How to open a recruitment agency step by step? How to open a recruitment agency


Write a plan in which you need to describe in as much detail as possible the service you are going to offer. Decide what kind of personnel you are going to select - managerial, technical, production, maintenance. Each specialization has its own specifics in the selection itself, and in promotion, and in finding customers. Don’t strive to become a “multi-machine” person - vague specialization will not lead to anything good. This is due, first of all, to the competition that exists in the recruiting market.

Compose staffing table. It depends on the business model you choose for your business. As a rule, agency By selection personnel should have three departments, the functionality of which can be very roughly described as follows: attracting a customer, searching for an applicant, finance. If you decide to take money for employment (that is, from applicants) - this is one model; for selection (that is, with ) - another. In both cases, you should have at least 3-4 managers for each of the two departments involved directly with personnel, a lawyer who understands labor legislation, psychologist, marketer and technical staff.

Consider qualification characteristics (or competency cards). They should indicate exactly what knowledge and skills your future employees should have. It is also necessary to reflect additional ones (gender, age, education, etc.). Based on these documents, create job descriptions, which when hiring employees, ask them to sign.

Develop test batteries, as well as cases - if you are going to select a managerial personnel. Provide general questions for projection or situational interviews. Clear criteria for assessing applicants' resumes would also be useful. The more formalized the assessment of candidates is, the higher the chance that the selection will be carried out at a high technical level, and the so-called “human factor” - the personal sympathy or antipathy of the interviewer - will not interfere with the matter.

Video on the topic


  • Opening a domestic staff recruitment agency in 2019
  • How to open recruitment agency in 2019

Nannies and housekeepers, housekeepers and caregivers, cooks and gardeners - all these professionals are in great demand in the labor market. If you are thinking about own business, try to take advantage of the current situation. Open agency for renting a household personnel. If you set up the business correctly, it will provide you with a constant income.

You will need

  • - Status of individual entrepreneur or registered legal entity;
  • - money for business development.


Study the market. Find out how many similar agencies already operate in your city. Visit them anonymously, under the guise of a customer. Once you feel yourself “on the other side of the barricades,” you will understand what mistakes you should avoid in the future, and what techniques you can adopt. Try to chat with employees, sometimes you can extract a lot of valuable information from such informal conversations.

Get a license to work. It can be issued either to an individual entrepreneur or legal entity.

Find office space. It is desirable that it be located on a busy street or have convenient access for cars. A separate entrance is not required; you can open an agency in a business center, institute or any other suitable building. It is advisable that there is no strict access system at the entrance, as your future clients may not like it.

At the beginning of their activities, many entrepreneurs try to find and occupy a profitable niche. The lack of investment at the start pushes you to look for a business idea that will allow you to start earning money with minimal investment.

How about opening a recruitment agency from scratch and succeeding in this direction? Many enterprises are puzzled by the search for qualified personnel. This is due to the fact that the success of their activities and the amount of profit depend on the professionalism and skills of employees. For this reason, the services of a recruitment agency will always be in great demand.

What are recruitment agencies and why are they needed?

If an entrepreneur decides to create a recruiting agency and build successful business In this field, you should understand its features in detail. For what purpose are such companies created and what are they?

There are several types of recruitment agencies that select employees for organizations that have submitted appropriate applications. In addition, applicants may be sent for preliminary training if such a clause is specified in the agreement between the employer and the recruiter. Often the customers are plants and factories, private small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as manufacturing companies of various profiles. It is known that in search good specialists it may take quite a long time. For this reason, organizations turn to recruitment agencies for help and impose a number of requirements on applicants, according to which the necessary employees are selected.

If a person has firmly decided to work for himself and organize his own recruitment agency, he should know about the features of this type of activity. As with any other type of business, there are pros and cons. The advantages of running a recruiting company include:

  • high monthly income;
  • presence of small starting capital to open an agency;
  • quick return on investment;
  • lack of dependence on seasonality;
  • the ability to create a large base of regular customers.

If an enterprise selects highly qualified specialists for a customer who fully meet his requirements, partnerships are subsequently built between both organizations. This leads to them collaborating on an ongoing basis and on mutually beneficial terms. An entrepreneur has the opportunity to choose any format of a recruiting agency and develop in this direction. In addition, there are practically no serious obstacles to entering the market, so with proper organization of activities, you can quickly occupy your niche and develop successfully.

Despite such a rich list of advantages, this business is not without its shortcomings. First of all, you need to understand that not every employer is ready to send own funds to pay for the services of such agencies. In addition, a significant part of organizations prefer to cooperate with recruiters on an ongoing basis. For this reason, it will be quite difficult for a young company to find large customers at first until it gains a certain authority. Also, entrepreneurs who want to develop their own recruitment agency, production or, for example, open a self-service car wash, must remember high level competition.

Types of recruitment agencies

Before opening a recruitment agency, an entrepreneur needs to decide on the direction of his activity. There are several types of such organizations, each of which has a specific specialization:

  1. Classic recruitment agencies. They are also often called recruiting companies. This format will be easiest for beginning businessmen to master, since the demand for the services of recruitment agencies for personnel selection is quite high and does not require special knowledge to start. The main task similar companies is to find the specialists customers need with further employment. CAs are somewhat different from other recruiters in the way they receive remuneration for the work done. In the first case, money is transferred to the organization for each specialist brought in in the amount of his monthly salary, and in the second, the customer pays a fixed amount for the services provided. Despite such an insignificant difference, their operating principle is identical. These organizations act as intermediaries between job seekers and employers. Entrepreneurs are recommended to actively work to create a base of customers and people of various specialties who need to obtain vacancies. This will allow as soon as possible acquire a valuable asset (personnel) and offer it to potential customers. For example, an enterprise is in dire need of a chief engineer. If the KA presents the employer with several candidates to choose from within 20-30 minutes, the latter will see prospects for further cooperation with an unknown recruiting company.
  2. Recruitment agencies of narrow specialization. From the name of this type of company it becomes clear that their main activity is the search for narrow-profile workers. For example, this could be hired staff for a home or specialists serving a large organization. Customers almost always place high demands on applicants. They want to know everything about the future employee: education, social status, character traits, health status, reviews of his activities, etc. Finding people who have a narrow specialization in a certain field almost always presents certain difficulties, because there is practically no information about them in the public domain. It is also quite difficult to obtain personal information from applicants to fill out personal information, because not every person will agree to disclose it. Nevertheless, as they say: the game is worth the candle, because when hired, applicants receive a high and stable salary, and the agency receives a decent fee.
  3. Headhunter agencies. The specialization of such companies is the search for professionals in a certain field of activity. For example, these could be top managers whom large organizations want on their staff, and smart engineers or developers of innovative solutions. Finding a high-quality specialist is quite difficult. Often, organizations offer headhunters high fees if they find the right employee. In most cases, this can be extremely difficult to accomplish, since tough specialists are worth their weight in gold, and for them, enterprises create all the conditions that allow them to exist comfortably. Even large salaries, bonuses, social packages and other benefits sometimes do not interest professionals, so it is very difficult to lure them to the customer’s side. This is the main task of headhunters.
  4. International spacecraft. This type enterprises specializes in providing job seekers with employment services abroad. To organize such a company, an entrepreneur needs to find many foreign companies that are ready to cooperate and hire Russians. Job vacancies for IT specialists, engineers and medical workers having their own scientific works or technology.

Important: International companies have the right to provide recruitment services only if they have the appropriate licenses. It is extremely difficult to get foreign employers as business partners. Entrepreneurs who want to try their hand at this niche should remember the high competition, and also create a very advantageous offer for potential partners.

Let's consider the main stages.

Business registration

A newbie entrepreneur who wants to create his own recruitment agency or, for example, become a real estate appraiser, is required to register the business. To do this you need to contact tax service at your place of residence and register a company with limited liability or IP. The second option will be preferable for a small agency: registration is quick, and the state fee is 800 rubles.

Registration of an LLC takes much longer; in addition, it is mandatory to deposit the amount of 10 thousand rubles in the form of authorized capital. You can choose UTII or simplified tax system as the taxation system. You also need to open a bank account, which is necessary to receive cash and display of company expenses.

When registering an agency, you will need to indicate OKVED codes. To do this, select 74.50.1 “Provision of labor recruitment services” or 74.50.2 “Provision of personnel selection services”. Upon completion of the registration procedure and receipt of the appropriate certificate, the entrepreneur can begin conducting business activities.

Selection of premises

The recruitment agency's office will have specialists working and will also receive visitors. For this reason, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the company’s activities there. Repairs should be carried out and the uninterrupted operation of utilities (electricity, telephony, Internet, water supply) should be ensured. In addition, it is worth installing high-quality furniture inside the office. It wouldn’t hurt to divide the room into several zones:

  • reception;
  • office of the director (administrator);
  • venues for interviews and reception of guests;
  • locations of personnel workplaces;
  • bathroom.

The location of the building with the office of the recruitment agency is of great importance. The ideal option would be to find premises in the central part of the city or business district of the village. If this is not possible, the office should be opened in any other location, but to attract clients you will need to spend more money for advertising.

The building where the company will be located must be located near a major transport hub and have parking. For the activities of a recruitment agency, it is enough to choose a room with an area of ​​50-60 m2. The monthly rental cost varies within 30 thousand rubles.

Important: if new entrepreneurs have extraordinary ideas that will benefit the state and good profit, they can contact such educational organizations as business incubators. Participants in training programs are provided with assistance at all stages of the formation of a young organization right up to the start of independent activities.

Equipment purchase

After renovation work, the agency must be equipped with furniture and modern office equipment. This will create the necessary conditions for the operation of the enterprise. To equip small company, you will need:

  • laptop (4 pcs.) – 150 thousand rubles;
  • router – 1 thousand rubles;
  • landline telephone (4 pcs.) – 4 thousand rubles;
  • furniture (shelving, wardrobe, tables, chairs) – 20 thousand rubles.

Thus, the cost of purchasing equipment and furniture will amount to 175 thousand rubles. You will also need to purchase stationery, office paper and leave some money for travel expenses. Total - the total investment amount is 180 thousand rubles.

Recruiting staff

It is necessary to attract specialists to the staff of a recruitment agency who will perform certain functions. The company administrator must have the ability to negotiate with visitors and customers. In addition, his responsibilities include coordinating the work of all specialists. The administrator keeps order in the company, buys consumables and is responsible for managing the work process.

HR managers must look for new agency clients, communicate with customers, be able to conclude contracts and organize meetings between applicants and company management. The recruiter enters data into the client database and also communicates with people about available vacancies. He must be able to explain to a person how to behave during an interview and get the desired vacancy, why they can be fired from a job, what rights and responsibilities the applicant has, etc. The agency's psychologist conducts trainings for his colleagues, talks with clients and provides assistance in work situations.

The staff of a recruiting company may look like this:

  • administrator – 25 thousand rubles;
  • recruitment manager – 20 thousand rubles;
  • HR specialist – 15 thousand rubles;
  • psychologist - 15 thousand rubles.

Total - the cost of staff salaries will be 75 thousand rubles. In a small agency, the position of client selection specialist and manager can be combined by one employee, which will reduce the company’s costs. For the same reason, the duties of an accountant should be outsourced, which will take about 8 thousand rubles monthly.

Organization of promotions

First of all, even before opening an enterprise, it is necessary to create a business card website for the organization. This will allow a large number people learn about the company's activities and promote business via the Internet. On your own website, you should include information about the location of the agency, indicate contact numbers, email addresses, regularly publish updates on available vacancies, and highlight the benefits of cooperation with your agency. Good results will come from promoting your business in social networks- in groups you need to constantly post information about vacancies, cost of services, and also secure commercial offer for employers.

Advice: The Internet allows you to get any information in a matter of minutes (for example, quickly find information about banks that give loans with bad credit history, information about competitors, etc.). According to statistics, 75-80% of clients turn to recruitment agencies using the Global Network.

Speaking about marketing tools, printed materials should be highlighted. You need to contact designers who will develop booklets and business cards for the company. Advertising in the media will cost approximately 50 thousand rubles. This includes placing advertisements on radio, municipal television channels and in the press. Taking into account the creation of a website and its promotion, the cost of an advertising campaign will amount to 67 thousand rubles. In the future, this amount will be reduced to 20 thousand rubles for promoting the agency.

Business plan for a recruitment agency

To organize the work of an enterprise, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for a recruitment agency. It represents calculations that allow you to find out the amount of one-time investments in the project, mandatory monthly costs and its profitability. So, to open a company, one-time expenses will be:

  • registration of an enterprise – 1 thousand rubles;
  • rent of office space – 30 thousand rubles;
  • repair work, replacement of communications – 70 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment and furniture – 180 thousand rubles;
  • advertising campaign – 67 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary – 75 thousand rubles;
  • The company reserve is 10 thousand rubles.

Total - the amount of initial investment will be 433 thousand rubles. Now let’s calculate the amount of mandatory monthly expenses, which include:

  • rent – ​​30 thousand rubles;
  • conducting an advertising campaign – 20 thousand rubles;
  • taxes – 15 thousand rubles;
  • utilities – 15 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary – 75 thousand rubles.

The total amount of payments is 155 thousand rubles. As practice shows, after 2-3 months of work, a small recruitment agency can count on a profit of about 120 thousand rubles. Return on investment is possible after just 6 months of active activity.

Housekeepers, governesses, drivers, tutors - these specialists are becoming increasingly in demand today. Where to look for such people? How can you be sure of their professionalism?

These questions interest many job seekers. That is why the question of how to open a recruitment agency is becoming increasingly relevant. After all, this can become a really interesting and profitable business.

What is such an agency? Basic operating principles

If you are interested in how to open a recruitment agency, then you are probably wondering how exactly such enterprises work. It's actually quite simple. The clients of such agencies are employers - people who are looking for a particular specialist.

Since in most cases the company offers domestic staff services, clients are accordingly looking for nannies, governesses, tutors, gardeners, cleaners, cooks, etc. For example, if both parents are busy with work, then they need a person who will look after the child or keep the house clean, pamper from time to time delicious dishes homemade.

Of course, you don’t want to take anyone into your home - employers want to hire only really good people who you can trust. The agency is an intermediary between the employer and a specialist in a particular field.

Where does the profit come from?

In fact, a domestic staffing firm can be a profitable business. This business does not require a lot of start-up capital, but its development requires a lot of time and effort. So where does the money come from?

Many agencies charge employers a small bonus for finding the perfect employee. In addition, money is paid by those people who are looking for work. Here you can already choose the system yourself. In some companies, employees pay a certain amount immediately after registration, and the agency guarantees them decent employment.

Some enterprises take 50–100% of the first salary of a hired specialist. On the other hand, you can charge a small monthly fee for having an employee or employer in your database. In any case, at the initial stages it is best to establish a convenient and understandable payment scheme.

How to open a recruitment agency? Package of official documents

Of course, such activity is considered entrepreneurial. How to open a recruitment agency? First you need to register with the tax service.

IN in this case the best option is to register as individual entrepreneur. This will give you some additional benefits, such as a simplified accounting system, fewer required documents, etc. It is worth noting that individual entrepreneurship is opened, as a rule, five or seven days after submitting the necessary documents.

Where to rent office space and how to arrange it?

If you are interested in how to open a domestic staffing agency, you should know that you will need to have your own office. Of course, it doesn't have to be big. However, remember that the decor and atmosphere of your office will demonstrate the solidity and quality of your company's work - this is what clients will pay attention to first of all.

The location of the office is not so important here, but it is best to choose it somewhere in a busy part of the city, for example, in the central area or in a business center. On the other hand, if you do not have such an opportunity, then the office can be located somewhere on the periphery - in this case, you will need to spend more time and invest in advertising.

As for the office itself, it should be bright, clean, and demonstrate success, responsibility and professionalism. There is no need for any sophisticated decorations - minimalism will be in place.

It is advisable that the office have at least three separate rooms. In the hallway, for example, you can place a secretary's desk, place several comfortable chairs or sofas - this is where clients will be greeted. In addition, interview rooms are needed, as well as space for working staff.

Naturally, you will need to purchase computer equipment, including a printer and scanner. Storing customer data in a computer system is much easier.

Selection of permanent employees

Of course, if you open a small agency, then at first you can do all the work yourself. However, this takes time. And as the company develops, you will need assistants, because the domestic staff recruitment agency must work smoothly.

To begin with, you need a secretary who will answer calls, meet clients, create a schedule and monitor it. In addition, you need to hire a HR specialist. He will interview job applicants, help them fill out forms, check backgrounds, etc.

It is quite possible that conversations with employers will also require an additional employee who can figure out what exactly the client needs. Don’t forget that someone will have to do the accounting, be responsible for advertising, conduct a regular search for new applicants, etc.

Some experts advise hiring a full-time psychologist who can assess some of the qualities of people, job seekers, as well as the characteristics and desires of clients offering a particular position. In any case, all employees of your company should be sociable, pleasant to talk to, unobtrusive, and diplomatic. Leadership qualities, the ability to express thoughts clearly and clearly, as well as persuasion, will also not hurt.

Where to find professional job seekers?

Of course, the selection of domestic staff is an extremely responsible matter, which must be approached seriously. After all, employers turn to you for help, completely relying on your opinion. You must provide them professional staff who can be trusted.

-> Finance, consulting services, education

Do you know what recruiting is?

Recruiting- personnel selection for various companies, to put it simply, is actually a recruitment agency. The main difference, in my opinion, is that recruitment agencies looking for a job for a specific employee, and recruiting agencies, basically, they are looking for suitable employees based on the requests of their employing companies. That is, in fact, there is practically no difference in the methods of work between them, it’s just that the work seems to come from the other end, well, another fashionable Western word.

Based on the above, it is appropriate to note that if recruitment agencies live mainly from the payment of their services by job seekers, then in the case of recruiting agencies the main part of the financial flow comes from the employer as the customer company. As they say - feel the difference.

So, let's talk about something that is absolutely real and already exists in many cities. recruiting business- business based on personnel selection based on requests from commercial organizations. Misconception the fact that this is not a profitable business and, especially in small towns, clients cannot be found, is easily refuted by facts. In any more or less big city Today, there are a dozen similar recruitment agencies working, not to mention the big cities where this type of business has long found its home. In my opinion, even in the smallest localities, recruiting (or staffing) agencies have very good prospects. After all, you are offering work not only in your hometown, and, in fact, anywhere in Russia. There is and will always be a desire for labor migration. Just remember the North with its work on a rotational basis.

The essence of a successful recruiting business lies in three things:

1. Recruitment for customer companies;

2. Create your own constantly supplemented candidate databases, i.e. those looking for work;

3. Promoting yourself among commercial organizations, or simply put - attracting clients.

The clients here are commercial organizations, which give an order to a recruitment agency to select a certain employee (specialist) for them; in fact, these organizations pay the agency for the service. Hence the profit.

1. Register a private legal entity or LLC;

2. Rent a room with a telephone;

3. You create several “false” advertisements for newspapers and other media about hiring various specialists for different companies - for this you need to study the labor market in your city in advance in order to know which specialists are most in demand. Find out further why you will need them. At this stage your main task- attract the necessary specialists to your agency and add them to your database;

4. Develop questionnaires for applicants for future vacancies in your agency;

5. In parallel with the previous actions, think over letters to your potential clients-customers with a story about your agency and its services;

6. Collect a database of your potential clients with the following basic data: company name, address, telephone, fax and manager’s name;

7. Place your “false” advertisements in newspapers seeking certain specialists. At the first stage, fabricated ads are the easiest way to quickly gain momentum. Let's leave the moral side out of the equation - you have a business, not an institute for noble maidens! Moreover, in the near future you will actually be able to invite people to participate in a competition for a particular vacancy;

8. After the newspapers with your ad are published, people with the specialties you require (believe me, and don’t need either!) will start calling and coming to you. You enter them into your database, interview them, and have them fill out questionnaires. The results of your interview with them and the completed questionnaires are the material for creating candidates’ resumes for subsequent transfer to customer companies. Based on these resumes, the customer will choose which candidate to meet with; of course, he will also be interested in your opinion and recommendations of people from previous jobs;

9. When several good specialists appear in your database, and I must say that more than half of the applicants who come to your agency will be poorly satisfied professional requirements customer, you can safely send out your letters to potential clients. It is better to organize this through a special delivery service, which will provide you with a report on the work done with the names of the persons who received the letter. This data will probably be useful to you in the future. It will be good if you duplicate the mailing of letters by sending out your presentation sheet by fax to the same companies, thereby increasing the recognition rate of your agency’s name. I note that no more than two or three sheets of text should be included in a letter; a larger number will most likely “strain” the addressee who received the letter from an unknown agency. The letter should contain your appeal (maximum two pages) and a questionnaire - a form for feedback. It is this questionnaire, containing questions that the head of the company answers, being sent by fax to your agency, and there is a direct reason to go to the company and get Your first order to select a candidate.

On this initial stage The development of the recruitment business can be considered completed, everyday work lies ahead!

Pay attention special attention the following documents:

1. Candidate form

2. Contract for recruitment

3. Candidate's resume

4. Customer card

5. Certificate of work completed

And, in general, document management is an important issue in any business.

Now let's talk about financial side affairs. The figures are based on average statistics for the country.


1. Office - about $200 per month

2. Phone - $10 per month

3. Advertisements in newspapers - about 1,500 rubles per month.


They consist of fees, which are usually equal to one, one and a half, two or more monthly salaries of a specialist hired by your agency. In this case, the agency fee is usually paid within a week from the day the person starts work. Thus, one employed sales manager in a wholesale company brings an average fee of 15,000-20,000 rubles. As you become more active, clients will begin to learn about you and will call you on their own, and why don’t you charge them a small amount for entering into your database? Plus, you will definitely have regular employer clients.

And there is no need to be afraid of competition! As far as I know, not one of these recruiting agencies, for example, has closed in our city yet! It's all about your desire, luck and perseverance. Judge for yourself: applicants to get good job We are ready to contact all available recruitment agencies, and the customer-employer, in general, also doesn’t care how many agencies he or she enters into recruitment agreements with - he only pays one agency for the recruited employee!