How to draw a fish. Drawing for children “Goldfish from a fairy tale” step by step with photos

How to draw goldfish paints step by step for children. Master class on drawing “Goldfish from a fairy tale”

Sarsembina Laura Kairbulatovna, student of Pavlodar College of Service Sector. Kazakhstan. Pavlodar region, Pavlodar.
Master class is intended for children preschool age, as well as for elementary school students.
Master class objectives: Instill love for fine arts and creativity, develop creative abilities, imagination, imagination, observation, thinking, as well as improve the child’s drawing skills with paints or gouache, select and combine different colors.

Necessary materials and tools for drawing:
- A sheet or album for drawing.
- A simple pencil,
-Paints or gouache (optional),
- Eraser, pencil sharpener, water glass.
“Today I caught a fish,
Goldfish, not an ordinary one;
In our opinion, the fish spoke,
I asked to go home to the blue sea,
Bought at a high price:
I bought whatever I wanted.
I did not dare take a ransom from her;
So he let her into the blue sea.”

Both adults and children love fairy tales very much and everyone probably has their own favorite fairy tale hero. Today we will learn to draw a goldfish.
Step by step drawing process:
1. We take all the tools we need for drawing and get started.
2. We lay out our sheet vertically, so I think it will be much more convenient for us and our goldfish can be positioned to its full height.
3.Draw curved line in the middle of the sheet, approximately as shown in the photo.

4.We continue to finish drawing the body of our fish.

5. We draw gills for our fish, as well as a tail, choose the shape and place where the gills will be at our discretion.

6. Separate the fish’s heads from the body and draw a little scales.

7.Draw the eyes and lips.

8.We continue to finish drawing small details.

9. Well, what is a goldfish without a crown? We draw a crown at our own discretion, I decided to make one like this.

10. We continue to complete the small details of the drawing.

11.Draw the background where our fish is located, I drew waves.

12. Let’s start coloring our drawing.

13. We select colors for the drawing, give free rein to our imagination and, to make it more interesting, I will only show you the end result. Here we go!

14. This is the kind of goldfish I got. Thank you for your attention! I wish you creative success, do not stop there.

Gold fish - main character fairy tales in verse by our great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.” Everyone knows this one a wonderful fairy tale since childhood. This is one of the few fairy tales that mothers read to us from the very beginning. early childhood. Pushkin's magical lines are remembered and stored in our memory for the rest of our lives... The goldfish was not just a fish, but a sea sorceress. She granted three wishes. An old man caught her in the blue sea and she wanted to fulfill his three wishes. But the old man, at the behest of his harmful wife, the old woman, demanded a lot from the fish; she became angry and stopped fulfilling their wishes. Here we will teach you how to draw this magical fish step by step with a pencil and then color it.

Stage 1. Draw the contour lines of the fish. Rounded top part, which tapers towards the middle of the leaf with its two edges, passes into the contours of the caudal fin. On the head of the fish we will draw two intersecting curves. Two curves extend from the middle of her body - these will be the ventral fins.

Stage 2. Now we will begin to design the figure of the fish according to the initial sketches. We draw lines from one end of the body, then outline the widened part - the head - and then narrow the line down.

Stage 4. Now we draw two eyes along the curve on the muzzle. They are quite large, surrounded by eyelids. And above and below the line of the mouth we make lips. The fish's lips are plump, the upper ones seem to be raised, the lower ones seem to be lowered.

Stage 5. Let's complete the design of the eyes. We draw round eyes with glare of light reflected in them. On upper eyelids showing eyelashes. There are cute raised eyebrows above the eyes. You need to draw a crown on the head of the Goldfish. First, we draw a double curved line and from it upward the teeth of the crown, decorated with balls at the ends.

Stage 7. Draw the ventral fins. There are two of them. They are located in front under the head. The shape resembles curved leaves. On the side of the body we draw one larger fin - this is the pectoral fin. You need to show strokes on the fins - these are thin fin rays.

Stage 8. It’s the turn of the caudal fin. The Golden Fish has it, as it were, divided in two. It starts from the end of the body and goes down, branching in two directions. It should also show with strokes the fin rays - thin bones that support the fin itself.

Stage 9. Now we need to finish drawing another pectoral fin. It goes symmetrically to its paired counterpart (in our case it is shown just below the fish’s chin). And behind her back is a large unpaired dorsal fin.

Stage 10. This is what your fish should look like.

Stage 11. Let's color our beautiful Goldfish.

Similar drawing tutorials:

This lesson fell into the category of easy ones, which means that in theory it can be repeated by Small child. Naturally, parents can help young children draw a goldfish. And if you consider yourself a more advanced artist, then I can recommend the “” lesson - it will require more perseverance from you, although it will be no less interesting.

What you will need

In order to draw a goldfish we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grain special paper: beginning artists will find it much more pleasant to draw on this kind of paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each should be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. It will be easy for her to rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Drawing characters from films, cartoons and stories is much easier than drawing real people and animals. There is no need to adhere to the rules of anatomy and physics, but each character is unique in its own way. The authors created them using special patterns, which must be repeated quite accurately. But if you want, when you start drawing a goldfish, you can always make the eyes a little bigger. This will give it a more cartoonish feel.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Simple drawings are created using contours. It will be enough for you to repeat what, and only what is shown in the lesson, to get an acceptable result, but if you want to achieve something more, then try to present that. what do you draw in the form of simple geometric bodies. Try making a sketch not with contours, but with rectangles, triangles and circles. After some time, with constant use of this technology, you will see that drawing becomes easier.

Tip: create a sketch with as thin strokes as possible. The thicker the sketch strokes are, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather the zero step, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will let you know where exactly the drawing will be located. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of marking a sheet in the center:

First of all, we create a sketch. It should consist of simple geometric shapes, drawn with thin lines.

We designate the upper fin and gills on top of the sketch with clear strokes.

The next step is to highlight the scales of the fish and the lower fin. Please note that there is no point in selecting all the scales. If you do this, the goldfish can turn into something very overloaded with small details.

That's all, all that remains is to erase the auxiliary lines with an eraser and enjoy the result. The goldfish is ready.

Now you know how to draw a goldfish. If you put in the effort, I believe you will achieve everything you set your mind to. Now you can pay attention to the lesson “” - it is just as interesting and exciting. Share this lesson with your friends on social media. networks.

So, I needed to draw a coin. The Internet turned out to be quite sparse for lessons on drawing gold. The only one that I found did not particularly impress me, and therefore I did not use the palette suggested there. Instead, I found a photograph of a gold coin on a white background, which was not influenced by reflexes, located nearby things and removed the primary colors with an eyedropper. Having carefully studied how light and shadow work on the surface of real coins, I began to draw my own. To start, I made a circle with a base color on top of the sketch on a new layer. I continued to draw the coin, merging layers all the time, and therefore, unfortunately, somewhere in the middle of the process I got carried away and forgot to save a couple of stages. =)

After that, I outlined the outline of the design on the coin. Since my girlfriend was a cheat, I decided to depict two dice. Also, do not forget that coins usually have a protruding outline (border). Without it, your money will look a little flat and not realistic.

Now I create a temporary layer underneath and make the circle a little larger dark color. Then I merge the layers. This dark outline will be needed to create the volume of the coin while maintaining its perfectly correct contours. On the coin itself, I draw the outline of the cube, marking the places of the deepest shadow. My cube will be convex.

And I repeat the same trick to create an inner “shadow”

Now I paint the cube in a lighter tone, thereby showing that it is slightly convex and mark the edges with bright yellow. At the junctions, the edges usually sparkle with light, thereby giving relief to the design. But so far, of course, everything looks very flat.

The next step is to intensify the light and add some with a soft brush. light color on the coin itself, making its surface seem non-monotonic. Yes, by the way, I paint everything with a simple hard brush, changing the opacity and pressure.

Deciding that everything looked too clear, I decided to blur everything with the Blur filter. Nothing complicated - just now the contours have become smoother and blurrier. This could also be done with a simple hard brush, but I had a small size, and I didn’t want to bother with this step, since it was not at all significant.

But here I got carried away and missed the stage. But there is nothing complicated here. First, I darkened the coin a little around the cubes, thereby bringing them forward and indicating the place of the highlight where the main light source falls. I cut out a hole that I forgot about initially, because it was a medallion. Next, everything was done with a simple dotting brush. I took a brush from the set, which is called Texture (essentially curved points). In general, I really liked this brush and added it to my set of brushes, which also includes a couple more from Marta Dalig. I applied the dark and light dots on a new layer with a very low opacity, erased them in the shadows and merged the layers. Then I went over the entire coin again with the Brighten Tool and the same texture brush.

This stage was very small, but also very important. Gold tends to be red and this should be taken into account. Plus, I painted the coin on the skin, which means it should take on its color a little. Therefore, I applied a thin layer on top of the coin with a soft brush in Soft Light mode with a very low opacity, which made it more harmonious. In my opinion of course

In general, the process is coming to an end, because a small coin does not require much detail and it is only important to me that it looks like a real one. I go over the areas that are closer to us (that is, the convex ones) with the dodge tool at a very low intensity, and then with a simple thin hard brush I make a lot of long chaotic stripes white on the coin, trying to convey its scratchiness. This is not particularly noticeable, but still it seemed to me that the coin looks more natural.

Master class on drawing for children "Goldfish"

Master class on drawing fish with a two-color brushstroke for children, their parents and everyone who loves to draw.

Purpose: educational or gift drawing.
Materials: gouache, round brushes (one thin one, for drawing details), album sheets, palette, water, napkin.

Target: development of creative potential.
Tasks: teach the skills of working with a brush and paints without preliminary pencil drawing, introduce children to the world of beauty and develop cognitive interest.
In today's lesson, we will try to draw the one that we thought for a long time fairy-tale creature, but although there are many fairy tales with this beauty, she was not born in a fairy tale, but in a real country, in China.
Not in the seas, not in the oceans,
And I live in an aquarium,
But all your desires are yours,
I can't do it!

Can you guess who we're talking about? Of course, about the goldfish!

Many legends have been created about the appearance of goldfish. One tells how goldfish, who lived in the heavenly palace of the gods, got so excited that they fell over the edge of the cloud onto the ground. Another legend was dedicated to the ocean, which, during a strong storm, washed jewelry and goldfish ashore from its depths. Well, the third is about a girl abandoned by her lover. She grieved and cried so much that her tears turned into goldfish.
But it was not gods or the powers of witchcraft, but people who created amazingly beautiful fish that are not found in nature. For more than a thousand years, this unique art direction has been created in China - selection work to breed new species of fish. During this period, the modest Chinese crucian carp turned into a beautiful goldfish, and it, in turn, gave rise to many breeds.

Fabrics, vessels, fans, decorated with goldfish brought from the east made a great impression, but no one suspected the existence of these fish. They were considered a figment of fantasy, like the Chinese dragon. The appearance of live fish in the 18th century caused a real sensation. They were very rare, highly valued and given as a treasure only to royalty. They came to Russia from distant China as a gift to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Later, Catherine the Second received fish of fabulous beauty from her favorite Prince Potemkin. Nowadays goldfish are the most popular inhabitants of the aquarium. There are 126 varieties in total - from pure gold to black.

Everyone knows and loves the fairy tale about the Golden Fish, which was written by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Many times adults and children have drawn a Goldfish, but today I want to suggest unusual way drawing fish with a two-color brushstroke from an unusual angle when we look at them from above.
On my piece of paper, as a sample, a fish has already been drawn, you and I will draw girlfriends next to it.

Type on the brush yellow paint, we try to get paint onto the entire surface of the brush tail. We put red paint on the tip of the tail and make a long stroke, applying the brush to the sheet with the entire surface and, as the stroke progresses, lift it to the tip.

On the thickened side of the stroke, apply the brush with the entire surface on the right and left. The result is something similar to an arrow - this is the head of a fish.

Now let’s draw thin lines to the strokes of the arches of the eyes. We denote the lips with two lines.

Draws the round body of the fish.

Use brush marks to create the upper fins.

We draw the lower fins with the end of the brush using several strokes.

Now the most interesting thing is the tail. The stroke is long, its direction is tortuous. We first apply the brush with the tip, then as the stroke progresses, we gradually lower the brush onto the sheet with the entire surface and, then, again lift the brush to the tip. We put two colors on the brush, so the stroke turned out with a smooth transition from yellow to red!

We make several such strokes, trying to make the ponytail luxurious.

Using a thin brush, you can paint scales on the back with dots, and narrow feathers on the tail. We will add dots and eyes with black paint.

Our fish is ready! You can paint on a few more fish and add algae, water droplets or pebbles to make the composition more complete and interesting.

By the way, in China and Japan the number of fish in reservoirs is symbolic. It is believed that to attract good luck to your home, you need to have eight gold and one black fish. Goldfish attract favorable energies into the home, and black fish serve as a talisman against negativity. So you can draw nine fish and hang it in your home for good luck and amulet!
Variants of compositions with fish.