Examples of employee motivation. Factors of non-material motivation of employees. Professional assistance in non-material incentives for employees

Personnel are an integral element of any organization. However, as a rule, due to improper management, it cannot realize its potential. The quality of employees’ work is determined not only by their qualifications and experience, but also by their interest in effective implementation of its activities. Incentives in the form of bonuses and salaries do not always provide sufficient success, since human needs are not limited to material goods.

System of non-material motivation of personnel

Non-material motivation of employees is a system of measures aimed at improving the quality of work. The system of non-material incentives is based on the classic pyramid of needs, which includes the need for respect and recognition, self-realization, and belonging. The main goal is not material motivation is to increase the efficiency of workers and their interest in the development of the organization.

Pros and cons of non-material motivation of employees

This kind of encouragement has the following advantages:

  • Effectively complements the financial incentive system;
  • Does not require large expenses;
  • Ensures the interest of subordinates in the continuous development of the organization;
  • Allows you to reduce staff turnover.

There are also some disadvantages:

  • Difficulty in implementation;
  • The need for adaptation for various categories employees;
  • The need to attract qualified HR managers.

Non-material forms of staff motivation

Stimulating the team accordingly can be implemented in the following forms:

  • Increasing attention to the employee’s personality (involvement in the management of the organization, congratulations on personal holidays, reporting in the media);
  • Conducting competitions (carrying out competitive events to receive honorary titles: best employee of the month, best employee of the department, with the presentation of certificates and memorable gifts);
  • Carrying out corporate events (collective celebration of state and corporate holidays, presentation of memorable gifts with corporate symbols);
  • Flexible work organization (change of work schedule taking into account family circumstances employee, the possibility of remote work, provision of leave at a convenient time);
  • Introduction of benefits (compensation for employee training costs, medical insurance at the expense of the organization).

Non-material motivation of employees - examples

As an example of incentives without using cash One could cite the inclusion of employees in the decision-making process. Based on practical experience, employees of the organization can make rational suggestions and recommendations. On the one hand, this allows us to identify potential sources of problems or areas of development. On the other hand, this helps to increase the involvement of employees, who will understand that their opinion is important to the organization.

Another example of this kind of encouragement is the creation of a system for grading employees, taking into account their success in their work activities (honor board with photographs, best employee of the month, year). In this case, employees will try to improve their performance in order to improve their ranking and will understand that their efforts do not go unnoticed.

The role of non-material motivation of personnel

Incentivizing employees without providing additional money plays an important role in personnel management and ensures an improvement in the quality of work in the organization. In addition, despite the fact that appropriate encouragement of subordinates is highly effective at minimal cost, it is not the only and indispensable tool for stimulating personnel. Employees begin to think about non-material needs only if their basic material needs are satisfied. That is, if an employee’s salary is too low, there is no point in using non-monetary incentives to encourage him. Thus, non-material motivation can only complement and develop the system of material rewards.

Regulations on non-material motivation of personnel - sample

Regulations on non-financial motivation of personnel are being developed to streamline and systematize the non-monetary incentive tools used. This regulation is developed by the head of the HR department and approved by the manager. At the same time, the development of non-material motivation of personnel can be carried out with the participation of department heads.
The regulation includes subsections:

  • General provisions (goals and objectives of the organization, basic principles of interaction with employees);
  • Forms and types of motivation (which tools are used and under what conditions, their interaction with material rewards);
  • Rules (which employees are encouraged and under what specific conditions);
  • Management competencies (who makes decisions regarding this issue);
  • Terminology (decoding and interpretation of position concepts);
  • Conclusion (scope and duration of the provision, responsible for the effect of the provision).

All kinds of employee incentives - effective and promising direction improving the personnel management system. A wide selection of incentive tools and mechanisms, as well as their combinations, allows you to implement various development strategies for both the company and subordinates. When developing and implementing provisions for this type of remuneration, it is necessary to take into account specific features organization, its structure, as well as the conditions for interaction with personnel.

Most modern employers, one way or another, use in their practice certain methods of non-material motivation of staff, but their conscious and planned use can significantly improve the performance of the enterprise, the psychological comfort of employees and the overall efficiency of using the organization’s labor resources. At the same time, in Russia, organizations do not always pay sufficient attention to non-monetary motivation of employees, although in many situations intangible values ​​can be much more effective in stimulating employees.

What is non-material motivation of personnel

Motivating staff is one of the main tasks of the HR department of an enterprise and the employer himself if he wants to maximize the efficiency of using available resources. Good motivation allows you to achieve better work results, creates a comfortable working atmosphere, reduces staff turnover and reduces the psychological burden on all employees without exception. At the same time, staff motivation and methods for its manifestation can be divided into several types. So, in its actual expression, motivation is divided into:

  • Material. These motivation methods include all methods that directly affect the employee’s finances. Bonuses, employee fines, additional payments, financial assistance - all these are tools for direct material motivation of workers.
  • Intangible. Non-material motivation includes all methods of influencing employees that do not directly affect their income indicators. These techniques may include issuing incentives, increasing vacation time, providing certain goods and services as gifts, and other ways of influencing employees.

It should be understood that the concept of non-material motivation is somewhat controversial. Most broadly, it refers to all methods of motivating employees of an enterprise that do not affect the actual income of employees. However, from the point of view economic theory, the provision of goods or services or other material benefits to an employee also refers to material motivation. Non-material motivation concerns only actions that do not have a material component. But further in the article we will consider mainly the first point of view, as it most broadly reveals the question posed.

In addition, you should remember about the division of motivation according to its focus and mechanism of influence. So, it can be divided into:

  • Positive motivation. These motivation techniques involve rewarding employees for their success in the workplace. Positive methods include providing any additional privileges, benefits and other positive influences on the employee. The use of positive motivation mechanisms is preferable, as they stimulate employees to develop and improve their work efficiency.
  • Negative motivation. Negative motivation includes, first of all, disciplinary sanctions and other similar methods of punishing employees for certain violations of discipline or insufficient labor efficiency. The use of these techniques is also widespread in Russian territory, and can have both material and intangible form. It should be noted that the overall effectiveness of negative methods of motivation is rather low in comparison with positive ones, but it is also unacceptable to ignore them completely.

Accordingly, non-material motivation of employees implies a set of methods of influencing an employee that do not directly affect his existing income. However, the variety of methods of non-monetary motivation of workers, as well as the experience of thousands of business entities in Russia and the world demonstrate the fact that this method increasing staff productivity can be more profitable and convenient than direct monetary reward.

Benefits of non-financial employee motivation

The use of non-material methods of rewarding and punishing employees has many advantages that are traditionally used by employers. However, most often, HR specialists and managers do not consider non-material motivation of personnel as the main one, paying more attention to direct financial incentives. Although at the same time, from a global perspective, non-material motivation of employees has many specific advantages, which include the following advantages:

It should be remembered that, depending on the chosen methods and tools of non-material motivation of personnel, it can provide many other benefits. However, at the same time, not every method of non-material motivation of employees has all the above-mentioned advantages.

Disadvantages of non-material motivation of employees

Despite large number positive traits, non-material motivation also has a number of disadvantages that the employer should take into account when planning the organization of work at the enterprise. Thus, the following features can be called the negative aspects of the non-material employee motivation system:

  • Lack of versatility. The material system of employee motivation is the most universal, since money is the main and most convenient way to reward employees both for work and for outstanding achievements in the labor field. At the same time, the employee will not always be interested in some specific methods of non-material reward.
  • The need for an individual approach. This drawback stems from the previous one. The development of a non-material motivation system requires the creation of unique individual solutions for each specific organization, taking into account many nuances of both the company’s field of activity itself and the team directly working in it.
  • Unstable efficiency. The effectiveness of non-material motivation will not always be higher than material motivation. Depending on many side factors, the same methods of non-material motivation can have completely different effects on employees in different situations. different times or in different positions. For example, providing free food at an enterprise canteen will be a significant bonus for an ordinary employee, but will have a minimal impact on the management team.
  • Greater complexity of implementation and resource consumption. The introduction of non-material motivation methods traditionally requires a large investment of time and human resources of the enterprise. Thus, assigning a bonus to employees will require only a few actions on the part of the manager and accounting department, while organizing a corporate party will involve lengthy preparations.

Some of the above-described shortcomings are not typical for certain specific methods of non-material motivation, others are fundamental, and others can be leveled out with due effort. Therefore, each employer should evaluate his own enterprise and its conditions before making a final decision on the use of certain labor organization methods.

Types of non-material motivation of employees

Directly non-material motivation of employees has a separate division by type, depending on the area that will be affected by the above methods. In particular, non-material methods of motivating staff can be divided into:

Currently, many managers are thinking about how to improve the efficiency of their staff. As a rule, the most in a simple way is a salary increase or bonus payment. But in modern realities Companies do not have the ability to constantly motivate employees with money. The phenomenon of non-material incentives comes to the fore.

What is it?

Non-material incentives mean encouraging employees without the use of monetary resources. It is this type of motivation in lately has become more popular and effective. For many people, career growth, comfort in the workplace, and a friendly atmosphere within the team are important. If a company is interested in its employees, they will reciprocate. Non-material incentives for work activity will help employees feel more confident in the organization, and will also increase the level of loyalty.

This type of motivation is perfect for that category of personnel that strives for development and, accordingly, promotion. There are workers only wish which is expressed in the fact that they are not touched and paid on time wages. Non-financial incentives will not help such employees. In order to determine which employees belong to a particular category, it is recommended to conduct testing.

Types of incentives

The most popular classification includes a division into two groups: material and non-material motivation. There is also a distribution of incentives into individual and collective.

Material incentives include remuneration of employees, bonuses and bonuses. This type of motivation is considered the most effective, since most people, regardless of position, value monetary rewards. The company needs to annually review its remuneration system and add bonuses for quality work done.

There is also non-material motivation of an indirect nature, which is expressed in the issuance of paid sick leave and vacations. In addition, companies sometimes provide health insurance, loan benefits, training for advanced training, etc.

Non-material incentives are expressed in providing opportunities for career growth, issuing certificates and thanks from management, good relationships in the team, and holding events. The latter are great for increasing employee cohesion. This, in turn, will have a positive impact on their productivity.

IN Western countries The concept of team building is very popular, which means “team building”. It involves joint trips to various competitions, participation in entertainment events, sports competitions. Russian companies are gradually starting to introduce this practice.

Despite the fact that non-material motivation does not involve the issuance of money to employees, this does not mean that the company should not invest finances in its implementation.

Principles of building an incentive system

A set of measures aimed at developing non-material motivation is created individually for each company. When creating a system, it is necessary to take into account the corporate culture of the organization, development opportunities, goals and objectives. No less important factors in this matter are the gender and age of employees, life position and status. In this way, you can understand what a person’s priorities are in work and life.

But despite the individuality of each enterprise, there are common fundamental principles that absolutely all companies should rely on to build a motivation system. In total, there are three main provisions:

1. When creating a system, you need to rely on the goals and objectives of an individual company. When choosing incentive methods, you should consider how they will help employees implement strategic plans.

2. An important element is the company’s resources and its budget. After all, it is easy to imagine a situation where an excellent motivating solution would be to issue certificates of advanced training to employee N, but the organization cannot allocate funds for this.

3. Individual needs of employees. Of course, it is easier to identify the requests of the average employee, which are the same for everyone. But this method is not as effective as creating motivators for each employee.

Forms of non-material motivation

The effectiveness of non-material incentives can hardly be overestimated, because not everything can be bought with money. Staff loyalty good attitude to management, a friendly atmosphere are fundamental principles, without which chaos will occur in the company. Non-material incentives include:

1. Creative component. Here it is necessary to give employees the opportunity to prove themselves and improve their qualities through training or business trips. Self-realization is very important for an ambitious person, and one cannot deprive this fact attention.

2. Organizational motivation. The main principle here is to increase the feeling of satisfaction with work in the company. This is achieved by involving employees in solving problems of the enterprise and giving them the right to vote. Thus, the employee will be confident in tomorrow, will become independent.

3. Moral motivation. It is expressed mainly by public rewards in the form of certificates, medals or simply verbal gratitude from the administration. This also includes staff incentives free time, that is, the possibility of a flexible work schedule, long vacations, time off, etc. This method will help the employee cope with nervous tension and physical fatigue.

4. Training. Non-material incentives can be carried out both within the organization and outside it. Employees have always valued the opportunity to develop and improve their skills. The most effective ways of training within a company are job rotation and changing jobs. Outside the enterprise, improving the level of your knowledge and skills is quite expensive for the organization, but it brings great benefits.

Requirements for the system of non-material incentives for employees

There are five basic rules that will help you build a competent concept:

1. It must solve the company’s tactical problems. That is, the motivators chosen for a particular organization should be aimed at solving primary problems.

2. The system must cover all employees. This means that the incentive methods chosen must impact both managers and production workers.

3. An important factor is the stage of development of the organization. For example, for family business Enthusiasm is the motivator. When a company switches to new stage, non-material incentives should also develop and set new tasks.

4. The right choice of methods. Non-material methods of incentives should be aimed at creating those factors that motivate all employees. To do this, you need to collect information about them and find out their needs.

5. Constant development. A monotonous motivation system will become outdated over time and will no longer encourage action. Therefore, care must be taken to develop a new concept every year.

Japanese practice

It's no secret that the Country rising sun is one of the most developed in terms of attitude towards staff. In the middle of the 20th century, there was a major breakthrough in the state’s economy, called the “Japanese miracle.” The country was able to achieve such success thanks to the introduction of three principles into the personnel management system:

Lifetime employment;

Work experience and age affect the possibility of promotion;

Organization of the trade union movement.

Thanks to this, Japan avoided production downtime; moreover, it became a country that is still one of the first to introduce various latest technologies into our lives.

Non-material incentives for employees are based here on group psychology. People gather in groups and perform production tasks together, which contributes to team unity and the achievement of their personal, individual goals.

Non-material motivation tools

Each company builds a system of employee incentives based on its goals and principles. It always looks different, but in general you can imagine it like this:

Benefits that imply a reduction in work schedule. Do you mean any holidays, weekends, etc. Recently, the “non-working days bank” has gained popularity. The company allocates several days a year to the employee, which he can use as he wishes.

Activities not related to work. Incentivizing staff will help create a friendly atmosphere in the team. Various celebrations, hikes and excursions are perfect for these purposes.

Recognition of employee merits. This method of motivation is one of the most effective. Those employees who helped the company and gave impetus to its development deserve encouragement and assistance in career advancement.

Material reward. This does not mean issuing cash bonuses, but non-financial rewards. For example, providing various benefits and health insurance. Once again, you can emphasize the importance of an employee for the company by giving something symbolic.

Incentive methods that do not require investment

There are three types of non-material incentives from investments:

Does not require money;

Investments distributed without address;

Options that require targeted investments.

Let's look at each of these types in more detail. Among the motivators that do not require investment, we can highlight congratulations on the holidays, especially your birthday. Warm words from the general director of the company and other employees displayed on the stand will pleasantly surprise the birthday person and contribute to productivity.

Non-material incentives can also be expressed in the creation of a conditional “honor board”. The names of the employees who performed better than others will be displayed on the stand. Various achievements of employees and participation in citywide and Russian events will be encouraged by management in the form of verbal or written praise.

An effective method of motivation is to create a table called “you can’t do this.” It displays the situation, how the employee acted in it and what should have been done. At the same time specific names It is better not to open people who have made a mistake. Employees, seeing this table, will learn from their mistakes and not repeat them in the future.

The developed personnel adaptation system will make a significant contribution to stimulating personnel, especially newcomers. After all, situations often arise when a new employee comes to the company and does not know what to do or where to go. From the outside, he looks insecure and questions his existence in the organization. And if there is a well-built adaptation system, which involves the presence of a mentor, such cases will not happen again. Electronic presentations will make the process of getting to know the company easier.

Motivators that require direct investments

They are aimed at improving the quality of life of the organization. Among them are the following:

Meals provided by the company;

Providing uniforms or workwear;

Medical insurance;

Providing subscriptions to a business club;

Improving conditions in the workplace.

The latter factor includes improving the quality of fixed assets, such as computers, and improving working conditions, such as installing air conditioning in the office.

Organizing corporate events will have a positive effect on raising the team spirit of the company. In addition to the entertainment part, it is recommended to introduce a little official part. For example, dedicate a speech to the success of the company or individual employees. You can add a competition to the entertainment part to unite employees, for example, “Guess your colleague from the photo of his child.”

Incentive methods that require targeted investment

Here the system is divided into two parts: motivators that can be used by a person in a certain situation, and benefits provided to specific employees. Methods that require targeted investments include the following:

Financial assistance at the birth of a child, for a wedding, or, conversely, associated with tragic events;

Providing a free loan to improve housing conditions;

Partial or full payment for travel to the place of work;

Providing transport for the implementation of official purposes.

Types of material and non-material incentives are aimed at improving relationships in the company, as well as increasing labor productivity. Not in all cases will it be enough to simply raise wages. IN modern conditions non-material incentives are much more valued among employees, as they provide the opportunity to grow and develop professionally and personally.

Successful business development presupposes that every employee working in an organization should be interested in the results of their work. To achieve this, organizational leaders must apply special methods of motivating staff. Their use must be individual, otherwise the final goal may not be achieved.

General information

Motivation of personnel in an organization is a set of measures aimed at stimulating the work of employees in order to develop the organization in which they work.

Management must strive to satisfy the personal, physiological and social needs of employees as a matter of priority.

For what reasons does motivation decrease?

Many employees come to work full of initiative. However, if the work motivation of the staff is not implemented, disappointment in their work may occur. This happens for a number of reasons:

  1. Strong interference from management in the activities of a particular employee.
  2. There is no support from the organization, there is no psychological help.
  3. There is no information that is necessary for effective work activity.
  4. The head of the organization has little interest in employee issues.
  5. There is no feedback between the organization's management and employees.
  6. An employee may be assessed incorrectly by a supervisor.
  7. Remaining unchanged for a long time wages.

As a result of this, employees have a feeling of the need to perform work as a duty for their existence, but initiative, pride, and the desire for career growth.

To avoid all this, it is necessary to motivate staff.

Stages of loss of interest in work

It is believed that interest in work disappears during 6 successive stages:

  1. Confusion. This is where the employee begins to experience the first signs of stress. He doesn't understand that he can't do it. Communication with colleagues continues, it is even possible to go to more intensive work, which can lead to more stress.
  2. Irritation. Some leaders give one direction one day and another the next. This is starting to irritate employees. Labor productivity at this stage may still increase, but irritation increases.
  3. Hopes in the subconscious. The employee becomes convinced that it is the boss’s fault that he is not doing well at work. He waits for the leader to make a mistake in order to show him that he is right. Labor productivity remains at the same level.
  4. Disappointment. Here labor productivity is already reduced to a minimum. It is quite difficult to revive an employee’s interest in work, but all is not lost. The employee still hopes that the manager will pay attention to him.
  5. The desire and willingness to cooperate is reduced to zero. Here the employee only does what he is supposed to do. A number of employees begin to treat work with disdain. Relationships with subordinates and colleagues begin to deteriorate. Interest in work has been lost; it is important to maintain self-respect.
  6. The final stage. An employee who has lost interest in work moves to another company or treats work as unnecessary for him personally, but necessary for existence. It is regrettable to note that a large number of workers today work according to the second option.

All this necessitates the use of special methods designed to motivate personnel in the organization.

Motivation theory

According to this theory, most motives are located in the unconscious. At the same time, the conscious behavior of the organization’s personnel is motivated. A manager must be able to identify the needs of the organization's employees and motivate them to perform those tasks that are necessary to improve the organization's performance.

At the same time, motivation should not be static; staff motivation should be constantly improved.

Motivation for staff activities should be focused on each individual.

Psychologists distinguish three types of focus - on oneself, on the task and on other people. Employees are primarily self-directed, and managers want employees to be task-oriented. Hence the manager’s task, which is to ensure that employees effectively perform their duties in order to achieve the task required for the organization. To accomplish this, it is necessary to motivate employees.

There is little difference between motivating and stimulating staff. From a psychological point of view, an incentive is an external influence on a person, and a motive is an internal one.

Classification of methods

All methods of motivating staff are divided into two large groups: material and intangible.

Management's use of specific methods is determined by what it wants to achieve. If it is necessary to increase the sales rate, financial motivation is used, which represents an additional payment to the employee in the form of a percentage for the sale. If it is necessary to raise the morale of employees, the manager plans to hold corporate competitions or joint trainings.

However, it is rarely possible to get by using only motivational methods. Mostly a combination of them is used. In this case, we talk about a staff motivation system.

Methods of material incentives

Motivation is directly related to stimulating employees, so in many cases these two concepts are combined into one and talk about motivating and stimulating staff.

Let's consider methods of material motivation and incentives:

  • Individual cash bonuses. Basically, the work is carried out by the team, but not the whole team works equally. Some workers work more, invest more effort, skills, and abilities, while others work less. Encouraging active employees in the form of money can serve as a method of stimulating them for self-development, as well as a method of motivating personnel who occupy less active position. When applying this method at an enterprise, it is possible to retain the most qualified personnel, which will contribute to the growth and development of the enterprise.
  • A percentage of sales is aimed at motivating personnel in organizations involved in the sale of real estate, perfumes and cosmetics, household appliances, mobile devices or product promotion. This interest can be paid directly in wages or as a bonus to it. Thus, the staff becomes interested in selling as large a volume of products (goods, works or services) as possible.
  • Payment of bonuses for high-quality work performed, exceeding plans, introduction of know-how that brought real benefits to the organization. This method is used by managers of those organizations where the ultimate goal of activity is commercial organization depends on the quantity and quality of work performed. Such bonuses can be paid for any innovative projects, the implementation of which attracts new clients.
  • Redistribution of profits. This method is similar to the first one, but here the profit received by the organization is redistributed. Redistribution can be carried out evenly among all employees or large share can be distributed in favor of those employees who make the greatest contribution to the common cause.

Immaterial principle

To stimulate the work process in an organization, you can use not only material, but also intangible methods, which are best used in combination, since an increase in wages alone begins to gradually decompose employees, and their desire for self-development begins to disappear. Methods of non-material motivation of personnel include:

  1. Bringing to the attention of employees information about the dynamics of the organization’s development, its plans and prospects, which can serve as one of the incentives to perform their tasks more responsibly.
  2. Public recognition of the best employees. A striking example of staff motivation can be the holding of a competition for best project organization in which a winner will be selected who will receive the appropriate insignia, and even better if something is done about him special report with coverage of his activities in the media.
  3. Congratulating employees on holidays, organizing corporate trainings, providing travel vouchers.

At the same time, it is necessary to constantly improve staff motivation, since monotonous methods quickly become boring and become commonplace.

Personnel motivation management

The main goal of motivation management is to create a system in which the goals facing the organization are achieved while jointly meeting the needs of its employees. In this case, each employee will be aimed at improving the organization's performance, because this directly affects his income, satisfaction of interests and needs.

Goals of motivation management:

  • improving the economic performance of the organization;
  • reduction of staff turnover;
  • improving employee loyalty while increasing the degree of their involvement;
  • creating a team of managers who must constantly monitor and improve the staff motivation system.

These goals must be specified for the organization, its divisions and for each employee individually.

Motivation and stimulation of personnel can be achieved by involving workers in management. However, opposite results may be obtained here compared to those expected if such motivation is aimed at lumpen employees.

Principles of Motivation

Motivation of personnel at an enterprise should be carried out not just for the sake of what is necessary, but for effective motivation, which can only be achieved if the organization’s management adheres to certain principles:

  1. The interests of employees must be taken into account when motivating them, but the capabilities of the enterprise must also be taken into account.
  2. Motivation tools should be based on the principles of fairness and objectivity.
  3. The use of motivation tools should be accompanied by a short time lag between the work performed and the reward for this work.
  4. The motivation program should be communicated to all employees of the company.
  5. When using motivation methods, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each employee.
  6. The organization's management must itself, or through the delegation of these powers, survey employees regarding their motivation.

The motivational program at the enterprise must be constantly analyzed, which makes it effective.

Individual methods of motivation

As mentioned above, achieving motivation goals is possible if individual motivation methods are used.

These methods include:

  • Material bonuses to employees for completing the assigned task. Each organization sets its own criteria for awarding bonuses to employees. Each person is interested in greater payment for his work, so he will strive to comply with the instructions of the manager.
  • Work for a certain period of time without taking sick leave. This is facilitated by playing sports and giving up bad habits, which can be encouraged by special cash payments to specific employees, as well as to those employees who simply did not go on sick leave.
  • In heavy industries, it is necessary to provide workers with a full social package so that they feel that in the event of temporary loss of ability to work, they will be protected, which will allow them to perform their work better.
  • Training and retraining of employees as new knowledge becomes available. This contributes to the self-development of employees, and the organization can obtain general specialists.
  • Insignia, awards, cups and other incentives refer to intangible methods motivation. Based on the results of performing any work, certain employees are singled out, which helps to raise their morale and desire for improvement.

Motivation problems

Managing staff motivation requires the presence of competent management. However, today in domestic enterprises there are problems of motivation that must be eliminated if the manager wants to ensure the effective operation of the organization.

These problems include:

  1. Legal problems. Employees of the organization very often have poor knowledge of the regulatory framework in the field labor legislation, which allows some managers to put pressure on these workers and humiliate them. As a result, the motivation of personnel at the enterprise reduces its effectiveness, and employees cease to receive satisfaction from the work process.
  2. Economic problems. Many managers believe that paying employees wages is enough. However, in the absence of various incentives, both material and non-material, employees of the organization lose initiative, labor productivity decreases, which negatively affects the efficiency of the organization.
  3. Moral problems. Employees of domestic enterprises have always been distinguished by the fact that they brought home from work what was in bad shape. Basically, these actions are punishable by serious anti-motivational actions - various fines and punishments.

In conclusion

Thus, the motivation of personnel at the enterprise is quite difficult task. It requires an individual approach to each employee, which is very difficult for managers. The main methods of motivation are material. However, they must be combined with non-material motivation of personnel, which will more effectively influence the subconscious of employees and increase the efficiency of the organization.

There is a strong connection between work motivation and the company's success in the market. Today, non-material motivation of employees is given no less of a role than material incentives. We will study working methods of non-monetary motivation and give examples of the most successful methods of influencing staff.

Essence and goals: how and why to motivate employees

Many are probably familiar with the phrase: “Everyone can do it with money, but try without it.” This does not at all sound like a call to develop a system in which people work exclusively for bright ideas. We are talking about incorporating the principles of non-material or non-monetary motivation into common system company employees.

Another classic of Russian literature F.M. Dostoevsky wrote in his work: “People always worked harder if they knew that their work was needed by society. And, on the contrary, they worked more apathetically if their work did not benefit anyone.” Therefore, non-material motivation is considered one of the achievements of humanity, the ability to unite people in times of adversity.

The motivation system organized in the company should answer the employee’s question: “Why am I doing this work?” And also to the manager’s question: “How to support employees to achieve the organization’s goals?”, “What is the best way to encourage productive work?”

With the right approach to the motivation system, a number of positive changes can be achieved in the company. Let's list the main ones.

  1. Reduced staff turnover.
  2. Increasing employee productivity.
  3. Employee satisfaction with working conditions.
  4. Favorable professional microclimate in the organization.
  5. Employees' awareness of the prestige of the company in which they work.

Knowing oneself as part of a large and friendly team brings moral satisfaction to employees

What is non-material incentive

When talking about the forms and methods of influencing an employee’s way of thinking, psychologists and HR specialists usually mean organizational and moral ways of motivating staff. Let's find out what determines their effectiveness.

Organizational forms of influence

  • Involving employees in company affairs: providing the right to vote when deciding on social issues.
  • Opportunity to acquire skills that will be useful to employees in the future. This gives you confidence in your abilities, despite the unknown tomorrow.
  • Focus on the interests and inclinations of the employees themselves. Providing the opportunity to express oneself creatively (individually) in the performance of official duties.
  • Possibility of personal control over resources and working conditions.

Moral and psychological ways

  • Personal professional pride of an employee for successfully completed work. At the same time, it is important to feel the value of the work done, its importance in the overall cause.
  • Availability of a call. The ability to express oneself, personally or publicly prove to others that the assigned work has been done perfectly. At the same time, the result of the work is worthy of receiving the name of its creator.

Personal recognition has its own characteristics: particularly distinguished employees are mentioned in reports to senior management.

  • Correct goal setting. A bright idea, in the name of which an employee will move mountains, can solve even the most hopeless problem.
  • A healthy psychological atmosphere in the team: respect, encouragement of risks within reasonable limits, tolerant attitude towards mistakes and failures.

Advantages and disadvantages

The practical application of non-material motivation methods indicates that in reality it is quite difficult to achieve 100% efficiency. The presence of pros and cons only confirms that in pure form It is ineffective to use each type. Only a combination of options, taking into account a personal approach to each employee, can the desired result be achieved.

Table: pros and cons of using non-monetary factors

Types and methods with examples

To successfully apply the methods, it is important to find the “key” for each employee, that is, to understand his self-motivation. It is worth taking into account that the following types and methods of motivation work differently in different conditions, and depend on a number of factors. The employee's tenure in office is also taken into account. Psychologists believe that after an employee has been in one position for more than five years, the degree of satisfaction with working conditions decreases.

Social approval

Most employees strive for career growth. The desire to achieve professional success pushes people to new stages of self-development.

The advantage of this method is the logical encouragement of the employee’s natural desire to climb the career ladder.

Disadvantage: There may be a risk of unhealthy competition between employees, which will lead to an unfavorable psychological microclimate in the company.

Psychological tools

Interpersonal communication plays an important role in the lives of most people. A good option is if you can put an equal sign between the concepts of “work” and “family”. A calm, friendly environment at work contributes to the employee’s desire to return there again and again. Many employers adopt this method of non-financial motivation.

Ways to ensure an optimal psychological microclimate in an organization:

  • harmonious environment;
  • design approach to color scheme decoration of premises;
  • availability of a full-time psychologist;
  • the willingness of employees to come to the rescue if necessary;
  • confidence in the future (one’s own and the company’s).

The advantages of psychological methods of influence are obvious: it is uniting the team into a friendly team and maintaining the value of the workplace in the company from the point of view of its employees.

The disadvantages include the risk of having an unmanageable team, in particular:

  • the predominance of informal relationships, which can negatively affect labor productivity;
  • dependence of team performance on personal problems of employees;
  • the inability to impose severe punishment for an offense due to a misunderstood sense of camaraderie.

The interests of the employee team must coincide with the interests of the company. Otherwise, it will be difficult for management to cope with the internal opposition group.

Moral support

Organizational leaders should take into account that employees, although not constantly, but from time to time, need recognition of their work. The presence of due respect from colleagues and superiors is also an incentive to feel a sense of comfort from working in the company.

How can a leader provide moral motivation? Timely praise (personal and public), awarding insignia (diplomas, certificates), a mark on the honor board, small gifts (tickets to a movie or theater) are quite appropriate.

Advantages of the method:

  1. Recognition of personal achievements encourages the employee to maintain the status of a leader. This means productive work is guaranteed.
  2. An employee who is recognized professionally sets an example for others: everyone has something to strive for.


  1. The personal ambitions of some employees do not always remain in a constructive direction. It’s worth knowing when to stop: overpraising an employee is just as fraught with consequences as underpraising him.
  2. An employee responsible for the moral motivation of the team must be sensitive to the boundaries of encouragement. Careless statements can easily offend other employees and mark them as lagging behind. It’s not their fault that a leader showed up. This situation is fraught with conflicts in the team.

Financial incentives

Ideas are not a bad thing, but sometimes it is worth resorting to mundane methods of motivating employees. IN Russian conditions to today The most effective was considered to be the presence of a good social package, which usually meant additional medical insurance and corporate events at the company’s expense. Some companies go further and organize free professional development courses and personal growth training for their employees.

Organizational activities

Equipping an employee’s workplace with everything necessary and convenient is the essence of organizational motivation. This includes comfortable and functional furniture, modern technical equipment, high-quality repairs, the presence of a comfortable rest room, decently equipped common areas, etc. That is, everything that contributes to the comfortable performance of official duties is perfect for organizational motivation.

A decent organization of the workplace is perceived by employees as management’s concern for each member of the team. In a comfortable environment, conquering new heights is much more pleasant. There are no disadvantages to organizational motivation.

How to enter a special provision

Regulations are an internal regulatory document. If the company has taken non-material incentive measures, then the development of regulations is mandatory.

The main objective of the provision is to document the incentive conditions and procedure. Without this document, it is impossible to objectively evaluate management’s actions in the field of motivation. Most often, this document is part of the internal regulations of the organization.

A group of specialists is involved in drawing up the regulations: a manager, a personnel manager, an accounting service, and a psychologist. The order to put the regulation into effect specifies the persons responsible for the implementation of the project to motivate the company's employees.

A signature confirming that all interested parties have read the order is required. This applies to both the executors of the order and the employees for whom this provision will apply.

Companies' experience in introducing non-material motivation

One of the most common methods in the United States is personnel rotation. This method is considered one of the riskiest, but quite effective when used successfully. The very concept of “rotation” implies movement in a circle. The method is used to enable company employees to master related professions within the same company. Drastic steps are possible: transferring the employee to another structural unit, where he will have to master new horizons and make other management decisions.

Benefits of staff rotation: training competent managers top level, studying the diverse specifics of activities in the company. The disadvantage is the same risk of bad experience, a failure of the company’s productive work system.

Flexible work schedules are another method worth considering. Initially, this system was used in government agencies in England. An employee gets the opportunity to work both in the company at his workplace and at home (that is, remotely). All this is negotiated between the employer and employee.

Options are possible: the employee must be at the company’s workplace for two hours a week, etc. This time is usually used to participate in general meetings, setting new collective goals, exchanging information. A flexible schedule allows you to rationally combine work duties and personal time.

When promoting employees up the career ladder, both work experience and personal qualities are taken into account. This method is successfully used by Japanese companies. The fact is that the Japanese mentality is significantly different from the Russian one. This should be taken into account if you plan to use the experience of your eastern colleagues. Features of Japanese corporate culture are idealized devotion, faith in an authoritative leader.

Improving interpersonal relationships in a company is the goal of Japanese management. Harmony of relationships, a sense of stability and collectivism are the main three pillars of the successful use of motivation.

The Walt Disney Company: experience in using non-material motivation. It is important for a company not only to invite a new talented employee, but also to motivate him for long-term cooperation. This smart solution significantly reduces the costs associated with employee turnover. When employees do not communicate directly with customers, their responsibilities are often monotonous. A long period of work in similar positions (for example, a laundry employee) does not contribute to a feeling of job satisfaction.

Like this interesting way invented by Walt Disney. It's all in the name. Something like the saying: “Whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail.” Therefore, to raise the prestige of a specific position, a name was invented that immediately improved the image of the latter. For example, the name "laundry" was replaced with "textile service". This immediately moved the structural department on a par with marketing and customer services. Of course, it is easier to get into the textile service than into the client service, which was the main difference. The most interesting thing is that many employees began their careers at W. Disney in the laundry department.

Walt Disney's methods are now successfully used in the Auchan hypermarket chain. In this company, cashiers are called “cashier owners,” which significantly increases the prestige of this tedious and very responsible job.

Based on the experience of companies that use a non-financial motivation system, it will not be difficult to develop your own employee incentive structure. But it should be taken into account that methods of non-material motivation are a delicate matter, requiring psychological skills in working with a team. Keep in mind that what works well for one company may not work for another company. Analyze, try - this is the only way to choose successfully working models of staff motivation.