School literary circle: program, description, topics. Work program of the literary circle of the soul - beautiful impulses

MKOU secondary school st. Nikolaevskaya Digorsky district


Head of teachers' education departmentprimary classes

Bessarab L.N.

Protocol No._____

from "____"________2014


I.O. deputy director

according to UVR________Chirvo N.N.


"I affirm"

Acting Director of MKOU Secondary School

Art. Nikolaevskaya

Romanenko N. N.

Order No. _______

dated "____"____________2014

Work program

Literary circle

"Visiting a wise book"

2nd grade


Primary school teacher

Khloeva Evgenia Viktorovna

2014-2015 academic year

Explanatory note.

Modern school is experiencing a new stage of its development. The primary school teacher is faced with the task of building the educational process in such a way that society receives highly cultural, deeply moral and socially active citizens, for whom the ability and desire to learn should become stable personality traits. This cannot be achieved without serious work by students from the first days of school, not only with the textbook, but also with children's books from the available reading range. Until recently, the value of books and reading was undeniable in our country. But today the situation looks different. The picture of mass reading, its prestige, reading preferences and habits have changed significantly. In our age of scientific and technological progress, where television, computers and video games dominate, children have lost interest in reading. We observe:

        • changing the nature of reading;

  • an increase in the number of students who limit themselves to reading literature only according to the school curriculum;

    Currently, there is no official extracurricular reading lesson; work with books is included in the structure of literary reading lessons.

The problem of developing correct, conscious, fluent and expressive reading worries every teacher, since reading plays a very important (if not dominant) role in the education and development of a child’s personality.

What is happening with modern children's reading in terms of the prospects for the birth of a new generation of children in the information society? This question worries adults deeply. Many teachers and parents are dissatisfied with the fact that children do not like to read, but you cannot force them to study, you must get them excited about learning! And this is absolutely fair. How to teach reading so that children fall in love with books, because a book read in childhood remains in memory for a lifetime and influences the subsequent development of a person? This problem is of particular relevance in elementary school. Each book must come to a child at a certain age, otherwise friendship with it may not happen!

Teachers are seriously concerned about the problem children's reading. Many parents do not know what their children are reading and are not interested in what books they are interested in; the vast majority do not subscribe to periodicals for their children. Schoolchildren themselves prefer to buy scanword puzzles and comics.

A program has been created to solve this problem literary circle for 2nd grade students “Visiting a wise book”

Purpose of the program: to introduce students in depth to children's literature and books, to ensure the literary development of younger schoolchildren, to reveal to children the world of moral and aesthetic values ​​and spiritual culture accumulated by previous generations, to develop artistic taste, to form a culture of feelings and communication.

The program is aimed at solving the following problems:

develop in children the ability to fully perceive a work of art, empathize with the characters, and respond emotionally to what they read;

teach children to feel and understand the figurative language of a work of art, expressive means that create an artistic image, develop imaginative thinking students;

develop the ability to recreate artistic images literary work, develop students’ imagination, associative thinking, develop children’s poetic ear, accumulate aesthetic experience of listening to works of fine literature, cultivate an artistic ear;

to create a need for constant reading of books, to develop interest in literary reading, the creativity of writers, creators of works of literary art;

enrich the child’s sensory experience, his real ideas about the world around him and nature;

to form a child’s aesthetic attitude to life, introducing him to the classics fiction;

provide a sufficiently deep understanding of the content of works of varying levels of complexity;

expand children's horizons through reading books of various genres, varied in content and subject matter, enrich the child's moral, aesthetic and cognitive experience;

ensure the development of students’ speech and actively develop reading and speech skills;

work with different types of texts;

create conditions for the formation of the need for independent reading of works of fiction.

The selection of literary content is guided by the value of the works and takes into account the age capabilities and social experience of younger schoolchildren. That is why, along with classical Russian and foreign literature, a place is given to works of oral folk art and modern children's books.

During the classes, children also get acquainted with literature. native land, works of oral folk art, reflecting the life and traditions, the richness and originality of the language of people living in a given area, which will not only have an impact on the formation of the personal self-awareness of a growing person, but will also help to master the figurative specifics of literature as an art form.

Teachers who work with primary schoolchildren know how difficult it is to teach children reading techniques, but even more difficult to raise an enthusiastic reader. It is necessary to organize the process so that reading contributes to the development of personality, and a developed personality feels the need for reading as a source further development. Reading and telling books is organized at all moments of life at school; it is associated with games and walks, with everyday activities and work.

The forms of working with a book are varied and determined by the creativity of the teacher. To develop interest in reading, you need to use a variety ofForms of organization of classes:





    integrated lesson,


    oral journal,


    literary meetings,

    literary living room,

    literary ring, etc.

The system of work presented in the program makes it possible to introduce new technologies, non-standard forms of work in extracurricular activities, develop students’ speech, increase children’s educational motivation and, most importantly, educate literate readers. The use of computer and multimedia technologies will significantly increase the effectiveness of cultivating interest in books and reading.

The teacher must create conditions for modern child, guaranteeing him the discovery of a holistic picture of the world thanks to the current set of children's books, the development of motives for the attitude towards reading, so that the culture of understanding the value and priority of reading and reading activity is not violated.

Timing and stages of program implementation, focus on the final result:

This program is implemented for 1 year in extracurricular activities.At the end academic year Diagnosis is carried out in the form of tests, questionnaires, and interviews.

The content of the program is divided into two sections:

1. Reading circle.

2. Working with a children's book (WUD)

When teaching children to read, their knowledge should be supplemented with elementary concepts of a literary nature: simple information about the author - writer, the theme of the work being read, its genre, features of small folklore genres (riddle, joke, proverb, counting rhyme). Children will receive initial ideas about the visual and expressive capabilities of verbal art (about “painting with words”, about metaphor, comparison, personification, rhythm and musicality of poetic speech).

The club’s activities are aimed at developing the child’s communication skills,
the ability to conduct a dialogue, participate in a conversation, listen and complement comrades, express judgments and prove their correctness. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a friendly tone, the emotional nature of speech, while practicing mastery of the literary norms of the native language.

Reading range: fiction and popular science literature, works for students to independently read silently and selectively reread aloud, poems, short stories, fairy tales about the Motherland, about children, about exploits, about animals and plants, about adventures and magic, books by writers of their native land.

Working with a children's book: orientation in the book, the ability to distinguish the main elements of the book, determining the content by title (author, title), the ability to give the correct answer about who or what the book is about. Orientation in a group of books, determination of the topic of reading, selection of books according to given criteria, according to a recommendation poster and book exhibition. Consolidating the skill of collective reproduction of what was read based on the teacher’s questions. Moral assessment of situations, behavior and actions of heroes. The ability to correlate the names of authors with their books. Consolidation positive attitude to independent reading of children's books in class and outside of class, independent learning of games from collection books, participation in preparing a performance at a matinee, the ability to keep the classroom reading corner in order.

Guiding principles of the literary circle program

"Visiting a wise book"

The program assumes the following content of books, their structure and teaching methods, which are based on the following guiding principles:

artistic and aesthetic;

literary studies;


Artistic and aesthetic principle determines the strategy for selecting works for reading, and therefore the reading range of younger schoolchildren includes mainly literary texts. Children's attention is drawn to the fact that before them are not just educational, interesting texts, but works of verbal art, which reveal to the reader the richness of the surrounding world and human relationships, give rise to a sense of harmony, beauty, teach them to understand the beauty in life, and form in the child own attitude to reality. This principle involves the active establishment of connections between all other forms of art.

Literary principle taking into account the peculiarities initial stage learning is realized in the analysis of a literary work, bringing to the fore the artistic image. The word becomes the object of attention of the reader and is interpreted by him as a means of creating a verbal and artistic image through which the author expresses his thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

In elementary school, analysis of a work of art should help children feel the integrity of the artistic image and adequately empathize with the hero.

The literary principle is also expressed in the fact that the program covers all the basic literary genres: fairy tales, poems, short stories, fables, dramatic works (in excerpts). When analyzing a work, this principle aims to enrich students with their first ideas about the issue.

Communicative speech principle is aimed at developing the speech culture of students, at the formation and development of speech skills in younger schoolchildren, the main of which is reading skills. The goal of literary reading classes is to intensively develop the skill of reading as a type of speech activity: from the loud speech form of reading to silent reading.

Conditions for the program

Realization of goals is impossible without the use of resources: the presence of fiction in school and rural libraries, educational materials, visual demonstration aids and tables, Internet, electronic presentations.

Taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of children.

Selection and location educational material, the use of various methods and pedagogical technologies this program is appropriate for age and psychological characteristics younger children school age, for which the leading activity is communication in the learning process.

The program is focused on children's feelings, images and thoughts that arise during the lesson. The process of working with a work is a generalization, search and discovery of truths, collaboration according to the schemestudents – teacher – author . The language of our classics should become an inexhaustible source for the speech, intellectual and moral development of children.

Expected results (key and general subject competencies).

The student must be able to:


survey the environment;

consult a teacher;

receive information;


establish connections between past and present events;

be critical of this or that statement or proposal;

be able to confront uncertainty and complexity;

take a position in discussions and develop your own opinions;

evaluate works of art and literature;


be able to work in a group;

make decisions;

resolve disagreements and conflicts;

agree; develop and carry out assigned responsibilities;

get down to business:

join a group or team and make a contribution;

prove solidarity; organize your work;

adapt :

use new information and communication technologies;

to withstand difficulties; find new solutions.

It follows from this that students must demonstrate the ability to mobilize previously acquired knowledge, use the practical experience of adults, demonstrate the ability to prove (substantiate their point of view), be able to organize the relationship between past and present knowledge in solving a specific situation, i.e., use previously acquired competencies. The knowledge obtained in this way turns out to be more durable and of higher quality.

Thematic planning


Suggested literature for use


Individual work with a children's book

Group work with a children's book


Poems about school and children

“Hello, golden autumn! School bathed in sunshine"

S.Ya.Marshak “The first day of the calendar”, “About one student and six units”

A. Pleshcheev “What they teach at school”

Looking at books in the classroom reading corner, bringing books from home, showing them to friends.

If desired, learn one poem about school by heart.

Poetry competition about school. Photo exhibition “My first day at school” with a quatrain about school of my own composition.

Animal Tales

“No trouble is scary for those who are hardworking and smart”

V. Suteev “Mouse and Pencil”.

R. Kipling "Baby Elephant"

Determining the features of the genre of fairy tales about animals.

Retelling based on illustrations. Bring your book of fairy tales about animals to the reading corner.

Role-playing a fairy tale.

Riddles about animals

Learn to guess riddles: guess it yourself and explain it to a friend.

Sef "The Key to the Fairy Tale"

K.I. Chukovsky “Riddles”,

Russian folk riddles.

Learn to solve riddles, find keywords, orient to the reading topic by title.

Learn one riddle by heart. Search for riddles to compile a cool collection of riddles.

Compiling a cool collection of riddles

Learn to be friends

E. Permyak “Two stories”, “The worst thing”,

V.A. Oseeva “Feather”

Expressive reading with an intonation of sympathy, resentment, empathy.

Find proverbs about friendship and friends

Brainstorming “Learn to be friends.” Dramatize individual episodes of the work.

Hello autumn!

M. Prishvin “Leaf Faller”

Determine the genre of the work and theme, draw up a plan for the work.

Preparation of drawings “Autumn in my city”

Oral journal “Autumn in my city”

A bad thing has a bad end.

Italian fairy tale “How the Donkey Stopped Singing”

S. Baruzdin “Blots”,

V. Berestov “The serpent is a braggart”

Learn to work with a book: cover, illustrations, author, theme, genre.

Come up with your own original continuation of the fairy tale.

Acting out the fairy tale “Storks and Frogs” by S. Mikhalkov

Poems about the Motherland Hello, country of heroes, country of dreamers, country of scientists!...

Mogilev “The Tale of the Loud Drum”, Poems about the Motherland.,

Reading and reasoning about what you read

developing a sense of pride in one’s homeland

Prepare an expressive reading of poems about the Motherland. Selection of books for the thematic exhibition of books “About the Motherland”

Compiling oral illustrations for the work “The Tale of the Loud Drum”

Funny poems

D. Kharms "Ivan Toropyshkin"

S. Marshak “Poodle”, “Luggage”

Review of different editions of one work.

create a need for constant reading of books, develop interest in literary creativity

Design and draw your own book cover for the work you like

Work with illustrations for works, artists - illustrators.

"At the fair"

Small folklore genres.

Highlighting the distinctive features of Russian folklore.

Learn a nursery rhyme, a rhyme, a fable.

Competition for the best tongue twister reader

Animal Tales

The one who has a smart head and a kind heart is good

V. Suteev “The Lifesaver”, “Bag of Apples”, “Apple”

Determining the topic of reading based on illustrations, title, author's surname.

Writing a fairy tale about an inanimate object (briefcase, mug, shoe, pen, etc.)

Design and selection of fairy tales to create a cool collection “Tales of...”

Costa Khetagurov for children

Books and works of Kosta Khetagurova

Features of the design of books by the Tatar writer.

Selecting poems for expressive reading

Design of a book exhibition.

Poetry competition Kosta Khetagurova

funny poems

If you don’t like it, don’t laugh, and don’t bother others.

A. Barto “The House Moved”

Kharms "12 cooks", "Ivan Ivanovich Samovar", "Ivan Toropyshkin"

E. Moshkovskaya “Cunning Old Women”

Expressive reading with an intonation of humor and joy. Pay attention to the “topic-author” connection

Selecting a passage to memorize.

Organizing an exhibition of books on the topic, exchanging books, compiling a memo “ Careful attitude to the book"

Fairy tales and poems about adventure and magic

I'm not a wizard yet, I'm just learning.

E. Blaginina “Wonderful hours”, “Poems about the Christmas tree”

Detailed analysis of the work.

Working out the connection between “genre and books”, being able to read the inscriptions on the covers with complicated book designs.

Write poems about your friends

Reader's conference "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"

N. Nosov “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”

Stories and poems about exploits

M. Zoshchenko “The most important thing”

Emelyanov “Brave Girl”

Practice the ability to predict approximate content by title, beginning, illustrations, using external signs or previous experience.

Characteristics of the action, heroes.


It's funny to you, but it reached my heart

E. Charushin “Maruska the Cat”, V. Oseeva “Who is the stupidest of all.”

Ability to find the title of a book on the spine. Theme and genre of the work.

Expressive reading with an intonation of sympathy, sadness, joy.

Write a story about an incident with your cat.

Photo exhibition “My four-legged friends” with comments

Tales of true friendship.

Afghan fairy tale “The Wolf is a Whistleblower”

African fairy tale “This is friendship!”

Distinguish between a book - a work and a book - a collection

Identification of the main characteristics of a “true friend” based on read fairy tales.

Write a story about your best friend.

Design of the “True Friend” poster based on brainstorming

About heroism and cowardice

Glory warms - shame burns

S. Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero”, “Fire”

Artyukhova “Coward”, S. Mikhalkov “Vaccination”,

K. Ushinsky “Cowardly Vanya”

Selective reading of the characteristics of the main characters. Title of the thematic exhibition.

Select, review, and bring books about courage to class.

Compiling advice for those who want to be brave.

Life is given for good deeds.

B. Zhitkov “Help is coming”

E. Permyak “Pichugin Bridge”

Highlighting key episodes based on teacher questions. Consolidation of all acquired knowledge.

Write a story about your good deed.

Solving the crossword puzzle “About Brave Heroes”

Works about children of the same age.

Kiselev “Boy Ogonyok”, S. Mikhalkov “About Mimosa”

N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky “Theme and the Bug”

The setting is to get acquainted with the book, starting with the author’s last name (familiar - unfamiliar). Intonated reading of works.

Compilation of characteristics of positive and negative heroes. Retelling from the perspective of the main character.

Design of the book exhibition “To Comrade Children”

Learn to defend your homeland - mother.

A. Gaidar “Campaign”, “The Tale of a Military Secret”

S. Mogilevskaya “The Story of a Brave Drummer”

Detailed analysis of works, characterization of character traits.

Learn to title a thematic exhibition.

Pick up proverbs and sayings about the Motherland.

Identifying moral qualities for yourself.

Conversation-discussion with elements of dramatization.

There is no better friend than dear mother

E. Blaginina “That’s what a mother is”, “Grandma is a care”,

Emelyanov "Stories about Mom"

Pankin "The Legend of Mothers"

Trutnev "Protalinka"

Introduction to the concept of “legend”. Expressive reading of poems, content analysis.

Writing poems about mom and for mom (Burim)

A collection of poems from our class “The most, the most, the most...”

Books about guys and their affairs

A. Barto “My grandmother had 40 grandchildren”

S. Marshak “Chizhi”

Isolating the behavioral characteristics of the characters for further dramatization.

Choosing a role for yourself in a dramatization

Collect books in the reading corner that need repair, and work as a “doctor” in the “book hospital”

Where once a question has sprouted, a strong mind matures

Chinese folk tale "The Child and the Sage", "Why polar bear nose black"

Yusupov “Why the frog doesn’t have a tail”

The ability to find common features in books

create a need for constant reading of books, develop interest in literary creativity

Think about what question you would like answered

Literary game “Why”

Fables of Grandfather Krylov

Fables by I. A. Krylov “Quartet”, “Wolf and Crane”, etc.

Learn some passage from I. A. Krylov’s fable. My illustration for my favorite fable.

Game - “Guess” (find out which fable by I. A. Krylov is illustrated)

Spring, spring outside, spring days!

B. Zakhoder “To Comrade Children”, E Shim “How to Celebrate Spring?”

E. Shim “What spring smells like.”

Pay attention to the connection between topic and author. Conveying the spring mood through expressive reading.

Come up with your own title for the poem. Verbal image of spring paintings.

Compiling an oral journal “Spring, spring on the street...”

Know and love native nature!

E. Charushin “Big and Small”, “About Tomka”

Snegirev "About penguins"

G. Skrebitsky “The Barbed Family”

Summarize what you read, find logical connections in the work.

Retelling according to plan.

Working with explanatory dictionaries Ozhegova, Dalia

Works about plants

You think miracles are far away, but they are here, nearby.

N. Pavlova

"Living Bead"

ensure the development of schoolchildren’s speech and actively develop reading and speech skills

Identification of key episodes of works.

Creating a presentation

"Living Bead"

Tales of the peoples of my city

Ossetian Russians folk tales

Acquaintance with the features of fairy tales of different nations, their design.

Retelling a fairy tale on behalf of the hero.

Compilation of a “fairy tale dictionary”.

All for one, and one for all, then there will be success in business

N. Nosov “Cucumbers”,

A. Gaidar “Chuk and Gek”

Formation of the moral position of a primary school student. Repetition of reading hygiene rules.

Drawing up questions about the work.

Discussion “My attitude to what is “bad”

Stories about animals.

Stop! Sit down! Bend over! And look at your feet! Surprise the living, the living: they are akin to you...”

M. Prishvin “Fox Bread”, “Gadnuts”, “Floors of the Forest”

K. Ushinsky Stories and Tales, “Eagle”

Working out the connection “writer - books - topic”

create a need for constant reading of books, develop interest in literary creativity

Bring pictures, illustrations, photographs depicting the birds of our city.

Conversation and reasoning based on what you read, drawing up a “Learn to Observe” memo



General lessons

- watching a children's film;

- watching a theatrical performance;

- visiting the city library;

Preparation for KVN

KVN "In the Country of Chitalia"



General lesson with parents

Conducting a matinee summarizing the knowledge gained

Prepare questions for teams

Event “Dad, Mom, Me – a Reading Family”



Final diagnosis.

Testing to identify the reader's horizons.

ensure the development of schoolchildren’s speech and actively develop reading and speech skills

Compiling a list for summer reading, taking into account the degree of assimilation of the works read.

Decorating a summer reading corner.


As a result of the program, students should:


names, main content of the studied literary works, their authors;

be able to

read consciously the text of a work of art “to yourself” (without taking into account speed); determine the theme and main idea of ​​the work;

retell the text;

divide the text into semantic parts, draw up a simple plan;

compose a short monologue based on the author’s text, evaluate events and heroes of the work;

read poems by heart (optional);

create a short oral text on a given topic;

give examples of works of folklore (proverbs, riddles, fairy tales);

distinguish between genres of fiction (fairy tale, short story, fable), distinguish between folk and literary tales;

distinguish the elements of a book (cover, table of contents, front page, illustration, abstract);

use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and

everyday lifeFor:

independent reading of books;

expressing value judgments about the read work (hero, event);

independent selection and determination of the content of the book according to its elements;

working with different sources of information (dictionaries, reference books).

Literature used :

1. Newspaper “Pedagogical Council”. - 2005 No. 3; 2005. No. 6

2. Gostimskaya E.S. Extracurricular reading M., 2005.

3. Russian literary classics. Samara: Fedorov Corporation, 1995.

4. What is it? Who is this? M.: Pedagogy, 1990. T.1-3

5. Russian children's writersxx century. Bibliographic Dictionary. M.: Flinta - science, 2001.

6. Russian children's writersxx century. Bibliographic Dictionary. M.: Flinta - science, 2001.

7. Russian school anthology. 1-4 grades. Publishing house "Interbook", 1985.

8. Svetlovskaya N.N., Dzhezheley O.V. Extracurricular reading in grades 1-3.

M. Education, 1985.

9. Svetlovskaya N. N. “Methods of extracurricular reading”, M. 1991.


Block No. 2

These difficult 30s.

Block No. 3

Years of repression.

Block No. 4

The theme of memory of the living and the dead. The theme of historical truth in E. Nosov’s story “A Fire in the Wind.” The image of a young soldier. (V. Kondratyev “Sashka”. “Written in the blood of the heart...” (Story by K. Vorobyov “This is us, Lord...”. Woman and war. Poems by Yu. Drunina. “Afghan and Chechen prose”

Block No. 5

Take care of the person in you.

B. Ekimov “Night of Healing”.

Block No. 6

Man and nature.

Block No. 7

Teen problem

"The Avengers"

Block No. 9

Block No. 10

Man on Earth.

Block No. 11

Creative meetings.

Block No. 12

V.A. Sukhomlinsky “Letters about the good and eternal.” 45 letters, studying important issues.

Block No. 13

Essays of different genres.

Block No. 14

Expected results

Students who have completed the circle course will more freely and competently organize their oral presentations in front of an audience, freely comment on the texts they read, create feedback and reviews, and most importantly, understand the text and create their own texts (poetic) and texts of articles, essays, etc.

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"Program of the circle "In the world of literature""

Club program “In the world of literature”

The head of the circle is teacher Pyankova N.S.

Explanatory note

The circle’s approach to this topic is not accidental. In our time of technological progress, universal computerization, and connections to the Internet, there has been a significant decline in interest in books and fiction. In addition, violence and cruelty are propagated almost every day on TV screens, which cannot but affect the moral state of children.

And also changes in the final certification of students in grades 9 and 11 in literature and the Russian language force teachers to look for new forms and ways of preparing for this type of activity not only in graduation, but also in intermediate parallels.

The program is multifaceted. Compiled on the basis of N.N. Glebova’s program “Elective course program for students in grades 10-11. Modern Literature" (“Profile Education”). Collection elective courses. Literature 10-11 grades. Compiled by G.M. Vyalykh. Publishing house "Teacher" - 2009

The program is modified, partially changed taking into account individual characteristics and the needs of students both in terms of content and forms of implementation.

The course of the circle involves systematic reading of fiction, familiarization with the latest in modern literature and journalism. A variety of forms of presenting material increases the efficiency of the teaching and educational process and its effectiveness, and makes it possible to intensify the activities of students and the teacher himself. This program helps solve problems literary education, related both to the reading activity of students and to the aesthetic function of literature, it is aimed at working together student and teacher, the joint work of the mind, will, feelings, to educate a reading, literate citizen.

The selection of works is subordinated to these tasks, and also helps students select arguments for an essay when passing the Unified State Exam.

The peculiarity of the texts included in the program is that, by genre nature, these are stories and short stories. Such works are convenient for textual analysis. The program allows for reduction or increase in material.

The program indicates the approximate distribution of study time by blocks, however, during the lessons it is possible to vary the material: deepening, shortening and replacing them, using the freed up time for various kinds of practical literary work, meetings, trips, etc.

Testing of knowledge, skills and abilities is carried out in the form of tests, practical tasks and other forms.

The program is designed for 3 hours per week.

    The formation of the human spiritual world

    Creating conditions for continuous improvement and development of one’s creative abilities

    Mastering the skill of a reader, free and bright own speech

    Assisting students in preparing for the State Exam and Unified State Exam

    Using interdisciplinary connections when creating educational projects

    To raise a reader who knows how to reflect on what he reads, drawing lessons from it

    Develop students' creative abilities through different shapes work

    Prepare students for better performance of the creative part of the exam

    Improve the quality of public speaking at various student competitions and conferences

Educational and thematic plan

Topic name

Total hours

Introductory lesson. Goals and objectives of the circle.

Student suggestions

Moral strength ancient Russian literature . Review of works. The great power of a parable.

Express repetition with summary

These difficult 30s.

"That's how it was on Earth." The theme of “de-peasantization” in the novels by B. Mozhaev “Men and Women” and S. Antonov “Ravines”.

Lecture. Seminar.

Group interview

Years of repression.

“My memories are stronger than hope.” Life and work of V. Shalamov. " Kolyma stories" O. Volkov “Plunge into darkness.” The fate of the Russian intelligentsia.

Lecture. Readers' conference

Remain human in the flames of war.

Oral journal.

Text research.

Book presentation

Competition of poetry reciters by Yu. Drunina

Take care of the person in you.

The word that Russia needs. In Rasputin “Farewell to Matera” and “To the same land.” Connection with history, with ancestral roots.

Moral beauty a simple person. E Nosov “Apple Saved.”

B. Ekimov “Night of Healing”.

The problem of human conscience. Stories by V. Rasputin.

About morality in the language of poetry.

Lecture. Round table.


Literary living room.

Essays (arguments for essays on topics)

Man and nature.

Theme "Man and nature in modern literature».

Images-symbols and their role in the works of V. Rasputin

In Astafieva.

Pain for my native land.

Environmental and moral problems.

The beauty of nature “heals” the human soul.

Man, nature and the future of civilization.

Articles for the newspaper.


Research works

3 photo exhibitions (according to seasons). Landscape paintings, poems by poets and writings by children

Teenage problems

B. Okudzhava, A. Galich, V Vysotsky, A. Rosenbaum and others.

Writing educational and research papers and participating in literary and local history competitions (according to a special plan)

Man on Earth.

Questions about the meaning of life. F Abramov “Wooden horses”, “Pelageya”, “Alka”.

A man with his family. G. Baklanov “Kondraty” and others.

Heartfelt understanding of the world. B. Ekimov “Shepherd Star”

Conversation. Dispute.

Literature review.

Meetings with Ocher poets

V.A. Sukhomlinsky “Letters about the good and eternal”

Textual study of letters (preparing extracts from the text)

Create notebook Sukhomlinsky

Essays of different genres

Reporting activities

The moral force of ancient Russian literature. Review of works. The great power of a parable. Parable of the Prodigal Son. Content, plot, meaning. Argumentation for the essay.

Block No. 2

These difficult 30s.

"That's how it was on Earth." The theme of “de-peasantization” in the novels by B. Mozhaev “Men and Women” and S. Antonov “Ravines”. The collapse of the dream of “universal happiness.”

Block No. 3

Years of repression.

“My memories are stronger than hope.” Life and work of V. Shalamov. "Kolyma Tales". O. Volkov “Plunge into darkness.” The fate of the Russian intelligentsia.

Tragic fate person in totalitarian state. The fate of the Russian intelligentsia. The theme of memory of the living and the dead.

Block No. 4

Remain human in the flames of war.

The theme of memory of the living and the dead. The theme of historical truth in E. Nosov’s story “A Fire in the Wind.” The image of a young soldier. (V. Kondratiev “Sashka”. “Written in the blood of the heart...” (Story by K. Vorobyov “This is us, Lord...”. Woman and war. Poems by Yu. Drunina. “Afghan and Chechen prose”

V. Zakrutkin “Mother of Man”

Deepening the theme of the Second World War in modern literature. Spiritual sources of mass heroism of the people in defense of the Fatherland. The image of a young fighter. The harsh truth of war.

Block No. 5

Take care of the person in you.

The word Russia needs. In Rasputin "Farewell to Matera" and "To the Same Land". Connection with history, with ancestral roots.

The moral beauty of the common man. E Nosov “Apple Saved.”

B. Ekimov “Night of Healing”.

The problem of human conscience. Stories by V. Rasputin.

About morality in the language of poetry.

Block No. 6

Man and nature.

Topic: “Man and nature in modern literature.”

Images-symbols and their role in the works of V. Rasputin, V. Astafiev.

Pain for my native land. Environmental and moral problems.

The beauty of nature “heals” the human soul.

Man, nature and the future of civilization.

Journalism and lyricism in the works of V. Rasputin “Farewell to Matera”, V. Astafiev’s “Tsar Fish”.

Environmental and moral problems of our time.

Block No. 7

Teen problem

"The Avengers"

B. Okudzhava, A. Galich, V. Vysotsky, A. Rosenbaum and others. The relevance of creativity. V. Vysotsky's anniversary (January) is an open event.

Block No. 9

Writing educational and research papers and participating in literary and local history competitions (according to a special plan)

Block No. 10

Man on Earth.

Questions about the meaning of life. F Abramov “Wooden horses”, “Pelageya”, “Alka”.

A man with his family. G. Baklanov “Kondraty” and others.

Heartfelt understanding of the world. B. Ekimov “Shepherd Star”

The problem of a person’s responsibility for his life behavior (problem life choice).

Block No. 11

Creative meetings. Trips. Excursions. Exhibition design. Anniversary dates. Articles for the newspaper.

Block No. 12

V.A. Sukhomlinsky “Letters about the good and eternal”. 45 letters, studying important issues.

Block No. 13

Essays of different genres.

Block No. 14

Reporting activities (according to a special plan)

Expected results

During the training process, the children will receive theoretical knowledge that will help them in performing creative work: writing educational and research papers, writing essays (Part C) for the exam, organizing and holding exhibitions, themed evenings;

Students who have completed the circle course will more freely and competently structure their oral presentations in front of an audience, freely comment on the texts they read, create feedback and reviews, and most importantly, understand the text and create their own texts (poetic) and texts of articles, essays, etc.

Literature for students and teachers.

    In the world of literature. Benefits for grades 7-11. M., Bustard, 2008

    Literature. Non-standard lessons for grades 5-11. Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.

    Chudinova G.V. Creativity of B. Ekimov in school study. Methodological recommendations, Perm, 2009.

    Didactic material to lectures on modern literature. Perm Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers. Perm-2003

    Collection of elective courses. Literature 10-11 grades. Compiled by Vyalkova G.M. Volgograd: Teacher -2009

    Magazine publications (magazines " New world", "Contemporary", "Roman-newspaper", "Znamya", etc.

Work program of the "Literary Lounge" circle.

Explanatory note.

“Children's books are written for education,
and education is a great thing.”
V.G. Belinsky.

It is no secret that over the past decades a negative trend has emerged in our country: a significant decline in reading books in general and fiction in particular. In our opinion, there are a number of factors that caused this phenomenon.

Firstly, global informatization of the objective space surrounding every person: through the Internet, both children and adults can freely and without much difficulty obtain any data on any topic, including "compressed" version of any literary work.

Secondly, dominance in the media (television, press) advertising that forms a child’s idea of ​​pseudo-values ​​in a person’s life. Children know a lot about consumer electronics, cars, cell phones. They are sure that real man- This successful businessman, certainly getting out of a luxury foreign car and distributing instructions to his subordinates using the latest model of telephone.

Thirdly, objective economic and financial difficulties lead to the fact that adults are forced to devote all their thoughts and time to earning material wealth. They don't even remember books! Psychologists have proven that it is parents who are role models for children. If parents don't read, they can't expect their children to.


The child begins to get acquainted with literature at an early age. A child's interest in books appears early. At first, he is interested in turning the pages, listening to an adult read, and looking at the illustrations. With the advent of interest in the picture, interest in the text begins to arise. One of the features of children’s perception of a literary work is empathy for the characters. Perception is extremely active. The child puts himself in the place of the hero, mentally acts, fights his enemies.

But not everyone can build a deployed and coherent story, come up with your own fairy tale, compose a poem. Not everyone can even understand the author’s idea and answer questions about the content of what they read.

How can I help him?

One of the researchers of children's creativity noted that a child will never compose his own fairy tale if he has not become acquainted with at least one of the existing ones.

Artworks in symbolic form Reveal to children the meaning of human relationships and experiences.

Children's books are considered as a means of mental, moral and aesthetic education. Children's poet I. Tokmakova calls children's literature the fundamental basis of education. Fiction shapes moral feelings and assessments, norms of moral behavior, and cultivates aesthetic perception.

Works of literature contribute to the development of speech and provide examples of the Russian literary language. E.A. Flerina noted that a literary work provides ready-made linguistic forms, verbal characteristics of the image, definitions with which the child operates.

N.S. Karpinskaya believes that a fiction book provides excellent examples of literary language. In stories, children learn laconicism and precision of language; in poetry - musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of Russian speech; in fairy tales - accuracy, expressiveness. From the book, the child learns many new words and figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Literature helps children express their attitude to what they listen to, using comparisons, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expressiveness when familiarizing themselves with a book, the connection between speech and aesthetic development clearly appears, language is assimilated in its aesthetic function. Mastery of linguistic and visual-expressive means serves to develop artistic perception literary works.


This program is aimed at ensuring the construction of a holistic pedagogical process aimed at the comprehensive development of the child: physical, cognitive, speech, social-personal and artistic-aesthetic in conjunction. To expand the range of children's ideas through artistic images. The system of work outlined in this program helps to combine the education of a child as an individual, the formation of interest in books and the intellectual development of preschoolers.

The novelty of the program lies in the fact that it contributes to the expansion of reading space, the implementation of differentiated learning and the development of the individual capabilities of each child, and the education of a child reader. A group lesson will help solve the problems of the child’s emotional, creative, literary, intellectual development, as well as problems of moral and ethical education, since a book for a child is creativity, new discoveries, pleasure, and self-education.

The goal of this work program is to increase children’s interest in working with books and further develop their cognitive and speech skills based on their favorite works, including works by children’s writers and poets of the Murmansk region, and works of oral folk art.

The main objectives of the program are:

  1. Fostering in preschool children the position of an active reader, interest and respect for the book as a source of culture and information.
  2. Maintenance and development of children's emotionality.
  3. Activation of speech and mental creativity of children.
  4. Development of memory, attention, basic cognitive and speech skills of preschoolers.

A distinctive feature of the program.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: “To prepare a person spiritually for independent life, we must introduce him to the world of books” .

Rotate preschool education "face" to actively work with a book is not at all a reason to refuse learning tasks, the number of which is in lately has increased due to the increasing complexity school programs, for the assimilation of which we must prepare the child in kindergarten. On the contrary, systematic and varied work with fiction will help to teach children more successfully, to make this learning easier and more interesting, which is extremely important for optimizing the educational process in preschool educational institutions. A distinctive feature of the program is that the teacher in the classroom constantly creates situations aimed at maximizing the activation of children’s independent speech activity, self-production children of the characters of the works and their performance. The work program for introducing preschoolers to books has been developed taking into account the requirements and individual provisions of regulatory documents governing the activities of preschool educational institutions:

The work is carried out in coordination with the children's library "Bullseye" No. 17, Murmansk Contents are intended for children aged 5 - 6 years. The implementation period for this work training program is 1 year. Forms and mode of classes. This work organized in the senior group from November to April of each academic year inclusive in the form of circle work that complements and enriches the implementation educational field « Speech development» . The circle is held once a month in the afternoon for 25-30 minutes. Educational and artistic material includes works of Russian, Soviet and foreign writers and poets and writers.

Forms of organizing classes:

  • Complex lesson.
  • Occupation-travel;
  • Drama activity;
  • Literary entertainment
  • Lesson-quiz

Working methods: visual: use of multimedia (watching DVD films, slides), display of illustrations, thematic albums.

verbal: Teacher reading from a book or by heart. This is a literal rendering of the text. The reader, preserving the author’s language, conveys all the shades of the writer’s thoughts and influences the mind and feelings of the listeners.

Teacher's story. This is a relatively free text transmission (words can be rearranged, replaced, interpreted). Storytelling provides great opportunities to attract children's attention. Practical: Dramatization. This method can be considered as a means of secondary familiarization with a work of art.

Learning by heart. Choosing a method for transferring the work (reading or telling) depends on the genre and age of the listener.

Expected result: development of the personality of each child, his creative potential, abilities, interests, teaching children elements of artistic and figurative expressive means (intonation, facial expressions, pantomime), improving the artistic skills of children in terms of experiencing and embodying the image, as well as their performing skills.

To determine the effectiveness of the work carried out, a diagnostic card for the implementation of the work program:

Main control "tools" are: observation of a child’s work in the process of studying a particular work of art. In cases of difficulties in assessing the mastery of the program, individual conversations with the child.

When organizing observation and conversation, a technique developed by psychologists G.A. is used. Uruntaeva, Yu.A. Afonkina, presented in the publication “Workshop on Child Psychology: A Manual for Students of Pedagogical Institutes, Students of Pedagogical Schools and Colleges, Kindergarten Teachers Ed. G.A. Uruntaeva, - M.: Education: Vlados, 1995.

Observation is a systematic and purposeful recording of results in the natural conditions of everyday activity. When observing, certain conditions must be met:

Before any observation, the teacher formulates a goal for himself: what skill, quality of the child will be studied when working with fiction, for example, the ability to see and use means of verbal expression (ambiguity, comparisons, etc.).

Depending on the purpose of the study, you select structural component circle classes in which observation will be carried out. For example, "Speech exercise" .

When observing, it is necessary to maintain the natural, familiar atmosphere of a circle lesson, without focusing on the fact that the teacher "checks" of this child. The teacher does not interfere with the child’s activity or response.

Observation provides objective data if carried out consistently and systematically, that is, the child is observed for a given structural moment of the lesson for at least 2-3 lessons in a row. This is also due to the fact that the observed facts are not separated from many related phenomena (the child’s mood, his motivation for activities, the complexity of the task, etc.).

The teacher determines in advance how to record data - the child’s statements, without distorting or embellishing them. Such results can be recorded junior teacher or a second teacher of the group, so as not to disrupt the natural flow of the lesson. The protocol also notes the child’s emotions and reactions to what is happening, which will provide additional data to determine the child’s attitude towards what he read.

There is no strictly defined form for recording the results - the teacher chooses a convenient, understandable option for himself, on the basis of which the final diagnostic table presented below will be filled out.

The conversation method is used independently or combined with observation. For example, when studying a child’s attitude to what he read, the teacher observes him during 2-3 lessons, and then asks questions individually:

What was most interesting to you about this fairy tale? Who do you disagree with? And if you were in this fairy tale, what would you say to the heroes, how would you help them? Do you want to change anything in this fairy tale? Why? The effectiveness of the conversation depends on compliance with the following requirements:

Preparing a conversation requires the teacher to set a specific goal, select material for it, for example, a specific fairy tale, illustrations for it.

Questions for conversation should be clear, concise, specific, and should not suggest ready-made answers. You should avoid using words with double interpretation in questions that have a meaning that is unclear to the child.

The teacher learns questions by heart and asks the child in a strictly defined order, stimulating him to give detailed answers. It is possible to use clarifying questions if the need arises during the conversation.

The conversation should not exceed 10-15 minutes so that the child does not lose interest in it.

Before starting a conversation, it is necessary to establish a trusting relationship with the child and motivate him to talk. To do this, you can first talk with your child about a topic that interests him and only then proceed to pre-written questions. The conversation should be conducted casually, tactfully, unobtrusively and in no case be in the nature of questioning. It is very important that the researcher shows the child a personal interest in talking with him.

A method for recording data is first thought through. You can record, as in the process of observation, you can use technical means (dictaphone). Based on the recorded data, the final diagnostic table presented below will be filled in.

"Literary Workshop of the Scientist Cat"

Reading fiction; communication (coherent speech - development of free communication with children and adults); development of aesthetic taste;

Age group:
mixed age - for children from 2.5 to 4 years old


“Literary workshop of the learned cat” implies not just additional education, but assistance to the child in mastering the educational material of the kindergarten. It will give the child the opportunity to master, from a very early age, techniques for memorizing poetic works; each child will find his own method from those proposed.

And it is also literary and artistic activity that makes it possible to solve many pedagogical problems related to the formation of the expressiveness of a child’s speech, the education of intellectual and artistic-aesthetic taste.

The basis of any national culture are folklore works created by people over centuries of history. Oral folk art or folklore (from English ¬"folklore"), literally translated means “folk wisdom”, “ folk knowledge" Oral folk art includes works of all kinds and genres, which have enormous cognitive and educational significance. They enrich children’s understanding of the past and present of the Motherland and help them to internalize high moral principles.

The folklore of any nation is extremely rich and diverse. It is presented heroic epic, fairy tales, lullabies, nursery rhymes, jokes, tongue twisters, teasers, counting rhymes, proverbs and sayings, riddles.

The “Literary Workshop” will be held in a cozy style, in the living room-workshop of a scientist cat (decorations are expected), to achieve a greater effect of getting into a fairy tale.

By participating in games, listening to fairy tales, watching shows fairy tales, children become participants in various events from the lives of people, animals, plants, which makes it possible to gain a deeper understanding of the beauty and diversity of the world around them. At the same time, playing literary characters instills in the child a sustainable interest in works, native culture, and theater. The educational value of literary reading is also enormous. Memorizing poems and retelling them form a respectful attitude towards each other. Children learn the joy associated with overcoming communication difficulties and self-doubt. Children's enthusiasm develops their inner comfort, relaxedness, and promotes easy communication between an adult and a child.

To form coherent speech, develop creative and aesthetic abilities, through reading artistic and literary works. Form a holistic picture of the world by memorizing poems using various memorization techniques.

Objectives of training and education

1. To form children’s emotional perception of literary works
and interest in them.
2. Develop the ability to listen to literary text and respond to
its content together with a group of peers.
3. Teach children to perform play actions that correspond to the text
familiar works.
4. Evoke in children an emotional response to rhythm and musicality
folk works (poems, songs).
5. Teach children to recognize by repeated reading and
telling literary works and their characters.
6. Encourage the child to repeat individual words, expressions,
suggestions, if possible, to retell the work.
7. Learn to look at illustrations, recognize the heroes of works in them
and answer questions about the content of the illustrations.

The circle involves reading fiction, in a cozy living room with created decorations, classes are conducted in the form of joint playful, imitative activities between the teacher and the children.

Classes are held once a week, in the afternoon.

The duration of one lesson is:

From 2.5 to 4 years – 10-15 minutes,

Number of classes per year – 34.

Thematic planning

Month No. Topic Objectives:
1 Game "Let's get acquainted"
Nursery rhyme “We met” (Developing fine motor skills, p. 21)
Teach children to get to know others, each other, and react emotionally to the work.
Looking at pictures (collection of Russian folk nursery rhymes), Introduction to basic emotions.
Develop an interest in book graphics. Induce a joyful, emotional mood in children.
3 Nursery rhyme “Bunny” (Development of fine motor skills, p. 35) Development of fine motor skills with the help of hand movements. Give an idea of ​​the appearance of carrots, the definition of “vegetables”.
4 Reading and dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip”.
Conversation based on a fairy tale read. Continue to teach how to emotionally perceive the content of a fairy tale, try to participate in the fairy tale, remember characters and the sequence of events.
5 Poem “Autumn”. Conversation about the time of year, signs of autumn, We learn to listen to a poem, we try to learn it using drawing techniques. Reinforcing the concept - autumn
6 Visiting the grandmother-hostess, nursery rhyme “Chainichek” (Development of fine motor skills p. 39) Coherent speech, story based on the teacher’s model, we try to remember the nursery rhyme using gaming equipment
7 Visiting the grandmother-hostess, nursery rhyme “Pies” (Development of fine motor skills p. 51) Develop the ability to listen and respond to the content of a fairy tale.
8 Game “Funny Transformations” (guess and name the animal). Continue to consolidate knowledge about animals and their habits. Learn to solve riddles.

9 Exercises to change your voice “Guests of the mansion.” Generate interest in the text of the fairy tale. Develop the ability to imitate fairy tale characters with their voices.
10 Desktop card index “find out and name”, on the theme of autumn. Teach children to compose a story from several sentences and answer questions.
11 Tea party with “Bunny, Bear, Horse” (Poems by A. Barto) Be able to set children in a festive mood. Teach children to repeat lines expressively.
12 Listening to the fairy tale “The Tale of How the Bunny Changed His Fur Coat” Arouse children’s interest in fairy tales, instill the ability to listen to fairy tales.

13 Conversation about the signs of winter, riddles about winter.
Improvisation game “Snowflakes”. Reveal children's knowledge about the signs of winter, develop the ability to solve riddles. Create a cheerful mood for children.
14 Nursery rhyme “Snowball”, (Development of fine motor skills, p. 47) Create interest in the text, Develop plastic movements.
15 Nursery rhyme “Flappers” (Development of fine motor skills, p. 63). Develop the ability to participate in a fairy tale with the help of a teacher, try to memorize poems using movement techniques.
16 Game “Find by description” (changes of animals in winter).
We listen to a poetic tale about the New Year holiday “Yolka”.
Understand the text of the riddle, memorize individual words, pronounce them out loud. Arouse interest in the fairy tale, maintain a good mood.

17 Finger game “Bunnies” (Developing fine motor skills art. 32.)
Development of hand motor skills
18 Dramatization of the fairy tale “Rukavichka” (table theater). Encourage children to repeat movements after adults. Strengthen teamwork skills.
19 Conversation “Who feels good in winter”
Outdoor game "Who didn't have enough mittens." Teach children to perform play actions that correspond to the task.

20 Learning the nursery rhyme “My Family” (Developing fine motor skills p.9).
We develop an understanding of love for family. Learning to memorize using drawing techniques
21 Memorizing a poem by February 23
We learn poems for dad and grandfather using drawing techniques.
22 Acting out the fairy tale “Teremok”. Teach children to imitate fairy tale characters. Feel the fairy tale in life. Understanding the beginning and end of a fairy tale.
23 Reading the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut” To form an interest in the text of the fairy tale, to develop the ability to empathize with the characters.

24 Memorizing a poem for March 8 Memorizing poems using drawing techniques
25 Finger play, poem “Pies” (Developing fine motor skills p. 51). Encourage interest in listening. Ability to work by imitation.
26 Reading and discussion of the nursery rhyme “Sun”. (Development of fine motor skills, p. 50) Enrich children’s speech, show the melodiousness and melody of the nursery rhyme.
Develop the ability to play together.

27 Fairytale warm-up - reading an excerpt from the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut” - children guess the name).
Develop attentive listening skills, comprehend text and content meaningfully.
28 Didactic material “Who has what house”
P / game "Occupy your house." Develop the ability to perform exercises correctly.
To form an emotional perception and interest in the fairy tale we are playing.
29 Nursery rhyme “Boat”, (Development of fine motor skills, p. 62) Encourage children to repeat exercises and play with each other. Develop observation skills.
30 Poem “Rainbow” (Development of fine motor skills, p. 52) We develop the ability to correctly perform finger movements and develop memory. We maintain a positive emotional mood.
31 Attention exercise (Who is gone), poem “Sparrows” (Development of fine motor skills p. 64) Develop attention, memory, finger movement.

32 Game “Magic transformations” (using
costume elements) To develop children's powers of observation,
logic, attention. The ability to yield to peers in the game.
33 Entertainment lesson “Magic walk through the spring
forest" To develop children's behavior skills in a team.
34 Tea drinking - “exam”, (conversation - what are fairy tales)
Reply to questions asked. Friendly atmosphere
allowing you to believe in a fairy tale.

Requirements for the level of training:

By the end of the year, children should learn:
Show interest and love for books, works,
artistic expression;
Listen to literary text and react emotionally
on its contents;
Perform basic game actions appropriate
familiar text;
Recognize and name familiar characters from literary works
in illustrations;
Accompany the work with gestures, individual words, sentences;
Find a book with a given fairy tale, making an independent choice
from several available (three - four).
Also, by the end of the year, children will master the technique of memorizing poetry, which
It will be very useful for them in their further education.

List of teaching aids; material –
poems, works of art, folklore, fairy tales;
illustrations, albums, postcards;
desktop, finger, puppet theater;
educational games;
elements of theatrical costume.