Spiritual Day - folk customs, traditions, signs

is a teaching based on the biblical account of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and the revelation of the truth of the existence of the Triune God. This year Trinity Day is celebrated on May 27th. On Sunday at Orthodox churches One of the most solemn and beautiful services of the year is being celebrated. All three holidays In churches they read prayers and commemorate deceased ancestors.

Holy Trinity: Celebration Traditions

There is a tradition on Trinity Sunday that has been observed for more than one generation. Pentecost, another name for the Trinity holiday, reminds people to traditionally decorate their homes with branches, grass and flowers. Greenery is symbolized in folk tradition Life is celebrated on Trinity Sunday, and after that it is customary to burn the dried branches. But the most important decoration for Trinity is the birch branches that are placed on the windows in the house. Birch is considered a symbol of purity and innocence; from ancient times it was also called a sign of the approach of summer, so it has long become part of the traditions of the Trinity holiday.

Trinity traditions mean that all believers will definitely attend church on this day. It is interesting that wildflowers and branches are used to decorate not only houses and apartments, but also the floors of the temple, where prayers are read and God is glorified.

What can you do on Trinity Sunday?

Christians should try to use the day off not only for, but also to remember the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles - after it, the Lord’s disciples began to speak different languages and spread throughout the world to tell about Jesus Christ. Just for the Trinity holiday, you can gather the whole family around a large table - there are no restrictions on food on this day.

What not to do on Trinity

We have already told you what you can do on Trinity Sunday, and now it’s time to find out what you can’t do on Trinity Day. There is a lot of talk among people about what not to do on Trinity. Many of the prohibitions make you smile, because they are associated with paganism and have nothing to do with the holy holiday. They say that on Trinity you cannot do physical work, as well as clean the house, sew or do a lot of laundry. Such activities are not sinful, but it is believed that everyday vanity should not distract us from main point holiday.

Young parents are interested in the question of Is it possible to baptize your child on Trinity?. There are no specific prohibitions on baptism on this day, but due to the fact that holiday services will take place in the church, an important procedure may be postponed to a more suitable period. Therefore, it is better to immediately plan a christening not for the Trinity holiday.

About Is it possible to go to the cemetery on Trinity Sunday?, they say without stopping. But everyone unanimously agrees that it is worth going to church on this day, and special memorial days are allocated for the cemetery.

Trinity rituals and wreath weaving

Previously, it was customary to organize mass celebrations on this day - such a program was part of the rituals for Trinity. Young people sang songs, danced in circles, lit bonfires and even told fortunes. On this day, the young men looked for brides for themselves with all seriousness. But it is worth noting that girls could also choose their groom on this holiday. To do this, all unmarried girls wove wreaths on Trinity and put them on the head of the one who was dear to them. This ritual on Trinity was considered a kind of engagement.

But fortune telling took place in the form of a game and took place near reservoirs. The girls wove wreaths for Trinity and threw them into the river. The girl whose wreath floats farthest is the fastest. Often such a prediction came true, so subsequent generations of women performed the same rituals on Trinity.

Trinity: signs for May 27

Interestingly, you can make a weather forecast for Trinity in advance. For example, if on this holiday it's raining, then the summer will be fruitful, mushroom-filled and warm. Hot weather is considered a bad omen on Pentecost; then the summer promises to be dry. These signs for Trinity are worth remembering, since they have never predicted an untrue future.

It has already become the custom in Rus' that many church holidays in the process of Christianization were “superimposed” on top of pagan traditions and rituals. Hence the numerous signs remaining in people's memory and today. For example, many people know that before the Holy Trinity you cannot swim in reservoirs.

Our ancestors believed that swimming in open water until this day was very dangerous - mermaids could easily drag a daredevil to the bottom. And although such an explanation seems absurd to us, there is some logic in it. The fact is that the calendar summer began with Trinity for the Slavs, which means that before that time the water in the rivers and lakes was too cold. Therefore, swimming in it was risky - convulsions could easily begin, leading to death. In addition, signs regarding the weather for the coming summer and crop yields were also closely associated with the Trinity. In turn, on Trinity Sunday the girls made fortunes about their betrothed and marriage.

And women who dream of a baby and want to get pregnant performed special rituals on this holiday. Many signs of the Trinity are still relevant today, although not all Orthodox Christians support these traditions, especially those related to Spiritual Day. Although the celebration of Spiritual Day, Easter of the Dead or Radonitsa, as the second day after Trinity is also called, is, in fact, another parental memorial day. We’ll talk more about the main rituals and signs associated with the Trinity later in this article.

Holy Trinity - what kind of church holiday and when is it celebrated?

First, let's answer the question of what kind of church holiday the Holy Trinity is and when Orthodox Christians celebrate it. According to church scripture, on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ, the Holy Spirit descended on his apostles, symbolizing the trinity of God. Appearing before the disciples of Jesus in the guise of a non-burning flame, the Spirit rewarded them with the knowledge of languages different nations and opened for the apostles a mission to spread Christian teaching. Therefore, this day is also considered the birthday of the church.

When is the church holiday of the Holy Trinity celebrated?

Since the Feast of the Holy Trinity is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter and is also called Pentecost, it does not have a fixed date. Every year, Orthodox Christians celebrate Trinity strictly 50 days after the Resurrection of Christ, which usually falls at the very end of spring or beginning of summer. For example, in 2018 Easter is early (April 8), therefore Pentecost will be celebrated early - May 27.

The main signs and traditions for Trinity: what not to do and for how many days

There are many signs and traditions associated with the celebration of Trinity, some of which determine what can/cannot be done and how many days during this period. The main tradition of the Holy Trinity is attending morning services in the church. On this day, believers always bring fresh herbs and tree branches (mainly birch and willow) to the temple for consecration. After the service, the plants are brought home and “hidden” behind icons or window frames. It is believed that such a ritual helps to attract wealth and prosperity to this family. In addition, before Trinity, you need to restore cleanliness and order in the house and yard. And on the eve of the holiday itself, the home is always decorated with green herbs, meadow flowers and birch twigs. Pentecost should be celebrated in a magnificent and satisfying way, but in the family circle and with friends.

What not to do and how many days according to the main traditions and signs for Trinity - the main prohibitions

There are also a number of prohibitions associated with the celebration of the Holy Trinity. First of all, you can’t swim on this day, no matter how hot and stuffy it is. You have already read above about the risk of being dragged to the bottom by mermaids. In addition, on Pentecost and two days after it, any physical labor in addition to cooking. In particular, you should not engage in heavy and dirty work, including domestic work: washing, cleaning, repairs.

Folk signs for Trinity and Spiritual Day for summer weather

With the beginning of the Trinity holidays, including Spiritual Day, our ancestors associated many folk signs, most of which were associated with predicting summer weather. As mentioned above, on Trinity Sunday the Slavs began their calendar summer, and the weather on that day became a kind of forecast for the entire upcoming season.

Proven folk signs regarding summer weather on Trinity and Spiritual Day

For example, one of the main folk signs It was expected to rain on Trinity Sunday. According to the beliefs of our ancestors, heavy rainfall on this day predicted a warm summer with frequent rains. This meant that in the fall it would be possible to reap a rich harvest. Heavy rain and thunderstorms were a harbinger of thick green grass and lush hayfields. Accordingly, hot weather on Pentecost was considered a bad omen, promising a dry summer period.

Signs and rituals for the Holy Trinity for women to become pregnant

Many rituals and signs for the Holy Trinity concerned young girls and women who dreamed of becoming pregnant. The Slavs believed that if a girl was wooed on Trinity Sunday, she would have a long and happy family life. That is why marriageable brides, on the eve of Pentecost, wove wreaths and lowered them into the water. With the help of this ritual, they attracted the groom to their home and determined how successful their marriage would be. For example, if the wreath sank, it meant that the girl should not wait for matchmakers this year. On the contrary, a far-floating wreath predicted a quick marriage.

Folk rituals and signs for the Holy Trinity for women who want to get pregnant

Since Trinity Day among the Orthodox Slavs was closely associated with fertility, on this day women who dream of a baby also performed special rituals to get pregnant. Most of them were associated with the collection of special herbs that help conceive and bear a healthy child. For example, thyme collected on this Holy Sunday was traditionally dried and placed under the pillow. It was believed that such a simple ritual not only helped a woman get pregnant, but also protected her from evil spirits and the evil eye. In addition, according to ancient Christian custom, expectant mothers with birch twigs always went to church on this day and asked the Mother of God for a baby. Then the branches were brought home and decorated with them on the head of the bed. But pregnant women were not allowed to visit the cemetery on Parents' Day (Spirit Day, Radonitsa, Easter of the Dead). Folk omens for Trinity say that on this holiday the souls of the unresolved dead could harm the unborn baby.

Every year on the fiftieth day after Happy Sunday Christ's all believers Orthodox people celebrate the main holiday of summer - Holy Trinity Day. This holiday is also called Pentecost, since it is celebrated on the 50th day after Happy Easter, and the Day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles. The Feast of Pentecost is the birthday of the church, i.e. God's chosen disciples were given special power to preach the gospel throughout the world and share the message of Jesus as Savior and Lord. Nowadays, the successors of the apostles are the clergy, who are considered mediators between God and people.

For the holiday of Trinity, housewives clean the house and clean it up, decorate the rooms with flowers, young grass and green branches, which symbolizes the coming spring, prosperity and the continuation of life. Most often, branches of birch, oak, rowan, maple, calamus grass, mint, lemon balm, etc. are used for decoration. On Trinity Day, they attend a festive party in the morning church service. Parishioners hold flowers, fragrant herbs and green branches in their hands, symbolizing renewal through the descending Holy Spirit.

Close people and relatives are invited to a festive dinner, treated to a loaf of bread, egg dishes, pancakes, pies, jelly and give each other funny gifts.
What not to do on earth.
On the holiday of the Trinity, under no circumstances should you plow, harrow, dig, dig, stick stakes, mow grass, cut down trees, or plant plants. Particular care must be taken with trees, since green trees are widely used in Trinity ritual events. It is decorated with ribbons, wreaths and flowers. Girls curl the young branches of birches, willows, lindens, maples and wonder about their future fate. Therefore, on Trinity you should not cut down trees, break branches, or chop wood.

By popular belief, in the week before Trinity there is a great danger of encountering mermaids and forest moths. This is the time when mermaids visit the world of the living, can freely stay on earth and are capable of harming people. According to popular beliefs, babies who were born dead, unbaptized children, or children cursed by their parents and carried away by evil spirits became mermaids and mavkas.

In order not to anger the mermaids, on this day you should under no circumstances go into the forest or field alone, otherwise the mermaids and mermaids living there will be tickled to death. It is also forbidden to take horses and cattle into the forest or engage in field work, so as to avoid losses on the farm. Also, in order not to anger the mermaids, there is a ban on many things on the Trinity. women's work- you cannot spin, weave, sew, or bleach canvases. You also can't practice homework- clean the house, rinse clothes, wash, cut, get a haircut. On Trinity holidays it is forbidden to swim - mermaids can drag you to the bottom, and a person will drown. According to popular belief, rarely does the Trinity go without a drowned man. However, people continue to swim on this holiday, as if own experience are trying to test this folk wisdom.

On Trinity Saturday, in addition to deceased people, you can remember those who died by death other than their own. According to popular belief, such people were also related to evil spirits. Prayers and funeral services help their souls find peace.

Over the centuries-old history of the holiday, many signs and beliefs about the Trinity have appeared among the people. Perhaps the most famous sign is that it always rains on Trinity Sunday. People say that rain on the day of the Holy Trinity is tears for dead people, because the Saturday before Trinity is called parental Saturday. And on this day, from the very morning, it is customary to remember deceased relatives in the cemetery. On the day of the Holy Trinity and during the mermaid week, they were sure to observe numerous prohibitions, so as not to offend the dead people present on earth at that time and not incur their wrath. For example, it was forbidden to sew, spin, whitewash the house and stove, work in the garden, or swim in the river.

The main symbol of the Trinity is popularly considered to be the birch tree, as a symbol of the coming summer. Its branches are blessed in the church, and then they decorate the house. After the holiday, birch branches were taken to the field, thereby begging nature for a rich harvest. In temples and churches on Trinity Day, after the liturgy, Vespers is celebrated, at which prayers are read with kneeling that the Lord would send us the grace of the Holy Spirit and remember all our departed relatives.

It is believed that herbs collected on the day of the Holy Trinity have a tremendous healing effect and work as powerful amulets. Thus, wormwood, picked on Trinity Day, reliably protects the home and family from all evil spirits and the machinations of sorcerers. With the help of lovage, the girls cast a spell on their suitors and great love. Mint protected children from bad dreams and night screams. And the Bogorodsk herb, thyme, helped women get pregnant and bear a healthy baby.

Protective rite for Trinity.
For the Trinity holiday you need to take 3 bouquets: wormwood, St. John's wort and yarrow.

We take all this to church, where you can confess and receive communion if you wish.

Then you need to buy candles and light 7 candles for your health and read the Prayer to the Holy Trinity. Buy at church Silver ring with the inscription "Save and Preserve". When you put it on, say: “Shield and protection for me for the Glory of the Trinity!”

After the service at home, light a sprig of St. John’s wort in an old bowl and fumigate the home with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, come out, evil spirits, perish!”

Divide the wormwood in half: place one part under the bed, and the second above front door. We brew yarrow and take baths with its addition. St. John's wort can be brewed as tea. Take baths and tea for 3 days in a row.
In the morning and evening, be sure to read prayers to the Trinity! Usually after this many ailments and problems go away

Amulet for family happiness.
Since ancient times, it has been customary to cook special scrambled eggs on Trinity Day. It consists of two eggs, since both of its “eyes” should symbolize a friendly couple - husband and wife. While the dish is fried in a frying pan, the hostess reads a prayer: “Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake. Lord have mercy (three times). Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Salt these scrambled eggs Thursday salt. Scrambled eggs are seasoned green onions, garlic and parsley. Moreover, the greens are not chopped, but placed in twigs or long green feathers along with the growing head of the onion. It was believed that thanks to this the integrity of the family was preserved. A round scrambled egg, shaped like a frying pan, along with green seasoning, was sealed into an identical round loaf of rye bread, necessarily consecrated in the church, cut in half. The loaf is the only thing that is allowed to be divided, but not into small parts, but only in two. The “sandwich” should be wrapped in a towel, taking some boiled potatoes in their jackets, go to the grove to a pre-decorated birch tree, under which this amulet for family happiness is eaten. They also simply ate these scrambled eggs with herbs at home and without adding bread. Only the bread was broken, not cut.

These are the signs and superstitions that have come down from antiquity to the present day. Believe them or not, decide for yourself. Just like celebrating Trinity, or treating this holiday as a relic, is also a business matter.

Trinity is considered one of the most important holidays for Christians. This holiday is celebrated 50 days after Easter, which is why its second name is Pentecost. On this holiday, except Orthodox traditions elements of the rituals of ancient pagan peoples also predominate.

Since ancient times, peasants have celebrated Trinity Day cheerfully and noisily. This holiday was considered special for farmers, because at this time all crops were completed and the preparatory stage for the first harvest took place.

People had the opportunity to rest for at least a couple of days before starting hard work. There are a considerable number of signs and rituals associated with the Trinity, ranging from weather conditions to fortune telling about the future husband.

The Holy Spirit, Father and Son came to them, saying that it was time to build the first church, which would be the beginning for the spread of religion throughout the world. It is not only because of the importance of the date that folk signs are so revered on Trinity. Coincidentally, at this time the pagan Slavs were still celebrating the end of spring and the onset of summer.

But no matter where these signs come from, you should not lose sight of them, as history shows, they often come true and can bring both good luck and misfortune.

The first sign that needs to be mentioned is that you cannot work on this day. This applies to almost everything except cooking. If, without any particular need, you decide to go to work or do something around the house, then you need to expect trouble.

It is customary to go to the cemetery on this day to remember friends and relatives. It is believed that if you do not go to the cemetery on this day to visit the deceased, then he may visit you himself.

At the same time, he will take someone with him, that is, he will hasten the death of your relative. It is also customary to sweep graves with birch brooms on Trinity Sunday. Which, according to legend, should drive away evil spirits from the dead, and they, in turn, will rejoice and someday help in an unfavorable situation for you. The day after Trinity, you need to go out into the field in search of something, and you will definitely you will come across some valuable and necessary thing.

Why can’t you swim in the river on Trinity Sunday?

According to ancient legends, you can’t swim on Trinity Sunday: on this day, anyone swimming can be dragged to the bottom by a mermaid. It is worth noting that there is some common sense in this: on this date, most often, the water is still cold, and swimming can lead to various troubles.

It is important to know that swimming the next day is also undesirable. A direct sign of this warning has been lost in history, but the very fact that it existed is known.

Folk signs for Trinity on marriage

It is considered a good omen to get married on this day, then the marriage will be strong and happy. Interestingly, it is better not to set a wedding date on this day, as this is a bad omen and will lead to a quick divorce (if the wedding has taken place).

There is also a sign that should bring a girl’s marriage closer. So, her friends should dress her up and everyone possible ways decorate Then, singing, she is led from house to house, where the owners offer her treats. Such a ritual should drive away from her evil spirits and help you find your betrothed.

Folk omens about the weather for Trinity

On this day, it is customary to carry a bunch of grass to church for blessing, which is then placed behind a frame or icon at home. When a dry period comes, it is mourned. Thus, people beg God for good weather, with abundant rains and accompanying weather conditions.

If you insert birch branches into the window frames, this will also symbolize a fruitful summer. Even on this day, you need to pay attention to the weather conditions: if it rains even a little, then the season will be fruitful.

Weather signs for Trinity

Since Trinity always falls at the beginning of summer, agricultural experts have always paid attention to various weather phenomena.

The sign of rain on Trinity symbolized the appearance of thick grass, which means excellent haymaking, moist soil, and therefore a good harvest. Rain was also a sign of late frost. Hot weather was a harbinger of drought, which is why all signs on this day were treated with care and passed on from generation to generation.

5 important signs for Trinity Day

  1. One of the most ancient signs was when an icon or bunches of “tearful” herbs were brought to the church for consecration (the grass was mourned), after which these objects were hidden in the house. This was a kind of appeal to God with a request to give a summer without drought.
  2. Birch branches that were inserted into the shutters or grass scattered around the room also symbolized that the summer would be fruitful.
  3. Signs associated with the Trinity included a ban on any work. It was forbidden to do anything around the house except cooking. You can’t swim either, as at this time the mermaids could lure you to the bottom.
  4. The day before Trinity, it was customary to go to the cemetery to remember relatives. Matchmaking on this day was also considered a good omen.
  5. If a young man came to a girl to woo her, and they decided to get married on Pokrov, their life will be long and prosperous.

Signs for Trinity for girls

  • Despite the fact that the church does not recognize various kinds of fortune-telling and predictions of the future, but due to the fact that among the people there was a fairly long period of time between Christmas and Epiphany, on Trinity the representatives of the fair half of humanity performed rituals, wanting to see their betrothed, and with They waited in trepidation for the matchmakers.
  • If at the Trinity table they accidentally started talking about a wedding, it meant that life would be comfortable, joyful and good.
  • It’s also a good sign to introduce young people at festivities. The sign says that if you fall in love with your chosen one on Trinity, the Angels will cherish and treat such a union very carefully.
  • The most common sign was “curling” a birch tree and weaving wreaths. Before the trio, young girls went into the forest to the birch trees and braided the treetops. If the top of the tree has developed or withered on Trinity Day, there is no promise of a bride this year. If the top remains the same, you can expect matchmakers, a wedding and wealth in the house.
  • Weaving wreaths is also a sign of the Trinity. The girls had to spend time without male representatives. A man should not have seen such a wreath, since it was popularly considered to be the “evil eye” of a girl. After each one had woven her own wreath, the girls went to the river with songs and set them on the water, where the wreath floated, from where they could wait for their future husband. The wreath was not removed from the head, but bent so that it fell on its own. If a girl wanted her to dream future husband, it was necessary to put birch branches under the pillow on Trinity Sunday.

Currently large number young people are interested in the traditions and rituals of their ancestors. Signs associated with folk (religious) holidays do not go without due attention. Each of them has its own biblical story. Therefore, before you believe in signs, you need to know the history of the holiday.

Trinity and Spiritual Day

These two church holidays are inseparable because they follow each other: first Trinity, then the Descent of the Holy Spirit. The Church calls them Pentecost, since exactly 50 days have passed since Easter. There is a popular belief that on the Day of the Holy Trinity the Earth is the birthday girl, so in the evening the Holy Spirit descends from heaven.

Old-timers pass this belief on from generation to generation, saying: “On Pentecost, the Earth has a birthday - planting, digging, weeding is a great sin!”

What does Spiritual day after Trinity mean?

The Day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit is a very important church holiday.

It was the next day after Trinity that appeared in the calendar of the main church holidays in order to glorify and emphasize the Divine origin of the Holy Spirit. In this way, his unity with God the Father and God the Son is celebrated. The Church Charter prohibits reading prayers on one’s knees for all 50 days after Easter.

Therefore, the evening service on Trinity Sunday, which begins immediately after the Divine Liturgy, opens with the kneeling reading of 3 prayers of Basil the Great. Thus, believers confess their sins to the Almighty, for the sake of the great sacrifice of his Son.

They ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit to enlighten and strengthen their souls in the faith, and remember their departed ones.

Rituals for Trinity Day and Spirits Day

On Spiritual Day, the service in the church ended with the birch trees with which the church was decorated on Trinity being taken out from the church into the street. Believers broke off branches and carried them to their homes. They placed them near the icons. On this day at sunrise, treasure hunters carefully “listened” to the Earth, putting their ear to it.

It was believed that the Earth was supposed to reveal its secrets to them. In many villages and towns, wells are sprinkled with holy water on Pentecost. This ritual of blessing the wells keeps the water fresh even during the worst drought.

Women must cover the field on Trinity Sunday festive table. Entire villages gathered for the festive meal. It was necessary to treat not only people, but also the birthday girl. This was done by the oldest woman present.

She placed pieces of food on the soil, covered them with earth and asked for a bountiful harvest.

Trinity and Spiritual Day: what not to do?

On Trinity, it is strictly forbidden to engage in any physical labor, for example, washing, sewing, cleaning. All this can be done before the Holy Day. In addition, swimming in reservoirs is also prohibited.

There is a legend that on Trinity Sunday mermaids swim to the banks of rivers and lakes and take the swimmers with them. You cannot swim for the entire Week of Saints, that is, for another 7 days. Young girls should not go into the forest without a cross, as it is believed that on Spiritual Day and the entire subsequent week, “evil spirits” can spin them in a round dance. The girls may not get out of the forest.

Thus, in order for the signs on the Trinity and Spiritual Day to bring only good things to a person, you need to leave all the hard work, working with the earth for a while, stop using foul language, swearing and driving away bad thoughts.

Trinity customs for unmarried girls

But to some extent, the Trinity also owes rituals and signs to Slavic holiday, which also fell during this period - they honored the end of spring and rejoiced at the onset of summer. It was thanks to the Slavic holiday that signs of the Trinity for unmarried people became widespread. Trinity for singles is simply ideal in clear weather. Then matchmaking on this day will bring a very happy union. But at the same time, it’s a good sign if it rains: the girls’ souls are cleansed, and they will quickly find their chosen one.

Perhaps the most famous custom for unmarried people is the weaving of wreaths on this day. Such a ritual should bring the girl good luck and strong love.

It is worth noting that such a wreath is not just woven from any flowers that come to hand. To do this, you need to stock up on wild herbs and flowers. And for an even greater effect, such a wreath needs to be floated down the river. In this situation, if the girl already has a chosen one in mind, then to strengthen their love, she should give the woven wreath to him.

But there is one condition - it is necessary that no one sees this process. Such a ritual should cement their relationship for a long time. It is important to know that a wreath woven by an unmarried woman is also a good amulet. You can even hang it above your front doors.

What do unmarried girls bake for Trinity?

  1. Oddly enough, what you bake almost doesn’t matter. The main thing is that there is a lot of baking and it is varied. There is a belief that what stronger girl will try to bake different flour products, the happier she will be.
  2. It is also necessary to remember that you cannot deprive the feast of eggs, since they are considered an obligatory element of this holiday.
  3. To summarize, on Trinity Sunday there should be all the dishes that a housewife can prepare: vegetable salads, sausages, fish, fruits, etc. Many argue that the generosity of the owners will be rewarded with the favor of nature.
  4. Remember that when inviting guests to dinner, you should invite only those whom you treat well. In general, it is better to avoid unpleasant people on Trinity Sunday.

Fortune telling signs for unmarried girls on Trinity

This day is simply ideal for various fortune-telling rituals that can tell an unmarried girl her fate. So, the girls cut several small birch branches and put them under the pillow.

If the image of a guy appeared to them in a dream, then most likely fate will bring them together. There is another fortune telling on a birch tree. To do this, you need to come close to it, close your eyes and pick off the first branch you come across. Next, we open our eyes and examine it. If the branch is straight and beautiful, then this is what your future awaits, but if it is crooked, then you need to prepare for tests. You can also tell fortunes using a daisy. But you need to take the flower that has already been in the wreath.

Then you need to think about something, and you can start guessing. One plucked petal means that it will come true, and the second that it will not come true, and so on in a circle until all the petals are gone. Usually, on the trinity, unmarried girls do fortune-telling with special trepidation, which is explained by the fact that this day is endowed with special prophetic mystical power.

Trinity is one of the main Orthodox holidays. It is associated with the descent of the Holy Spirit, which was predicted by Jesus Christ. Exact date there is no holiday; it is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter. There is a lot connected with this day folk rituals and rituals. Signs for the Trinity have always been given special attention.

Trinity in 2018

In 2018, Trinity will be celebrated on May 27. Previously, wide public festivities were organized in honor of the holiday. Now it does not have such meaning, but many folk signs, traditions and rituals have been preserved. They touch various fields life: love, prosperity, harmony, family life etc.

Signs: do's and don'ts

If it rains on Trinity Sunday, then the weather will certainly be warm in the summer. Rain also indicates that there will be a rich harvest of mushrooms this year. It has long been believed that rainy weather on this holiday promises joy and happiness for all people. And if you get wet on this day, you can get rich very quickly in the near future. Heat, on the contrary, is considered bad sign. She says that the year will be lean.

Good rain guaranteed a rich harvest

If a lot of dew fell on the morning of the Trinity Day, this is good sign. You need to walk the towel over the grass and then squeeze it out into a bowl at home. You need to wash your face with the resulting liquid to attract good luck.

For unmarried girls The holiday of Trinity was especially important. On this day, one could tell fortunes about one's betrothed using wreaths. First they were woven, and then lowered into a pond. Then it remained to see what would happen:

If you already have a chosen one, you can give him a wreath. This must be done away from prying eyes. Such a gift will help maintain love and happiness in a couple.

You can't work on this holiday. It is necessary to forget about any physical labor for a day, except cooking. Also, you can’t swim in reservoirs, since on Trinity Sunday the rampage of mermaids begins, which can drag a person into their underwater kingdom.

Many even refrain from swimming in the house

You can't go into the forest, because not only mermaids start active life. Leshy and other creatures also wait for a random passer-by to wander in to them.

You should not get married or get married on this day - it is considered a bad omen. But wooing and proposing is not prohibited.

Rituals, ceremonies, traditions

On Trinity, it is imperative to arrange a festive dinner, to which only those whom the owners of the house are really happy to see are invited. The table should be covered with a green tablecloth, and among the treats there should be a lot of baked goods.

The feast can be rich and varied - everything is allowed, since it is not a fast day

According to the custom of the Trinity, the rooms must be decorated with flowers, twigs, and young grass. They symbolize long life and prosperity. The more greenery there is in a house, the happier it will be to live in.

There are also many conspiracies associated with this day. Luck and success were spoken at dawn on Trinity morning. Standing on the street, they said: “I will get up, pray, go out, cross myself, climb a high mountain, look around in all 4 directions. How on the eastern side a black horse grazes in a green meadow, wild and violent. No one saddled him, no one rode him, that horse did not know the stirrups or reins. I will tame that horse, and he will walk under me obediently, carry me wherever I want. My will is strong, my word is true. Amen".

With the help of conspiracies, they not only attracted good luck, but also got rid of troubles. They also talked about money, made love spells, performed rituals that saved wives from quarrels with their husbands.

There are many signs and rituals associated with the Trinity. It is believed that for happy life rules that have long been established among the people should be followed.