Blind Italian opera singer. Andrea Bocelli: personal life, wife, children, family

Andrea Bocelli, whose biography, despite his blindness, turned out well, is one of the most popular Italian singers modernity. His award-winning albums have sold 80 million copies worldwide. People who see Bocelli for the first time wonder: what's wrong with his eyes?

The singer, born in 1958 in the Tuscan commune of Lajatico, already in childhood suffered from a hereditary disease - glaucoma, which negatively affected his vision. The child underwent 27 operations, which turned out to be useless. At the age of 6, Bocelli, who was attracted to Beautiful music, began to play the piano, and later the saxophone and flute. After being hit in the head by a soccer ball at age 12, he became completely blind. At the same age, the boy won his first competition, performing the song Ole sole mio.

Although it was clear that the guy had musical talent, at the age of 22 he decided to study law and entered the University of Pisa. He worked as a lawyer for only a year. At the same time, the Italian performed songs in a bar and paid for singing lessons with Luciano Bettarini, whose student he was also Opera singer Franco Corelli.

Music career

A turning point in Botticelli’s life was a joint performance in 1992 with Italian star Zucchero, who was initially going to sing a song he had written with Luciano Pavarotti. The latter, hearing Andrea's voice, was delighted and decided to help the novice performer. A year later, Andrea went on an international tour with Zucchero. In 1994, the young man won the hit competition in Sanremo in the “Young Performers” category, receiving the most points for the song Il Mare Calmo della Sera.

The Italian became a world celebrity overnight with his performance at Henry Maske's farewell party in 1996. Then Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman sang the hit Time To Say Goodbye as a duet. In the following years the Italian established himself as a singer international level, performing hits and classical works. He performed with Celine Dion and other celebrities. Andrea's photos and interviews were published in various magazines.

In the 2000s, Bocelli mainly sang in operas. He has received awards such as "World's Best Classical Performer" and "Best Italian singer" A section of the Adriatic coast was even named after him. The performer stood on stage in the presence of George Bush, Pope John Paul II, the English royal family, and Pope Benedict XVI. In July 2013, a blind Italian received an award from Lions Clubs International.

Family life

Andrea met his first wife, Enrica, while singing in a bar. In 1992 they got married in the Church of San Leonardo in Lajatico. In 1995 and 1997, the wife gave birth to sons Matteo and Amos. After living together for 10 years, the couple divorced. The church only dissolved the marriage in 2009.

In 2014, Andrea Bocelli, who was then 55 years old, married his life partner after living with her for 12 years. They got married in the Italian city of Livorno, in the Montenero monastery. His chosen one, Veronica Berti, whose height and weight the Italian estimates as ideal, is 25 years younger than her husband.

Among the fans of the lyric tenor Andrea Bocelli are President Clinton and the Pope, Cindy Crawford, teenagers and housewives, and in 1987 he was named among the most charming men in the world. The singer was mercilessly criticized for his love for the pop genre; he sang with Celine Dionne, Nelly Furtado, Sarah Brightman, and Jennifer Lopez. At the same time, 80 million albums with the singer’s recordings were purchased by connoisseurs classical genre, and people without music education. In addition, the famous tenor enjoys skiing, horse riding and cycling. It would seem that such a biography is not uncommon for many star performers, if not for one circumstance - Andrea Bocelli lost his sight back in childhood and, according to him, perceives the beauty of the world with his inner gaze.

The future star performer was born in 1958 (September 22). Family farm Bocelli was in the Tuscan village of Lajatico, near Pisa. None of Andrea's relatives was involved in music or singing, and his father had absolutely no musical ear. However, there was a player in the house with many records, including records opera singers, who stood by the boy's bed while he was sick.

At the age of six, Andrea could independently pick out a melody on the piano, then he mastered the flute and saxophone, and sang in school and church choirs. Unfortunately, he had big problems with vision, and numerous operations did not bring results. At the age of 12, the irreparable happened - while playing football, Andrea was hit on the head with a ball, after which he completely stopped seeing. Someone else might have withdrawn into their misfortune, but Andrea, by his own admission, was fascinated by the music. He continued to study music, took singing lessons from Luciano Bettarini, and participated in various competitions, and in 1971 he became the first in a regional singing competition.

After graduating from school, the young man entered the University of Pisa, combining his studies with performances in restaurants and bars. He became interested in French chanson and Sinatra's songs, although most of his earnings went to pay for master classes of the famous “Prince of Tenors” Franco Core

lly. While studying, the young man met his future wife Enrica. In 1992, when Andrea was already married and received a law degree, but had not yet started professional activity and continued his vocal studies, a significant event occurred in his life. The restaurant performer was cast by the rock singer Zuccherini to record a demo version of his famous composition “Miserere”. When Luciano Pavarotti heard this recording, he could not believe that the performer was not a professional tenor.

The following year, Andrea, after performing at a private party, met the head of the Zugar music company, Katarina Zugar, who invited him to perform a new composition, “Il mare calmo della sera.” With this song, which became the title track of his debut album, Bocelli triumphantly won the Sanremo Festival (1994), after which he was invited to perform in Pavarotti's concert and then in the Christmas concert in the Vatican. Throughout 1995, despite the birth of his first son Amos, Andrea Bocelli spent touring Europe. He sang in the capitals and big cities of Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain together with famous choirs and symphony orchestras, his vocal partners were John Miles, Bryan Ferry, Ali Jarreau. From the hits performed by Andrea various genres the album "Bocelli" was compiled, which became platinum in many

many countries, and received a double platinum rating in Italy and six times in Belgium. The following year, Andrea Bocelli released two more albums: “Romanza”, which was based on his duet with Sarah Brightman in the composition “It’s Time to Say Goodbye”, and “Viaggio”. The last album was somewhat ironically called “music for emigrants”, because in its the basis was formed by the most popular arias from Italian operas, as well as famous Neapolitan songs performed in the traditional manner. Despite this characteristic, 300 thousand records of "Viaggio" were sold in just a few months.

The singer toured the United States several times, where he enjoyed enormous success: the price of a ticket for his performance reached $500, and in 2010 Bocelli was awarded his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The recording of the opera “La Bohème” (1995), where the popular tenor sang the role of Rudolf, as well as his album of the opera classics “Aria” (1998) were no less successful. Bocelli's fame as an international performer was further strengthened when he performed the song "The Prayer" with Celine Dionne, which formed the basis of the album "Sogno", released in 1999 and brought him a Golden Globe Award. The release of the album and single was again accompanied by recordings of new collections of classics - "Arie sacre" (1999) and "Verdi" (2000), and the album "Cieli di Toscana" (2001) consisted of pop

ardent Italian songs and compositions. To reproaches for his predilection for “pop”, Andrea replied that the main thing in a song is that it pleases the soul, and continued to choose a repertoire of a mixed style.

A large number of performances led to discord in the family - in 2002, Enrica Bocelli, despite the fact that the family already had younger son Matteo (born 1997) filed for divorce, while the children remained with their father. In the same year, the singer began to appear in the company of 18-year-old Veronica Berti, daughter of singer Ivano Berti, who became his impresario. Bocelli's success continued to grow - sold-out concerts, recordings of "Tosca" (2001), "Il Trovatore" (2003), "Werther" (2004), "Carmen" (2005), "Pagliacci" (2006), " Country honor" (2010). At the same time, new pop music albums were released - “Andrea” (2004), “Amore” (2005), etc.

In 2007, Andrea Bocelli toured Russia for the first time, then his performances were repeated in 2011, 2013 and 2014. The last album of the great singer to date was “Cinema” (2015), and the last recorded opera was “Manon Lescaut”. In 2012, Veronica and Andrea had a daughter, Virginia, and in March 2014 they legalized their relationship. A story about the famous tenor would be incomplete without mentioning his charitable foundation, which is dedicated to helping the visually impaired, as well as subsidizing new technologies to expand their capabilities.


Andrea Bocelli - blind singer with the most in a beautiful voice in the world:


“I was born on September 22, 1958 in the Tuscan village of Lajatico, near Volterra. Under the influence of religious foundations, as well as inspired by the example of my parents, I learned not to submit to the blows of fate, but to try to strengthen my strength in confronting them.

As far as I can remember, absolutely every moment of my life was filled with a passionate love for music. The greatest tenors of Italy - among them Del Monaco, Gigli, and to a greater extent Corelli have always aroused my great admiration and inspired me when I was still very young. Burning with a love for opera, I devoted my entire life to the dream of becoming a great tenor.

Even though I live in changing world, I calmly accept everything that life gives me: I enjoy the most simple things and readily accept any challenge of fate. I always try to remain optimistic, following the true meaning of the statement French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: “We truly see only with our hearts. The essence of things is invisible to our eyes."

Andrea Bocelli

Andrea Bocelli - modern tenor, but of the old school

The Italian opera singer was born in 1958 in Lagiatico, in the province of Tuscany. Despite his blindness, he became one of the most memorable voices of modern opera and pop music. Bocelli is equally good at performing classical repertoire and pop ballads.

Andrea Bocelli grew up on a farm in the small village of Lajatico. At the age of 6 he began learning to play the piano, and later mastered the flute and saxophone. Suffering from poor vision, he became completely blind at age 12 after an accident. Despite his obvious musical talents, Bocelli did not consider music as his further career, until he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Pisa and received the title of doctor. Only then did Bocelli begin to seriously study his voice with the famous tenor Franco Corelli, simultaneously earning money for piano lessons in various groups.

Bocelli's first breakthrough as a singer came in 1992, when Zucchero Fornaciari was looking for a tenor to record a demo of the song "Miserere", which he wrote with U2's Boni. Having successfully passed the selection, Bocelli recorded the composition in a duet with Pavarotti.

After a worldwide tour with Fornaciari in 1993, Bocelli performed at the charity Pavarotti International Festival, which was held in Modena in September 1994.

In addition to Pavarotti, Bocelli also sang with Bryan Adams, Andreas Vollenweider and Nancy Gustafson. In November 1995, Bocelli traveled to the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Spain and France with the production of "Night Of Proms", which also featured Bryan Ferry, Al Jarre and John Mays.

Bocelli's first two albums "Andrea Bocelli" (1994) and "Bocelli" (1996) featured only him opera singing, and the third disc "Viaggio Italiano" - famous opera arias and traditional Neapolitan songs. Although the CD was released only in Italy, it sold more than 300 thousand copies there. The fourth album, "Romanza" (1997), featured pop material, including the hit "Time To Say Goodbye", recorded in a duet with Sarah Brightman, which was a great success.

After this, Bocelli continued to develop a profitable pop direction, releasing his fifth album, Sogno, in 1999, which included a duet with Celine Dion, “The Prayer.”

Released as a single, this song sold 10 million copies in the United States alone. For her performance, Bocelli received a Golden Globe Award and was nominated for a Grammy in the "Best New Artist" category. The last album "Ciele di Toscana" was released in 2001.

Andrea Bocelli - sole singer, who managed to merge pop music and opera: “He sings songs like opera and opera like songs.”

This may sound offensive, but the result is quite the opposite: great amount adoring fans. And among them are not only teenagers dressed in rumpled T-shirts, but also endless lines business women and housewives and dissatisfied employees and managers in double-breasted jackets who ride the subway with a laptop on their lap and a Bocelli CD in their player. Twenty-four million CDs sold on five continents is no joke even for those accustomed to counting in billions of dollars.

Everyone likes the Italian, whose voice can mix melodrama with a song from San Remo. In Germany, the country that discovered it in 1996, it is constantly present in the charts. In the US, he is the subject of a cult: President Bill Clinton, who knows the score for the film "Kansas City" by heart, calls himself among Bocelli's admirers. And he wanted Bocelli to sing at the White House and at the Democratic meeting.

Soon on talented musician drew the attention of the Pope. The Holy Father recently received Bocelli at his summer residence, Castel Gandolfo, to hear him perform the Jubilee 2000 anthem. And he released this hymn into the world with a blessing.

But the real Bocelli phenomenon flourishes not in Italy, where singers who sing easy-to-whistle songs and romances are scarce, but in the United States. “Dream”, his new CD, which has already become a bestseller in Europe, is in first place in popularity overseas.

And let it not be said that Bocelli owes his success to the widespread good nature and desire to protect him, caused by his blindness. Of course, the fact of being blind plays a role in this story. But the fact remains: I like his voice. “He has a very beautiful timbre. And since Bocelli sings in Italian, the audience gets a feeling of being part of the culture. Culture for the masses. This is what makes them feel good,” Lisa Altman, vice president of Philips, explained some time ago Bocelli is Italian and, especially, Tuscan.

This is one of his strengths: he presents a culture that is popular and refined at the same time. The sounds of Bocelli's voice are so gentle that they evoke in the mind of every American a room with a beautiful view, the hills of Fiesole, the hero of the film "The English Patient", the stories of Henry James.

Following the 5th annual Los Angeles Italian Film and Fashion Art Festival, held from February 28, 2010 at Mann's Chinese Theater Complex, a Hollywood Star on the Walk of Fame was awarded.

Andrea Bocelli - Italian opera singer, awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Andrea Bocelli's star is the two thousand four hundred and second star on the Alley.

2402nd Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

IN free time Bocelli retires to a secluded corner and reads “War and Peace” using his computer with a Braille keyboard. He wrote an autobiography. The temporary title is “The Music of Silence” (copyright sold to Warner by Italian publishing house Mondadori for $500,000).

Success is determined more by Bocelli's personality than by his voice. He is endowed with extraordinary courage: he skis, goes in for horseback riding, and won the most important battle: despite blindness and unexpected success (this can also be a disadvantage), he managed to lead a normal life.

Bocelli's voice, sounding organically in works that combine seemingly incompatible musical trends - classical opera and popular music, delights people of all ages and social status worldwide.

Was called the "fourth tenor" in modern world opera art. A student of Luciano Pavarotti and Zucchero Fornaciari, the blind vocalist, of Tuscan origin, who became one of the most beautiful voices of modern opera. His hits with Pavarotti, and tours with Fornaciari, brought him international attention. However, opera represents only one side of his multifaceted musical persona.

Bocelli is a successful performer, both in opera and in performances with many pop singers, having recorded duets with Celine Dion, Sarah Brightman and Erosam Ramazzotti.

Email Gerro, who sang with Bocelli in the night graduation ceremonies in November 1995, spoke highly of Bocelli when he said: "I had the honor of singing with the most beautiful voice in the world."

Bocelli grew up on a farm in Lajatico, a village in Tuscany, Italy. He started his musical creativity starting with piano lessons at the age of six, later adding flute and saxophone lessons.

Unfortunately, Andrea was born with poor eyesight, and tragic accident became completely blind as a child, at the age of 12, after an accident. Despite his obvious musical talents, Bocelli did not consider his future career and role in the field of music, so he studied law at the University of Pisa, where he even received a doctorate in law. Always inspired to play music, he began studying with the famous tenor Franco Corelli, constantly maintaining and developing his voice.

Bocelli's debut as a singer came in 1992, when Fornaciari auditioned the future tenor to record a demo of "Miserere", which he co-wrote with U2's Bono. Having passed the audition successfully, Bocelli recorded this composition in a duet with Luciano Pavarotti. After touring with Fornaciari in 1993, Bocelli performed as a guest at International Festival Pavarotti, which took place in Modena in September 1994. In addition to performing a solo duet with Pavarotti, Bocelli sang with Bryan Adams, Andreas Vollenweider and Nancy Gustafson.

In November 1995, Bocelli toured Holland, Belgium, Germany, Spain and France with Al Jarreau, Bryan Ferry, Roger Hodgson and John Miles.

It was these joint compositions that were included in the first two albums - Andrea Bocelli in 1994. His third attempt and album, "Viaggio Italiano", brought famous arias and folk songs from Naples, although this album was released only in Italy, it sold at an incredible rate, selling more than 300,000 copies.

With his fourth album, Romances, which was released in 1997, Bocelli turned to pop music. The album included hits ("& Time To Say Goodbye"), it was a vocal duet with Sarah Brightman.

Bocelli continued to focus on pop ballads and on his fifth album, Sogno, released in 1999, sang a duet with Celine Dion, the album sold more than ten million copies, won a Golden Globe Award, and subsequently led leading to Bocelli being nominated for a Grammy.

Despite his blindness, Andrea Bocelli was able to achieve the highest achievements thanks to his perseverance and hard work.

He continues to create and delight us with his in a wonderful voice and creativity.

Sarah Brightman & Andrea Bocelli

"Music is my life..." ANDREA BOCELLI.

Andrea Bocelli was born on September 22, 1958 in the Italian province of Pisa, in Lajatico. His family owned a small vineyard and Andrea's father made a small amount of wine every year, Chianti Bocelli. Already in early childhood Andrea started playing the church organ.

One day, Andrea's parents, Edie and Alessandro, noticed that something was wrong with their child's eyes, and they turned to a doctor who discovered Andrea had hereditary glaucoma, which in the future could develop into complete blindness. Andrea underwent numerous eye surgeries, which helped to slightly delay the progression of the disease.

It was in the hospital that Senora Edie noticed that classical music had a calming effect on her baby, and the whole family began purchasing recordings of classical and opera performers, from which Andrea’s lifelong love for opera began. His parents prepared him for the moment he would become permanently blind by sending him to a school for the blind, where he learned the alphabet for the blind and learned to play the flute. Andrea was always an active and playful child, and it was here, at a school for the blind, while playing football, that he received that ill-fated blow to the eye with a ball, which led to complete blindness.

His parents supported their son and always encouraged him to do what he loved. He was not allowed to feel like he was disabled. The boy rode horseback, rode a bicycle, swam and played with other children. He took piano lessons, and his younger brother Alberto took violin lessons. But most of all Andrea loved singing, and everyone liked the way he sang. He left a school for the blind and attended two more schools, then trained as a lawyer at the University of Pisa, and began his career at the Palazzo Giustizia in Pisa. While still at university, Andrea began earning money by playing the piano and performing songs in bars.
In 1970, Andrea wins his first singing competition, Margherita d'Oro in Viareggio, performing the song “O sole mio”. After graduation, Andrea works as a lawyer for a year, and then devotes himself entirely to music. He takes singing lessons from Bettarini, until his death in 1997 at the age of 83.

After working in his specialty for a year, Andrea realized that his heart was against it. He returned to performing in bars to earn money for piano lessons from Carlo Bernini, who became his close friend and mentor. He also took vocal lessons and constantly worked to improve his singing technique. Perhaps the most influential of his teachers was his idol, Franco Corelli, whose master class he attended in 1992.

The “official” start of Bocelli’s singing career was almost accidental: he took part in the test recording of the famous “Miserere”, which Zucchero Fornaciari arranged in 1992 to offer the song to Luciano Pavarotti. The great tenor, listening to Bocelli’s performance, will comment on it like this: “Thank you for the wonderful song, but let Andrea sing it. He's the best fit for her." As you know, Pavarotti will later record this song, but on Zucchero’s European tour it will be Andrea Bocelli who will replace Pavarotti on stage.

A little later, in 1993, Bocelli’s discographic career began. With the song "Miserere", performing both parts, he passes the qualifying round for the music festival in San Remo. And in 1994 he was invited to San Remo as famous performer, and with the song “Il mare calmo della sera” (“The Quiet Evening Sea”) he receives a record number of votes in the “New Proposals” category. Releases his first album with the same name, which goes platinum within a few weeks.

One night, while playing in a bar under open air"Boschetto" in Chianni, Andrea met 17-year-old Enrica Cenzatti. Before this he had no shortage of girlfriends, but this was real love. Their wedding took place on June 27, 1992, and Enrica later gave Andrea two sons, Amos and Matteo.

For reasons known only to Andrea and Enrique, they officially filed for divorce in early 2002. After the divorce, Andrea met new love- Veronica Berti, daughter of the Ancona baritone Ivano Berti, a woman who shares many of his interests, including a love of opera.

In 1996, he sang with English soprano Sarah Brightman ( ex-wife"King of Music" Andrew Lloyd Webber) in Germany. They sing the song for Henry Maske's last battle, new version"Con Te Partiro", "Time to Say Goodbye". The song broke all sales records on the market, and remained at the top of the German charts for almost half a year.

Simultaneously with numerous tours during this period, Bocelli received proposals for interpretation and popularization of lyric operas as if from a cornucopia.

“Luck never left me,” the singer comments on this period. In fact, it is precisely these days that it comes out new album“Sogno” (“Dream”), so long-awaited by the public that it immediately soars to first place in the European hit parade and fourth in the American chart. In the discography, such a triumph can be compared, perhaps, with the success of Domenico Modugno’s “Volare” in 1958. In the USA, even the term “Bocellimania” appeared.

The 1999 album "Arie sacre" becomes a disc classical music best-selling artist of all time. In 2000, after singing in the Vatican in the presence of the Pope on the occasion of the Jubilee Year, Bocelli released his fourth classical album, Verdi, followed by his first complete opera, La Bohème. After such serious works, in 2001 the “light” album “Cieli di Toscana” (“Heaven of Tuscany”) was born, and three years later a pop disc with the simple name “Andrea” was released, in which, however, in addition to Andrea himself, numerous "guests", including Amedeo Mingi and Mario Reyes.

Recognition comes not only from the public, but also from the state: on February 6, 2006, Bocelli received the Order of Merit for the Italian Republic.

And on March 2, 2010, the singer was awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for his contribution to performing arts(opera).

It would seem that such a dizzying success could change the views on the life of the Tuscan tenor, alienate him from his family, from friends, from his attachment to the Tuscan fields... But no, as recognition comes from all corners of the world, Andrea never tires of repeating : “Success is just an accident. You can't get too attached to him. There are many other things in life. When I return home, I close the door behind me and have dinner with my loved ones. The only thing I bring with me is my voice, also because I have to practice at least two hours a day.”

Andrea Bocelli with his sons and Veronica Berti


At home in Lagiatico, province of Pisa, on his family estate, Andrea and his brother Alberto, who is directly involved in this, family tradition working to improve the quality of their own wines. As Andrea says, they do this in memory of their father, Alessandro, who at one time devoted all his strength to cultivating the vineyards planted by his grandfather in the lands of Tuscany to produce the famous Chianti.

The wine, mostly red, is called "Le Terre di Sandro" ("Sandro's Land"), in memory of his father, and this year it produced its first harvest. “My brother and I decided to try to make real wine, and the first results exceeded all expectations,” says Andrea. The first harvest is not intended for sale, since its quantity is very small, less than 3000 bottles.

“We kept it just for ourselves,” the singer said. “But we are planning to expand production. In the future we will send some bottles to the American market. We are doing this in memory of the babbo (father), who so passionately continued the work of his ancestors. Wine is a universal cure for fatigue when problems overwhelm us. We We call it "bottles of joy."


Although music is central to Andrea's life, he has many other different interests. Even as a child, returning from school, the first thing he did was run to the stables to see the horses. Horses have been Andrea Bocelli's true passion since he was just a child, when his father and grandfather told him about how the first foal was born on their farm. Horses are not only strong, but also sensitive animals. Andrea understands them without difficulty, they feel each other well. He loves to take care of them: cleaning them, feeding them, and just feeling their warm presence next to him.

Andrea loves these beautiful and hardy animals very much. His blindness did not prevent him from becoming a pretty good horseman. In one of his interviews, Andrea Bocelli admits: “I like to live a dynamic life. I always liked sports, and I quickly learned to ride a horse - also because there is not so much choice of activities in the village - and it seems to me that I was very successful in this matter, to be honest."

Andrea Bocelli now has five of his own Arabian stallions at his Tuscan estate. “Before big concerts, I ride out on horseback. It helps me calm my nerves,” admits the singer. “However, before I mount a horse, I have to make sure that it is not as blind as me. Then I am absolutely calm while riding.”


In one of his interviews, Andrea Bocelli, answering a journalist’s question, says: “We must always maintain the tone of body and spirit, we must always strive to spend our leisure time profitably in order to make full use of the time we have. Movement, active life, sports have always attracted me. Mostly before I started my musical career. When I have to be confined to an airplane seat, it is one of the most unbearable moments of my life."

In addition to horse riding, Andrea Bocelli loves to ride a bicycle without being embarrassed by the presence of traffic on the road. As the singer admits, he completely trusts Italian drivers.

Andrea Bocelli plays billiards well. And he even often wins, despite his blindness. “It’s a matter of habit, you just have to try again and again, like in any other business,” says the singer.

Andrea skied for the first time while on vacation in the mountains (Apennines). Since the descent was not difficult, the singer easily rolled down the mountain twice. But when his companion suggested moving on to a more difficult descent, Andrea refused: “I passed this test with honor and reached the finish line on my feet. Why tempt your fate?”

When asked if he felt fear at the same time, Andrea Bocelli said: “For me, sport has never been a challenge to anyone or anything. I did what I wanted to do, I believe that in general you need to understand what your interest is in, and then develop it, as it helps to enjoy life and fight boredom. strong fear I feel when I go on stage. It's not just fear, it's nervous tension. But the fear of physical risk was never truly unknown to me, especially in my younger years."

However, Andrea Bocelli survived the most dangerous moment when he made a parachute jump. "One day I was at an airfield near my house, there were several young people practicing parachute jumping. They asked me if I wanted to jump. I said - I'm free all day today, of course I'll try. It was the only one in my life once. My father was with me. Obviously, he had a different opinion on what I was going to do. Otherwise, she no doubt forbade me to jump."

The singer does not believe that by engaging in this type of sport, he is at greater risk due to blindness. "The risk is the same for everyone, regardless of physical features. The risk is whether your parachute opens or not... It's no more risky than crossing a roadway or flying an airplane."