden mechanics of the appearance of the “spirit of the deceased” was very simple. The role of the ghost was played by... a sheet suspended on rings to a rope that was stretched between the trees above the "grave". The sheet was set in motion at the right moment by a peasant boy trained by Korovin. He also set fire to the alcohol in the bowls behind the “grave” - the source of the mysterious glow.

Why do you need a suit, my dear?

One day an amateur singer came to Chaliapin and rather impudently asked:
- Fyodor Ivanovich, I need to rent your costume in which you sang Mephistopheles. Don't worry, I'll pay you!
Chaliapin stands in a theatrical pose, takes a deep breath and sings:
"A flea caftan?! Ha-ha-ha-ha!.."

Customs on alert!

Chaliapin, arriving on tour in the United States, had to undergo inspection at New York customs. In line with the official who was inspecting the luggage, he was recognized.
“This is the famous Chaliapin,” someone said, “he has a golden throat...
Hearing such a remark, the customs official demanded that an x-ray of the “golden throat” be immediately taken.


Once, while on tour in America, Chaliapin was approached by a lady who introduced herself as an ardent admirer of his talent. A quarter of an hour passed, but the exalted person did not express the slightest intention to leave the singer alone. Chaliapin did not know how to get rid of the annoying fan.
Suddenly a photographer appeared.
- Is it possible to ask Mr. Chaliapin to smile?
Chaliapin immediately took advantage of this opportunity and turned to his uninvited interlocutor:
- I have to say goodbye to you, missus. You heard that the photographer asked me to make a pleasant expression...

Well, thank God!..

One billionaire invited Chaliapin to perform at his party.
- It will cost you a thousand dollars! - said Chaliapin.
“Okay,” answered the rich man, “but on the condition that after the singing you will not remain among the guests!”
- Why didn’t you tell me right away! - formed great singer. - If you don’t need to communicate with your guests, then I’ll sing for five hundred dollars!

Chaliapin and I

Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin had a secretary and assistant, Peter, who protected the singer from annoying journalists and theater critics.
During one of his trips to Europe, a famous man came to the singer’s hotel. music critic. The secretary met him.
“Fyodor Ivanovich is busy now,” he said. - I am ready to answer all your questions.
- What are Maestro Chaliapin’s plans for the near future? - asked the music critic.
- We are going to Milan, where we will sing at La Scala, then we will give a concert in London in honor of the English king, then...
“Everything is fine, Peter,” Chaliapin’s voice boomed from the next room. - Just don’t forget to take me with you!

wonderful beard

After the performance at La Scala, where Chaliapin sang Boris Godunov, an Italian singer approached him.
“Your beard is magnificent,” said the envious Italian. - I would also like to sing with such a beard.
“Well, if it were just the beard,” Chaliapin answered, “then, perhaps, the goat would have sung better than both of us!”
Chaliapin immediately tore the royal beard from his face and, giving it to Italian singer, said:
“I would love to give him the head along with the beard, but the head will probably be useful to me myself.”

I'll outsing you!

Many years ago in Bolshoi Theater The opera "Don Carlos" was on. The role of Philip was sung by Chaliapin, and the role of the Grand Inquisitor by Vasily Petrov.
It must be said that Petrov admired the genius of Chaliapin, and Chaliapin, in turn, highly valued Petrov’s voice and talent.
Before the start of the third act, Petrov said to Chaliapin:
- But I’ll sing you out today, Fedya!
- No, Vasya, you won’t sing too much! - Chaliapin answered.
- I'll sing again!
- No, you won’t sing too much!
The act began.
Petrov, who had a powerful voice, completed the phrase with a thunderous roar that drowned out the orchestra and filled the entire theater - from the stalls to the gallery.
In a split second, Chaliapin realized that it was no longer possible to block this. And King Philip unexpectedly responded to the words of the Grand Inquisitor in a whisper. He whispered his remark in absolute silence, and from these words, brilliantly pronounced by Chaliapin, an ominous cold literally breathed into the hall.
The success was complete, and the ovation lasted for several minutes.
When the curtain closed, Chaliapin jokingly said to Petrov:
- That's all! And you're screaming!..

Caruso's poor ears

Chaliapin was vacationing in Monte Carlo. With him was his personal secretary Isai Dvorishchin. Walking with him through the streets of Monte Carlo, Chaliapin accidentally meets Caruso, who was also vacationing here. Terribly delighted at the meeting, Fyodor Ivanovich introduces Ivan Dvorishchin as a new unique tenor and begs Enrico to listen to his secretary. Caruso reluctantly agrees and sets a date for the audition.
On the appointed day, Chaliapin and his secretary come to Caruso. Isai Dvorishchin (he once sang as a tenor in a choir) begins to sing the Duke’s aria from Rigoletto. Chaliapin listens in fascination. Some confusion appears on Caruso's face. Isai continues to sing, desperately pressing his hands to his heart.
Caruso, with round eyes of surprise, looks only at Chaliapin, and he still listens with fascination. Finally, Isai climbed to the top note and let loose a desperate cock. Caruso even jumped up in his chair and waved his hands: “Enough, enough!” - he shouted.
Chaliapin, also unable to bear it, burst out laughing and rushed to hug Enrico, asking forgiveness for the joke that was cruel to Caruso’s ears.

I'll explain now

A debate broke out among artists about what art is. Chaliapin quietly retreated into another room. Then he suddenly opened the door, stood on the threshold, deathly pale, with disheveled hair, trembling lips, and eyes full of horror, and said:
- Fire!
Panic and screams arose... But Chaliapin suddenly laughed:
- Now do you understand what art is?.. Of course, there was no fire.

in fairness

For all his complex and absurd character, Fyodor Ivanovich was devoted to art and knew how to appreciate real talent.
One day at dinner in the Chaliapins' house there was a conversation about famous singer Masini. After lunch, Fyodor Ivanovich’s son Borya asked:
- Well, dad, was Mazini really a good singer?
Chaliapin sighed:
- Mazini, dear, was not a singer. It’s me, your father, the singer, and Mazini was an angel.

my head is empty and my salary is big...

At the entrance to the artist Serov’s studio, a nail was driven into the side of the door. The servant Vasily, upon entering, usually always hung his cap on this nail and, standing at attention, listened to orders.
So one day Chaliapin and Serov came up with a joke: they pulled out a nail and instead Serov painted the nail and its shadow with paint - on an empty spot.
- Vasily! - Chaliapin shouted.
Vasily, upon entering, out of habit wanted to hang his cap on a nail. The cap fell. He quickly picked it up and hung it again. The cap fell again.
Chaliapin, unable to bear it, burst out laughing.
Vasily looked at Chaliapin, at the nail, realized what was going on, silently turned and left. Arriving at the kitchen, he said offendedly:
- They don't have much in their heads. One is harmful. In the morning everyone hee-hee yes ha-ha... And what a salary everyone gets!

Stop singing!

In the early thirties, after one of the charity concerts, Chaliapin stopped by one of the Russian taverns. There was a balalaika orchestra performing there, and the soloist began to sing:
"Steppe and steppe all around..."
Chaliapin began to quietly sing along. Suddenly, from a nearby table, a gentleman shouted:
"Stop singing! It's a disgrace! The way you're behaving!.."
They whispered something to the gentleman, and he choked. However, Chaliapin looked even more embarrassed, because for the first time in his life he was asked to stop singing.

So she's already 90!

Being already the most famous artist, Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin once agreed to perform in an amateur performance in Mamontovka. Of course, on this occasion a banquet was given in honor of the great singer.
Fyodor Ivanovich, having become tipsy, began to very persistently attack one young lady. The hands are already in use.
- How can you! - the lady was indignant. - Such famous artist, and you allow such liberties!.. “Excuse me,” said Chaliapin. - If you are a famous artist, should you only look after Sarah Bernhardt? Yes, my dear, she’s almost ninety.


A case from the life of F.I. Chaliapin. A dispute broke out among artists over the question of what art is. Chaliapin quietly retreated into the next room. Suddenly the door opened, he stood on the threshold, deathly pale, with disheveled hair, trembling lips, with eyes full of horror, and said:
"Fire!" There was panic and screams... But Chaliapin suddenly laughed: “Now do you understand what art is?!” Seeing the expression of emotional shock on Chaliapin’s face, which, as experience suggested, appears on the face of a participant in an emergency situation, the artists had no doubt - there was a fire.