Meeting of assol and grey. Interesting facts Characteristics of the heroine from a romantic fairy tale

A story for true romantics " Scarlet Sails"was originally called "Extravaganza". Sketches for literary work began to do so back in 1916, working on “Running on the Waves.” The book was published in 1923 with a dedication to the writer’s wife. At the center of the story is the story of a young girl, Assol, whose life is filled with dreams and fantasies. Living in real world, the heroine dreams of a fairy tale that is destined to come true one day.

Young Assol is a lyrical and poetic image. This is a sophisticated girl, persistent and strong in spirit, like the main characters of Russian dramatic works. When working on any work, the author puts a part of himself into the characters he describes. The image of Assol is woven from features characteristic of Green. Grinevsky ( real name writer) dreamed of becoming a sailor and going on a long voyage. The romanticism in his soul collided with the harsh everyday life, so instead of getting on the ship, Alexander became a coaster worker.

Faced with the rudeness of professional sailors, Green gained skepticism, which connects him with the sailor Longren, Assol’s father. The talented writer was not handsome, his naval career did not work out, and fate was not kind. “Scarlet Sails” combines the symbolism of Alexander Green’s life’s ups and downs, his hopes and dreams, coupled with the hardships of reality.

History of creation

Assol's characterization echoes the worldview and ideals of the author. It was difficult for him, like the lovely girl, to exist in a world where there is no place for a fairy tale. Grinevsky describes the main character of the story just enough to give the reader an idea of ​​her. Hope is main feature, symbolizing her mental structure. The character is described vaguely, and readers tend to independently ennoble the girl through imagination.

The heroine lives in the coastal city of Kaperna. As a child, Assol was not the life of the party; her peers did not accept her because of her father’s bad reputation. Having survived this, she learned to be self-sufficient and not pay attention to grievances. Having invented his own world, where dreams can be fulfilled, Assol waits for instructions from fate in order to enjoy life and love someone other than his father and the surrounding nature.

The characterization of the heroine's appearance has become a secondary nuance of the story, but the description is present in the narrative. The heroine wears her thick dark brown hair in a headscarf and wears a simple dress with a pink flower. The girl has a pleasant, gentle smile and a sad gaze. A thin, fragile figure does not stop Assol from working.

The modest dreamer was left without a mother early. She lives with her father, a former sailor, and they sell wooden Toys to feed yourself. Despite the crazy love of her parent, Assol is lonely. One day she learns about a prediction that says that a prince will come to her on a beautiful ship and take the girl with him. The stranger’s words were enough for gullible Assol to believe in the legend. Her faith was not based on frivolity, but on the desire to change her life. Steadfastly enduring the ridicule of others, the dreamer was true to her dream, and it came true.


The main line in the work is the story of Assol. She lives in a small village with an unsociable and withdrawn father. Fellow villagers do not like their family because of the accident in which Longren was involved. During the storm, he witnessed the death of the innkeeper Menners, but did not save his fellow countryman, remembering that in a similar situation no one came to the aid of his wife.

Assol - illustration for the book "Scarlet Sails"

In fact, the wife of the former sailor died because of his callousness and stinginess, which became the reason for hatred of the family on the part of ill-wishers. One day a girl went to the city to sell crafts, among which was a boat with scarlet sails. Assol let him go along the stream, and the toy got lost. The ship was found by the storyteller Egle. He predicted to the girl that when she grew up, with native land Assol will be taken by the prince, who has sailed on a ship with scarlet sails.

Arthur Gray, from a wealthy family, had a passion for adventure and sailing. One day, after setting off on a ship, he went out on a boat to go fishing. After spending the night on the shore, in the morning Gray saw Assol sleeping. Amazed by her beauty, he left his ring on the girl’s hand. In a nearby tavern, Arthur learned the girl’s story, embellished by local legends. Without listening to gossip, convinced of the nobility of Assol’s dreams, Gray bought scarlet silk in a shop and ordered sails to be sewn. The next day, the ship that Assol saw in her dreams approached the Kaperna pier. Gray took her to a distant country, as the storyteller predicted.

  • Alexander Grinevsky, dreaming of the sea, made the ship, not the girl’s faith in the prince’s arrival, a symbol of hope and the realization of dreams. An allusion to the author's unfulfilled hopes, the scarlet sails became a sign that if dreams did not come true, this does not mean that they were impossible. Assol was not waiting for Gray. She was waiting for the ship, in which she invested faith, accumulated over years of loneliness and misunderstanding.

  • Perhaps the hidden symbolism of the work made it a favorite book of communists who firmly believe in the dream and are confident in its achievement. The romantic background in the perception of readers and the author’s presentation fades into the background.
  • It is noteworthy that even the magical name Assol appeared by accident. According to rumors, Green bought at the store tomato juice and in the question: “What about salt?” – heard a combination of sounds that inspired the writer to create a name for main character works.

  • Musicals and plays based on the story have been staged more than once. It was filmed by director Alexander Ptushko in 1961. The actress became the creator of the main female image. The young man embodied Arthur Gray in the frame.
  • Pictures from the book “Scarlet Sails” still inspire artists to create graphic images, mosaics, sculptures and other objects in various techniques execution. The main character embodied by the artists is the girl Assol, and the subject is a ship with scarlet sails.


Alexander Green's work is full of morality contained in the monologues and remarks of the main characters. Notable quotes from the story “Scarlet Sails” have become catchphrases.

“Now children do not play, but study. They all study and study and will never begin to live.”

These words remain relevant today. They characterize not children, but adults who begin to live as is typical for their age and forget about their dreams.

"Miracles are made with your own hands."

The remark hints that it is not worth living in anticipation, while decisive actions will lead to faster desired result. Perhaps Green was guided by these words when he hired himself to work on the ship and dreamed of steering the ship.

“We love fairy tales, but we don’t believe in them.”

Assol was a dreamer, and her fantasies came true. This happened thanks to unwavering faith and fortitude. Sometimes faith allows circumstances to develop as desired.

“The sea and love do not like pedants”

This is what the romantic Green wrote, comparing two wayward elements. In a confrontation with them, the little things that pedants value are not important. Dreamers and people who feel the ability to create their destiny according to their dreams get what they are looking for.

“Scarlet Sails” by A. Green is a lyrical fairy tale about the love of life, faith in people and the all-conquering power of hope, which can work amazing miracles.

Assol and Arthur Gray, the main characters of the fairy tale “Scarlet Sails,” turn a beautiful dream into reality. Assol's childhood was difficult and joyless. Soon after the girl was born, her mother caught a cold and died, and her father, the sailor Longren, was forced to leave service and devote himself entirely to his daughter. He made his living by making toy models of boats, sailboats, and speedboats. The income was small, but it was enough for him and his daughter. However, Longren's relations with neighbors and other residents of Kaperna were complex. They didn’t just dislike him, they hated him, shunned him, despised him, and this attitude passed on to Assol. The residents of Kaperna could not understand and forgive Longern, who did not want to help the distressed shopkeeper Menners, who was responsible for the death of his wife. The residents of Kaperna, “who did not know how to love,” could not understand Longren. Hating the father, they began to hate the daughter. Assol grew up alone, without girlfriends or friends. A real joy for her was communicating with her father. She loved to talk to him for a long time, helped him in everything. By nature, Assol was a calm, balanced, slightly romantic girl. Once, when she was delivering toys to the shopkeeper in the city, Assol met the storyteller Egl, who told her a wonderful fairy tale about a white ship with scarlet sails, a handsome, brave prince would sail on this ship and take her to his fairy-tale country. The kind, naive girl believed the storyteller and her father, who did not. to convince her of the opposite: “in the future she will have to see a lot of not scarlet, but dirty and predatory sails from afar - elegant and white, close up - torn and arrogant.”

So Assol grew up, believing in miracles, until one day she actually saw on the horizon a large white ship with wonderful scarlet sails. The ship was led by Arthur Gray - the handsome prince from the story a good storyteller Eglem fairy tales.

Arthur Gray was “born with a living soul”, able to feel other people’s pain, prone to dreams and adventures. Arthur Gray "was born a captain, wanted to be a captain, and became one." In the fifteenth year of his life, Arthur Gray secretly left home and hired himself as a cabin boy on a schooner. Thanks to perseverance, perseverance and patience, he became a real sailor and soon bought the three-masted ship “Secret”. Gray sailed across the seas and oceans for four years until fate brought him to Liss.

The ship was in a roadstead, not far from the lighthouse, and Captain Gray went out for a walk ashore and, while walking, saw a beautiful sleeping girl, whose beauty shocked him. Having put an expensive antique ring on her finger, he went to the port to ask about the stranger. And soon in one of the taverns I learned the story of Assol. Arthur Gray was a romantic by nature. He loved everything unusual and beautiful, he loved miracles and often said that miracles should be done with your own hands. A chance meeting with Assol became decisive in his fate. Arthur Gray decided to turn his sailboat “Secret” into Assol’s dream come true, to give her a miracle made with his own hands. Thus a wonderful fairy tale came to life in Kaperna. A white ship with scarlet sails appeared on the horizon. In the boat that separated from the sailing ship stood Arthur Gray, the same fairy-tale prince that Assol imagined him to be. And she, joyful and happy, stepped straight from the waves onto the deck of the sailboat of her dreams. The next day, the ship, together with Assol and Gray, sailed from Kaperna to the sounds of a cello, singing about happiness in an unearthly voice.

To the question Excerpt “Scarlet Sails” Please write an excerpt: the first meeting of Assol and Gray. POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZH Dina Orionova the best answer is
The ship was in a roadstead, not far from the lighthouse, and Captain Gray went out for a walk ashore and, while walking, saw a beautiful sleeping girl, whose beauty shocked him. Having put an expensive antique ring on her finger, he went to the port to ask about the stranger. And soon in one of the taverns I learned the story of Assol. Arthur Gray was a romantic by nature. He loved everything unusual and beautiful, he loved miracles and often said that miracles should be done with your own hands. A chance meeting with Assol became decisive in his fate. Arthur Gray decided to turn his sailboat “Secret” into Assol’s dream come true, to give her a miracle made with his own hands. Thus a wonderful fairy tale came to life in Kaperna. A white ship with scarlet sails appeared on the horizon. In the boat that separated from the sailing ship stood Arthur Gray, the same fairy-tale prince that Assol imagined him to be. And she, joyful and happy, stepped straight from the waves onto the deck of the sailboat of her dreams. The next day, the ship, together with Assol and Gray, sailed from Kaperna to the sounds of a cello, singing about happiness in an unearthly voice.

Answer from Igor Dutyshev[newbie]
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Excerpt "Scarlet Sails" Please write an excerpt: the first meeting of Assol and Gray. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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Arthur Gray was “born with a living soul”, able to feel other people’s pain, prone to dreams and adventures. Arthur Gray "was born a captain, wanted to be a captain, and became one." In the fifteenth year of his life, Arthur Gray secretly left home and hired himself as a cabin boy on a schooner. Thanks to perseverance, perseverance and patience, he became a real sailor and soon bought the three-masted ship “Secret”. Gray sailed across the seas and oceans for four years until fate brought him to Liss.
The ship was in a roadstead, not far from the lighthouse, and Captain Gray went out for a walk ashore and, while walking, saw a beautiful sleeping girl, whose beauty shocked him. Having put an expensive antique ring on her finger, he went to the port to ask about the stranger. And soon in one of the taverns I learned the story of Assol. Arthur Gray was a romantic by nature. He loved everything unusual and beautiful, he loved miracles and often said that miracles should be done with your own hands. A chance meeting with Assol became decisive in his fate. Arthur Gray decided to turn his sailboat “Secret” into Assol’s dream come true, to give her a miracle made with his own hands. Thus a wonderful fairy tale came to life in Kaperna. A white ship with scarlet sails appeared on the horizon. In the boat that separated from the sailing ship stood Arthur Gray, the same fairy-tale prince that Assol imagined him to be. And she, joyful and happy, stepped straight from the waves onto the deck of the sailboat of her dreams. The next day, the ship, together with Assol and Gray, sailed from Kaperna to the sounds of a cello, singing about happiness in an unearthly voice.

Sincere good people always deserve the best. But they don’t always get it. Assol and Gray were lucky, and so was Longren. Assol is an internally wise girl who showed by personal example how to visualize a dream. She is kind and open, despite the fact that she is surrounded by evil and envious people who are labeled “crazy.” Assol is not offended or embittered by this, she continues to live in her ideal world and believe in her dreams coming true. Arthur Gray - a real man, with a strong masculine core and high moral principles. Having abandoned inherited benefits and communication with his arrogant father, Gray begins life from scratch. He is, as the British say, a self-made man - a man who made his way on his own, from a simple cabin boy to a ship captain. He, like Assol, has firmly established plans and is focused on starting a family. So why don't these two meet one day and become happy?

Love is real strength capable of creating harmonious relationships. It opens the door to our secret and obvious thoughts.

True love is the basis of everything earthly. This deep feeling should not be based on envy and self-interest. It helps to raise a person to perfection and gives him a feeling of happiness.

“Only a fully mature soul can truly love.” People who are capable of this create happiness with their own hands.

One ancient parable it talks about the gods who hid the greatest gift of life - love. They are not

They wanted the Universe to use this gift for its own evil. Therefore, the gods decide to hide love in people themselves. Humanity will never think of looking into itself. And to be sure of this, the gods created human eye looking outwards, not inwards.

But a truly “ripe soul” still manages to look into itself and find love. The surest way to experience this feeling is to give it without demanding anything in return. Then people will find love, just as Assol, the heroine of A. Green’s story “Scarlet Sails,” found it.

The love of Assol and Gray is a story of souls wonderful people. He, romantic hero, living since childhood

In a good world that he creates himself. What distinguishes Gray from other people is his goodwill and kindness, as well as the desire and ability to make others happy.

She is a charming and sweet girl, with a rich imagination and kind hearted, open to good people.

Could these two beautiful souls not to meet? “So,” by chance, as people who can read and write say, “Gray and Assol found each other in the morning summer day, full of inevitability." They were both prepared for this love, they experienced unusual premonitions before the first meeting, they did not find a place for themselves. Gray sails away on a boat at night, and Assol runs away from home at night. A picture of the early morning opens before their eyes. It symbolizes the emergence of feelings of first true love, love for life.

Gray and Assol were born for each other. He's used to doing happy people, creates a miracle for his beloved with his own hands. Assol is waiting for a shining mass of scarlet sails and a white ship cutting through the waves; she has been waiting all her life for a handsome prince who has come to take her to a distant pink valley. And she is rewarded for her patience. Gray creates this miracle for his beloved.

By this he proves the depth of his feelings towards her: “When the main thing for a person is to get the dearest nickel, it is easy to give this nickel, but when the soul conceals the seed of a fiery plant - a miracle, give him this miracle, if you are able. New soul He will have a new one for you too.” “But there are no less miracles: a smile, fun, forgiveness, and - said in time the right word. To own this is to own everything. As for me, our beginning - mine and Assol - will remain for us forever in the scarlet reflection of the sails created by the depths of the heart, which knows what love is.”

Everything is so simple, those who love must understand one single truth: create their own happiness with their own hands. They should try to paint their lives in the bright colors of the rainbow, create a fairy tale, a “pink dream” in their imagination, and try to make it come true. We just need to want to perform a miracle for a loved one, A. Green believes, and a miracle will come into our lives. The love of a man and a woman, faith in beauty, is a miracle in itself:

"I don't know how much years will pass, - only in Kaperna will one fairy tale bloom, memorable for a long time... One morning in sea ​​distance a scarlet sail will sparkle under the sun... This wonderful ship will sail quietly, without screams or shots; a lot of people will gather on the shore, wondering and gasping; and you will stand there... You will see a brave handsome prince; he will stand and stretch out his hands to you. “Hello, Assol! - he will say - Far, far from here, I saw you in a dream and came to take you forever to my kingdom...

We will live with you so friendly and cheerfully that your soul will never know tears and sadness.” He will put you on a boat, bring you to the ship, and you will leave forever to a brilliant country where the sun rises and where the stars descend from the sky to congratulate you on your arrival.” Yes, that’s exactly what happened in Assol’s life. The fairy tale told by old Egle came true. Heroes found true love, they walked to her for so long. How we would like them to go through their whole lives side by side, without knowing grief and sadness.

We must create our own love. Like a flower exposing its petals to the sun, cultivate this fragile feeling. For, as the Christian commandment says: “Love alone does not diminish, but shines with its own light; stops discord, softens the heat of hatred, restores peace and brings together those who are separated, helps everyone without harming anyone. And whoever calls her to his aid will fear no evil, but will find protection and find eternal peace.”

Give each other true love and arm yourself with patience.