Sample advertisement for the sale of a room. How to write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment? Recommendations. Special features: there is a collar around the neck - a leather strap with a gold medallion

- this is also a common occurrence, but in order to sell it, you need to make a lot of effort. And the first thing you need to know is how to correctly compose an ad so that the transaction is successful and effective.

Where is the best place to place advertisements for the sale of an apartment?

To successfully complete a transaction to sell an apartment based on an advertisement, you need to choose the place where it will be placed most effectively. There are many places where an ad can be placed, and the more places you place, the more likely you are to get a call and a successful transaction soon. You can leave an ad on special notice boards, in a newspaper, on the Internet, etc.

What to include in your ad

What may be of interest to buyers in the ad, what data needs to be provided:

  • How many rooms are in the apartment that is for sale?
  • In what area of ​​the city is the apartment located, on what street or station, you must also indicate the distance to the nearest stop
  • How many floors are there in the house, and on which of them is the apartment located?
  • How many square meters in the apartment and in each of its rooms
  • Specify which bathroom
  • Is there a balcony or loggia
  • At what price are you willing to sell your apartment?
  • Please indicate that you are not an agent, that you are the owner of the apartment
  • And, of course, don’t forget to leave your contact phone number

You can write all this data, logically arrange the sentences and the ad will be ready. The reader will see all the information about the apartment immediately. He shouldn't have any questions left. If there are any nuances, then it is advisable to immediately indicate them (where the windows face, the presence of car parking, etc.) This is how all advertisements that you are selling an apartment are compiled; thousands of similar advertisements are replete with boards, in newspapers and on the Internet . In order for your ad to stand out from the crowd of others, you need to add something to it that may be of interest.

How to make your ad stand out

To sell an apartment faster, the ad must be able to interest the reader immediately. Otherwise, it will get lost in the mass of others. The first advertisements on the boards are viewed carefully and thoroughly, the rest are literally skimmed through. And only those who are hooked by something can deserve attention. Therefore, at the beginning of the ad you need to indicate very interesting information in beautiful words.

How to create a mood in an ad

When reading an advertisement for the sale of an apartment, the reader often pays attention to the mood of this advertisement. If it is boring and faceless, then most often it attracts absolutely no attention. Therefore, your ad should be diluted with phrases like this:

  • Cozy clean kitchen
  • Luxurious bedroom
  • In the morning, a ray of sunshine will enter the bedroom and delight you
  • Etc., there are many variations

Important to use beautiful words and expressions that will emphasize beauty, comfort and best sides your apartment. It is important that after these words the reader can feel inspired by your apartment, feel like a master, and feel the emotions described. If your ad meets these requirements, then big chance that they will call you.

What size should your ad be?

As such, there is no standard for writing advertisements for the sale of an apartment, and there is also no special form. Therefore, you can create at least a dozen advertisements different forms and sizes, and publish them. The text can be absolutely anything, taking into account the nuances written above, most importantly, do not forget to provide contact information so that you can be contacted. The more ads you plan to write on different boards, the more options you will have to present, because... different boards have different requirements. In some places the size should not exceed 500 characters, but in others you can go up to 3000 characters.

What's most important in an ad?

The information that you consider the most valuable in the ad should be highlighted in capital letters, but such selections should not exceed 50 characters.

Examples of phrases to highlight:

  • And etc.

The description of your apartment does not have to be clear and strict; there must be a twist that will brighten up your ad and make it interesting. But you shouldn’t overload it with unnecessary information either, otherwise they won’t read it to the end. Information should be in moderation.

True Ads

When writing such an advertisement, write only the truth, but not the whole thing. There is no need to write why you decided to sell the apartment, but during a personal conversation you will still have to tell the reason, but only in such a way as not to frighten the buyer. If your relative died there, it is better to report that an elderly grandmother lived there, who spent the last six months in the hospital, where she died. And any reason must be presented correctly. Sometimes it is better to remain silent about some nuances, while others, more significant ones, are painted in all colors.

Using abbreviations in advertisements

It is better, of course, to avoid abbreviations when writing an advertisement for the sale of an apartment. A reader who is not very well versed in buying and selling will have difficulty deciphering your abbreviations and acronyms. He can simply scroll through such an ad without paying due attention to it. When there are no abbreviations in the text, it seems more lively and colorful.

More specifics

Your ad should contain a lot of specific information so that there are more potential buyers. For example, if you write that you have, then describe what is included in this concept (plastic windows, new wallpaper, etc.). Also, if you wrote that the condition of the apartment is good, then also explain why it is good. All descriptions must be clear and detailed.

Availability of photos

Photographs must be present, no matter what the apartment is. The main thing is that these photos look beneficial to you; choose an angle from which you will have a simply gorgeous view. Also take a photo of the plan with notes and explanations. This will be of interest to the buyer. It is not necessary to arrange a whole photo session, 5 photos will be enough, but the most successful ones.

What not to write in an ad

Under no circumstances write that you urgently need to sell an apartment; this word tells the reader that the price of such an apartment should be quite low due to lack of time. The phrase “in connection with the move” carries the same meaning; it should also not be used. If you suddenly mentioned that bargaining is possible, you openly stated that the price is too high. These words also do not need to be used in your advertisement for the sale of an apartment.

The right words

If you are selling an apartment not through an agency, then this should be indicated. Write that you are the owner and sell without intermediaries.

How to end an ad

It is best to end your ad with a phrase that will make the reader want to call you immediately, without looking at other ads. Finish it with phrases like this:

  • Call now
  • The apartment doesn't wait long
  • You will have another chance like this
  • This is the best offer

You can come up with any phrase that is not standard. And don't forget to include your contacts.

Selling an apartment is not an easy task, and for the transaction to be successful, it is necessary to write the ad correctly and competently. And how successful it will be depends only on you and your non-standard thinking.

how to correctly write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment - why it is so important, how to reduce advertising costs and attract a buyer.

Most buyers don't bother writing an ad. More precisely, they don’t think through its content. Then they spend money on advertising, place it in numerous media and portals, and as a result, there are almost no calls from potential buyers.

In the end, after a long wait, a buyer is found, but by then a considerable budget has been poured into advertising. Then the sale occurs at a price that does not please the seller at all.

Want a more successful scenario? Then read on!

How to correctly compose an advertisement for the sale of an apartment: algorithm

Before you create your ad, be sure to look at the analogues of other sellers or realtors. Choose the most attractive ones in your opinion and take the best from them.

You can invent something of your own, but it’s easier to do it based on “tricks” and developments based on ads that have already been tested by someone.

Realtors especially know how to correctly compose an advertisement for the sale of an apartment. But they won’t share their experience voluntarily, so just watch and borrow from their advertisements.

How can you determine the effectiveness of your selected ads? Look at the number of views!

We determine and indicate the cost of the apartment

How to determine the price?
In order not to go into serious analysis, there is a simpler scheme.

We find advertisements with apartments that have similar parameters: area, street, type of layout (class), floor, number of rooms, condition.

We compare it with the parameters of the apartment you plan to sell and display the average price.

Should I leave 50-100 thousand for bargaining?
As a rule, sellers do this and inflate the cost of the apartment compared to similar ones by the amount of the bargain.

You can go the same route, but keep in mind that in this case your ad will be less attractive to buyers.

Indicate the exact cost of the apartment and try not to use the words “Negotiable”, “Urgent sale”, “Urgent”, etc.

Otherwise, be prepared for a serious discount on the cost of the apartment, since the goals of selling quickly and selling at a high price are not compatible.

If there are no calls from buyers based on the ad (realtors don’t count), then the price is not attractive to buyers.

Do not include the realtor's commission in the price of the apartment unless you have entered into an agreement with an intermediary. This mistake leads to the apartment being idle and taking a long time to sell.

Photos in the ad

Practice has shown that high-quality photographs of an apartment in an ad increase the number of calls from potential buyers.

Therefore, do not be lazy to do a high-quality photo shoot, even if you have a standard apartment with a regular layout.

You don’t know for sure what will interest the buyer, so give him the opportunity to take a virtual tour of your apartment.

How many photos should I post in my ad?
Usually, you are given the opportunity to post at least 5 photos. Therefore, consider this to be a critical minimum for you.

Photos in an advertisement are one of the important points in answering the question of how to correctly compose an advertisement for the sale of an apartment. Give them some time Special attention, because buyers “love” with their eyes.

What to write about in an ad

Technical parameters of the apartment for sale

Be sure to indicate:

  • floor,
  • footage (common/living/kitchen),
  • number of rooms,
  • bathroom (separate/combined)
  • balcony/loggia (insulated/lined)

Target your ad to a specific type of buyer

This method is similar to selling any product that focuses on its client, and an apartment is no exception.

For example, indicate the proximity of a kindergarten, school, clubs, sports sections, the presence of a good outdoor area in the yard, if you are counting on buyers with a child or a young married couple.

Write parameters that can attract many buyers

Infrastructure: proximity shopping centers, view from the window, convenient parking in the yard, presence of a park area, remote location of busy highways.

Apartment: condition or renovation, condition or newness of plumbing, presence of tiles in the toilet and bathroom, double entrance doors or interior doors made of natural wood.

But keep in mind that not everything you value is also valued by your customers.

Add emotions
Leave the “dry” listings for the apartment parameters and add emotions to the rest of the text. In the descriptive part of the ad.

Use words that will create a positive aura for your apartment when describing rooms, balconies, courtyards and even parking lots.

For example: a cozy apartment, a large loggia, a comfortable bathroom, a functional kitchen, a quiet green area.

I can’t imagine how to correctly compose an advertisement for the sale of an apartment without adding emotions to it! They are our everything, as they say. Especially if the buyer is a woman :)

Provide small bonuses with purchases

For example, household appliances, furniture. By the way, a kitchen stove must be present, so decide right away whether you leave the one you are using, or buy and install another (cheaper) one for the buyer.

Contacts and address

Many buyers indicate the address of the apartment on the street on which the house is located, i.e. a police address, completely forgetting about stops.

Realtors, on the contrary, indicate stops and their advertisements have a greater response from potential buyers.

The second feature that increases the popularity of your ad is indicating a street that is known to everyone (by ear). But this method works effectively if your house is located on an unfamiliar street or alley.

Also indicate in the ad that the apartment is being sold by the owner. Of course, this will attract most realtors to you and they will harass you with calls, but it will also give a sign to buyers that there is no realtor commission.

Today you learned how to correctly write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment, what to include to attract buyers and increase the number of views.

Look at a live example of how to correctly write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment.

a short video where, using a live example, I show how you can improve an advertisement for the sale of an apartment in order to increase the number of buyer calls. Take a look and don't say you didn't know! :)

Often, owners, wanting to attract maximum attention to their advertisement for the sale or rental of an apartment, get carried away and unleash their unbridled creativity on applicants, which is not always good for the business. The RIA Real Estate website asked realtors to tell us how to correctly compose an ad so as not to scare off the client.


The text of any advertisement for the sale of an apartment must necessarily indicate all the necessary information about the property: address, number of rooms, footage, living area of ​​the apartment (both general and residential), size of the kitchen, details and bathroom, notes the head of the city real estate department and rental "NDV-Real Estate" Svetlana Birina.

The Est-a-Tet company reminds that when describing an apartment it is also important to focus on transport accessibility.

“An important point in the description of the apartment being sold is the legal status of the apartment: how long the apartment has been owned, how many owners, and how many people are registered in the apartment, whether the transaction is alternative,” emphasizes the deputy director of the company’s new buildings department, Alexey Olenev.

Regarding the advertisement for renting out an apartment, as noted CEO company "Metrium Group" Maria Litinetskaya, it is built on the same principle as when selling an apartment, however, here you need to emphasize some nuances that are not so important when selling. First, you need to write about the rental period: daily, several months, long-term. Secondly, describe in detail the condition of the apartment: renovation, availability of furniture and appliances, cable or digital television, Internet.

And in order to reduce the number of unnecessary calls, it is advisable to immediately indicate your wishes to future tenants: “I will rent an apartment married couple", "no animals", "possible with children", adds the Metrium Group expert. If necessary, you should indicate the maximum permissible number of residents, the attitude towards the residence of small children, elderly people and pets. Be sure to indicate contact information at the end or beginning of the advertisement seller details: name, phone number, desired time to call.

Anchor rule

The text of an advertisement for renting or selling an apartment must have an “anchor,” that is, a description of the features of the apartment or house that can be focused on by buyers, notes the general director of Metrium Group.

For example, if the apartment is made good repair, this must be emphasized, notes Olenev, but do not forget to indicate the date of the repair work and give a short list of them.

Often buyers are interested, for example, in where the windows of the apartment face. “You can make a positive emphasis, for example, that the apartment is bright because the windows face the sunny side, or quiet if they overlook the courtyard,” adds the agency’s interlocutor.

Linguistic aspect

According to Litinetskaya, when describing the “anchor” it is better to abandon dry language and use short emotional phrases. With their help, you can quickly “reach out” to the client.

In order to emphasize the advantages of the property, it is advisable to use the following epithets: “spacious, cozy, bright apartment”, “inexpensive 24-hour supermarket on the ground floor”, “furniture and appliances as a gift” or “wonderful view of the evening sunset”.

Olenev insists that the description of the apartment for sale should be concise and structured; it is better to save all complex phrases for literary research. Main principle- nothing superfluous, but present everything necessary with a positive attitude.

“For an ad to attract buyers, it must be unusual, memorable and unformatted. For example, an ad with the headline “I’m selling an apartment and a cat as a gift” will at least attract the attention of a potential buyer, and he will go to the page to read the description of the property,” says Olenev .

However, not all phrases can be used when writing an ad, says Litinetskaya; some will have the exact opposite effect and scare off the buyer.

For example, if you indicate that “there is a multi-lane road nearby without traffic jams,” which means there is constant noise from cars and air polluted with exhaust gases, then this is unlikely to be of interest to the buyer, says the expert. The same situation applies to the label “windows overlook a school playground”, “promising, actively developing area”. IN the latter case“truth” most likely won’t work, since no one wants to live on a construction site for a few more years.

In addition, you need to be careful with wording like “walking distance to the station, from where you can easily go in any direction.” This phrase seems to indicate good transport accessibility, but on the other hand it can be associated with dirt, large flows of people, or even worse - with the complex crime situation of the place.

Playing with fonts

Often, a buyer, viewing advertisements, perceives them as a picture, including the text part, provided that the fonts are chosen correctly. Therefore, it is best to use regular and easy-to-read fonts in your ad, such as Arial, Times New Roman, Calibri. It is better to avoid exotic options, since such advertisements are simply difficult to read,” warns Olenev from Est-a-Tet.

He also adds that standard methods of emphasis, such as italics, underlining, or bold, are preferred. It is better to show creativity in the presentation itself, as has already been said, this is what sets the buyer in the right mood.

Not all sites can allow their customers to change the ad font. For example, in the Avito interface there is no way to change the font or even its style, say company experts.

"You can beautifully design explanatory inscriptions on the photo, say, pointing to the right house, but it’s important to be careful here, because attracting attention with the help of motivating words in the photo, for example, “urgent”, “attention”, “cheap” is prohibited here,” they say in Avito.

The agency’s interlocutors warn that only Russian must be used in advertisements, and transliterations like “Sdam kvartiru v Moskve,” as well as unreasonable use of capital letters and special characters, are also not allowed.

The fact is that the phrases written in capital letters "URGENTLY! 2ND APARTMENT IN YAROSLAVL!" or “I’ll rent out an APARTMENT for $$$$!!” are poorly perceived by the reader and will cause more wariness than interest.

Price list with reservation

Price is one of the most important points in an advertisement for the sale or rental of an apartment. For a successful sale, it should be average or slightly lower than in the area, Litinetskaya believes.

“If you need to quickly sell an apartment, you should not write about “urgent sale” in the advertisement. On the one hand, this is perceived by buyers as possible fraud on the part of the owner. On the other hand, clients may ask for an additional discount,” explains the expert. According to her According to him, it is obvious that neither one nor the other option is beneficial to the seller.

“If you write “bargain” in the ad, you will immediately declare that your apartment is not worth the specified price,” adds the general director of Metrium Group.
Here she notes that you can also use the same “anchor”. For example, if the price of the property is slightly lower than the market price, you can write in the ad " best price near".

Photos are attached

An advertisement for both the sale and rental of an apartment must be accompanied by a good quality photograph.

“The most common mistakes that occur in every second sale advertisement are either there are no photographs, or they were taken on a phone and the image is blurry, or the photographs were taken in the evening,” notes Olenev from Est-a-Tet.

To avoid various incidents, he advises that before photographing an apartment, you must clean it, because photographs of rooms where things are scattered and disorder reigns make a repulsive impression.

"The photographs should show all the rooms in the apartment, the house itself, preferably if the windows open good view. It’s also not possible to take a photo of the adjacent space,” the expert notes.

Plus, he continues, the photos should reflect the presence in the apartment of built-in furniture, pantries or dressing rooms, storage niches, loggias and balconies, if any.

Today the situation in the real estate market is difficult - it is “standing”. And you need to sell your apartment as soon as possible.

A well-written advertisement for sale is not a magic wand, but it can increase your chances.

Informativeness, originality, creativity - these are the components of success. All this applies to an advertisement for the sale of an apartment.

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Information content

Create an ad with as much useful information as possible.

Parameters such as the size of the apartment, floor, availability of an elevator, Internet and concierge are now included in the electronic form of the advertisement, so we will not talk about them unless you are submitting an advertisement to a website on the Internet.

If you submit an ad in a newspaper, you must indicate them.

How to describe the property for sale? Start with the advantages of your apartment.

For example, “it’s warm in winter and cool in summer,” say two words about good neighbors, cleanliness of the entrance, a cozy courtyard with a playground, etc. For many, this is important information.

Indicate specific facts - the presence of repairs, improvements, redevelopment. If it exists, is it legalized?

For many, the infrastructure of the area where the apartment is located is important.. You can write about the proximity of shops, pharmacies, kindergarten or schools, clinics, bus stops public transport or the presence of a parking lot and a barrier at the entrance to the yard.

The easiest way to get rid of unnecessary things is to give it to someone or throw it away. But there is a more pleasant way: we’ll talk about how to profitably sell things, used or those that didn’t suit you. We will tell you how to properly build a headline, present ad text and take good photographs.

In every home there are bound to be things that are no longer used, are moved from place to place, or are put away out of sight. You definitely don’t need these things, and you can get rid of them by freeing up space in your apartment.

Post paper advertisements, go to the market or store consignment goods will not be required, since the Internet now offers a lot of opportunities - sites with advertisements and groups on social networks, where the target audience is maximally covered.


This is the most important thing and the first thing a potential buyer pays attention to. The title must be chosen specifically for the search query and indicate as much information as possible in it. It is advisable to duplicate keyword both in the ad title and in the text. Keep in mind that if you don't interest the buyer in the headline, then most likely he will pass by your ad.

Example: You have a children's snowsuit in good condition.

Bad header options:
Selling overalls
Winter coveralls

Good header options:
Winter overalls for a boy, in good condition, inexpensive!
Winter overalls, blue. As a gift, mittens or a hat!
Winter overalls from XXX for boys
Comfortable and little-worn winter overalls from XXX

An example of an unsuccessful title: using the word “sell” and an error in the title:

Photo by U-mama website user

Announcement text

Why should your product be of interest to the buyer? It is not enough to simply write in the text what exactly you are selling - add emotions and advantages from purchasing the product. This will help the buyer make a decision.

Let's look at the same overalls as an example.

In the text of the ad, you can write that “the overalls are convenient to put on a child, washes well and dries quickly, modern insulation, reflective elements are used, the hood and fur are detachable, windproof and waterproof fabric, etc.” That is, list all the advantages that the product has.
Use simple sentences when describing the product, no more than 5-7 words. Avoid complex turns and structures, it gets tiring and you lose interest.


Be sure to fill out all the fields in the ad: size/height, gender, seasonality, type of product.

More important point- not all buyers are ready to communicate with sellers. Thanks to a detailed description, you can avoid large quantity questions from buyers and thereby weed out pseudo-buyers.
Check your text for errors, as they reduce trust. In addition, incorrect spelling of words interferes with the work of search engines.


Don't forget to include information about any defects.

If your product has some shortcomings, do not remain silent about it. Please note: if the buyer was notified of the defects in the product, but still purchased it, he loses the right to make claims against you. And your conscience will be clear!

Buyers will thank you for showing everything in your ad. After all, it’s better when the buyer finds out about the defect BEFORE he drives to you for an hour in traffic jams.

Magnet words

Magnet words work very well! Below we give examples of how they work depending on the position in the ad:

Free, Gift, Discount, Sale, Inexpensive, Cheap, Reduced price, Delivery.

Bad ad example A good example of an ad

Selling a stroller.

Roan Kortina 2 in 1 stroller. Easy to use, good maneuverability in snow and mud, large inflatable wheels. Spacious bag.

Baby stroller Roan Kortina 2 in 1, inexpensive.

The stroller is in good condition. There is a chassis, a cradle, a walking block, and an insulated cover for the legs.
The wheels are inflatable rubber, oversized, which ensures a soft ride.

The frame with large fixed wheels is especially convenient when the stroller is used not only on smooth asphalt, but also outdoors or on snow in winter.

Excellent maneuverability and light weight.

View and pick up in the City Center in the evening.

Looks boring. The title does not match the search query. Lack of advantages will lead to loss in a large flow of information. The advantages of the product are not highlighted. The condition, place and time of collection are not indicated.

In our opinion, the ad is well written and looks attractive.

Photo for the ad

If your ad doesn't have photos, know that 99% of the time it won't interest anyone. Even photos copied from the manufacturer’s website do not increase interest. As a rule, buyers walk past such advertisements; in rare cases, a potential buyer will ask to take their photos. But this is time, and no one is ready to wait for your photos. The buyer needs the product here and now. An exception is only if your price is very attractive.

Even to the maximum detailed description appearance won't be able to convey complete information about the product.
Today, almost all modern phones can take high-quality pictures. Your task is not to be lazy and make them. And even from several angles. But don't post low quality photos, it's off-putting. Trust me, you don't need to be a professional DSLR photographer.

Simple rules for getting a good photo:

Shoot only in daylight;
- the light should fall on the subject from your side (the photographer) or from the side;
- use a plain and contrasting background;
- remove everything unnecessary from the frame;
- focus the camera exactly on the subject;
- don’t overdo it with Photoshop, the thing should look the same as in reality.

Examples of bad photos and headlines,

Examples of successful photographs, photo of U-mama site users

The price of the product

It's so scary low price, and high, we will look for a middle ground.

Low price: What if the thing is bad? Or fake? Or is there a hidden defect? - this is what the buyer thinks. Don't set a suspiciously low price.

High price: Nobody likes to overpay for a product, buying it more expensive than from other sellers. Typically, buyers are more or less aware of prices, and if the price for a used product is slightly less than the price of a new one, then it is easier for them to add and buy a new item than to take risks and purchase secondhand and without any guarantees - and, possibly, with hidden defects.

Example: if you sell a multicooker in excellent, very excellent condition for 3500, while the store offers it for 4000-4200, then there is no point in taking it. If a person has a desire and an amount of 3500, it is easier for him to add and buy a new, unused item with a guarantee, which he can return back within 2 weeks.

If you don't indicate the price, then they are unlikely to call you. Let me remind you that not all buyers are ready to communicate with sellers. The buyer will purchase the product for which the price is indicated.

When setting a price for a product, take into account the psychology of the potential buyer. After all, he wants to save money first of all. Look at similar advertisements from “competitors” and indicate a price 5-10% lower so that the product quickly finds a new owner. If you don’t want to give the item away cheaper and even plan to sell it for more, try to make a better photo and description than the “competitor”.

To help you determine the price of a used product, you should remember that new thing, which has gone beyond the store, automatically becomes cheaper by 20%.

Looking for a middle ground: Always put yourself in the buyer’s shoes - would I buy this (my) product at this price?

A used item should cost approximately no more than 50-70% of the original price. Even if it's in good condition.

Consider the wear rate of the product. If the product has no complaints, no signs of use, then 70% percent. If “worn by life,” then 50% or less.

There are products for which the year of manufacture plays a role, for example, cell phones. You won't be able to get a lot of money for the old model.

When selling goods, take into account such an indicator as “fashionability”. If you have a new sheepskin coat from the 90s, and it has been hanging in the closet, then you will not be able to sell it at a high price, if there is any demand for it at all.

Ruthlessly break away from emotional reasons for raising prices. Such as “the thing is just like new!”, “it’s imported!” Most often, such emotions arise due to a lack of information from the seller. How long have you been to stores not only in your area? Do you know how much your item costs during sales? Compare your price with prices from popular online stores. Nowadays, buyers are quite informed about prices, and they are unlikely to be delighted with you and overpay for an item because it “looks so good” and is dear to you as a memory.

Rare items have a different value estimate. We will not dwell on them, since their cost is determined by specialists.

Pleasant little things and bonuses

Bargaining is possible/appropriate. A bargain offer always gives the buyer the hope of getting the product cheaper.

Agree that everyone loves gifts! If you have the opportunity, offer a bonus in addition to your product. For example, when selling overalls - mittens or a hat, strollers - a hanging toy, cribs - a mattress, etc.

Free shipping is a very nice bonus! Buyers will certainly use it, even if the price for your product in the ad list is the same as that of a competitor or slightly higher.

Publish an ad on 2-3 sites, then your product will have more views.

See the reaction of potential buyers. If you don't receive calls with questions or offers for a long time (about a week or two), then perhaps you need to lower your price and make it competitive.

Things that cannot be sold through ads

Chinese soft toys, especially small ones;
- food packaging, including New Year’s backpacks in the shape of mice, dogs, etc.;
- used cosmetics;
- used underwear;
- used baby pacifiers;

There is a chance to give away these items for pickup:

Clothes and shoes of our grandmothers, even if not second-hand;
- leather shoes with knocked toes/broken zippers, etc.;
- children's rompers and baby vests that your parents bought for you.

We wish you to sell everything you don't need!