Mix color 4. How to get purple from paints: color secrets

Have you decided to take up painting or are you painting furniture? But don't know how to get different shades? Paint mixing charts and tips will help you do this.

Basic Concepts

Before you start studying paint mixing tables, it’s worth familiarizing yourself with some definitions that will make it easy to understand a new material. The words used in the theory and practice of mixing shades are explained below. These are not scientific encyclopedic definitions, but transcripts in a language understandable to the average beginner, without the presence of complex terminology.

Achromatic colors are all intermediate shades between black and white, that is, gray. These paints contain only a tonal component (dark - light), and there is no “color” as such. Those where it is present are called chromatic.

Primary colors are red, blue, yellow. They cannot be obtained by mixing any other colors. Those that can are composite.

Saturation is a characteristic that distinguishes it from an achromatic shade that is identical in lightness. Next, let's look at what a table for mixing paints for painting is.


Paint mixing tables are usually presented as a matrix of rectangles or squares or as schemes of shade combinations with numerical values ​​or percentages of each color component.

The fundamental table is the spectrum. It can be depicted as a stripe or a circle. The second option turns out to be more convenient, visual and understandable. In fact, the spectrum is a schematic image of a ray of light decomposed into color components, in other words, a rainbow.

This table contains both primary and composite colors. The more sectors in this circle, the greater the number of intermediate shades. In the picture above there are also gradations of lightness. Each ring corresponds to a specific tone.

The shade of each sector is obtained by mixing neighboring colors along the ring.

How to mix achromatic colors

There is such a painting technique as grisaille. It involves creating a painting using gradations of exclusively achromatic colors. Sometimes brown or another shade is added. Below is a table of mixing colors for paints when working using this method.

Please note that when working with gouache, oil, or acrylic, a grayer shade is created by not only reducing the amount of black, but also adding white. In watercolors, professionals do not use this paint, but dilute it

How to mix with white and black

In order to get a darker or lighter shade of the pigment that you have in your set, you need to mix it with achromatic colors. This is how you work with gouache and mix acrylic paints. The table located further is suitable for working with any material.

There are different numbers of ready-made colors in the kits, so compare what you have with the desired shade. When you add white, you will get what are called pastel colors.

Below is shown how a gradation of several complex colors is obtained from the lightest, almost white, to very dark.

Mixing watercolor paints

The table below can be used for both painting methods: glaze or single layer. The difference is that in the first version, the final shade is obtained by visually combining different tones superimposed on one another. The second method involves mechanically creating the desired color by combining pigments on a palette.

How this is done is easy to understand using the example of the first line with purple tones from the figure above. Layer-by-layer execution is done like this:

  1. Fill all the squares with a light tone, which can be achieved by using a small amount of paint and enough water.
  2. After drying, apply the same color to the second and third elements.
  3. Repeat the steps as many times as necessary. In this version there are only three color transition cells, but there may be more.

When working in the glaze painting technique, it is worth remembering that different colors It is better to mix no more than five layers. The previous one must be well dried.

In the event that you prepare the required color immediately on the palette, the sequence of working with the same purple gradation will be as follows:

  1. Apply color by taking a little paint on a wet brush. Apply to the first rectangle.
  2. Add pigment, fill the second element.
  3. Dip the brush further into the paint and make a third cell.

When working in one layer, you must first mix all the colors on the palette. This means that in the first method the final shade is obtained by optical mixing, and in the second - mechanical.

Gouache and oil

The techniques for working with these materials are similar, since the pigments are always presented in the form of a creamy mass. If the gouache has dried, it is first diluted with water to the desired consistency. Any set always contains white. They are usually used up faster than others, so they are sold in separate jars or tubes.

Mixing (table below), like gouache, is not a difficult task. The advantage of these techniques is that the next layer completely covers the previous one. If you make a mistake and after drying you don’t like the resulting shade, make a new one and apply it on top. The previous one will not show through if you work with thick colors, without diluting them with liquid (water for gouache, solvent for oil).

Paintings using this painting technique can even be textured, when a thick mass is applied impasto, that is, in a thick layer. Often, a special tool is used for this - a palette knife, which is a metal spatula on a handle.

The proportions of mixed paints and the necessary colors to obtain the desired shade are shown in the previous table diagram. It is worth saying that it is enough to have only three primary colors in the set (red, yellow and blue), as well as black and white. From them, in different combinations, all other shades are obtained. The main thing is that the paints in the jar should be exactly the main spectral tones, that is, for example, not pink or crimson, but red.

Working with acrylic

Most often, these paints are used on wood, cardboard, glass, stone, making decorative crafts. In this case, the process is the same as when using gouache or oil. If the surface has been previously primed and the paints are suitable for it, obtaining the desired shade will not be difficult. Below are examples of mixing shades with acrylic.

For (batik) they are also used, but they are sold in jars of liquid consistency and are similar to printer ink. In this case, the colors are mixed according to the watercolor principle on a palette with the addition of water rather than white.

Once you understand how to use paint mixing charts, you can easily create an unlimited number of shades using watercolor, oil, or acrylic.

While doing painting, painting or applied arts, you can often encounter the problem of a lack of one color or another. That’s when an entertaining and very useful science comes to our aid - colorism. For example, let's talk about paints.

What will you need for this?

  • Paints (we'll see what's available in red and blue, you may need black and white).
  • Brushes (the more, the better).
  • Palette.
  • Water or thinner for oil paints.

Whatever paints you paint - acrylic, oil or watercolor, you need to use it on a palette, and only then apply it to the drawing. In this case, you can adjust the intensity of the shade you need and correct it if necessary.

Paints, many were taught in art lessons in elementary school. But when we urgently need to “figure out” such a color, we frantically begin to mix all the shades in a row, getting a kind of dirty mass.

How to get purple color from paints in a few steps?

The purple color itself is secondary; in order to get it, we need to mix two primary, primary colors - red and blue.

Take a little red into your palette and add about the same amount of blue. Mix the paints thoroughly. You will get a basic one. Most likely, it will not suit you, and you will have to “modify” it.

  • In order to get a lighter shade of purple, you need to add white.
  • If you mix purple paint with white, you can also get purple. Depending on the amount of white, violet shades of varying intensities will be obtained.
  • A soft purple hue can be obtained by mixing pink paint with blue.

There is another way to get purple from paints. To get a muted purple color, you need to mix black paint with any cold paint. For example, it could be alizarin red. You will get exactly purple, it will not be very bright and chromatic.

There is one more important point in how to get purple from paints. The richness of the hues of the outgoing colors will play a big role in this. In an example it would look like this: a scarlet shade of red + light blue paint will give you a purple color with a beautiful burgundy tint. Or if you mix red with dark blue, you get a rich purple color, very close to eggplant.

If you work in watercolor and do not use white, adjust the saturation or pallor of the color using the amount of water.

And if you prefer to work with gouache, do not forget that when it dries it becomes several shades lighter, and you need to achieve a darker purple color.

Be sure to change, wipe or wash your brushes with each set of paint, then you will be pleased with your experiments.

Well, now you know how to make purple. And the situation will no longer take you by surprise.

Decorating walls in a house or apartment is impossible without a creative approach. Ready-made paint shades do not always satisfy personal or customer requirements, so it is important to know which colors and in what proportions to mix to get purple. Purple can be adjusted by introducing light shades. The article discusses ways to obtain purple by mixing paints

Making purple from magenta, blue or cyan

The color spectrum perceived by the human eye and brain is made up of three colors. Shades are formed by mixing red, blue and yellow. The effect of color saturation depends on the amount of one of the three shades. This information provides an understanding that one color is produced by different variations of primary colors. You can get a rich purple from magenta. Magenta is a rich light pink color and absorbs green tones well. After absorption, the visible spectrum remains red and blue. When a portion of blue is added to magenta, green and red are absorbed, leaving violet in the visible spectrum. The effect is explained by the color receptors receiving a strong signal from blue and a weak signal from red. The brain, combining signals, perceives them as purple.

Advice! The brain perceives violet when cyanogen is added to magenta. Cyan covers the spectrum of red, leaving a bright violet to be perceived.

A five-color printer will help in mixing shades. One of the subtractive colors in it is magenta. A drawing or figure created in graphic editor, it will not be difficult to print. A sample is required to purchase magenta paint. The store makes a small dab of paint next to the sample for comparison. It is impossible to obtain magenta by mixing shades, since the color belongs to the main spectrum. The result of adding yellow to magenta in varying proportions is a red and orange tint. When cyanide is added, not only violet is formed, but also bright blue. The saturation of violet is varied by adding blue and cyan without a greenish tint to the mix.

Making purple from pure red and blue

You can achieve a violet shade without using magenta. The result will be in the presence of pure blue and red colors. Determining their purity is important because manufacturers add yellow and orange pigments to tubes of red paint to create a rich tone. The blue paint container contains yellow and red pigments. If you mix containers with flowers that are not pure, a dirty color will form. Brown color. You can check the purity of color using white. To do this, blue or red is diluted in a glass of water. White is added to the aqueous solution. When diffused, shades of different colors are visible. If peach is visible in the case of red and color sea ​​wave in the case of blue, the colors are impure.

Note! Pure red when mixed with white forms pink, pure blue - cyan.

It is convenient to mix pure colors on the palette. An equal amount of red and blue is poured into the cells, which are mixed with a brush. If the target is purple, then the blue portion should be smaller. An extra dose of red will create a purple with a pink tint.

How to correct the resulting purple color

The color result is adjusted until the desired shade is achieved. You can use black white, dark blue, light blue and pink for this. You can lighten the mixture with white. In this case, the method of obtaining the result is unimportant. A small amount of white added to purple makes it brighter. By increasing the white content, pastel colors are formed. Black adds depth to purple. The substance is added gradually, in small doses, so as not to turn the main shade black. It will not be possible to correct the result with white, because adding white will result in gray.

With the right combination of white and black along with purple, a lavender color with a gray sheen is formed. For the predominance of pink, red or magenta is added. You can adjust the color to purple using blue and cyan. A purple shimmer is formed when paired with blue or cyan.

To ensure the purity of the resulting shade, when working with substances, clean containers and tools are required to collect the composition. The instruments are washed several times, since residues of components are not always visible against a dark background. If white remains, the color will not be saturated, black will blur the result. Understanding consistency and ratio comes with experience, so at first the composition of substances is done gradually so that you don’t have to start again. On the palette, a substance may have one reflection, and on the canvas another, so after mixing, part of the composition is applied to the edge of the canvas to compare the result. Mixing the components until the required shade is formed is required not only by artists, but also, for example, by confectioners.

The absorption effect may interfere with the results, so add components with caution. Lilac belongs to the cold spectrum, so it is obtained by correcting violet with blue and red. Accompanying the correction with white, the composition is saturated. Lilac can set off one of the components used for correction; this can be compensated for by rich black, added splashes from the brush.

Shades of purple: palette, color names

By experimenting with substances you can obtain all 196 elements of the Panton palette. As a result, one substance becomes bright, dull, saturated, purple, with a hint of gray, purple, bluish, with a pink tint and others. Pastel shades fade into rich dark. The names of each of them are shown in the diagram above.

Color Mixing Chart

Above is a table for making each of the pigments shown on the left. Fashion encourages the use of non-standard pigments in the production of clothing, accessories and furniture. Understanding the principle of the formation of shades will make it possible to convey the full depth of mood in a painting or photograph. The artist achieves the result by expressing the mood by mixing components. Chromatic substances are located nearby in the palette; achromatic components are located at a great distance. Mixing achromatic pigments adds a grayish sheen to the result. There is a video below about how to obtain the required shade.

The use of pigments will not give desired result, if they differ chemical composition. Pigment components can react, which can lead to fading of the composition during the mixing process. An example of this is the interaction of red cinnabar and white lead. The short-term result will be a bright pink substance. When left to stand, the substance darkens and loses its properties. Oil compounds are mixed with oil compounds. Sensitivity to solvents is taken into account when treating surfaces. Mixing experiments can be conveniently carried out with acrylic paints. This is explained by their versatility. Acrylic compositions are applied and fixed to glass, concrete, canvas and paper, so it is easy to paint any surface with them. At the same time, to implement the idea you will need several colors, among which there will definitely be white and black for adjustment.

Note! It is more difficult to obtain the required result when working with large volumes substances, so the ratio is calculated mathematically and verified practically, starting with drops.


As you can see, in most cases it is not necessary to purchase the entire range of coloring compositions to create unique paintings or interiors. Imagination and understanding of how some tones absorb others will make it possible to create exclusive solutions that will be difficult to repeat. After creating a masterpiece, even the author himself often finds it difficult to repeat the result obtained when mixing the components. A sense of proportion is important. The task of mixing components will be simplified by tools with printed scales. Thanks to the scales, you can make records of which component was mixed and in what proportions.

Two color mixing tables

The color mixing table allows you to learn how to get the right one when mixing two or more colors and shades.

This table is used in various fields art - fine art, modeling, and others. Can also be used in construction when mixing paints and plasters.

Color Mixing Chart 1

Required Color Base Color + Mixing Instructions
Pink White + add a little red
Chestnut Red + add black or brown
Royal Red Red + add blue
Red Red + White to brighten, yellow to get orange-red
Orange Yellow + add red
Gold Yellow + a drop of red or brown
Yellow Yellow + white for lightening, red or brown for a dark shade
Pale green Yellow + add blue/black for depth
Grass green Yellow + add blue and green
Olive Green + add yellow
Light green Green + add White yellow
Turquoise green Green + add blue
Bottle green Yellow + add blue
Coniferous Green + add yellow and black
Turquoise blue Blue + add a little green
White-blue White + add blue
Wedgwood blue White + add blue and a drop of black
Royal Blue
Dark blue Blue + add black and a drop of green
Grey White + Add a little black
Pearl gray White + Add black, a little blue
Medium brown Yellow + Add red and blue, white for lightening, black for dark.
Red-brown Red & yellow + Add blue and white to brighten
Golden brown Yellow + Add red, blue, white. More yellow for contrast
Mustard Yellow + Add red, black and a little green
Beige Take brown and gradually add white until beige colour. Add yellow for brightness.
Off white White + Add brown or black
Pink gray White + Drop of red or black
Gray-blue White + Add light gray plus a drop of blue
Green-gray White + Add light gray plus a drop of green
Gray coal White + add black
Lemon yellow Yellow + add white, a little green
Light brown Yellow + add white, black, brown
Fern green color White + add green, black and white
Forest green color Green + add black
Emerald green Yellow + add green and white
Light green Yellow + add white and green
Aquamarine White + add green and black
Avocado Yellow + add brown and black
Royal purple Red + add blue and yellow
Dark purple Red + add blue and black
Tomato red Red + add yellow and brown
Mandarin, orange Yellow + add red and brown
Reddish chestnut Red + add brown and black
Orange White + add orange and brown
Burgundy red color Red + add brown, black and yellow
Crimson Blue + add white, red and brown
Plum Red + add white, blue and black
Honey color White, yellow and dark brown
Dark brown Yellow + red, black and white
Copper gray Black + add white and red
Eggshell color White + yellow, a little brown
Black Black Use black as coal

Color mixing chart 2

Mixing paints
black= brown+blue+red in equal proportions
black= brown+blue.
gray and black= blue, green, red and yellow are mixed in equal proportions, and then one or the other is added by eye. it turns out we need more blue and red
black= it turns out if you mix red, blue and brown
black=red, green and blue. You can additionally add brown.
bodily= red and yellow paint.... little bit. After kneading, if it turns yellow, add a little red, if a little yellow paint turns pink. If the color turns out to be very saturated, add a piece of white mastic and mix again
dark cherry= red + brown + a little blue (cyan)
strawberry= 3 parts pink + 1 part red
Turkiz= 6 parts sky blue + 1 part yellow
silver gray= 1 hour black + 1 hour blue
dark red= 1 part red + a little black
rust color= 8 hours orange + 2 hours red + 1 hour brown
greenish= 9 hours sky blue + a little yellow
dark green= green + a little black
lavender=5 parts pink + 1 part purple
bodily= a little copper color
nautical=5h. blue+1 hour green
peach=2h. orange + 1 tsp. dark yellow
dark pink=2h. red+1 hour brown
Navy blue=1h. blue+1h. Sereneviy
avocado= 4h. yellow + 1 part green + a little black
coral= 3 hours pink + 2 hours yellow
gold= 10 hours yellow + 3 hours orange + 1 hour red
plum = 1 part purple + a little red
light green= 2 hours purple + 3 hours yellow

red + yellow = orange
red + ocher + white = apricot
red + green = brown
red + blue = violet
red + blue + green = black
yellow + white + green = citric
yellow + cyan or blue = green
yellow + brown = ocher
yellow + green + white + red = tobacco
blue + green = sea ​​wave
orange + brown = terracotta
red + white = coffee with milk
brown + white + yellow = beige
light green=green+yellow, more yellow,+white= light green

lilac=blue+red+white, more red and white, +white= light lilac
lilac= red and blue, with red predominating
Pistachio paint obtained by mixing yellow paint with a small amount of blue

Red and green combined give a dark brown color. But its shade and intensity depend on the chosen proportions. the main role in this combination belongs to the color green. The darker it is and the greater the proportion used, the more intense the brown color, even black.

If you mix blue and green, what color will you get?

Blue and green - we get the color of turquoise or sea wave. The more intense blue tone, the more it will prevail in the shade, approaching turquoise. The predominance of green makes the shade of sea wave greenish. With an equal proportion of colors, a rich blue tint is obtained.

If you mix yellow and green, what color will you get?

Combining yellow and green, we get a light green or light green tone. In order for it to work out, the proportions of the colors must be the same. By adding green to yellow, we get an olive tint; if there is very little yellow, we get deep green with a blue tint, that is, it all depends on the proportion.

In addition, primary colors can produce many other shades. For example, when red and blue are combined, the color purple is obtained. Which, depending on the proportion we use, can range from a light, almost transparent lavender shade to a rich purple. Yellow and red produce a vibrant orange hue.

Advice! If you try to mix all three main shades at the same time, you will get an indefinite dirty brown color with a blue tint, it is called complex.

By experimenting with primary colors, taking into account the basic rules of color, you can achieve any desired shade.

How to mix colors - video