Work in Austria. Job search in Vienna. Do I need a visa

The goal of most people who decide to immigrate is to improve their financial situation. One of the most favorable countries for realizing this desire is Austria. High enough wages and a large number of vacancies attract here not only citizens of developing countries, but also residents of prosperous Germany, who consistently occupy first place among Austrian labor migrants. So how can you get a job in this country and complete all the necessary documents?

Features of employment in Austria

Since the late 1980s, Austria has experienced a labor shortage caused by a declining birth rate and an aging population. To combat this phenomenon, the country's authorities are pursuing a policy of attracting specialists from other countries. Legally working foreigners have the same rights as local residents. They are provided with a full social package, which includes:

  • sick leave payment,
  • allowance for raising children living in Austria and other benefits.

Professions in demand

Among applicants for employment in Austria, narrow specialists in the field of medicine, programming and engineering are especially valued. Every year, the Ministry of Labor publishes a list of the most scarce professions, the holders of which receive many preferences when moving to Austria. In 2016 it included:

  • milling operators;
  • metal turners;
  • roofers;
  • mechanical engineers;
  • energy engineers;
  • nurses.

In order to become a participant in this program, you must have documents indicating that you have a specialized education.

Diplomas in some specialties obtained from educational institutions in Russia and the CIS countries require confirmation in Austria. The mandatory nature of this procedure is determined by the employer.

Migrants who do not have a specific specialty can also get a job in Austria. Most often they are employed as service personnel various cafes and restaurants. In addition, low-skilled workers are required for seasonal work in agriculture and tourism.

Russian-speaking ski instructors often find work in Austria during the holiday season

The main condition successful employment is fluency in German and English. Without their knowledge, you can only apply for domestic staff vacancies in the families of former compatriots.

Salary and income tax amount

Austria is among the top ten EU countries in terms of wages. According to the statistics bureau of this country, the average salary is 27,843 euros per year.

Austrians receive 14 salaries per year. Double salary is given before Christmas and holidays.

For a long time, the minimum wage was determined by collective labor agreements. But in November 2015, the Austrian government passed a law according to which hired workers cannot receive less than 1,000 euros per month.

Video: how much does the average Austrian earn?

The wages of Austrian residents vary significantly depending on their specialty, skill level and length of service. For example:

  • service personnel without special qualifications (cleaners, hotel workers, waiters) receive about 1,000 euros per month;
  • cashiers retail stores- 1,200 euros per month;
  • secretaries - 1,500 euros per month;
  • accountant - from 2,000 to 4,000 euros per month;
  • skilled workers (mechanics, mechanics, electricians) – from 2,000 to 2,600 euros per month;
  • school teachers - from 3,000 to 4,000 euros per month;
  • registered nurses - about 2,500 euros per month;
  • doctors - from 3,000 to 9,000 euros per month, depending on specialization and work experience;
  • specialists in the field of IT technologies - from 4,000 to 5,000 euros per month.

When looking for a job in Austria, you need to remember that advertisements indicate salaries excluding tax. Its rate depends on the amount of annual income and is:

  • 0% for annual income less than 11,000 euros;
  • 36.5% with income from 11,001 to 25,000 euros;
  • 21% for income from 25,001 to 60,000 euros;
  • 50% for income over 60,000 euros.

Residents of Austria are entitled to a refund of part of the fees. To do this, you must indicate in tax return payments made that are subject to reimbursement. These include:

  • payments under voluntary insurance contracts;
  • treatment costs;
  • charity;
  • home renovation costs.

In addition, significant tax benefits are provided to parents with many children and sole breadwinners of the family.

How can a foreigner find a job in Austria?

Most of the future labor migrants are looking for employers back in their homeland. You can do this in two ways:

  1. On your own, with the help of friends in Austria and specialized Internet resources. Austrian employers most often advertise their recruitment on the following sites:
  2. By contacting an employment agency. Many of them specialize in Russian-speaking applicants and not only select jobs, but also help prepare the necessary documents.

Some of our compatriots decide to look for work after moving to Austria. Personally, it is much easier to find the desired position in the country, but for migrants who do not have a prisoner labor contract, it is quite difficult to obtain an entry visa.

Subtleties of paperwork for working in Austria

To work in Austria, citizens of countries outside the European Union must obtain a special visa and work permit. Persons who violate this rule (illegal migrants) are subject to immediate deportation with an entry ban for 10 years, and a significant fine is imposed on the employer who received them.

Red-white-red card

Austria is interested in attracting highly qualified specialists. To improve the quality of selection of labor migrants, a program was adopted in 2011, which was called the red-white-red card (Rot-Weiß-Rote-Karte or RWR Karte). Within its framework, the qualifications of each applicant are assessed according to the following criteria:

  • specialized education (minimum - 20 points, maximum - 30 points);
  • work experience in the specialty (2 points for each year of work, but not more than 10 points);
  • knowledge of languages, confirmed by certificates of international tests (proficiency in German and English at a basic level will bring 10 points, at an advanced level - 20 points);
  • age (specialists under 30 years old receive 20 points, under 40 – 10 points).

The number of points required depends on which group of specialists the applicant belongs to:

  • qualified workers in scarce professions must score at least 50 points;
  • key workers with wages exceeding 2,325 euros per month - minimum 50 points;
  • highly qualified employees - at least 70 points.

Graduates of Austrian universities and entrepreneurs carrying out labor activity in key areas of the Austrian economy.

Without a visa, foreigners will not be able to work in Austria

To receive work visa Under the RWR Karte program, you must submit a package of documents to the Austrian consulate, which includes:

  • application for participation in the RWR Karte program;
  • an employment contract signed by the employer;
  • a diploma from an educational institution and documents indicating work experience in the specialty;
  • a valid foreign passport;
  • birth certificate;
  • confirmation of the availability of housing in Austria (tenancy agreement, preliminary agreement hiring and other similar documents);
  • health insurance.

Persons who do not have a signed employment contract have the right to obtain a job seeker visa (Jobseeker). To issue it, you need to score at least 70 points and provide proof of availability cash for accommodation in Austria. The Jobseeker visa gives you the right to stay in the country and search for work for 6 months. After employment, its holders receive a red-white-red card. If it is not possible to find an employer within six months, the foreigner must leave the country, and he will be able to re-participate in the RWR Karte program only after a year.

Video: a detailed description of all the ways to get a red-white-red card

Red-White-Red Card Plus

The Rot-Weiß-Rote-Karte is valid for 12 months. After its completion, foreigners who have worked for at least 10 months during the previous year receive a red-white-red plus card. It gives unlimited access to the Austrian labor market. In addition to RWR Karte holders, the red-white-red sled plus is issued to:

  • family members of foreigners who have received the Austrian Red-White-Red Card or the EU Blue Card.
  • family members of foreigners who have received permanent view for residence.

In accordance with Austrian law, registered spouses and natural or adopted minor children are recognized as family members.

Other types of work visas

Not only the red-white-red card gives the right to work in Austria. Skilled migrant workers can obtain an Austrian EU Blue Card, which provides the opportunity to work and stay in the country. To be issued, the applicant must meet the requirements established by Austrian legislation:

  • presence of higher education;
  • availability of an employment contract concluded for a period of at least one year;
  • the salary specified in the contract should be one and a half times the average salary in the country (in 2016 this figure was 4,100 euros per month);
  • passing a check by the state employment service, which confirms that there are no applicants for the vacancy occupied by a foreigner among Austrian citizens registered as unemployed.

An application for a Blue Card is submitted to the Austrian consulate at the applicant’s place of residence along with a concluded employment contract and a university diploma. In addition, the applicant must have a valid foreign passport and health insurance. A fee of 100 euros is charged for reviewing documents.

The Blue Card is issued directly in Austria. To cross the border, a foreigner is issued a short-term visa type D.

The Blue Card gives you the right to work in Austria

Blue Card holders can only work for a specific employer. After the card's two-year validity period expires, migrants who have worked for at least 22 months out of the last 24 can apply for an extension or replacement with the Red-White-Red Card Plus.

Low-skilled migrants can be employed in Austria as seasonal workers for a period not exceeding 6 months. To enter the country, they need to obtain a visa type D (costing 100 euros) or C (60 euros). To do this, you will need to submit the following documents to the Austrian Consulate:

  • general passport;
  • foreign passport;
  • two color photographs measuring 35 by 45 mm;
  • health insurance;
  • an invitation to work, issued in accordance with the requirements of Austrian legislation and signed by the head of the organization;
  • receipt of payment of the duty.

After graduation employment contract the seasonal worker must leave the country.

Work permit in Austria

Citizens of countries outside the European Union need not only a visa, but also a work permit to work in Austria. Initially, it is drawn up by the employer by contacting public service employment, which issues the required document only after making sure that there are no applicants for the position from among Austrian or EU citizens. A repeated work permit is issued directly to a foreigner without an inspection.

There are several types of work permits in Austria, each of which is issued in strictly defined situations.

Table: types of labor permits

Document title

In what cases is it issued?

To whom is it issued?


Validity period

Seasonal work permit (Beschäftigungsbewilligung als Saisonarbeitskraft)

When applying for seasonal work, the duration of which does not exceed six months

To the employer

Not renewable

No more than 6 months

Initial hiring permit (Beschäftigungsbewilligung)

Upon initial employment in Austria

To the employer

Gives the right to work in a specific organization in the position specified in the permit

Short-term work permit (Arbeitserlaubnis)

After the expiration of 52 weeks of legal employment of a foreigner in Austria

To the employee

Its holder has the right to change his position and employer within the federal state

Long-term work permit (Befreiungsschein)

Issued to migrants who have worked legally for 5 years and family members of foreigners who have already received a long-term permit

To the employee

Removes all restrictions on finding work in Austria

The number of work permits issued by the Austrian Employment Service is regulated by a quota system. According to it, the share of foreigners in the country’s labor force should not exceed 9%.

Austrian migration legislation provides for the exemption of certain categories of citizens of countries outside the European Union from obtaining a work permit. Currently these include:

  • family members of citizens of Austria or EU countries who have a residence permit;
  • refugees who have received the right to long-term stay in the country;
  • cultural, pedagogical and scientific organizations, which were created on the basis of international treaties;
  • diplomats and employees of international organizations with diplomatic status;
  • employees of foreign media accredited in Austria;
  • foreigners invited to give lectures and conduct scientific research to Austrian higher education institutions;
  • persons involved in educational and research programs of the European Union;
  • clergy and employees of recognized religious associations;
  • ship crews.

Business immigration as a way to move to Austria

Austria is one of the most attractive EU countries for businessmen. The stability of the economy and the preferential tax system allow you to invest your funds profitably and receive a stable income for many years. In addition, foreign investors have the right to obtain a residence permit, and subsequently citizenship of the country.

Business immigration is an excellent option for people who have significant funds to invest in the Austrian economy

Austrian laws allow citizens of countries outside the European Union to open their own businesses in almost all areas of the economy, with the exception of:

  • insurance and banking;
  • energy;
  • telecommunications;
  • organizing transportation of people by public transport;
  • conducting lotteries;
  • opening of postal services.

Foreigners can start a business in Austria in two ways:

  1. Buy an existing enterprise. Most often, the object of such transactions is commercial real estate that generates profit, for example, hotels, shops or restaurants. The new owner can independently manage the acquired business (if he has sufficient qualifications) or hire managers.
  2. Starting a business from scratch. Registration of a new legal entity takes no more than a month. To open a company, you must hire a licensed manager who is a citizen of the European Union. In addition, the registered company must have authorized capital, the amount of which depends on the form of business and is 35,000 euros for a company with limited liability(GmbH) or 70,000 euros for joint stock company(AG).

An Austrian residence permit can be obtained not only by businessmen, but also by wealthy foreigners who live on income from investments or bank deposits. To move to Austria this category of migrants must:

  • purchase residential real estate in the country;
  • obtain health insurance;
  • provide a bank statement showing that there is at least 90,000 euros in the account for each adult family member and 45,000 euros for a child.

The residence permit is issued for one year and is subject to renewal after expiration. After 10 years of legal residence in Austria, a foreigner has the right to apply for citizenship.

The most best conditions For immigration to Austria, large investors are waiting, who transfer more than 8 million euros to government funds. In return, they receive the opportunity to obtain Austrian citizenship as quickly as possible.

Internship in Austria for Russian-speaking specialists and students

Internships for students and young professionals (including Russians and Ukrainians) are very common in Austria. About 130,000 participants in such programs come to the country every year. Most often, an internship consists of a course of lectures and practical training in the best Austrian companies. The following areas are especially popular:

  • art (architecture, music and various artistic disciplines);
  • philology;
  • medicine;
  • tourism and hotel activities.

Participation in most programs is paid. The cost of six-month courses ranges from 500 to 2,000 euros, this amount usually includes accommodation and three meals a day. To pay for the internship, you can receive a grant from Austrian or Russian organizations.

Special relations between Russia and Austria arose in the field of medicine. Russian doctors from different cities can train for free in Austria as part of government programs.

  • motivation letter in German or English;
  • recommendations from a teacher or supervisor;
  • foreign passport;
  • financial guarantees (certificate from the bank confirming the availability of the amount required for living in Austria in the account).

An internship in Austria provides invaluable experience of working and studying in the best international organizations, which will definitely be useful when finding a job at home or in other countries.

Men and women are looking for opportunities to find employment abroad. It is not difficult to find a job in Austria, located in the center of Europe. Those who wish to receive it in this country can find work as workers or employees. There are vacancies that require experience (work experience), technical or secondary special education, qualifications.
The official language in the country is German. Local dialect very different from literary language. The official languages ​​in the state are German, Hungarian and Slovenian.

To qualify for a highly paid position, you must know a foreign language perfectly. To perform easy work- know English or German at least at the level of understanding. Sometimes applicants are not even required to own foreign languages. For example, in the case when work in Austria is provided by a Russian-speaking family.
Both men and women may seek seasonal work in agriculture or the fishing industry. To earn this kind of income, you must have some skills in this area and good physical health. Age, from 18 to 50 years. There are many vacancies in the field hotel business, services catering. Skilled builders are needed. Really get a job in food industry(to a confectionery factory, coffee warehouse). Workers required for horse and cow farms, general laborers.

Positions with higher education and qualifications:

  • IT and programming;
  • publishing (journalists, editors, designers, graphic designers);
  • engineers and technologists;
  • teachers, teachers, educators;
  • doctors;
  • lawyers;
  • managers;
  • specialists in sales and logistics.

There are also jobs for students and part-time jobs.

Some Russians are attracted to work abroad. Austria is well suited for this, since employment will provide high material income. It is considered the bottom of best countries for this purpose. People flock there because there are many job opportunities offered there. But before you go there, you need to familiarize yourself with the employment rules, as well as the necessary documentation.

Employment principles

Since 1980, the country has experienced a shortage of workers due to declining birth rates and high mortality rates. Therefore, citizens of other countries are involved, because legally employed foreigners have the same rights as residents. At work they are offered:

  • sick leave compensation;
  • receiving funds for children;
  • benefits.

Working in Austria is also attractive because you can find a vacancy in your specialty and also ensure a stable income. There is seasonal work, for example in the summer. Depending on the specialty, the employee is required to periodically undergo training to improve his qualifications.

Types of professions

Professions in the field of medicine, programming, and engineering are in demand in the country. Different specializations are popular each year, but typically the following are required:

  • milling operators;
  • turners;
  • roofers;
  • nurses;
  • mechanical engineers.

Working in Austria requires specialized education and experience, and documentation can confirm this. Only then is there a possibility of official employment. Diplomas issued in Russia or the CIS must be confirmed in Austria. Whether this procedure needs to be performed or not is decided by the authorities. Without a specialty, there will also be work in Austria. Vienna offers opportunities for stable income in the fields of tourism and agriculture.

Features of employment

For foreigners, most employers offer housing, stable wages, and food. All this is regulated by the laws of the country. But before the trip, you still need to find out about the principles of operation and possible prospects.

Knowledge of German and English languages so that there is an opportunity to get a prestigious position. In other cases, domestic staff vacancies are suitable.


Working in Austria is famous for its high pay. Average salary per year is about 27,000 euros. Double salary is given before holidays and Christmas. For a long period, payment was fixed by agreement, but since November 2015, a minimum of 1,000 euros was approved.

The wages vary for all professions. Everything is determined by specialty, qualifications, and experience. For example:

  • receives 1,000 euros;
  • cashiers - 1,200 euros;
  • secretaries - 1,500 euros;
  • accountants - about 4,000 euros;
  • doctors - up to 9,000 euros.

It is necessary to take into account that it is indicated without tax. Its size depends on income per year and is equal to:

  • 36.5% if the annual salary is 11,001 - 25,000 euros;
  • 21% if 25,001 - 60,000 euros;
  • 50% if more than 60,000 euros.

When income does not reach 11,000 euros, there is no tax. Residents of the country have the right to return some part of the fee. To do this, you must indicate the following expenses in the declaration:

  • voluntary insurance;
  • treatment;
  • charity;
  • home renovation.

Benefits are provided for parents with many children and sole breadwinners in the family. All this is documented.

Rules for finding a job in Austria

How to find a job in Austria so that it suits you perfectly? It is advisable to do everything necessary back home. There are 2 options for this:

  • use online resources: many popular vacancies are located on sources such as,,;
  • visit an employment agency: specialists will offer you a profitable job in Austria with the necessary criteria.

Both options allow you to find the desired vacancy in your home country. After this, you can safely go for employment. If you are interested in working in Austria without intermediaries, then you should search for it yourself.

Do I need a visa

Work in Austria for Russians and citizens of European Union states is carried out with the help of a visa. It is also important to obtain a work permit. All this is formalized at home.

If a person does not have documents, then deportation is applied, as well as a ban on visiting the country for 10 years. The employer will have to pay large compensation.

Red-white-red card

Professional specialists are required in Austria. To improve the selection of migrants, the Red-White-Red Card program was created. The following requirements are imposed on employees:

  • specialty education;
  • experience;
  • knowledge of languages.

Some organizations require employees of a certain age, which increases the chances of receiving a stable income. Typically, vacancies are open to people 25-45 years old, but there are exceptions everywhere.

Obtaining permission

Russians are required to obtain a permit when applying for work in Austria. First, it is created by the employer when contacting the employment center. No verification is required to re-issue documentation.

Austria is an attractive country for businessmen. Thanks to a stable economy, a preferential tax system, and the possibility of profitable investment, you can ensure a constant income. Foreign investors have the right to obtain a residence permit, and then citizenship.

Own business

Citizens of non-EU countries can open their own businesses in the following areas:

  • insurance;
  • energy;
  • telecommunications;
  • banking;
  • transport.

Starting your own business can be done in 2 ways:

  • acquisition of an operating company: the most popular are shops and restaurants;
  • organizing a business from scratch: registering a business takes no more than a month.

Moving to the country

Austria is open to accepting citizens of other countries for permanent residence. If permanent and official work is found, then relocation can be planned. To move to the country you need:

  • purchase of residential real estate;
  • registration of health insurance;
  • presentation of bank confirmation of the availability of at least 90 thousand euros for each person.

The residence permit is granted for 1 year, after which an extension is required. After 10 years, you can apply for citizenship. This is done with documentary evidence.

Internship in the country

In Austria, internships are held for students who plan to find a job. Every year many participants come to different directions. The internship involves a course of lectures and practice. The most popular directions are:

  • art;
  • philology;
  • medicine;
  • tourism.

Most programs are paid, but the price includes housing and meals. There is a relationship between Russia and Austria in the field of medicine. Therefore, doctors can go on internships in state program. You must submit an application to the relevant educational institution. This can be done via the Internet. To travel to Austria you need:

  • motivation letter;
  • recommendations;
  • international passport;
  • financial guarantees.

After the internship, students have the opportunity to find employment in official work with the prospect of increasing earnings. Before going to Austria, you need to choose a suitable specialty at home. After registration necessary documentation There will be no problems with entering the country.

Vacancies for Russians and Ukrainians abroad without commissions

Do you want to be sure of tomorrow, feel needed, have a benefits package and receive decent pay for your work? Perhaps working in Europe will help you solve all these problems. One of the most popular countries for employment of foreigners is Austria.

This country is one of the most stable and reliable in the European Union. The average salary here is quite high. But, of course, your skill level matters. Most of all in Austria, highly specialized specialists such as programmers, engineers, biologists and others are valued. If your qualification level is very high, you can expect a salary of 2,000 euros.

Administrators, bartenders, maids, waiters, and support workers can also try their luck in finding a job. However, unskilled workers can only hope to pay 800-1000 euros per month. It is also important to remember that working in Austria is practically impossible without knowledge of the relevant languages. It is necessary, of course, to know German and preferably English.

Our online resource offers you an excellent opportunity to find the desired position abroad. Here you will find the latest vacancies of 2019 without intermediaries. All proposed companies have been time-tested and have been excellently recommended in the labor market. The advertisements contain contacts where the direct employer will contact you.

Working in Austria for Russians, Ukrainians and CIS citizens in our time is not a pipe dream. With a little time and effort, you can make a difference better side financial situation and become more confident in your future.

Vienna is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, which regularly takes first place in various international rankings for such indicators as quality of life. IN Austrian capital stunning architecture and interesting streets. Here is the famous opera house, many parks and art galleries. High level economic development attracts foreigners not only to work in Vienna, but also to run their own business in Austria.

Large quantity students from abroad are eager to obtain higher education in Austria, which will greatly facilitate the process of finding a job in Vienna and will allow them to stay in this beautiful city forever. For example, in a prestigious University of Vienna, who gave the world 9 Nobel laureates. Salaries in Austria after taxes exceed 2,200 euros per month, but living in the capital is very expensive. Next, we’ll find out how to find a job in Vienna in 2019.

According to official information from local statistical offices, the population of Vienna in 2019 is more than 1.8 million people. This largest city, as well as the main political, economic and cultural center countries. According to some estimates, up to 40% local residents are migrants, but in general ethnic composition the capital includes about 182 nationalities. Over the past 10 years, the largest groups of foreigners who have immigrated to Vienna are Germans, Romanians And Syrians.

Work in Vienna for Russians, Ukrainians and other foreigners from the CIS countries in 2019 is available in many directions, including information Technology, industry, construction, medicine, tourism, agriculture and unskilled labor, but is associated with huge competition. After all, employment in a prosperous European state attracts many foreign specialists from different corners planets.

Austria's capital generates about a quarter of the country's gross domestic product and provides jobs up to 800 thousand people, many of whom come to work in Vienna from nearby cities. Local experts predict that employment in the city will only increase, but mainly due to the demand for skilled technicians and healthcare workers. Therefore, for successful employment in Vienna you must have a profession in short supply.

How to find a job in Vienna

The Austrian capital region is one of the richest in Europe. Udachnoe geographical location operates in Vienna huge amount large foreign companies and international organizations, including representatives of the UN, OPEC and IAEA. Compose a competent resume and cover letter. Write job offers to Austrian employers directly.

Pay attention to large companies in Vienna, e.g. Raiffeisen Bank International, Erste Group, Telekom Austria, Frequentis, OMV. Very often, foreign specialists with knowledge of only English are required here, and in general, work in Vienna without knowledge of the language is practically unavailable. In most cases it is necessary Good command of German.

Job search in Vienna

Austrian Public Employment Service-

Austrian Migration Government Portal-

Popular job search sites in Vienna

If you can’t find a job in Vienna without intermediaries, contact the official recruitment agency. See the list of Austrian companies.

Jobs and salaries in Vienna in 2019

Vienna has a very developed economy, but most jobs are concentrated in the service sector. Trade, real estate, leasing, financial and banking sectors are especially highlighted. There are about 650 agricultural companies operating in the city, and there are many vineyards on the outskirts. In addition, Austria is considered the largest tourist destination in Europe. In each of these areas there are vacancies in Vienna for Russians in 2019.

Austrian legislation does not provide for an official minimum wage. Rates are fixed in collective agreements separately for each sector of the economy. Before taxes monthly income capital workers in most cases exceed 1500 euros. The average salary in Vienna in 2019 after all mandatory deductions is approx. 2300 euros per month. It all depends on the profession, qualifications and experience.

Current vacancies in Vienna for Russians or Ukrainians with high salaries (more than 3,000 euros per month) are programmers, doctors, engineers, builders and financiers. Social workers and nurses are in demand. Housekeepers, nannies, nurses, maids, cooks, waitresses, salesmen and representatives of some other professions that do not require special qualifications are also often invited to work in Vienna. Salaries here range from 1,200 euros and above.