Obtaining color by mixing paints. How to get orange color by mixing paints

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You don’t always have the right paint at hand, but do you have a couple of others? Let's use the magic available in everyday life and find out how to get the color purple by mixing other colors.The editors of the online magazine website invite you to plunge into artistic realities and get the necessary shade.

Such a different purple

Our eye sees short-wave monochromatic radiation with a wavelength of 380-440 nm as violet.Since this tone is obtained mainly by combining blue and red, it means that it has absorbed hot passion and deep serenity. A person in a room with a lavender hue begins to philosophize, hear himself better, and approach problems more calmly.

What colors do you need to mix to get purple?

How to get purple? What colors should you mix to enjoy the shades of lilac and lavender?It all depends on what tone we want to achieve: light, dark or rich.

What colors to mix to get dark purple?

How to get dark purple color? Only by adding dark colors to the tone.

If the desired shade is not there at all, then we will go the long way. First, mix red and blue in equal proportions or 100% of one color, 50% of the other. Taking more blue, we get more cold tone, and if you use 100% red, the result will be a warm shade.We will gradually add black or green to the resulting shade. Keyword- little by little!

How to get light purple color

What colors can make light purple?

Whitewash will turn the usual tone into a light lavender or soft lilac. If you take the colors in half, you will get a medium-saturated shade. The more white, the lighter the final result.

What colors should be mixed to get a bright purple shade?

If you don’t have the entire possible palette, but you do have pink, cornflower blue or blue, you can experiment and get a beautiful rich shade.

How to adjust the shade of purple

We've sorted out the combination of red and blue. But if you change the proportions, then the shade will change: when mixing paints, be sure to notice what has been added and in what quantities.

  • to make the tone closer to burgundy, add more red;
  • excess blue will give purple;
  • scarlet and blue will give a beautiful purple tone;
  • By adding a little yellow, brown or green, you can get original shades.

When mixing, take into account the type of paints: correcting a defect when working with gouache is much easier than correcting watercolor stains.

How to make purple: we work with different types of paints

We learned how to get purple color. It's time to move on to the nuances.

Oil paint

The most important thing in mixing oil paints is the quality of the material itself. If it turns out to be of poor quality, then you shouldn’t complain that what ended up on the canvas was not a wonderful purple tone, but a dirty mess.

There are three mixing options: complete, glaze, and completely original, when the colors are not mixed, but are simply drawn with strokes close to each other. To get purple, you can use the first method if you lack skills in the other two.

Acrylic paint and gouache

The principles of working with acrylic paints and gouache are the same. Therefore, the tips on how to get a purple color when mixing acrylic gouache are the same.

To create purple, lilac or lavender shades, take a base blue and add either pink or red to it. If you also include a little black or white, the tone will become darker or lighter.

Mixing colors is one of the most difficult procedures that a person who decides to make repairs on their own may face the need to perform. The point is that it is very important to know what colors to mix to create certain tone. It should be immediately noted that it is better to purchase white paint and tint it in the store using a special machine, so the tone will be uniform. If you decide to do everything yourself, then you can read more about how to mix colors correctly.

These materials are universal, they are used for many purposes: with their help you can simply paint walls, paint stained glass windows, apply designs on the wall and ceiling. In general, the scope of their use is limited by imagination. The compositions are easy to use and adhere well to the surface. But if you decide to paint a multi-component image on the wall, then buying paint of all the necessary colors will be too expensive, and after completion of the work there will be a large number of unnecessary material. In this case, it is better to buy a base series, and mix to create certain shades acrylic paints.

Mixing base paint colors makes it possible to get many different shades, while you can save a lot on your purchase

Main color range

Everyone knows from school: when you combine yellow and red, you get orange, but if you add blue to the same yellow, you get green. It is on this principle that the table for mixing acrylic paints is built. According to it, it is enough to purchase only the primary colors:

  • white;
  • black;
  • red;
  • brown;
  • blue;
  • yellow;
  • pink.

You can simply mix acrylic paints of these tones to get most of the existing shades.

Basics of mixing according to the table

To properly mix materials, you cannot do without a table. At first glance, it is easy to work with: to get the desired result, you just need to find the color and see what components are required. But the color mixing table does not indicate the proportions, so it is necessary to gradually add tinting material to the main paint and apply the mixture to some unnecessary product: a sheet of plywood, drywall, and so on. Then you need to wait until the material dries. If the color matches what is required, you can begin work on the main surface.

Coloring technique

Now about how to get colors. By mixing acrylic materials, you can achieve the formation of two main tones: light and dark. Basic tones: earthy, green, orange, purple. To create color, it is recommended to follow certain rules:

  1. Light. In this case, the main material is titanium white, to which one or two tinting compounds are added. The less additional paintwork materials are used, the lighter the tone will be. This is how you can make most shades of a light palette.
  2. Dark. To create shades of this type, do the opposite. Before mixing colors, you need to prepare a base tone; black dye is gradually introduced into the base. When working with black paint, you need to be careful because it can make the color look muddy rather than dark.
  3. Green. This shade is not in the main palette, so you will need to mix yellow and blue. The exact ratio can only be determined experimentally.
  4. Violet. This is a cool color that is obtained by mixing blue with pink or red. In some cases, you will also need to add black to darken the material.
  5. Orange. To create this color you need to mix red and yellow. For a richer orange, it is recommended to add more red and vice versa. If you want to create a soft color, for example, coral, then you need to lighten the material with white. Can I add dark dyes? Yes, you can, but mixing colors may result in a muddy tone.
  6. Earthy. Here the main color is brown. By adding various shades to it, they get a color from beige to dark wood.

Rules for working with the palette

To get started you will need basic set paints, brushes, a container of water and a palette (you can take any surface, including school items for drawing).

It is recommended to place white in the center, since it is used in creating most shades. Dyes of the main color range are placed in the recesses around (if any). You need to mix carefully, gradually adding tinting material and constantly checking the result. After mixing the colors, the brush should be rinsed in a container of water.

On a note! Working with materials based on acrylic resins using a table and palette is quite simple. The main thing is to practice more, the result will get better each time.

Oil paints

If you compare this material with watercolor or acrylic, then oil is more fluid. Because of this, you need to mix the compositions very carefully. different colors. On the one hand, this is a drawback, but on the other hand, this feature allows you to obtain the following effects:

  • If thoroughly mixed, a uniform tone will be obtained. This material is perfect for both complete painting of surfaces and partial decoration.
  • If you mix partially, then different colored veins will appear on the coating.


Now about how to mix oil paints. For mixing paint colors on oil based a table is also used. It indicates the colors obtained by combining various tinting components. In addition, here you can find such an indicator as a combination of shine. If you add a little gloss to a matte base, there will be practically no result, but if you do the opposite, the shine will be slightly muted.

Mixing methods:

  1. Mechanical. In this case, we are talking about mixing two or more materials of different colors in one container. Color saturation is controlled by the number of compositions of bright shades. The desired color is created even before the wall or ceiling is processed.
  2. Color overlay. Gradual application of several strokes on top of each other.
  3. Optic. This is the most complex method, which is available only to specialists. It involves mixing glossy and matte bases while applying paint to the surface. You can mix paint colors only on the surface being treated, otherwise you will get a more even tone.


The first method fully corresponds to the data in the table. When it comes to color application, the result is unpredictable. One of the most simple options optical illusions is glazing: a dark tone is applied to the surface, after it dries, paint is applied a little lighter, and then completely light. As a result, each color will be visible through the top layers.

So there is no specific pattern. To find out which colors need to be mixed, it is not enough just to take and look at the table; it is important to constantly practice and not be afraid of experiments. This is how you can create new effect, which will make the interior unique. It is also important to remember that a mixed shade is very difficult to replicate, so you should remember the proportions.

Now the question of how to mix paints correctly does not seem so difficult.

Every person has ever thought about how an artist produces this or that color. In fact, many shades are obtained by colorists.

Consider the process of obtaining purple: the main colors are red, blue and yellow. It is by mixing them that a wide variety of tones and shades are obtained.

We need to mention black and white. They are not obtained as a result of mixing, so it is worth considering that artists use these five basic tones in their work.

For getting purple just mix red and blue. Moreover, the color shade will directly depend on the following factors:

  1. Saturation of original colors
  2. Their number and ratio.

When mixed, the main tone of purple is obtained.

Shades of dark purple

To obtain a dark purple tone, you can use two methods:

  1. Add a little black to the red color.
  2. Mix blue and red, and more than the first in ratio. You can adjust the intensity of the desired shade with black.

Table of shades of purple

Light purple is obtained by adding white to the base tone.. A purple tint can be made by changing the ratio in favor of red.

You can get a soft purple by mixing pink and blue paints.. Scarlet shade of red and light blue give a beautiful burgundy shade of purple.

Mixing dark blue and red results in a rich eggplant tone.

Mixing Features

For different colors with different composition there are certain ways to mix them to get the tone we need.

How to make from watercolor?

When faced with this type of material, the problem of saturation of the resulting color arises. To solve it, you will need to use whitewash. If they are not there, saturation can be adjusted by adding a certain amount of water.

From oils at home

Oil has greater fluidity compared to acrylic or watercolor. Therefore, the compositions must be mixed very carefully. You can call this a disadvantage, but it allows you to get uniform tones. With partial mixing, you can get inserts of different colors.

There are three ways to mix oil paints: mechanical, color overlay and optical. In the first case, the process occurs in one container, and the saturation is regulated by adding basic tones. In the second case, strokes are applied to each other. In the third method, paints are mixed directly on the surface to be treated, which allows for a more even tone.

How to get from acrylic?

They are universal and are used for many purposes - painting walls, drawing pictures on the ceiling, and so on. The composition adheres well to the treated surface. Buying all possible shades will be very expensive. For this reason, the base colors are mixed.

To get the specific shade you need, in the case of acrylic paints you should use a special table that shows mixing options.

How much corrector should I add?

Table for obtaining purple color

The corrector is able to neutralize the unwanted shade from the resulting color. To make the task easier, they use the so-called Oswald star. There are six colors indicated - three basic and three additional.

If the ends of the star are connected with diagonal lines, you get colors that neutralize each other. Eg, purple color is able to neutralize the basic colors: green, red and yellow.

To intensify the color, you need to add a corrector further down the color wheel.

IN various fields These correctors are also called mixtons.

Ultraviolet for tattoo

The paint used is a powder that is “charged” by light and releases this energy as a glow. With this combination, a luminous tattoo is obtained, and the desired color is achieved by adding dye.

Ultraviolet pigment is safe for humans. The composition does not cause allergies, but the paint should be tested to avoid undesirable consequences for the body.

Important! Why should you use UV pigment carefully? Any paint can cause an allergic reaction, so you need to carefully choose the pigment manufacturer.

In conclusion, we note that coloristics is a very interesting science that allows you to give full rein to the artist’s imagination. Getting purple and it various shades This is clearly illustrated. Moreover, these methods work not only when writing works of art, but also for decorating rooms, interiors and stained glass windows.

Red and green combined give a dark Brown color. But its shade and intensity depend on the chosen proportions. the main role in this combination belongs to the color green. The darker it is and the greater the proportion used, the more intense the brown color, even black.

If you mix blue and green, what color will you get?

Blue and green - we get the color turquoise or sea ​​wave. The more intense blue tone, the more it will prevail in the shade, approaching turquoise. The predominance of green makes the shade of sea wave greenish. With an equal proportion of colors, a rich blue tint is obtained.

If you mix yellow and green, what color will you get?

Combining yellow and green, we get a light green or light green tone. In order for it to work out, the proportions of the colors must be the same. By adding green to yellow, we get an olive tint; if there is very little yellow, we get deep green with a blue tint, that is, it all depends on the proportion.

In addition, primary colors can produce many other shades. For example, when red and blue are combined, the color purple is obtained. Which, depending on the proportion we use, can range from a light, almost transparent lavender shade to a rich purple. Yellow and red produce a vibrant orange hue.

Advice! If you try to mix all three main shades at the same time, you will get an indefinite dirty brown color with a blue tint, it is called complex.

By experimenting with primary colors, taking into account the basic rules of color, you can achieve any desired shade.

How to mix colors - video

In this article we will look at what needs to be mixed to get brown color in paints.

Such a noble and calm color as brown has always dominated the clothing of rich and noble representatives. By the way, its main characteristic is stability and stability. But often the palette does not have this color or its required shade. Yes, and young or even experienced artists must be able to select the right colors in order to independently create a color scheme of the brown spectrum. And our recommendations will help in this aspect.

How to get brown color when mixing: 3 ways

Before rushing to the color scheme and brushes, you need to remember what colors there are. They are divided into two groups – basic and additional. There are also two more subgroups - composite and complex. All of them make up the design of four groups of basic colors.

Remember - primary colors cannot be obtained by combining any palettes. By the way, they are the ones that become the basis for creating other colors. Moreover, having black and white on hand, you can extract absolutely any color.

IMPORTANT: Brown belongs to the group of complex colors.

We offer three basic methods for obtaining brown color.

Green (blue+yellow) with red

  • Even schoolchildren know that brown comes out when you mix two colors together - green and red. This is the case if we talk about the primary and composite colors.
  • But the challenge is still to create a green tint. As easy as pie! Take two primary colors - yellow and blue.
  • You need to take an equal number of different shades. But take into account your wishes.
    • If you want to end up with a darker color, then add a little more blue, but to the finished color. green color.
    • If, on the contrary, you want to make a more transparent shade, then initially take a little more yellow.
  • After receiving the secondary color, we begin making the tertiary color. To the green color you got, you need to add a little red tone.
  • It is important to introduce red paint, and not vice versa! After all, it is the fundamental tone that regulates the degree of darkness and saturation brown tint. If you add too much red coloring, then you will get more of a brick tone.
    • But also keep in mind that the red color makes brown so warm (in large quantities it can even create a rust effect), but green, on the contrary, will make it even a little grayish and cold.

Orange (yellow+red) with blue

  • The first thing you need to do is take red. And add yellow to it. By the way, it needs to be introduced gradually and in small quantities.
  • On average, yellow should be only 10% of the volume of red. It's important to get a dark orange. But keep in mind that too much red coloring will create a reddish brown color.
  • Blue paint will need even less - 5-7% of the total volume. You also need to add gradually, in small portions and stirring the ingredients well.
  • Of course, adjust the tone and saturation of the brown color using the blue tint.

Violet (red+blue) with yellow

  • Red and blue colors should be taken in equal quantities. Then you can get a noble, and even royal shade of purple, which will have the desired saturation and warmth.
  • Then you need to introduce little by little yellow. It will lighten the resulting purple, so watch the amount. If the color is predominantly yellow, then the brown color will be lighter and warmer. The violet tone does the opposite.

IMPORTANT: Too much yellow paint will create an ocher shade.

How to make a light brown color from paints, gouache when mixed?

To get a light brown color, you need to give the yellow color a predominance. But! Let us repeat that too much of it will make the color look like ocher. And, of course, it all depends on the desired lordship.

  • To whiten brown color, you need add white. Yes, it's that simple. The more you add, the lighter the final color will be.
  • But don’t overdo it, brown is a warm color and White color will neutralize this characteristic. Therefore, introduce very carefully, gradually and in small portions (literally, 1% of the total mass of paints).
  • Although adding the previous color will help correct the situation.

How to get a dark brown color when mixing paints and gouache?

If we talk about previous mixing options, more blue or green will make a darker brown color. But they will also add their own nuance. There is another, simpler and quick way obtaining a dark brown color.

  • Just add black paint. But you need to work with it extremely carefully, since a small dose of excess paint will simply turn it into black.
  • Therefore, add paint in tiny portions and take note of one rule - conduct experiments with a small amount of paint.

  • By the way, in order not to make a mistake with the desired color, mix a little black with white. But leave the dominance of the first shade. Just make it a little softer as it can quickly eat up the brown color.

How to get chocolate when mixing paints or gouache?

To create a chocolate color, you need to tinker a little. The most unencumbered scheme is to choose the right tones of orange and blue. But there is another possible option.

  • Combine yellow and blue paint to get a dark green color. In another bowl, combine red and a drop of yellow to create orange.
  • Now combine the two resulting colors. And in the end you get the color of green grass or grass green.
  • Now you need to create a bloody red color. To do this, combine the same orange and red palette.

  • In conclusion, it remains to combine the two complex colors obtained.
  • And as a result we get the color of real chocolate.
    • If you want milk chocolate then add a drop of white paint
    • A mixture of white and yellow will give an additional golden tint to the color
    • Dark chocolate is again obtained by adding black paint.
    • But yellow with chocolate will help you get a beautiful and even brown color

How to get coffee color when mixing paints or gouache?

  • Coffee color can be obtained by adding the same black gouache. Also, you need to mix according to technology - orange paint plus Blue colour. In this case, you can achieve the desired tone.

Getting coffee color
  • Alternatively, you can achieve the desired color using a composition of purple and orange paint. If necessary, you need to add a drop of black tint.

Color mixing: table

For clarity, we would like to provide you with a table that will show all possible versions of the development of brown color and its range. To get a brown color, you need to mix the component colors, adding the main shade to them. True, there are other options where the composition includes not just secondary colors, but even complex palettes.