Literary garden-wide project “Books are best friends. Project in the preparatory group on the topic “Fiction in the education of preschoolers

Fiction from the very beginning early age shapes the child's character. It is present in his life as a moral and aesthetic guide: books become his friends and advisers, their heroes become role models, and the author’s language opens the door to the world of imagination, where the beauty of harmony reigns. This is how the child develops a system of values, develops self-awareness and a culture of speech, and develops artistic taste. Children are extremely receptive and responsive to everything beautiful, so we should strive to use fiction as widely as possible in the educational process. In order for literature classes to be as effective as possible, you need to take into account age characteristics preschool children and navigate the progressive trends of modern pedagogy.

Goals of fiction classes in kindergarten

The following general goals for conducting classes can be formulated: fiction in kindergarten:

  1. Form an aesthetic attitude towards surrounding reality, through education artistic taste as the ability to perceive by ear the various means of expressive language used by the author (the general tonality of the work, the beauty of metaphors, the rhythm and melody of speech, the imagery and poetics of language).
  2. To give an idea of ​​the main genre and stylistic features of a literary work (structure and composition, rhythm, various figures of speech), without which a holistic perception of what is read and an understanding of its content is impossible.
  3. To instill a love of books as a basis for developing the habit of reading and the ability to independently navigate the world of literature in the future.

A true passion for literature can be developed in a child only by taking into account his natural inclinations and interests.

The perception of a work of art is always individual. And this individuality must be cultivated in every possible way, since a real passion for literature can be developed in a child only taking into account his natural inclinations and interests.

Children respond to a work of art with all their hearts. They are able to believe in reality literary character, can put themselves in his place, rejoice and be sad with him. This teaches them empathy and mercy, forgiveness and forbearance. Such emotional involvement helps them better understand the text - first at the non-verbal level, and then, at an older age, at the level of semantic shades.

It is impossible to imagine studying literature without analyzing the work you read. Over time, the form of the analytical conversation changes, reflecting the age characteristics of the child. However, when assessing the hero’s action, the teacher always uses aesthetic categories, instilling in the child an understanding of what is moral is not only right and good, but also beautiful.

Junior group

In groups of early and primary preschool age, classes in fiction are inextricably linked with speech development.

First, work is carried out with visual images, when, when introducing a work (fairy tale, song, nursery rhyme), the teacher in one way or another uses the principle of clarity. He accompanies speech with movements and actions, encouraging the child to react and repeat after him, reads books with illustrations, and attracts toys.

When introducing a work, the teacher accompanies the speech with movements and actions, encouraging the child to react and repeat after him.

At this stage, children are taught to perceive short works by ear, recognize them by associating them with familiar images, and reproduce them. By repeating the same work many times, the teacher gradually leads the child to a retelling based on illustrations.

The correction technique should be used with caution, without focusing attention on the child’s mistakes and without putting pressure on him - rather by prompting and explaining rather than correcting the inaccuracy. Children can react emotionally to a work without even understanding the intricacies of the plot and without understanding the motives of the characters’ actions.

Pictures can be used as a support when preparing for a retelling: ask questions about them, ask them to find the right illustration, complicate the description as the action progresses

Most important task for this age group is the formation of listening skills. Through listening and emotional response, the child gains access to more complex shades of feelings and emotions, he begins to better understand the meaning of the work, he develops a sense of language and communication skills, attention and ear for music. This is how children learn speech; this is the main pattern.

At the same time, in accordance with the general goals of familiarizing themselves with fiction, they develop basic ideas about methods of expressiveness: imagery and poetics of language, melodiousness of intonations folk speech and the rhythm of the poems. They begin to intuitively recognize genres (fairy tale, prose, poem), better understand the construction of a plot, and understand the meaning more deeply. And most importantly, they awaken an interest in books and an artistic flair, which will later turn into love and respect.

The teacher is faced with the task of maintaining this interest, captivating the child with the book and teaching him to follow the plot.

Video: lesson on fiction in the younger group

Video: reading lesson with elements of research activity (middle group)

Children in the older group already have their favorite books and works.

The teacher is faced with the task of sharpening the tools of analysis and deepening the child’s knowledge of the varieties of genres. To do this, you can conduct thematic conversations on the works you have read, discuss books by your favorite authors, read fragments of text with subsequent analysis of their features.

It is important not to overdo the analytical component at the expense of imagination and fantasy. For balance, it is necessary to take into account the child’s need to release creative energy. You can study the basics of poetry or write stories, arrange literary competitions and “book festivals”. Play word games, finally. The main thing is to maintain interest and systematically monitor the child’s condition.

Video: fragment of a lesson on reading fiction in the senior group Video can’t be loaded: Fiction in senior group. Initial school-kindergarten“Trust” (

Video: dramatization of V. Suteev’s fairy tale “Under the Mushroom” (senior group)

Types of activities

In accordance with the principle of universality and constancy of aesthetic education, literature should penetrate into all spheres of a child’s life at any age. The types of children's activities are as follows:

  • gaming;
  • communicative;
  • artistic;
  • motor.

This means that there can be a variety of types of classes in literature: a game lesson with elements of recitation, in which the teacher, for example, reads poetry by heart, and the children listen to him and react in accordance with the game situation, a conversation lesson (preliminary or analytical), a lesson in dramatization of a work of art, an excursion lesson or even a walk lesson. It is difficult for a preschool child to maintain concentration on one thing for a long time, so you need to alternate active activities with calm ones.

Reading classes should be alternated with active activities

Forms and methods of working with books in kindergarten

Methods of working with a book are divided into primary and secondary. Secondary familiarization methods deepen the child’s understanding of the text previously listened to using primary methods. They give him the opportunity to better appreciate the expressive means of language - the accuracy of epithets in prose, the melody and rhythm of poems, the imagery and melodiousness of speech in folk tales. Children love to listen to their favorite works again and again, each time empathizing with the characters and emotionally experiencing all the twists and turns of the plot.

Children are ready to listen to their favorite story or fairy tale many times

Methods of initial familiarization

The main methods of initial familiarization with the book include:

  1. Reading.
  2. Storytelling.

Reading involves literal reproduction of the text out loud (from a book or by heart). A variation of this method can be considered listening to an audio recording (record), when the teacher does not act as a reader or storyteller.

Storytelling differs from reading by free transfer storyline works, which allows for a sufficient degree of variability in relation to the language of the original text. The narrator can change the order of words in sentences, use synonyms, or even freely interpret some plot twists. In this case, everything depends on the talent of the storyteller and his ability to interest children in the work.

Forms of conducting classes

These techniques can be used when conducting classes in the form of:

  • reading or telling one work;
  • reading or telling several works united by one artistically(stories about a sparrow, tales about a cockerel);
  • reading or telling several works united by one theme (favorite toys, forest in winter).

The principle of complex impact

Possible forms of conducting literature classes are when the principle of complex influence and interaction of various types of art is used. Involving all the senses in the process of perceiving a work of art enhances the impression and evokes a deeper emotional response. Where possible, efforts should be made to combine works from different art forms.

Shadow and other types of theater can be an excellent addition to reading

Such forms of conducting classes may include:

  • reading or storytelling using visual material or visual accompaniment (looking at paintings, showing slides with reproductions or filmstrips with illustrations of a work);
  • reading or artistic recitation accompanied by the performance of a musical work;
  • reading or artistic recitation using visual accompaniment in combination with music;
  • reading, storytelling or artistic recitation with visual accompaniment in the form of a theatrical performance (shadow theater, puppet theater).

All these forms of conducting a lesson form a holistic artistic impression in the child, develop taste and stimulate interest in literature.

Secondary familiarization methods

Methods of secondary familiarization with the book include:

  1. Analytical conversation.
  2. Repeated reading.
  3. Retelling of the work.
  4. Learning by heart.
  5. Artistic recitation.
  6. Staging.

Analytical conversation serves to ensure children’s full perception of the work they read. During the conversation, you can pay attention to the features of the genre of the work, its composition and means of expression. Assess the characters’ characters, their actions and relationships.

It is very important to pause after the work is read to give the child time to come to his senses and comprehend what he heard. It would be a mistake to move on to analyzing the work when the child is still impressed by what he listened to. According to E. A. Flerina, it is better to use elements of analysis when re-reading, since the child’s experiences are much more important.

The educational conversation you initiate can ruin the charm of the text and spoil the impression. Sometimes, it’s enough just to ask your child if he liked a fairy tale or story. And support it with one phrase that is emotionally connected to the content of what you read. Unfortunately, a common practice is to conduct an analytical conversation without taking into account the emotional impact of the text on the child.

After reading, it is necessary to give the child time to comprehend what he heard.

Repeated reading, like analytical conversation , It is better to use it at some time interval, since the child needs to assimilate the information received and comprehend the experience that he received. If the work is large, you can read small passages that are significant in meaning, and then, after a few weeks, re-read it in its entirety. However, small works (poems, fables, short stories) can be repeated immediately after reading.

Works that children already know can be retold, memorized and used in games and dramatizations.

Card index of books in kindergarten

The list of references should be constantly reviewed, supplementing it with new books, so that it contains works of different genres and authors: from poems and fables to short stories and novellas. The teacher needs to be aware of literary novelties, know good publishing houses that specialize in children's literature, and use a creative approach and reader's intuition.

The teacher must be aware of both literary novelties and classic works

Psychological features of the perception of a literary work by preschool children

Preschoolers are characterized by concreteness and imaginative thinking, therefore literary works should contain specific sensory images that are psychologically close to children. At this age they are very emotional and impulsive, they have a dynamic nature. Accordingly, you need to choose works with a clear structure and emotional overtones: the struggle of opposites that the heroes personify, a quick change of events and dramatic plot twists.

Children easily get used to conventions and empathize with the characters, which is due to their psychological characteristics. They very well perceive such a stylistic device as exaggeration - deliberately emphasizing certain character traits of a character in order to enhance expressiveness. The smaller the child, the greater his need for this deviation from the “indifferent truth”, which is why the little ones love fairy tales most of all, and the older ones love adventure literature.

Principles of card index organization

When compiling a card index, the list of books is divided into sections according to content. For example, a card index of fiction may contain sections such as “Aesthetic education” or “Speech development”. Next, the author of the work, the title and the intended purpose of the lesson are indicated, which is always related to common tasks studying literature. This could be “Educating a sense of beauty” for the “Aesthetic education” section. Or “Education of cultural and hygienic skills” for the section “Self-service, work”. The structure of the file cabinet should be clear and logical so that it is easy to use.

Development of a fiction project

Fiction projects for preschoolers can be of a creative, pedagogical, educational, or educational-artistic type. They are both short-term and long-term. Depending on the number of participants, they are divided into group and individual.

Accordingly, projects can address a variety of topics, provided that the goals of the work are relevant to the overall goals of teaching literature classes, and the author is able to justify the choice of his subject and prove the relevance of the research.

Which topic to choose

A project to introduce a preschool child to literature can use, for example, such a form of work with children as the design of exhibition stands with children's drawings and illustrations of the read works of A. N. Tolstoy or S. Ya. Marshak. At the same time, you can conduct classes and conversations on the biographies of these writers - to introduce children to their work and interesting facts from their lives. The name of the project may sound like “My favorite fairy tales by S.Ya. Marshak" or "Favorite characters from the fairy tales of A. N. Tolstoy."

To teach your child to treat books with respect and care, you can organize thematic excursions to museums and printing houses, publish a wall newspaper, watch educational videos educational in nature, conduct classes on the history of books and equip a special corner of the “Book First Aid” in groups.

You can also celebrate the birthday of your favorite piece. To do this, together with the children, make a homemade calendar “Book Name Days” indicating the books that will soon celebrate their anniversary.

The result of the project may be the exhibition “Book Name Days”

Project development algorithm

When developing a project on fiction for preschool educational institutions, the following sequence of actions was adopted:

  1. The relevance of the work is assessed (an analytical and predictive substantiation of the project is carried out, the reasons that led to the current state of affairs are determined).
  2. The goals and objectives of the project are formulated.
  3. The stages of its implementation are determined (with deadlines and tasks for each stage).
    • a discussion is held and the topic of the project is selected together with the children (problematization stage);
    • a plan for the activities of the teacher and children is drawn up, the child selects a work of art for further work (project development stage);
    • there is a transition to the practical part, including various types of children’s activities and forms of work (project implementation stage).
  4. The results of the work carried out are summed up.
    The resource base of the project is assessed (personnel, material and technical, software and methodological, information resources).
  5. A list of the works of art used is compiled along with the scenario of the developed event.

Thematic planning of fiction in kindergarten

Before starting any activity, it is always better to first decide on a plan of action. The plan should help achieve the goal, perform a control function and motivate the performer, increasing the efficiency of the pedagogical process. The result will depend on how well it is compiled.

What principles should be followed?

When developing a lesson plan for fiction in kindergarten, you need to remember the thematic principle, which implies the existence of a common theme that unites all children’s activities. For example, this may be expressed in the fact that the teacher will select works for classes dedicated to the current time of year (stories and tales about summer) or some holiday date (poems for the New Year).

The inclusion of various types of classes in the plan is determined by the principle of interrelation between the processes of training, education and development. Thus, play activities, walks or excursions make it possible to implement learning tasks not only in educational activities, but also in other types of activities.

The study of any material must be approached systematically: classes should be regular and consistent, and be cyclical in nature. Therefore, say, it makes sense to plan one game several times, gradually complicating the tasks (from familiarizing yourself with the rules to changing the form of interaction between participants). In this case, it is necessary to alternate active activities with calm ones, take into account local climatic conditions(including seasons and weather), the individual developmental characteristics of each child (temperament, personal qualities, inclinations and hobbies) - and vary the forms of work from individual to group, with tasks (games) of different levels and degrees of complexity.

Any activity in the classroom should be based on the child’s initiative and his active participation in the educational process. This planning principle is now coming to the fore.

The children's activity shows. that they are interested in the activity

Types of planning

A plan whose shape is close to the traditional one may look like this:

Table: planning for introducing fiction in kindergarten (fragment)

Lesson topic Program content
1 Reading the Russian folk tale “Kolobok”, arr. A. N. Tolstoy. Give basic ideas about the genre of a fairy tale, explain how it differs from a story and a poem. Pay attention to the stylistic features inherent in works of oral folk art.
2 Reading the Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Wolf”, arr. A. N. Tolstoy. Develop ideas about the fairy tale genre, pay attention to such means of expression as imagery and melodiousness of speech. Compare the characters of the characters in two fairy tales by A. N. Tolstoy, evaluate their actions and the relationships between the characters in each fairy tale.

Such thematic plan is logical and consistent in mastering educational tasks; it is characterized by simplicity and clarity. Which has its advantages. However, this type of planning creates a contradictory situation when a predictably scheduled sequence of actions prevents the child from taking initiative and acting spontaneously, making decisions along the way.

It turns out that the plan does not take into account the individual characteristics and needs of the child, does not provide for his participation in the process, violating one of the most important principles of planning.

The child as an active participant in the educational process

In accordance with the requirements stated in the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, the teacher must strive to create such conditions in the classroom so that the child has an incentive to make his own decisions, and not wait for a ready-made answer. There is a revision of ideas about what education and training are. The old way of interaction is being replaced by a new, more progressive one, which allows the child to think and look for a way out of the situation.

One of the main tasks kindergarten is to develop a child’s need to read

In light of all of the above, it makes sense to use both long-term and calendar thematic planning. Long-term planning is reduced to a list of recommended literature. The plan should indicate educational goals for the year, leaving methods and techniques at the discretion of the teacher, who will assess the situation in the lesson and take into account the wishes of the children. Children can add and change the list of literature, bring their favorite books to read with everyone, or express wishes regarding the proposed form of the lesson.

Organizing the educational process without any time frames or restrictions stimulates children's independence and teaches them to take initiative.

The role of collection technology in planning

Calendar planning with this approach uses group gathering technology, which means that the teacher plans all activities together with the children. This planning differs from traditional planning in the sequence of actions. First, children decide on a topic for the week or project. After this, the teacher discusses the form and methods of work with them, conducts the lesson, and only then completely fills out the plan.

This type of planning can only be used in senior and preparatory groups, relying on the initiative of the most developed and active preschoolers.

The plan can be drawn up for a period of 1 to 3 weeks, which depends on the complexity of the project, the level of knowledge and age of the children. If necessary, it is adjusted in the course of work, taking into account the wishes of the children, the objectives stated in the long-term plan, methodological principles and the realities of the educational process. Thus, calendar plan- this is more of a means for analyzing the work done and a form of self-control than an instruction that must be followed without fail.

A properly organized educational process takes into account the needs of the child and actively involves him in the selection discussion educational material. At the same time, the emotional response from the read work, which the child chose himself, is enhanced, responsibility and the ability to make decisions are fostered, and natural respect for the opinion of another person arises. This approach to literature classes in kindergarten develops children’s self-esteem and creates an active life position. It can provide invaluable assistance to a teacher who truly strives to instill in a child a love of literature, since it makes possible an attempt at dialogue between two traditionally opposing sides: a child and an adult, a teacher and a student.

Children's literary project"Golden Key"

Project presented: children of preparatory school group No. 6, teacher Chasovskikh S.O.
Informative. Creative. Short.

The power of art in raising children is enormous, in particular fiction, which opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. Fiction develops a child’s thinking and imagination, generalizes his emotions, and provides excellent examples of Russian literary language.
Works of art make you worry, empathize with characters and events, and in the process of this empathy certain relationships and moral assessments are created that have incomparably greater coercive power than assessments simply communicated and assimilated. They introduce the child to a special, exclusive world of feelings, deep experiences and emotional discoveries.
How Small child can comprehend the height of a grateful act and the baseness of deceit, malice and betrayal, experience the joy of love and the power of hatred? Of course, from works of art. Children understand an idea only when it is embodied in bright images. The impressions received in childhood are the most vivid, lasting and memorable.

1 Introduce children to the phenomena of the surrounding reality through art (fiction).
2 Develop the ability to actively use your knowledge and skills in various types activities, develop imagination, the ability to formulate a plan and find a form for its implementation.
3 Develop dialogical and monologue form of speech, culture verbal communication in various communication situations.
4 Cultivate emotional responsiveness, moral feelings (empathy, compassion, justice).
5 Development of interest in fiction and books.
6 Develop creativity.
7 To awaken in preschoolers the desire to independently turn to books as a source of meaningful and entertaining leisure time

Project plan.
1. Reading a fairy tale by A.N. Tolstoy "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"
2. Independent artistic activity based on the read chapters of the fairy tale.
3. Making albums “Pinocchio”
4. Conversation with parents on the topic “Educational project” (help, cooperation, participation).
5. Retelling the fairy tale using children's drawings.
6. Consultation for parents “The path to the land of books. From listener to reader."
7. Making the folder “Quiz in verse based on the fairy tale by A.N. Tolstoy. Let's draw a fairy tale. Literature and applied creativity"

Results achieved.
During the work on the project, the expected results were achieved: children's interest in fiction increased, their desire to independently examine books, and to pass on the knowledge gained from books in independent artistic activity. Parents listened to a retelling of the fairy tale based on the children's drawings.

Fri, 04/21/2017 - 21:31 | administrator

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 30" Shatursky municipal district, Moscow region

Project “Child and Book”

on introducing preschool children to fiction

through interaction with the children's library

Andreeva Natalya Petrovna

senior teacher

Project type : practice-oriented

Project duration: long-term. (1 year)

Project participants:

Children of preparatory groups for school,


Parents of pupils,

Senior teacher,

Library staff.

Relevance of the project:

The process of communication between a preschool child and a book is a process of developing his personality. The most important role of books in the formation of a person was discussed back in the time of Yaroslav the Wise. The book should enter the child’s world as early as possible, enrich this world, make it interesting, full of extraordinary discoveries. A child should love a book and reach for it.

But, as you know, modern children increasingly spend their time playing computer games, watching TV shows and reading books less and less.

In conditions when entire electronic libraries are being created, it is difficult to force a child to pick up a book, especially a preschooler, because he is a kind of reader. The word “reader” in relation to preschool age is conditional. In reality, it is the listener whose encounter with the book is entirely determined by the adult, from the choice of text to read to the duration of the interaction with the book. Taste, interest in the work, its interpretation, ability to navigate in a circle children's reading, creating a reading system - all this is in the power of an adult. It largely depends on the adult whether the child will become a real, enthusiastic reader or whether a meeting with a book in preschool will be a random, meaningless episode in his life.

The attitude a child develops towards the process of reading and towards literature also depends on the attitudes of the adult.

Today, the relevance of solving this problem is obvious, because reading is associated not only with literacy and education. It shapes ideals, broadens horizons, enriches inner world person. Books have a special charm: books give us pleasure, they talk to us, give us good advice, they become living friends for us.

In a kindergarten, a survey of children and parents was conducted to determine the degree of influence of books on the formation of children’s moral ideas, which showed that 80% of children and parents prefer watching TV and playing on the computer. Modern children have TV and a computer as the background of their lives; they are perceived as family members; many eat, play and even fall asleep to its sounds. Only 20% of respondents preferred reading books. All these facts contributed to the development of this project.

We need to find effective forms of work to introduce children to reading, captivating preschoolers and their parents.


To promote the formation of a child’s sustainable interest in literature as an art form. Attract children to books, strengthen their interest in reading, including family reading.


  1. Introduce children to book culture and raise literate readers.
  2. To increase the efficiency of introducing children to books in the interaction of all participants in the educational process: teachers, children, parents.
  3. To improve the style of partnerships with families, cultural and public organizations that promote children’s interest in fiction.
  4. Help maintain family reading traditions.
  5. To improve the speech culture of teachers, parents and children.
  6. Bring up careful attitude to the book as the result of the work of many people.

Project Implementation Plan

This work assumes the presence three stages, each of which includes specific tasks and an algorithm of actions:

  1. Preparatory.
  2. Basic
  3. Final.




  1. Preparatory stage

1. Drawing up a project implementation plan.

2.Study methodological literature on this topic.

3. Questioning of parents “The place of books in your family.”

4. Conversation with children “My favorite book”

5. Drawing up a plan for joint events with the children's library

6. Development of regulations for the show-competition “Book Corner in Kindergarten”.

7.Consultation for teachers “Book corner in kindergarten”.

Introduce participants in the educational process (teachers and parents) to the project;

Study the opinion of all participants in the educational process on the problem;

Select methodological support for the project;

Develop long-term plans, a plan for joint work with the children's library, event notes, consultations, competition regulations;

Analyze the contents of the corners of books in groups

Aug. Sept

Senior teacher,

preparatory group teachers

  1. Main stage

1.Designing reading corners in groups in accordance with modern requirements.

2. Conducting a review-competition of book corners (Analysis of the content of book corners in groups in accordance with the age of the children and the specifics of the work).

3. Design of thematic exhibitions dedicated to the works of writers.

4. Exhibitions of children's drawings based on the works they have read.

5. Drawing up a memo for parents: “Approximate list of children's fiction.

6.Open views directly educational activities for familiarization with fiction.

7. Pedagogical council with the participation of parents on the topic: “Children’s development through works of fiction”

8.Consultations for parents “Developmental functions of fiction.”

Attending events organized at the children's library in accordance with the theme of the week. (Plan for joint work of the preschool educational institution and the library)

9. Conducting entertainment for children together with parents “Visiting the Queen of the Book.”

10.KVN “Evening of fairy tales and riddles.”

Replenish the fiction fund in the preschool educational institution.

Systematize material on the topic in the teaching room.

To activate all participants in the educational process in the implementation of the project.

October - May

Senior teacher,

preparatory group teachers,

Head maintenance department of MKU "RBS GPSH"

III Final

1. Conducting repeated questionnaires, surveys, conversations with all participants in the educational process.

2. Summing up the project implementation at the teachers' council

Study the attitude of all participants in the educational process towards the project.

Determining the satisfaction of all participants in the educational process with the results of the implemented project.

Analysis of the effectiveness of project implementation.

Summarize and disseminate the accumulated experience in developing a sustainable interest in books among children.

Senior teacher

Expected result:

  • Increasing children's interest in fiction.
  • Development of a system for working with a book.
  • Increasing the competence of family members in raising a literate reader and the child’s speech development.
  • Revival of home reading.
  • Positive changes in children's speech.

Project management:

  • Project manager - senior teacher
  • The participants of the project are teachers, parents, children.

Appendix No. 1


Director of MKU "CBS GPSH" Head of MBDOU

T.P. Rozova “Kindergarten No. 30”

“_____” _________2016 __________N.N. Prikazchikova

"_____" ___________2016

Joint work plan of MKU "CBS GPSH" and MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 30" of the Shatursky municipal district of the Moscow region

on the continuity of the educational process

for the 2016/2017 academic year.


Attract children to books, strengthen their interest in reading, including family reading.

Forms of work: reading aloud, quizzes, competitions, literary matinees, creative activities.

Topic of the week

Event topics, content


Library hour

Library tour. A story about books children's subscription, review of children's magazines, literary reading

senior teacher

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 30"


“Autumn, autumn, we ask for a visit...”

Autumn in literature and art

Head maintenance department of MKU "CBS GPSH"

senior teacher

"Day of National Unity"

"Day of National Unity".

history of the holiday

Head maintenance department of MKU "CBS GPSH"

senior teacher

"Domestic Animals and Their Babies"

“115 years since the birth of the writer and illustrator E.I. Charushin"

Literary and musical hour

Head maintenance department of MKU "CBS GPSH"

Senior teacher

« Various materials and products made from them"

"A basket of riddles."

Riddles, quizzes, crossword, games

senior teacher

« New Year»

“Guardian of peace and tranquility”, Day of Heroes of the Fatherland, dedicated to the heroes of the battle of Moscow.”

Literary and musical hour

Head maintenance department of MKU "CBS GPSH";

senior teacher

"New Year"

"New Year's Express".

New Year's Eve different countries peace .

Head maintenance department of MKU "CBS GPSH";

senior teacher

Protected places of Russia.

For the Day of Nature Reserves.

Head maintenance department of MKU "CBS GPSH";

senior teacher

« Folk culture and traditions"

“Wonderful miracle, wondrous wonder.”

Khokhloma, Gorodets, Gzhel painting

Head maintenance department of MKU "CBS GPSH";

senior teacher

"Defender of the Fatherland Day"

“On the occasion of Mother Language Day “Our priceless gift is speech”

Head maintenance department of MKU "CBS GPSH";

senior teacher

"Dangerous Situations"

“Fundamentals of safe living. Every citizen knows the important number 01.”

S. Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero.” life safety fundamentals

Head maintenance department of MKU "CBS GPSH";

senior teacher

“Spring is coming to visit us!”

Spring in stories, poems, paintings, music.

Head maintenance department of MKU "CBS GPSH";

senior teacher

Children's Book Week. Favorite childhood books and writers

Head maintenance department of MKU "CBS GPSH";

senior teacher

MBDOU d/s No. 30

"Cosmonautics Day"

"Cosmonautics Day"

The first space explorers. History of flight development

Head maintenance department of MKU "CBS GPSH";

senior teacher

MBDOU d/s No. 30

"Health main value»

“No slobs allowed!”

Conversation with children about health. Reading a fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"

Head maintenance department of MKU "CBS GPSH";

senior teacher

MBDOU d/s No. 30

“Goodbye, kindergarten! Hello school!

"Creative workshop".

Making bookmarks for books

Head maintenance department of MKU "CBS GPSH";

senior teacher

MBDOU d/s No. 30

Marina Malkova
“The Magical World of Books” (a project to introduce preschool children to fiction)

State educational institution of additional professional

education (training) specialists from Kuzbass Regional

Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers"

Faculty of Advanced Studies

Department preschool education

« The magical world of books»

(project to introduce preschool children to fiction)


Malkova Marina Konstantinovna

teacher of MBDOU No. 10 of the city of Belovo;

Ostrovskaya Zhanetta Viktorovna,

teacher of MBDOU No. 10 of the city of Belovo.

Passport project... page 3.

Relevance project.... 7 pages

Short description project by stages... 9 pages.

Thematic planning... 10 pages.

List literature... 18 pages.

Passport project

For children of middle preschool age- Very important stage in raising an attentive, sensitive reader, loving book who helps him cognize the world around us and ourselves in it, form moral feelings and assessments, develop perception artistic word. Book must enter the child’s world as early as possible, enrich his world, make it interesting, full of unusual discoveries.

Any child is a reader, even if he does not know how to read, but only listens to adults reading. But he chooses what he will listen to, he perceives what he hears, and hears what interests him. And it is the adult who largely determines whether the child will become a real, enthusiastic reader.

The project is dedicated to attracting interest in reading, because for modern child book has lost its meaning, children increasingly prefer book computer games , watching cartoons and TV shows. Reading plays a big role in the formation of a child’s personality; it is directly related to literacy and education, and forms moral ideals, broadens one’s horizons, enriches a person’s inner world.

From the above, we can conclude that this problem is relevant in pedagogical science. It is adults who must guide children in this activity, therefore, daily work with children is necessary familiarization with fiction, and this work should be carried out not only in a traditional form, but in a non-standard one.

We hope that thanks to this project, children will get acquainted with artistic description life, will receive scientifically reliable knowledge about the world, will learn moral values and ideals will enrich speech.


project« The magical world of books»

Goal and tasks

project goal: develop a sustainable interest in reading

fiction for children and their parents.

Form at children emotionally figurative

perception of works, replenish literary creative baggage;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards book, as the result of the labor of many people;

Cultivate the ability to enjoy

artistic words, have a need for

knowledge of sayings, riddles, folk sayings;

Learn children negotiate, share, help, provide support in work, show interest in the completed task;

Expand parents' ideas about children's literature;

Involve parents in family reading literary works ;

Help you express your attitude towards literary works in artistic creativity;

Learn to use verbal and nonverbal techniques in dramatizations, reading poems, and develop creative independence.


project and


events Teachers, children, parents.

groups project Project« The magical world of books» designed for children

senior preschool age(5-6 years).





project Creating the necessary conditions for the group familiarizing children with the works of Russian and foreign writers;

Creating a book corner;

Creating a card index with riddles and sayings;

Making an album of drawings based on the works read;

Selection animated films and fairy tales;

Instill an attitude children to the book not only as entertainment, but as a source cognitive interests;

Mutual cooperation between parents and kindergarten in the implementation project;

More careful attitude children to the living world of nature.

Ability children negotiate, support each other.

Speech development, vocabulary enrichment children;

Creating a tradition of family reading in the families of pupils.

implementation stages

project Long-term project(9 months, September – May).

Stage 1 – preparatory (1 month)

Setting goals and objectives, carrying out parent meeting(discussion of goals and objectives project with parents and children,

questioning parents, creating the conditions necessary for the implementation project.

Stage 2 – main (7 months)

Implementation of main activities in areas project.

Stage 3 – final (1 month)

Includes the collection and processing of methodological and practical materials, correlation of the delivered and predicted results with the obtained ones; synthesis of materials project.

Relevance project

The problem of inclusion children of middle preschool age to fiction, is one of the current problems preschool education, since, having entered the third millennium, society came into contact with the problem of obtaining information from publicly available sources. In this case, it is children who suffer first of all, losing touch with family reading.

Addressing the problem of inclusion middle-aged children to fiction due to a number of reasons: firstly, as shown by the analysis of the practice of inclusion children to fiction, in education preschoolers familiarization with fiction underused; secondly, there is a public need for the preservation and transmission of family reading; thirdly, education preschoolers with fiction not only brings them joy, emotional and creative uplift, but also becomes an integral part of the Russian literary language.

The task of the kindergarten, as noted by L. M. Gurovich, is to prepare for the long-term literary education which starts at school. Kindergarten can provide quite extensive literary baggage, literary erudition, since in preschool age the child gets acquainted with a variety of folklore genres (fairy tale, riddle, proverb, fable). During these same years, children get acquainted with Russian and foreign classics - with the works of A. S. Pushkin, L. N. Tolstoy, K. D. Ushinsky, the Brothers Grimm, H. C. Andersen and others.

N. S. Karpinskaya believes that fiction book gives excellent samples literary language. Children in stories will know laconicism and precision of language; in poetry - musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of Russian speech; in fairy tales - accuracy, expressiveness. From books the child learns many new words and figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Literature helps children express their attitude to what they have heard, using comparisons, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expression when getting acquainted with the book the connection between speech and aesthetic development, language is acquired in its aesthetic function. Mastery of linguistic and visual-expressive means serves to develop artistic perception of literary works.

Acquaintance children with works of Russian and foreign writers, poets, as well as folklore helps to introduce children to the world of books, because the educational power literary works truly cannot be overestimated. Focused, thoughtful introducing children to artistic literature contributes to the development of their creative abilities, independence of judgment, and broadens their horizons.

Short description project by stages

Preparatory stage

Formation of the problem, setting goals and objectives; selection of work methods and techniques; selection of materials and equipment; conversations with parents about their direct participation in the implementation project; development of thematic planning.

Main stage (implementation project)

Conducting direct educational activities in the field artistic creativity, cognition; reading fiction, conducting targeted walks, conversations, solving riddles, conducting role-playing games, dramatization games, exhibitions, etc.


Analysis of results, protection project on the pedagogical council.

Thematic planning

Stage 1 – preparatory (September)

Event Goals


parents Determine whether parents read to children books and what children prefer to listen to.


meeting Discuss goals and objectives project. Generate interest among parents in creating conditions for implementation project.

Promotion "Give book for kindergarten» Enrich the group library books, form with parents and children desire to take part in group activities.

Create a book corner Develop an interest in reading fiction.

Decorating a parent's corner Educating parents.

Stage 2 – main (implementation project)

No. Event Goals

1 Conversation "Where did you come from? book

Tell the children how to make books what a long and laborious work it is; cultivate a caring attitude towards books.

2 Role-playing game "Repair shop" books» Continue to cultivate a caring attitude towards books; learn to distribute roles, play the game consistently; fix torn books.

3 Dramatization game "Teremok"

Learn children emotionally perceive the figurative content of a fairy tale, convey characteristics animals

4 Best Readers Competition "Gold autumn"

Learn to recite a poem expressively, conveying its mood; instill an interest in poetry.

1 Coming up with different options for continuing fairy tales and stories Develop creativity children in the process of coming up with various options for continuing fairy tales and stories. Continue to develop communication skills by working in mini groups

2 Reading the works of V.V. Bianchi: "Blue Animal", "Snowy book» , "Chicken after the squirrel""Getting ready for winter" "Forest houses" Introduce children to creativity. V. Bianchi. Develop readiness to adequately evaluate what you read.

3 Application based on the work of V.V. Bianchi Fix the work of V.V. Bianchi in the application. The ability to create children animal image different types art.

4 Construction from natural and waste materials based on the work of V. V. Bianchi "Forest houses" Encourage children to creativity when making crafts (houses) for different forest inhabitants.

1 Role-playing

a game "Library" Maintain interest in book in a role-playing game

2 Competition “Draw your favorite fairy tale” Involve parents in cooperation with the kindergarten; develop interest in Russian folk tales.

3 Modeling from salted text based on a poem "Snow Bunny" O. Vysotskaya Introduce children with a new work; learn to express your impressions of.

4 Learning poems about the New Year Create a pre-holiday mood; continue to teach how to recite a poem expressively, conveying its mood; instill an interest in poetry.

1 Performance "Bragging Hare" Continue to develop interest in Russian folk tales, learn to convey the characteristic features of animals; activate speech.

2 Reading stories by N. Nosov "Telephone", "Cucumbers", "Mishkina porridge" Introduce children to creativity. Nosova; develop a sense of humor; learn to find morality in the work you read.

3 Watching a cartoon "Dunno in Sunny City" Continue introducing children with creativity N. Nosov, develop a sense of humor.

4 Reading passages "Dunno in the Sunny City", drawing based on the work. Continue learning to express your impressions of literary work in artistic creation.

1 "Small folklore forms" Introduce children with small folklore forms: proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters, riddles.

2 Word game "Naughty Tongue" Learn to pronounce tongue twisters, develop ZKR.

3 Reading the story by S. Ivanov “What is snow like?” Form aesthetic perception literary texts.

4 Memorizing poems, dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland. Continue to instill interest in poetry; learn to read poetry expressively, at a certain pace, changing intonation.

1 Reading poems and stories about spring Teach to emotionally perceive figurative content literary texts.

2 Memorizing poems dedicated to International Women's Day. Continue to teach how to convey the mood of a poem through intonation, and cultivate a caring attitude towards loved ones.

3 Reading a fairy tale by V. Kataev "Seven-flowered flower" Consolidate knowledge children about the genre features of fairy tales, teach to evaluate the actions of the main characters.

4 Teamwork « Magic book» Consolidate the works you read; learn to convey in a drawing the character of the characters and their attitude towards them.

1 Reading fables by I. A. Krylov Introduce children to the fable; teach to emotionally perceive the content of the fable; teach to understand its moral meaning.

2 Drawing based on the fables of I. A. Krylov Continue to teach to understand the morals of fables; learn to reflect in a drawing your attitude towards the characters and impressions of what you read.

3 Game-dramatization based on the fairy tale by S. Marshak "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse" Develop interest in literary works; continue to learn to speak in different timbres, intonations, and tempos; learn to use facial expressions and pantomime in dramatizations; develop speech.

4 Memorizing a poem “Where does the fish sleep?” I. Tokmakova Learn to convey the calm mood of a poem; develop an interest in poetry.

Stage 3 – final (May)

No. Event Goals

Literary quiz Pin it, systematize knowledge children about literary works.

Exhibition "Our favorite books» Encourage parents to participate in the life of the kindergarten; encourage parents to engage in family reading literary works.

Parent meeting Summing up with parents, evaluating the results.

Analysis of results project Processing and design of materials project, performance analysis

Speech at the pedagogical council Transfer of experience to colleagues

List literature

1. Savenkov A.I., Conducting educational research in kindergarten. / Savenkov A. I / Samara: Publishing house "Educational literature» , 2005. – 32 p.

2. Golitsina V.S., Long-term planning in kindergarten. Preparatory group for school. Implementation of FGT in preschool educational institutions. / Golitsina V. S. / M.: "Publishing house Scriptorium", 2012.

3. Bondarenko T. M., Organization of educational activities in the senior group of kindergarten Bondarenko T. M. / Voronezh, 2012. – 192 p.

4. Veraksa N. E., Project activities for preschoolers. Manual for teachers preschool institutions. / Veraksa N, E., Veraksa A. N. / M: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2008.-112 p.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 1 of a combined type" p. Aikino


“Fiction as a means of becoming moral personality senior preschooler."

Compiled by:

Teacher Solskaya

Irina Vyacheslavovna

1. Relevance…………….…………………………………………..3

2. Goal………………………………………………………………………………..8

3. Tasks…………………………………………………………………………………...8

5. Expected result………………………………………… 9

6. Subject of experimental research……………………… 10

7. Hypothesis………………………………………………………………………………… 10

8. Project implementation methods……………………………………………………10

9. Conditions for the project…………………………………… 11

10. Project implementation stages………………………………………….11

12. Conclusion……………………………………………………………22



“Reading during childhood is, first of all, education

hearts, the touch of human nobility to

hidden corners of a child's soul"

V. Sukhomlinsky.

Currently, Russia is going through one of the difficult historical periods. And the greatest danger facing our society today is not the economic crisis, not the change of the political system, but the destruction of the individual. Nowadays, material values ​​dominate over spiritual ones, so children have distorted ideas about kindness, mercy, generosity, justice, citizenship and patriotism. High level juvenile delinquency is caused by a general increase in aggressiveness and cruelty in society.

Preschool childhood is a period of assimilation of moral norms and social behavior. When a child begins an active life in human society, he faces many problems and difficulties. They are connected not only with the fact that he still knows little about this world, but must and wants to know it. He, this cute “alien,” needs to learn to live among his own kind. And not only to live physically, but to feel good, comfortable among people and develop and improve. And for this it is important to understand how people communicate with each other, what they value, what they blame, what they praise for, and what they scold or even punish for. And in the process of this complex cognition, the child himself becomes an individual, with his own worldview, with his own understanding of good and evil, with his own reactions to the actions of others and his own behavior.

The formation of the foundations of a person’s moral qualities begins in preschool childhood. The further moral development of children largely depends on how successfully this process is carried out. Great importance in the formation of moral qualities is the introduction of preschoolers to art. literature.

The book introduces the child to the complex world of human feelings, relationships, thoughts and actions.

The book is recognized in concrete images to reveal to the child the ideals of justice, kindness, honesty, courage, and compassion.

Able to act from the position of known rules.

Knows how to explain the meaning of words: “caring”, “benevolent”, “responsive”, “generous” using examples from fiction.

Uses figurative words and expressions in speech.

Knows how to behave appropriately when communicating with strangers in problematic situations

Able to control his behavior and actions

The monitoring results led me to the conclusion that children do not always know how to control their behavior and actions and act from the position of known rules. Often, although children know the rules, they do not always follow them in everyday life.

My teaching experience shows that modern parents underestimate the role of reading in the development of a child. But it is reading, telling and retelling works of art that have a huge impact on the intellectual, mental, creative and psychological development of a child. Research has also proven that a feature of preschool children is not only great abilities to perceive, but also a pronounced ability to imitate and express emotions. At the same time, preschool children have insufficiently developed voluntary behavior, they do not know how to control their actions, or understand their moral content - all this also often leads to undesirable actions. These circumstances pose the most primary task for educators to develop moral behavior skills in children, since in the process of gaining experience they develop into moral habits. It is necessary to develop in children a variety of behavior skills that show respect for adults, positive attitude to peers, careful attitude towards things, later skills that have already turned into habits become the norm of behavior. For example, the habit of saying hello and goodbye, thanking for a service, putting any thing in its place, behaving civilly in public places, politely asking people with a request.

In older preschool age, the skills and feelings that develop on the basis of children’s meaningful attitude to the moral content of their actions already become stronger. It is necessary to cultivate conscious behavior in children, subordinate to the norms and interests existing in society. The teacher emphasizes his politeness in dealing with children, respects their activities, does not distract unnecessarily if the child is busy with something useful - this is how children acquire politeness and respect for the adults and peers around them, a positive attitude towards their activities, this is how feelings of affection and camaraderie are born .

And if at a younger age children do not have long-term friendly attachments, then “in older preschool age children make attempts to explain the very concept of “friendship”, begin to evaluate each other by their actions, try to understand the motives of friendship, and show constant affection in friendship.

Both responsiveness and mutual assistance are manifested in different ways. In early preschool age, the child shows sympathy for other children; later, on his own initiative, he responds to the different emotional states of his peers, and attempts to help each other in self-care, in games, in activities, and in everyday life. In middle preschool age, the motives for providing help become more meaningful, and attempts arise to teach each other how to act. In older preschool age, responsiveness and mutual assistance are characterized by selectivity and awareness. Children willingly help children and adults; mutual assistance acts as a labor action.

In older preschool age, public opinion is already formed in the children's group. The rule, supported by a positive assessment from an adult, becomes the correct guideline for behavior for the child. The child learns to evaluate the behavior of peers and his own behavior, realizes both the necessity and reasonableness of following the rules, and accumulates experience in moral behavior and relationships governed by the same rule. Having learned a rule, children are able to defend and defend it, and demand compliance with it from their peers. Public opinion as an educational tool, it must have the correct moral orientation based on the benevolent and demanding attitude of children towards other children and adequate self-esteem.

The practical significance lies in the everyday use of our proposed methodology for the formation of moral feelings in older preschoolers through children's fiction.

Organizing activities through children's fiction opens up wide opportunities for teachers to instill moral feelings in children. With targeted influence and guidance from an adult, children develop kind, humane feelings and relationships.


Cultivating humane feelings in children through reading fiction.


1) Select and study methodological literature.

2) Develop long-term planning for the formation of moral qualities in children through reading fiction for children 5-6 and 6-7 years old.

3) Select methods and techniques for developing moral qualities in children;

4) Summarize the results of the research and formulate conclusions.

5) Increase the pedagogical competence of parents.

4. Providing project activities.

1. Methodological.

, “Child and Book” (publishing house “Aktsident”, S-P 1996)

M. M Alekseeva, V. I Yashina “Anthology on the theory and methods of speech development in preschool children” pp. 485 – 497 (Moscow 1999)

V. V. Zyabkina “Methodology for organizing children’s reading” (Journal “Pedagogy of Preschool Educational Institution” No. 8 2007, pp. 105-109)

R. S. Bure “Formation of morally valuable behavior in preschool children” (Journal “Pedagogy of Preschool Educational Institution” No. 7 2006, pp. 61-69)

“Conversations with parents about the moral education of preschool children” (Moscow 1987)

2. Material and technical support.

Paper (landscape, color),


Felt pens,



3.Didactic support.

Visual, illustrative material, selection of fiction, material for artistic creativity, didactic games, word games, costumes, audio recordings.

5. Expected result.

1. Children develop humane feelings and good relationships.

2. The child will show aesthetic taste, a desire for constant communication with books, and a desire to learn to read himself.

3. Name his favorite literary texts, explains why he liked them.

4. Know the names of three or four writers, name their works, explain why he likes them.

5. Distinguish between the main genres of literary works (poem, fairy tale, story), have an idea of ​​some of their features.

6. Express your attitude to the images of the heroes, the ideas of the work.

7. Perform literary works expressively.

8. Expressively convey the images of literary characters in theatrical activities, show creativity, strive for improvisation

6. Subject of research.

The use of works of fiction in the moral education of children of senior preschool age.

7. Hypothesis.

The process of moral education of children of senior preschool age will be more effective if works of fiction are used for this purpose.

8. Project implementation methods:


Display (illustrations from books, visual teaching aids)





Literary word (poems, stories);



Independent execution (drawings, applique, modeling).


Didactic games,

Finger games,

Theatrical games

Plot - role-playing,


9. Conditions for the implementation of the project.

Availability of children's fiction on the topic of the project;

Motivation of children, their interest.

10. Project implementation stages.

The project is being implemented over two years in the joint activities of teachers, children, parents, preschool specialists, and library staff.

Preparatory stage:

Selection and study of methodological literature;

Drawing up a long-term work plan for 2 years;

Preparation of visual material;

Work with parents (Questioning of parents “Organization of home reading in the family”, consultation for parents “Teach your child to love books”; joint participation of parents and children in exhibitions; informing parents about the start of the project)

Main stage:

Conducting GCD;

Excursion to the library;

Conducting quizzes;

Dramatization of fairy tales;

Productive activities (drawing, modeling, applique)

Participation in exhibitions;

Working with parents (individual consultations)

The final stage:

Processing and design of project materials

Checking the achievement of goals, objectives, hypotheses;

Carrying out monitoring;

When implementing the education and training program in kindergarten “From Birth to School”, edited, I use the methodological recommendations “Classes on speech development in the senior group of kindergarten. Lesson notes”, “Classes on speech development in a preparatory group for school. Class notes." I also use techniques, etc. “Book for reading in kindergarten and at home. Reader. 4-5 years”, “Book for reading in kindergarten and at home. Reader. 5-7 years"

The main form of introducing children to fiction is Team work teachers, children, pre-school specialists, library staff, during which educational, educational, developmental tasks are solved.

When introducing children to fiction, I introduce children to different genres works of art: stories, fairy tales, poems, etc.

Over the course of two years, I carried out and compiled 6 projects to introduce children to fiction through folk and original fairy tales and stories. During this time, a number of activities were carried out with the children, including cognitive and research activities, productive activities, as well as close interaction with parents. Thus, to expand children’s knowledge about fairy tales and stories, a series of meetings were held with library staff, where they were introduced to the works of writers, their works, small theatrical performances were held and filmstrips were shown on the topic of the project. Parents took an active part in the implementation of the project.

To enrich the book corner in the kindergarten group, the parents of the students took an active part. The books collected by the parents significantly expanded the group’s library.

As part of the project, exhibitions of drawings by parents and children were held on the topics: “Heroes of Russian folk tales”, “Heroes of Komi folk tales”, “Heroes of N. Nosov’s stories”, “Near Lukomorye there is a green oak”, “Heroes of C. Perrault’s fairy tales” , “The Kingdom of the Snow Queen”, where children, together with their parents, drew and made appliqué on the themes of the exhibition, showing creativity and imagination. Parents took an active part in this work.

During the project, we closely interacted with specialists from the preschool educational institution. Together with the art teacher, we carried out the appliqué “33 heroes” and sculpted heroes based on the poem “Near Lukomorye there is a green oak.” The children presented their works to their parents and took part in an exhibition dedicated to them, held in the regional children's library.

The implementation of the fairy tale project coincided with the New Year’s party “Journey through Pushkin’s Fairy Tales”

The result of the project based on the fairy tales of Charles Perrault was the joint creation of a fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood in a new way.

During the “Kingdom of the Snow Queen” project, children listened to a fairy tale via an audio recording and, based on what they listened to, drew the Snow Queen’s castle the way they would like it to be.

So, the pedagogical means of fiction that I use help students understand human relationships and make them friendly.

In my work, I used design and research technologies, person-oriented technology and health conservation.

Organization of work in the senior group.

Target: Developing interest in fiction.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were solved.

Leading educational areas: “Socialization”, “Reading fiction”.

“Health”, “Physical Education”, “Labor”, “Safety”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “ Artistic creativity", "Music"

NGO “Socialization:

Formation of the ability to develop a plot based on knowledge gained from reading literary works.

Promoting the creative use in games of ideas about the surrounding life, impressions of works of literature.

Developing interest in folk games.

Development of creative independence, aesthetic taste in conveying the image; clarity of pronunciation.

Development of the ability to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of a work, sensitivity to the poetic word.

Replenishing children's literary baggage with fairy tales, stories, and poems.

Developing a sense of humor in children.

Developing the ability to explain the main differences between literary genres.

NGO "Health":

Creating an emotional prosperous climate in the group.

NGO "Physical Culture":

Developing children's interest in outdoor folk games.

NGO "Safety":

NGO "Poznanie":

Consolidating the ability to identify several qualities of objects in the process of perception; highlight characteristic details, beautiful combinations of colors and shades, musical, natural and everyday sounds.

Formation of elementary ideas about the history of mankind through familiarity with legends and fairy tales, games.

OO "Communication":

- Improving speech as a means of communication.

Helping children master expressive language.

Practicing intonation expressiveness of speech.

Development of the ability to meaningfully and expressively retell literary texts

Improving the ability to write short tales on a given topic.

Development of observation skills, the ability to notice the characteristic features of objects and convey them through drawing.

Formation of the ability to convey the plots of folk tales and original works in drawings.

Development of collective creativity. Cultivating the desire to act in concert, to agree on what part of the work will be performed.

NGO "Music":

Enriching children's musical experiences.

Improving skills in playing Russian and Komi folk musical instruments.

OO "Trud":

Expanding children's ideas about the work of adults through literary works.

While reading fairy tales, I talked with the children about positive and negative fairy-tale heroes, about their actions, about adventures and about magical objects that help the heroes.

After reading fairy tales, I held conversations, the purpose of which was to broaden the horizons and conceptual apparatus of children, teach them the ability to independently draw conclusions and conclusions, give reasons for their statements, the desire to find out how much the children understood the idea and meaning of the work, find out their attitude to the actions and actions of the heroes, and attract attention to the means of expressiveness of the work.

Sometimes she invited the children, after reading a fairy tale, to draw what they remembered most. Children draw any fairy-tale characters, magical objects and fairy tales. environment(for example, a castle or Baba Yaga’s hut).

Difficulties for children are caused by the task of “drawing verbally” the heroes of a fairy tale, since children’s speech is not sufficiently developed, it is difficult for them to compose descriptive stories.

After reading N. Nosov’s story “Dreamers,” I played a director’s game with the children. Children learned to be actors, to convey the character of the characters through words, facial expressions and gestures.

We also held exhibitions of books and drawings: “My favorite Russian folk tale”, “Komi folk tales", "Stories by N. Nosov". The children brought their favorite books from home, told fairy tales, and, together with their parents, drew their favorite fairy-tale characters.

Purpose of the book exhibition:

Deepen children's literary interests;

Make a specific literary topic relevant for preschoolers.

I studied and used the best practices of teachers working on this topic. Having studied methodological, scientific and popular literature, I thought through and applied in practice a variety of methods and techniques in my work.

To form the moral qualities of a preschooler’s personality, I used the following principles: consistency, clarity, accessibility, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children

On initial stage- introductory classes, then complex ones, which ended with productive activities.

Over the course of the year, I introduced children to a large number of works of children’s fiction: I tell fairy tales, show board books puppet theaters, I read books with illustrations.

I develop in children the ability to perceive a literary work, as well as some basic skills to analyze the work.

By the end of the year, children are able to identify the main characters (who the story is about) and express their attitude towards them (who they like and why).

In introducing children to fiction, I tried to select works whose heroes can be admired and imitated, which help in the formation of moral feelings in children: camaraderie, honesty, truthfulness, respect for the work of adults, responsibility for one’s actions, the ability to see good and evil, help children develop a love for native land, to native nature.

Over the course of a year, I systematically read and told fairy tales and stories. I accompany the reading of works of art by showing visual material. The books were chosen to be expressive and bright. This allows you to more deeply influence the child’s feelings and promotes memorization of the text. In this case, a smile and a calm, slightly playful tone help. Expressive speech and emotional performance will certainly cause pleasure and joy in the baby.

Play is a powerful tool for educating older children. It’s not for nothing that this age is called the age of play. When working with children, I used collective games-activities, games-dramatizations, games-exercises, games-fairy tales, and role-playing games. A variety of problems were solved with the help of games.

In this regard, I periodically organized games with the children - dramatizations based on literary plots. In any case, when dramatizing a fairy tale, children play out its plot, master ways of playing roles in a dramatization, take on the roles of fairy-tale characters, and act in their image. With the help of children's books, I tried to instill in children moral qualities in communication between peers, in a team.

Thus, we can conclude that the targeted and systematic use of works of fiction is not only a favorable means that promotes moral education preschoolers.

In order to establish contacts with the family to ensure unity in education moral culture The following forms of work were used:

Group meetings;

Consultations on the topics: “The role of books in the moral education of children”,

Book exhibitions;

Joint creative activity of parents and children;

Throughout the year, I conducted individual consultations and conversations with parents. During the conversations, I convinced parents to communicate more, talk, read fairy tales, learn rhymes, nursery rhymes, songs, i.e., pay more attention to their children.

I try to work closely with parents, and this provides positive results for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality, and I also try to treat each child kindly, because only tolerance, goodwill, and love for children will give positive results.

Summarizing the results, I concluded that introducing a child to literature contributes to moral education. The heroes of the works aroused sympathy for themselves in children, helped them to demonstrate in the simplest forms a sense of duty, respect for parents, and the ability to sacrifice their desires. All this was a decisive factor ensuring the moral development of preschool children.

Organization of work in preparatory group.

Target: Formation of the moral and cultural basis of the child’s personality through familiarization with fiction.


Leading educational area:“Socialization”, “Reading fiction”.

Integration of educational areas:“Health”, “Physical Education”, “Socialization”, “Labor”, “Safety”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Artistic Creativity”, “Music”.

NGO "Socialization":

Build cooperation skills. Foster feelings of friendship and collectivism. Develop communication skills and the ability to communicate with adults in different situations.

NGO “Reading Fiction”:

To develop children's interest in artistic and educational literature. Develop the ability to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of a work, sensitivity to the poetic word.


Introduce the works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Charles Perrault, Hans Christian Andersen. Contribute to the accumulation of aesthetic experience by reading and discussing literary works.

OO "Communication":

Foster a culture of speech, teach children to reason, develop the ability to apply their knowledge in conversation, and achieve coherent statements. Enrich and expand children's vocabulary. Develop the ability to read poetry expressively.

NGO "Artistic Creativity":

Development of figurative aesthetic perception, figurative representations, formation of aesthetic judgments.

NGO "Music":

Introduce classical works composers based on fairy tales.

NGO "Health": Creating an emotional, prosperous climate in the group.

OO "Trud":

Cultivating a desire to participate in working together with parents to prepare a costume for the New Year's party dedicated to

NGO "Physical Culture":

Consolidating the ability to independently organize outdoor games and invent your own games.

NGO "Safety":

Continued acquaintance with the rules of safe behavior during outdoor games.

When organizing work with children aged 6-7 years in this area, I used educational technologies: gaming, research, modeling. While reading the fairy tale “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish,” together with the children we came up with the game “Fish of Wishes.” This game helps to unite children, strengthen friendships, passing a symbolic fish to each other, children wish something good, kind. Thanks to “The Tale of Tsar Saltan,” children were introduced to excerpts from the ballet “Swan Lake.” New Year's party was also dedicated to fairy tales and poems, where parents sewed costumes for children based on fairy tales (33 heroes, gold fish, sea ​​waves etc.).

Thanks to the fairy tale “Cinderella” by C. Perrault, we became acquainted with the costumes of the past. The children looked at the illustrations “What We Wore in the Past.”

Thanks to the fairy tale about the Snow Queen, the children and I became acquainted with several more varieties of roses. We had a conversation about people living in the far north.

Literary quizzes “Fairy Tales” were held,

"Tales of C. Perrault" and a quiz based on the fairy tale "The Snow Queen". The children were happy to meet their loved ones again fairy-tale characters, listen to audio cassettes with excerpts of works. This form of activity - competition - aroused great interest among all children.

She suggested that children play dramatization games; works that are well known to children with a dynamic plot, dialogues, and events that can be reproduced are suitable for them. For example, the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”.

The moral education of a preschool child is carried out more successfully the closer the contacts between the kindergarten and the family.

For parents, I conducted a consultation “Teach your child to love books,” where parents received the necessary information on the topic and discussed the most important questions children's reading, shared their experience of reading in the family.

By older preschool age, the child accumulates quite extensive life experience, which helps him comprehend more complex literary facts. Children are already able to understand events in the book that were sometimes not in theirs. own experience. The understanding of a literary hero also becomes more complicated. Although the child’s attention is still mainly attracted by actions and actions. It begins to penetrate into experiences, feelings, thoughts. In this regard, in older preschool age, a more complex hero becomes accessible to perception, whose behavior is sometimes characterized by contradictory actions, moral experiences, and complex motives.

Penetration into the content of the work requires children to exert mental strength: they must mentally imagine and emotionally experience the circumstances and the state of the characters described by the author, understand their actions, experiences, thoughts; establish the causes of events, understand their interweaving; guess the motives of the heroes, about author's respect to events and characters and much more.

In order to eliminate formalism in knowledge about morality, I include children in a variety of activities related to fiction. Children create their own drawings based on stories and fairy tales.

Children especially like it when they act out roles on their own and dramatize like real actors. Such techniques allow you to remember good books, awaken thoughts, and develop the creative imagination of children.

Having compared the results of the work, she noted the following changes: the level of development of moral consciousness, moral feelings, moral behavior and emotional balance in children has changed. Children learned to show care, sympathy, and mutual assistance towards others. They are able to understand and appreciate a point of view and try to resolve conflicts nonviolently.

The attitude towards the book has also changed: children can name the work and the author based on the illustration or by ear, and ask to read more. This means that it didn’t pass by, but touched the soul.


Analyzing the children's achievements, we can conclude that the goal of the project has been achieved. Using the technology of project activities in our practice, we can conclude that children have learned to distinguish between genres of literary works, retell excerpts from fairy tales and short stories, and children have developed an interest and need for reading.

This can be seen from monitoring the development of children's skills and abilities.

Senior group.

Preparatory group.

Dynamics of children’s mastery of the OO “Reading Fiction”

Senior group.

Preparatory group.

The dynamics of children’s mastery of the OO “Socialization” in the section “Introduction to elementary norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults (including moral ones).”

Thus, the hypothesis was confirmed. The process of moral education of children of senior preschool age has become more effective when works of fiction are used for this purpose.

I consider the objectives of the project completed, the expected result has been confirmed. The purposeful and systematic use of works of fiction is not only a beneficial means for the development of speech in preschool children, but also contributes to the moral education of children.