Is Alexey Vorobyov dating? Participation in television projects. Tragic accidents in Vorobyov's life

Today, January 19, actor, director and musician Alexei Vorobyov turned 30 years old. The actor is dating new girl, but does not want to name his chosen one.

Today is Alexey Vorobyov’s anniversary. According to the actor, his heart is not free, but it is too early to talk about marriage. " Now I'm happy in my relationship. In response even to refined female flirting I can only offer a handshake, I will not cross the border of friendship, because I respect my beloved and want to be for her the man she deserves", explains the actor.

« My❤️,” he briefly signed the photo with his beloved Vorobiev.

Alexey met with Anna Chipovskaya, Oksana Akinshina, Vika Daineko.

« When our romance began, the beautiful Anya was an unknown graduate of the Moscow Art Theater School, served in the theater and had not yet even received her first role in a big movie. I was lucky enough to meet an amazing and simple girl. She became famous much later. Media exposure has never bothered me, because unlike feelings, any fame is momentary dust that can evaporate in one second", says Vorobyov.

The actor is convinced that “love is such a thing that cannot just up and disappear. It simply transforms with us, changes over time.” In girls, Alexey values ​​humor above all.

« Main feature, without which it is impossible to live, is humor. Nothing else matters when you're in love. I tried for a long time to understand what a dream woman should be like, and I became convinced that there was no formula. I've seen all types of girls, and each of them is beautiful. Which one doesn’t matter, as long as it’s the one that will complement you and can make you vibrate. And if this is an episode for the night, then the type is even more unimportant"explains Alexey.

Vorobyov is sure that “ One-night stand always has a chance of developing into a second, third, and then into the wedding night. It always depends on how suitable people are for each other” and “sex, in principle, cannot disappoint».

« I know many families in which the spouses do not cheat on each other, they are always so happy that when I watch them, I want to too. The easiest way to be a truly accomplished man is not to have a high night with a chick who has a good figure, but to be with one - night, morning, tomorrow and a hundred years. Betrayal is destructive primarily for yourself. I know this first hand", Alexey admits.

Vorobyov also treats his mistakes with humor. " If you erase stupidity from my life, then I will become the most boring piece of crap who will tell in an interview how well he can sing, write music and scripts, shoot videos and play roles. But the thrill is that we are real! We fall in love, get mad, cry, laugh at the most unfortunate moments... I am sure that we need mistakes, they shape us", declares the musician.

Alexey Vorobyov considers himself simple guy If necessary, he will stand behind the stove, but prefers a restaurant or home delivery. " I can iron a shirt with ease, but I have to do it infrequently, because with my schedule and travel, there is basically no everyday life as such, or rather, there is, but it is different, since I am at airports more often than at home", Alexey clarifies.

Vorobyov has a terrible sweet tooth. For many years, she doesn’t remember a day without something high-calorie and tasty. " And as for character... Why get rid of something in yourself when you are perfect! And he’s damn talented, and handsome as God, and kind, and cheerful, and I help my parents, and I love dogs, and I’ve massaged my girlfriend twice, but there’s one problem - I’m modest to the point of impossibility.”, quotes Vorobyov “StarHit”

He is very versatile and also eligible bachelor and more than half of the girls in the country want him to choose them as his future wife, but Alexey so far prefers an active and cheerful bachelor life.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexey Vorobyov

It’s not for nothing that Alexey is the object of girls’ desire, because in addition to his talent, the singer has very good appearance. He was born on January 19, 1988, which means on at the moment He is 29 years old, Lesha still has a whole interesting and long life ahead of him. With a height of 186 he weighs 76 kg. The guy takes care of his body and appearance, so he doesn’t allow himself to gain weight; he always looks great. Height, weight, age, how old is Alexey Vorobyov, this request is of great concern to Alexey’s fans, who scour the entire Internet for this.

Biography of Alexey Vorobyov

Russian singer and musician Alexey Vladimirovich Vorobyov was born on January 19, 1988 in simple large family. The star's father works as a security chief at a company, and his mother is a housewife.

The boy was very active from childhood and was then professionally interested in football. He played for the local team and was good at it. He dreamed of becoming a famous football player and connecting his life with a sports career, but fate turned out differently and a little later he decided to become a singer. Although the artist himself believes that the stage and sports are very similar to each other, because in both there is adrenaline, a surge of energy and intense emotions.

Lesha Vorobyov became interested in music early childhood. He graduated music school accordion class. During his studies, he constantly took part in various concerts and competitions: he played an instrument or sang.

It is worth noting that his music studies were very successful; starting from the age of 12, he took part in various concerts and competitions where he won prizes. Starting at the age of 16, he became a member of the popular Tula ensemble. This step helped Alexei show himself to the public and even earn his first fans. Of course, Alexey’s main fans were girls, because the young athlete and musician always differed from his peers in his unusually attractive appearance.

After graduating from school, he entered a good music college, where he successfully completed his studies. At the age of 17, he earned an important award, namely, he took part in the Delphic Games competition and won one of the main nominations in the field of vocals. After such a breakthrough future star plucks up courage and decides to move permanently to Moscow. After moving, the actor successfully entered the Gnessin School, which is considered one of the most prestigious and successful, and a year after that he was noticed and managed to get a contract with Universal Music Russia.

The biography of Alexey Vorobyov shows everyone who is afraid to show their talents that you just have to try and luck itself will begin to help you.

After signing the contract, his life begins to develop rapidly and soon, literally a year later, he becomes a television star, namely, the face of the MTV channel and the main character of the multi-part interactive series “Alice’s Dream”. That's exactly how it started star trek popular singer and an actor.

It is also worth noting that Alexey is one of the few modern stars who sings live at his concerts. Everyone is already accustomed to the fact that stars perform to a soundtrack and do not consider it judgmental, but Alexey goes against the rules and allows his fans to listen to a live voice and enjoy the singer’s genuine emotions. This step deserves respect.

In addition to all the facts, it is worth talking about Alexey’s unsuccessful participation in the popular Eurovision contest. He tried his luck three times. The first two times he even passed the qualifying rounds and first took fifth place, then he passed the qualifying round and left the competition citing being busy. But the third time everything was much more epic. He performed at the competition with a prepared and talented song, which was written by a popular Moroccan producer. But the singer only took 16th place. But this was not at all because of the performance, which, by the way, turned out to be very talented and interesting. The fact is that shortly before the performance, Alexey gave an interview to the press, in which he acted as an ardent homophobe and expressed several very unflattering phrases.

In addition, he showed offensive and impudent behavior on stage, for which the judges did not give him prize place. You can find a lot of information on the Internet if you enter the query: “biography of Alexei Vorobyov.” I would like to note that the artist is generally famous for his easy-going nature and rather daring behavior. He doesn’t think much about his words and says everything that comes to mind, which is why many fans love him. As they say, every star has its own way of expressing itself; Alexey chooses naturalness.

Personal life of Alexey Vorobyov

Well, such a question as the personal life of Alexei Vorobyov is of great interest to his fans and lovers of his work. In fact, the actor and singer had many affairs, because he is a young, active and quite popular guy, but he never found a wife. He prefers not to talk about his relationships, but still about three main The novels of his life are known to the public. After the release of the program “Ice and Fire” in which the singer took part, it became known about his relationship with participant Tatyana Navka, but the relationship did not last long. Then he had an affair with Oksana Akinshina, although the couple denied the existence of a connection for a long time, but later they admitted it. This romance also did not last long and soon after that, in the same year, namely in 2011, he began dating singer Victoria Daineko, the couple broke up a year later.

Not long ago, Alexey took part in the popular program “The Bachelor,” where he talked with many girls and tried to find a future wife, but these attempts were not successful and the bachelor left the project alone. From all these weak attempts, one gets the feeling that now Alexey simply does not need a long-term relationship.

Family of Alexey Vorobyov

Since the singer does not have a wife or children, Alexei Vorobyov’s family is his beloved parents. He was the only child in the family, so all the fame and love went to him. At the moment, he doesn’t see his parents as often as he would like, but he still tries to visit them more often. The actor’s entire heart is now occupied by his audience and his favorite work. Due to constant concerts, filming and development of new projects, the star simply does not have time to pay due attention to his family, and even more so to care about starting his own family with his wife and children. But the actor is only 29 years old, he still has his whole life ahead of him.

Children of Alexey Vorobyov

In connection with the frequent and numerous novels of Alexei Vorobyov, one can only assume that he actually has children somewhere, but such facts are not known to the press. Although nosy fans periodically accuse him of the opposite. In any case, Alexey Vorobyov’s children don’t bother him yet, he is busy with his career and understands that even if he now finds his chosen one and has children, he simply won’t have time to raise them, and these little angels will need daddy’s constant love .

Alexei Vorobyov's wife

On the “Bachelor” project, he made attempts to find a wife, but they were unsuccessful. And at the end of the project, he said “bye” to all the girls, remaining alone. From all this it is worth concluding that the actor is not yet ready for a serious and long-term relationship. As Alexey himself says, his chosen one must be a real person, active, who will develop, take care of her life and not pull the star out of his difficult, but such an interesting schedule. The wife of Alexei Vorobyov must be a real ideal in order to please the star.

Photo of Alexey Vorobyov before and after plastic surgery

If you look at pictures of Alexey at the age of 10-15, it will become clear that the guy did not make any changes in his appearance. From birth he had very beautiful facial features and good height. At the moment, all the actor does is play sports and work hard.

He always keeps himself in shape, delighting his fans with his impeccable appearance. Photos of Alexey Vorobyov before and after plastic surgery, all untrue, because as the star himself claims, and as you can see from old photographs, the singer did not resort to the help of plastic surgeons.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexey Vorobyov

Like any young star, Alexey is an active user of social networks. Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexey Vorobyov are full interesting information his life, vivid photographs and amazing facts. This active young man, it seems there are not 24 hours in a day, but much more, because he manages to work productively, and also relax equally productively and cheerfully, information, which he shares in his social networks. Alexey’s talent is developing every day and the number of fans is also growing immediately.

Alexey Vorobyov is a Russian singer, producer and composer, actor and aspiring director, favorite of hundreds of thousands of girls, ambassador goodwill UN. The only participant in the show “The Bachelor” who never chose a life partner. He represented Russia at Eurovision 2011, but took almost the worst place in the history of the country's participation in this competition.

Childhood and family

Russian singer and musician Alexey Vladimirovich Vorobyov was born on January 19, 1988 into a simple family from Tula, far from the world of art. The star's father, Vladimir Viktorovich, worked as the head of security at the enterprise, his mother, Nadezhda Nikolaevna, took care of the housework. According to the singer, complications arose during childbirth and the doctors barely had time to save his life. Alexey has an older brother, Sergei, and a younger sister, Galina. Both of them, having matured, connected their lives with music: Sergei plays the accordion in the Jazzophrenia group, Galina became a singer.

As a child, Alexey Vorobyov loved football and played for the Tula youth team. And he even became the top scorer, and his team became the regional champion. The young man dreamed of connecting his life with sports. However, a little later his plans changed towards singing. However, according to Alexey, sports and the stage are very similar to each other - the intensity of emotions and the desire to win everyone.

IN school years The Vorobyov brothers went to music school, where they studied in the accordion class. But at the age of 15, after 9 years of studies, Alexey decided to leave musical instrument and start singing. After graduating from school, Vorobiev entered Music College arts named after Dargomyzhsky for the specialty "leader" folk choir" This decision was incomprehensible to his relatives: “What, are you going to sing like an old grandmother?” his mother asked, but the young man was adamant.

Music career

At the age of 15, Alexey joined the Tula folklore ensemble“Uslada”, and at 16 he became its soloist. Teachers noted his unprecedented diligence and hard work.

In 2005, the 17-year-old singer became the winner of the Delphic Games and received a medal in the Vocal category. Then Alexey went to Moscow for the all-Russian casting of the television competition “The Secret of Success,” which was broadcast on the Rossiya channel. The young man reached the finals and became one of the winners of the show. Inspired by the victory, Lesha Vorobiev moved to Moscow and immediately entered the Gnessin Pop and Jazz School. A year later, the promising performer has a signed contract with Universal Music Russia.

Alexey Vorobyov performs only live. He is one of the few artists who does not sing along to a soundtrack, even when recording television broadcasts.

A year later, Alexey Vorobyov performed the official anthem of the Youth Eight J8 during the Summit, and also performed at the opening and closing of the international event. Also in 2006, the singer released his first video for the song “Summer”.

Alexey Vorobyov – “Summer”

Vorobyov has only one full-length album – “Vorobyov’s Lie Detector,” released in 2011. At the same time, he has a huge number of singles, including those recorded with other artists. Most often, Alexey collaborated with the group “Friends!”: together they released 7 songs. He also did feats with Yegor Creed (“More Than Love”), his brother and sister (“As in last time"), Vika Daineko ("Going Crazy Without You").

Scandal at Eurovision

In 2008, Alexey Vorobyov tried his luck at the Eurovision qualifying round. The singer performed “New Russian Kalinka,” which was received favorably. However, in the final standings the artist took only fifth place.

Alexey Vorobyov – “New Russian Kalinka”

A year later, Alexey tried his hand again and tried to get to the final of the Russian selection for Eurovision. This time the singer passed the qualifying round, but refused to participate in the competition due to being busy with another project. Luck smiled on him in 2011. Alexey Vorobyov finally got the chance to represent Russia at Eurovision with the song “Get You” by Moroccan producer RedOne. The singer took sixteenth place. This result was the worst in the entire history of the country’s participation in the competition, with the exception of the result of Philip Kirkorov in 1995 - 17th place. But Alexey Vorobyov’s participation in Eurovision was remembered not only for bad results, but for his defiant behavior.

Eurovision 2011: Alexey Vorobyov – Get You

Even before participating in the competition, Alexey Vorobyov made a number of homophobic comments about representatives of sexual minorities during an interview.

If you hear or read that at Eurovision Vorobyov “marked an innocent person,” know: it was one of the gays who tried to pester me. And he was immediately rewarded with a blow to the melon!

In addition to homophobic remarks, Vorobiev accused his Swedish rival Eric Saade of plagiarism. Representatives Russian performer stated that the Swedes adopted the number with glass, which was invented by Alexey’s group for their performance at the Russian Music Awards. However, the accusations were refuted, and the “act with glass,” as it turned out, had already been staged by other performers before Vorobiev.

During the announcement of the results in the first semi-final, Alexey Vorobiev suddenly shouted into the camera in live: “This is Russia! This is Russia, damn it! Come here, damn it! Look me in the eyes, damn it!” and kissed the lens. “A disgrace,” - this is how many artists summed up his act, for example, Anfisa Chekhova and Sergei Lazarev.

Acting career

In 2006, Vorobyov not only made his debut on the big stage, but also began his creative path as an actor. In the fall, the young man became the face of the MTV channel and the main character of the multi-part interactive series “Alice’s Dream” with Masha Malinovskaya. The latter was shown on air on a popular music channel every day.

After this, Alexey Vorobyov began actively acting in films and decided to enroll in a theater university. In 2008, the singer received a diploma music school and entered the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio, where he studied acting on the course of Kirill Serebrennikov. However, due to being very busy in 2010, the young man left the institute. By that time his filmography included main role in the military drama “The Second”, participation in the horror film “Phobos. Club of Fear" with Pyotr Fedorov and a dozen less noticeable heroes.

“Papa”, short film by Alexey Vorobyov

Alexey tried to perform stunts in films on his own. Before filming began, Vorobyov underwent serious physical training. The singer was fond of extreme driving and motorsports, and these skills greatly helped Lesha in one of the shots to perform such difficult stunts as jumping from the 4th floor and burning.

The actor’s filmography has been updated year after year. In 2012, together with Galina Bob, he starred in the TV series “Deffchonki” in the role of Sergei Zvonarev, with Maxim Averin in the films “Capercaillie. Come, New Year! and “Runaways”, with Maria Kozhevnikova and Elvira Ibragimova - in the film “Treasures of O.K.”

Alexey Vorobyov on television

Alexey Vorobyov is invited to take part in television projects. So, he could be seen in “Cruel Intentions”, “Great Races” and the ice show “Ice and Fire”, where he made a great pair with Tatyana Navka.

Alexey Vorobyov and Tatiana Navka – Show Must Go On

But perhaps Vorobyov’s most memorable appearance on television was his participation in the fourth season of the show “The Bachelor,” which aired in March 2016.

He really hoped that the project would help him find his love, but in vain. He didn’t want to adapt to the rules of the project and fake feelings for girls when in fact he didn’t have any. As a result, he became the first bachelor who did not give preference to any participant at the end of the season.

Other projects

In 2007, Alexey Vorobyov became a goodwill ambassador. Candidacy Russian singer was considered at the UN headquarters in New York for a year. And only after approval, Alexey received an official offer to represent the organization in Russia. It is noteworthy that the position and responsibility is quite prestigious.

Alexey Vorobiev became the first Russian artist, which has received such a prestigious status. He is responsible for the United Nations programs to combat AIDS in Russia. And in parallel with this, Lesha became an ambassador and active worker youth program"Dance4Life" and the UNICEF Foundation.

Tragic accidents in Vorobyov's life

In 2012, Alexei Vorobyov was taken unconscious to a hospital in Florence. During the filming of a mass brawl for the film about Florentine football “I Calcianti,” Alexey missed a blow to the head. The injury did not seem serious to the doctors, and after a couple of days Vorobiev left the hospital.

At the beginning of 2013, information appeared in the press about a serious car accident involving Vorobiev. It happened on one of the roads in Los Angeles. Alexey ended up in wheelchair, the left half of the body was partially paralyzed. As journalists reported, the damage affected a quarter of the singer’s brain.

Only youth, thirst for life and willpower helped the singer cope with his illness. He learned again, not only to sing, but to talk! Already in May 2013, Alexey returned to Russia to continue acting in the TV series “Deffchonki”.

Personal life of Alexey Vorobyov

Alexey Vorobyov is known as a heartthrob. However, the singer prefers not to talk about his victories.

It is known that after the artist took part in the show “Ice and Fire,” he began an affair with his colleague Tatyana Navka. For her sake, he left his previous girlfriend, Anna Chipovskaya, whom he met on the set of the video “New Russian Kalinka”.

Alexey Vorobyov is credited with an affair with actress Oksana Akinshina, his partner in the film “Suicides”. The couple initially denied their affair, but soon began to appear in public together, which indirectly confirmed their relationship.

In May 2011, the couple broke up, but Alexey did not remain alone for long; already in August 2011 he began dating Victoria Daineko. The romance also turned out to be short-lived; Alexey and Victoria broke up in May 2012.

Alexey Vorobyov and Victoria Daineko – For the last time

Many rumors about Vorobyov’s personal life were generated by the series “Deffchonki”, where the actor played the lover of the heroine Galina Bob. Also on the set, the artist became friends with

Alexey Vorobyov is a famous singer, actor and musician in Russia; his work is especially popular among young girls. But most of them are interested in the personal life of the artist, or rather the wife of Alexei Vorobyov, what is her name and so on.

Artist biography

Alexey Vorobyov was born in 1988 in Tula. From childhood he became interested in music, having achieved sufficient success in his city, he went to conquer Moscow, starting with music competition, where Alexey became one of the winners.
After this, Vorobiev went to college and continued to study music. During the same period, Lesha was invited to act in a movie, where he showed himself as a talented actor. Alexey began to actively study acting and even entered the Moscow Art Theater, but was unable to graduate due to the fact that he did not have enough time to study, due to the fact that he performed in concerts, as well as on the music channel with which he entered into a contract.

Alexey Vorobyov's wife photo

Fortunately for fans of singer Alexei Vorobyov, he has not yet acquired a wife and is still a bachelor, which means everyone has a chance to win his heart. Alexey says that his future wife should be sweet and feminine, dress well, have a sense of taste and, among other things, have a wonderful sense of humor.

Alexey Vorobyov and his wife, who will one day appear with him, will be happy, according to him, if the girl manages family relationships, but at the same time do not make your husband henpecked. Lesha notes that almost all the girls he met met his requirements, but something just didn’t work out.

So, the former companion of Alexei Vorobyov, Vika Daineko, is sweet and charming singer, possessing in a wonderful voice and no less beautiful appearance, she was able to give the singer everything he dreamed of, both care and romance. But still, Lesha decided to break up, explaining that Vika was too good for him and he would not be able to make her truly happy.

Afterwards, Alexey had many more women, but relationships with them did not last more than a month. Even when Vorobyov went abroad, he continued to have short-term relationships with girls there.

After Alexey Vorobyov’s participation in the show “The Bachelor,” many thought that he would start dating the girl to whom he gave a rose, Natalya Gorozhanova, as he hinted at continuing meetings. But this did not happen and after filming all relationships ended. However, after some time, photographs of Lesha on vacation with Natalya appeared on the networks, and everyone immediately thought that she was now Vorobyov’s real girlfriend. Both he and she began to receive constant questions about the relationship.

Many sites began to write that Alexey Vorobyov and his wife were vacationing in Yalta, this aroused even greater interest among fans. However, it soon turned out that all these were rumors, and the young people were only relaxing together. After the rest, there was no continuation of the novel.

But it was not always only the artist who quickly lost his attraction to a woman. So, Alexey Vorobyov was dating a girl from abroad and when he came to her after a tour, he found her with another man. This hit the artist’s pride very hard, but despite such a terrible betrayal, he still did not reveal the name of his former companion, but posted the sad story of their romance online.

Now in 2018, Alexey Vorobyov is still free and is looking for a wife. Information about his novels appears periodically, but they, like the previous ones, end very quickly. Despite the fact that Alexey himself says that he is very picky and fickle, he still hopes to meet true love with whom he can spend his whole life. Children are also in his plans.

Alexey Vorobyov believes that he knows a lot about relationships and about girls, he even wrote a manual that contains information about what you need to do to attract a man to you.

Over the past few weeks, the personal life of Alexei Vorobyov has been one of the most discussed topics. He still intrigues his fans and does not reveal the name of the girl who broke his heart. They tried to bring the artist to clean water, attributing the status of ex-lover to almost everyone who has ever appeared with him in the same frame or at an event. the site contacted Alexey and found out how he copes with the memories of ex-girlfriend and why he doesn’t want to reveal her name to fans.

So, Vorobyov said that they met with a mysterious stranger three years ago, but were forced to part when the artist left for America. The lovers met again after the show “The Bachelor”, in which Alexey participated - then they lived together for about six months. He also admitted that by that time he had learned to hide his personal life, believing that that was why it was private. Therefore, the public can only guess who this girl is.

Alexey has repeatedly said that his beloved is not at all connected with show business, and if he reveals her name, it will only complicate her life.

“I am a public person and am ready to share emotions and open up to fans. But she is no longer in my life, and I have no right to let strangers interfere and destroy what she is trying to build without me...” the artist emphasized.

Alexey claims that he is able to distinguish true love from spiritual or physical attraction, and does not hide the fact that to his ex-girlfriend experiences the strongest feeling.

“Love is when you prioritize not work and life goals“, but the joy is that you managed to spend another minute with the person you idolize, for whose sake you fly over the ocean twice a day in order to be close for a couple of hours,” Vorobiev shared.

He also said that he saves himself by trying to keep himself busy with work as much as possible, so as not to leave time for memories. A few days ago, Alexey presented a video for the song “I Just Want to Come,” which consists of two parts.

The first one was collected from a personal archive mobile phone artist, and shows happy story relationships of his heroes. Actor and director Vorobiev collected all the important moments for him that were experienced with his beloved, and re-filmed them with his old friend, American actress Anna Gavlak - she played Alexei's girlfriend.

According to him, this helped to “replace” memories and distance himself from them. In the second, dramatic “series” of the video, Alexey showed the development and sad ending of this relationship.

We asked Vorobyov what feelings he has today for the girl who broke his heart.

“She was the only girl from whom I had no secrets at all. She knew everything about me, and I shared everything that was happening in my life with her because I loved her. This is what I truly felt, and what I admitted to her and to myself, seeing the same sincere reciprocal feelings in her eyes.
And I don't believe that she could deceive me. I think she's just confused. It was difficult for her to realize that I was somewhere all the time - either on set or on tour. This is a difficult test for any girl. But every day I repeated to her that I would never betray her, and I would not exchange her love for another night with another, whose name I won’t even remember. One day we had a fight and she left, slamming the door. I turned on the stopwatch on my phone - five minutes later she returned and asked why I was so calm. And I just knew that she would return. I still know this. Because people who have at least once plunged into the sea of ​​relationships, where there is passion and a storm of feelings that are akin to the elements that cannot be curbed, will never be able to rejoice in the fact that they are swimming in a puddle. That’s why I know that she will return…” the artist shared.

Alexey also said that, despite the situation that happened in his life, he was not disappointed in love.

“As before, I believe that if you love, then this is the only way. Without looking back or thinking about the consequences. And if in a relationship you always leave yourself a chance to retreat, fearing to feel pain again, life will become plastic and lose all meaning. I’d rather feel real pain than hold back my emotions and pretend to be happy,” Vorobiev added in conclusion.