What is a family according to Tolstoy? “What is an ideal family in the understanding of L. N. Tolstoy according to the novel “War and Peace”? caring attitude towards family

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 2 s. Divnoe G.A. Zavarukhina Subject:"What's happened perfect family in the understanding of L.N. Tolstoy (based on the novel "War and Peace"?

Target: show that Tolstoy's ideal is the patriarchal family with its sacred

care of elders for younger ones and younger ones for elders, with skill

everyone in the family gives more than they take, with relationships,

built on “goodness and truth”,

develop students’ ability to summarize what they read,

cultivate a caring attitude toward one’s home, family, and her


Equipment: portrait of L.N. Tolstoy, texts, cards - tasks,
What does it take to be happy? Quiet family life...

with the opportunity to do good to people...

L.N. Tolstoy

My ideal is the life of simple working people,

the one that makes life, and the meaning that

he gives it to her.

L.N. Tolstoy

During the classes

  1. Presentation of the topic
Guys! Today we have an interesting lesson. Please see what problem we will try to solve. Do you think this problem is relevant? Why? L.N. Tolstoy argued that “people are like rivers”: each has its own channel, its own source. And this source is the home, the family, its traditions.

Family... What should it be like? This is a difficult question, but you can handle it.

How will our lesson go?


1.Work in groups on the problem.

2. Posting of results.

3.Work on the project “The Ideal Family in the Understanding of Leo Tolstoy.”

4. Presentation of projects.

5. Reflective moment.

Guys! Please read the epigraph that I wrote on the board. Try to answer why I decided to introduce you to these particular words of the writer?

So what is the ideal of family in the understanding of Leo Tolstoy? Before you start working on a problem, read the assignment you will be doing. First, everyone think about the question. You have 2 minutes.

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 2 s. Divnoe G.A. Zavarukhina
Choose who will be your “generator” of ideas today, please exchange opinions and present your conclusions in a diagram.

  1. Work in groups.

  1. What are the features of the Rostov family?

  2. How is the Bolkonsky family different from the Rostov family?

  3. Family of Pierre and Natasha. On what principles were relationships in their family built?

  4. Family life of Marya and Nikolai Rostov?

  1. Advertising.
Guys! When presenting the results of the groups' work, you need to find common features and differences.

  1. Project work.
Thank you. As we can see, all four families have common features. Now we will work on the project: “The ideal family in the understanding of Leo Tolstoy.” Write down what are the hallmarks of an ideal family.

  1. Presentation of projects.

You presented us with an ideal family in the understanding of Leo Tolstoy. Let's now write down the distinguishing features by summarizing your projects.

Love for children Understanding



Honesty, Patriotism



souls Closeness to the people Naturalness

Guys, there is one more feature of such a family. Let's go back to the epigraph. What is the writer talking about! What does it have to do with the topic of our conversation! This means that closeness to the people is mandatory. Write it down.

Tell me, can we say the same about family today? What qualities are we missing? Or maybe our family doesn’t need all this?

  1. Reflection.
Guys, you will also have a family in the future, and it depends on each of you what it should be like. I will be very grateful if you share your thoughts with me. Please complete this sentence:

Reflecting on what an ideal family is, I realized that...

8. Lesson summary

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 2 s. Divnoe G.A. Zavarukhina

Our lesson has come to an end. We found out what it is like, an ideal family in Tolstoy’s understanding. And even though we are different, there still remains in the family the sacred care of the elders for the younger and the younger for the elders, the ability of everyone in the family to give more than to take, to build relationships on truth and goodness.

I hope that our conversation today will help you create a good family in the future. I won’t give grades for work in class: life will grade them itself. And in order for our conversation to be completed, I offer you as homework write a mini-essay

How often Tolstoy uses the word family, family to designate the Rostov house! What a warm light and comfort emanates from this word, so familiar and kind to everyone! Behind this word is peace, harmony, love.

How are the Bolkonsky house and the Rostov house similar?

(First of all, the feeling of family, spiritual kinship, patriarchal way of life (general feelings of grief or joy embrace not only family members, but even their servants: “The Rostov footmen joyfully rushed to take off his (Pierre’s) cloak and take his stick and hat,” “Nicholas takes money from Gavrila for a cab driver"; the Rostovs' valet is as devoted to the Rostovs' house as Alpatych is to the Bolkonskys' house. On Nikolin’s day, on the prince’s name day, all of Moscow was at the entrance of his (Bolkonsky) house...” “The prince’s house was not what is called “light,” but it was such a small circle that, although no one had heard of it. in the city, but in which it was most flattering to be accepted...".)

Name the distinctive feature of the Bolkonsky and Rostov houses.

(Hospitality - distinguishing feature of these houses: “Even in Otradnoye there were up to 400 guests,” in Bald Mountains - up to a hundred guests four times a year. Natasha, Nikolai, Petya are honest, sincere, frank with each other; they open their souls to their parents, hoping for complete mutual understanding (Natasha - to her mother about loving herself; Nikolai - to her father even about losing 43 thousand; Petya - to everyone at home about her desire to go to war...); Andrei and Marya are friendly (Andrei tells his father about his wife). Both families are distinguished by the enormous care of their parents for their children: Rostova, the eldest, hesitates between the choice - carts for the wounded or family heirlooms (the future material security of the children). A warrior son is a mother's pride. She is involved in raising children: tutors, balls, outings, youth evenings, Natasha's singing, music, preparation for studying at Petit University; plans about their future family, children. The Rostovs and Bolkonskys love their children more than themselves: Rostova, the eldest, cannot bear the death of her husband and the younger Petya; old Bolkonsky loves children passionately and reverently, even his severity and exactingness comes only from the desire for good for the children.)

Why is the personality of old man Bolkonsky interesting to Tolstoy and to us, the readers?

(Bolkonsky attracts both Tolstoy and modern readers with his originality. “An old man with keen, intelligent eyes,” “with the brilliance of smart and young eyes,” “inspiring a feeling of respect and even fear,” “he was harsh and invariably demanding.” A friend of Kutuzov, he Even in his youth, he received the title of general-in-chief. And disgraced, he never ceased to be interested in politics. His energetic mind requires an outlet, honoring only two human virtues: “activity and intelligence,” “he was constantly busy either writing his memoirs or making calculations.” higher mathematics, either turning snuff boxes on a machine, or working in the garden and supervising buildings...” “He himself was involved in raising his daughter.” Proud and adamant, the prince asks his son to “transmit notes... to the sovereign after... my death.” And for the Academy he has prepared a prize for the one who writes the history of Suvorov’s wars... Here are my remarks, read for yourself after me, you will find it useful. "

He creates a militia, arms people, tries to be useful, to put his military experience into practice. Nikolai Andreevich sees in his heart the sacredness of his son and himself helps him in a difficult conversation about the wife he is leaving and his unborn child.

And the year unfinished by the old prince to test the feelings of Andrei and Natasha is also an attempt to protect the feeling of his son from accidents and troubles: “There was a son whom it was a pity to give to the girl.”

The old prince took care of the upbringing and education of his children himself, not trusting or entrusting this to anyone.)

Why is Bolkonsky demanding of his daughter to the point of despotism?

(The key to the solution is in the phrase of Nikolai Andreevich himself: “And I don’t want you to be like our stupid young ladies.” He considers idleness and superstition to be the source of human vices. And the main condition for activity is order. A father, proud of his son’s intelligence, knows that between Marya and Andrey there is not only complete mutual understanding, but also sincere friendship based on unity of thoughts... He understands how rich he is. spiritual world his daughter; knows how beautiful she can be in moments of emotional excitement. That is why the arrival and matchmaking of the Kuragins, this “stupid, heartless breed,” is so painful for him.)

When and how will paternal pride manifest itself in Princess Marya?

(She will be able to refuse Anatoly Kuragin, whom her father brought to woo the Bolkonskys; she will indignantly reject the patronage of the French general Rom; she will be able to suppress her pride in the scene of farewell to the bankrupt Nikolai Rostov: “don’t deprive me of your friendship.” She will even say in her father’s phrase: “To me It will hurt.")

How does the Bolkonsky breed manifest itself in Prince Andrei?

(Like his father. Andrei will be disillusioned with the world and will go into the army. The son will want to realize his father’s dream of a perfect military manual, but Andrei’s work will not be appreciated. Kutuzov will appoint the son of a service comrade as an adjutant and will write to Nikolai Andreevich that Andrei promises to be an outstanding officer. The courage and personal courage of the young Bolkonsky in the Battle of Austerlitz does not lead the hero to the heights of personal glory, and participation in the Battle of Shengraben convinces that true heroism is modest, and the hero is outwardly ordinary. Andrei’s conviction, “owed to the success of the day,” was ridiculed and punished at a meeting of officers. Only Andrei will stand up for him and be able to go against the general opinion.

Andrei’s work is as tireless as his father’s work... Work in the Speransky commission, an attempt to draw up and approve his plan for the deployment of troops at Shengraben, the liberation of the peasants, and the improvement of their living conditions. But during the war, the son, like his father, sees his main interest in the general course of military affairs.)

In what scenes will the feeling of fatherhood in the old man Bolkonsky manifest itself with particular force?

(Nikolai Andreevich does not trust anyone not only with his fate, but even with the upbringing of his children. With what “outer calm and inner malice” does he agree to Andrei’s marriage to Natasha; the impossibility of being separated from Princess Marya pushes him to desperate, evil, bilious actions: The groom will tell his daughter: “... there is no point in disfiguring himself - and he was insulted by the Kuragins’ matchmaking for his daughter. The insult was most painful, because it did not apply to him, to his daughter, whom he loved more than himself.”)

Re-read the lines about how the old man reacts to his son’s declaration of love for Rostova: he screams, then “plays the subtle diplomat”; the same techniques as when the Kuragins were matchmaking with Marya.

How will Marya embody her father's ideal of a family?

(She will become demanding of her children like a father, observing their behavior, encouraging them good deeds and punishing those who are evil. A wise wife, she will be able to instill in Nikolai the need to consult with himself, and noticing that his sympathies are on the side of his youngest daughter, Natasha, she reproaches him for this. She will reproach herself for what she thinks is not enough love for her nephew, but we know that Marya is too pure of soul and honest, that she never betrayed the memory of her beloved brother, that for her Nikolenka is a continuation of Prince Andrei. She will call her eldest son “Andryusha.”)

How does Tolstoy prove his idea that if there is no moral core in parents, there will not be one in children either?

(Vasil Kuragin is the father of three children, but all his dreams come down to one thing: to find a better place for them, to sell them off. All the Kuragins easily endure the shame of matchmaking. Anatole, who accidentally met Marya on the day of the matchmaking, holds Burien in his arms. Helen calmly and frozen With a smile, the beauty was condescending towards the idea of ​​her family and friends to marry her to Pierre. He, Anatole, was only slightly annoyed. unsuccessful attempt take Natasha away. Only once will their “control” change for them: Helen will scream for fear of being killed by Pierre, and her brother will cry like a woman who has lost his leg. Their calm comes from indifference to everyone except themselves: Anatole “had the ability of calm and unchangeable confidence, precious to the world.” Their spiritual callousness and meanness will be branded by the most honest and delicate Pierre, and therefore the accusation from his lips will sound like a shot: “Where you are, there is depravity, evil.”

They are alien to Tolstoy's ethics. Egoists are closed only to themselves. Barren flowers. Nothing will be born from them, because in a family one must be able to give others the warmth of the soul and care. They only know how to take: “I’m not a fool to give birth to children” (Helen), “We need to take a girl while she’s still a flower in the bud” (Anatole).)

Marriages of convenience... Will they become a family in Tolstoy's sense of the word?

(The dream of Drubetsky and Berg came true: they married successfully. In their houses everything is the same as in all rich houses. Everything is as it should be: comme il faut. But the rebirth of the heroes does not occur. There are no feelings. The soul is silent.)

But a true feeling of love regenerates Tolstoy’s favorite heroes. Describe it.

(Even the “thinking” Prince Andrei, in love with Natasha, seems different to Pierre: “Prince Andrei seemed and was a completely different, new person.”

For Andrey, Natasha’s love is everything: “happiness, hope, light.” “This feeling is stronger than me.” “I wouldn’t believe anyone who told me that I could love like that.” “I can’t help but love the world, it’s not my fault,” “I’ve never experienced anything like this.” “Prince Andrei, with a radiant, enthusiastic and renewed face, stopped in front of Pierre...”

Natasha responds to Andrei’s love with all her heart: “But this, this has never happened to me.” “I can’t bear the separation”...

Natasha comes to life after Andrei’s death under the rays of Pierre’s love: “The whole face, gait, look, voice - everything suddenly changed in her. The power of life, unexpected for her, hopes for happiness surfaced and demanded satisfaction,” “The change... surprised Princess Marya.”

Nikolai “drew closer and closer to his wife, discovering new spiritual treasures in her every day.” He is happy with his wife’s spiritual superiority over him and strives to be better.

The hitherto unknown happiness of love for her husband and children makes Marya even more attentive, kinder and more gentle: “I would never, never believe,” she whispered to herself, “that you could be so happy.”

And Marya worries about her husband’s temper, she worries painfully, to the point of tears: “She never cried from pain or annoyance, but always from sadness and pity. And when she cried radiant eyes it acquired an irresistible charm.” In her face, “suffering and loving,” Nikolai now finds answers to the questions that torment him, he is proud of him and is afraid of losing her.

After separation, Natasha meets Pierre; her conversation with her husband takes a new path, contrary to all the laws of logic... Already because at the same time they were talking about completely different subjects... This was the surest sign that “they completely understand each other.”)

Love gives vigilance to their souls, strength to their feelings.

They can sacrifice everything for their loved one, for the happiness of others. Pierre belongs undividedly to the family, and she belongs to him. Natasha leaves all her hobbies. She has something more important, the most precious thing - family. And the family cares about its main talent - the talent of care, understanding, love. They: Pierre, Natasha, Marya, Nikolai - the embodiment of family thought in the novel.

But Tolstoy’s “family” epithet itself is much broader and deeper. Can you prove it?

(Yes, the family circle is Raevsky’s battery; the father and children are Captain Tushin and his batteries; “everyone looked like children”; the father of the soldiers is Kutuzov. And the girl Malashka Kutuzov is the grandfather. That’s how she will call the commander in a related way. Kutuzov, having learned from Andrei about the death of Nikolai Andreevich, he will say that now the father for the prince is him. The soldiers stopped saying Kamensky - father to Kutuzov - father “A son worried about the fate of the Motherland,” - Bagration, who in a letter to Arakcheev will express his son’s concern and love. to Russia.

And the Russian army is also a family, with a special, deep sense of brotherhood, unity in the face of common misfortune. The exponent of the people's worldview in the novel is Platon Karataev. He, with his fatherly, fatherly attitude towards everyone, became for Pierre and for us the ideal of serving people, the ideal of kindness, conscientiousness, a model of “moral” life - life according to God, life “for everyone”.

Therefore, together with Pierre, we ask Karataev: “What would he approve of?” And we hear Pierre’s answer to Natasha: “I would approve of our family life. He so wanted to see beauty, happiness, tranquility in everything, and I would proudly show him us.” It is in the family that Pierre comes to the conclusion: “...if vicious people are connected with each other and constitute a force, then honest people only need to do the same. It’s so simple.”)

Perhaps Pierre was raised outside the family, and it was his family that he placed at the center of his future life?

(What is amazing about him, a man, is his childlike conscientiousness, sensitivity, ability to respond with his heart to the pain of another person and alleviate his suffering. “Pierre smiled with his kind smile,” “Pierre sat awkwardly in the middle of the living room,” “he was shy.” He feels his mother’s despair who lost her child in burning Moscow; empathizes with the grief of Marya, who lost her brother; he considers himself obligated to reassure Anatole and asks him to leave, and in the salon of Scherer and his wife he will deny rumors about Natasha’s escape with Anatole. Therefore, the goal of his public service is good, “active.” virtue".)

In which scenes of the novel does this property of Pierre’s soul manifest itself especially clearly?

(Both Nikolai and Andrei call Pierre a big child. Bolkonsky will entrust the secret of love for Natasha to him, Pierre. He will entrust Natasha, the bride, to him. He will advise her to turn to him, Pierre, in difficult times. “With a heart of gold,” a glorious fellow , Pierre will be a real friend in the novel. It is with him that Natasha’s aunt Akhrosimova will consult regarding her beloved niece. But it is he, Pierre, who will introduce Andrei and Natasha at the first adult ball in her life. He will notice the confusion of Natasha’s feelings, which no one invited. dance, and will ask his friend Andrey to engage her.)

What are the similarities and differences between the mental structure of Pierre and Natasha?

(The structure of the soul of Natasha and Pierre is in many ways similar. Pierre, in an intimate conversation with Andrei, confesses to a friend: “I feel that, besides me, spirits live above me and that there is truth in this world,” “we lived and will live forever there, in everything (he pointed to the sky).” Natasha “knows” that in her former life everyone was an angel. Pierre (he is older) was the first to feel this connection and involuntarily worried about Natasha’s fate: he was happy and for some reason sad, when he listened to Andrei’s confession of love for Rostova, he seemed to be afraid of something.

But Natasha will also be afraid for herself and for Andrei: “I’m so afraid for him and for myself, and for everything I’m afraid...” And Andrei’s feeling of love for her will be mixed with a feeling of fear and responsibility for the fate of this girl.

This will not be the feeling for Pierre and Natasha. Love will revive their souls. There will be no room for doubt in the soul, everything will be filled with love.

But the insightful Tolstoy saw that even at the age of 13, Natasha, with her responsiveness to everything truly beautiful and good at heart Pierre noted: at the table she looks from Boris Drubetsky, whom she vowed to “love until the very end,” to Pierre; Pierre is the first adult man whom he invites to dance; it is for Pierre that the girl Natasha takes a fan and pretends to be an adult. "I love him so much".

The “unchanging moral certainty” of Natasha and Pierre can be traced throughout the entire novel. “He did not want to curry public favor,” he built his life on internal personal foundations: hopes, aspirations, goals, which were based on the same family interests; Natasha does what her heart tells her. In essence, Tolstoy emphasizes that “doing good” for his favorite heroes means responding “purely intuitively, with heart and soul” to others. Natasha and Pierre sense and understand, “with their characteristic sensitivity of heart,” the slightest falsehood. At the age of 15, Natasha says to her brother Nikolai: “Don’t be angry, but I know that you won’t marry her (Sonya). “Natasha, with her sensitivity, also noticed her brother’s condition,” “She knew how to understand what was ... in every Russian person,” Natasha “doesn’t understand anything” about Pierre’s sciences, but attributes great importance to them. They never “take advantage” of anyone and call for only one type of connection - spiritual kinship. They truly feel it, experience it: they cry, scream, laugh, share secrets, despair and again look for the meaning of life in caring for others.)

What is the importance of children in the Rostov and Bezukhov families?

(Children for people “non-family” are a cross, a burden, a burden. And only for family people they are happiness, the meaning of life, life itself. How glad the Rostovs are to return from the front on vacation to Nicholas, their favorite and hero! With what love and care they take on the hands of the children Nikolai and Pierre! Do you remember the same expression on the face of Nikolai and his favorite - black-eyed Natasha? Do you remember with what love Natasha peers into her dear features? youngest son, finding him similar to Pierre? Marya is happy in her family. Not one like the happy ones family paintings we will not find it among the Kuragins, Drubetskys, Bergs, Karagins. Remember, Drubetsky was “unpleasant to remember his childhood love for Natasha,” and all the Rostovs are absolutely happy only at home: “Everyone shouted, talked, kissed Nikolai at the same time,” here, at home, among his relatives, Nikolai is happy as I haven't been happy for a year and a half. Family world for Tolstoy's favorite heroes - the world of childhood. In the most difficult moments of their lives, Andrei and Nikolai remember their relatives: Andrei on the Austerlitz Field remembers home, Marya; under bullets - about the father's order. Wounded Rostov, in moments of oblivion, sees his home and all his friends. These heroes are living people we understand. Their experiences, grief, joy cannot but touch.)

Can we say that the heroes of the novel have a child's soul?

(They, the author’s favorite heroes, have their own world, a high world of goodness and beauty, a children’s pure world. Into the world winter's tale Natasha and Nikolai transport themselves to Christmas Eve. In a magical waking dream, 15-year-old Petya Rostov spends the last night of his life at the front. “Come on, our Matvevna,” Tushin said to himself. “Matvevna” was represented in his imagination as a cannon (large, extreme, ancient casting...). And the world of music also unites the heroes, elevating and spiritualizing them. Petya Rostov leads an invisible orchestra in a dream, “Princess Marya played the clavichord,” teaches Natasha to sing famous Italian. Nikolai comes out of a moral impasse (losing to Dolokhov by 43 thousand!) under the influence of his sister’s singing. And books play an important role in the lives of these heroes. Andrey is stocking up on books in Brünn “for a hike.” Nikolai made it a rule not to buy a new book without reading the old ones first. We will see Marya, Natasha and never Helen with a book in their hands.)

IV. Results.

Tolstoy associates even the purest word “childish” with the word “family.” “Rostov again entered into this family Child's world"... "Rostov felt as if under the influence of these bright rays of Natasha's love, for the first time in a year and a half. That childish and pure smile blossomed in his soul and on his face, which he had never smiled with since he left home.” Pierre has a childish smile. Junker Nikolai Rostov has a childish, enthusiastic face.

The childishness of the soul (purity, naivety, naturalness) that a person preserves is, according to Tolstoy, the heart - the fault of morality, the essence of beauty in a person:

Andrei, on Pratsenskaya Heights, with a banner in his hands, raises a soldier behind him: “Guys, go ahead! - he shouted in a child’s voice.”

Andrei Kutuzov will look at Andrei Kutuzov with childish, unhappy eyes, having learned about the death of the elder Bolkonsky, his comrade in arms. Marya will respond with a childish expression of extreme resentment (tears) to outbursts of her husband’s causeless anger.

They, these heroes, even have confidential, homely vocabulary. The word “darling” is pronounced by the Rostovs, the Bolkonskys, Tushin, and Kutuzov. Therefore, class barriers are broken, and the soldiers at Raevsky’s battery accepted Pierre into their family and nicknamed him our master; Nikolai and Petya easily join the officer’s family; the families of the young Rostovs, Natasha and Nikolai, are very friendly. The family develops in them the best feelings - love and dedication.

"People's Thought" in the novel "War and Peace". Historical plan in the novel. Images of Kutuzov and Napoleon. The combination of the personal and the general in the novel. The meaning of the image of Platon Karataev.

Target: generalize throughout the novel the role of the people in history, the author’s attitude towards the people.

During the classes

The lesson-lecture is conducted according to plan with the recording of theses:

I. Gradual change and deepening of the concept and theme of the novel “War and Peace.”

II. “People's thought” is the main idea of ​​the novel.

1. The main conflicts of the novel.

2. Tearing off all kinds of masks from court and staff lackeys and drones.

3. “Russian at heart” ( The best part noble society in the novel. Kutuzov as leader people's war).

4. Depiction of the moral greatness of the people and the liberating nature of the people's war of 1812.

III. The immortality of the novel "War and Peace".

For the work to be good,

you have to love the main, fundamental idea in it.

In "War and Peace" I loved popular thought,

due to the War of 1812.

L. N. Tolstoy

Lecture material

L. N. Tolstoy, based on his statement, considered “folk thought” main idea novel "War and Peace". This is a novel about the destinies of people, about the fate of Russia, about the people's feat, about the reflection of history in a person.

The main conflicts of the novel - Russia's struggle against Napoleonic aggression and the clash of the best part of the nobility, expressing national interests, with court lackeys and staff drones, pursuing selfish, selfish interests both in the years of peace and in the years of war - are connected with the theme of the people's war.

“I tried to write the history of the people,” said Tolstoy. Main character Romana - people; a people thrown into a war of 1805 that was alien to its interests, unnecessary and incomprehensible, a people who rose up in 1812 to defend their Motherland from foreign invaders and defeated in a just, liberating war a huge enemy army led by a hitherto invincible commander, a people united by a great goal - “cleanse your land from invasion.”

There are more than a hundred in the novel crowd scenes, over two hundred named people from the people act in it, but the significance of the image of the people is determined, of course, not by this, but by the fact that all important events in the novel are assessed by the author from a popular point of view. Tolstoy expresses the popular assessment of the war of 1805 in the words of Prince Andrei: “Why did we lose the battle at Austerlitz? There was no need for us to fight there: we wanted to leave the battlefield as quickly as possible.” The popular assessment of the Battle of Borodino, when the hand of the strongest enemy in spirit was laid on the French, is expressed by the writer at the end of Part I of Vol. III of the novel: “The moral strength of the French attacking army was exhausted. Not the victory that is determined by the pieces of material picked up on sticks called banners, and by the space on which the troops stood and are standing, but a moral victory, one that convinces the enemy of the moral superiority of his enemy and of his own powerlessness, was won by the Russians under Borodin."

“People's thought” is present everywhere in the novel. We clearly feel it in the merciless “tearing off masks” that Tolstoy resorts to when painting the Kuragins, Rostopchin, Arakcheev, Bennigsen, Drubetsky, Julie Karagin and others. Their calm, luxurious St. Petersburg life went on as before.

Often social life is presented through the prism of popular views. Remember the scene of the opera and ballet performance at which Natasha Rostova meets Helen and Anatoly Kuragin (vol. II, part V, chapters 9-10). “After the village... all this was wild and surprising to her. ... -... she felt either ashamed of the actors or funny for them.” The performance is depicted as if it is being watched by an observant peasant with a healthy sense of beauty, surprised at how absurdly the gentlemen are amusing themselves.

“People's thought” is felt more clearly where heroes close to the people are depicted: Tushin and Timokhin, Natasha and Princess Marya, Pierre and Prince Andrei - they are all Russian at heart.

It is Tushin and Timokhin who are shown as the true heroes of the Battle of Shengraben; victory in the Battle of Borodino, according to Prince Andrei, will depend on the feeling that is in him, in Timokhin and in every soldier. “Tomorrow, no matter what, we will win the battle!” - says Prince Andrei, and Timokhin agrees with him: “Here, your Excellency, the truth, the true truth.”

In many scenes of the novel, both Natasha and Pierre act as bearers of popular feeling and “people’s thought,” who understood the “hidden warmth of patriotism” that was in the militia and soldiers on the eve and on the day of the Battle of Borodino; Pierre, who, according to the servants, “was taken a simpleton” in captivity, and Prince Andrei, when he became “our prince” for the soldiers of his regiment.

Tolstoy portrays Kutuzov as a man who embodied the spirit of the people. Kutuzov is a truly people's commander. Expressing the needs, thoughts and feelings of the soldiers, he appears during the review at Braunau, and during the Battle of Austerlitz, and during the war of liberation of 1812. “Kutuzov,” writes Tolstoy, “with all his Russian being knew and felt what every Russian soldier felt...” During the War of 1812, all his efforts were directed towards one goal - purification native land from the invaders. On behalf of the people, Kutuzov rejects Lauriston's proposal for a truce. He understands and repeatedly says that battle of Borodino there is victory; understanding like no one else, folk character war of 1812, he supports Denisov’s proposed plan for the deployment of partisan actions. It was his understanding of the people’s feelings that forced the people to choose this old man, who was in disgrace, as the leader of the people’s war against the will of the tsar.

Also, “people's thought” was fully manifested in the depiction of the heroism and patriotism of the Russian people and army in the days Patriotic War 1812. Tolstoy shows extraordinary tenacity, courage and fearlessness of the soldiers and the best part of the officers. He writes that not only Napoleon and his generals, but all the soldiers of the French army experienced in the Battle of Borodino “a feeling of horror in front of that enemy who, having lost half the army, stood just as menacingly at the end as at the beginning of the battle.”

The War of 1812 was not like other wars. Tolstoy showed how the “club of the people’s war” rose, painted numerous images of partisans, and among them - the memorable image of the peasant Tikhon Shcherbaty. We see patriotism civilians who left Moscow, abandoned and destroyed their property. “They went because for the Russian people there could be no question: whether it would be good or bad under the control of the French in Moscow. You can’t be under French rule: that was the worst thing.”

Thus, reading the novel, we are convinced that the writer judges the great events of the past, the life and morals of various strata of Russian society, individual people, war and peace from the position of popular interests. And this is the “folk thought” that Tolstoy loved in his novel.

1. Complex epic canvas.
2. Ideal family and relationships.
3. Disadvantages of other families.
4. Family as the highest embodiment of human happiness.

Life gives a person best case scenario one single unique moment, and the secret of happiness is to repeat this moment as often as possible.
O. Wilde

L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” is a complex epic canvas that combines bright, lively pictures of private life and scenes of battles. The novel arouses genuine interest among readers. It is difficult to find another work that could compare with the novel of this writer.

Often, readers are attracted to the work not only by battle scenes and historical realities, but by the everyday life of a noble family. In fact, it is impossible not to admire the strength of the Rostov family ties. We see how much attention and care they showed the children. It is impossible not to admire Natasha, in whom the writer embodied his moral ideal women.

The image of Natasha is not static. She grows and develops. At the beginning of the novel she is a child, and at the end she is an adult woman whose whole life is focused on children. The Rostov family are exceptional people. They are smart, educated, intelligent. Their life is easy and serene. It seems like it will always be like this. However, the war changes everything. And the Rostovs face many trials and sorrows. Tolstoy tried to show an ideal family. And he succeeded.

The Rostovs have a surprisingly touching attitude towards each other. They are lenient towards the weaknesses of loved ones and do not demand too much from their relatives. And they give each other genuine love, sincere care. Any problems and troubles do not affect the family atmosphere; mutual understanding still reigns in their home. The Rostov family are exceptional people. They are smart, educated, intelligent. Their life is easy and serene. It seems like it will always be like this. However, the war changes everything. And the Rostovs face many trials and sorrows. At the same time, it is impossible not to admire their decision to give carts for the wounded. At the same time, the Rostovs cannot help but understand that they will be ruined, because they were going to take out their own property on carts. Before his death, the count, “sobbing, asked for forgiveness from his wife and in absentia from his son for the ruin of his estate - the main guilt that he felt for himself.”

Deserves close attention the way Natasha takes care of her mother after Petya’s death. The death of her son overnight turned a blooming woman into an old woman. The Countess practically went crazy. Natasha does not leave her mother's side. “She alone could keep her mother from insane despair. For three weeks Natasha lived hopelessly with her mother, slept in a chair in her room, gave her water, fed her and talked to her incessantly - she talked because her gentle, caressing voice alone calmed the countess.” It was very difficult for Natasha herself during this period. After all, she had the opportunity to care for the dying Bolkonsky, which was not an easy test for a young girl. The death of his brother was another blow. But the need to take care of her mother makes Natasha stronger. “Love has awakened, and life has awakened.” The girl willingly sacrifices herself to help her mother.

At the end of the novel, Tolstoy showed his ideal of a wife and mother of a family, embodying it in Natasha. She is completely immersed in her family, living in the interests of her husband and children. Let Natasha no longer have it external beauty and charm, but she has boundless love for her own family. Natasha is alien to the desire for entertainment, idleness, and fun. She only thinks about the well-being of the children. “The subject into which Natasha was completely immersed was the family, that is, the husband, who had to be kept so that he inseparably belonged to her, to the house, and children, who had to be carried, given birth, fed, raised. And the more she delved, not with her mind, but with her whole soul, with her whole being, into the object that occupied her, the more this object grew under her attention, and the weaker and more insignificant her powers seemed to her, so that she concentrated them all on one thing and the same thing, and still didn’t have time to do everything she thought she needed.” According to Tolstoy, true human happiness is love and mutual understanding of the family. And everything else seems unnecessary. That is why Natasha, at the end of the novel, “did not like society at all, but she especially valued the company of her relatives - Countess Marya, brother, mother and Sonya.”

In the novel, in addition to the Rostov family, there are images of other families. However, their relationship is completely different. For example, a strict and cold atmosphere reigned in the Bolkonsky family, which could not but affect Marya’s character. It’s hard for the girl in her father’s house, she lives with her heart, which did not meet with understanding from her father. Old man Bolkonsky lives the “life of the mind”; there is no warmth or kindness in him. He is very despotic, which even affects his relationship with his own children.

In the Kuragin family, only external decency is observed. The prince has no true feelings towards his own children. Each member of the Kuragin family is accustomed to loneliness and does not feel the need for support from loved ones. Relations in the Kuragin family are false and hypocritical. The author's true attitude towards them is obvious. Relations in the Kuragin family cannot be compared with relations in the Rostov family.

The Berg family, according to the writer, is far from ideal. Tolstoy emphasizes that Berg is a real bourgeois with everyone negative qualities. He tries to use the war for his own needs, to strive to gain as much benefit as possible. Bergs strive to conform to the canons accepted in society. It is no coincidence that the Bergs’ evening is very similar “to any other evening with conversations, tea and lit candles.” Faith, brought up in the traditions of the family, from youth seems unpleasant, because it is indifferent, selfish and arrogant.

Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya and her son always strived for material well-being. In the Drubetsky family, financial interests were put in first place; any action was used for the sake of profit. Boris does not resist his mother's will and adopts her style of behavior. The Drubetskys are not capable of sincere feelings, for true friendship.

The strength of family ties for Tolstoy is determined primarily by his attitude towards children. It is no coincidence that Marya Bolkonskaya and Natasha Rostova become much happier after the birth of children. Their images are harmonious, unlike the secular beauty Helen. She refuses motherhood and dies, useless to anyone. The Kuragin family ends with her.

Unique moments of life that give happiness must be repeated. And for some people this is exactly what happens. Reading Tolstoy's novel War and Peace, it is impossible not to think about this. In the finale, the writer portrays for real happy people. These are Pierre and Natasha, as well as Nikolai Rostov and Marya Bolkonskaya.

Family for Tolstoy is the soil for the formation human soul, and at the same time in “War and Peace” the introduction family theme is one of the ways to organize text. The atmosphere of the house, the family nest, according to the writer, determines the psychology, views and even the fate of the heroes. That is why, in the system of all the main images of the novel, L. N. Tolstoy identifies several families, in the example of which it is clearly expressed author's attitude to the ideal of the hearth - these are the Bolkonskys, Rostovs and Kuragins.
At the same time, the Bolkonskys and Rostovs are not just families, they are a whole way of life, a way of life based on Russians national traditions. Probably, these features are most fully manifested in the life of the Rostovs - a noble-naive family, living by feelings and impulsive impulses, combining a serious attitude towards family honor (Nikolai Rostov does not refuse his father’s debts), and cordiality, and the warmth of intra-family relationships, and hospitality and hospitality, always characteristic of Russian people.
The kindness and carefree nature of the Rostov family extends not only to its members; even a stranger to them, Andrei Bolkonsky, finding himself in Otradnoye, struck by the naturalness and cheerfulness of Natasha Rostova, strives to change his life. And, probably, the brightest and most characteristic representative of the Rostov breed is Natasha. In her naturalness, ardor, naivety and some superficiality - the essence of family.
Such purity of relationships and high morality make the Rostovs related to representatives of another noble family in the novel - the Bolkonskys. But this breed has the main qualities opposite to those of Rostov. Everything is subordinated to reason, honor and duty. It is these principles that the sensual Rostovs probably cannot accept and understand.
The feeling of family superiority and dignity itself is clearly expressed in Marya - after all, she, more than all the Bolkonskys, inclined to hide her feelings, considered the marriage of her brother and Natasha Rostova unsuitable.
But along with this, one cannot fail to note the role of duty to the Fatherland in the life of this family - protecting the interests of the state is higher for them than even personal happiness. Andrei Bolkonsky leaves at a time when his wife is about to give birth; the old prince, in a fit of patriotism, forgetting about his daughter, rushes to defend the Fatherland.
And at the same time, it must be said that in the Bolkonskys’ relationship there is, albeit deeply hidden, natural and sincere love, hidden under the mask of coldness and arrogance.
The straight, proud Bolkonskys are not at all like the cozy and homely Rostovs, and that is why the unity of these two families, in Tolstoy’s view, is possible only between the most uncharacteristic representatives of the families (the marriage between Nikolai Rostov and Princess Marya), which is why the meeting of Natasha Rostova and Andrei Bolkonsky in Mytishchi serves not to connect and correct their relationships, but to replenish and clarify them. This is precisely the reason for the solemnity and pathos of their relationship in the last days of Andrei Bolkonsky’s life.
The low, “mean” breed of Kuragins is not at all like these two families; they can hardly even be called a family: there is no love between them, there is only the mother’s envy of her daughter, Prince Vasily’s contempt for his sons: the “calm fool” Hippolyte and the “restless fool” Anatoly. Their closeness is the mutual responsibility of selfish people; their appearance, often in a romantic aura, causes crises in other families.
Anatole, a symbol of freedom for Natasha, freedom from the restrictions of the patriarchal world and at the same time from the boundaries of what is permitted, from the moral framework of what is permissible...
In this “breed,” unlike the Rostovs and Bolkonskys, there is no cult of the child, no reverent attitude towards him.
But this family of Napoleon intriguers disappears in the fire of 1812, like the unsuccessful world adventure of the great emperor, all of Helen’s intrigues disappear - entangled in them, she dies.
But by the end of the novel, new families appear that embody the best features of both families - the pride of Nikolai Rostov gives way to the needs of the family and a growing feeling, and Natasha Rostova and Pierre Bezukhov create that homeliness, that atmosphere that they were both looking for.
Nikolai and Princess Marya will probably be happy - after all, they are precisely those representatives of the Bolkonsky and Rostov families who are able to find something in common; “ice and fire”, Prince Andrei and Natasha, were not able to connect their lives - after all, even when they loved, they could not fully understand each other.
It is interesting to add that the condition for the union of Nikolai Rostov and the much deeper Marya Bolkonskaya was the absence of a relationship between Andrei Bolkonsky and Natasha Rostova, so this love line activates only at the end of the epic.
But, despite all the external completeness of the novel, one can also note such a compositional feature as the openness of the ending - after all, the last scene, the scene with Nikolenka, absorbed all the best and purest that the Bolkonskys, Rostovs and Bezukhov had. He is the future...

The theme of family in the novel “War and Peace” by L. N. Tolstoy (2 version)

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy - great writer 19th century. In his works he was able to raise many important questions and also give answers to them. Therefore, his works occupy one of the first places in world fiction. The pinnacle of his work is the epic novel War and Peace. In it, Tolstoy addresses the fundamental questions of human existence. In his understanding, one of such important issues that determines the essence of a person is family. Tolstoy almost never imagines his heroes as lonely. This theme is most vividly and multifacetedly displayed in those parts of the work that tell about the world.

The novel intersects different family lines and reveals the stories of different families. Lev Nikolaevich shows his views on relationships between close people and family structure using the example of the Rostovs and Bolkonskys.

IN big family The head of the Rostovs is Ilya Andreevich, a Moscow gentleman, kindest person, who idolized his wife, adored his children, and was quite generous and trusting. Despite the fact that his material affairs are in a state of disarray, since he does not know how to manage a household at all, Ilya Andreevich could not limit himself and his entire family to the usual luxury. He paid the forty-three thousand lost by his son Nikolai, no matter how hard it was for him to do it, because he is very noble: his own honor and the honor of his children are above all for him.

The Rostov family is distinguished by its kindness, emotional responsiveness, sincerity, and readiness to help, which is what attracts people to them. It is in such a family that patriots grow up, recklessly going to death, like Petya Rostov. It was difficult for his parents to let him go into the active army, so they worked for their son so that he would end up at headquarters, and not in an active regiment.

The Rostov family is not characterized by hypocrisy and hypocrisy, therefore everyone here loves each other, children trust their parents, and they respect their wishes and opinions on various issues. Therefore, Natasha still managed to persuade her parents to take away their dowries and luxury items from besieged Moscow: paintings, carpets, dishes, and wounded soldiers. Thus, the Rostov family remained true to their ideals, to what makes life worth living. Even if it completely ruined the family, it still did not allow them to violate the laws of conscience.

Natasha grew up in such a friendly and friendly family. She is similar to her mother both in appearance and in character - just like her mother she shows the same care and thriftiness. But she also has her father’s traits - kindness, breadth of nature, the desire to unite and make everyone happy. She is her father's favorite. A very important quality of Natasha is naturalness. She is not capable of playing a predetermined role, does not depend on the opinions of strangers, and does not live according to the laws of the world. The heroine is endowed with love for people, a talent for communication, and an openness of soul. She can love and surrender to love completely, and this is precisely what Tolstoy saw as the main purpose of a woman. He saw the origins of devotion and kindness, selflessness and devotion in family upbringing.

Another family member is Nikolai Rostov. He is not distinguished by either the depth of his mind or the ability to think deeply and experience people's pain. But his soul is simple, honest and decent.

In the image of the Rostovs, Tolstoy embodied his ideal of the strength of the family, the inviolability of the family nest, home. But not all of the younger generation of this family followed in the footsteps of their parents. As a result of Vera’s marriage to Berg, a family was formed that was not like the Rostovs, the Bolkonskys, or the Kuragins. Berg himself has much in common with Griboyedov’s Molchalin (moderation, diligence and accuracy). According to Tolstoy, Berg is not only a philistine in himself, but also a part of the universal philistinism (acquisitive mania takes over in any situation, drowning out the manifestations of normal feelings - the episode with the purchase of furniture during the evacuation of most residents from Moscow). Berg “exploits” the war of 1812, “squeezing” the maximum benefit out of it for himself. The Bergs are trying with all their might to resemble socially pleasing models: an evening that the Bergs throw is an exact copy of many other evenings with candles and tea. As a result of the influence of her husband, Vera, even as a girl, despite her pleasant appearance and development, good manners instilled in her, pushes people away with her indifference to others and extreme selfishness.

Such a family, according to Tolstoy, cannot become the basis of society, because the “foundation” laid on its basis is material acquisitions, which, rather, devastate the soul and contribute to the destruction of human relationships, rather than unification.

A slightly different family is the Bolkonskys - serving nobles. All of them are characterized by special talent, originality, and spirituality. Each of them is remarkable in its own way. The head of the family, Prince Nikolai, was harsh with all the people around him, and therefore, without being cruel, he aroused fear and respect in himself. Most of all, he values ​​intelligence and activity in people. Therefore, while raising his daughter, he tries to develop these qualities in her. The old prince inherited a high concept of honor, pride, independence, nobility and sharpness of mind to his son. Both son and father Bolkonsky are versatile, educated, gifted people who know how to behave with others. Andrei is an arrogant person, confident in his superiority over others, knowing that he has a high purpose in this life. He understands that happiness is in the family, in himself, but this happiness turns out to be not easy for Andrei.

His sister, Princess Marya, is shown to us as a perfect, absolutely integral psychologically, physically and morally human type. She lives in constant unconscious expectation of family happiness and love. The princess is smart, romantic, religious. She humbly endures all her father’s mockery, puts up with everything, but does not cease to love him deeply and strongly. Mary loves everyone, but she loves with a love that makes those around her obey her rhythms and movements and dissolve in her.

Brother and sister Bolkonsky inherited the strangeness and depth of their father’s nature, but without his authority and intolerance. They are insightful, deeply understand people, like their father, but not in order to despise them, but in order to sympathize with them.

The Bolkonskys are not strangers to the fate of the people; they are honest and decent people who try to live in justice and in harmony with their conscience.

Tolstoy portrays the Kuragin family as the direct opposite of previous families. The head of the family is Prince Vasily. He has children: Helen, Anatole and Hippolyte. Vasily Kuragin is a typical representative of secular St. Petersburg: smart, gallant, dressed in the latest fashion. But behind all this brightness and beauty lies a completely false, unnatural, greedy and rude person. Prince Vasily lives in an atmosphere of lies, social intrigue and gossip. The most important thing in his life is money and position in society.

He is even ready to commit a crime for the sake of money. This is confirmed by his behavior on the day of his death of the old Count Bezukhov. Prince Vasily is ready to do anything to get an inheritance. He treats Pierre with contempt, bordering on hatred, but as soon as Bezukhov receives an inheritance, everything changes. Pierre becomes a profitable match for Helen, because he can pay off the debts of Prince Vasily. Knowing this, Kuragin resorts to any tricks in order to bring the rich but inexperienced heir closer to himself.

Let's move on now to Ellen Kuragina. In the world everyone admires her stateliness, beauty, provocative outfits and rich jewelry. She is one of the most enviable brides in St. Petersburg. But behind this beauty and sparkle of diamonds there is no soul. She is empty, callous and heartless. For Helen, family happiness does not lie in the love of her husband or children, but in spending her husband’s money, organizing balls and salons. As soon as Pierre starts talking about offspring, she laughs rudely in his face.

Anatole and Hippolyte are in no way inferior to either their father or sister. The first spends his life in festivities and revelry, in card games and various kinds of entertainment. Prince Vasily admits that “this Anatole costs forty thousand a year.” His second son is stupid and cynical. Prince Vasily says that he is a "restless fool."

The author does not hide his disgust for this “family”. There is no place for good motives and aspirations in it. The world of the Kuragins is a world of “secular rabble,” dirt and debauchery. The selfishness, self-interest and base instincts that reign there do not allow these people to be called a full-fledged family. Their main vices are carelessness, selfishness and an insatiable thirst for money.

The foundations of a family, according to Tolstoy, are built on love, work, and beauty. When they collapse, the family becomes unhappy and falls apart. And yet, the main thing that Lev Nikolaevich wanted to say about the inner life of the family is connected with the warmth, comfort, poetry of a real home, where everyone is dear to you, and you are dear to everyone, where they are waiting for you. How closer people to natural life, the stronger the intra-family ties, the more happiness and joy in the life of each family member. It is this point of view that Tolstoy expresses on the pages of his novel.

The theme of family in the novel “War and Peace” by L. N. Tolstoy (version 3)

What a family should be like in Tolstoy’s understanding, we learn only at the very end of the novel. The novel begins with a description of an unsuccessful marriage. We are talking about Prince Bolkonsky and the little princess. We meet both of them in Anna Pavlovna Scherer's salon. It is impossible not to pay attention to Prince Andrei - he is so unlike the others: “Apparently, everyone in the living room was not only familiar to him, but he was so tired of it that he found it very boring to look at them and listen to them.” Everyone else is interested in this living room, because their whole life is here, in these conversations and gossip. And for Prince Andrei’s wife, a lovely little woman, here is her whole life. And for Prince Andrei? “Of all the faces that bored him, the face of his pretty wife seemed to bore him the most. With a grimace that spoiled him Beautiful face, he turned away from her.” And when she addressed him in a flirtatious tone, he even “closed his eyes and turned away.” When they returned home, their relationship did not become warmer. Prince Andrei does not become more affectionate, but we already understand that the point here is not his bad character. He was too soft and charming in his interactions with Pierre, whom he sincerely loved. He treats his wife “with cold courtesy.” He advises her to go to bed early, ostensibly worried about her health, but in fact wanting only one thing: for her to leave quickly and let him talk calmly with Pierre. Before she left, he stood up and “courteously, like a stranger, kissed her hand.” Why is he so cold towards his wife, who is expecting a child from him? He tries to be polite, but we feel that he is rude to her. His wife tells him that he has changed towards her, which means he was different before. In Scherer’s living room, when everyone admired “this pretty expectant mother, full of health and vivacity, who so easily endured her situation,” it was difficult to understand what irritates Prince Andrei about her. But everything becomes clear when she continues to talk to her husband at home “in the same flirtatious tone in which she addressed strangers.” Prince Andrei was sick of this flirtatious tone, this easy chatter, this reluctance to think about his words. I even want to stand up for the princess - after all, it’s not her fault, she’s always been like this, why didn’t he notice this before? No, Tolstoy replies, it’s my fault. Guilty because she doesn't feel it. Only a sensitive and understanding person can approach happiness, because happiness is the reward for the tireless work of the soul. The little princess does not make an effort on herself, does not force herself to understand why her husband changed towards her. But everything is so obvious. She just needed to become more attentive - to look closely, listen and understand: you can’t behave like that with Prince Andrei. But her heart told her nothing, and she continued to suffer from her husband’s polite coldness. However, Tolstoy does not take Bolkonsky’s side either: in his relationship with his wife, he does not look very attractive. Tolstoy does not give a clear answer to the question of why the life of the young Bolkonsky family turned out this way - both are to blame, and no one can change anything. Prince Andrei says to his sister: “But if you want to know the truth... do you want to know if I’m happy? No. Is she happy? No. Why is this? I don’t know...” One can only guess why. Because they are different, because they did not understand: family happiness is work, constant work of two people.

Tolstoy helps his hero, freeing him from this painful marriage. Later he will also “save” Pierre, who also suffered through adversity in family life with Helen. But nothing in life is in vain. Probably, Pierre needed to gain this terrible experience of living with a vile and depraved woman in order to experience complete happiness in his second marriage. Nobody knows whether Natasha would have been happy if she had married Prince Andrei or not. But Tolstoy felt that she would be better off with Pierre. The question is, why didn't he connect them earlier? Why did you make him go through so much suffering, temptation and hardship? It is obvious that they are made for each other. However, it was important for Tolstoy to trace the formation of their personalities. Both Natasha and Pierre did enormous spiritual work, which prepared them for family happiness. Pierre carried his love for Natasha through many years, and over these years he accumulated so much spiritual wealth that his love became even more serious and deeper. He went through captivity, the horror of death, terrible hardships, but his soul only grew stronger and became even richer. Natasha, who experienced a personal tragedy - a break with Prince Andrei, then his death, and then the death of her younger brother Petya and her mother's illness - also grew spiritually and was able to look at Pierre with different eyes and appreciate his love.

When you read about how Natasha changed after marriage, at first it becomes offensive. “She has become plumper and wider,” she rejoices in the baby’s diaper “with a yellow spot instead of a green spot,” she is jealous, stingy, she has given up singing - but what is this? However, we need to figure out why: “She felt that those charms that instinct had taught her to use before would now only be ridiculous in the eyes of her husband, to whom from the first minute she devoted herself entirely - that is, with all her soul, without leaving a single corner of her. open to him. She felt that her connection with her husband was not held by those poetic feelings that attracted him to her, but was held by something else, vague, but firm, like the connection of her own soul with her body.” Well, how can we not remember poor little Princess Bolkonskaya, who was not given the opportunity to understand what was revealed to Natasha. She considered it natural to address her husband in a flirtatious tone, as if he were a stranger, and it seemed stupid to Natasha “to fluff up her curls, put on robrons and sing romances in order to attract her husband to her.” It was much more important for Natasha to feel Pierre’s soul, understand what worries him, and guess his desires. Left alone with him, she talked to him “as soon as a wife and her husband talk, that is, with extraordinary clarity and speed, cognizing and communicating each other’s thoughts, in a way contrary to all the rules of logic, without the mediation of judgments, inferences and conclusions, but in a completely special way.” way." What kind of method is this? If you follow their conversation, it may even seem funny: sometimes their remarks look completely incoherent. But this is from the outside. But they don’t need long, complete phrases; they already understand each other, because their souls speak instead.

How is the family of Marya and Nikolai Rostov different from the Bezukhov family? Perhaps because it is based on the constant spiritual work of Countess Marya alone. Her “eternal mental tension, aimed only at the moral good of the children,” delights and surprises Nikolai, but he himself is not capable of it. However, his admiration and admiration for his wife also makes their family strong. Nikolai is proud of his wife, understands that she is smarter than him and more significant, but does not envy, but rejoices, considering his wife a part of himself. Countess Marya simply tenderly and humbly loves her husband: she waited too long for her happiness and no longer believed that it would ever come.

Tolstoy shows the life of these two families, and we can well conclude which side his sympathies are on. Of course, in his mind, the ideal family is Natasha and Pierre.

That family where husband and wife are one, where there is no place for conventions and unnecessary affectation, where the sparkle of eyes and a smile can say much more than long, confusing phrases. We don’t know how their lives will develop in the future, but we understand: wherever fate takes Pierre, Natasha will always and everywhere follow him, no matter what hardships and hardships it threatens her with.

The main thought in L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace,” along with the people’s thought, is “family thought,” which was expressed in thoughts about types of families. The writer believed that the family is the basis of the whole society, and it reflects the processes that occur in society." According to Tolstoy, the family is the soil for the formation of the human soul. And at the same time, each family is a whole world, special, unlike anything else, full of complex relationships, the atmosphere of the family nest determines the characters, destinies and views of the heroes of the work.

1.What is Tolstoy's ideal seven And? This is a patriarchal family, with its holy kindness, with the care of the younger and older for each other, with the ability to give more than to take, with relationships built on goodness and truth. According to Tolstoy, what makes a family a family is the constant work of the souls of all family members.

2. All families are different, but the writer denotes the spiritual community of people with the word “breed” .Mother is Tolstoy’s synonym for peace, her spiritual tuning fork. The main thing without which there can be no real family is sincerity. Tolstoy believes: “There is no beauty where there is no truth.”

3.In the novel we see the Rostov and Bolkonsky families.

A).Family R skeletons - an ideal harmonious whole, where the heart prevails over the mind. Love binds all family members . It manifests itself in sensitivity, attention, and closeness. With the Rostovs, everything is sincere, it comes from the heart. Cordiality, hospitality, hospitality reign in this family, and the traditions and customs of Russian life are preserved.

Parents raised their children, giving them all their love. They can understand, forgive and help. For example, when Nikolenka Rostov lost a huge amount of money to Dolokhov, he did not hear a word of reproach from his father and was able to pay off his gambling debt.

B). The children of this family have absorbed all the best qualities of the “Rostov breed”. Natasha is the personification of heartfelt sensitivity, poetry, musicality and intuitiveness. She knows how to enjoy life and people like a child. Life of the heart, honesty, naturalness, moral purity and decency determine their relationships in the family and behavior among people.

IN). Unlike the Rostovs, Bolkonskylive with the mind, not the heart . This is an old aristocratic family. In addition to blood ties, the members of this family are also connected by spiritual closeness. At first glance, the relationships in this family are difficult and devoid of cordiality. However, internally these people are close to each other. They are not inclined to show their feelings.

D).The old Prince Bolkonsky embodies the best traits of a servant (nobility, devoted to the one to whom he “sworn allegiance”). The concept of honor and duty as an officer came first for him. He served under Catherine II and took part in Suvorov’s campaigns. He considered intelligence and activity to be the main virtues, and laziness and idleness to be the vices. The life of Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky is a continuous activity. He either writes memoirs about past campaigns or manages the estate. Prince Andrei Bolkonsky greatly respects and honors his father, who was able to instill in him a high concept of honor. "Yours road-road honor,” he says to his son. And Prince Andrei fulfills his father’s parting words both during the campaign of 1806, in the battles of Shengraben and Austerlitz, and during the war of 1812.

Marya Bolkonskaya loves her father and brother very much. She is ready to give all of herself for the sake of her loved ones. Princess Marya completely submits to her father's will. His word is law for her. At first glance, she seems weak and indecisive, but at the right moment she shows strength of will and fortitude.

D). This is very different families, but they, like any wonderful families, have a lot in common. Both the Rostovs and the Bolkonskys are patriots, their feelings especially clearly during the Patriotic War of 1812. They express folk spirit war. Prince Nikolai Andreevich dies because his heart could not stand the shame of the retreat of the Russian troops and the surrender of Smolensk. Marya Bolkonskaya rejects the French general's offer of patronage and leaves Bogucharovo. The Rostovs give their carts to the soldiers wounded on the Borodino field and pay the most dearly - with the death of Petya.

4. It is on the example of these families that Tolstoy draws his family ideal. Tolstoy's favorite heroes are characterized by:

- constant work of the soul;

- naturalness;

- caring attitude towards family;

-patriarchal way of life;


- the feeling that home and family are the support in difficult moments of life;

- “childishness of the soul”;

- closeness to the people.

It is by these qualities that we recognize ideal, from the writer’s point of view, families.

5.In the epilogue of the novel, two more families are shown, miraculously uniting Tolstoy’s favorite families. This is the Bezukhov family (Pierre and Natasha), which embodied the author’s ideal of a family based on mutual understanding and trust, and the Rostov family - Marya and Nikolai. Marya brought kindness and tenderness, high spirituality to the Rostov family, and Nikolai shows kindness in his relationships with those closest to him.

“All people are like rivers, each has its own source: home, family, its traditions...” - this is what Tolstoy believed. That is why Tolstoy attached such great importance to the issue of family. That is why the “family thought” in the novel “War and Peace” was no less important to him than the “folk thought”

2. The theme of loneliness as the leading motive of M.Yu. Lermontov. Reading by heart one of the poet’s poems (of the student’s choice).

M. Yu. Lermontov lived and worked during the years of the most severe political reaction that set in in Russia after the defeat of the Decembrist uprising. Losing a mother in early age and the very personality of the poet accompanied the aggravation in his consciousness of the tragic imperfection of the world. Throughout his short but fruitful life he was lonely.

1.That is why loneliness is the central theme of his poetry.

A). Lermontov's lyrical hero is a proud, lonely person opposed to the world and society. He does not find refuge for himself either in secular society, or in love and friendship, or in the Fatherland.

B). His loneliness in light reflected in the poem “Duma”. Here he showed how much the modern generation is lagging behind in spiritual development. Cowardice secular society, who cowered before the rampant despotism, evoked angry contempt in Lermontov, but the poet does not separate himself from this generation: the pronoun “we” is constantly found in the poem. His involvement in a spiritually bankrupt generation allows him to express the tragic worldview of his contemporaries and at the same time pass a harsh sentence on them from the perspective of future generations.

Lermontov expressed the same thought in the poem “How often, surrounded by a motley crowd.” Here he feels lonely among the “decency-pulled masks,” and the touch of “urban beauties” is unpleasant to him. He alone stands against this crowd, he wants to “boldly throw an iron verse, drenched in bitterness and anger” in their faces.

IN). Lermontov yearned for real life. He regrets the generation lost to this life, he envies the great past, full of the glory of great deeds.

In the poem “Both Boring and Sad,” the whole life is reduced to an “empty and stupid joke.” And indeed, it does not make sense when “there is no one to shake hands with in a moment of spiritual adversity.” This poem shows not only loneliness Lermontov in society, but also in love and friendship. His disbelief in love is clearly visible:

Loving... but who?.., for a while - not worth the trouble,

And it's impossible to love forever.

In the poem “Gratitude” there is still the same motive of loneliness . The lyrical hero apparently thanks his beloved “for the bitterness of tears, the poison of a kiss, for the revenge of enemies, for the slander of friends,” but in this gratitude one hears a reproach for the insincerity of feelings, he considers the kiss “poison”, and his friends as hypocrites who slandered his.

G). In the poem “The Cliff,” Lermontov allegorically talks about the fragility of human relationships . The cliff suffers from loneliness, which is why it is so dear to him to visit the cloud, which rushed off in the morning, “playing merrily across the azure.”

The poem “In the Wild North” talks about a pine tree standing “lonely in the bare top" She dreams of a palm tree, which “in the distant desert, in the land where the sun rises,” stands, like a pine tree, “alone and sad.” This pine dreams of a soul mate located in distant warm lands.

IN In the poem “Leaf” we see the motives of loneliness and the search for one’s native land. An oak leaf is looking for shelter. He “huddled at the root of a tall plane tree,” but she drove him away. And he is again alone in this world. Lermontov, like this leaflet, was looking for shelter for himself, but never found it.

D). The lyrical hero is an exile not only of society, but also of his homeland, At the same time, his attitude towards his homeland is twofold: unconsciously loving his homeland, he nevertheless, he is completely alone in it. Thus, in the poem “Clouds,” Lermontov first compares his lyrical hero with the clouds (“you rush, as if you were exiles like me...”), and then contrasts him with them (“passions are alien to you and suffering is alien to you”). The poet shows the clouds as “eternal wanderers” - this eternal wandering often carries a hint of wandering; homelessness becomes a characteristic feature of Lermontov’s hero .

Lermontov’s concept of homeland is associated primarily with the concept of people, labor, and nature (“Motherland”), however, the lyrical hero, a free and proud person, cannot live in “the country of slaves, the country of masters,” he does not accept Russia, uncomplaining, submissive, in which arbitrariness and lawlessness reign (“Farewell, unwashed Russia...”).

2. How does Lermontov’s lyrical hero perceive his loneliness?:

A ) In some cases, doom to loneliness evokes a sad, melancholy mood. Lermontov’s lyrical hero would like to “give his hand” to someone who will understand him and save him from loneliness, but there is no one .In such works as “It’s lonely in the wild north...”, “The Cliff”, “No, it’s not you that I love so passionately...” and others, loneliness appears as the eternal destiny of all creatures and, above all, of man. This is an emotional motive such poems convey melancholy, awareness of the tragedy of life.

B) However, more often loneliness is perceived by Lermontov’s lyrical hero as a sign of chosenness . This feeling can be called proud loneliness . Lermontov's lyrical hero is lonely because he is above people who not only do not want, but also cannot understand him. In the secular crowd, in general in human society, there is no one who is worthy of a poet. He's lonely because he's... extraordinary person, and such loneliness is really possible be proud. This thought runs through such poems as “No, I’m not Byron, I’m different...”, “Death of a Poet”, “Prophet”, “How often, surrounded by a motley crowd...”, “Sail”.

Concluding the theme of loneliness in Lermontov’s lyrics, it must be said that the poet owns several wonderful works, full of energy and noble indignation, the desire to change the existing reality. His lyrics reflected the entire complex spiritual world of the poet.