Which contributes to the effective implementation of the principle of unity of command. Great encyclopedia of oil and gas

rights in making decisions, which is necessary to fulfill the duties assigned to them, and in establishing the personal responsibility of employees for the work entrusted to them. V.I. Lenin, considering issues of managing the national economy, wrote that “... every large machine industry - that is, precisely the material, production source and foundation of socialism - requires the unconditional and strictest unity of will guiding working together hundreds, thousands and tens of thousands of people” (Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 36, p. 200). promotes the implementation of the principle democratic centralism.

Lenin and the Communist Party opposed the views of the “workers’ opposition” and “decists”, who perverted the principle Unity of command (management principle), a Marxist interpretation of the unity of law and responsibility, a combination of collective discussion of issues with the establishment of the full responsibility of each leader for the performance of work.

Effective implementation Unity of command (management principle) involves a comprehensive consideration and analysis of the conditions under which this or that decision must be made, and the goals facing the team, the combination of the interests of each team with general economic interests. Socialist production relations have created objective prerequisites for the broad participation of workers in economic management, organically combined with Unity of command (management principle) On this issue, Lenin wrote: “We must learn to combine together the stormy, spring flood, coming out of all banks, rally democracy of the working masses with iron discipline during labor, with unquestioning obedience to the will of one person, the Soviet leader, during labor” (there same, p. 203) .

Unity of command (management principle) involves the comprehensive strengthening of state discipline, strict adherence to socialist legality in economic relations, increasing the responsibility of each manager for the timely implementation of plans and assignments, for the quality of products, for the careful and reasonable use of production resources.

Implementation Unity of command (management principle) requires each manager to have sufficient knowledge that would give him the opportunity to make qualified decisions on certain issues. He must know the work of the section he manages, its equipment, technology, organization; be able to organize a team and make each employee an active participant in completing the assigned task; well-versed in issues of economics, law, sociology, psychology. In this case, the leader relies on wide circle specialists, on the experience of advanced innovative workers who help him provide proper leadership. Trade union organizations are involved in resolving issues affecting the direct interests of workers.

The Communist Party is taking measures to deepen control over the activities of economic managers. The control of many primary party organizations over the activities of the administration, carried out in accordance with the Party Charter, helps to increase the authority of leaders and strengthen Unity of command (management principle)

Unity of command (management principle) means the use of a variety of management methods, including organizational ones, including the selection and placement of personnel, the determination of the rational structure of the managed object and management bodies, the establishment of a clear range of work, the rights and responsibilities of each department and manager; economic, using the personal interest of workers in increasing production efficiency and the connection of their material well-being with the results of the activities of the entire team; educational, aimed at increasing the production activity of workers, developing a sense of responsibility and initiative.

Unity of command (management principle) under socialism has nothing to do with the despotic power of enterprise owners in capitalist production. The managers of socialist enterprises are trusted representatives of the socialist state, and their activities are aimed at the benefit of the whole society.

Lit.: see under art.

Principle of unity of command

Nature does not tolerate uncertainty, therefore the most important principle of the system’s functioning is the principle of unity of command.

Unity of command is a form of management of a division, enterprise, or organization by one official who is authorized to solely make all decisions binding on all participants of the managed structure, and who is personally responsible for the results of the activities of the managed structure.

The principle of unity of command means that behind absolutely every action there is one single person who bears personal responsibility for the consequences of the decisions made. This principle is delegated throughout the hierarchical structure of the organization from top to bottom, and only one manager is responsible for any decision at any level of management, to whom such powers are delegated in accordance with his functionality.

No, and there cannot be any double, much less triple, etc., subordination, since this creates uncertainty, which ultimately leads to chaos and destruction of the entire system. Nature does not tolerate uncertainty.

As soon as more than one person is responsible for a decision, there may be several decisions, but in fact none are implemented, since the performers have a choice, and they do not bear responsibility for the result of this choice. Often they choose what is easier for them to implement, without caring at all about the consequences of such a choice.

But the responsible persons, who equally influence the adoption of final decisions on the same problem, also cannot be held accountable for the result, because it is not clear what kind of solution will be implemented and to what extent.

In nature, the principle of unity of command is strictly observed.
Many animal species have various forms of associations. In “social” animals, a stronger or more decisive, aggressive, more confidently acting animal always suppresses the weaker ones - a system of dominance. Therefore, the behavior of any animal that is part of an association depends on its place in the system of dominance relations, on its status. The dominance system determines the entire structure of any animal association. Without a system of dominance, which is a system for coordinating the competing desires to satisfy the needs of animals included in the association, a community of such animals could not exist.
In animal associations, fights break out every now and then around certain objects. The result is often a change in the mutual attitude of the colliding individuals. In an association, therefore, changes in the status of its individual members can and do occur constantly. Since the system of dominance established in the association does not remain unchanged, it is constantly being rebuilt. But, being rebuilt, it always exists in it.

Unity of command is a fundamental principle of system management, without which it is impossible to create the most effective organizational management structure - a self-governing system.

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The principle of unity of command is that at the head of each link in industry - the ministry, the all-Union industrial association, production association - a manager is appointed who has sufficient rights and bears full responsibility for the work of the unit he heads. This principle requires a clear delineation of rights and responsibilities between managers at various levels of management. At the same time, high demands are placed on the production manager.  

The principle of unity of command also presupposes collegiality and a close connection between the leader and the masses, carrying out his work together with public organizations a number of control functions. Collegiality in management means receiving consultation and authoritative advice, collective discussion of management issues, comparing different points of view and identifying common opinion. The leader makes the decision himself. Thus, the responsibility of the manager is sole.  

The principle of unity of command presupposes a close connection between the leader and the masses, and the implementation of many management functions by public organizations together with the director of the enterprise.  

The principle of unity of command is based on a clear delineation of duties and responsibilities between managers of various levels of management in industry; he places high demands on the production manager.  

The principle of unity of command is the basis for the management of socialist enterprises. The essence of unity of command is that at the head of each production site there is a certain person responsible for the work of this site.  

The principle of unity of command and collegiality is one of the main problems of organizing management. This principle determines that each area of ​​work is headed by one person - a manager. All employees of a given team unquestioningly obey him alone.  

The principle of unity of command is an indispensable condition for the implementation of democratic centralism in transport management. Unity of command means the personal responsibility of the economic manager for the work of the department entrusted to him, but this does not exclude, but presupposes, collegiality in work.  

The principle of unity of command is useful, and even necessary for a construction project of this scale, but it is bad when the unity of command ceases to accept criticism. Loginov could be rude to people, unrestrained, hot-tempered, and, knowing this behind himself, he even started a rosary.  

The principle of unity of command meant that management decisions were adopted individually by a specific official within the framework of his competence, the second important principle - the principle of hierarchy - predetermined the strict distribution of management functions between structural units, as well as the responsibilities of officials of all ranks. Violation of duties entailed a specific measure of liability determined by law.  

The principle of unity of command assumes that subordinates carry out the orders of only one leader. A higher management body does not have the right to give orders to any performers without bypassing their immediate supervisor.  

This principle of unity of command applies to all our enterprises. He strengthens the management of Soviet enterprises, creates firm and clear routines and production discipline. Giving managers great rights, unity of command at the same time imposes on them great responsibility for the work of the production area entrusted to them.  

The principle of building an organization, according to which a subordinate must accept authority from only one superior and be responsible only to him.

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The principle of purposefulness


The essence of this principle is that every management action must be purposeful, that is, have a clear and specific goal. This principle applies to all types of management, from managing the activities of an individual or group of people to public administration.

The problem of vision of goals and the ability to determine priorities in activities is relevant not only in management practice, but also in the life of any person. It is no coincidence that they say that a person who does not have his own goals in life lives to achieve the goals of other people. However, the leader is obliged to clearly represent the goal, because he, by definition, “encourages subordinates to active behavior and activity

to achieve the set goal." If a person does not know the purpose and the results that can be expected from an activity, any action, any action can lead to unpredictable and possibly conflicting or devastating consequences. Therefore, the goal-setting function comes first in the list of management functions, and the principle of goal-oriented management is rightfully recognized as one of the primary ones in

activities of the leader.

Of course, in organizational, and even more so in public administration, along with strategic goals, a set of interrelated auxiliary tasks subordinated to tactical goals is constantly being solved. Therefore, a leader must be able to determine priorities in the selection of tactical goals, establish their order and choose the right solution methods, without losing sight of the main strategic goal. This is where the art of management comes into play.

This principle is necessary to ensure the manageability of the organization, team and employees. It has been proven in cybernetics that the more control centers there are in any system, the less predictability and, accordingly, the controllability of this system. And management practice shows that the more bosses a subordinate has, the less effective his work is, and, in fact, the less responsibility these bosses have for their managerial actions.

The principle of unity of command establishes that the powers of the management of a company, organization, division, etc. are concentrated in the hands of a specific person - the manager, who is responsible for his management decisions and actions. Moreover, each employee is directly subordinate to only one manager and must receive

orders and follow the instructions of your immediate supervisor. This gives the manager the opportunity to establish and control the priority in solving a set of tasks by employees, defining priority and secondary tasks.

The principle of unity of command increases management efficiency and

the responsibility of each specific manager at any management level for his own management decisions and the final result, without giving him the opportunity to share this responsibility with other managers, for example, explaining the failure of an employee to complete a given task by third-party management intervention.

It should be noted that the principle of unity of command does not exclude collegiality in the discussion of draft decisions, but establishes that subsequently it is the manager who makes (approves) these decisions who bears personal responsibility for them.