What are the best strings for an electric-acoustic guitar? Types of strings

Any guitarist sooner or later has to change the strings on his instrument, either due to wear and deterioration in sound, or in order to get a slightly different sound from the instrument. The acoustic guitar is a wonderful instrument that sounds great in concert hall, and in a cramped apartment, and in the courtyard among multi-story buildings, and, of course, in nature around the fire.

It is no longer possible to change the acoustic properties, which depend on the type of wood, the composition of the varnish, and the quality of manufacturing of the parts. But it is possible to achieve the desired timbre and sonority by replacing strings.

Nylon or metal?

If we consider what types of guitar strings there are, we can divide them into two groups that have their own varieties: nylon and metal. Each has its own characteristics, advantages and some disadvantages.

If we talk briefly about the main properties, then nylon ones are softer and their sound is duller. Metallic ones are characterized by brighter, ringing sound, but they are tougher - it is from them that guitarists develop rough calluses on the fingertips of their left hands.

Soft and quiet

As already mentioned, nylon strings are softer. They are essentially nylon fishing line, or at least that's what the first three look like. Only the thickness of the line from the first to the third increases accordingly. Thick basses consist of a bundle of nylon threads that are wound with copper (most often), silver or brass.

There is also such a thing as the degree of tension. For beginners, it is usually advised to choose a normal tension - it is very difficult and painful to press High Tension nylon lines to the frets. Although they are easier to play, there are some nuances of sound extraction, known to masters, will remain unavailable.

Experts believe that if the guitar was purchased with nylon strings, then when replacing it it is better to choose the same ones. The same goes for metal ones. Nylon is usually placed on the classic spanish guitar, and for an acoustic sound a loud, rich metallic sound is more suitable. However, there are exceptions and special opinions among guitarists on this matter.

By the way, it happens that nylon strings are more difficult to secure to the pegs (very slippery), more difficult to tune (it is difficult to “catch” the desired pitch). Professionals advise that after re-stringing and tuning, let the instrument sit for a day so that the nylon stretches, and then finally tune the guitar.

Loud and loud

This is exactly what is perfect for an acoustic guitar. Juicy sound of chords, ringing tremolo, bright strumming - only metal is capable of all this. No matter what metal strings are strung on an acoustic guitar, they will still sound louder than synthetic ones.

There are several varieties of them:

    Based on monolithic (piano steel) with round winding. The first two strings are wire made of high-strength special steel, the third can look different: either like the first two, or have a thin metal winding. The sound with it is more velvety and pleasant, however, due to its thinness, the braid breaks very quickly. And in this case, replacement is already necessary.

There is one note: if one string fails, then it is better to change everything at once: the sound of the new one will still be out of tune with the overall timbre. It’s better not to skimp and choose the entire tool kit for a replacement.

    With steel base and flat winding. IN in this case The difference from the previous type is only in the winding: it is flat on the outside.

    Steel core with synthetic shell. The sheath can be a thin Teflon winding, or steel wire is encased in plastic. This protection increases their service life: they do not get dirty from contact with your fingers, and do not wear out, even if the frets on the guitar are not well polished. However, the special iridescent sound characteristic of a metal core with a round winding will not work here.

More about the winding

In general, the sound of the bass and the ease of moving your fingers along it depend largely on the winding and, first of all, what its shape is. As already mentioned, the metal winding can be round in diameter. In this case, you can get a very ringing, rich, shimmering sound. But the sliding of fingers on such an uneven surface is accompanied by a characteristic squeak, or, as they also say, a whistle, and this extraneous noise is sometimes perfectly audible to the audience.

Flat or semicircular winding is good because it gives an ideal smooth surface. The fingers of the left hand glide along it easily and almost silently, without encountering any obstacles. And for beginners, pressing on such a surface is not so painful. However, the sound, although sonorous, loses that special iridescence that was mentioned above. On the bass it has a "matte coloration" compared to the richer sound of the thin first strings.

The material from which the outer braid of the bass is made is, as a rule, copper, less often brass, silver or other alloys. Copper is naturally cheaper, silver is more beautiful. But you shouldn’t put this expensive miracle on a cheap guitar with poorly polished frets. You won’t achieve any particularly beautiful sound here; the silver shell will quickly break, and you’ll just have to change the entire set.

Diameter and tension

The boxes with the kits always contain numbers indicating the diameter and tension. At least, reputable companies that produce quality products (such as D’Addario, La bella) must write this information on the packaging. The thickness of the first string can be from 0.08 to 0.15 mm, often this figure is indicated in inches. Thick, low-tension basses may rattle when played against the frets. To avoid this, lower the bar.

As a rule, guitarists, experimenting with various parameters and brands of manufacturers, choose the most successful option (or options) that satisfies them in terms of sound and ease of sound production. Knowing the basics and patterns, you can personal experience choose the most good strings.

We hope this article helped you choose good strings for your guitar.

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It has always been an honor to be able to play the guitar. Even after learning a few chords, you can already play simple songs in the yard or near the fire to lift your mood and morale. But there are times when, due to carelessness or prolonged use, the strings on a guitar break. In order not to cut short the holiday, you should always have a spare set of strings with you. This is where the main question arises: “How to choose strings for an acoustic guitar?”

Types of strings

For an acoustic guitar, you have the choice of installing nylon or metal strings (on the same electric guitar, you can only install metal strings). These are two opposing camps. There is still debate about which strings are best for an acoustic guitar. In fact, it all depends on the person. Acoustic guitar strings sound different. That's why they are so great amount. There are many different sets that differ from each other in various parameters that affect the sound and quality of the game. Don't forget that, among other factors, the acoustic guitar itself also affects playing. What strings are best for beginners?

Strings for Beginners

The first steps in mastering the guitar are always difficult. It is very important that from the very beginning a person enjoys playing the guitar, otherwise he will soon give up. Since the main element of a guitar is the strings, the approach to their selection should be in the first place. For beginners, nylon ones are best suited, since they have all the parameters useful to them.

Pros and cons of nylon strings

For beginners, nylon strings are best, as synthetic strings are much easier to play. Metal is a much harder material than synthetics, so it is more difficult to pluck your first chords on such strings. Synthetics, in turn, are a softer material, so learning to play on them will be many times easier.

For untrained fingers, the first loads will be quite large, so you need to do everything possible to reduce the load on them. In addition, synthetics are not so harmful to the skin: although at first it will be painful to clamp the frets, but then you will quickly get used to it.

But everything is not as simple as it seems. Synthetic is a soft material, which is why it is susceptible to deformation. Because of this property, the acoustics need to be constantly adjusted as the strings stretch. They are also less durable, so you should be careful and try not to tear them.

Nylon on a guitar does not sound as loud as metal. Its sound is more subdued, but soft. Therefore, when playing “forte” you need to put in more effort.

Pros and cons of metal strings

Metal strings are made of a stronger material, which gives them such strength. They are more durable and unpretentious to other conditions. They also don't deform as much. This makes it possible to keep them tight (no need to adjust them every time). Best Strings for acoustic guitar - metal. They are rightfully considered as such, because their sound is more ringing and loud.

But they have whole line shortcomings. Due to their strength, metal strings are made thinner. Especially for beginners, this results in thick calluses on the left hand. If you re-exercise out of a spiritual impulse, your fingers may bleed, and these are not just words. That is why it is important for yourself to choose a norm, several hours a day, in order to avoid overwork and bloody blisters. In addition, pressing chords will be much more difficult than with synthetics, since metal is a harder material. Here you need to use all your strength to make a sound.

Which strings to choose

So what are the best strings for an acoustic guitar? Well, for this it is worth taking into account all the factors. If a person is just starting to study music, then it is better to use nylon strings, since they are the easiest to learn on; if you have experience, then metal strings, because they have a more beautiful sound.

How to change strings on an acoustic guitar

If suddenly the purchased guitar turned out to come with a set metal strings, but they needed nylon ones, no problem. The question of how to change strings on an acoustic guitar is resolved very quickly.

The first step is to buy a new set of strings. They are sold in any music store, and there are plenty of them on the Internet. After that, all that remains is to remove the old ones and attach the new ones.

Old strings need to be removed starting with the pegs (those things that are attached to the headstock). By reducing the tension, you can easily untangle them with your fingers and remove them from the peg. Then simply untie the knot on the bridge (the base on which the strings are attached near right hand). Then, having done the reverse procedure, new strings are put on, starting from the lower bridge and ending with the pegs.

Valuable advice: it is best to change strings for an acoustic guitar not from top to bottom, but from the sides. That is, first the sixth and first strings are put on, then the fifth and second, and only then the fourth and third. The headstock is made so that pairs of pegs hold the strings in exactly that order. The farthest pair of pegs is responsible for the first and sixth. Same with the middle and third pair of pegs.

In fact, there is nothing complicated here, you just need to practice a little.

Best Strings

You always want to have something of very high quality and reliability. The same applies to strings. As a rule, the strings for an acoustic guitar installed when purchasing it are not of high quality. This is why it is recommended to change the strings after purchasing an instrument. The best option there will be a famous brand dedicated to guitars, Fender. He collected all the best in himself. This pleasure costs more than other strings, but it's worth it.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a professional or just starting to play the guitar, there will come a time when you need to replace the strings for your favorite instrument and then the difficult task of choosing them will arise. In order to choose good, and most importantly “correct” strings, you need to know a few things. We'll talk about them.

Important!!! Strings different types, can only be used on the corresponding instrument. Using strings for other purposes may lead to undesirable consequences, including failure of the instrument.

Today we will talk about how to choose, which is very popular in the market musical instruments, and . But before that I would like to say a little about what a string is. By and large, any wire or fishing line that can not deform or break after repeated use can be considered a string.

But if all the strings were the same thickness, then the sound of all 6, 7 or 12 strings would be the same. In order to make the sound of each string unique, in the 18th century they began to use winding, which can be made of various metals:


  • Yellow- a bright clanging sound with good percussion, loud, beautiful, but yellow bronze requires care - it quickly oxidizes, the winding acquires a characteristic greenish color. It is better to store in a case in a dry place.
  • Phosphorus- there is no such characteristic clanging, but the sound is more even, deep, with clear bass.

Which bronze to choose is an acquired taste, but personally I prefer the first option. I would like to note that if you choose bronze from a good manufacturer, you definitely won’t regret it. Cost from 60 - 100 UAH. average.

Copper- a cheaper string option. Although their sound is clear, with a good midrange, they do not have the same individuality as the bronze ones. In general, they sound approximately the same across different brands.

Silver- quite thin in structure. Their sound also has subtlety and clarity. Voiced, perfect for picking with both fingers and a pick. But, as for me, they do not have as much power when playing in combat as bronze ones.

And also be of different types:

  • Round winding. These strings have a ringing and bright sound.
  • Flat winding. These strings have a more matte, slightly muted sound.

In this regard, the sound of the guitars was filled with great power, which guaranteed the performer unforgettable success. In the 20th century, the range of strings became even more diverse. They are starting to be made on a steel cable, synthetic, with profile and multilayer winding, combined, bimetallic.

When choosing strings for your guitar, we must not forget that all strings are divided into 3 types: thin, medium thickness and thick (light tension, medium and strong, respectively)

  • Thin strings It’s easier to press, your fingers don’t get so tired, but their sound is quieter
  • Thick sets strings sound more juicy and rich, but they are harder to play.
  • Average thickness ideal for beginning musicians and combines ease of string clamping and pleasant sound

In terms of thickness, sets 0.10 - 0.48, 0.11 - 0.52 best convey sound. Strings 0.12 - 0.56 add volume, but are very hard, so it is advisable to lower the tuning with them a little.

Synthetic strings are used only for classical guitar, so it is not surprising that such a guitar is recommended for learning by beginning musicians. When playing on such strings, your fingers don’t get so tired and it’s easier to press them to the frets. Typically, the top three strings are synthetic nylon line, and the rest are made of polyfilament backing. Often craftsmen use round wire for winding.

Also, I would like to note that synthetic strings come in higher density. Their inventors are considered to be Japanese scientists, who at the end of the 20th century began to use carbon in their work, which has a density higher than that of nylon. For example, the 3rd string of this type has a diameter of 0.85-0.92 mm. The main disadvantage of such strings is their high price, since such material is 5-7 times more expensive than nylon. But despite this, high-density synthetic strings will provide you with enjoyable guitar lessons that are sure to be productive!

  • Synthetic (nylon) strings. In such sets, the first three strings are made of nylon fishing line, and the three bass strings are made of many threads of the same nylon and covered with an outer metal winding, mainly copper, sometimes silver or brass (phosphor bronze).
  • High density synthetic strings. These strings are made from carbon line, which gives them increased density and a thinner diameter. Such strings have a ringing, pronounced sound. The disadvantage is the high price.
  • Strings on a steel cable. These strings are relatively soft and have different string wraps: the first three are with nylon tape, and the 4th to 6th are with silver plated copper. Such strings hold tuning very well and practically do not stretch. They are not very popular because the price is very high.
  • Synthalic strings. These are strings that, even at the metal level, are characterized by high brightness of sound and the usual softness, like nylon strings. They tune up very quickly, the winding wears out much less from contact with the frets, and these strings also make it possible to make “braces.” The tune and rich sound remain unchanged for several months.

Strings for acoustic (pop) guitars:

  • Monolithic steel strings. It is definitely worth mentioning the strings on a monolithic steel base. They can be seen on acoustic guitars, which are often used in pop music. These strings are based on high strength steel. The winding is most often made of copper or phosphor bronze and varies in hardness and elasticity. These parameters affect the sound of the guitar and the comfort of the fingers.
  • Steel strings in a thin synthetic sheath Americans are known to us not only for inventing new types of guitars, but also strings. For example, the creation of steel strings in addition to a synthetic shell of bass strings. This means that the bottom layer is made of metal material, covered with synthetic elements. Such a successful selection is ideal for those guitarists who want to practice for a long time musical creativity on his acoustic guitar.
  • Steel strings with semicircular or flat winding. These strings are a type of string with a monolithic steel base. When sliding your fingers along the string, there is no “whistle” characteristic of ordinary strings. They have a matte sound on the bass strings and a more sonorous sound on the first three, which are without winding.


  • - on the frequency of winding turns: Once I bought a rather expensive set of phosphor bronze, which had a more frequent winding. As a result, I got a completely different sound - more dull, with bass and without my favorite clanging.
  • - on the manufacturer: Choose strings that are more expensive and from well-known brands that have proven themselves in the market - the strings will last longer and you will get more pleasure from playing.
  • If you are a beginner and do not particularly understand the choice of strings and do not see any fundamental differences in them, you should consult with the consultants in the store. They will be happy to help you choose exactly what suits your guitar best. Very often, beginning musicians mistakenly put uncharacteristic strings on the guitar, as a result of which, best case scenario You will simply get low-quality sound, or at worst, the guitar will fail.
  • If you have an idol in music (it is possible that you have an analogue of his instrument), I advise you to find out which strings he plays on. Knowing his preferences, you can always find a lot useful information about the parameters of its strings and make your choice based on this knowledge. For each style of music you need to select your own set, and who else but famous guitarists, know better than anyone what it takes to play well.

In general, choosing strings is a very individual process: look at what companies your idols use, try playing with sets of different thicknesses and different manufacturers, because the best experience is personal. Only after trying many options can you choose the best one for yourself.

P.S. After playing the guitar, run your finger along the bottom of the string, from the nut to the nut. You will see dirt that has accumulated there; it needs to be removed. Do this every time you finish playing - the strings will last you much longer. I do not recommend wiping them with a cloth that is not intended for caring for strings - the micro fibers that remain on the strings accumulate between the turns of the winding and interfere with the vibrations of the string, muffling the sound.

Good luck!

When choosing strings for an acoustic guitar, any musician, both a professional and someone who picked up the instrument for the first time, faces one difficulty. It consists in the inability to listen to sound. How certain strings will sound will become known only when they are used; it is impossible to predict the sound.

If professionals understand what they came to the store for, that is, these people are familiar with various brands, they have specific preferences and favorite manufacturers, then beginners do not have such experience and get lost in front of the display case.

How to choose?

Buying strings is almost always a lottery, but there are some determining factors. Firstly, you need to understand in advance as clearly as possible what exactly you need to purchase in terms of technical characteristics and material. For a beginner in music, there is no point in trying everything at random, since a person with no experience can simply tension the string incorrectly, which is why he will not hear its true sound.

Music teachers and acquaintances with playing experience can help you decide what is worth purchasing. A similar question can be asked in thematic groups or on the forums. The only thing you shouldn’t do is trust the words of the seller when he tells you which strings are best for an acoustic guitar.

As a rule, the dealer is not at all interested in how the instrument will sound; he is worried about selling an old or frankly low-quality, stale or expensive product to an amateur. Each musician can choose the best strings for an acoustic guitar only on his own, just like the instrument. Absolutely identical strings, like the guitars themselves, in different hands They don't sound the same at all.

What are they?

Beginners are usually embarrassed by the question of what strings there are on an acoustic guitar and how they differ from classical ones, trying to figure it out on their own. However, having found out how some differ from others, beginning musicians do not take into account such a factor as finger strength, which an experienced musician or teacher will certainly tell you about when explaining which strings are used on an acoustic.

Sami acoustic strings can be:

  • monolithic on a steel base;
  • steel in flat and semicircular windings;
  • synthetic on a steel base.

Having heard about steel, beginning musicians are almost always puzzled and ask sellers about strings for an acoustic guitar made of copper or brass. Such questions immediately reveal a complete lack of experience and even the very fact of familiarity with the instrument. Copper, brass, etc. are not the material of the strings themselves, but their windings.


Made from so-called piano steel. Copper, its alloys and phosphorus bronze are used in the windings of “monoliths”. These strings are very sonorous and have good unison. Almost all 12-string acoustic guitars are equipped with them.

With flat and semicircular windings

This is how a regular 6-string acoustic guitar is equipped. The strings are stretched with the flat side under the fingers, and the round side, respectively, towards the body of the instrument.

This is the best option for beginning musicians. The specificity of this type of strings is that they give a more matte, pure and free of impurities sound, even with an uncertain playing technique. Especially important point is an even sound in the bass, which is more difficult to achieve than the upper ringing.


They are most often equipped with not particularly expensive instruments, which are what beginners purchase. Many are completely satisfied with the sound, and when going to the store, such musicians know for sure that they need “synthetics”.

As a rule, only when contacting the seller do beginners in playing the guitar learn that there are two types of this type of strings.

The first type is strings in a metal winding, additionally covered with Teflon on top. This variety is good for those who intensively use the tool, since it is extremely wear-resistant and almost resistant to friction.

The second type is strings, in the winding of which wire and “synthetics” are connected. This variety is easier in terms of pressing the frets, but quickly becomes dirty with sweat and skin particles, since the gaps between the turns are not very tight. This feature leads to the fact that these strings lack iridescence, that is, gypsy romances You can't play them perfectly, the sound is quite dull. But for chanson they are quite suitable.

About the winding

Before you change the strings on an acoustic guitar to the same ones, you need to know exactly what type is on the instrument, and, most importantly, do not forget what the winding is made of and what type it is made of.

Literally everything in the game depends on these factors, not only for a beginner, but also for an experienced musician. Since guitar playing is based on tactile memory, that is, finger memory, string consistency is extremely important. Musicians who are accustomed to certain values ​​of gaps in the turns and convexity of the strings always experience discomfort and perform worse on the new type.

Of course, after some time devoted to scales or other exercises, your fingers get used to it, but you don’t always have free hours for your own “tuning,” especially for beginners.

Winding materials

Acoustic guitar strings are wrapped in copper and its alloys, phosphor bronze, brass, synthetic polymers and silver.

There was a joke among Western guitarists in the middle of the last century that silver strings protected them from vampires in auditoriums.

In fact, such strings are not made of silver, and they cannot protect against a vampire. Silver is only a coating sprayed onto finished strings with any winding. This does not affect the sound in any way, but it looks very aesthetic and even mysterious. Besides external attractiveness Such strings do not leave dark marks on the skin and do not fade with long-term use.

Phosphor bronze and brass are the most durable and strong windings available. But they have a disadvantage, the same as that of polymers - such strings for an acoustic guitar do not ring. Their sound is thick, rich and dull, very solid and serious.

Copper, like its various alloys, is the most popular material for winding. These strings produce shimmer and are ideal for Spanish musical pieces, for accompanying dances, performing romances and much more. For example, a high-quality fight can be performed exclusively on copper. The only drawback is their fragility; such strings have the most short life.

What else affects the sound?

Beginning musicians, trying to achieve satisfactory sound quality, often change strings, throwing away quite good ones. And they do it only because it “doesn’t sound right.” This is another difference between a beginner in music and an experienced guitarist.

In addition to the winding material and type, the height of the strings on an acoustic guitar also affects the sound. It is adjusted above the neck, and the sound quality, ease of performance, and even the service life of the strings largely depend on it.

Each musician chooses this parameter for himself; there is no single standard for the “correct height”. It is determined personally, during the game, of course, not in an hour or even a month.

Beginners need to take into account when tuning that strings pulled too low will certainly catch and rub against the frets, as well as rattle on chords. Tensioning too high will require a lot of effort from the fingers and the hand in general, especially when pressing the central frets.

The optimal height parameter is influenced by the tool itself. For a convex bar, one height is good, for a curved bar, another. The ratio of the thresholds also matters.

What does a typical set of strings look like?

In the standard set, only the 4th, 5th, and 6th are always wrapped. But the 3rd string may have the thinnest winding in comparison with the others, but most often it is “bald” or “naked”. 1st and 2nd always remain unwound.

In stores, strings are sold exclusively in sets, which often causes confusion among beginning musicians who only need to replace one that has broken. However, the sale of strings in sets is not due to the desire of sellers and manufacturers to profit from beginners and inexperienced guitarists. This is due to the fact that each set of strings has certain technical characteristics of sound nuances. Strings purchased at random, individually from different factory lots, almost never sound in unison.

And this moment is extremely important for obtaining high-quality sound. Even playing at home or performing in the park on a bench “for girls” on strings from different sets often produces a noticeable resonance for listeners. And when the instrument is used in areas with sound amplifiers, for example, in any club or cafe, sound defects are the first thing that “catches the ears.” Therefore, you should not look for advertisements for the sale of one string or pair, you need to purchase a whole set.

Beginners, when choosing their first set of strings, do not need to be shy. You should ask about everything, no matter how ridiculous the question may seem to the most novice guitarist. Music is impossible without good tool, and it, in turn, requires a thorough study by the owner.

Wondering " what are the best guitar strings“Many beginning musicians miss some important things, which we will talk about today. In general, the choice guitar strings This is quite an important process, because the sound of your electric guitar (or acoustic guitar) consists of several, roughly speaking, parts - wood; tool configurations or, in other words, shapes; electronics and of course strings. Strings make up about 25 percent of your sound, and if you choose this very important element incorrectly, then other components will not be able to manifest themselves properly, which is why it is so important to approach this issue correctly

Choosing strings by brand

One ideal choice would be to purchase a set of strings depending on the brand. For example, if you have a guitar, then the strings from this manufacturer will sound great; for many companies that produce guitars, this is good additional income, which they do not want to lose at all, therefore, this product will have at least the same quality as the instrument itself (example: Gibson strings). In addition to such large brands as, there are companies that specialize exclusively in the production of strings, this includes Elixir(read the article about this manufacturer), Dunlop, YesDario and others.

A huge number of positive reviews from string Elixir, however, for the last few years I have personally been using the brand YesDario and have never regretted it yet. All of these companies typically have their own proprietary coverage ( Elixir – Nanoveb), which has served faithfully for a long time. The prices of these brands vary by somewhere around 20 percent. If you are still a student and don’t have much money, you can go to the Aliexpress website and order several sets there YesDario, V last time one cost two dollars, which is much cheaper than in the store, but you will have to wait a little (up to a month). Moreover, they say that all the products of this brand are fake, but of quite high quality; in general, it’s up to you to decide.

Resonant substance

I would like to write metal, however, acoustic guitars are often used nylon strings, which give a rather soft sound (ideal for classical music). Therefore, if you acoustic guitar you are preparing to enter the Gnessin Music College, then you will be fine good choice exactly nylon. If you play other music, from blues to grindcore strip metal (no matter what guitar), then you will have to choose between steel strings and nickel(all this is conditional, in addition to steel and nickel there can be up to 20 other metals). Steel gives a characteristic sound, however, like nickel, in defense of steel it can be said that such strings last a little longer. For comparison, take Dunlop nickel and metal, buy whichever you like best, replace this brand with any other. It is worth adding that strings for electric guitars and bass are made with the addition of ferromagnetic alloy, which creates a magnetic vibration that is picked up by the pickup so the acoustic strings won't get on your dual-humbucker monster


Everyone knows that distance measurements are measured in mm, with strings... that's not true at all, they are measured in inches. On sets they usually write 9-42 or 10 -46 or 8 -40, this means that the first string from the 9-42 set is 0.009 inches, and the last (we have six strings) sixth is 0.042 inches.

In general, thickness is also a very important string parameter, regardless of which it will be quite problematic for you to communicate with your guitar. Example - you play jazz and buy GHS signature strings by Zach Wylde where the last string is 56, in general, you tighten them and if the wood on the guitar is crap, then you get either a bent neck or, if everything is really bad, then a cracked neck. Depending on the music, on the configuration of the guitar, you can choose the thickness of the strings, basically, most people use 9-42, 10-46, these two sets are suitable for 90 percent of all styles of music. The Fender eight lasted exactly three days, then the 6th string broke, then the 4th, and then I bought another set

Options for perverts

Some strings have a phosphor coating, which allows them to glow in the dark, sometimes even spectacularly. Let's add that there are sets with different colors, for example, each string has its own color, but without phosphorus

When to change strings

If you see traces of corrosion on the coating, this is the first sign that it is time to replace it. You can hear from the sound the fact that the strings no longer ring...at all, and the sound has begun to change, which also means that the replacement process is very close.

How to change strings

As a bonus, you can tell us one way that will quickly and without complications allow you to change a new set. There is a rule according to which there should not be more than five turns on the tuning axis; in general, for bass strings this is a completely followed rule (more fraught with poor tuning and lack of aesthetics), for the first three it is quite possible to make 7 or even 10 turns. By tensioning the string depending on the headstock, you can press the string to the quill, thereby, without reinventing the wheel, give a tension that will not allow the formation of unnecessary turns on the tuning axis, this is very convenient if you have a Fender Stratocaster quill, for Les Paul you just take the strings and lift them above the bar and pull it.