Folk choirs and folk ensembles. Russian folk choirs. Ryazan Folk Choir named after Evgeniy Popov

November 29, 2016 at the Aviator State House of Culture, as part of the children's music philharmonic of the Airport Children's music school there will be a concert-presentation of the teacher’s project Biserova Anastasia Viktorovna "FOLK CHOIR OF RUSSIA".

Choral groups of the choral and instrumental departments took part in the project (teachers - Biserova A.V., Maltseva L.Yu., Abanshina S.M., accompanists - Biserov S.I., Rtishchev P.A., Sharkova I.N. , Avdeeva Yu.A.)

I represented Northern Russian folk choir.

The idea of ​​this event was as follows.

Students from the Airport Children's Music School made a report on one or another state folk choir. Then the choir, ensemble or soloists of the music school introduced the audience to the repertoire of this choir or performed a song from the region to which the folk choir belongs. The speaker was encouraged to present a typical (possibly stylized) folk costume a given region of Russia.

In total, students of the music school prepared 12 presentations on state folk choirs:

  1. Ensemble of Don Cossacks. them. Kvasova,
  2. Volga Folk Choir named after P.M. Miloslavova
  3. Voronezh Folk Choir named after K.I. Massalitinova
  4. Kuban Cossack Choir
  5. Omsk Folk Choir
  6. Orenburg Folk Choir
  7. Ryazan Folk Choir named after E.G. Popova
  8. Northern Folk Choir
  9. Siberian folk choir Ural folk choir
  10. Choir named after M.E. Pyatnitsky
  11. State vocal and choreographic ensemble "Rus" named after Mikhail Firsov
  12. State Penza Folk Choir


Here is the text of my report-presentation about the Northern Russian Folk Choir.

Date of creation of the State Academic Northern Russian folk choir It is generally accepted to be March 8, 1926.

The ensemble was originally formed from an amateur artistic circle, which was organized in 1919 by Antonina Yakovlevna Kolotilova, a rural teacher from Veliky Ustyug. At first it was an amateur ensemble, then an amateur choir.

In 1931, Antonina Yakovlevna moved to Arkhangelsk, which became the new home of the Northern Choir.

In 1936, the Northern Choir took part in the All-Union Radio Festival and became its laureate.

It is worth noting that throughout this time, since 1919, the members of the ensemble were ordinary people, often not knowing the notes, having worked a shift at their main job and getting together in the evening to sing a folk song. AND I. Kolotilova, having an education and experience in teaching, only gave the raw folklore material an academic form, elevating the folk song, putting it into a stage image.

After all, performing in an ensemble is also difficult because in a group, in addition to your personal vocal abilities, you need to be able to listen and hear others, support other voices, give in, and advance with your voice where necessary. Otherwise, it will turn out like in I.A. Krylov’s fable “Swan, Crayfish and Pike.” Each vocalist pulls the blanket over himself, and there is no result in the form of a beautiful song composition. Group performance is always more difficult than solo performance, but it is also more interesting.

What A.Ya. Kolotilova managed to find such people and put together a team, which testifies to how intertwined the song was with life. ordinary person some 100 years ago.

February 2, 1940 - the group is given professional status, which allows the immediate creation of dance and orchestral groups.

The Northern Choir has become a prominent representative of one of the main stylistic geographical zones in Russian song folklore- Northern Russian. Geographically, it is distributed in the territories of modern Novgorod, Arkhangelsk, Leningrad and Vologda regions.

In the North they still exist genre varieties ritual and everyday song lyrics: wedding corils, valor songs, dance songs, buffoon songs, carols, “grapes” and Maslenitsa songs. The most iconic and characteristic of the north is the genre of round dance songs.

The northern dialect gives originality to folk songs. It is generally accepted that “northern speaking” means surrounding.

A distinctive feature of northern choral performance is a soft, non-shouting sound. This is due to the fact that in the North climatic conditions the women sang a lot indoors. Hence, many researchers call northern singing this way - hut.

Folk songs performed by the Northern Choir cannot be confused with anything else. Everyone can recognize their costumes. The choir embodies in its images folklore traditions typical costume complex of the north. With his sundresses, soul warmers, rich headdresses. Throughout its history, the Northern Choir very carefully collected and conveyed to the viewer the features of northern songs.

The Great Patriotic War found the choir in Veliky Ustyug. Trips to military units and hospitals of the Volkhov, Leningrad and Karelian fronts began. During this time, the artists gave 1,100 concerts in military field conditions.

The entire post-war period, until 1961, was a period of resounding success for the Northern Choir. AND I. Kolotilova and the Northern Choir team received many state awards and titles during this time.

From 1961 to 2008 artistic director Nina Konstantinovna Meshko (People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR named after Glinka, professor of the department of choral and solo performance) becomes the Northern Choir folk singing RAM named after the Gnessins).

In December 2008, Svetlana Konopyanovna Ignatieva became the artistic director of the Northern Choir. , who holds this position to this day.

All creative path Northern Choir and its leaders, especially A.Ya. Kolotilova is shining example how a simple person, thanks to his work, is able to leave behind an imperishable mark for future generations. This year Northern choir turned 90 years old. The person is no longer alive, the first members of the ensemble are no longer alive, but the collective works, brings the folk song to the people. Perhaps this is true immortality! When the result of your work, even after you are gone, continues to benefit people.

Northern costume.

My mother and I have been sewing a costume representing the Russian north since August. The basis for the costume that my mother and I invented, compiled and sewed were samples of costume complexes from the collections of the State historical museum, Russian ethnographic museum, State Russian Museum, Sergei Glebushkin.

  • Krasnoznamenny named after A.V. Aleksandrova Song and Dance Ensemble of the Soviet Army under the direction of B.A. Aleksandrov perform revolutionary songs “Orelik”, “Listen”, “Black Raven”, songs “On the Narrow Bridge” by K. Akimov, “Holy Leninist Banner” "A.V. Aleksandrova, "Song of the pilots" by B.A. Aleksandrova, "At a camping halt" by L.O. Bakalova, "Goodbye, city and hut", "Song about Shchors", "Under our banner", " Soldier's service", "The sun disappeared behind the mountain", "High-speed tanks" by M.I. Blanter, "The Black Sea Sun is burning" by A.P. Dolukhanyan, "Naval Guard" by Yu.S. Milyutin, "Wait for the soldier", "The waves will scatter "B.A. Mokrousova, "Russia", "Smuglyanka" by A.G. Novikov, "Near the Garden" by G.N. Nosov, "Song of Troubled Youth" by A.N. Pakhmutova, "The Wave is Noisy, the String is Ringing "Yu.M. Slonova, "On the Road", "On a Sunny Meadow" by V.P. Solovyov-Sedoy, "At the Native Frontier" by V.K. Sorokin, "Guards Polka" by B.M. Terentyev, "Lenin is always with you”, “We are for peace”, “My beloved homeland”, “I was leaving for the army” by S.S. Tulikov, “There is a good town in the north” by T.N. Khrennikov.
  • The VR Song Ensemble under the direction of A.S. Andrusenko performs the songs “Like at Dawn” by N.P. Budashkin, “Budyonny’s Horse” by A.A. Davidenko, “My Komsomol Youth” by A.P. Dolukhanyan, “Song of Past Campaigns” by Z .L. Kompaneitsa, “We Went Hiking” by K.Ya. Listov, “Song about Voroshilov” by F. Sabo, “Song about Lazo” by F. Sadovoy, “Wide Open Spaces” by A.G. Flyarkovsky, “Waltz of Friendship” by A. I. Khachaturyan, “Song of the Don Cossacks” by N.K. Chemberdzhi.
  • The State Russian Folk Choir named after M.E. Pyatnitsky under the direction of P.M. Kazmin performs the songs “Song of Our Youth” by P.S. Akulenko, “Our Strength is in the Just Cause,” “Glory to the Soviet Power,” “A Border Guard Came from Service” V.G. Zakharova, “Don’t lag behind your friends” Z.L. Kompaneets, “Let’s be friends”, “Raise the Banner of Labor”, “The party is faithful to the people” A.G. Novikov, “ Soviet Russia» S.S. Tulikova.
  • The State Russian Folk Choir of the Northern Song under the direction of A.Ya. Kolotilova performs the songs “Belomorets” by V.A. Laptev, “Clear Month” by A.G. Novikov.
  • The VR Russian Song Choir under the direction of N.V. Kutuzov performs the songs “Why We Love Our Motherland” by P.S. Akulenko, “Moscow Festival” by G.N. Grankin, “Timoshka’s Curls Are Curly” by Yu.M. Slonov.
  • The State Siberian Russian Folk Choir under the direction of V.S. Levashov performs V.S. Levashov’s songs “I was sitting under the window”, “The sea spilled without edge”, “Wide steppes”.
  • The Voronezh Russian folk choir under the direction of K.I. Massalitinov performs K.I. Massalitinov’s songs “They say that I’m good”, “The nightingale has flown away”.
  • The State Volga Folk Choir under the direction of P.M. Miloslavov performs G.F. Ponomarenko’s songs “Saratov Choruses” and “We are near Kuibyshev”.
  • The ensemble "Berezka" under the direction of N.S. Nadezhdina performs I.O. Dunaevsky's song "Oh, the viburnum is blooming."
  • Chuvash state ensemble songs and dances under the direction of F.M. Lukin perform the songs “Favorite Party” by F.M. Lukin, “Glory to the Native Party” by G.Ya. Khirby.
  • The VR Big Choir under the direction of K.B. Ptitsa performs the songs “Dawn of the Ages” by A.A. Babaev, “Resort Song”, “Fly Doves” by I.O. Dunaevsky, “We Sing” by S.A. Zaslavsky, “Our Soviet power" by D.B. Kabalevsky, "Country of October" by F.I. Maslov, "Glory to our native state" by K.V. Molchanov, "March of the Communists" by A.G. Novikov, "We are communists", "This is the youth coming "S.S. Tulikova, "Hail the Great Soviet Union"A.N. Kholminova, "The sun shines on us" by R.K. Shchedrin.
  • The State Academic Russian Choir of the USSR under the direction of A.V. Sveshnikov performs revolutionary songs “You have fallen as a victim”, “We are blacksmiths”, A.G. Schnittke’s song “Wherever you go or go”.
  • The Ural Russian folk choir under the direction of L. L. Christiansen performs G. I. Vekshin’s song “Groom”.
  • The VR Song Ensemble, directed by V.V. Tselikovsky, performs the songs “We are going, friends” by V.I. Muradeli, “Soviet Country Komsomol” by S.S. Prokofiev.
  • The children's choir of the Moscow City House of Pioneers and the orchestra conducted by V.S. Loktev performs the songs “Fly the Wind” by V.S. Loktev, “Pioneer” by A.I. Ostrovsky.
  • Ryazan Russian Choir folk song under the direction of E.G. Popov, he performs E.G. Popov’s songs “Birch”, “In the meadow, on the shore”, “Russian blizzard”.
  • The State Belarusian Folk Choir under the direction of G.I. Tsitovich performs A.G. Flyarkovsky’s songs “Autumn Lines”, “After the Rain”.
  • The State Academic Choir of the BSSR under the direction of G.R. Shirma performs G.K. Pukst’s song “My Favorite Land.”
  • The State Ukrainian Folk Choir under the direction of G. G. Verevka performs G. G. Verevka’s song “Shakhterochka”.
  • The Soviet Song Ensemble of the Latvian Radio under the direction of T. Kalnins performs the songs “Zhiguli” by B.A. Mokrousov, “Long Live the Moscow Festival” by A.I. Ostrovsky, “Love and Friendship” by S.S. Tulikov.
  • The State Choir of the Lithuanian SSR, under the direction of K. Kavyackas, performs K. Kavyackas’ songs “The Earth Wept in the Evening Twilight”, “The Fisherman’s Song”.
  • The vocal and instrumental ensemble "Werner" (GDR) performs the songs "Only Eleven Years" by H. Bath, "Kiss Me" by B. Davy, "Song of Love" by I. Riadon, "Tell" by S. Fein, "About the First Meeting" .Eichenberg.
  • Vocal quartet “Cheyanda” (Poland) performs the songs “Your loving eyes” by A. Belostotsky, “I am in love with my Warsaw” by E. Wieler, “Song about the Vistula” by V. Gan, “Under the sky of Paris” by Z. Zhiro, “Your heart is with me” by N. Zemensky, “The Lighthouse” by T. Kucher, “The Game of Blind Man’s Bluff” by A. Mushinsky, “Captain”, “Don’t teach me to dance” by V. Shpilman.

What songs are front-line?

The past was created by war.

The feelings in them are vibrant and alive

For everyone, for us! Living - on Earth.


On holding the Thirteenth All-Russian

Competition - festival

“Songs of the War Years” dedicated to the 72nd anniversary of the Victory

In Great Patriotic War 1941-1945

Among memorable dates, which are celebrated by the people of our multinational Motherland, Victory Day occupies a special place. The Great Patriotic War was a truly national struggle, where people fought shoulder to shoulder with the enemy and selflessly worked in the rear different nationalities and religions. It was this unity that became the main factor in victory in the fight against fascism. The achievements of our peoples in the Great Patriotic War are one of the brightest and unforgettable pages of Russian history.

During the Great Patriotic War and after its end, many songs were written, their authors were: famous composers who went to fight as young soldiers. It was their songs that became real symbols of the war, because they were written at the call of the heart.

Songs of the war years... So many of them, beautiful and unforgettable. And each has its own story, its own destiny. Together with the Fatherland, with everything Soviet people, the song rose into the soldiers' formation. From the first days of the war, the song accompanied soldiers along dusty roads until the Victory.

Thirteenth All-Russian competition– the festival “Songs of the War Years”, dedicated to the 72nd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Organizers of the Competition-festival:

Department of Culture and Historical and Cultural Heritage

Administration of the city of Vologda;

MAUK" Park of Culture and Recreation "Veterans of Labor";

The competition-festival is organized with the support of:

Public Chamber of the Vologda Region;

Department of Education of the Vologda Region;

Education Department of the Vologda City Administration;

All-Russian public organization"Officers of Russia"

Regional scientific and methodological cultural center of the Vologda region;

Vologda local city branch of the All-Russian political

party " United Russia»;

Vologda city public organization

"Union of Defenders of the Fatherland";

MUK "City Palace of Culture" in Vologda;

BUK "Cultural and leisure center "Zabota";

Goals and objectives of the Competition-festival:

The goal is to promote the best examples of military-patriotic songs

To promote the formation of high patriotic consciousness among young people, loyalty to their Fatherland, respect heroic story And military glory Fatherland;

Improving the performing skills of participants;

Creation of a high artistic repertoire of civil-patriotic, historical themes, increasing interest in the musical heritage of military themes;

Identification of new talents, support and stimulation of creative activity of young people;

Active participation of performers and creative groups in events dedicated to the celebration of the 72nd anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Conditions and Procedure for the Competition - Festival:

The competition-festival is dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Vocalists-soloists and creative vocal, choreographic, instrumental, artistic groups of additional education institutions (musical and art schools, art schools, Children's Art Centers), cultural institutions (Palaces of Culture, Houses of Culture, libraries), children's and youth creative studios, students and teachers of professional educational organizations, students secondary schools, preschool pupils educational institutions, worker industrial enterprises and institutions, creative teams of veteran organizations without age restrictions.

Venue of the Competition-Festival:

MUK "City Palace of Culture" of Vologda (Lenin St. 17)

BUK Cultural and Leisure Center "Zabota" (Maria Ulyanova St., 6)

The competition-festival is held in 3 stages:

nominations: vocals (choirs, ensembles), choreographic compositions

nomination: literary - musical compositions, instrumental creativity (folk instruments, ensembles, orchestras)

nomination vocals (solo, ensembles);

nomination: vocals (solo, ensembles)

Stage 2 – Gala concert and awarding of the winners of the competition – festival “Songs of the War Years”

Venue: concert hall of the Municipal Cultural Center "City Palace of Culture" Vologda

May 2017

Stage 3 – participation of the winners of the Competition-festival in ceremonial events dedicated to the 72nd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

Venue: Victory Park, Revolution Square, stage venues in Vologda

Competition-festival nominations:

1.Vocal (folk, academic, pop)

Ensemble (divided into duet, trio, quartet, etc.)

2. Musical and literary compositions

3. Choreographic compositions

Evaluation criteria for nominations:

Vocals - academic, pop, folk (solo, ensembles, choirs)

(2 works, total duration of 2 numbers no more than 8 minutes)

The embodiment of military-patriotic themes

Stage culture

Complexity of the repertoire

Performing Arts

2. Musical and literary compositions:

(one song lasting no more than 10 minutes)

- completeness and expressiveness of the disclosure of military-patriotic themes

Artistry, disclosure of artistic images, performance level

Diction, compositional structure

Stage performance (costume, props, performance culture)

Musicality, clarity of intonation and sound quality

Execution complexity and compliance age characteristics

Semantic and genre-compositional completeness

3. Instrumental creativity(folk musical instruments orchestras, ensembles, duets, solos)

(1-2 works, total duration of 2 numbers no more than 8 minutes)

Musicality, artistic interpretation piece of music

Purity of intonation and sound quality

Complexity of the repertoire

Correspondence of the repertoire to performing capabilities

The embodiment of military-patriotic themes

4. Choreographic compositions:

(1-2 songs, total duration no more than 10 minutes)

The expressiveness of the disclosure of military-patriotic themes,

Artistry, disclosure artistic image

Musicality, performance level

Compositional structure of the number

Stage performance (costume, props, performance culture, plastic arts)

9. Mixed formulations

Creative teams and individual performers take part in the competition; the age of participants is not limited.

Technical requirements:

It is necessary to indicate the timing of the phonogram or the duration of the sound of this work;

The carriers of phonograms are flash cards, mini disks and CDs with high quality sound;

Each sound recording must be on a medium indicating the title of the work, the author of the music, the author of the text, the name of the ensemble or the name of the performer, as well as the duration of the sound of this work;

The phonogram must be set to the beginning of the recording;

For vocal groups exceeding 4 people, it is allowed to use their own radio microphones or headsets;

It is prohibited for vocalists to perform with a “plus” phonogram;

It is prohibited to use phonograms in which the main part of the soloist is duplicated in the backing vocal parts. It is allowed to have backing vocals in the form of harmonic support, pre-recorded with the “Minus One” phonogram.

From April 19 to April 22, 2013 The choir participated in the All-Russian festival-competition of musical and artistic creativity “Open Pages” in Tula.

From May 7 to May 11, 2014, the Russian song choir “Springs of the Soul” became a diploma winner at the festival of vocal, choral, instrumental and theatrical creativity “Land of Magnolias” in Sochi.

October 2, 2016 - WINNER of the 1st degree of the All-Russian competition of talents and talents “Life in a Fairy Tale”.

Meetings of team members are held regularly to celebrate important dates life of the country, public and Orthodox holidays, birthdays of team members.

At the core creative activity The collective lies, of course, in promoting Russian folk songs, which, like a balm, falls on the hearts of our viewers, wherever the collective performs.

This group is unique in its uniqueness in that its repertoire includes folk songs of Russia, Ukraine, songs of contemporary composers and even romances. There are many songs in the band's repertoire about native land and about the Motherland in general.

The Russian Song Choir was created in 1971 at the Belgorod Vitamin Plant under the direction of N.I. Chendevoy. The composition of the choir mainly consisted of workers and engineering workers of the plant. Over the years he became younger, and by 1992 there were no more members left in the choir. a large number of first lineup of participants. But the choristers kept in touch with each other. In October 2002, the choir resumed its activities under the direction of Honored Artist of Russia M.I. Belousenko.

The choir began its concert activities in May 2003 and has already short term gave a large number of concerts in front of audiences in Belgorod and the region. The team is in great demand and is constantly being replenished with new members. The choir's repertoire is constantly expanding. In 2004 and 2007 the team became a laureate of the International Russian Festival folk art in Ukraine "Talitsa" (Kharkov). The Russian Song Choir is a laureate and diploma winner of many International, All-Russian, regional and regional competitions and festivals, and a participant in all significant events of the city and region. Has the title “People's Collective”.

On March 26-27, 2011, the II International festival-contest choirs and vocalists "Silver Wind". All vocal nominations were presented at this festival: folk, pop academic vocals, solo, ensemble and choral singing. “Folk group” Russian song choir “Springs of the Soul” in the “folk choir” category was awarded a 1st degree Laureate diploma and, as the best choir group, was awarded the Grand Prix.

On April 8-10, 2011, the television International Vocal Art Festival took place in Yalta (Ukraine). The Russian song choir “Springs of the Soul” was awarded the Cup and the 1st degree Laureate diploma in the “folk vocal” category, in Once again confirming your high level and love for Russian folk songs.

April 28, 2012 at concert hall Belgorod State Center of Folk Art took place festive concert choir of the Russian song “Springs of the Soul”, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the collective’s creative activity. The concert program was attended by: Russian dance ensemble “Bylina” under the direction of Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation V.I. Belykh, vocal and choreographic ensemble “Belogorye” under the direction of Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation N.I. Chendevoy, ensemble ballroom dance“Grace” (director - Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation V.A. Babkin), Cossack song ensemble “Sisters and Cossacks” under the direction of V.M. Dolgosheeva. The choir "Springs of the Soul" performed Russian, Ukrainian and Cossack folk songs, contemporary composers, songs by Belgorod composer Alexander Grigorievich Syomka. The enthusiastic applause of the audience sounded non-stop. At the end of the celebration, the team was awarded Thanksgiving letters from the Department of Culture of the Belgorod Region, the Belgorod State Folk Art Center for many years of active participation in amateur artistic creativity and in connection with the 10th anniversary of the creation of the team.

The textbook covers the main issues of working with a Russian folk choir. This edition has been revised and expanded. Intended for teachers and students of departments for training leaders of folk choirs of music universities.

With the development of Soviet choral art, interest in national traditions, including to folk choirs, is increasingly increasing. With their versatile concert and creative activities, folk choirs have won a strong place in Soviet performance, as they represent an independent type of choral art that has the deepest traditions. Based on the generalization of the creative practice of these groups, it became possible to create a methodology for working with Russian folk choirs, and the need arose for professional training of specialists in this field of leadership of folk choirs.
In 1966 (for the first time in Russia!), a department for training directors of Russian folk choirs was opened at the Department of Choral Conducting of the Gnesny State Musical and Pedagogical Institute. In parallel, such a department began to function in the Saratov, and later in the Ural Conservatories. After this happened sharp turn in the professional music education: a network of folk choral departments has emerged and continues to grow in cultural institutes, music and cultural-educational schools. At educational institutions Folklore rooms for Russian music and Russian folk song clubs are being created. All this should bridge the gap that long time existed between professional training and the practice of folk music, and prepare choral conductors wider profile, meeting the requirements of life.

Upbringing folk singers in choral groups it is carried out in a practical way, therefore the methods of educational and artistic work in them are diverse. Nevertheless, the basic methodological principles are the same and can be studied in a special course. It should be taken into account that folk performance of our days continues to develop: the features of the style of the modern Russian folk choir, its vocal and choral organization and methodological principles are still being researched and systematized. This will create a certain difficulty when learning how to work with a choir.
The purpose of this course is to give future choral conductors knowledge in the field of leading a Russian folk song choir, to instill required skill to navigate the stylistic features of this choir in order to apply them in their performing activities, as well as an interest in various forms of work in a folk choir. This course consists of lectures, seminars and prepares students to practice working with a folk choir.

The textbook covers the main issues of the lecture course: organization of the choir and selection of performers, repertoire and singing education, improvisation, work on the content and performance of songs and others.
Some of the sections are not strictly methodological, for example: stylistic features of the Russian folk choir, vocal-choral structure, score. Nevertheless, consideration of them is necessary to understand theoretical foundations folk choir, since we do not yet have a scientific development of dance and choir management in the field of folk singing. Only a few works devoted to these issues are known.
In the section “Folk Choir Scores,” only some regularities of folk choral scores are analyzed and issues of arrangement are almost not addressed, since the methods of processing and arrangement for folk choir compositions require special research.

The experience of the folk choral departments of music universities led the author to the need to add a chapter on professional folk choirs to the second edition of the textbook. Some of them are known only from newspaper and magazine reviews of individual concerts. We have collected and systematized the material recent years creative activity of all twelve choirs. The sheet music appendix provides the characteristic scores of these choirs. This edition includes another new chapter - “Instrumental accompaniment in a folk choir”, also necessary for future leaders of groups.
The list of references given at the end of the textbook includes recommendations for individual chapters.

1. From the history of the formation of the Russian folk choir genre.
2. Genre features and performing forms of modern Russian folk choir
3. Repertoire.
4. Vocal-choral structure
5. Score of the Russian folk choir
6. Organization of a folk choir and selection of performers
7. Singing education
8. Working on songs with movement elements
9. Issues of improvisation Collective creativity
10. Work on the content and performance of songs
11. Organization of execution
12 Instrumental accompaniment in a folk choir
13. Musical and educational work in the folk choir.
14. Features of the activities of the leader of a folk choir.
15. Professional Russian folk choirs

Sheet music application:

OH, YES YOU, NIGHTS Folk song of the Moscow region.
ON THE HILL, ON THE SHORE. Words and tune by A. OLENICHEVA. Arranged by V. ZAKHAROV
WHITE SNOW. Words and melody by A. OLENICHEVOI. Arranged by A. KOLOSOV
Oh, YOU MOUNTAINS. Ural folk song. Chant of the Ural Choir
IT'S NOT A WHITE DAWN. Penza folk song. Arranged by N. KUTUZOV
MOMMY SCORES. Folk song of the Krasnoyarsk region
DID THE EAGLE AND SWAN BATH? Folk song of the Moscow region.
FROM THE SIBERIAN SPACIOUS FIELDS. Melody and words of the Krutinsky choir. Chant of the Omsk Choir
IN THE HALUT FIELD. Folk choir chant
BAND. Folk song of the Voronezh region.
THERE IS A SEA IN THE FAR EAST. Folk song of the Irtysh Cossacks. Recording and processing by E. Konkov
IT WAS GOOD, BROTHERS, IN THE SQUAD. Folk song of the Krasnodar region
FLOWERS, MY FLOWERS. Folk song of the Rostov region
Scores of the State Russian Folk Choirs
VETERANS SITTING. Music by A. PAKHMUTOVA. Words by M. LVOV Arranged by V. Levashov. From the repertoire of the choir named after. Pyatnitsky
BEHIND DVINA, BEHIND THE NORTH. Words by V. BOKOV and POLIKARPOV. From the repertoire of the Northern Folk Choir
OH YOU, FROZES Folk song of the Rostov region. From the repertoire of the Don Cossacks Ensemble
EH, WHAT ABOUT YOU, POLYA. Arranged by K. MASSALITINOV. From the repertoire of the Voronezh Folk Choir
ON THE MOUNTAIN, ON GORONKE. Folk song. Processing by V. GORYACHYKH. From the repertoire of the Ural Folk Choir
WHAT IS BURNING IS BURNING. Arranged by V. LEVASHOV From the repertoire of the Siberian Folk Choir
I DIDN’T KNOW, I DIDN’T KNOW. Arranged by N. KUTUZOV From the repertoire of the Radio Russian Song Choir
WELL, MY NIGHT. From the repertoire of the Ryazan Folk Choir Arranged by E. POPOV
SIBERIAN SUFFERINGS. Processed by E. KALUGINA. From the repertoire of the Omsk Folk Choir
OH, STAFF, THE REEDS FALLED. Arranged by M. CHUMAKOV. From the repertoire of the Volga Folk Choir
YOU ARE WIDE, STEPPE. Russian folk song. Arranged by A. KOLOSOV From the repertoire of the Orenburg Folk Choir
OH, POLY HAS THREE TRACKS. Song Black Sea Cossacks. Arranged by Y. ZATSARNY From the repertoire of the Kuban Cossack Folk Choir