Krivin f d night read. Felix Krivin. The shortest fairy tales. From the life of herbs


Half-fairy tales

Difficult Chick

Before the Chicken had time to hatch, he immediately received a reprimand for breaking the egg. My God, where did he get such manners from? Apparently it's something hereditary...


“You need to be simpler, more intelligible,” Rattle instructs Violin. – For example, people always listen to me with pleasure. Even children understand!

Gramophone needle

Dumb Gramophone Needle complained:
“Once upon a time I sang, and people listened to me with pleasure, but now they close their ears. Still would! Are these records?! Is this a repertoire?!


The picture gives an assessment of living nature:
- All this, of course, is nothing - both background and perspective. But you need to know some limits!

Creative method

Among the flowers there is a debate about beauty. Thorn takes the floor:
- I just can’t agree with creative method Roses. Spicy - yes! Penetration to the very depths - I understand that! But to imagine everything in a rosy light...


New Patch is quite bright, and she can’t understand why they are trying to hide her. She stands out so much on this old suit!


- That wind again! - Parus inflates angrily. – Is it really possible to work in such conditions?
But the wind disappears - and the Sail sags and stops. He no longer wants to work at all. And when the wind appears again. The sail inflates again:
- What a job! Run all day like hell. It would be nice if there was no wind...


“You work from morning to evening,” he lamented. Healthy Tooth, – and no thanks to you! And Rotten Teeth - please: everyone wears gold. For what, you ask? For what merit?


He is soft, warm, pliable, he just begs to be taken into the hands of those who can arrange his fate. At this time, he does not even disdain menial work - putty.
But then he finds his gap, crawls into it, settles down firmly and comfortably. And immediately new features appear in his character: coldness, dryness and stubborn firmness.


Clay is very impressionable, and anyone who touches it leaves a deep imprint on it.
- Oh, boot! - Clay sours. -Where did he go? I can't live without him!
But he lives. And just a minute later:
- Oh, hoof! Sweet, kind horse's hoof! I will forever keep his image in me...


Flies are terrible fashionistas. They stop near each piece of patterned web that catches their eye, examine it, feel it, and ask the good-natured fat man Spider:
- How much is a millimeter?
And they usually pay very dearly.


“Well, now you and I will never part,” the massive Curtain whispered to Nail, putting the ring on him.
The ring was not a wedding ring, but nevertheless Nail felt that it would not be easy for him. He bent a little under the weight and tried to go deeper into the wall.
And from the outside it all looked quite beautiful.

Sofa Divanovna

By origin, she is a Couch, but she herself will never admit it. Now she is not a Couch, but a Sofa, for those unfamiliar - Sofa Divanovna. Her father, a simple Sofa, bent his back all his life, but now it is not fashionable, and Sofa abandoned the backrest, and at the same time other outdated concepts. No backrest, no bolsters, no durable upholstery... That’s what they are, sofas that don’t remember their kinship...


The blade of grass fell in love with the Sun...
Of course, it was difficult for her to count on reciprocity: the Sun has so much on earth that where could he notice a small, unsightly Bylinka! And a good couple: Linka and the Sun!
But Bylinka thought that the couple would be good, and reached out to the Sun with all her might. She reached out to him so stubbornly that she stretched out into a tall, slender Acacia.
Beautiful Acacia, wonderful Acacia - who now recognizes her as the old Bylinka! This is what love, even unrequited love, does to us...

Felix Krivin

Krivin Felix Davidovich

Half-fairy tales

Felix Krivin

Half-fairy tales

Why half-fairy tales? Because if a bottle is judged for drunkenness, then this cannot be called true. But if, upon closer examination, the bottle suddenly turns out to be not wine, this already seems to be true. The button gets into the loop - it's true. But because of failed love? No, sorry, this is fiction. However, isn’t there such thing as unsuccessful love in life? So, this also seems to be true.

So - half-fairy tales...


Why don't you wear glasses? - they asked the Ant.

How can I tell you... - he answered. - I need to see the sun and the sky, and this road that leads to no one knows where. I need to see the smiles of my friends... Little things don't interest me.


Before the Chicken had time to hatch, he immediately received a reprimand for breaking the egg. My God, where did he get such manners from? Apparently it's something hereditary...


You need to be simpler, more intelligible, Rattle instructs Violin. For example, people always listen to me with pleasure. Even children understand!

The picture gives an assessment of living nature:

All this, of course, is nothing - both background and perspective. But you need to know some limits!


Dumb Gramophone Needle complained:

Once upon a time I sang, and people listened to me with pleasure, but now they close their ears. Still would! Are these records?! Is this a repertoire?!


Among the flowers there is a debate about beauty.

Thorn takes the floor:

I just can't agree with Rosa's creative method. Sharpness - yes! Penetration to the very depths - I understand that! But to imagine everything in a rosy light...


The room must be open, the Door Handle says thoughtfully when the door is opened.

The room should be closed, she concludes philosophically as the door is closed.

Belief Door Handle depends on who clicks on it.

It seems to us that we are on the same path,” said Splinter, biting into his leg. - That’s good: after all, it’s more fun in company. Feeling the pain, the boy jumped on one leg, and Splinter remarked with pleasure:

Well, I told you it’s more fun with company!


The size of the Hummingbird is slightly more bees, but still she is a bird!

Our eagles are good guys, says Hummingbird.

So, by the way, when it comes to words.

New Patch is quite bright, and she can’t understand why they are trying to hide her. She stands out so much on this old suit!

Among the monotonous letters on a sheet of paper, one Blot manages to preserve its individuality. She doesn’t imitate anyone, she has her own face, and it’s not so easy to read her.


It's hard for our brother, the wheel. Be shaking along the road all your life, but just try to take a breath, you’ll get such a pump!

So they won't let you off the hook?

Oh, they don't! And just look at it - you'll end up under a car. That's the main thing.

Under the car? Aren't you working under a car?

You can think of something else! I'm the fifth wheel, the spare...

That wind again! - Parus inflates angrily. - Is it really possible to work in such conditions?

But the wind disappears - and the Sail sags and stops. He no longer wants to work at all.

And when the wind appears again. The sail inflates again:

What a job! Run all day like hell. It would be nice if there was no wind...

Anniversary of Thermos.

Decanter says:

We have gathered, friends, to celebrate the glorious anniversary of our esteemed friend! (Approving clink of glasses and glasses.) Our Thermos has proven itself brilliantly in the field of tea. He managed to carry his warmth without wasting it on trifles. And we, grateful contemporaries, appreciated this: decanters, glasses, shot glasses, as well as tea glasses, which, unfortunately, are not present here.

Understanding the importance and responsibility of his life mission, the clock did not go: it stood guard over time.

Sitting on the forehead of a short man, Pimple looked at the foreheads with envy tall people and thought:

“I wish I was in such a position!”

The stump stood right next to the road, and passers-by often tripped over it.

Not all at once, not all at once,” Stump creaked displeasedly. - I’ll take as much as I can: I can’t tear myself apart! Well, people - they can’t take a step without me!

The man will probably freeze,” Khlyastyk worried. - Arms, legs, shoulders are frostbitten. I’m calm about my lower back, I’m personally present here. What about other areas?


The smooth and round Billiard Ball responds to Luza's invitation:

Well, it’s my pleasure! You just need to consult with Kiy first. Although this is an empty formality, still...

Then he flies like a bullet into Luza and smugly remarks:

Well, I knew that Kiy wouldn’t object...


“You work from morning to evening,” the Healthy Tooth lamented, “and no thanks to you!” And Rotten Teeth - please: everyone wears gold. For what, you ask? For what merit?

Paint me, asks Patchwork. - I’ve already picked out a stick for the shaft. All that remains is to paint.

What color are you - green, black, orange?

“I don’t understand colors well,” Flap crumples. - I would only like to become a banner.


The old Candlestick, who has worked a lot in the field of lighting, cannot understand new trends.

Of course, today's light bulbs are bright heads,” he agrees. But in our time, candles lived differently. They knew their place, did not rush to the ceiling, and yet they were literally swimming with fat...


The raincoat is dissatisfied with life.

In clear, sunny weather, when he just wants to go for a walk, he is kept under lock and key, and when he is allowed out of the house, it will definitely rain.

What is this? Coincidence or malicious intent?

Raincoat cannot answer this question, although his insight is well known to everyone.

He is soft, warm, pliable, he just begs to be taken into the hands of those who can arrange his fate. At this time, he doesn’t even disdain menial work with putty.

But then he finds his gap, crawls into it, settles down firmly and comfortably.

And immediately new features appear in his character: coldness, dryness and stubborn firmness.


Electric Iron asked to be unplugged because he was switching to creative work.

The Lead Seal is small and inconspicuous, but everyone respects it. Even mighty steel castles often seek her protection.

And this is understandable: although Plombochka has rope connections, they are quite strong.

Krivin Felix Davidovich

This is a selection of short philosophical stories from Krivin Felix Davidovich, who unusually describes ordinary and painfully familiar things to everyone, in his half-fairy tales things come to life, live their own lives, argue, get sick, gossip, fall in love, in general, almost like people...

The glasses saw it with their own eyes...
The still brand new, shiny Button connected her life with the old one,
shabby jacket. What a Jacket it was! They say he still has those
there are at least a dozen buttons, but no one will say how many there used to be. A
Button had never seen a single jacket in her life.
Of course, the shabby Jacket could not do it himself, with his cloth tongue
persuade Button. It was all Igla's fault, the old bawd, who had
I have a lot of experience in these matters. She just scurried there, scurried here - from Button to
Jacket, from Jacket to Button - and everything is ready, everything is sewn and covered.
The story of poor Button quickly became public. The glasses told her
Tablecloths, Tablecloth, which is usually used to covering everyone, this time it doesn’t
resisted and shared the news with Tea Spoon, Spoon blurted out everything
The glass, and the glass rang throughout the room.
And then, when Button ended up in the noose, general indignation reached
limit. It immediately became clear to everyone that old Jacket played a role in Button's misfortune.
not far last role. Still would! Who would end up in a noose from a good life?

(read by B.Popov)

Felix Davidovich Krivin (born June 11, 1928, Mariupol (Donetsk region) - Russian and Israeli writer, poet, prose writer. Felix Krivin is the author of dozens of books published since the early 1960s in various publishing houses Soviet Union. He collaborated with Arkady Raikin, for whom he wrote interludes.
The basis of Felix Krivin's satirical work is made up of allegorical parables - miniatures (semi-fairy tales or a kind of fable in prose).

Trying to retell in your own words the laconic and extremely complete works of this writer is pointless. And it’s simply impossible! It is impossible to convey the richness of the colors and shades of the rainbow using black and white photography. For in literary theater Felix Krivin has no extras; every word plays here main role. Therefore, Krivin’s parables and half-fairy tales, imitations and aphorisms must be carefully read for yourself. Or listen to a very good reader perform it. But best of all - performed by the author himself!

Felix Krivin skillfully and easily travels through very distant eras and centuries. Looking into the Mesozoic era, he unobtrusively interviews the melancholic Dinosaur, in Ancient Greece he easily (but by no means familiarly) talks with Plato, Socrates, Archimedes and other great Hellenes, feels free and natural among the fearless musketeers. And together with the author, his grateful readers walk along the steps of centuries.


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Krivin Felix Davidovich “Half-Tales”

The comb, very uneven in handling hair, developed vigorous activity. And it got to the point that, having once appeared at his workplace, The comb was dumbfounded:
- Well, here you go: only three hairs left! Who do you want to work with?
No one answered her, only Lysina smiled sadly. And in this smile, as in a mirror, the result of many years of combing work in the field of hair was reflected.

There was a lot of talk about how you need to take care of every second.
God performed first. He elaborated on common problems time, compared time in past times with time in our time, and in conclusion, when his time was up, he said that we need to cherish every second.
Day, who spoke after him, briefly repeated the main provisions of the Year and, since he had no time left for anything else, ended his speech with the fact that every second must be saved.
Chas agreed with the previous speakers in everything. However, due to lack of time, he had to express his agreement in the most concise form.
A minute only had time to remind us that we need to take care of every second.
At the very end, Sekunda was given the floor.
“We need to take care...” said Secunda and it ended.
They didn’t save Sekunda, they didn’t save him. Apparently, they didn’t talk much about it.


Ask the Doormat who is the smartest and most educated in our hallway. She will answer you right away: Galoshes and Sandals.
Galosh and Barefoot are distinguished by the fact that as soon as they find themselves next to each other, they immediately start scientific disputes.
“What a wet world this is,” begins Kalosha. - You walk and walk and you won’t find a dry place.
- Yes you! - Barefoot objects. - The world is completely dry.
- No, it’s wet!
- Exactly dry!
Their disputes are usually resolved by the Slipper:
- Colleagues, stop useless disputes. The world can be both wet and dry: wet when the housewife washes the floor, dry the rest of the time.


Snowflake was drawn to the Earth - obviously, she had heard a lot of good things about the Earth.
And so Snowflake set off. She did not move as fast as she wanted, because she was stopped by other snowflakes, and each one needed to be told about Earth - the best planet in the world.
The snowflakes slowly fell to the Earth, as if afraid to crush it: after all, there is only one Earth, and there are too many snowflakes.
Snowflakes trustingly fell to the Earth, entrusting their dreams, their plans for the future to it...
And then the Boot stepped on them, the thick-skinned stupid Boot, who, although he was on the right path, understood very little in life.
One Boot is not the whole Earth; compared to the Earth it means nothing. But how could snowflakes figure this out? Crushed by the boot, they turned into ice and dreamed of nothing more.
And many have slipped on this ice different shoes, following the trail of a stupid Boot that crushed small snowflakes...


Pencil and Eraser got married, had a wedding - and live in peace.
The pencil is sharp, but the rubber band is soft and pliable. That's how they get along.
Friends look at the young couple and are surprised: something is not right here, not as it usually happens. Pencil's friends, feathers, pester him in male company:
- You made a mistake, brother! The rubber band spins you as it wants. You won’t even have time to say a word, and she will say it in vain. Where is your male pride?
And Rezinka’s friends, the razors, pester her:
- You give a lot of freedom to your Pencil. Look, you'll cry with him because of your softness. He will prescribe it for you!..
Such instructions eventually did their job. Pencil, in order to defend his male pride, began to talk all sorts of nonsense, and Rezinka, for the purpose of self-defense and strengthening of the family, went to erase everything that Pencil wrote. And Pencil and Eraser separated without even living a month.
Feathers and Razors were very sensitive to the discord in the Pencil family. The only consolation for them was that everything happened exactly as they predicted.


Chalk worked hard. He wrote something, drew, calculated, and when he filled the entire board, he stepped aside, asking those around him:
- Well, is it clear now?
The rag didn't understand, and that's why she wanted to argue. And since she had no other arguments, she simply took and erased everything written from the board.
It was difficult to object to such an argument: Rag was clearly using her official position. But Chalky didn’t even think about giving up. He began to prove everything from the very beginning - in great detail, in detail, to the entire board.
His thoughts were quite convincing, but - what can you do! - The rag again didn’t understand anything. And when Chalk finished, she lazily and carelessly erased everything written from the board again.
Everything that Chalk has been proving for so long, to which he devoted himself completely...


There is a joyful event in the Drill family: a son is born.
Parents can’t stop looking at their offspring, the neighbors look and are surprised: he looks just like his father!
And they named their son Corkscrew.
Time passes, Corkscrew grows stronger and matures. He should really study, try himself on metal (after all, drills are all hereditary metalworkers), but his parents don’t let him: he’s still young, let him first learn something soft.
Father takes home corks - special corks approved by the Ministry of Education - and with them Corkscrew learns drilling skills.
This is how Drill's son is brought up - in traffic jams. When the time comes and they try to give him something harder (they drilled it, they say, he’s already learned it) - no matter what! Corkscrew doesn't even want to listen! He begins to look for corks for himself and look closely at bottles.
Old Drills are surprised; and how did their son go astray?


Crowbar approached the safe door and introduced himself:
- I'm a crowbar. And who are you? Open up! The door was silent, but Crowbar was quite experienced in such matters. He knew what was hidden behind this external isolation, and therefore, without unnecessary ceremony, he took up the Door...
- Leave me alone, bully! - The Door squealed.
- Stop breaking out! We know you!
The Telephone Receiver watched this scene with interest. Her first move was to call and inform where she should be, but then she thought that there was no point in getting in touch, and besides, it was interesting to know how this story would end.
And when it was all over, the Telephone Handset began calling everywhere:
- Ours is touchy! She pretends to be so faithful to her Key, but in reality...

The glasses saw it with their own eyes...
The still brand new, shiny Button united her life with the old, shabby Jacket. What a Jacket it was! They say that he still has at least a dozen such buttons, but no one will say how many he had before. But Button has never seen a single jacket in her life.
Of course, the shabby Jacket could not have persuaded Button with his cloth tongue. It was all Igla’s fault, an old bawd who has a lot of experience in these matters. She just darted here, darted here - from Button to Jacket, from Jacket to Button - and everything was ready, everything was sewn and covered.
The story of poor Button quickly became public. The glasses told it to the Tablecloth, the Tablecloth, usually used to covering everyone, this time could not resist and shared the news with the Teaspoon, the Spoon blurted everything out to the Glass, and the Glass rang throughout the room.
And then, when Button was in the noose, general indignation reached its limit. It immediately became clear to everyone that old Jacket played a significant role in Button’s misfortune. Still would! Who would end up in a noose from a good life?

Gvozdik leaned out of his shoe to see how his Master was doing, and immediately heard:
- Oh!
Gvozdik got excited. Apparently the Master is in some trouble? And Gvozdik stuck out even more.
- Oh! Oh! - the owner screamed, and then took off his shoe and hammered Gvozdik with a hammer.
“He’s hiding something from me!” thought Gvozdik. “But it’s okay, I’ll still find out what’s going on here!” And he leaned out again.
The owner got angry, took the pliers and pulled Carnation out of the shoe. Lying in the closet among unnecessary things, Gvozdik thought:
“A proud man! He doesn’t want others to see how hard his life is!”

Once on the sidewalk, Cigarette Butt looked around and, not finding anything remarkable, thought dissatisfied: “It’s a situation! And my idiot should have spat me out in this very place!”
The cigarette butt began to look at passers-by, and his mood improved significantly.
- Hey, I see there are some pretty cute shoes here! - he exclaimed and immediately clung to one of them.
- Leave me alone, you impudent man! - Shoe was indignant. - I do not know you at all!
- He-he-he! - Cigarette Butt grinned. - We can meet you.
And when the Shoe shook it off, the Cigarette Butt clung to the old Shoe:
- Are you still squeaking, dad? Isn't it time to go to the dump?
The cigarette butt remembered the landfill in time: The broom had already noticed it.


The bottle was tried for drunkenness, but it turned out to be innocent.
The trial, of course, was not a real one, but a comradely one - as you know, you don’t get judged for drunkenness. But that was enough for the Bottle.
The ones who were most indignant were Glass and Ryumka. The glass urged those present to “look at things soberly,” and Ryumka asked them to finish quickly, because she, Ryumka, could not stand the smell of alcohol.
And then it suddenly turned out that the Bottle was not wine. This was clearly proven by the witness Soska, who had to constantly deal with the Bottle at work.
Everyone immediately felt awkward. No one knew what to say, what to do, and only Corkscrew (who knew how to get out of any situation) cheerfully shouted:
- Brothers, this event needs to be celebrated! Come on, I'll treat you!
And he led the whole company to his old friend Barrel. It was a lot of fun here, Glass and Glass were clinking glasses with Bottle every minute, and she was soon filled to the very neck.
And everyone was heartily glad that Bottle, whom they had recently so harshly judged for drunkenness, was completely innocent...

What professions did Bubbles try!
He was a doctor, but he was fired for lack of substance. He tried his hand at bookbinding, but he also had to leave: something didn’t work out for him. Now Bubbles, having stocked up on ink, decided to write books. Maybe he will become a writer?
It should work out: after all, Bubble went through such a school of life!

The cufflinks are very elegant, they give the Shirt an elegant and even sophisticated look.
But they prevent her from rolling up her sleeves. And this is so necessary in life...

Whenever the performance was nearing its end, the Curtain was very excited, preparing for its entrance. How will the public greet him? He carefully examined himself, shook off some barely noticeable fluff and went on stage.
The hall immediately became animated. Spectators stood up from their seats, clapped, and shouted “bravo.” Even Curtain, an old, experienced stage worker, felt a little uneasy at being greeted so enthusiastically. Therefore, with a slight wave to the audience, Curtain hurried back backstage.
The applause intensified. “They’re calling,” thought the Curtain. “What can you do, you’ll have to go out!”
So he came out several times in a row, and then, after hesitating a little, he remained on stage altogether. He wanted to reward the audience for their attention.
And then - here it is, black ingratitude! - The audience began to disperse.


Having finished higher education in the forest, Oak, instead of going to a construction site, decided to take root in the city. And since others free seats it didn’t turn out, he got a job as a Lamp Post in the city park, in the darkest corner - a real reserve for lovers.
The Lamp Post set to work with a spark and illuminated this previously secluded place so brightly that not a single lover was left there.
- And these are young people! - Stolb lamented. - And these are young people who, it would seem, should be drawn to the light! What darkness, what crudeness!

Prison Bars knows life inside and out, which is why it crosses everything out so easily.
Of course, you also need to have an approach to it. If you approach her from the outside, she will cross out her cell, and if, God forbid, you approach her from the inside, she will cross out the whole world, and it will not be easy for you to come to terms with this.
This Grid is amazingly designed: it can cross out anything, and at the same time stand firmly in its positions.

Learn to live! - the clay piggy bank instructed its neighbors in the apartment. - Here I am, for example: I occupy a prominent position, do nothing, and the money keeps pouring in.
But no matter how much money was thrown into the Piggy Bank, it all seemed not enough to her.
- I wish I had a little more! - she tinkled. - Another ten-kopeck piece!
One day, when the Piggy Bank was already full, they tried to put another coin into it. The coin did not fit, and Piggy was very worried that this money would not go to her. But the owner thought differently: he took a hammer and...
In an instant, the Piggy Bank lost both its money and its prominent position: all that was left of it were shards.

Oh, how indignant Nettle was when the boys picked the flowers! And not because of the flowers, no, - Nettle was just annoyed that no one tried to pick it... And meanwhile, Nettle would have nothing against this.
But one day happiness smiled on her too. Having caught the thief by the collar, the Gardener - of course, an adult, smart man - reached not for some flower, but for her, Nettle. And with what pleasure Nettle lashed the unwary flower lover! She understood that good tastes must be cultivated from childhood.

Mercury heard people melting iron, and now you can’t touch her: she runs away, she won’t give in. Everyone is afraid that she too will be melted down. Even at work, in the thermometer, Mercury cannot get rid of fear. As soon as he feels the warmth, he will run down the column! And then he comes to his senses, stops and shows as if nothing had happened: “The temperature is normal - thirty-six point six.”
Fear drives her further, but pride does not let her in. This is how Mercury stands at one point, not knowing what to do, and only after a good shake-up does he finally come to his senses.


To Thunder - what, Thunder is not afraid of Lightning. True, he somehow fails to talk to her face to face. This Lightning is painfully hot: how it will flash!
At this time, Thunder does not even show his nose to the light. Neither see nor hear him. But once he notices that Lightning is not on the horizon, you won’t be able to stop him.
“How long,” it thunders, “can we endure all this?!” Yes, I am for such a thing!..
It will go so wild, it will go so wild - just listen to him! He won’t keep silent, he’ll tell you everything, you know that!
...It's a pity that Lightning can't hear him.

Delighted with his assignment to the garden, Scarecrow calls guests for a housewarming party. It diligently waves to passing birds, inviting them to come down and feast to their heart's content. But the birds shy away and hurry to fly away.
And the Scarecrow still stands and waves and calls... He is very offended that no one wants to share his joy.


When the Granite Block turned two million years old, a newly born Dandelion appeared next to it - perhaps to congratulate it.
“Tell me,” asked Dandelion, “have you ever thought about eternity?” Granite Block didn't even move.
“No,” she said calmly. - Life is so short that there is no point in wasting time thinking.
“It’s not that short,” Dandelion objected. - You can do everything if you want.
- For what? - Glyba was surprised. - These thoughts only cause frustration. You will still get sick due to nervousness.
- Don't dump it on the ground! - Dandelion got angry. - Our soil is good - pure black soil...
He lost his temper so much that his fluff flew in the wind.
The thin stalk stubbornly swayed in the wind, but could no longer produce a single convincing argument.
- So much for eternity. Consolation for fools. No, it’s better not to think at all,” said Glyba and began to think.
The first crack appeared on the stone forehead, which could not be furrowed by millennia...

The apple hid among the leaves while its friends were plucked from the tree.
He didn’t want to fall into the hands of a person: if you do, they’ll make compote out of you! Not much pleasant.
But being alone on a tree is also a small pleasure. It’s more fun to die in a group.
So maybe I should look out? Or not? Look out? Or is it not worth it?
The apple was whittled away by the worm of doubt. And he sharpened until there was nothing left of the Apple.

Aren't you afraid of drowning? - Sliver asked Wave.
- Drown? - Wave was alarmed. - Did you say drown?
And Wave wanted to go to the shore for the first time.
She arrived just in time to grab a better spot on the shore, and sat down on the soft sand, ready to begin new life- without worries and worries.
And then she felt the ground disappear from under her feet.
- I'm drowning! - Wave sobbed and went underground.


A sheep stands in front of a barbershop and looks with envy at the audience being sheared.
On his farm, the Sheep hated being sheared. But it was completely different there. They fed her, gave her water, cut her hair at home and did not ask anything for it. And here...
If the Sheep had money, she would definitely come in for a haircut!

When the Teapot, having finished its vigorous activity in the kitchen, appears in the room, everything on the table begins to move. The cups and spoons jingle merrily in greeting him, and the Sugar Bowl respectfully removes the lid. And only the old plush Tablecloth frowns contemptuously and hurries to get away from the table, saving its spotless reputation.


Spoiled Crane considered himself a first-class speaker. He poured water around the clock, and even buckets, pots and bowls, which, as you know, are no strangers, said with one voice: “No, we’ve had enough!”
But Crane had the Shell - a faithful friend of his life. She regularly absorbed all the pearls of his eloquence and was literally choking with admiration. True, it could not hold anything and remained empty, but this was also a consequence of its serviceability.

In the electrical appliance store, the Chandelier was highly respected.
“She just needs to reach her ceiling,” said the table lamps. “Then the world will immediately become brighter.”
And for a long time, having already taken their place on the work tables, the table lamps remembered their famous countrywoman, who now - wow! - became a great luminary.
Meanwhile, Chandelier spent days and nights in the restaurant. She settled down quite well, in the very center of the ceiling, and, blinded by her own brilliance, burned as much light in the evening as would last a table lamp for a lifetime.
But this did not make the world any brighter.


“Oh, Box,” the Table Lamp says to the Box, “look at what’s written on the pieces of paper you keep.”
But the Box, no matter how much it tries to look into itself, cannot read anything.
- What is written there? - she asks.
- Yes, these are the most contradictory things. On one piece of paper, “I love you,” on the other, on the contrary, “I don’t love you.” Where is your integrity after this?
The box is thinking. Indeed, she never delved into the contents of the pieces of paper that she had to save. And it turns out that God knows what is written there. We'll have to look into this matter!
Then the hostess enters the room. She sits down at the table, opens the box, and suddenly - drip, drip, drip - tears are dripping from her eyes.
Seeing that the mistress is crying, poor Casket becomes completely upset.
“Of course,” she decides, “this is all because of my lack of principles.”


The fire was dying out.
There was barely a glimmer of life in him, he felt that not even an hour would pass before all that would be left of him was a pile of ashes - and nothing more. A small pile of ash in the middle of a huge dense forest.
The fire crackled faintly, calling for help. The red tongue feverishly licked the blackened coals, and Brook, running past, considered it necessary to inquire:
- Would you like some water?
The fire hissed with impotent anger. All he needed was water in his situation! Apparently realizing the inappropriateness of his question, Brook muttered some kind of apology and hurried away.
And then the bushes bent over the dying fire. Without saying a word, they handed him their branches.
The fire greedily grabbed the branches, and a miracle happened. The fire, which seemed to have completely died out in him, flared up with renewed vigor.
This is what a help line extended at the right time means for a fire!
The fire rose, leaning on the bushes, stood up to its full height, and it turned out that it was not so small at all. The bushes crackled under him and were drowned in flames. There was no one to save them. And the fire was already bursting upward. He became so tall and bright that even the trees reached out to him: some admired his beauty, others simply to warm their hands.
The distant trees were jealous of those who were near the Bonfire, and they themselves dreamed of how to get closer to it.
- Bonfire! Bonfire! Our Bonfire! - the distant trees rustled. - He warms us, he illuminates our lives!
And the nearby trees cracked even louder. But not from admiration, but because the Bonfire was devouring them with its flame, crushing them under itself in order to rise even higher. Who among them could resist the wild power of the giant Bonfire in the forest?
But there was still a force that extinguished the fire. A thunderstorm struck, and the trees shed heavy tears - tears for the Bonfire, to which they were accustomed and which died out before it could devour them.
And only later, much later, when the tears had dried, the trees saw a huge black ashes in the place where the Bonfire raged.
No, not Bonfire - Fire. Forest fire. A terrible natural disaster.

The Path came running to the Road and stopped in admiration.
- Aunt, ah, aunt, where are you so big from?
“Usually,” Doroga reluctantly explained. - I was little, like you, and then I grew up.
- I wish I could grow up! - Path sighed.
- What's good about that? Everyone rides on you, everyone tramples on you - that’s all the joy.
“No, not all,” said Path. - While I’m little, they don’t let me go far, but then I would... wow, how far I’ve gone!
- Far? Why so far? I’ve reached the city, and that’s it, I’ve had enough...
The Path drooped and wandered back into the forest. "I'm over it!" Is it worth being expensive for? Maybe it’s better to remain the Path, to get lost in the forest forever?
No, not better, not better at all. It’s just that the Path made a mistake this time, it just went onto the wrong road.

Why don't you wear glasses? - they asked the Ant.
“How can I tell you...” he answered. - I need to see the sun and the sky, and this road that leads to no one knows where. I need to see the smiles of my friends... Little things don't interest me.

The picture gives an assessment of living nature:
- All this, of course, is nothing - both background and perspective. But you need to know some limits!


Among the flowers there is a debate about beauty.
Thorn takes the floor:
- I just can’t agree with Rosa’s creative method. Sharpness - yes! Penetration to the very depths - I understand that! But to imagine everything in a rosy light...


The room must be open, the Door Handle says thoughtfully when the door is opened.
“The room should be closed,” she concludes philosophically when the door is closed.
The Doorknob's persuasion depends on who is pressing it.

It seems to us that we are on the same path,” said Splinter, biting into his leg. - That’s good: after all, it’s more fun in company. Feeling the pain, the boy jumped on one leg, and Splinter remarked with pleasure:
- Well, I told you that it’s more fun in company!

New Patch is quite bright, and she can’t understand why they are trying to hide her. She stands out so much on this old suit!


It's hard for our brother, the wheel. Be shaking along the road all your life, but just try to take a breath, you’ll get such a pump!
- So they won’t let you down?
- Oh, they don’t! And just look at it - you'll end up under a car. That's the main thing.
- Under the car? Aren't you working under a car?
- You can think of something else! I'm the fifth wheel, the spare...

That wind again! - Parus inflates angrily. - Is it really possible to work in such conditions?
But the wind disappears - and the Sail sags and stops. He no longer wants to work at all.
And when the wind appears again. The sail inflates again:
- What a job! Run all day like hell. It would be nice if there was no wind...

Anniversary of Thermos.
Decanter says:
- We have gathered, friends, to celebrate the glorious anniversary of our esteemed friend! (Approving clink of glasses and glasses.) Our Thermos has proven itself brilliantly in the field of tea. He managed to carry his warmth without wasting it on trifles. And we, grateful contemporaries, appreciated this: decanters, glasses, shot glasses, as well as tea glasses, which, unfortunately, are not present here.

Understanding the importance and responsibility of his life mission, the clock did not go: it stood guard over time.

Sitting on the forehead of a short man, Pimple looked with envy at the foreheads of tall people and thought: “I wish I had such a position!”

The stump stood right next to the road, and passers-by often tripped over it.
“Not all at once, not all at once,” Stump creaked displeasedly. - I’ll take as much as I can: I can’t tear myself apart! Well, people - they can’t take a step without me!


“You work from morning to evening,” the Healthy Tooth lamented, “and no thanks to you!” And Rotten Teeth - please: everyone wears gold. For what, you ask? For what merit?


The old Candlestick, who has worked a lot in the field of lighting, cannot understand new trends.
“Of course, today’s light bulbs are bright heads,” he agrees. But in our time, candles lived differently. They knew their place, did not rush to the ceiling, and yet they were literally swimming with fat...


The raincoat is dissatisfied with life.
In clear, sunny weather, when he just wants to go for a walk, he is kept under lock and key, and when he is allowed out of the house, it will definitely rain.
What is this? Coincidence or malicious intent?
Raincoat cannot answer this question, although his insight is well known to everyone.

The Lead Seal is small and inconspicuous, but everyone respects it. Even mighty steel castles often seek her protection.
And this is understandable: although Plombochka has rope connections, they are quite strong.

Realizing that she had some weight in matters of trade, Girya sat on the scales, looking ironically at the products.
"Let's see who wins!" - she thought at the same time.
Most often the weight turned out to be the same, but sometimes it happened that the weight was overweight. And here’s what Girya couldn’t understand: the buyers weren’t happy about it at all.
“Well, nothing!” she consoled herself. “Products come and go, but the weights remain!”
In this sense, Giri had iron logic.

Clay is very impressionable, and anyone who touches it leaves a deep imprint on it.
- Oh, boot! - Clay sours. -Where did he go? I can't live without him!
But he lives. And just a minute later:
- Oh, hoof! Sweet, kind horse's hoof! I will forever keep his image in me...

Flies are terrible fashionistas. They stop near each piece of patterned web that catches their eye, examine it, feel it, and ask the good-natured fat man Spider:
- How much is a millimeter?
And they usually pay very dearly.


Well, now you and I will never part,” the massive Curtain whispered to Nail, putting the ring on him.
The ring was not a wedding ring, but nevertheless Nail felt that it would not be easy for him. He bent a little under the weight and tried to go deeper into the wall.
And from the outside it all looked quite beautiful.


By origin, she is a Couch, but she herself will never admit it. Now she is not a Couch, but a Sofa, for those unfamiliar - Sofa Divanovna. Her father, a simple Sofa, bent his back all his life, but now it is not fashionable, and Sofa abandoned the backrest, and at the same time other outdated concepts. No backrest, no bolsters, no durable upholstery... That’s what they are, sofas that don’t remember their kinship...


Screwdrivers turn the heads of screws,
In the kitchen everything is in a fume from the primus stove,
The alarm clock keeps me awake at night -
He keeps dreaming of a good couple.
The wood in the stove sings like nightingales,
They are not at all afraid of getting burned,
And all the specks of dust are only for love
They sit on shelves and cabinets.

I get up, but she hasn’t gone to bed yet. She stands under the window, as she has stood since the evening.
- Leave! - I chase her. - I have to work. The night goes away not very willingly. And before you have time to look back, he’s standing under the window again.
- Why can’t you sleep? - I ask, not too sternly.
“It’s cold,” answers Night. - Will you sleep here, will you stay warm?
Then I turn off the light and let Night into the room.
- Okay, warm yourself. Only this in last time. Tomorrow you must leave me alone. The night promises, but I know that these are just words. Where will she go in the middle of winter, she can’t spend the night in the open air!
Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow everything repeats again. It gets a little dark, Night comes into my room and leaves only at dawn. I don't want to worry her.
A time is running, and I don’t have time to do anything. You can’t explain this to the night - it’s dark, does it understand?..

The blade of grass fell in love with the Sun...
Of course, it was difficult for her to count on reciprocity: the Sun has so much on earth that where could he notice a small, unsightly Bylinka! And a good pair: Linka - and the Sun!
But Bylinka thought that the couple would be good, and reached out to the Sun with all her might. She reached out to him so stubbornly that she stretched out into a tall, slender Acacia.
Beautiful Acacia, wonderful Acacia - who now recognizes her as the old Bylinka! This is what love, even unrequited love, does to us...

Needless to say, this Lantern was the first guy at the crossroads. Wires stretched towards it, thin acacia trees cheerfully bathed in its light, passers-by respectfully stood aside as they passed by it. But the Lantern did not notice any of this. He looked up, winking at the stars that looked at him in the evenings.
But one day the Lantern accidentally looked down, and this decided his fate. Below he saw a strange stranger. Dressed all in black, she lay obediently at the Lantern’s feet and seemed to be waiting for him to pay attention to her.
- Who you are? - asked the Lantern. - I've never seen you before.
“I am the Shadow,” answered the stranger.
“Shadow...” the Lantern repeated thoughtfully. - I didn’t have to hear it. Apparently you're not from here?
“I’m yours,” whispered the Shadow, with this unexpectedly bold answer putting an end to all further questions.
The lantern was embarrassed. Although he was the first guy at the crossroads, he was not used to such easy victories.
And yet the Shadow's recognition pleased him. Pleasantness immediately turned into sympathy, sympathy into infatuation, and infatuation into love. This happens often in life.
And again, as happens in life, after love came worries.
- Why are you lying? - Lantern asked anxiously. -Are you feeling unwell?
“No, no, don’t worry,” the Shadow reassured him. - I'm completely healthy.
But I will always lie at your feet.
- Darling! - Lantern was touched. - I'm not worth such love.
“You are bright,” said the Shadow. - I will always be with you. With only you.
The subsequent conversation took on a character of interest only to the interlocutors.
They met every night - the Lantern and his Shadow - and, by all outward signs, were pleased with each other. The Lantern had long ago forgotten about the stars and saw only his Shadow - he was not interested in anything else in the world. Even closing his eyes (and this happened during the day, because all the lanterns sleep during the day), he admired his Shadow.
But one day at noon, when the Lantern was not very sleepy, he suddenly heard the voice of the Shadow. The Lantern listened and soon realized that the Shadow was talking to the Sun - a large and bright luminary, about which the Lantern knew only by hearsay.
“I’m yours,” said the Shadow to the Sun. - You see - I’m at your feet... I’m yours...
The lantern wanted to immediately intervene, but he restrained himself: it was somehow awkward to start a conversation in front of the stranger Sun. But in the evening he told her everything. Should he, the Lantern, be afraid of his own Shadow!
- What does the Sun have to do with it? “I don’t know any Sun,” the Shadow made excuses, but the Lantern was inexorable.
- Leave now! - he said. - I don't want to know you!
- Know me, know me! - Shadow whined. - I can't leave you.
And she spoke the truth: how can a Shadow get away from such a bright Lantern?
- Do not be angry with me! - Shadow whined. - Let's make it up...
The lantern shook his head.
Oh, he shouldn't have done it! He shook his head too categorically and crashed. Many people later gossiped that the Lantern committed suicide out of love. Meanwhile, this only happened because of his integrity.
Now Shadow didn’t have to beg. What could she do next to the broken Lantern? She clung to the Bus running past and was like that.
So the Shadow wanders around the world, clinging to everyone, offering its friendship to everyone. Perhaps she will follow you too.

The old fat Spider, whose legs could no longer support him, fell from the wall straight into a barrel of honey.
While he was floundering, trying to somehow get out, a young Fly flew up to the barrel. Deciding that the Spider was the owner of these riches, she immediately began to weave her invisible fly web. And the Spider, whom honey and old age had completely deprived of strength and intelligence, of course, could not resist.
Yes, it was a honeymoon!
The Spider drew a lot of juices from flies during his long life, but this was the first time that a fly drew juices from him. The spider became emaciated, hunched over, and when the neighboring cockroaches looked into the barrel of honey, they shook their heads in surprise every time:
- That's the story! Spider got stuck in his old age!

Why are you sad? - the Chicken asked the Blade of Grass.
- I need rain. Without it I will completely wither.
- Why did you hang your head? What are you missing? - Chicken asked Chamomile.
“Rain, all I need is rain,” answered Chamomile.
I wonder who he is, this rain? He must be a handsome fellow, no match for the local roosters. Of course, he’s handsome if everyone is crazy about him!
So the Chicken thought, and then she herself became sad. And when the young Rooster, who had long sought her favor, approached her, she did not even look at him. She sat, thought and sighed. Life without love is not life, even in the best chicken coop.
- Why are you still cackling? - Mother Hen couldn’t stand it. - I would sleep better...
“Oh, you don’t understand anything,” the Chicken sighed again. - I need rain. Without it I will completely wither.
The hen just spread her wings and dozed off again.
And the next morning it started to rain.
- Hey, corydalis! There's your long-awaited one! - shouted the Mother Hen. - Run quickly before it passes!
The chicken jumped out of the chicken coop, but immediately flew back.
- Yes, he's wet! - she cackled, shaking off her wings. - What an ignoramus, rude! And what could Blade of Grass and Chamomile find in it?
When the young Rooster approached her to express his sympathy, he seemed much more interesting to her. “It’s okay that his legs are a little crooked. It’s even beautiful,” she decided to herself.
A few days later they got married and went on their honeymoon - across the yard to the woodshed and back.
How interesting it was! The Rooster turned out to be a very gallant gentleman and shouted “Ku-ka-re-ku!” so amusingly that the Chicken was never bored.
But on the way, the newlyweds met a blade of grass and a chamomile. The chicken's surprise knew no bounds when she saw that Blade of Grass and Chamomile had risen, freshened up - in a word, they looked great. Not a trace remained of the former sadness.
- How's the rain? - asked the Chicken, not without malice.
- Good rain. So strong! It passed recently - haven’t you met?
“What hypocrisy!” thought the Chicken. “They rejoice, of course, not at the arrival of the rain, but at its departure. I know what it’s worth!”
And, picking up her Rooster, the Hen hurried away: after all, the Rooster was not bad-looking, even though he had crooked legs.
But she didn’t tell him anything about the rain story. Firstly, she loved her Rooster too much to upset him, and secondly, deep down, the Hen was counting on somehow, with opportunity, once again jump out into the rain. Just out of curiosity.

Puddle stopped in the middle of the road and is waiting to be noticed.
First of all, of course, it will be put on the map. Puddle will look good on the map - it has such smooth banks! Here, on this shore, they will probably build a sanatorium. On the other side is a port or something else. By the way, why doesn’t anyone fall into it?
Lusatia is dreaming - and this is understandable: everyone wants to find themselves in life. But now Puddle will not find herself: she soared in her dreams that only a dry place remained on earth from her.


Look how nice it is in our room,” says the Curtain to the trees from the street.
“Look how nice it is outside,” she says to the room furniture.
“We don’t see anything,” the trees answer.
“We can’t see anything,” the furniture answers.
- We only see you...
- Only you...
“Well, come on,” Curtain is embarrassed, “I’m not that beautiful...

Feeling that her beauty was beginning to fade and wanting to somehow prolong her summer, Berezka painted herself in yellow- the most fashionable in the autumn age.
And then everyone saw that autumn had come...


It was hot work in the furnace, and Smoke wanted to ventilate a little after the shift. He came out of the pipe, thinking about what to do, but, not finding anything better, he decided to just breathe fresh air. “It’s both pleasant,” thought Smoke, “and useful. Doctors, in any case, advise...”
The smoke had already begun to breathe - calmly, measuredly, according to all the rules of medicine - but suddenly something choked his breath. Even an outside observer would have immediately noticed that something was wrong with Smoke: he seemed to freeze in place and continuously look at one point... Actually, it was not a point, but a cloud, a small white cloud in the clear spring sky. She was very beautiful, this Cloud, curly and fluffy, in a blue heavenly shawl and a necklace of sun rays. So there’s no reason to be surprised that Smoke was staring at her.
They say there is no smoke without fire, and our Smoke was no exception to this general rule. At the sight of Cloud, he felt a fire in himself and rushed towards her.
- Here I am! - Smoke blurted out from the bay, rushing to Tuchka and looking at her with all his eyes. - Do you want to meet me? Cloud winced.
-Are you drunk? - she asked. - Why are you pestering me?
The smoke became confused.
“I’m not pestering,” he muttered. - And I'm not drunk at all. Just... wanted... to meet you.
Smoke looked very confused, and this calmed Cloud a little.
“Look at yourself, who you look like,” she said. - Is this how you present yourself to a lady?
Smoke obediently looked at himself. Yes, Cloud was right: dirty, disheveled, covered in soot and soot, Smoke did not make a favorable impression.
“Sorry,” he whispered. - I just got off my shift. At our factory...
Probably, Smoke would still say what was there at their factory, but then Wind appeared. If only he had just appeared! No, he immediately rushed to Tuchka, grabbed her rather unceremoniously and dragged her. And Cloud clung to him, as if she had been waiting for him all this time.
And then the Smoke began to melt. He was melting literally before our eyes, and if Cloud had been more attentive, she would, of course, have noticed it.
But she was not attentive, this white Cloud. She was used to soaring in the skies, and what did she care about Smoke with his factory, with his everyday worries?.. She pressed herself close to the Wind and completely forgot about Smoke.
And the Smoke melted and melted. And now he disappeared like smoke - that is, like any other smoke would have disappeared in its place.
And only now Cloud regretted it. Only now she felt that the freshness of the Wind was not all, that he was too harsh and generally had the wind in his head.
The smoke was different. He was more serious and softer, he was embarrassed, timid, he wanted to tell Tuchka something about his factory... Now Tuchka will never know what he wanted to tell her.
This thought alone could make you cry. And Cloud cried. She cried bitterly and heavily, cried until she cried herself out.


Look out the window: do you see a lonely leaf spinning in the wind? Last page... Now it is yellow, but once it was green. And then he did not circle around the world, but sat on his branch next to a young, ruddy cherry tree, which he loved with all his heart.
The old reveler the Wind often told him:
- Let's go wander around the world! There are so many rosy cherries everywhere!
But Leaf did not agree. Why does he need many cherries when he has one, his Cherry, the best in the world! And then his happiness ended. The cherry suddenly disappeared, and no one could tell where it went.
It was cold autumn time, and all the leaves from the tree have long fallen off.
Only one Leaf, haggard and yellow with grief, remained on its branch: he was still waiting for Cherry to return.
- Why are you sitting here? - Wind convinced him. - Let's go look, maybe we'll find... The wind blew stronger, and they flew.
...Look out the window: you see the dark trees shivering chilly from the cold. Of course: everyone is dressing for winter, but they, on the contrary, are undressing. And over there, you see, the last yellow leaf is spinning in the wind. This is our Leaf, our monogamous man. He's still looking for his Cherry.

From below, right from the ground, it hits your eyes bright sun. What's happened? Maybe the Sun has fallen to the ground?
No, it's not the Sun, it's just a Shard, just a small piece of glass. Some believe that spring does not concern him, that it is not his place to meddle in spring affairs. But he also enjoys spring. He rejoices as best he can.
This joy makes him like the Sun.

On a starry night, grains of sand look into the sky like a mirror, and each one easily finds itself among other grains of sand similar to it.
It's so easy to find yourself: you just have to look at the sky and look for the brightest star. How brighter star, the easier it is for a grain of sand to live in the world...


This house is probably two hundred years old. It stands there, small, completely dilapidated, and somehow feels awkward among the beautiful houses of the new era.
It is difficult to understand by what miracle it was preserved. His chest is not decorated memorial plaques, its walls do not support the authority of the great people who lived in it or at least stopped while passing through.
But still, it was not in vain that it stood for so many years; after all, people lived in it. Maybe they were great too, but no one noticed it?

The kitten woke up and discovered his tail. This was a great discovery for him, and he looked at the tail incredulously, almost in fear, and then rushed to catch it.
And, looking at the cheerful, selfless fuss of the Kitten, I somehow couldn’t believe that this dirty, stubby, helpless tail could bring so much joy.