Stress is a reality of modern life. Healthy sleep to combat stress. Stress and exercise


1. General concepts of stress……………………………………………………..4

1.1 The concept of stress………………………………………………………...4

1.2. Causes and consequences of stress…………………………….………..8

1.3. Methods of dealing with stress………………………………………………………11




The word “stress” has acquired a pronounced meaning in everyday life. negative meaning. Stress is not only a natural, but also an absolutely normal reaction of the human body and psyche to difficult circumstances, therefore, its complete absence is like death.

These circumstances force management to deeply analyze the causes of stress among employees and develop measures to reduce its impact.

Therefore the relevance of my course work entitled “Stress Management” is defined by the fact that it summarizes the results of research on stress issues.

The subject of the course work is the concept of stress.

The object can be identified as the process of responding to unfavorable external conditions, unfolding over time in three stages.

The purpose of the course work is to find out the meaning of stress in modern society, its impact on a person in various spheres of life.

Coursework objectives:

1. Describe the basic terms associated with the concept of “Stress”.

2. Analyze the causes and consequences of stress among workers.

3. Develop measures to regulate stress levels.

4. Learn methods of dealing with stress.

5. Analyze the problem of stress and ways to solve this problem using the example of a specific educational institution.


1.1 Concept of stress

Stress (from the English “stress” - tension) is a nonspecific (general) reaction of the body to a very strong impact, be it physical or psychological, as well as the corresponding condition nervous system organism (or the organism as a whole). The nervous and immune systems are especially affected by stress. People under stress are more likely to become victims of infection, since the production of immune cells drops markedly during periods of physical or mental stress.

To the number the most important concepts, entered into science and everyday vocabulary in the 20th century, such as nuclear energy, the genome, the computer and the Internet, the word “stress” can also be attributed. The discovery of this phenomenon is associated with the name of the outstanding Canadian researcher Hans Selye.

Even as a medical student, G. Selye drew attention to the fact that the symptoms of many diseases fall into two parts - specific, characteristic of a given disease, and nonspecific, the same for various diseases. So, with almost all diseases, fever appears, loss of appetite, and weakness are observed.

Later, having taken up scientific research in the field of physiology, G. Selye began to study the most general physiological reactions, which are a generalized reaction of the body to a strong external influence. He found that in response to it, the body mobilizes its forces, if necessary, turns on reserves, trying to adapt to the action of unfavorable factors and resist them. G. Selye called this adaptive reaction of the body to external influences the general adaptation syndrome, or stress. Adaptation syndrome was named because, according to the scientist, it led to the stimulation of the body's capabilities for the purpose of protection in order to combat adverse effects, stressors. The indication that this reaction is a syndrome emphasizes that it affects different organs or even the body as a whole, manifesting itself in a complex reaction.

The process of responding to unfavorable external conditions unfolds over time.

Three stages of stress have been identified:

Anxiety, during which the body mobilizes in response to an unfavorable factor;

Resistance, when due to the mobilization of the body's capabilities, adaptation to the stressor occurs.

Exhaustion is a stage that occurs if the stressor is strong and lasts for a long time, when the body’s strength is depleted and the level of resistance drops below normal levels.

Each stage is characterized by corresponding changes in neuroendocrine functioning. In medicine, physiology, psychology, positive (Eustress) and negative (Distress) forms of stress are distinguished. Neuropsychic, heat or cold, light, anthropogenic and other stresses, as well as other forms, are possible.

Eustress. The concept has two meanings - “stress caused by positive emotions” and “mild stress that mobilizes the body.”

Distress. A negative type of stress that the human body is unable to cope with. It destroys a person's moral health and can even lead to severe mental illness.

Symptoms of Distress:

1. Headache;

2. Loss of strength; reluctance to do anything.

3. Loss of faith that the situation will improve in the future;

4. Excited state, desire to take risks;

5. Absent-mindedness, memory impairment;

6. Reluctance to think and analyze the situation that led to a stressful state;

7. Changeable mood; fatigue, lethargy.

What can be a source of stress:

1. Psychological trauma or crisis situation (loss of loved ones, separation from a loved one)

2. Minor daily troubles;

3. Conflicts or communication with unpleasant people;

4. Obstacles that prevent you from achieving your goals;

5. Feeling of constant pressure;

6. Unrealistic dreams or too high demands on yourself;

8. Monotonous work;

9. Constant accusation, self-reproach that you have not achieved something or missed something;

10. Blaming yourself for everything bad that happened, even if it was not your fault;

12. Financial difficulties;

13. Strong positive emotions;

14. Quarrels with people and especially with relatives (observation of quarrels in the family can also lead to stress);

Risk group:

1. Women, since they are more emotional than men;

2. Elderly people and children;

3. People with low self-esteem;

4. Extroverts;

5. Neurotics;

6. People who abuse alcohol;

7. People with a genetic predisposition to stress.

The results of studies on stress conducted in the United States show that the annual costs associated with its consequences - absenteeism (unreasonable absence from work), decreased productivity, increased cost of health insurance - amount to a huge amount - about 300 billion dollars. Moreover, they are constantly increasing.

This and many other examples show that stress can not only be dangerous for each individual, but also have a destructive effect on the effectiveness of an organization. Therefore, the study of stress and its causes, as well as its consequences, is an important problem in organizational behavior.

The word “stress” has acquired a pronounced negative meaning in everyday life. However, G. Selye has repeatedly emphasized that stress is not only a natural, but also an absolutely normal reaction of the human body and psyche to difficult circumstances, therefore, its complete absence is like death. Negative consequences It is not stress itself that carries stress, but the reactions associated with it. Therefore, when organizing work to reduce the influence of factors that can cause stress, it should be taken into account that not only high, but also too low levels of stress lead to a decrease in productivity.

These circumstances force management to deeply analyze the causes of stress in employees and develop measures to regulate its level.

1.2 Causes and consequences of stress

Most people daily face the influence of a large number of different unfavorable factors, so-called stressors. If you were late for work, lost money, or got a low grade on an exam, all of these will have a greater or lesser impact on you. Such events undermine a person's strength and make him more vulnerable.

Factors and conditions that can cause stress have been studied many times. The occurrence of stress can be associated with working conditions (air temperature, noise, vibration, odors, etc.), as well as with psychological factors, personal experiences (unclear goals, lack of prospects, uncertainty in tomorrow). Important stress factors can be poor interpersonal relationships with colleagues - acute and frequent conflicts, lack of group cohesion, a feeling of isolation, an outcast, lack of support from group members, especially in difficult and problematic situations.

With all the variety of factors that can cause stress, it should be remembered that they do not act on their own, but depend on how a person relates to the circumstances in which he finds himself, that is, the presence of factors causing stress does not mean that he will necessarily will arise.

Many studies have shown that often small, insignificant events cause more stress than serious incidents. This is explained by the fact that a person prepares for major events in one way or another, and therefore endures them more easily, while small, everyday irritating factors exhaust him and make him vulnerable.

The work of a manager is associated with the influence of numerous stressors on him. Psychological studies have revealed that a leadership position causes a person to experience special neuro-emotional stress. Thus, in the experiments of A. A. Gerasimovich, the subjects solved a joint problem. One of them was appointed “chief”. When performing a task consisting of a series of sequential tasks, it was discovered that the followers relaxed during pauses between tasks, while the leader relaxed only after completing all the work, when the final result of the joint activity was announced.

It should be noted that stress factors are not limited to events occurring at work or in frequent life person, but are also determined by the general situation in the country, region, city and therefore are not directly under our control. Without a doubt, for last years Russian citizens have experienced significant stress—a change in their usual guidelines and principles public life. For many people, changes in lifestyle, work, and place of residence have not passed without a trace - the increase in morbidity and mortality from diseases caused by nervous and mental stress serves as proof of this.

The above indicates that the analysis of the reasons that can cause stress among employees of a particular organization is the most important task management

The effects of stress can manifest themselves at physiological, psychological and behavioral levels. High levels of stress cause exacerbation of many cardiovascular, ulcerative, and neuropsychiatric diseases.

Numerous studies on stress have shown that it affects all systems of the body, including the immune system. For example, it was found that during the session, students experienced a significant decrease in the activity of “killer” cells responsible for fighting viruses. Anxiety, active work, disruption of sleep and usual rhythm lead to changes in the body, including a decrease in immunity. It is typical that after the end of the session, the incidence of illness among students increases sharply.

A high level of stress is accompanied by mental tension, which at the exhaustion stage is characterized by anxiety, irritability, and depression.

The stress experienced also negatively affects the work performed. Apathy, tardiness, absence from work without a good reason - these are the most common symptoms of stress. Alcoholism and drug addiction are also often an attempt to “get away” from problems.

With prolonged stress, changes occur not only in a person’s well-being and performance, but also in the nature of his social behavior and communication with other people.

A. Kitaev-Smyk identified three types of disorganizing features of communication that arise as a result of prolonged stress.

The first feature is that a person exhausted by stress easily develops a dislike for any initiative and initiators. For example, if someone turns to him with a question, he responds with hostility, irritation can instantly flare up in him, sometimes hidden behind clenched teeth, and anger often breaks out. At the slightest provocation and even without it, resentment lurks in the soul of a person subjected to stress. Everything around him seems unfair, neighbors and colleagues are perceived as unworthy people or fools, bosses as scoundrels or fools, he often considers orders to be incorrect.

The second feature is manifested in the fact that the person becomes unpleasant, the burden of responsibility for the task entrusted to him and for the people who have trusted him is too heavy. He shirks responsibilities, shifts them to others, and tries to prove that he is not involved in mistakes and disruptions in his work.

The third feature relates to a feeling of alienation from other people, including family members and colleagues. Sometimes a person is stressed for months or even years due to life's adversities. The painful thoughts that no one needs him and that he doesn’t need anyone are his constant companions. Such a reaction gives rise to isolation, fixation on one’s problems and experiences.

1.3 Methods of dealing with stress

It was said above that stress has not only a negative, but also a positive side. Moreover, it is obvious that it is impossible to completely rid a person of it. Therefore, when developing and implementing measures to combat stress, a manager must focus on those aspects of employee stress that directly and directly have a negative impact on work behavior and their effectiveness. labor activity. The fight against excessive stress is, first of all, identifying and eliminating stressors - the factors that cause it. They can be identified at two main levels: at the individual level - identification of factors that cause stress in a particular employee and require changes in the organization and his working conditions; at the organizational level - identification of factors that negatively affect a significant group of employees and require changes in the activities of the entire organization.

There are several methods of working aimed at reducing stress in an organization.

Firstly, these are measures related to changing working conditions and including the placement of workers, their training, planning and distribution of work. They should be carried out already at the selection stage, selecting people who meet the requirements of work assignments and are able to cope with the assigned work without internal stress.

Secondly, these are changes in the attitude of employees, their perception and assessment of certain processes and events. For example, employees may be experiencing stress due to a reorganization, clarifying company policies and involving a large number of employees in this process will help relieve the tension and stress caused by it.

Thirdly, measures directly aimed at combating stress - physical training breaks, provision of adequate rest for employees, creation of rooms psychological relief etc.

When developing methods to deal with stress, you should take into account individually: psychological characteristics of people. Those measures that will have a positive effect on some employees may be ineffective or even harmful for others. For example, manuals on organizational behavior and personnel management often say that it is necessary to diversify and enrich the content of employees’ work. Many consider this a universal means of combating stress. However, such a recommendation should be used taking into account individual characteristics workers. Thus, for some, variety of work is optimal, while for others, consistency and familiar forms of work are optimal.

You should not spare money and effort spent on preventing stress and combating its consequences; you can lose much more.

The very first step in any stress program is recognizing that it exists. Any program for solving a problem must start from the question of whether stress exists and what causes it. Let's look at examples of organizational programs:

1. To effectively achieve results, the attitude of employees towards their work is important. They must: clearly understand its meaning; know what the institution expects from them; be confident that they will be able to meet their expectations.

Stress occurs when workers do not know their job roles or are afraid that they will not be able to cope with the job. If the role is associated with excessive stress, then management can respond to this in the following way: clarify the person's role in the overall work; reduce the load; apply methods to reduce stress if it occurs (for example, organize a meeting between the employee and those causing problems to work out a solution).

2. Also important corporate culture school, which dictates the appropriate behavior and motivation of individuals even in the presence of uncertainty and conflict. Culture is created and maintained by its employees. If they are stressed, hypersensitive, depressed and hostile, this will be reflected in the culture. If there are insightful leaders, they will try to create openness, training and consideration of the needs of employees.

3. Stress management programs can be implemented company-wide. Some programs have a specific orientation:

Alcohol and drug abuse;

Transfer to another location;

Career counseling, etc.

Others are more general:

Emotional Health Program;

Employee Assistance Center;

Health Assessment Program;

Special health services.

There are two types of stress management programs – clinical and organizational. The first is initiated by the company and is aimed at solving individual problems: the second deals with departments or groups labor collective and is focused on the problems of a group or the entire organization.

4. Clinical programs. Such programs are based on the traditional medical approach to treatment. Program elements include:

Diagnosis. A person who is experiencing a problem seeks help. The company's medical staff strives to make a diagnosis.

Treatment. Counseling or strengthening therapy. If company personnel are unable to help, the employee is sent to specialists.

Screening. Periodic screening of employees in highly stressful jobs can reveal early signs of a problem.

Prevention. Workers at significant risk are educated and reassured that something must be done to deal with stress.


So, in the first chapter, we found out what stress is and defined the basic concepts of stress. We learned that the discovery of this term is associated with the name of the Canadian researcher Hans Selye. He also identified the concept of general adaptation syndrome - the body’s adaptive reaction to external influences.

There are three stages of stress - anxiety, resistance, exhaustion. Each stage is characterized by corresponding changes in neuroendocrine functioning.

The examples discussed in the first chapter show that stress can not only be dangerous for each individual, but also have a destructive effect on the effectiveness of an organization. Therefore, the study of stress and its causes, as well as its consequences, is an important problem in organizational behavior.

We also looked at the main causes and consequences of stress at school. We found out that with all the variety of factors that can cause stress, it should be remembered that they do not act on their own, but depend on how a person relates to the circumstances in which he finds himself, that is, the presence of factors that cause stress does not mean that it will definitely arise. The work of an HR inspector involves numerous stressors. A leadership position causes a person to experience special neuro-emotional stress.

As for the consequences of stress, discussed in the first chapter, we can say that it affects all systems of the body, including the immune system. For example, it was found that during the session, students experienced a significant decrease in the activity of “killer” cells responsible for fighting viruses. Anxiety, active work, disruption of sleep and usual rhythm lead to changes in the body, including a decrease in immunity. It is typical that after the end of the session, the incidence of illness among students increases sharply.

Three types of disorganizing features of communication have been identified. As for the recommendations on this topic “Stress Management”, the following points should be noted.

The very first step in any stress program is recognizing that it exists. Any program for solving a problem must start from the question of whether stress exists and what causes it.

Stress occurs when workers do not know their job roles or are afraid that they will not be able to cope with the job.

Each of these methods aims to provide greater fit between a specific role and the job or organizational environment. The same logic is used in work enrichment programs that involve clarification and reorganization of work so that work becomes more meaningful, interesting and contains the possibility of internal reward. Assigning tasks that include this opportunity ensures a better match between the employee and the work he performs.

Also important is the corporate culture of the school, which dictates appropriate behavior and motivation of individuals even in the presence of uncertainty and conflict. The school's culture is shaped and supported by its staff. If they are stressed, hypersensitive, depressed and hostile, this will be reflected in the culture. If there are insightful leaders, they will try to create openness, training and consideration of the needs of employees.

Stress management programs can be implemented school-wide.

The overall conclusion is that healthier workers mean healthier workers. happy people who don’t know what stress is. They come to work regularly, perform better and stay with the company longer.


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Jewell L. Industrial-organizational psychology. Textbook for universities - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001

Newstrom D., Davis K. Organizational behavior. St. Petersburg, 2000.

What is stress?

This is a state of mind when it is impossible or difficult for a person to cope with the reaction to any events. Stresses vary in power; they arise in response to situations that pose a threat to life - captivity, war, natural disasters. Severe stress can be caused by a serious illness or death of a loved one, major financial losses, divorce, job loss or forced migration.

A little stress.

They are caused by problems for which a person needs effort or are caused by problems that a person cannot solve on his own. During times of stress, a person experiences low-intensity stress for a long time, but the damage to health is caused by the same as severe stress.

Stress of everyday life.

What is dangerous and how is stress tolerated?

Not all people who experience stress suffer from it in the same way. But what the consequences of stress will be for a person depend on the person’s living conditions and his environment. If you have family, friends and loved ones, then stress is much easier to bear. Stress causes weakened body systems to break down.
The development of diseases such as peptic ulcers, bronchial asthma, coronary heart disease, and hypertension can be accelerated by prolonged or severe stress. As a result, problems such as depressive or neurotic, anxiety disorders appear; they greatly reduce people’s quality of life.

How can you protect yourself from stress?

This can help morning work-out. And in the evening yoga classes, auto-training, relaxation. It is also advisable to regularly relax in nature.

10 tips on how to independently overcome stress in the life of a modern person:

1. Slow down the pace of your life. Always plan your working day and alternate intense work with proper rest.
2. Get enough sleep, because an adult needs to sleep 8 hours a day.
3. You should not eat on the go, so breakfast, lunch, and dinner should be a time of rest.
4. Don't relieve stress with alcohol or tobacco. Health will suffer from them, and the stress and problems that caused it will not go away.
5. Physical activity, especially related to water, will help relieve emotional stress: do water aerobics or swimming.
6. Take some time to relax, sit down in comfortable armchair, turn on your favorite music and, closing your eyes, imagine for a moment that you are sitting by the sea.
7. Distract yourself, switch your attention to activities that will give you positive emotions: talking with friends, walking in nature, reading, going to a concert.
8. Analyze your emotional negative experiences; most likely they do not deserve such strong feelings.
9. You should focus on the positive, because the circumstances of life are much better than you think when you are upset.
10. Carefully monitor your mood, treat your temper and irritability as a source of illness. A smile and a friendly facial expression will help improve the mood and attitude of those around you.


1. A third of all workers, due to work-related stress, have thought about quitting at least once in their lives.
2. If a person is completely freed from stress, this will reduce the overall tone of the body, reduce motivation to work, and cause apathy and boredom.
3. Stress is number 5 important factor, which predisposes to diabetes.
4. When in society high level stress, people eat chocolate more and more often.
5. Tobacco and alcohol increase stress.
6. Ginger, bananas, nuts, dark chocolate help fight stress and improve your mood.
7. Mild stress is a part of human life.

In conclusion, let us add that in the life of every modern person there is stress and the best way dealing with stress is leading healthy image life.

It is no secret that in psychology there is no precise and clear definition of any concept, just as there is no one version of it. The same goes for stress. I will give a couple of simple and understandable definitions.

1. Stress is a state of the human body in which all its systems are under tension, both physical and psychological.

2. Stress is the human body’s reaction to some external influence.

It is clear to any person that stress is an integral part of his life. Little stress or occasional experiences are harmless. Severe and prolonged stress, excessive stress, is dangerous. It is excessive stress that we will consider in this article. One that can have a detrimental effect on the body of even a healthy person. For clarity, we will divide this harmful effect into psychological and physical, which will differ in their symptoms. Psychological symptoms of stress include a person’s irritability, seemingly out of nowhere, and a decrease in interest in life in general and in its individual areas. But physical symptoms include more visible illnesses: ulcers or random pain throughout the body, be it the heart or head.

The most important question that should concern you is why stress occurs, its causes. I will try to list the most important causes of stress, in my opinion.

1. Working moments of a person’s life:

1.1 A boring and unloved job is uninteresting. When you have to make an effort of will to fulfill it, thus stepping over yourself. Often this situation causes unconscious anxiety and discomfort.

1.2 Uncertainty of one’s own role in the team - when an employee is unsure of what is required of him, primarily his behavior in specific situations.

1.3 Conflicts in the workplace - disputes, swearing, prejudiced attitude of colleagues.

1.4 Role conflict - the most simple example For this cause of stress, there may be several superiors per subordinate, and, accordingly, several different assignments for one task.

1.5 Work overload - too much work that needs to be done in a short period of time. It is interesting that too little workload also leads to stress, banally, frustration regarding one’s own importance.

1.6 Other reasons that can be understood as extraneous noise in the workplace, for example, long-term repairs in an adjacent room. This also includes temperature changes and light - natural or artificial.

2. Personal life of a person. In this section, factors causing stress can be negative and positive, but the sign does not affect the strength of stress and its side effects.

2.1 Negative stress in personal life can be represented by troubles in personal life or lack thereof, death of relatives, lack of understanding and support from loved ones.

2.2 Positive stress is the one that happens to us in moments of boundless happiness: meeting the love of our life, a wedding, a significant achievement in sports or work, a long-awaited meeting with friends or the birth of a child. It would seem, where does stress come from, because these are good events that bring so much warmth into our lives! But from the physiological side, these events cause the same tension, which has a very unfavorable effect on the body.

Interesting concept, stress. What is this? It's simple. This is a response to the current situation. Here and now! The reasons may be: lack of time - life in a constant rush, lack of normal sleep patterns, consumption of energy drinks and alcohol, lack of opportunity to speak out, and as a result, lack of trust in people.

How do you know if you are on the verge of stress?

1. Fatigue, which leads to basic errors in work.

2. Memory deteriorates, thoughts simply do not linger in the head. There were, and now they are gone!

3. Frequent and increased excitability, but quickly turning into fatigue, going to zero.

4. Failure in food intake: either overeating or frequent refusal to eat.

5. Alcohol and cigarettes become a faithful companion. They relieve fatigue and anxiety for a while, thereby helping a person feel better. It’s a pity, but the effect of such “medicines” is not long-term, and it brings a huge number of problems.

6. Sometimes pain arises, now in one place, now in another. Uncontrolled and causeless, which can only frighten a person and excite him even more.

Well, do you recognize yourself? What kind of life do you lead? Stressful or not?

By stress style I mean all the troubles at once, plus the inability to quickly overcome them. These troubles can be difficulties in the family, lack of understanding, conflicts at work, constant haste due to lack of time to complete work. This may lead to incorrect life position: life is too complicated and difficult for me to adapt to. As a conclusion, people are programmed for constant failures, for hopeless situations - a vicious circle.

If there is a stressful lifestyle, then there must be a non-stressful one. Here we won’t take into account a lot of stress; you won’t be able to live without it. The essence of this style is that a person is satisfied with life, can quickly cope with temporary difficulties, and is surrounded by care and love. Well, most importantly, these people have their own hobby, which is their “lifeline.” Interesting activities that bring positive results and emotions help a person feel important. This helps you enjoy life to the fullest, develops a sense of humor, which, as you know, is the most effective means of overcoming tense situations and conflicts.

It's time to write some simple ways dealing with tense situations and stress in general. Believe me, I won’t write anything new. But I will try to briefly and clearly outline the methods of “relaxation” or rest that we all know.

1. It’s trite, breathe through your nose. The easiest way to calm down. Breathe slowly for two minutes, while your heartbeat slows down.

2. Try to get rid of thoughts that oppress your soul. I know it's difficult, but useful. You can try to focus on the heaviness of your body and think about it. About how you relax and calm down.

3. As a supporter of physical activity, I can also recommend doing simple exercises for 10-15 minutes. More about muscle stretching than physical activity. Selectively tense the muscles of your own body, learn to feel it. You could say that this is a reference to yoga, however, it is true.

4. As you inhale, tense the muscles of your body, and as you exhale, relax. Simple but effective.

From relaxation we will move on to more understandable and familiar methods, those that do not require special training.

1. It’s worth deciding once and for all for yourself what is a higher priority and stop worrying about the little things. After all, these little things tend to accumulate, and accordingly they turn from small ones into large ones.

2. You must learn to treat others with respect, no matter how disgustingly a person behaves, you treat him with respect. In such a situation, you yourself will notice how quickly you will stop worrying about his behavior.

3. You know, the word no can be good. Learn to say it. This will save you from unnecessary hassle, because you don’t have to take on the right job or being responsible just out of the kindness of your heart may get you into more trouble. Feel free to say no!

4. It is worth listening to others, and not talking only about your loved one.

5. Make a rule for yourself: every half hour of working time, take a couple of minutes to rest.

6. Proper nutrition also another way to keep the body in good shape. Moreover, it is not only correct, but also regular.

7. Do not make sudden conclusions, which often only bring a feeling of fear; most of these conclusions are based on our conclusions, and not on a specific situation, that is, people tend to act rashly.

8. Often situations that cause stress go away on their own, or a person can cope with them himself, without outside help, and even more so without the involvement of specialists.

9. An active lifestyle can become the most reliable ally in the fight against stress. Just do 20 minutes of exercise every day. And walk outdoors more often.

Stress is a dangerous enemy of the body, but it is not immortal. The main thing is not to give up. A person sets his own boundaries own capabilities. He himself builds bastions of problems around himself, closing himself off in them. As soon as he realizes that walls are not the best protection. As soon as the first steps are taken in accepting a tense situation, the picture of a solution and a way out of stress will immediately appear.

Stress in modern society is the norm of life. The human nervous system is not always ready for stress. The main consequence of stress is depression. To consider it moping means not seeing the problem. Depression is a serious mental illness that requires treatment.

Stress haunts modern man

Stress – adaptation of the body to the environment

Stress is a common occurrence in the modern world. It has always been this way. When the body experiences stress, it tries to adapt to changed conditions. If a person did not have protective reflexes, he would not be able to survive at all.

There is still a difference between ancient people and modern people. If previously negative emotions could be thrown off in a fight, today it is customary to resolve everything in a civilized way.

Stress resistance in the modern rhythm of life needs to be increased. Techniques for strengthening the nervous system will help with this: breathing exercises, physical exercise, massage, etc.

What happens to the body during nervous tension? In a conflict situation, the nervous system gives a signal, activating its protective functions:

  • the level of adrenaline and other hormones increases in the blood;
  • heart rate increases;
  • muscles tense.

The whole body is in combat readiness, as before an attack. Usually the discharge does not happen. This provokes a loss of strength, because the body worked at the limit of its capabilities, but did not have time to recover.

Any event can cause stress. Every day we encounter situations that can cause stress: the callousness of acquaintances, an unpleasant conversation with superiors, the need to work seven days a week. The reaction to them depends on a person’s perception of the world. Impressionable people are more likely to experience stress than people with a rational mindset.

The effect of stress on the body

The problem of stress in society mainly concerns residents of large cities. The influence of the metropolis, its accelerated rhythm, makes people hostage to stress. The stressful state itself can be divided into three stages.

  1. Protection.
  2. Adaptation.
  3. Exhaustion.

At the defense stage, all systems of the body are activated: it prepares to defend itself or flee. At the adaptation stage, the body’s work is aimed at getting used to the current situation. At this moment, the body is working for wear. Very often, when under stress, a person does not feel hungry or tired. This is triggered by a powerful release of hormones into the blood. At this point, nerve cells begin to die. The body's protective functions are reduced.

Previously, it was believed that nerve cells do not regenerate. Scientists have proven that their regeneration occurs, but slowly. To maintain a healthy nervous system, you need to increase stress resistance.

Stress and its effect on the human body

How to identify stress

The effects of stress do not appear immediately. For a long time, a person does not have any symptoms of nervous exhaustion, but all organ systems are already suffering. Symptoms of stress:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • overeating or lack of appetite;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • problems with the autonomic nervous system;
  • frequent headaches;
  • irritability, the appearance of phobic disorders;
  • prolonged depression.

Depression is not just a low mood. Characteristic symptoms: loss of interest in life, anxiety, panic attacks, reluctance to communicate with people, sleep disturbances.

Stress cannot be avoided, but you can increase your body's resistance to the effects of stress.

Secrets of increasing stress resistance

It has long been proven that medicinal plants contain unique components necessary for restoration nerve cells. For stress and for prevention, you can use herbal decoctions:

  • valerian;
  • motherwort;
  • chamomile with mint;
  • St. John's wort and lemon balm;
  • elecampane;
  • hawthorn.

To prepare the decoction, take 1 tbsp. l. vegetable raw materials per 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day or as tea. The herbal solution should be diluted in a ratio of 1:3.

Do not get carried away with concentrated decoctions, so as not to provoke intoxication of the body. Be especially careful with the decoction of hawthorn and motherwort - follow the dosage.

Elecampane is an excellent sedative

Vitamin therapy

Nerve cells need to be nourished with vitamins. Vitamin deficiencies often cause many diseases. Vitamins B, A, E, D and proteins participate in the construction of nerve cells. With a lack of these substances, the following symptoms develop:

  • overwork;
  • irritability;
  • panic attacks;
  • insomnia;
  • skin rashes;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

All essential vitamins are found in fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts. Source of protein - white meat, cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat, barley), dairy products. Bananas and apples will help replenish your energy supply. Between three main meals, have snacks of fruits or vegetables.

Dairy products are a source of protein

Work on yourself

In the prevention and treatment of stress, it is important psychological condition person. Depression occurs due to an incorrect perception of the situation. Don't be nervous about trifles. Learn to appreciate what you have. To do this, try relaxation techniques and psychological stimulation. This way you can do without medications.

Learn to disconnect from outside world at least for a little while. This way you can quickly relax your muscles and give your nervous system a break. As a result, you will calm down and be able to find the right solution to the problem. Don't forget the moderates physical activity. Exercising helps release energy and produce endorphins.

Hang out with nice people. Don’t replace meeting a friend in a cafe with correspondence on social networks: a heart-to-heart conversation will help you understand that not everything in life is so bad.

Do what you love. Try to get more positive emotions. During emotional upsurge, the body produces substances necessary to restore the nervous system.

Stress is a problem for everyone

It's not just adults who suffer from stress. Children are also affected by it. Many psychological problems arise in people in adulthood because in childhood there was no opportunity to cope with fears or learn to communicate positively.

If every person learned to deal with fears in childhood, then in the future there would be no worries about passing exams or getting hired. Studying at school, communicating with peers, the reluctance of adults to take children's problems seriously - all this is a great stress for the child.

Self-doubt is often provoked by teachers and surrounding people. Parents should help the child realize that each person is an individual who develops in his own way.

If a child fails at something, do not call him stupid. It’s better to say this: “Try hard, and you will definitely succeed.” You need to teach your child how to get out of conflict situations correctly. This will help to avoid communication problems in the future.

Frequent severe stress can traumatize a child’s psyche and make him a social phobic. Talk and find out the reason for the child’s bad mood. A confidential conversation is necessary because the child may be in danger. There are groups on social networks that encourage children to commit suicide. Another problem is bullying from other children. This poses a real threat to the life and health of the child.

Causes of nervous exhaustion in adults and children:

  • incorrect perception of the situation;
  • excessive sensitivity;
  • physical fatigue.

In many ways, the appearance of stress is provoked by the accelerated pace of life and children's fears. If a child is taught to deal with stress, many problems can be avoided in the future. Try to calmly respond to problems and not get hung up on those that you cannot solve.

The article is devoted to the problem of stress. Stress is an integral part of every person's life and cannot be avoided. But stressful effects should not exceed a person’s adaptive capabilities.

  • Stress and its features. Methods of mental self-regulation
  • Stress and its features. Methods and techniques of mental self-regulation

Stress, as we know, in the modern world affects each of us without exception. Since a person in the turmoil of the world is not able to withstand the tension that is expressed in special situations of life, caused by many reasons in nature. What exactly is stress in scientific terms?

Stress is a common and common phenomenon. We all experience it from time to time - maybe like the feeling of emptiness in the pit of our stomach when we stand up to introduce ourselves in class, or like increased irritability or insomnia during an exam session. Minor stress is inevitable and harmless. It is excessive stress that creates problems for individuals and organizations

Any event, fact or message can cause stress, i.e. become a stressor. Stressors can be a wide variety of factors: microbes and viruses, various poisons, high or low temperature environment, injury, etc. But it turns out that any emotiogenic factors can be the same stressors, i.e. factors influencing the emotional sphere of a person. This is everything that can excite us, misfortune, a rude word, an undeserved insult, a sudden obstacle to our actions or aspirations.

Stressful situations occur both at home and at work. From a management perspective, of greatest interest are the organizational factors that cause stress in the workplace. Knowing these factors and paying attention to them special attention will help prevent many stressful situations and increase the efficiency of managerial work, as well as achieve the organization’s goals with minimal psychological and physiological losses to personnel. After all, stress is the cause of many diseases, and therefore causes significant harm to human health, while health is one of the conditions for achieving success in any activity.

How to identify stress?

Signs of stress
  • Inability to concentrate on something.
  • Too much common mistakes at work.
  • Memory deteriorates.
  • Feeling tired too often.
  • Very fast speech.
  • Thoughts often disappear.
  • Pain appears quite often (head, back, stomach area).
  • Increased excitability.
  • Work doesn't bring the same joy.
  • Loss of sense of humor.
  • The number of cigarettes smoked increases sharply.
  • Addiction to alcoholic beverages.
  • Appetite disappears, taste for food is completely lost.
  • Inability to finish work on time.
Causes of stress tension
  • Much more often you have to do not what you would like, but what you need, which is part of your responsibilities.
  • You constantly lack time - you don’t have time to do anything.
  • Something or someone is pushing you, you are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere.
  • It begins to seem to you that everyone around you is clamped in the grip of some kind of internal tension.
  • You constantly want to sleep - you just can’t get enough sleep.
  • You dream too much, especially when you are very tired during the day.
  • You smoke a lot.
  • Drinking more alcohol than usual.
  • At home, in your family, at work you have constant conflicts.
  • You constantly feel dissatisfied with life.
  • You get into debt without even knowing how to pay it off.
  • You develop an inferiority complex.
  • You have no one to talk to about your problems, and you don’t really want to.
  • You do not feel respect for yourself - neither at home nor at work.

Stress is an integral part of human existence, you just need to learn to distinguish between an acceptable degree of stress and too much stress. Research shows that physiological signs of stress include ulcers, migraines, hypertension, back pain, arthritis, asthma and heart pain. Psychological manifestations include irritability, loss of appetite, depression and decreased interest in interpersonal and sexual relationships, etc.

So, the causes of stress are countless and there is only one way to get out of stress: not to think and worry about what happened, but to think about what needs to be done to resolve the situation, about what to do next. This is a very correct position, here you do not lose your vitality, endlessly “chewing” the unpleasant event. What happened has already happened, and we cannot change it, we can only look forward, get A New Look for life and always learn to come out of difficult situations as a winner.

10 secrets for dealing with stress

Secret 1. Confidence that the situation is under control

No one is immune from sudden (pleasant or not so pleasant) events that entail changes in the usual way of life. But, by and large, only we are responsible for our own routine. Other people and external circumstances in most cases do not decide anything. A sense of control over what is happening is what is necessary for peace of mind.

Do you feel like someone else is controlling your life? Then you are guaranteed stress. Of course, if you have authoritarian parents, a stubborn friend, or an unstable boss, it is difficult to consider yourself the architect of your own happiness. Try to avoid being a victim. Learn to find time just for yourself every day. You can't change other people, but planning your own day is possible.

Secret 2. Optimism...

Everyone knows the joke that the same glass of water can be half empty for a pessimist and half full for an optimist. Choosing a calm and happy woman obvious: a positive outlook on things. Some people have it by nature, while others have to develop it. The situation turns out in our favor if we do everything we consider necessary. So why do we let the fear of potential failure override our hope for the best? And fear of failure creates stress.

Secret 3...and at the same time realism

It is very useful to repeat to yourself that everything will be fine. But muttering this while closing your eyes and heading straight into the sewer hatch is unwise. Alas, blind optimism is not a panacea. Sometimes it is better to accept the circumstances and patiently wait out the unfavorable situation.

This does not mean at all that those who are bypassed by stress do not want and do not know how to dream. Nothing like this! They do it “professionally”: they develop action plans and can laugh at the naivety of their own delusions. It is also true that these people, having taken up the implementation of plan A, always keep a backup plan B in mind.

Secret 4. The ability to see the whole picture

If you want to get rid of stress, don’t worry about the little things. A problem that will disappear in a couple of months is simply not worth your nerves. We must learn to set priorities, including emotional ones. Always try in the morning to assess the coming day and choose the most important things to do. Whenever you find yourself very distracted, ask yourself, “Am I spending my time well?”

If you answered “No,” put off solving the problem until better times, having first assessed its scale. For example, if a friend calls you in the middle of work, politely tell her that it would be better to talk at a more convenient time. But if something very important happened to a friend - a real misfortune or, conversely, a joyful event - then the conversation can turn out to be a very significant matter indeed.

Secret 5. Don’t promise anything unnecessary

We often create stress for ourselves. One common mistake is telling people what they want to hear rather than what is within your capabilities. So much can be promised that it is simply impossible to fulfill it all.

You fail to cope with the stated volume, and the stress doubles - because you are letting people down. The solution is simple: learn to promise less than you can deliver. You'll see, your friends will be happy if you, albeit late, arrive at the party - after all, you said that you wouldn't have time at all. Your boss will also be pleased if you finish the report a day earlier rather than a week later.

Secret 6. Contacts with people

Hundreds of psychological studies indicate that as a result of communication, provided that the parties are in a friendly mood, the heartbeat and blood pressure decreases, which means people become calmer. Therefore, maintain good relationships with others. And at the same time, don’t always be just a vest in which everyone cries - look for support yourself when you feel bad.

Secret 7. Improve your health

Stress caused by any disease can be quite strong and at the same time acts on the sly. Don’t underestimate minor problems in your body, promising yourself to take care of them as soon as the “hard times” are over.

The rules for combating depression include supporting and nourishing the nervous system. Selenium, as well as antioxidants and B vitamins, will complement any vitamin complex well, especially if you are going through a busy period. But they, of course, will not replace the two main components healthy life without stress - sleep and proper nutrition.

Secret 8. Save your energy

Protect your energy from external intrusions. We are surrounded by energetic “black holes”: those who are always irritated and dissatisfied with life find no better occupation than to try to drag you into their sorrowful world. You know such people well. Stay away from energy vampires, but if collisions cannot be avoided, then try to isolate yourself from their negative influence. If you even mentally build a defense of white light around yourself, you will lose less strength. And maybe even charge the unfortunate “vampire” with your positive energy.

Secret 9. Flexibility

If you want to achieve certain results, change everything - and even your own behavior. Flexibility is a very important trait for dealing with stress. For example, if you cannot argue with your colleague, although you are sure that you are right, try listening to his arguments for a change. Firstly, they probably have common sense, and secondly, by following your opponent’s train of thought, you will understand where he made a mistake, and it will be easier for you to direct his reasoning in the right direction. And thirdly, when you listen, they try to listen to you.

Secret 10. “Look far ahead!”

Whatever happens, don't take anything personally and don't blame yourself. Instead of beating yourself up, try to learn a lesson from difficult situation, which you found yourself in. Don't give up and ask yourself: “Why did this happen now? What can I do to turn everything in my favor? You may not find answers to these questions in the near future. But the fact that your thoughts are positive ensures you a stress-free future.


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