Feng Shui bedrooms: general rules, location of the bedroom according to Feng Shui. Bedroom energy and bedroom furniture according to Feng Shui. Decorating a bedroom according to Feng Shui: choosing furniture, materials, flowers - decor rules

Feng Shui bedroom

There is perhaps no quieter and more peaceful place in the house than the bedroom. In any case, it should be just like that, cozy, bringing peace and tranquility. This is where we relax and gain strength. Think about it: about one third of our lives are spent doing this simple activity! Your good health, warm family relationships, the well-being and love of your marriage.

On the other hand, it is in the bedroom that they are built sexual relations in a couple, so there should be a desire not only to sleep. How to make the bedroom space harmonious and correctly combine the Feng Shui of love with the Feng Shui of relaxation and tranquility? What colors are suitable for the bedroom, what furniture and accessories will you need, in what order should you place it all? We hope this article will help you understand what your bedroom should be like according to Feng Shui.

Bedroom arrangement according to Feng Shui

Cozy bedroom according to Feng Shui

Ideally, the bedroom, like all rooms in the house, should be planned at the stage of construction or purchase of an apartment using the Bagua compass. He will help you choose the most suitable place for the bedroom. These are the sectors of Family, Marriage, Love or Children. If you don’t have a choice, we still recommend using a compass and understanding which sector your bedroom is in. Don't be alarmed if she ends up in such a seemingly inappropriate sector, such as Career or Wealth. Knowing the location of the zones of your bedroom, you can always balance, strengthen or weaken the influence of one sector on another and arrange the furniture correctly.

But even without Bagua sectors, you can already today, without waiting to master the compass and without delaying until later, make your bedroom at least cozier and more comfortable, and in fact strengthen your marriage and improve your sex life. The good thing about the science of Feng Shui is that you don’t seem to have done anything special. Well, they put things in order, threw out unnecessary rubbish, wiped away the dust once again. You already do all this without expecting a miracle. So why not try to consciously improve your life? In any case, you are definitely guaranteed pleasant emotions from cleanliness and order in the house.

Feng Shui bedroom sketch

Three main factors will be of decisive importance in a bedroom furnished according to:

  1. Cleanliness and order, absence of old, unnecessary or broken things.
  2. Correct placement of furniture, especially beds.
  3. Correct selection of colors, symbols and accessories.

Let's start with the furniture. It is she who interferes or helps the movement of Qi energy in the apartment. The bed is the most important bedroom furniture and should dominate the decor of the room.

This will mean that peace and tranquility come first in this room. You don’t need a lot of bulky and heavy furniture in the bedroom - relationships in such a bedroom will also become “difficult”.

The colors in the design of a bedroom should first of all correspond to its size. In a small room, use muted tones that visually expand its space; for a large and spacious room, you can choose brighter ones, rich colors. In any case, these should be harmonious combinations, with a predominance of Yin energy. The Feng Shui bedroom, a photo of which you will see in our article, will help you decide on the choice of colors and materials.

Romantic bedroom

If you want to spice up or diversify your sex life, bring in elements of Yang energy. The easiest way to do this is with color. For example, red elements on bedding, red flowers or symbols of love in the family areas of your bedroom. Yang elements should not dominate, otherwise your married life will become aggressive, and the bedroom will turn from a bedchamber into a battlefield.

Try to decorate the bedroom in the colors and shades of the sector in which it is located, activating certain additional zones with the help of crystals, colors and symbols, for example, a pair of mandarin ducks. Find a happy medium in combining elements, color and lighting in accordance with the Yin and Yang energies.

feng shui bed

Canopy in the bedroom

In bedroom Feng Shui, the bed occupies a special place: where and how to place it, what the backrest should be and even the color of the bed linen. In addition to being comfortable and giving your back real rest, a bed can also strengthen your family relationships.

The bed itself should not be cramped, but not too large, quite spacious for two people to sleep. Regardless of its size, there must be one mattress, and not two pushed together. In general, if you have two separate beds and you are not going to change it yet, do not move them together: this is bad feng shui.

Now about . The bed in the bedroom should be placed with its back to the wall, avoiding the pointed sharp corners of the rest of the furniture. It is advisable that spouses have the opportunity to freely approach their half of the bed. This way they will always maintain an equal, respectful relationship.

For a strong marriage, your marital bed should not be reflected in mirrors, otherwise the spouses may have an additional “couple” in the form of lovers. And in general, in the bedroom it is recommended to avoid mirrors or hide or drape them.

Correct placement of the bed in the bedroom:

  1. The bed should not have its feet facing the door.
  2. Do not place the bed towards the window, either with the head or the legs. Otherwise, everything that comes into your home through the windows along with sunlight will fall on your head.
  3. The bed cannot be placed on the same line between the door and the window - flows of Qi energy, and not always favorable, will simply “stumble” over you.
  4. Do not place the bed under ceiling beams or in the corner of the room. Also avoid sharp corners of large furniture pointing towards your bed. If this cannot be done, decorate the corners of the furniture with plants or drapery.
  5. The marital bed should not be reflected in the mirror.
  6. The bed should not be placed next to or opposite the toilet. Even a common wall with a toilet can greatly harm the health of sleeping people.

Canopy over the bed

The headboard is also a fairly significant element in Feng Shui. It’s good if it has a smooth bend, as if uniting the spouses into a single whole. Also good hair dryer Shui provides a canopy and any unifying elements. When choosing a bed, focus on smooth, rounded lines in the back.

Feng Shui bedroom care

If you want to equip your bedroom according to all the rules of Feng Shui, start with cleaning. No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try to improve the energy of the bedroom, no matter how many symbols of love you put there - all this is useless as long as unnecessary, long-forgotten things, bed linen “in reserve” and long-term deposits accumulate in your closet towels All this interferes with the normal circulation of good Qi energy. But this is what Feng Shui in the bedroom is all about - to establish the flow of good Qi energy and neutralize the negative Sha energy.

Bedroom sketch

Take a close look at your bedroom. First of all, pay attention to the wallpaper, curtains, chandelier and furniture. If the wallpaper in your bedroom is faded, stained or smudged, if the ceiling is cracked, and the chandelier is last time we looked a year ago - it’s scary, so much can fall out of there! - then, most likely, in your family life everything will not go the way you want. Make minimal cosmetic repairs: renew the wallpaper (or at least decorate it); a chandelier, if it is inconvenient for you to remove, wipe and wash it, it is better to replace it with something simple and easy to clean.

Next, go through the bedside tables. They should not wear anything unnecessary: ​​no cosmetics, no favorite perfume or magazines. As unfortunate as it may be for the female half of the population, the surface of the bedside table must remain clean - then energy can move freely near you. If you really feel uncomfortable next to an empty bedside table, place a Feng Shui symbol there depending on the zone in which it is located. You can also put a beautiful vase with fresh flowers.

By the way, about bedside tables. The height of the bedside table itself also matters: it should not be higher than the level of the mattress. Also avoid bedside tables with sharp protruding corners and hard decorative lines. Soft Yin energies should prevail in the bedroom: pleasant pastel colors, smooth lines, soft lighting.

dream Catcher

To enhance this romantic zone, place and hang the necessary talismans (angels, mandarin ducks, dream catchers, pink or red candles), and fumigate the bedroom with aromas pleasant to your couple. But it is better to abandon fountains, aquariums, waterfalls and paintings with rivers and seas and rearrange and hang them in another room.

It is best for the housewife to clean the bedroom (as well as the nursery) herself - this way she can “customize” the bedroom space. It needs to be cleaned quite often. If there is a carpet, it will require special attention and thorough wet cleaning. The bedroom should always be clean and ventilated.

The popular teaching of Feng Shui did not ignore the design of the bedroom - this center of restoration of strength and close relationships. Bedroom Feng Shui takes into account many of the subtleties of designing a place to relax: from choosing a room to arranging furniture and decorating with decorative items.

The main thing is that the beneficial energy of Qi can circulate freely in it, endowing the inhabitants of this house with health and prosperity.

Where should the bedroom be located?

Let's check if the location for the bedroom has been chosen correctly. Of course, the possibility of choice can only be realized in a spacious home. In small apartments there is nothing to choose from, although even there it is important to correctly determine the location of the sleeping place.

So, feng shui of the bedroom determines that it should be in the depths of the house or apartment, away from front door. If the bedroom door is located opposite the entrance, then the Qi energy will fly out into it without even stopping in this house.

Same negative impact Feng Shui designates the position of the bedroom opposite the bathroom or toilet. Running water will completely wash away the opportunity to fully relax. The location of the bedroom relative to parts of the world is not indifferent:

  • Location in the northwest – the best option for spouses, such a bedroom will definitely become an island of comfort and tranquility;
  • Location in the southeast or south - the bedroom is intended for young people and creative individuals;
  • Location in the west - such a bedroom will be good for careerists, but they will not have enough romance even in the right place, although career advancement will be significant.
The same rules apply if there is no bedroom as such, but only a place to relax in a small apartment or studio. In this case, you need to somehow limit the location of the resting place, separating it with a screen or curtain.

Color matters

Peace of mind is the main feeling that the inhabitants of this room should experience. In order for the Feng Shui color of the bedroom not to irritate, but to help you find peace, you need to choose the right wallpaper or wall colors.

Apologists of this teaching believe that pastel colors and natural soft shades would be appropriate here. The cardinal directions here also affect the color of the walls. Color selection rules:

  • Orientation southwest, northeast represent the element of Earth. It is better to choose a wallpaper or wall color in a shade of terracotta, ocher, or cinnamon.
  • South orientation Subject to the element of Fire. For such a bedroom, choose the shade of the walls and wallpaper in warm red and orange colors. Having decorated the interior in a similar range, you can expect the height of passions and strengthening of the marriage.
  • North orientation– the patrimony of the element of Water. This is not the best option for choosing the location of the bedroom, because Feng Shui should be avoided in the rest room. of blue color and water reminders. However, if there is no other choice, it is better to use the power of the water element by choosing wallpaper and wall color in cold blue-bluish tones.
  • Orientation west or northwest Subject to the element of Metal. If the shade of the walls and wallpaper are metallic colors (golden, silver, white and gray), the Qi energy in such a bedroom will increase several times.
It is advisable to select wallpaper without bright color spots, with an even small pattern. When choosing the color of your bedroom according to Feng Shui, you need to pay attention to the ceiling. It should only be white, without protruding beams or other elements.

The main element in the spotlight

Nothing is given as much attention when arranging furniture in the bedroom as its main element - the bed. It should not be replaced by a sofa, sofa, folding chair or other alternative to this essential piece of furniture. Rules for choosing a bed:
  • Even if there is only one person in the bedroom, the bed should be a double.
  • On this piece of furniture, the mattress should only be one-piece, and not made up of two parts, otherwise discord between spouses is inevitable.
  • The best location for the bed is against the walls near the door, but not opposite the exit. However, the person lying on the bed should be able to see the door, but not lie feet first in relation to it (in the “dead man’s” position). This position is very important, since the right direction attracts health and protects against illness.
  • The bed should always be neatly made, have fresh linens, good pillows, a mattress and a blanket, and be stable and durable.
  • A double bed placed by a bachelor or a single woman on one side close to the bedroom walls will lead to the person sleeping on it choosing to live alone.
  • It is very bad if there is a shelf, bulky paintings, or other interior items hanging over the bed.
In order for the sleep on this bed to be sound and complete, it is necessary that there are absolutely no things, drawers, boxes or just rubbish under it. Cleanliness and order in the bedroom are an indispensable condition for quality rest.

The object that absorbs all diseases and takes the entire blow upon itself is the “calabash” - a specially prepared dry or copper pumpkin. If this talisman stands to the left of the bed while sleeping, it prolongs the life of its owner.

Reflecting negativity during sleep

A mirror is an item that, according to Feng Shui, should not be in the bedroom. He is given special meaning according to the rules of this landscaping technique. Everything that the mirror “sees” it reflects. In the kitchen, a mirror reflects wealth and increases it; in the bathroom it reflects spiritual or physical energy. In the bedroom, a mirror cannot reflect anything other than negative energy, which the sleeper gets rid of during rest.

This energy is reflected from walls and pieces of furniture; it is not absorbed by wallpaper and interior items, but is perfectly absorbed by the mirror. If it is impossible to remove the mirror from the bedroom, then it must be positioned so that it does not reflect a person during sleep. A mirror located at the foot of the bed can even jeopardize the intimate relationships of those reflected in it. And under no circumstances should you place a mirror or any reflective elements on the ceiling.

Chandelier and other interior items

As for lighting, according to Feng Shui, the light of the sun should not fall on the bed, because the active sun charges it with its energy. In such an activated sleep place, it will be very difficult to fall asleep later. This is only good when new relationships loom on the horizon, then activity is only welcome.

A chandelier in the bedroom is not a necessary item; it is better to get by with lamps with soft light; in addition to them, you can add a place to relax with night lights. Although according to Feng Shui, a lamp is the personification of income, and the brighter it is, the more finances the flow of beneficial Qi energy will attract into the house.
Paintings and posters placed in the bedroom should not depict scenes that breathe energy: a raging sea, cars, wind, running people, animals, sport competitions.

It is not recommended to have in the bedroom:
  • Houseplants, especially prickly ones or with large leaves, with aromatic odors;
  • TV, computer, telephone;
  • Watches, especially bulky ones, are also not welcome in the bedroom. The only exception is for the alarm clock.
  • Aquariums, fountains, images of water in all its forms will make luck flow away along with the water.

Arrows, corners or bends

It is desirable that interior items and furniture in the bedroom have soft lines and outlines that are not rectangular, but curved. One of the postulates of the teachings of Feng Shui states that if objects are located in relation to each other in such a way that their constructive lines form something like poisonous arrows (straight and sharp angles), then they direct a mass of negative energy towards a person.

Right angles “sharpen” the atmosphere of the room and have a negative effect on the sleeping inhabitants of the rest room. They feel subconsciously anxious and restless for no reason. This influence is softened by furniture with rounded lines and all kinds of draperies made of soft fabrics.

Those who want to change their personal life without a partner need to include more paired interior items in their bedroom decoration, for example, two bedside tables, two pillows, two beds. If you choose the right place for the bedroom, choose the right color of the walls or wallpaper, remove indoor flowers from it and household appliances, you can count on the fact that this approach will harmonize the lives of the owners of this home.

The bedroom is designed for rest and relaxation. From her correct design depends healthy sleep and the psycho-emotional state of the owner of the premises. According to Feng Shui rules, the color of the bedroom will help you choose one that will set a person up for a wave of positivity, good emotions and positive mood. It is very important to correctly combine various color shades, since each color has a specific meaning and effect on the human body.

In order for the atmosphere to acquire the right character, it is necessary to choose a base color from which you can build upon when further decorating the room. The bedroom carries the functional load of relaxation, so the main color should be conducive to calm and balance. Experts advise choosing cool shades.

For bedroom design, it is better not to use too bright colors - they have an aggressive effect on the nervous system person.

Color should not bore the owner of the room. He must relieve emotional stress and put his thoughts in order. Even if a bright color is your favorite, before using it you should think about its long-term effect on the organs of vision.

The influence of cool shades:

  • Calm;
  • Create an atmosphere of peace;
  • Relieves tension.

Feng Shui involves decorating rooms in such a way that a person is saturated with energy thanks to color. He should not give this energy away or accumulate it. Color should help you relax.

Rules for choosing color saturation

The choice of color shade is very important. No less important right choice color saturation. Varying color can change its effect on a person.

To decorate a bedroom, experts advise using pastel shades.

Using rich and pure colors in the bedroom is possible. This technique is best used to decorate a room with small interior items. Bright accents should not be given much space.

Color selection rules:

  • The number of flowers in the bedroom should not exceed seven.
  • If there are many colors used in a room, they should all be minimally saturated.
  • It is best to use one base color and its shades.

It is best to use one color to decorate a bedroom. It can be dark if the room is sufficiently large sizes. It is best to remove bright decorative items before going to bed. To do this, they must be mobile and ergonomic.

The color of the walls in the bedroom according to Feng Shui depending on the direction of the world

Choice color palette for wall decoration will depend on the side on which the room windows face. Before choosing a color scheme, it is important to determine the direction and correctly distribute accents.

Eg, green color It is often recommended to dilute with white, beige or coffee colors; lemon and mustard are also suitable. It is important that such combinations are harmonious, then a restful and healthy sleep will be ensured.

Tips for choosing colors for a bedroom according to Feng Shui:

  • Southwest. Northeast. Brown, beige, coffee, gold and black shades are best suited. Dark colors Experts advise diluting with light shades.
  • South. Red, terracotta, orange, pink and cherry shades are best. These are the colors of love that will have a beneficial effect on marital relationships. In order to dilute too bright colors, use light drawings and patterns.
  • North, northwest. Blue shades are best. Silver, white and gray shades will not work.
  • West. Silver, lilac, lemon shades are best suited. They will help activate thinking, clear the mind of negative impacts, establish internal communication, find harmony with yourself and the people around you.

After determining the side on which the room's windows face, it is important to study the recommendations for the combination of elements. Each of the elements can combine with each other. Each color belongs to one or another element. Water and trees, fire and earth, earth and metal go well together.

Choosing a bedroom color according to Feng Shui: rules (video)

Choosing the color of a bedroom according to Feng Shui plays a very important role. Color has a direct and immediate effect on psychological condition person. It can plunge you into depression and melancholy or plunge you into happiness. To make the right choice, before starting renovations, you should study the recommendations and advice of experts who will tell you in detail what color a room facing a certain side of the world should be and how to combine shades correctly.

Feng Shui is a teaching about the symbolic organization of space, which is aimed at finding positive flows of energy and their use for the benefit of humans.

Taking into account the laws of Feng Shui, you can choose the most favorable site for building a house, a more successful layout of the land and, of course, best location furniture in the interior.

Placing a bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui

A bedroom furnished according to Feng Shui helps strengthen family relationships and promotes harmonization in all areas of life. The main piece of furniture in the bedroom is the bed.

When choosing a place for a bed, you must consider the following rules:

  • the optimal location of the bed is with the headboard against the wall;
  • in a lying position, a person’s legs should not be directed towards the door;
  • access to the bed should be possible from both sides;
  • It is undesirable to place the bed in the path of air flow from the window to the exit, but if there are no other options, then a crystal should be placed on the windowsill, it promotes dispersion
  • energy throughout space;
  • The toilet room should be located on the side of the bed.

As for choosing a bed, there are also some nuances here:

  • It is recommended to choose a wooden bed, it allows favorable vibration to flow freely, and it must have legs, the space under the bed should be free;
  • the headboard is selected individually for each area of ​​life: wave - for creativity; oval shape - for business; For the rest, a rectangular one is suitable;
  • bedside tables and tables should be no higher than the level of the mattress and without sharp corners.

Creating Harmony

To design a bedroom according to Feng Shui, first of all, you should completely empty the room and think through the future interior: from the flooring to the design details.

If repairs are impossible for some reason, you should do a thorough cleaning and get rid of all unnecessary things.

When thinking about the color scheme of a bedroom, you need to know that all colors are divided into Yin and Yang. Yin colors include calm pastel colors that promote good rest and isolate you from everyday worries.

Yang colors, on the contrary, are bright and exciting. They contribute to the formation of accents in the environment.

To optimize energy flows in the bedroom, it is recommended to choose terracotta, ultramarine, dark green or golden color.

A well-chosen picture, always with a happy or neutral plot, without sad images, is well suited as an accent.

Of the plants in the bedroom, according to Feng Shui, only a few are allowed, such as geranium, chlorophytum or some others, which slowly develop and produce oxygen in the dark, but no more than two.

Hunting trophies, clutter, any objects containing or depicting water (fountain, aquarium, etc.), mirrors are not welcome in a Feng Shui room.

An exception to the latter is the case when a person lying on the bed does not see the door, only then is the presence of a mirror allowed in the bedroom, which will create the opportunity to contemplate the exit, which is mandatory according to Feng Shui.

Feng Shui in detail

To activate the family zone, in the eastern part of the room you should place a photo of loved ones, always alive, a wooden figurine or an image of trees.

The sphere of love is in the southwest. It is recommended to place mandarin ducks or a couple of pigeons, butterflies here, and post a photo of a prosperous family life. Yellow is a good color for this area.

For single people, hearts, photographs of happy couples and soft toys can be placed in this part of the bedroom.

The center of the room is the health zone. There should be a lot of light here. Peaches are a talisman of health.

The southeast of the bedroom is responsible for wealth. Desirable shades are green and red. Among the talismans for this zone, a sculpture of Hotei with coins, fish or an object with precious stones are well suited.

In the west is the sphere of creativity and the future (children). Here you can place children's crafts. The preferred color is white.

Bedroom location

The bedroom room in an apartment or house is selected according to the individual preferences of the owner:

  • the north side is responsible for relaxation;
  • northwestern - improves family life;
  • for people with active life position Northeast will do;
  • for romantics, the western side is preferable;
  • the southern zone contributes to a rich personal life;
  • the southeast is responsible for successes and achievements;
  • the southwest will give comfort and peace;
  • to start a family, choose the east.

Photo of bedroom decoration according to Feng Shui

The bedroom is a special room in the house. This is not only a place of relaxation, but also small world, where family members live a significant part of their lives and communicate with each other. The science of feng shui pays special attention to this room. According to Feng Shui, the bedroom is the center of calm and tranquility in the home, which is characteristic of soft and delicate Yin energy.

Proper design of any room in accordance with Feng Shui has the main goal: to allow the flow of Qi energy to move freely and to prevent movement negative energy Sha. Therefore, you need to start creating the ideal bedroom by choosing its right location in the house.

When determining a place for a bedroom in your home, it is worth choosing the room that is located far from the entrance, from the toilet and kitchen, as well as from non-residential premises. Ideally, the bedroom is located on the second floor of a private house, but there should also be an enclosed living space underneath it, and not a yard or garage. If the living space allows, it is better not to combine a bedroom with a wardrobe or study.

Feng Shui advises using the Bagua compass to determine the sectors of the house that are favorable for furnishing the bedroom. At the same time, for people of different ages, fates and characters, the correct choice of sector may vary.

  • According to Feng Shui, the northern part of the house is ideal for a married bedroom, but it is not suitable for single people.
  • The North-West is good for mature people who have already gained stability and a certain status in life. The creative and active east is suitable for children and young couples.
  • IN westward you need to arrange the bedroom for those who do not plan an active work and career, but are inclined to romance and pleasure.
  • The south side of the house is shown to those who seek to revitalize their intimate life. True, you won’t be able to relax in the “southern” bedroom.
  • By organizing sleep and rest in the southeast of the home, a person receives strength for creativity, successful business, fruitful cooperation in the team.

Unfavorable sectors for the bedroom are:

  • Northeast, which carries too much Qi energy and causes restless sleep with many dreams;
  • The southwest is a place of unbalanced energy. A person vacationing here feels anxiety and self-doubt.

If it is impossible to move the place of sleep to a suitable area, smooth out bad influence Feng Shui symbols and talismans will help to activate positive energy, as well as, for example, a bouquet of fresh flowers in the bedroom.

Yin and a little yang

Yin energy should predominate in the bedroom, so it is advisable to decorate the room in quiet pastel colors. Soft outlines of furniture and gentle, dim lighting stimulate Yin energy.

On the other hand, small notes of yang energy, which is also responsible for sexual harmony, are necessary to create strong relationships between spouses. Therefore, the delicate colors of the bedroom according to Feng Shui can be diluted with red notes. This could be bright flowers on the linens, red candles, a purple photo frame or a beautiful vase.

The main danger to harmony in the bedroom is sharp corners and bulky objects that seem to throw arrows of negative energy at people around them. The fewer of them there are in a room, the better it will affect the health and well-being of its inhabitants. Therefore, there should be as few wardrobes in the bedroom as possible, as well as their contents.

Old trash, unnecessary things that have been taking up space on hangers for years are another enemy of harmony in the house in general and in the bedroom in particular.

When creating a bedroom interior, Feng Shui does not recommend hanging lamps above the bed. As a last resort, the lamps in them should be dim. It is better to place a small floor lamp on the bedside table. By the way, the height of the bedside table should not be higher than the mattress of the bed, so as not to create additional sharp corners.

Feng Shui symbols will help to activate the calm tone and romance of the bedchamber: mandarin ducks, angels, red and Pink colour, crystals, “dream catchers”.

At the same time, according to Feng Shui, paintings in the bedroom should not depict rivers, seas, waterfalls and other outlines of moving water. Decorative fountains are also best left for places of yang energy in the house.

About the bed position

According to Feng Shui, the central element of a bedroom is the bed. The ancient teaching especially insists that, regardless of the presence of free square meters, you need to sleep on the bed, and not on a folding sofa and other compact structures.

If we are talking about the marital bedroom, then you need to put an ordinary double bed in it, comfortable and moderately large. Do not push 2 beds together - harmony in marital relations it won't add. The best way out would be to purchase a bed with a soft curve of the back (rounded or wavy), without elaborate curls and excessive decor. There should be some space between the floor and the mattress, which should not be cluttered with things.

Feng Shui attaches great importance to the location of the bed. The bed must necessarily touch the back of the wall, but there is no need to place it close to the corner of the room. From the possible variations, choose the one in which you can see the door while lying on the bed. However, the “feet to the door” option should be excluded for obvious reasons.

It is undesirable to place the bed between the door and the window, and also to turn its head towards the window, so that unfavorable flows of energy do not fall on the head of a sleeping or resting person along with daylight. In the bedroom, according to Feng Shui, it is allowed to have a mirror, but the spouses’ bed should not be reflected in it; The number of mirrors in this room should generally be kept to a minimum. If it is impossible to implement the ideal option, build a stylish fabric canopy for the bed, which will protect the people resting on it from the flow of unfavorable energy.

In conclusion, it is worth emphasizing that all the efforts of the home owners to create an ideal bedchamber according to Feng Shui can be thwarted if order and cleanliness are not maintained in the room. The bedroom should always be cleaned, ventilated and ready to receive its owners for rest and sleep.