Annunciation. folk signs, customs, rituals. Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary: signs, customs and traditions of the holiday

The feast of the Annunciation has long evoked awe among believers. This day is associated with the legend of the announcement of the good news by the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary, when she learned about the future birth of the Son of God - Jesus Christ. Today, as before, there are numerous signs for the Annunciation. On this day, they predict the weather for the following days, read prayers, get rid of sins and rejoice at the coming of a good time.

This holiday is celebrated in the Christian world on April 7 (March 25 for Catholics) and in 2019 this date will not change. Some Orthodox states on the day of the Annunciation Holy Mother of God celebrated the beginning of the New Year, as the holiday symbolizes the beginning of a new life. The most beautiful tradition of this day is the release of birds into the wild. It is generally accepted that even in hell on this bright day sinners are not punished, especially in earthly life they should not touch work.

On the day of good news, it is customary to do good deeds, give others a radiant, sincere smile, help those in need, and under no circumstances commit bad deeds.

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a bright and joyful day in the Christian world. Even in tsarist time State chambers were open to poor people, where tables were set with tasty and satisfying meals. This tradition is still maintained today Charitable foundations. At the same time, it is recommended to visit hospitals and orphanages, give alms and do the kindest deeds.

What spring and summer will be like, tell us, Annunciation!

Every year Christians look forward to April 7 - the arrival of new life, and 2019 is no exception. Residents of villages and villages do not know work on this day and gather before sunset holiday large families near the mills and discussing folk signs. In a close circle, the villagers are talking about upcoming land troubles and spring-summer weather conditions, which they were told about by the signs on the day of the Annunciation. During the holiday, it became clear what the plowing and harvest would be like this year. Folk signs will tell you what kind of spring, what kind of summer and weather to expect in 2019.

However, you cannot start them directly on the holiday itself. If you break this rule and sow the field, then disaster will not be avoided, and the harvest will be meager, as they say folk legends. The most successful day for sowing, according to folk wisdom, is the next after the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Any natural phenomenon on this day in 2019 will tell you about the coming months. “The holiday is beautiful - the summer will turn out to be good and fruitful. A cloudy holiday means no harvest,” says one of the signs. However, if you study other sayings, it will become clear: you cannot definitely believe her. So, according to them, a rainy day will bring good news about the birth of a mug, and the arrival of a thunderstorm - about the harvest of nuts. Increased dampness will symbolize the upcoming abundance of mushrooms.

A rainy holiday is also a joy for fishermen, as the catch will be excellent. A thunderstorm will tell you about a warm, fruitful summer. If the snow has not melted before the holiday, then it will remain there until May 6th. Good weather in the spring months can be expected if it was a warm night on April 7, 2019, while the absence of swallows heralds the coming cold weather. A warm holiday is a harbinger of subsequent cold weather.

Don't braid your hair - expect happiness

There are numerous superstitions and signs on the day of the holiday. The main thing is not to take any action: not to work, not to do any housework. On this good day, even birds are not allowed to build nests. Exists popular belief that the cuckoo does not build nests to this day because it disobeyed this rule and was punished. In order for clothes to wear well in 2019, you cannot wear new outfits on Annunciation Day.

You cannot have noisy celebrations and feasts on this day, but you are allowed to “call into spring.” To do this, you need to make larks and other birds from dough, after which you should throw them to the sky, singing songs to the birds. In the villages, large fires were lit, around which it was customary to dance in circles. It is allowed to sing spring flowers - songs about spring - and jump over the fire. According to folk superstitions, jumping over a fire cleansed a person’s soul from sins.

There are other superstitions among the people. Thus, any work, even the smallest, can bring great misfortune upon a person. Under no circumstances are you allowed to go to work or participate in any other work. Cleaning is absolutely not allowed on this day; even washing dishes can attract trouble and misfortune. And girls are forbidden to braid their hair in the morning, since even this harmless act is a sin on this festive bright day. No matter what good deeds there are, you should not undertake them on the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 2019; it is better to leave everything for the next day.

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is considered one of the greatest Christian holidays. According to biblical legends, on this day the archangel told Mary that she was destined to become the mother of Christ. Christians carefully observe beliefs and omens for the Annunciation, because... This church holiday brings with it the joy of birth, the breath of spring and life.

General traditions

The very name Annunciation carries a bright beginning, and even people not associated with religion expect some kind of miracle on April 7: good news, a pleasant event.

The main rule on the Good Day is to have pure thoughts. Being sad on a holiday was considered a sin. If a person is overcome by sadness, he should try to tune in to a positive mood and indulge in a happy dream.

Physical and mental work, planning and implementing new projects are prohibited on Annunciation. You need to eat the simplest dishes.

As they say, the cuckoo does not build a nest, and the maiden does not braid her hair. It is forbidden to beautify yourself or perform cosmetic procedures on April 7th.

This day is marked by the third meeting of spring and the awakening of nature to life from sleep; the people rejoiced with it and performed rituals. Young people jumped over fires, burning bridges behind them, and the older generation washed away all the bad things with melting snow. Those born on April 7 are considered good news.

Review of rituals and signs

Meeting the good news, Christians release birds into the sky on Annunciation morning. Children fly paper kites. Those who comply Lent, can afford a little indulgence in the form of olive oil and a glass of Cahors.

There is a list of rituals and will accept the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, following which promised the Christian well-being and goodness throughout the current year. These traditions have been formed among the people for centuries.

  1. It is prohibited to make gifts or lend money. You can't take anything out of the house. It was believed that this way you can give happiness, peace and health. But giving alms is only encouraged - everything given will be returned.
  2. All sorts of manipulations with hair are considered a sinful act - this way you can confuse your own destiny, not get married, and also cause hair loss.
  3. Wearing new clothes, shoes and accessories, as superstitions and signs say at the Annunciation, is a risk of tearing or staining the item. For this reason, girls who wanted to show off a new look on the holiday wore it secretly from everyone several times in advance.
  4. In the church, water, salt or other things are necessarily blessed, which will serve the owner as protection from the evil eye and repel evil spirits.
  5. The healing power of herbs collected in the afternoon of April 7 increases significantly.
  6. Wives, wishing to preserve love and mutual understanding in the family, must call their spouse beloved forty times during the day (until midnight). You cannot make love on this day.
  7. Owners of summer cottages ask for a fertile harvest and protection from pests by burying pieces of consecrated liturgical bread mixed with grain in the corners.
  8. You can’t sow anything on April 7 - you won’t get a harvest.

The day of the week on which the Annunciation falls was important. All year round on this day, according to superstitions, you should not start new things.

Signs of nature

  • wind, frost, heavy rain, fog, wet weather - to a rich and healthy harvest;
  • a thunderstorm on the evening of the Annunciation promised a warm summer and a bountiful harvest of nuts;
  • severe frosts and snow that falls in flakes symbolized a successful mushroom season;
  • the swallows have not arrived yet - there will be no early and warm spring this time;
  • a rainy holiday foreshadows drought in the summer;
  • rain meant that rye would grow well;
  • if snow is still visible in places, it means there will be snow on Yegoryev’s day, May 6;
  • in most cases, the weather on Good Day coincides with Easter, so people know what to prepare for on Bright Sunday

Holiday traditions

People not only rely on folk signs for the Annunciation, but also try to attract good luck to themselves, taking advantage of the fertile atmosphere of the day. The traditions and rituals of this holiday have reached our times: there are many rituals for girls to meet love; such magic can attract money, luck and happiness.

According to signs associated with the Annunciation, the symbol of the holiday is a flame. There is a custom according to which old unnecessary things are burned in a fire, getting rid of material and mental burden. If there is a sick person in the house, their bedding is thrown into the flames for a speedy recovery. There are round dances around the fires, people jump over them, cleansing the soul.

At midnight, people look for the brightest and largest star in the sky - the gateway to God - in order to make a secret wish. On the holiday night, the Lord is especially favorable to those who ask.

The consecration of grains of barley, rye and wheat in front of the Annunciation icon in the church or in the house contributed to the harvest, a tablecloth rich in dishes and a full stomach for the owners.

Bright holiday for women

Mary was an ordinary woman who was given the mission to give birth to the baby Jesus.

For girls, single and married women and mothers, the Annunciation is the most significant day: they must preserve peace of mind, clear thoughts, try to understand your soul. You need to visit church and confess. If it is still difficult to decide on such a measure, you can read a prayer at home.

The Annunciation is the time to ask for forgiveness and forgive yourself. The resentment needs to be let go. This is a step towards achieving harmony for women and girls. On this day, let mothers meet with their children and spend time together having heartfelt conversations and traditional family rituals. To be happy on a bright day is the main condition.

April 7 - Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary: signs for girls and others interesting traditions consider in this material. This holiday is one of the 12 most important church events during the year. It does not have a moving date, because it is counted not from Easter, but from the Nativity of Christ.

However, due to the peculiarities of the calendar, it often turns out this way, this year will not be an exception that the Annunciation falls during the period of Lent. The Lenten period is a time of restrictions not only in food, but also in entertainment and celebrations as such. Therefore, people have always associated various kinds of signs and beliefs with the Annunciation, and the celebration itself takes place quietly.

This year, the Annunciation will be celebrated on Thursday of the fourth week of Lent, however, this in no way affects the wide variety of popular beliefs. It will be useful to know.

Special holiday

April 7 - Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary: signs for girls, of course, are important. But before we start looking at certain signs, I would like to talk about the features of this day. In Rus', everyone loved this day, regardless of age. All work: around the house or in the field, was postponed, and it was customary to spend as much time as possible with the family.

As a rule, the holiday always falls during Lent. Despite the fact that the Annunciation is an important holiday, which is one of the 12 most important Orthodox holidays during the year, the festivities were not supposed to be noisy or magnificent, only the Lenten dishes. Although, you can eat fish on this holiday (only if the Annunciation does not fall on Holy Week, as was the case last year).

Traditions and signs

Let us now consider the signs for girls on April 7 - the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and not only for girls. It so happened among the people that they loved this holiday very much. This is the third spring meeting since the beginning of the year, and it is considered the final one. There are some great ones.

Firstly, girls are not allowed to braid their hair on this day. Just like birds should not build nests. There is even a legend about why the cuckoo bird does not have its own nest and is forced to throw eggs to other birds so that they can hatch the chicks. The fact is that it was the only bird that began to make a nest on the Annunciation, so it was punished. As for girls, you shouldn’t braid your hair or even comb your hair on this day, so as not to scare away good luck.

Also an important sign at the Annunciation, not only for girls, but for everyone, is the release of birds from cages to freedom. In Rus', on the holiday of April 7, fairs were always held, where you could buy a thrush in a cage and give him freedom on the day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is considered a symbol of liberation. Just like the Savior, with his birth, life and death, freed humanity from sins.

On this holiday, young people always gathered in the open air and burned a fire. Then you had to jump over this fire to burn your sins and sinful thoughts. Older people did not take part in such festivities. There is another custom for them: to collect snow and wash with melt water. It was believed that this would restore youth and help maintain health throughout the year and not get sick.

Other folk signs for the holiday of the Annunciation on April 7:
You can't lend anything. This applies not only to money, but also to some things or even salt and sugar. It is believed that along with an item from home you can give away good luck and prosperity.
You should not cut your hair, dye your hair or do any other manipulation with your hair. It was believed that this could tangle the threads of a person’s destiny.
On the day on which the Annunciation falls (Thursday in 2016), no new business can be started.
On holidays you need to go to church, be sure to take prosphora there. It is kept in the red corner for a year and is used if someone in the family gets sick.
You should not dress up or wear new clothes on a holiday.
If you call your husband “beloved” four dozen times during the holiday, then love will remain in marriage for many years.
To get a good harvest, you will need to bury a piece of prosphora in all corners of the plots.

April 7 - The Blessed Virgin Mary: signs for girls and not only we looked at in this material. The people have always loved this holiday and there are still many signs associated with it. But you shouldn’t get too carried away by these signs. What you need to do on a holiday is go to church and pray.

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary- a bright Christian holiday, which Orthodox Church celebrates April 7, and in Orthodoxy it is one of the twelve holidays. In ancient times, the feast of the Annunciation was given different names: Conception of Christ, Annunciation of Christ, Beginning of Redemption, Annunciation of the Angel to Mary.

The name of the holiday - Annunciation - conveys main meaning related event: the announcement to the Virgin Mary of the good news of the conception and birth of the Divine Infant Christ by Her. This holiday belongs to the twelve permanent holidays and is celebrated every year on the same April day.

The main icon of the holiday can be considered the masterpiece of Andrei Rublev: an angel descends to the Virgin to announce the “Good News” to her. Archangel Gabriel brought the Virgin Mary the most big news- The Son of God becomes the Son of Man. The prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, the Mother of God responds with consent to the angel’s message: “Let it be done to me according to your word.” Without this voluntary consent, God could not have become a man. He could not be incarnate, since God does not act by force, does not force us to do anything. Man is given complete freedom to respond to God with consent and love. Church Tradition says that at the moment when the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary, she read the book of the prophet Isaiah, just those words about the birth of the Messiah. “I am ready to become the last maidservant of the one who will be honored to give birth to the Messiah,” she thought.

Celebration of the Annunciation is not postponed even on Easter day, if these holidays coincide, and if this celebration falls on the days of fasting, then fasting is weakened. According to the Church Charter, this day is blessed eating fish and oil. Please your loved ones with simple, tasty and beautiful dish- under vegetable puree.

Traditions for the Annunciation - April 7

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a holiday established in memory of the day when the Archangel Gabriel brought the good news to the Virgin Mary about the upcoming birth of the Son of God. The holiday falls on Lent or Bright Week. Therefore, the duration of the celebration varies - from one to three days. If the Annunciation coincides with Easter, then the Orthodox celebrate a double holiday called Kyriopascha. True, this rarely happens: the last Kyriopascha was in 1991, and the next one will only be in 2075.

The Russian people loved the Annunciation very much - the holiday was considered one of the most important of the year.

  1. Firstly, the fast was always relaxed on the Annunciation, even if it fell on Good Friday. Especially for this day they prepared kulebyaka - a special pie with fish or cabbage.
  2. Secondly, on this day the third meeting of spring was celebrated (the first falls on, the second on).

Traditionally on Annunciation in peasant huts housewives baked prosphora, that is, unleavened church bread. Prosphoras were baked for as many people as there were in the household. The bread was carried to the temple, where the priest blessed it. Then, already at home, they ate it on an empty stomach. It was also popularly accepted add crumbs from consecrated prosphoras to pet food and seeds. It was believed that thanks to this the harvest would be rich and the livestock would be fertile and healthy. Of course, this was a relic of pagan beliefs, but at the same time, the custom of sharing church bread with animals was a sign of what our ancestors wanted to sanctify with light Christ's faith all my life, including everyday life.

At the Annunciation, Russian people “called out spring”. Of course, this ancient tradition had its roots in paganism - at that time historical development, when people did not yet know Christ and deified nature. But the Annunciation is one of the main Orthodox spring holidays- gave to old customs new life and new meaning. On April 7 (new style), people gathered together to light large bonfires cheerfully, singing “vesnyanka” songs, or, as they were also called, “chants”. Girls and boys danced around the fire, chanting, calling for warmth and blossoms - “red spring.” The songs sounded the name of the Virgin Mary and requests for a good harvest. Except the Lord and Mother of God people turned directly to spring, and also to birds, for example, larks: “ Chuvil - vil - vil, the larks are flying, spring has come to us, chuvil - vil - vil, the larks are flying."

Our ancestors considered it a great sin to take on any task, even the smallest one, on this day O. Moreover, it was believed that even unreasonable creatures celebrated the great holiday. People said this: “On this day, girls do not weave their hair, birds do not build nests.” In some areas they even believed that if a bird slept through the Annunciation Matins and made a nest on that day, then as punishment it would not be able to fly for several days.

However, I myself the holiday was considered a bird holiday. On this day, it was customary to buy birds from catchers and release them into the wild. They said that the bird would intercede with God for the one who freed it. But these days, catching and selling birds has become a cruel business that is killing birds. Don't encourage him!

According to popular belief, on the day of the Annunciation, God himself blesses the earth and everything that grows on it. In this regard, there was tradition to consecrate seeds on the eve of the holiday or on the holiday itself intended for sowing. They had to be sown on time. “He who sows early does not lose seeds,” people said.

Special sign existed for cabbage. The peasant took the first head of cabbage, picked from the garden in the fall (it was specially stored for this purpose), took it to the basement and left it overnight. The next day he was examined; The lucky ones found in such a head of cabbage seeds that were not afraid of any frost - just like the cabbage that was born from them.

Also, on the occasion of the Annunciation, they burned their straw beds at night, jumped through the fire and fumigated their dresses. All this was done to eradicate diseases and protect oneself from witchcraft.

On the eve of the Annunciation, women burn salt in the oven on this day. This Annunciation salt, works wonders in various diseases. Another sign associated with Annunciation salt - lucky will be the one who guesses to burn a few pinches of salt in the oven on this day

Signs for the Annunciation

If the housewife, on the Annunciation, before noon, takes a broom and drives the chickens from their roost, then Happy holiday they will try to rush to prepare fresh eggs for the celebration of Christ.

We watched the weather. They said:

  • if it rains on Annunciation Day, rye will be born, and if there is a thunderstorm, there will be a harvest of nuts and a warm summer;
  • frost on Annunciation - for the spring harvest, harvest for cucumbers;
  • Annunciation without swallows - cold spring;
  • On the eve of the Annunciation, peas are sown;
  • if there is a red day on Annunciation - ... this year will be hot and dry;
  • if it rains, ... it will be a mushroom year, and fishermen hope for successful fishing;
  • on the Annunciation, a sunny day, wheat will be born;
  • if there are few stars in the sky, then there will be few eggs.

On April 7, all Orthodox Christians celebrate the day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. According to church beliefs, it was on this day that the Virgin Mary learned that very soon she would have a son - Jesus Christ. This day is considered to be extraordinary, so on April 7, many tried to prevent the commission of bad deeds, sins and lead a correct lifestyle. It is with this day that people associate large number beliefs and customs, more than in any other similar events. Signs at the Annunciation protect people from mistakes. What not to do in Orthodox holiday, and what, on the contrary, is allowed? Our text will tell you about everything that interests you.

People believe that the Annunciation is the period when last time You can welcome spring, from this day on it will definitely come into its own, completely “displacing” winter. Nature has finally “moved away” from winter, saying that frosts on the soil and in the air cannot be expected until next year. On April 7, it was customary to jump over the fire, burning all the sins committed and bad deeds done. Young people were especially interested and fascinated by this ritual. On this day, older people washed themselves with snow still left over from the winter. It is believed that such snow washes away all diseases.

The main signs that exist to this day are associated with deeds that could not be performed on this celebration. For example, girls were not even allowed to braid their hair. Customs indicated that this could intertwine and confuse all the threads of fate. It was believed that such acts would not lead to anything good, and happy life this year you won't have to wait anymore. There is even a belief that on this holiday not a single bird will build a nest. And the cuckoo, once disobeying, stopped nesting altogether.

Now we will remember the folk signs for the Annunciation, which prohibit doing certain things that are familiar to us. Here is a list of things that definitely should have been postponed on the eve of April 7:

  1. On these particular holiday days, it was impossible to give away anything from your home, and lending money to someone was under the strictest prohibition. You are not even allowed to borrow salt or sugar “from the neighborhood.” It is believed that along with food or other personal items, you will convey your luck and success to a stranger.
  2. You cannot cut your hair, comb your hair, or braid your hair on April 7th. Therefore, it is best to forget about your hairstyle and hairdresser for a day.
  3. You can’t start any new things on Annunciation Day, even if it’s Monday. Therefore, if you decide to start going to the gym/go on a diet/eat right, go to new job exactly from April 7 - you will have to wait exactly one more week.
  4. You can’t cook on this day either; it’s better to do it on the eve of the holiday.
  5. On this day, you were not allowed to wear new clothes or shoes, especially those that you bought the day before. There is a belief that it can get so dirty that it will definitely not be washed off. Previously, girls avoided this rule and wore new clothes so that no one could see them.
  6. The traditions of digging, sowing, and watering the soil are prohibited. Any arable work is strictly prohibited.
  7. Sewing is also prohibited; by cutting the thread, you risk shortening your life or the life of a loved one.
  8. You will have to sit without light on this day; you are not even allowed to light candles or torches. According to legend, angels can see your committed sins through the flames.
  9. You cannot bring home greens and green fruits.
  10. You should not quarrel on this day, especially with your dearest and closest people.
  11. Mentioning lizards and snakes, bringing them into the house, dragging something on the floor will cut you off from insect bites and cold-blooded ones.

There are also folk signs from the fantasy series, but they also have the right to exist. On this day it was forbidden to go near the water, as the mermaids could cause harm. It is forbidden to leave for a long time on a holiday home- according to legends, the house-serpent or brownie comes to count the household members: whoever is not there will die soon. According to superstition, you can’t go into the forest for the Annunciation either - the Leshy can lead you so far that you can’t find the way back.

Rituals that are associated with the Annunciation and the birth of a child promise a sad fate. Babies born on April 7 were bound to die, get sick, and bring misfortune and misfortune to the family. Livestock that was born on the night of the holiday or during it was simply killed, believing that sooner or later the animal or bird would die anyway. Neither prayers nor rituals saved them.

What rituals are allowed?

Signs for the Annunciation say that on this day you need to go to church to bless the water, this will protect your family from illnesses. For married ladies, there was also a rule to maintain love and fidelity for many years - for this you had to call your husband 40 times beloved. It was a kind of conspiracy for long-term happiness and mutual understanding in a marriage.

It was welcomed if a person freed birds from a cage, releasing the birds to freedom - this was another good sign, which will definitely bring good luck. This is not surprising, because birds have always been “good forces,” which means that such a thing will definitely give a person well-being.

By the way, it is allowed to steal something on Annunciation Day - you will be happy. Of course, there are many contradictions in this ritual, but a similar custom exists in the world of magic and it really can bring happiness to a person.

It was customary to perform rituals at the Annunciation:

  • to improve material well-being, to be rich and live in abundance;
  • to get married successfully;
  • to fulfill a cherished desire;
  • to heal or be healed of an illness;
  • so that the work started will be crowned with success.

Rules for conducting rituals

Rite No. 1 “for good luck.” On the morning of April 7, you need to buy prosvira (bread for the liturgy), exactly as much as people live in the house/apartment. Insert a coin, such as a kopeck, into one of the loaves of bread and invite each family member to take the prosphora, preferably even blindfolded first. Whoever gets the coin will have good luck all year, until the next feast of the Annunciation.

Rite No. 2 “beauty for unmarried people.” Girls who have not yet had a husband are recommended to go for a walk on this day. If they find a snowdrop along the way, it means that marriage will take place before winter, that is, within six months.

Rite No. 3 “for recovery.” On April 7, a sick person needs to wash himself with melted snow, which will “drive out” all the illness. This ritual will also help get rid of childhood fear and the evil eye from unkind people.

Rite No. 4 “for good luck.” To do this, before the holiday you need to buy liquid honey and smear it on left palm, rub between the other hand, while reading the spell: “As honey melts, so luck sticks to me.” You need to repeat these words 3 times.

Rite No. 5 “for sorrows and problems.” Buy at in this case you don’t need anything, it’s enough not to light artificial light on the holiday: no lamps or lanterns. This way, the saints will be able to see your sins, problems and failures, and you can ask for complete deliverance from them.

Rite No. 6 “for material luck.” To do this, on April 7, you need to get up early in the morning, without washing or eating anything, and immediately go to church, where you must give alms to those asking. It is believed that such an act will make your money affairs go much more successfully. On this day, it is also customary to collect grass near churches; it is believed that it will bring only good luck throughout the year. To do this, dry the grass and store it behind the Images.

What's the weather expected? Let's find out by signs

Weather signs for the Annunciation have been helping people predict the weather for several hundred years. They are useful for those who are worried about the harvest and want to know what the coming summer and winter will be like. More details about everything.

  • wind means that there will be a good harvest this season;
  • a thunderstorm occurs in anticipation of a warm summer, without rain, and also a large harvest of nuts;
  • rain - in the fall you can expect a good harvest of wheat and rye;
  • Frosts should no longer be expected after April 7;
  • the weather is clear - the summer will be good and the harvest will be large;
  • Swallows don’t fly – you won’t have to wait until summer for warmth;
  • if the whole day is April 7 it's raining, means that only after May 6 will the first grass sprout;
  • if there is fog in the morning, it means that the water has arrived in the rivers;
  • Whatever the weather holds on April 7, this will definitely happen again on Easter;
  • if there is snow on the roof of the house, it means that on May 6 it will still lie in the fields;
  • if storks are already nesting before April 7, then the warmth has already fully “taken its rights.”

Folk customs for the Annunciation

The customs that have survived to this day are aimed at spiritual cleansing, attracting good luck and removing the evil eye from unkind people. For example, lighting fires is associated with cleansing the soul and body; old personal belongings that carry negativity and memories of a bad past were burned in them. To purify themselves spiritually, people jumped over the fire and danced in friendly round dances. To ensure a speedy recovery of the patient, his personal belongings (sweatshirts, shirts, underwear on which he sleeps) were burned in the fire.

The people believed that on this day they could ask the Lord God for glory and material success. When it got dark, people gathered on the street to find a star in the night sky, the one that shines brighter than the rest. If she was found, it meant one thing - God would hear all requests and pleas.

Grains were also blessed for this holiday; it was after such a ritual that it would allow the harvest of grain crops to be grown by the end of summer, and the weather would only contribute to this. To do this, the grains were placed in a saucer and placed in front of an icon standing in a house or church.

By the way, on this holiday it was customary to tell fortunes, especially with birds. It was usually believed that the signs could be read by the bird that first caught your eye, or the one that flew to the windowsill. For example, a dove means a spring rich in happiness, and an equally successful upcoming summer. The crow is a sign of a boring spring, and the girl won’t have to wait for a good summer either. A swallow or sparrow promised a calm and measured life. Meeting a wagtail or a dead bird means instability in relationships, money, problems and failures.

Conspiracies for the Annunciation

On this holiday, it was customary to carry out conspiracies in order to attract love, luck, success, and to get married successfully into the house. Some of the conspiracies have survived to this day.

For example, in order to fulfill cherished dreams, On April 7, you need to bring a small tree branch into your home. Before going to bed, think of a wish and place a twig under your pillow. Go to bed. In the morning - look what happened to the twig. If it breaks, then your wish will not come true; if the branch remains intact, your wish will certainly come true.

But in order to attract prosperity to yourself, you need to make Annunciation salt, which will bring everything you want over the next 365 days. To do this, you need to put pre-prepared table salt (the more the better) in a small bag, and place it in a preheated oven for about 15 minutes. This must be done early in the morning, with the first rays of the sun. This salt can be added to food, used to cleanse your home, and it can also be used to perform magical rituals.

By the way, here it would be correct to mention one more sign associated with this spice. There is an opinion that overcooked salt for this holiday will bring only health and good luck. It needed to be added to the dish.

They also wondered about the harvest. On the night of April 7, girls or women, keepers of the hearth, hung a damp rag outside to dry and left it. If the rag was dry in the morning, it means that the summer will be warm and especially rich and generous in harvest. But if the rag remains damp, covered with frost or frozen, don’t expect a good summer, which means the housewives won’t be pleased with the harvest.