Listen to the organ in the church on Lubyanka. Evangelical Lutheran Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul. Concert Hall on Mokhovaya

The organ is one of the oldest musical instruments. Mentions of it can be found even in the Holy Scriptures, however, researchers do not undertake to claim that we are talking about an organ in the modern sense. But documented evidence of it is found in chronicles dating back to the nineteenth century BC.

In addition, it is the largest of the musical instruments. The record holder among organs is located in the American city of Atlantic City in the Boardwalk concert hall. It weighs 287 tons and is more than five meters high. 33,000 pipes, 6 keyboards allow you to play your own music different directions. The sound power produced by this ear is 130 decibels.

Every connoisseur of this magical music knows where to listen to the organ in Moscow. Any works performed on this musical instrument, which replaces an entire orchestra, sound especially solemn and majestic. Therefore, concerts in any hall arouse great public interest.

Moscow International House of Music (MMDM)

Every music connoisseur knows where to listen to the organ in Moscow - at MMDM. In one of the three halls there is the most big tool in Russia. It has 6000 pipes and 84 registers. This is a symphony orchestra in miniature. Such masters as Placido Domingo and many other great performers gave concerts here. Address of the establishment: Kosmodamianskaya embankment, 52, building 8.

Cathedral of St. apostles Peter and Paul

Organ music in the minds of most people is associated with the church. In many, these instruments were installed, and magical sounds accompanied the worship service. When asking the question: “Where to listen to an organ in Moscow?”, you can look into the one located at Starosadsky Lane, 7/10, building 10. Several concerts a day are given here on a rare organ installed in the 19th century. Here's where to listen to the organ in Moscow on Sunday and other days.

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

The Gothic cathedral of wondrous beauty houses one of the largest organs in the country. It has 74 registers, 4 manuals, 5563 pipes. Where in Moscow can you listen to organ music from different periods on an impeccable instrument? In the temple located on Malaya Gruzinskaya Street, 27/13.

Concert Hall named after Tchaikovsky

This concert venue was built in 1940. They planned to bring an old German organ, installed in 1839, from St. Petersburg. Peter Ilyich himself gave concerts there at one time. But transportation from one capital to another turned out to be fatal for the fragile instrument, and the idea of ​​installing it had to be abandoned. In 1959, a new organ was installed, made in the Czech Republic by the Rieger-Kloss company. It has 81 registers and 7800 pipes. Today this is one of the the best tools in the capital. You can perform on it musical works in any style: from classics to compositions of the Soviet period. Concerts in the building on 4/31 take place only a couple of times a month and arouse great interest among the public, who know where to listen to the organ in Moscow. Reviews from visitors are always full of delight. After all, this is one of the best instruments on which Masters of their craft are given the honor to play.

Museum named after Glinka

This hall houses the oldest organ in the country. It was created by the German master Ladegast for the merchant Khludov in 1868. The sound of this instrument is distinguished by its softness, which is necessary for romantic compositions. The museum also has another organ by master Chouke, dating back to 1979. This last work masters You can listen to magical music at the address: Fadeeva Street, 4.

Bread House

In 2008, after the reconstruction of the Bread House building, an organ was installed in it, which was made by German craftsmen, taking into account the peculiarities of the structure. On Saturday evenings here you can enjoy the sound of a small mobile organ with 12 registers. You can hear this performance in the hall on Dolskaya Street, 1, which is not far from the station

Anglican Church

The only one in the capital is famous not only for its elegant architecture, but also for its concerts organ music. The instrument that was originally installed in the church was lost during the years of Soviet power; it was replaced with a three-manual electronic organ. This music can be enjoyed at Voznesensky Lane, 8.

Church of Evangelical Christian Baptists

In this temple there is an ancient organ made in 1898 by master Revere. This is the only place in the capital where you can hear the organ for free. Concerts are held on the last Sunday of the month. In the repertoire preference is given to the classics. The church where you can listen to the organ for free in Moscow is located in Kitai-Gorod at Trekhsvyatitelsky Lane, 3.

It’s not difficult to find a concert venue in the capital where you can hear the magical sounds of the organ. Posters and costs of visits can be found at the box office or on Internet portals.

The organ is the king of instruments. And any self-respecting royal dynasty dates back to the depths of centuries. And it is true. A foreshadowing of the organ can be seen in the Pan flute and bagpipes. And he invented the organ ancient Greek Ctesibius, who lived in Alexandria, Egypt. True, this organ was water and sounded during gladiator fights, as well as during the inauguration ceremony of emperors. The image of a water organ is found on the coins of Emperor Nero, a famous music lover.

In the 4th century, organs appeared that were quite royal in their sound, and in the 7th century, Pope Vitalian introduced the organ into the Catholic Church. Byzantium of the 8th century was universally and deservedly famous for its organs! True, they were rather rough in appearance, and the keyboard was so wide that the keys were struck not with fingers, but with fists. However, the royal courts of that time were not particularly distinguished by their moral sophistication.

Already in the 14th century, the organ acquired pedals, i.e. keyboard for feet. Playing with two hands and two feet significantly increased the performer's capabilities. And in XV, the width of the keys has finally decreased and the number of pipes has increased. And we got the king of musical instruments we know and love today. Further improvements, although important, were not so significant.

Any royal dynasty must have some secret. The organ also has it. The organ heals souls. His nobility is so great that any simple melody played on his trumpets becomes high music. By the way, the number of pipes in some organs reaches up to 7000. And in order not to get confused in all this diversity, they are grouped by registers. A register is a set of pipes with the same timbre and being, as it were, a separate instrument. When meeting with an organ, the organist must register. After all, each instrument is absolutely individual - the number of registers sometimes reaches up to 300. Also, in order not to be distracted while playing, the organist prepares the tones of keyboards - manuals - in advance. The organ has several of them - on the largest ones there are up to seven.

The king is made by his retinue. The more majestic the king, the larger the trail of his music. And they wrote organ music best composers. And, of course, the closest and most trusted of them is Johann Sebastian Bach. By the way, Bach, although he was a great organist, treated his playing with a grain of irony. “You just need to know which keys to press and when, and the organ will do the rest,” he answered when asked how he succeeded.

The organ is like an orchestra. But he is more majestic than an orchestra. It has more than two thousand years of history behind it. And an equally boundless future. We love the organ and recognize its primacy in the wonderful kingdom of music. After all, he is the true king of instruments.

You can truly experience organ music only by hearing it at a live concert. Not one, even the most advanced acoustic system, does not convey the vibrations, air movements and magic of the melodies of the “king of instruments”. Its power and variety of overtones combined with violin, saxophone and other instruments create an enchanting sound that is impossible to forget.

The Bel Canto Charitable Foundation brings to your attention a varied poster of organ music concerts in Moscow halls. You can select a suitable event below on this page. Our charitable foundation offers a variety of program formats, from a classical organ concert to an audiovisual production. You can purchase a ticket by going to the section of the event you like, where you will find not only a description of the event, but also the time it will take place. There you can pay for the places you like in a convenient way. All changes in the schedule are immediately reflected in the poster.

The first Lutherans appeared in Moscow in the 16th century. These were artisans, doctors and merchants invited from Europe. And already in 1694, Peter I founded a Lutheran stone church in the name of the holy apostles Peter and Paul - which was consecrated a year later, in his personal presence. During the Great Moscow Fire of 1812, the temple burned down. And the parish acquired the Lopukhins’ estate near Pokrovka, on Starosadsky Lane. With the funds of the King of Prussia, Frederick William III, as well as with the participation of Alexander I, in June of the following year, the reconstruction of the purchased house into a church began - a dome and a cross were erected. On August 18, 1819, the temple was consecrated. In February 1837, an organ sounded there for the first time. In 1862, a reconstruction was carried out in the neo-Gothic style, according to the plan of the architect A. Meinhardt. And in 1863, a bell, donated by Kaiser Wilhelm I, was raised to the tower.

The church played a huge role not only in religion, but also in musical life Moscow - famous Moscow and foreign performers performed there. It is enough to mention the organ concert of Franz Liszt, which took place on May 4, 1843.

On December 5, 1905, the church was consecrated as the Cathedral of the Moscow Consistorial District. In 1918, the cathedral received the status of the Cathedral of Russia, and then of the entire Soviet Union.

However, in the post-revolutionary years, persecution of religion began in the USSR. The building was taken away from the community. In 1937, the cathedral was converted into the Arktika cinema, and then transferred to the Diafilm studio. The redevelopment carried out, unfortunately, completely destroyed the entire interior. In 1941, the church organ was evacuated to Opera theatre Novosibirsk, where it was partially used for scrap metal, and partially for decoration. And before the World Festival of Youth and Students in 1957, the cathedral spire was dismantled.

In July 1992, by decree of the Moscow Government, the building was returned to the community. And in 2004, after much effort, we managed to find sponsors, both among individuals and among organizations. This made it possible to begin large-scale restoration work. Finally, on November 30, 2008, during a solemn service, the consecration of the revived cathedral took place.

Currently, in addition to divine services, the cathedral hosts numerous concerts - they sound musical instruments, amazing voices sing, comes to life magical music. The SAUER organ installed opposite the altar (built in 1898 by Wilhelm Sauer, one of the largest organ-building firms in Germany) is one of the few romantic organs of the nineteenth century preserved in Russia. The unique acoustics of the Evangelical Lutheran Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul makes it possible to fully enjoy its sound.

Rules of conduct in the Cathedral

The Evangelical Lutheran Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in Starosadsky Lane is a functioning cathedral. Concerts are held here during free time from services, thereby opening up the opportunity for everyone (regardless of beliefs and views) to join the millennium cultural heritage Russia and Europe. Here, as in any public place, there are certain rules:

Entry tickets

Entry to most concerts is by ticket. Advance tickets are sold at the theater and concert box office and on the website.

On our website there are discounts of 50% of the full price in any sector except VIP, and for preferential categories of citizens. To buy tickets with a 50% discount on this site, you must register and subscribe to the newsletter. Our discount cards can be used within an hour before the concert in the cathedral itself. Discount card valid for all tickets in any sector except VIP.

Return of tickets is possible only on the terms of the selling organization, if this is provided for by their rules. When purchased on the organizers' websites, tickets can be returned no later than 3 days before the concert date with a percentage charge for banking services. Unused tickets are valid for other concerts; they must be rebooked via the contact email on the organizers' website. The organizers have the right to replace the announced concert with another, in which case tickets can be returned to the place of purchase, or rebooked for another concert.

On the day of the event, payment for attending concerts is accepted by the Cathedral staff within an hour before the start in the form of a set donation for the maintenance of the Cathedral in an amount corresponding to the cost of the concert, taking into account available benefits and discounts.

Remember that to visit the Cathedral at other (non-concert) times, invitations are not required. The cathedral is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 19:00. Tickets are also not needed in cases where the event poster or program states that admission is free.

Appearance (dress code)

It is not necessary to select evening dresses: concerts take place within the walls of the existing Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul - you just need to remember this. From strict regulations: clothing should not reveal the neckline, back or shoulders; it should not contain provocative inscriptions or images. For the rest, you can get by with a completely democratic form of clothing (excluding shorts and miniskirts)

Our lovely listeners are free to choose what they want to wear: whether it’s a dress or trousers; Covering your head is not necessary. Men are supposed to be in the Cathedral without a headdress.

Please note that there is no wardrobe in the Cathedral. Visitors enter the temple wearing outerwear, which they can, if desired, take off and keep with them. During the cold season, the Cathedral premises are heated.


Concerts in the Cathedral are open to everyone, including children. Age restrictions for daytime concerts for the whole family and children's events at 15:00 in the stalls from 3 years old, on the balcony from 12 years old. For evening concerts at 18 o'clock in the stalls from 6 years old, on the balcony from 12 years old, for evening concerts at 20 and 21 o'clock in the stalls and on the balcony from 12 years old.

If the child starts crying or being capricious, you will have to go out into the vestibule with him or even leave the concert early.


Please, we urge you to refrain from coming to the Cathedral for the concert with animals, as well as food, drinks, suitcases and other large, explosive or cutting objects. You will not be allowed into the hall with them. It is not permitted to enter the Cathedral premises on roller skates, skateboards and scooters, to bring in and leave scooters, roller skates, skateboards, bicycles and strollers for storage, or to enter the Cathedral territory in cars. There are no parking spaces on the territory of the Cathedral. Paid parking are available in all alleys around the Cathedral.


What time is best to arrive?
The hall opens in 20 minutes. To enter the hall you need to go through control of purchased items. electronic tickets at the registration desk and receive the concert program. It takes a few minutes, but there is a line before you start. Therefore, we recommend arriving 40-45 minutes before. After the start of the concert, entry into the hall is allowed during applause, so as not to disturb other listeners.

20 minutes after the start of the concert, entry into the hall is allowed only to the balcony. If the balcony is closed for technical reasons, late listeners will enter the hall only during breaks between performances concert program, in this case, visitors are required to occupy those closest to the entrance free places(seats indicated on the ticket of a latecomer lose their relevance)

We ask you to be understanding and not to be late.

I'm thinking of purchasing a ticket just before the concert...
Yes it is possible. Sales begin an hour before the concert. Within an hour before the start of the concert, you can pay for attending the concert in the form of a set donation for the maintenance of the Cathedral in an amount corresponding to the cost of the concert, taking into account available benefits and discounts. In such cases, we highly recommend arriving a little earlier in order to be able to choose the seats according to your preference from those available, because... before starting, they may not stay and just stroll through the beautiful grounds of the Cathedral.

Sobriety of mind and peace of mind
Please remain calm and take your time once the custodians begin allowing students into the hall. This type of behavior is not only inappropriate in church, it is also dangerous to your health. We count on your understanding!

Ticket control
Please be prepared to show yours entry tickets to the caretakers. If you have a special ticket purchased with social discounts, be prepared to also show a document confirming the fact of the social discount.

Seats in the central and side naves, central and side balconies
Please take seats in the indicated sector strictly according to your tickets.
If you have chosen seats in the side naves and on the side balcony, you can take a row and place exclusively in these sectors, and not in the central ones. We ask you not to change seats in the central sectors during the concert.
If you have any difficulties, please contact the caretakers for help.

History of the Cathedral

You can learn in detail about how our Cathedral is structured on a guided tour. We kindly ask you not to perform it privately, and not to walk around the Cathedral for such a purpose (“to look”) before the concert. Moreover, we ask you not to enter the altar area or behind the fences. After the concert, if you wish, you can ask our employees any questions about the structure of the Cathedral (they wear name badges).


Photo and video
It is possible to take pictures in the Cathedral during a concert, but only without flash and not in front of the performers, so as not to interfere with the concert. Filming of performers is carried out only at their request and with the consent of the concert organizers. If you are going to post photos or videos on social network- we ask, if possible, to put a geotag (Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul) and the hashtags #belcantofoundation and #LutheranCathedral

About what is unacceptable
Once again we earnestly ask you to remember that the Cathedral is a functioning church. Please follow generally accepted rules of conduct. If you do not comply with them, you may be asked to leave the hall. In the temple, as in other public places, you cannot kiss, behave provocatively, be rude or disturb other people. If the caretaker asks you to leave the hall, you must do so immediately. You can find out the reasons and all the circumstances in the vestibule of the administration.

Applause and flowers

During concerts in the Cathedral, you can express your approval by applauding. Those interested can give flowers to the performers at the end of the concert.


After each concert you can sign up for a tour of the Cathedral.

Cathedrals and concert halls where you can fully enjoy the powerful sound of the king of musical instruments.

1. Cathedral Immaculate Conception Holy Virgin Maria

Organ of the most beautiful gothic cathedral is one of the largest organs in Russia and allows you to flawlessly perform organ music from different eras.
The cathedral hosts masses in Russian, Polish, Korean, English, French, Spanish, Armenian and Latin, as well as youth meetings, catechesis classes, and charity concerts of organ and sacred music.

Address: metro station Belorusskaya, M. Gruzinskaya st., 27/13,

2. Concert hall them. P.I. Tchaikovsky

The universal organ "Rieger-Kloss", located in the concert hall, is recognized music critics one of the best instruments in Moscow. It runs on great amount concerts of Philharmonic artists, guest performers from other cities and abroad. A larger number of registers allows you to perform music of completely different styles on the organ: from composers of the Baroque era and romantics to the song classics of the Soviet period and works contemporary composers. Organ concerts are held 1–2 times a month, ticket prices vary from 350 to 1,200 rubles.

Address: metro station "Mayakovskaya", Triumfalnaya square, 4/31

3. Moscow international house music

The Svetlanov Hall of the Moscow International House is decorated with a unique organ, the largest in Russia! Inside it there are about 6,000 pipes and 84 registers, which turns it into a modern “symphonic” organ on which almost any composition can be performed. Here you can catch performances by world-famous organists. The ticket price ranges from 300 to 1000 rubles.

Address: Paveletskaya metro station, Kosmodamianskaya embankment, 52, building 8

4. Moscow Central Church of Evangelical Christian Baptists

An organ by a master of the era has been installed in the Moscow Central Church of Evangelical Christian Baptists German romanticism Ernst Revere, designed in 1898. Every last Sunday of the month there are free organ concerts here at 15.00! In the church they perform works by J.S. Bach, Mozart, Handel, Tchaikovsky and other famous and not so famous composers.
To borrow a good place, it is better to arrive about half an hour before the concert starts.

Address: metro station Kitay-Gorod, M. Trekhsvyatitelsky lane, 3

5. Bread House in Tsaritsino

The atrium of the Bread House, which appeared in 2006 during the reconstruction of the building, is used for exhibitions and concerts. In 2008, for Moscow City Day, an organ appeared here, made in Germany specifically for the atrium of the Bread House, taking into account the acoustics of the hall.
Concerts are held every Saturday at 17.00. The repertoire mainly consists of classic organ music. Ticket price - 400–500 rubles.

Address: m. Tsaritsyno, st. Dolskaya, 1

6. Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul

Lutheran Cathedral, where one of the few nineteenth-century organs preserved in Russia is installed. Nowadays, completely different compositions are performed on the organ: from Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons” to the “Gothic History of England” concert and opera arias. Concerts are held on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays around 19.00, it is better to check the time on the website, because sometimes it changes; In addition, some organ evenings have a dress code. Ticket price: 250 rub. for pensioners, students and large families and 500 rub. for everyone else.

Address: metro station Kitay-gorod, Starosadsky lane, 7/10

7. Museum musical culture named after Glinka

Here is the oldest sounding organ in Russia - the only surviving masterpiece of the German master Friedrich Ladegast, designed by him in 1868. Professionals note its soft sound, ideal for performing romantic music. And, of course, it’s a special pleasure to listen to creations on it German composers. In addition to the masterpiece by F. Ladegast, the museum also has a neo-baroque organ by A. Schouquet, built in 1979, the last instrument created by the master. Concerts are held here quite often; tickets cost 300 rubles.

Address: m. Mayakovskaya, st. Fadeeva, 4.

Classical music is timeless and fashionable, so the concerts have attracted and continue to attract audiences of grateful listeners. We will tell you where to listen to classical music in Moscow and how to get to venues with free entry to events.

Creative evenings, meetings and performances by musicians are regularly held here. Here you can listen to a free concert of organ music in Moscow, because it is here that the Parisian organ, recognized as an artistic and historical monument, is installed. The events take place in the Maly and Rachmaninov halls with comfortable seats for spectators and good acoustics.

– this is a cult place for fans of Russian literature in general and the poetess in particular. There is a permanent exhibition here telling about the difficult life path talented writer, her work and surroundings. Free concerts are also held here. classical music, which can be accessed with a museum ticket.

The Moscow Central Church of Evangelical Christian Baptists has been located in Trekhsvyatitelsky Lane for more than a century. The organ of the German master Ernst Revere is installed here, the only one he made outside of Germany. The Christian Baptist Church hosts organ music concerts in Moscow, which you can attend completely free of charge. Spectacular architecture and good acoustics will complement the performances of musicians.

The building hosts matinees and student concerts on weekends, where you can listen to classical music in Moscow performed by young and talented students. An organ that was previously used in one of the English churches is also installed here.

Or "Svetlovka", invites visitors not only to interesting meetings and discussions, but also to free classical music concerts. Famous musicians from the capital's philharmonic societies often come here to perform in a small hall with chamber orchestras in a cozy warm atmosphere.

is an establishment operating in the format of a coworking space and an anti-cafe, where a wide variety of events are held, from meetings and seminars, to master classes and lectures. Every week the organizers invite musicians to themed concerts of classical and modern music. It hosts evenings of piano, cello and other instruments, and on the weekends guests are treated to jazz and blues groups.

It is included in the list of popular places for youth recreation in the capital, not least due to its frequent musical events. Concerts of both modern and classical music take place here in a warm creative atmosphere with tea and light desserts. A schedule of musical events can be found on the establishment’s website to help you decide when and where to listen to classical music in Moscow.

Implements many interesting cultural projects, including “Musical Wednesdays” dedicated to classical works. Here you can listen to classical music in Moscow for free, chat with interesting people and read good books.

is a unique venue for Russia where concerts take place symphony orchestras and classical music in a unique atmosphere. World-famous performers and groups perform on stage at the invitation of the center’s independent production association.